HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-22, Page 5'Praise a fair day at
Approve a brand of
shoes after you haVewor
out your!second pair.
The la,st pars good
AS the•firste a,nd the first
pair as good as can 'be
produced for the IVTaTe—rs',
price. Stamped on the
soles °T
"The Slater Shoe"
600(lyear Wellfge
B. J, SPACKMA,N. General A.gent,
monamarelermam. 9noxiontormaponworconowai
General News.
If the ballot is worth having it is
• worth rescuing from the power of the
The breath of the pine is the breath of life to
the eonsutaptive. Norway Pine Syrup con-
tains the pine ViridleS and cures coughs, colds,
beteaohitite hoarseness and ell throat, and lung
troubles, which, it not Weeded taloa, to con-
Tire last Tuesday night, at Petrone,
totally destroyed the building of the
Petrone, Combination Rack Co mpany.
The plant epd a good sized stock, and
about,200 reeks vvere consumed, with
• no insurance,. Loss is estimated to be
about $2.800.
Day Mr. Melsean vvoaldesooner
talk about any other subject than
temperance, but his "face both ways"
• attitude has become tolerably well
known so that even temperance peo-
ple with no party leanings consider
him much too weak a reed to lean
-Worms affect a child's health too seriously
eo'negmet. Sometimes tliey cause conviesions
death S le you suspect them to be present
give Dr Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
uSetroes the worms without injuring the child.
Price 25c, •
A circular wa,s issued on Friday by
• the management of the Grand Trunk
railway system to the effect • that all
section men who are _receiving less
than $1.20 a day are new to be paid
$L20 per clay. There are between 600
•and 700 men along the system who
were receiving $1.10 per day. The
• section foremen are to receive $45..per
month, an increase on the,old figures.
These advances have been made
without any representations from the
men. '
-remarkable flow of natural gas
was struck on the Hawkin farm, near
Tilsonburg, by Mr. Outhbeetson, man-
ager of severaboilwells that have been
operated in that vicinity during the
past few months. • In drilling in this
last well an • immense pressure cif gas
has been obtained about 100 feet from
the surface. The pressure was sufa-
.ciently strong to lift the sinker bar,
weighing 1,800 pound's, and threw por-
tions of rock above ehe derrick, which
is 58 feet high. The gas appears to be
of excellent quality for manufaeturing
and domestic purposes.
Without regular 'action a the bowels, Laxa-
•lever Pills regulate the bowels, cure..constiltion, dy spepsia, biliousness, sick headache
and all aileetiong of the organs of digestion.
Price 25 cents All druggists. .
• Rev. Mr. Heebbs, of • Winghana,
preaching in Stratford on Stu -Weer
about the British flag, said that it
Disease Lays Its Heavy Hand
On Kings, Princes, Presi-
dents, the noble and
Wealth'y as well as
• On Those of Low
Pane' Cele:ry Compound
Sickness, disease arid suffering respect
neitlam- ruler or subject. The noted
• ath high-born have their trials and
physical sufferings like those in humb-
ler stations. Social standing and
wealth cannot bar the progress of dis-
ease when the common rules of health
are violated. ,
Impure bloodand weak nerves are.
responsible for many of the cornrcion
• diseases of life. The experienced phy-
sician will tell you that men and
women with pave, clear coursing
blood and well braced oerves, can
• never become victims of rhenueatisrn,
neuralgia, liver • troubles, debility,
headaches or sleeplessness. N.
