HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-22, Page 4T ES , if 1 nigl,, C., INT See Istle te 0,:alleeno natlatren . .: : 11 Itiolth.Rty ItitUU L 'NIT LILA 1111 i . e ' ' . A '...a A bad' . -d Breath i b L bad . .. Ai old settler: or West. UcGilliy,raY, 1 liae piteeed away m the person. ot Ilies, 1 Paton., ooe of the oldest men in the • - • ' . ' . . • ,.. _ reath means a t 1 • . - . . owns up, stomach, a bad 'digestion, a , if there ever was, a. speeifie for any . . eeM I' ' 0 ' nor b . 10 es Ins to .3 p• „ oft te-toWt allowedee . deposits. 41,0i: (fARLING, lq. IX liuktnow., ottorrons. =snags* , De .tefe, nasen..are. ' . . - , - .. all the MOWS, 01-ilitorost to oa ers ilapponinq TimRead `In thARA, 11' Alintipc PIA IMAM%) %AVMs 011ie, ,--.,-- Huron . • The directors of the, Hay Insurance 0o., held a meetin,g in Zurich on Sats ',Imlay tast, . ,, Mr. McKay, a Rollywoodeand Miss bad liver . Ayer's' Pills are 'fi- . ••• ' It' . • . - pills. . ey cure. con- one complaint,. tiler) Carter's Little Liver Pills are to sPeeitle fornick betide, 1225 COal Mincers' at .Fratervil le, Tenn .. Meat Oeattl, in a Flash. ' .. - ' e .ver , 'pation ' ache,. and ever. y woman shoeld know this* Only . • . . L. ... . sti biliousness clys. 'a., • he da... ' one pill a, dose. Try them. Albert Ta,ylore of Parkhill, only son 'Ougi r 1 4 4 A -idost lenne in Tonnes-. 0. ,•;, , ... I , Den a che - - Si "' Sick . • ' - rEaTior, m, P. P.. was, united ....xp.os.en .n • . . . I irre4"""eneenners lurwrlaglil, 25C.- All'Ottailltifs SOO Goal Creek District -neartrendipg ' - TiiAT THE. in marriage on . Wednesday , last. to • - . • . = .. ........-...eanseasees Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? 'T-iien %too for the ' Miss Hodgius, daughterof the late Robb, ileclghle, of Clandeboye, • TI e I, ceremony was performed in the prese , seene$Ynesiness 5usPendod glt Coal. O ' 1 I ' ree r.. ant Woman, vt hose Husbands • „d 11 . ' , ' • . BUCKINGHAM'SDYEwhkskers ence the the 6,,„, aro II I Olio, Gathered ' , -....._ FAC—SIMILE of relatives of nontraeting , , A ro u n ti MI no Wild WI tit G Po 01.6 or ORUG.C318t$ OP fl. P. NW., a co., tosses, N.o. parties by Rev. 11. Jt Fair- . , vier, fin1111 ) , tiiiii91110 RiPIIIMIPPPQ ' • .. ' ' . , AV egetOlePreparallonlarAs. 1, ' SIG:NATURE, ber who followed his r.emairts to Melt • on,,A.gPS%A.RID. LIKE • BURGLARS- ' 'When woerO$ati,dleseitce,r, ialeteliee,, 4111.sr.tdayry200.f-aTielnie. 111 41. Iniin;.si 7) , . , .. similating Iltabodandlleguta- . . . tifegthe.5 towel's , . t• , or May, 1902 . . 4 11 18. 25 5 12 19 26 TCrEau.s.IT......... 0 13 20 27 wgalms,D4.2.... . 7 14 .21 28 Tatglgpt,....t..,.,„ ... a 8 15 22 2, Pam An:- . - . , . . . 2 9 16 23 30 8 10 17 • 21 -31 gt. Ptillt 1 te - Beavers 'of St• JeseP13, were united' lu ruerriage on Tuesday of lastweek,Rev. Mx.. Yager perfOrming the ceremony. Milburn Sterling headache Powders contaia anther eeenestae ea. eneaa„ aim. prampay gave eine Jnaaasbee Neuretaneweadaehe, el needle ot Weeps. Ileadeohe of delicate ladies end neadache from ann li ' MIRO l,l• atel er Price 10e end 2ee . . The Wingbane Tunes has installed a new Pi•ess Mad enlargedfrona a -six to 4 seven column paper, both of which indicate -prosperity.. coaarattnationa , On.Monday evening twO small bens, W ilber Erwita Mad Lloyd Brown • of , , "'Sting Place in Maitland bank ceine• totaryn, Wednesday. They *come.. ei-ne-C-pectecl and least -one-- oz:eSel5eoel 4. 