HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-12-21, Page 31t... CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1983 -PAGE 7A GRADE 'A', FROZEN, EVISCERATED, A&P SELF -BASTING MAPLE LE,.F MIRACLE BASTE, SWIFT DEEP-B;,STED OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.721kg-1.69 Ib 1 es! Ib ONE PRICE ALL AVAILABLE SIZES NO CONFUSION AT A&P! 5 with supermarket price% CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF TBone or Wing Stealer & Roasts OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.901kg-4.49 Ib SAVE 2.21/kg-1.00 Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Sirloin Steak 725/329 /kg lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.461kg-4.29 Ib GRADE 'A", EVISCERATED (8 TO 12 LB AVERAGE) 9 Frozen Geese 3Ik5g /1 Ib79 GRADE 'A', EVISCERATED (4 TO 5 LB AVERAGE) Frozen Ducks 262/1119 SWIFT, HALVES (5 TO 7 LB AVERAGE) Sugar Plum Hams 659/299 OLDE-FASHIONED. HALVES (VAC PAC) Schneider's Hams $80/319 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED. REGULAR Side Bacon LAND O'FROST, SLICED ASST VAR OF Smoked Meats CANADIAN QUEEN. HOT OR SWEET Sausage Italian Style CANADIAN QUEEN. SLICED Cooked Ham 500 - 1 99 vac pac 71 g69 pkg ■ 395/179 /kg Ib ;/5g 129 vac pac CANADIAN QUEEN. SLICED. MAC & CHEESE. CHICKEN & BOLOGNA Cooked Meats vac375 goac 149 MARY MILES Bologna Chunks 2/129 BONELESS. PETIT GORET. SMOKED. PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders 395/179 /kg lb SAVE 2.20/kg-1.00 Ib SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 Ib 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 373/169 /kg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.05/kg-2.29 Ib RIB OR 3 TO 3' 2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 373 /169 CENTRE CUT. ROAST OR CHOPS Pork Loin PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare Ribs BONELESS. RIB PORTION Pork Loins SWIFT OLD MILL Breakfast Sausage PRIDE OF CANADA. SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 41! /199 'F Ikg Ib 1139 /199 Ikg Ib 6r/279 Ikg Ib 28/1"9 4111kg /189 PRIDE OF CANADA. SMOKED, CANADIAN Back Bacon 101?/459 BURNS Smoked Sausage 505/229 BURNS Polish Sausage 373/11819 PRIDE OF CANADA. ASST, TRIPLE PACK, SLICED Cooked Meatsvac pac 1'� • SHOPSY. SLICED, CORNED BEEF OR Pastrami Pk4 of 50 g 229 pouches Ib SUPER BUY! READY TO SERVE, FULLY SKINNED WHOLE 14 TO 17 LB AVERAGE Swift Premium Hams 328/149 Ib /kg IkV Ib (SHANK OR BUTT HALVES 3.511kg-1.59 Ib) Ham Quarters FRESH. LEAN Ground Beef 395/179 /kg /kg !39 /199 Ikg Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE •A' BEEF. TENDERIZED'72/1 Ikg Ib 21/109 Cube Steak FROZEN, FISH Hake Fillets 'toee OeIiS0(shp A Burns Pastrami 106 ih.79 Eye MOO g mmil Ib BRANDT Black Forest Ham.9711009/439 BRANDT Kolbassa ■79000g/35! A&P Whole Mushrooms 10 fl oz 89 tin ■ ASSORTED VARIETIES INCL SWEET GHERKINS Bick's Party Packs 37ja5rg PAXO. ALL PURPOSE Stuffing Mix KRAFT Mayonnaise 500mL r Boz pkg 1.99 1.45 1.99 SWEET MIXED OR BABY DILLS Bick's Pickles OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.99 1.5 LITRE JAR A&P. FANCY. CORN, MIXED VEGETABLES. GREEN BE NS SUNMAID, SEEDLESS Frozen Vegetables 1p1.89 Raisins CLOVER LEAF Pink Salmon YORK. FANCY -OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.39 Asparagus Tips BLACK DIAMOND. EXTRA OLD Cheddar Cheese HOSTESS. ASSORTED VARIETIES 7 tinOz 1.69 Potato Chips pkg of 6-' 21 59 oz pkgs ■ 2008 1 39 pkg ■ NATCHO, TOSITOS TORILLA, DORITOS TORTILLA 12t1noz 2.19 Frito Chips pkgg 1 ■ 79 UNDERWOOD Devilled Ham 4 VARIETIES INCL CREAM Peek Frean Crackers 1.13 kg wheel 9.99 CHRISTIE 49 Ritz a7 Crackers FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT, APPLE OR GRAPE Sun Pac Juices OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 1.49 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.29 450 g PKG '99 STUFFED MANZANILLA OR LOOSE PACK QUEEN Unico olives 375 mL jar OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TGj.89 1 ■ 128 g tin 300 g PKG 129 OCEAN SPRAY. WHOLE OR JELLIED Cranberry Sauce 139 14 11 oz tin FA SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES. CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee 1 Ib bag OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.59 '3 Ib bag-B.B9 Our regular price 10.69 Save 1.80: A&P, IN OWN JUICE, CRUSHED, TIBITS OR Sliced Pineapple HONEY POD PEAS, CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS, CREAM STYLE OR KERNEL -12 OZ Stokely Vegetables OUR REGULAR PRICE .89 14 fl oz tin ORANGE PEKOE Sala a Tea Bags • SAVE .60. 