• Th follows therefore, that sufferers
from any of the ailments referretl,to
shoUld at. once take proper measures
to cleanse the blood and feed the weak
nervous syStern with proper nourish-
ment, ,•
For the happy accomplishment of
this importent work, Paine'S Ce'erey
• Compound is the only safe agent;
the one great specifie ; the only
security against deadly disease and
death. During these spying daye
• Paine's Celery Compound guarantees
a perfect regularity of the bowele,
healthy appetite, sound sleep, good
ingestion. Wire blood, strong nerves
' and clear brain, all of which meao
strong And -robust health,
M e, B. Hutchins, one of the atost
prominent, Reel estate men in Mont-
real, says: "About five • yeare ago
wrote yoo a letter acknowledging the
wonderful eefeet yotir Patee's Celery
Ocen pound had upon Ine after E had
• given it a fair trial ; that it cured uc
entirelk-of neeralgialti tho bead from
whieh X had suitered moat fearfally
for over fifty e ears, and also that it
cured me of rb, uniatiste in my Halle%
In fact it removed etrery pain in -ipy
• body aud made me feel 25years
• er . have met had a retool - of' my
old eomplairit, arid therefore lave ti
tonfirm all the -eatements T hare evc.or
roads respecting your Compoutici,"
Should mean that a Canadian •could
not buy a Vote or sell a vote, A man
who could be bought for five dollars
was not a mart at all, not a subject of
the Empire but an object, 'St" rather
than "he," Souse political villains
were 41010110ring the flag by traffic-
ing 10 franehises. In his forcible
wAY Mr, „Hobbs referred to the 'pro-
hibition sSue, as it is affected by
partizanship. SOrtie Minister& of the
gospel, he said, were selling their pro-
hibition principles in the interests of
the parties. •
Mr, J,P. Whitney and his parer
heve scored a success in New Ontario
beyond the fondest hopes of awls'
friends. Everywhere they were greet.
•ed by thousands, who Cheered the
coming Premier of Ontario to the
echo, • Me. F. H. Olergue. the great
developer of Sault Ste. •Marie, •enter.:
tained the opposition representatives
in a roosthearty manner., Mr, Cler-
goe's reception of Mr, 'Whitney, and
the very large attendance at the meet-
ings addressed by the, Conservateve
leader, are fitting anewers to Mr,
• Ross's declaration, that if 'Mr. Whit-
ney returned to power the 'industries
of Onterio would be paralyzed. • Mr.
Clergue has eery confieence in M.
Whitney, whose untiring, 'advocacy of
the developmeet of Old Ontario, -and
New Ontario forced Mr. Ross to adopt
measures which the Liberal Govern-
ment fought against tooth and nail,
The revolt in New ontario against a.
government of neglect and oppression
has wipedout all doaht as to who will
be the next Premier of Ontario. "Mr.
W.hitney will he returned by a sub-
stantial maeority.", is the poneensns of
opinion in all parts of the peovince.
I have' umch pleasure in bearing
testimony to the very successful re-
sults I have obtained in the treatment.
of hemmorhoids by the use of Strong's
Pilekone. The relief comes early, and
is I believe, lasting. W. J., LOGIE, M.
D., Coroner, London, Ont.
Price $1.00. For sale by driaggists,
or by rnail on receipt of price.
• W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing
Chemist, London, Ontario.
In a recent article I called attention
to the desirability of cutting hay at a
comparatively early stage of ffiaturity.
In this connection it may be of inter-
est to 'havesomenotes from that well
known feiTgeer and Institute speaker,
_Henry Glendenning, of Manilla, Ont.,
in regard to bis experience with anew
plan of curing clover hay. Mr. Glen-
denning says that he prefers .to - cut
clover. hay when it is in fell bloom-, or•
the blossom contains the great-
est amount of honey. Cat ha the
merning after the dew is ofl, that
• which is cut. in the forenoon may be
raked up immediately after the noon
hour, and put in cocks. The mower
should not be run later than four
o'clock p. ne, and all be put into cocks
before the dew falls. This hay should
be put into the barn the next day, and
well tramped into the mows, This
plan can be continued from day to day
until all is stored in the barns. Three
things must be borne in mind in CUT`.
ing hay by this method :-• -
First. -Do not cuts the graea until
dry in the znorning. •
Seeond.-De not allow the fresh cut
hay to lie on the ground overnight,
exposed to dew or rain;
Third. -If any hay should get wet
with rainelet it stand in the cocks, -un-
til thocoughly dry before taking- to the
Last season Mr. Glendenning put up
some 75 to 80 tons of hay in this way,
and reports that it came out of the
mows in the finest condition he ever
saw. it was as green as when put in-
to the harp, and the leaves and. blos-
soms were all attaulied to the stalks.
,It appeared to have dried out without
Much heating, as all the alsike blos-
• soms Were pink, and the red clover
blossoms were from a pink to a light
amber color. If any great heat had
developed., in .the: niow the blossoms
would undoubtedly, have been of a
dark brown color. No signs of mould
were visible and the hay was -very free
from dust. • No salt, lime or other pre-
servative was used.