571,-le5lsi d6c:ila y leti, - waultdi c ni • and.towels of •PPIPAMPao 0 F.e...... I on He was a s ., rich Liberal and zealous. P s - welcome:. Be .armed with e minutsecuee inet bottle . of , Nervihne, • ael 2°./.21.ei.:01.ri a. cl.))8ye! t 1 Met itstant death at the .Ineaterville , „ • e .. . =.1Nr.41,,NTS',..7' Ilif.,DREN''- '.:' terian ; a. wife mad family surteed,b•reY, which relieves • cramps and stomach coal, mine, two miles west of this .e / several of his children being uesideets in the 'West, . • e The ei• ' To R• bas. had to eettle another damage euit, on account' of the approach actoss. the track on the oad • Some tim(nago J Bell Huron r a , , , pains in five minutes...In' Collo, Simla neer Complaint, I) larrh oese '.. In diges- 1 tior and Nausea, Ner.viline.. is a ' . rennedY of remarkable. p. oteiacy, and acts pro. Inptly and satisfactory, at st,i1 times. -The, eomposition ot Poison s . . otoovet la as a reset% or a gas exPlosion. e of the •large number of men. and imys tvho Went to work in' tae mern- ing, nevelopmeut ' ' s at 10 o doek last night showed that only '.one is alive, and he is so bacilta inejuied that he • 1 7-'---ftentelea. tessAtidlkst,Contafrtsneitner ... . . Op?udiNokplin* AO Vine4121. - . NOT NARCOTIC . ,. ...zee:. , IS ON Tkit and O. Johnston Clinton' met with' a-saomo............... e,„ ,),-.,-,41„E E f'111Q ' thrown. out of a. buggy the former re . coining serious injury, irotn whibh he has not yet entirely recovered. The !natter the N erviline expresseathe highest medi- cal pro eess. ef the can, which .ac„ counts Tor. its superior merit rrice 25e• • • .. , ' Hamilton's Pills, ere Good Pills, naneot live.. .This . num was _William ... ., . . ., . .. was a Tone man in toe mtne, and was blown . out of the °armlet) • by the force of the exPlosien. One hull- 'seventy ' , .ZetAso ear? IIPSANTfaig I Me,. . • . - " '' Atm Ire..0-' nearaa deonlereenerea .49,34,48ci.0 ' in ?7,!.1 ,„, V: fe RAPPER OF EVERY : . . ..., . ,atults"),4:7, MAy. 22D, T902. Bayfield,. were, wreetlion on. the street. when N.Vilbert s leg was, *idly broken NOTES , A.ND 001VIMENTS, abctve the knee, ' '• ' • . .. - The coener stone. of the 'new St An- was amicably settled, coin - pally awarding a . good amount of damages to Mr, Bell. gle While after t Geo, Levis evesup•eeti and during the. past week the coMpany's solicitor 'Perth . . ' The G. T. R. shops at Stratroad are tO be enlarged ' - - • - ' ' dred and -live minces were' 'checked 'in for work yesterday inorn- inn. 'by the" mine bose. fa addition e . to • tnese Were boys . who •anted as - ' ' ' . . ... . ' . Apennine neeonetele.0.0 Keteareed.'-' • ' tone -nom . i ,.• .-_ ....1 1 lel . . BOTTLE OP Whitoey will win. Ok *,. '!. - . . ' . To voterde arrhoneet ballet and an honest, •electiou. is to vote for the Whitney cazdidate& ' ' it a. SE ' Ask the temmertial travellers. how .t. things are thrOughout 'the province, and they'll tell you it is all Whitney. sis s) a The Hamilton. Spectator says that the next frost will be here May 29. , It will destroy the crop of Geit canna_ dates. ,. . sis is si . Thirty years without a change or Governraent Ime been a drawback to. Ontario,' but it is never too late to mend. . • • a • 0 A government that has been ha power 30 years and then asks for a chance to show what it can do, ought to be ashamed of itself: ' . • I rt a . • • ,- • • . . “House-cleaningle We fancy that will be no nanie for the work neces- 'a,ry te put things to rights when G. .W. Ross steps down and.out. . ... A Liberal Government has guided the Provincial ship of state for. thirty years. but in fact it is . not . the same Government -Ottawa, Free Press. - . • • • - . ..: , In niseuesing. the registry office ap- pointmeut the other day a Liberal said :A Scotchnitin would get it. of course ; the hash. applicant hasn't any more chance of winning it than I have, al * * . By 'adopting the machine as a pro P to its declining years, the thirty year- - old Government of Ontario has shown . that it is unfit as it is also• unable, to , properly administer the .attairs of the province, e la e M. Y. McLean, of strong temper- ance prineileleS, opposed Mr. Swiner- ton in South Huron on the platform. a few years ago. Mee Swinertowas a ne consistent temperance .wan and a GOD- servatIve. Mr. McLean's double deal- •A ng cost the late rchie Bishop many d R gooeform notes. ' . . • 141. Y.' McLean was quite a, prohibitionist, while canvassing ht Goderich township last week, but, his travelling companion being a, strong anti a visit from the ill- assorted pair created amusement at manY a house- hold where they called. It is not known that the candidate's to pro- fited him very flinch. 