89 box of 60 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.49 WHOLE PLAIN OR WITH GARLIC, POLSKIE OGORKI Bick's Dill Pickles 99 1.5 litre jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.49 ENTER A&P'S MAPLE LEAF - _I Listen to the radio hockey broadcast on stations in your area. Each time the Maple Leafs score, a ballot will be drawn for a $250.00 A&P Gift Certificate. N the ballot includes a label or facsimile from any one of our "Goal Rush" sponsors. they win a 5500.00 Gift Certificate. (Watch for "Goal Rush" product signs al your A&P Store.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ■ 1 je El mu • in ED I BONUS DRAW! ■ MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY BROADCAST ■ GOAL RUSH BONUS DRAW 1 You could vein up to ■ 5500 Gift certificate ■ each time a A&P. Maple Leaf player scores a goal Name Address City Phone Leave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cishier P.C. ■ 1 ■ Bonus draw good fo, ■ Maple 1 eaf Red Wing game Friday Dec 23rd 1983 only' As `11111111t®®®®®111®®1fl®11111 0111111MNMIa e'. r Santa Claus 1 was a little bad Dear Santa, How are you and how are your raindeer. I just remembered how's Mrs. Claus? Are the elf's okay and busy making toys? What would you and your raindeer like to eat on christmas eve? I was happening to think I was getting a little bad until I finely helped my dad fix the roof. Now it doesn't leak. My mom finally stopped saying beacareful. I guess she was rite. It's all fixed now. Now I feel good again. Now I'm finally getting to what I was liking for Christmas. First I would like Gemni video game and a Donkey Kong junior cardrige and I'd also like a Stomper 4x4. Well for now that's all. I will probably want something else later. Now it's finally time to say goodbye. I hope I see you at a store somewhere I probably will. On Sat. at the library there was a man there dressed like you I didn't know who it was. Well GoodBye! yours truly Jared Roughen, Clinton Public School. A kittin please Dear Santa, How are you and Rudolph and Mrs. Clause and the elves. How are all the reindeer. I hope you come to my house. We have stickers of you. I have been good. I hope I have a kittin in my stocking when I wake up and lots of presents. Cathy Sproul, Clinton Public School. I've been good Dear Santa, How are you? Are you happy? Are you sad? This is what I'd like for Xmas. I'd like a Qbert tabletop game, a GTE snow racer and a pair of skates. How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? Me and my family will give you cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. I think I've been good this year. Yours truly, Danny Gibbings. 0 hOpGyour 'rein rlcGt1 Hf.Iy. UoHHo a..c,rtyou 2 (.h ri s Odom I know the reindeers Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I will leave some cookies and some milk out for you, I have been good. How is Rudolph doing? Are your elves making a lot of toys? I know all of the reindeers names. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, And of course Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. I love you Santa! I love you because of your rosie cheeks and of your rosie nose. I like Christmas. It is very fun! I would like for Christmas: My little Pony shirt tale, Dream date Barei. -Yours truly Marla Gralam. Dear Santa, How are you and how is your reindeer. Is Rudolph doing good? Do you call the rein- deer by nine? How is Mrs. Claus. I'd you like to have a Care Bear. -yours truly Carla. Dear Santa, How are you feeling? Tell Rudolph there will be a carrot for him. How is Mrs. Santa feeling? If the elves are working good tell them all to sign a piece of paper and put timmy stocking. -youtrs truly Chris Dixon. Dear Santa, I love you and I would like a key car. How are you doing? I want a flashlight and a little boat and a whip and a whistle and a hammer and lots of tacks and that is all. Love Jonathon Grigg, Gr. L Clinton Public School. 114 5 2Y" c ihnaS Ifidy doll WOD s 0 �oUSe- Lve t flici 13Irch 1