Two of the mows in which the hay
was stored are 22 x 25 ft., with an
average depth 62 30 ft. of hay, These
mows are tiglit floored with double
inch boards over basement stables,
Another mow is 24 x 36 ft., with a
depth of at out 24 ft , and the floor on
the ground. •
• The outsides of all the mows are of
inch hoards withont battens, with
cracks between the hoards- fiveraging
about, three eights of an inch, just
such as are nsually foiled in the ordi-
nary bern. • The eides of the mows
next the drive floor were open. The
hay which consists of red clover,alsike
and A little timothy, was equally good
in all parks of the mows. Mr. Glen -
den fl 1 lig says that he•knows of three
.other farmers', who have followed this
system for several years 'with dqual
success, and it would seem well
worthy of trial by our farmers
nily., •
Among' the arlvantsges of this me-
thod a curing clover, are :-(J.) The
saving of time between eating and
Storing in the barn ; (2) The fact that
all of the leaves and blossoms, Which
are the Most yaluable part of the plant
aa left on the hay. instead of being
lost in the field as is often the case
when e ordinary m art tier of cm ri ng is
followed : (3) The bey is much clean -
et and brighter than wheR cured in
the oicl Way.
F. W. Ilonsow,
• Live Stock Commissioner.
• A PUtilt?' VCR CANADA,
At no period since the Set tlemen t of
Canada has it rereivod, so large en in-
flow of immigration as within' the lest
two years. The production of the
noun try Is immense, when it is con-
eideeed that the propulAtion is not ovve
5,500;000 Menefee n ring indnstries
aro hiorei nen ;tea are generally prOS-
peeous. The MAO managing' them are
enterprising, and with great energy
aee seeking trade all over the world.
i'The agricultaral wealth of the
emerttry is enormous. Iternense culti-
vated arees furnish grain fee the mil.
ler ; fruit and vegetables for the cede-
ner I beef, porkand mutton for the
meat trade ;and cream for the better
and cheese factories. Canada forests
are now regarded as one of the chief
sources for the supply Of malp weod
.for the papex induetry of the world ;
and on her famous fisheries rest manY
inspoetent in,destries. Great deposits
of the finest 4 iron have recently 'been
found ; while good lead, asbestos,nick-
el, copper, silver,. arid mice Mines are
being opened up m all directions.
• "No country except the United
States has" gone forward so rapidly in
its transportation facilities as Cemacia.
• In 1807 the total railway traek laid
was 2,087 miles,' and in 1000 it was
17,824 miles. Several hundred miles
were added last year. The tptal
amount spent in copstructson and en-
largement up to 1900 was 305,310,000,
of which $74,600,000 was expended
since Confederation. Canada can just,
ly boast of havieg oee of the most
complete systems of canals in tbe
world'. The Governments since Con-
federation hare contributed fer the
constrnction of railways and canals
$292,921,000. The tetal value invested
he railways and canals in °Amiga is
• "During 1901 Canada reached the
highept mark in her progress. Com-
pared with 10 years ago, her exports
have doubled, ,having increa,sed from
$98,000,000 to 3100,000,009, while her
• imports have grown from 8119,000,000
to $190,000,000. Thtlse figures are evi-
dence of great prosperity. The value
of farm products in Manitoba alone
last year wes $40,000,000, exclusive Of
the revenne derived from the sale of
stock, hay, or root crops. • During the
year the Canadian Pacific sold 830,000
acres, conparecl with 410,000 acres' in
1900, •The Canada North-West Land
Company disposed of 121,000 acres,
coximared with 71,000 acres in the pre.
ceding year.
• "During the last month there were
10,102,925 acres sold by the Canadian
Pacific for 3333,852.22 ; for the same
month in 1901, '4.611 acres 'were solS
or $12,362.57." -Detroit News.
Success' Assured when the
Are Used.
Success inhome dyeing depends ale°.
gether upon the quality ol the dyes,
you select for the work of coloring.
Diamond Dyes are acknowledged to
be the best in the world, as far as bril-
liancy and strength of color are con-
cerned. They always do perfect work,
and never disappoint, the most exact-
ing dyer. Diamond Dyes are sold in
10c packages, the same price that
many persops pay for imitation and
adulterated dyes. The most progres-
sive druggists and dealers will sell no
• other dyes but the Diamond, because
the inferior dyes cause so much grum-
bling and loss of materials.
Do not accept imitations or .substi-
tutes fromany dealer no matter how
strongly he may recommencl.them.