1 * a But 'Ross in his Midland speech claimed that it is the same, He said : nOf course, we have been in power for thirty years. That is no fault of ours -you have kept us there, and we were willing to stay." At other places Ross has asked public indulgence as a new hand at the bellows, but three years Premier, "give the new man a chance," he says with a smile and a ' jest, while reframnig from ealliog his opponents by ''filthy names" _the citizen well remarks that the honest, old time Liberal is ashamed to recog- nize the preseat aggregation (if pat- rons of crooks and corraptionists as "the same Government." Ross, thehe plagiarist of -poetry, the protector of political thugs, the trafficker in offices the. breaker Of promises, the tool of corporations, the designer of "gold brick' scrap lam amendments 'gold , e man whose motto is "power at any price," is not the same stamp of leader that commanded the confidence of respectable Liberals a genera,tion ago_ dre.w's ehurela Bayfield; was laid . on Moncla,y 19thineta bY Mies 'Gibson, of Teranbe„ Who'se father Wan th.e first. pastor of 'the present Church. ' ' 4 '' • • The t* r C t• ' L't I L• - ac ion o ar er s i .t e . iv er • Pills is pleasant, Mild and natural, They gently' stimulate the liven and 'regulate the bowel's but do not purge, They are sinse to please. Try therm " . A quiet wedding tool:: 'place at Bay- field Friday evening lest, when. Rev. E. O. Jenniuge united in the holy • bonds of matrimony, Edward' Reid, and Miss Ethel Mabel McCandlish. At•a fully attended .congregational Ineetin0. in North , street Methodist church, Goderich, on Wednesday evenhig, it was agreed to had a new church to cost. between ten and eleven thousand dollars. Used internally begyard's Yellow Oil oures areejhr&so,tihoarAeon.es.s. sQ ' sr th„ tr ernexteProal. 1 aures Rheumatis:: Stiff Joints, Contractet cords, Sprains, StriAns, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Bites e` Insects' ' ' ' . a D. Wilson, of Seaforth, is. still unable to return home from Toronto,,.. but it is expected that in the course, or , s e will have recovered a few da,v h 11 h ered sufficiently to enable him to make the joueney. •• - • . . Mrs. Allan,. mother of James Allan. of the 4th concession of Tuckersmith, died en monda7 of last week at the residence other son-in-law, Mr. Ross, of the Loridon •road. • The deceased had been ill for a long time, and lett winter was operated on for cancer. , , Albert McDowell', fornaerly a, popu- la,r teacher of East Wawanosh, hut who bas been attending the Detroit MediCal Schooner a colePle of Years, . . has passed. his final exa,mmation, taken his degree, and located in the OtIll y, ic la toWn of Pigeon, Huron() t ler I ' gat. . . . • • . a,ker has sold his farm Itichardl3 , , lot 24 con. 15, -•Goderich township, e • containing 100 acres, for the sum of about $5000 to Roland Jenkins i on the place is a fine dwelling and. excellent barn and out buildings, George Ten- kins, who will work- it, has one of the finest properties in the township. Mrs. Carline, of Clinton, ft fter an illness of 8 years breathed her last on the OM anulyereary of her birthday, on Monday:of last week, She was a, native or Hull, Englaed, and carneto