The poor dyes are sold simply because
they pay large protit:4. See that the
name 'Diamond" is on every package
you bay,
Send Postal Chad with your address
to the Wells & Richardson Co., Limit-
ed, 200 Mountain St. Montreal, P. Q,,
for Diamond Dye MA and Rug De-
signs. •
South Huron Returns
• The following, are the official returns
for South Huron, in connection with
the last Provincial elections, held ou
March 1st, 1808:
Seaforth . 338 • 181
Goderich •89,
Tutkeremith .. 49S
Exeter—. ... 155
Usborne........ 267
• Stephen . • 352
liensall .......• 98
Hayfield.. . 63
Hay... . 450
, ,
• 199r
78 •
• 2,616
Majority for Eilber,159. •
Children Cry for
of Cod Liver.Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men womenand
• When appetite fails, it re-
stores it. When food is a
burden, itlifts the burden.
When youloseflesh,it brings
the plumpness of health.
When, work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
• It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food,
But whatis the use • of food,
when you hate it, and can't di-
gest it?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
• If you have not tried It, send for
free sample, Its agreeable taste will
surAVOlnit3oWNS, ChemistS• ,
• 50c. arid 411.00 ; all druggists._
ll'N$ AN et weal AN'S n
u.k.oka Liertxted 1.glup d routed 091"
tants Over Hereon'.
Watet-ford, May SaturdaY
eVening last a sboeSing fetality GC,
eereed on the ath eiericeseion of the
lutikur lineervatien, Whieja resulted in
the death, under Very distressing el r-
ctirnstancese of Mrs. Elijah Mon tyre)
About 7 o' (Stick, wild shrieks were
heard to proceed from bee home, by
the husbane end u, couple of friends,
who Stood conyerSing on the read in
front of 'the hue. AS the woman
had for tett days previously • f.hown
munist4able signs of znental de,
rtureeinent, at times beet/Mine' vio-
lent'', little attention, was paler to her
cries at first. Flashes ()I: light appeae-
ing at the windows, and the eriee be-
coming more agonizing, the men
went to the door, aud, fiading it
locked, berst it open. The unfortun-
ate woman was found to he 'envelop-
ed la flames, rushing madly about
a vain endeavor to gtelt. out, while
her aged fa thetein-law was trying to
put out the fire Sy throwing water
over her. The Peen, with difficulty,
succeeded in extiiiguishing the flames,
I but not until the victim was so bred -
1 ly leurnod that, sites a piight Of ter-
rible agony, i'he died. , next morning
about 10 o ' deck. The old gentle-
man explained that Mrs. Montkire
had been lying cloWn, resting quietly,
when she suddenly rasa, seized a
lighted lamp, smashed it, and pur-
posely threw the contents all over
herself, with • the evident design of
taking her own life. Her Meant y- is
said to have been induced. by the suf-.
ferings endured throughout the past
winter, when herself and four children
SS, -ere often without food or fuel.
Ali,II.ILE._1N A sn tyre:.
Fatal Accident at Toronto Junction on
Moddny 0 erneen.
Toronto, May 20. -About 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon George Eadie,
contracSor, of 17 Latighton avenue,
Toronto J unction, was buried alive
in a drain excavation at the corner
of Dundas street and Humberstone
avenue, near the Peacock Hotel. De-
ceased held the town contract for the
laying of private drain, .conneetions,
and was working at the bottom of
-the excavation when the sides, which
were badly planked, gave way. His
I son, John IT., who had Veen working
with him, had ascended to the sur-
face just previous -to the accident.
Together with other men who were
nearby at the 'time of the collapse,
he succeeded in- reaching his father,
but not before life was extinct. At
the inquest last night a verdict of
accidental death was ragurned. De-
ceased leaves a wife and five child-
ren, all geown up.
Curtis Disher. ra.nd Nice, Iflocit to In, Tried
• by 'It Judge.
• St. Catharines, May 20. -Curtis
Disher o Jordan and Krs.
Klock appeared before Magistrate
Comfort,* charged 'With bigamy. Ceei
ler two witnesses -were examined, the
woman's husband. "(William' Klock),
• and Rey.. R. Ker. Klock testified to
having been inarriecl to the worean
on Oct; 18, 1900, and Rev. Mr. Ker
to having performed the second cere-
mony on Wednesday saight last. Some
time ago Klock ancl his wife, --who,
seemingly had not lived happily to-
gether, drew up a bill of separation,
an.d -thinking this equal to a divoree
the 'Woman married again. I
The couple agreed to be tried by I
the- judge, and will likely come •
for eIeetion ta-clay. No bail was
asked for.
Grant Damage in the Proyhroe of Schutt.)-
. •
. .
Bombay, May 20.-A destructive
hurricane has swept over the Fra-
vince of Sci ade, British India. For--
ty miles of the Scinde Railroad were
washed away, and bridges, houses
and embankineets disappeared.. ..Fif-
ty miles of telegraph wires were also
destroyed. Many lives were lost.
Five t.ersonscn/Iled.
Lacrosse, Wis., May 20. -News
reached here yesterday morning from
Preston, Minn., near here, on the
Dubuque division of the 'Milwaukee
road, that a water spout struck a
few miles front there last ,night, de-
luging the country for miles around.
Four unknown persons were drown-
ed, and Alderman conkey was killed
by lightning.
Civil ..orvant Dion.
Ottawa, May 20.-W. II. Blackadar
of the Justice Department died yes-
terday inorning. Mr. Blacka.dar was
a native of Halifax, NS. He was
appointed to it clerkship in the Gov-
ernment Servide itt 1880. He was 70
years of age..
/n spite of Protests,
New York, May 20. -The share-
holdees of the 'United. States Steel
Corporation passed resolutions yes-
terday retifing $200,000,000 prefer-
red stock and issuing $250,000,000
new beinds. Several protests were
• Ottawa, May 20 Sidney
Fisher gave out eflicially yesterday
that G. E. O'Halloran, barrister,
Montreal, has been appointed Deputy
Minister of Agricultere in the plate
of the late W. 13. Scarth.
Onntlonalci's Corning,
Ottawa, May 20 -Lord Dunderiald
IS eXpeeted to arrive in Canada on
JIlly 20, to assume the duties el
gen.:1nel Officer commanding the Cana-
dian Militia,.
t'stuneefote Shows No Change.
Washington, May 90.--1t Was state
ed. at the Dritish EinbaSey yesterday
that no material change had ocetir.
red ia Lord Dauucefote's condition,
Shot San For ltnt,
Qtlebeen May Ma:alien, While
ehooting rats On Sunday, Shot hie
son in the Shoulder. The boy,, win re-
DR. W. H. CRAFIA11/1
y 14te WeSt.
NO i Clarence -square, corner opadma avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Piniples, Ulcers, Etc,
• PE4V,A.TE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari,
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result- of yOnth(ll
folly and. excess,) Gleet and Stricture 01 Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only Method Without
pain and:all bad after effects,
Diseases of Wornen--Fainful, profuse or suppressed
Ulceration, leucorrhoee aud all displacenients of the womb,
OEFICE Honits-9 a, rn. to 8 p. m. Sunday 1 to 8p.
sneristi uatior,
Significance of Lord Salisbury's
Albert Hall Speech:,
02 Toronto; also for tbe PaGieux FIRE
NSURANOE COMPANY, of Landoll, ,EngIande
en eresece Iesuetaxon Cometeees, of Er e
riR„ J. El; rovERS, AS. B. TOB ONTO UNS
_Le VERSITY, M.1), 0, M. Trinity Univer-
• ity. • Office -CI ecliton, Ont,
Temporary Go'cupation Has, Now Gone
UY the Board—The Efforts to Raise a AV . Bli,01.1411Tki—M. D. M O„
1,oca1 lEtow In the Land of the P. Graduate Venetia, J Diversity
(Bee and residence, Dom
be inion Labora-
PhereaEilled 'by Sweeping;
Dm:duration of Erltish
London, May 13. -Lord Salisbury's
prcaninent. reference to Egypt in his
Albert Hall, speech has. . more than
ordinary significance. It was the first
puhlir occasion when a responsible
Beitish statesman usan
ed lgua.ge
equivalent to a declaration that
Egypt had beCome a part of the do-
minioes Of the Crown.
So far as British claims affect the
case, there is an end of the fiction of
• temporary occupation, whicli had ex-
isted. for nearly twenty years. It is
uriSerstood that the Premier's em-
phatic pronouncement . was intended
to put an end to efforts and reports
designed to embarrass Lord Croraer,
the British representative at Cairo.
For a year or so the Egyptian cap-
itel has been the headquarters of an
anti-British mot tenant deriving its
support about equally from Constan-
tinople and natienal circles in Paris,
• The original plan ti the leaders
was to work upon ' the vanity and
anabitioneof Abbas Pasha and induce
him to appeal to the powers againet
This failed, and the failure is be-
lie:v-4 to have been due largeTY to the
sensible advice g-i-ven the Itleedive by
his mother, who pointed' out the pos-
scission of Egypt was vital to Belt-,
ain's Welfare, and that any lesue over
this question wauld be settled at sea.
e Having failed in that part of the
• scheme, its promoters devoted itself
to sowing seed e at discontent among
the peasants. They carried paniphe
lets showing the nature and scope Of
the *weeks .novi'in construction for the
irrigation of the huge sand tracts
along the Nile and appealed to the
• peasantry not to allow the British to
get possession of the arable
• The quest ic n was quickly dominat-
ed, its opponents going froin house
to house, and considerable feeling
• was aroused among -the native Egyp-
, Despatches of a sensational charac-
ter were fort-vaeded to anti-British
journals througlioilt-Eifteipt; arid the
• impression was sought to be made
that the Egyptian Working • classes
would welcome the help of Franee.
Undertaldngs at this sort, while
they could have no serious retult,
tend to revive the discussion. of set-
tled 1831105, and the British Govern-
ment decided to close the controVerSy
with a sweeping declaration of sove-
reignty over Egypt.
t s •
Pittsburg, :Ante? 20 -'-One man 18
ported dead awl eight inturcd as a
rc'stilt of the explosion, of a lime, of
gasol hie yesterday at 008 Winnebago
street, South Side. Reported dead :
Adam G IS pp, aged 1.8, buried in the
ruins. ana body not recovered.
Chi/dren Ory for
Ptirc Manitoba Flour
tix6tcr Star flour
Fill6 rastril MOtir
Fall Wheat llour
Oats, Bran an 1 Shorts. Also
a nice line of Fresh Groceries.
26 lbs of Granulated Sugar
for $1.00 with every hand,
red of Flour you pnrchase
from us.
Revision of the Township of ITsbozneawill be'
held at Elinwille, on Saturday,- June 7th at
10 o'cloeki Any changes in ownership ot ten-
ant, shoeld be reported to the clerk, er the
puttee intereeted should attend the court, so
Lhisatt.Isnexers MonetClerk
- the names wilt be right on the Ssotegi
Whalen, Way 20011002.
tory. Exeter.
ilarristerti, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers.
Coninnseleners, Solicitors for the Molsous
Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest, rates of interest:
• (Successor to Elliott & Gladinan)
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Parra and village
^properties at Lowest rates of interest
• D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after etreets. Office in San-
sone(' block, West side of Main
treet, Exeter •
D.A. ANDERSON. (D. D.• 3.1.D.S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Deutal Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post.graduateo
FlagSchcolofprostheic e tistry (withgrtiemLtion
Everythiug known to the Dental Profession
?°”" this
tMayBurlatei "wog!. (3ararva.11.8,1,, 'Illa-
unainum, go vulcanite s
ttihoen.neat:g.t a,nner possible. A perzectle
bareiless anaesthetic vsed for painless extrae-
Office one door south of Carling Brea store
Exeter, Ont.
EXETIIR-We offer for sale en reasonable
kuown a:"I'llragOriagiscIP:aLtcri?sfF)g.gar
on Lot No- 0, south of Enron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, e comfortable
and commodious erisec ewe/ling, also the
' necessary outhouses. The house ISM good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot captains an acre
02 land. and is excefleutly adapted !0r Iltexpn.
ply of hard and sett water. The property is up
to date, and the terms easy. for particulars, ap.
ply to Dzeksex & CAJILING bareestmeExeten
or to A. E. liooree. Ben- P. 0„ Penne, IJ. S
A., proprietor.
in the matter of the estate of Martha
Isabella Manning, late of the yillage
of Exeter, in the County of Huron,
Deceased. ee See:.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S.
0. 1897, that all persons having claims
against the Estate of the said Martha I. Man -
nine, who died ou or about the 4th day of
February, 13., 10C2, aro iecraned to send
or deliver on or before the 15th day of May1902,
to R. E. Maiming, Clinton, Ont. or to Samuel
Peart, Marden, Opt., the Executorse their
names, addresses and occupations, with par -
toilers of their clams, and the 'nature of
the securities, (if any) held by them, duly
certified. And that atter the 15th day of
May the said executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the ttesets of the, said deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to • the clams of which they
shell then have notice.
Dated this 28r0 day of April.
R. E: IiIANNexelExecurs.
5 Packg of Cards Free.
11 One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak
"Escort" One Pack,"Flirtatien" One Pecs;
"Hold -to light." One Pack, 'Our Sofa Su
Bolds Two. Sannale of 21 other styles, with
book full of notions. Send 5c silver for postage.
• A ,W. KENNY, el, T.
Yarmouth, N.
WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity
" must be unquestionable) to take eharge of
distribution depot and °thee to be openeclin
Canada to further business interests of an old
established manufacturing concern, Salary
$150 per month and extra profits. Applicant
must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand-
ing, Address, Supt4P. 0. Box 1161, Philadel;
phia, Pa. '
The summer session of the council of the
County of Huron will be hold hi the council
chamber itt the town of Goderich, commenc-
ing at 3 o'clock p, m, on the first Tuesday in
June next.; eke
te,W. LAile, Clerk
DatediattGodeFielethisieest day o May, 1902.
isettesteseeee. . ,
'Mime Meese
Atlyene sendlfig asliotcbM11l deaCliPti011tlaY
01.11010 ascertain our oninitni ftee Wnetiter an
litt'entiOnis nrOl ably* 'Patentable. Cailmtutitta.
tloris Strictlycetadenttat, Etteiebook oil vetoes
tieet froo. °Moat ngelick tieetiring
Patents tar.eft Dunne* Cd. reeetve
tpectica ltatide, Without Chain, ill the .
Skfl1k JimrkaL
hatebionmiy inustreted weekly.. .tergest the
culatteri a rev amount jetireal. Terms, „ea o,
, , oveseetuorta
MUNN & Co,...26toroadwaY, ow York
At poiltriztr prices anti, easy
terms of payment,:
We sell tile celebratt,c1 'Heitz
man & Co, Piands, (the Art
Pianos of Canada.) The choice
of Royalty for their tour cf Can-
ada. • -
If you want. something cheap-
er we can show you pianos of
other makes which will be no dis
grace tothe most elegant parlor.
• In sewing naachines we carry
the New Williams, 4ayrnoncl and
White, also needles and supplies
for all machines.
The latest sheet music always
in stock. Call and see.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest, stock in town.
All the latest styles, in, the newest
Our prices are IOW as can be found
for first-class material and 'workman-
GiiLL fiND SEEE-1.18.
Fa -Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
tioadonarter8 For
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liyer and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
• Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
• ture
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparattous and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
A Full line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion. Laboratorl
We haveutilimited private fundstor invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowest;
rates of interest.
I have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village nroperties et kw rat
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and you
will get IT return mail a GOLDENitIOX OF
GOODS that will bring you in Monti It/Seemly
10 one month than anything else in America.
• A. w, Keener, E. T,
Yarmou te, N,
we' .mormaemsonmermeterowellon
You can save motley time and feed,by keep-
ieg. yout pigs dry and clean. They will thrive
better and keep healthy. Make the hog, com-
fortable and he will put on flesh. You 'can do
so with a very little expellee by eroding (Pea-
ler's Patent) The Elevated Moveable Thee Bed.
Simple of ennstruotion, make it yourselves.
Send 32,00 nt registeeed letter for farm right;
certificate and plan of consteuctiott to
e.fortet Pennine EXoter, Ont.
Patenttapplied for.
"Christmas Box"
Full of NA onderful Things
al= Portraits of Actresses, 20 PopularSonge
CS SSP Megiel.'eleecope and Plotuees; 50 Amixi-
105 Lave's Puze id, 20 Rebuses, 100.
Pulley Geitendruins, Book of Lova Game o
Letters, Megie Vvvitteg, 324 Say ,Tokee
Receipt for SIMI stacbe Grower,100 Molloy SUS: -
leg Secrets, 110 Tel et and. Cooking Iteceipete 255
Seleetions for Autogeeph Albums, :tp Model
Love Lettees, Hoer to Tell Fortunes, Peitiolmee
of Dreams, Guide te Ellrtatiellt Slagle Aee
Table, Lovor'a Telegtivph, tied era. tow Cat. or
Xterte 'revs, 1300I93 and b.Tetions. /ell by wee
FRE E. for 0e, Silver to PAY:, ee.stsge,
,A, itelerNE'xi E. T.,