this country with her husba,nd thirty years ago. For tetenty years they were engin:seta in the boot and shoe trade in Clinton, Their only . child S - T . Holmes of Seaforth, was Mrs. ' - ' who wa.s at the bedside of her dying mother . and helped soothe her last hours. • It looks as.though the project fon an electric railway . lo this county was aseaming definite font. At a recent meeting of Ashfield council, it was re- solved -That this council submit a by law to the ratepayers of Asbfield in favor of the Huron, Bruce and Grey Eleetric Railway for the sum of $50,- 000, particulars to be arranged by • a committee conaprisinn Beene. Dalton, ' and Clerk Stothers in conjunction with the township, solicitor. • What might . Ja'aIve . proved • a very • discovered none too serious fire was soon in F. A.• Edward's storeSunday BeY , - field, about four ,o'cleck on morning. The sleeping rooms a re over the store and .the dense GFOOke fortunately awakened those above danger. whOlittle thought of . t . . It was soon discovered in the store a strip a flooring near the at. a the_ ust store being burned through and j blazing well. It had evidently been smouldering from the time the. etore was closed, 11 p. W. It was a narrow e.seaPe' .is On Saturday, April 26th, at the home of his .da,ughter, Mrs. Elliott, -wife of Rev, Jos. Elliott, of Nairn, allowed him several - hundred dollars f d • •111 s 'I , d t tie' er amages. . ie isu Loa a is. a.pproach has since been attended to by the railway company, ahd we hope no Anther accidents will .oectir, . The ' Ihvitations are eutakeeounciog the marriake„ tor. Miss les)ttle . Jefferson, of St Marys to a Mr Miles of Brant - f ' ' • ' , , ord • . . . , ' , . ... , , Don% fail to . witness die" sports in 'tehleter• on Victoria Day, base ball, foot drivers reed men and helpers and „ , , ,. . . , . others to the'nurnber of ,nethane 50, . Iteseuera at Work. . r 1, atqrsrillp Thine is the oldest, min e in the , Coal, 93;,eek district, having' ' 'fall been opened in. 1870. 4 is, y 4.ipeiteei' Rem.' e4y.'. :for Cons tip -a- Stomach Eflantoea Worms;Con.vulsiolis,reverisl17. a_ __ ,,,.• Rea anaii08 Or SLEEP. ' . l',:ill Fll' ' , . i . .. . • r - G. T. R has done what was right in thennatter; a..nd was liberal in the amounts elven:led t d he i • re Mee • • ball and basket' hall with other games. A. minister; procession in the looming, .. ..three miles from . the mines, -opening' to the point where. the mee. Were et . _ , ' Tac.Simile Signature Of .. .„...„ , „.4. : ., n. • nju par . The eesideinCof Peter Daley, Sea- f r i . a • • d• ' 0 ll w s the s elle of a most pleasant Palpitation of the heart nervous- . , . n ees tremblinge nervous 'headache work. ,. They had not been a.t work 1. ' ' ' b r ' th terrible explosion oc- . - 17 ,1 _ . _ _._ IngPoults:Po:::::::°0::rtolt:senithat;, ..__ ... _ ... , . . , and taeresting event on Wednesday evening 'last The occasion was the .m4,r_ria e of his eldest dauehter Miss ' ' cold I d feet,'• ' 11 back, co sales an . , pain in.. mid other forms of weaknessl:rere l• d b C leve y eater's Iron Pills, made carnal. There was a , fearful roar, and then ileanass shot' •from the . en- trance and the air shafts. . Xews Of the desester spread likeawildfire, but 4...:1:5,70111t. %am. ,ge ..estazato„ : Id ,'!•:,--..,. is , yoCuasamthry:hia is not sold in bulk, • "just as goodel and Air I Don t allow "w111 Anyone. to Neil. ,. armor every plir-," 0-A-3-T-0-11•Ine lg 1 t S 1 0° d ..._ ice a ey, o moue u more. of ' Li sborne. The ceremony was. perform- _tr.ed at 6 o'clock p.. in by Rev I. B. iv 11 • • 33 ' " ' a win, . A., pastor of the Metho- dist here specially for the blood, nerves and „ , . , n°12-1PleXinn, . . H., C. Sharp sou of II. Fred Sharp 4 ' • - ' ' - ' St. Marys, has eeceived sin appoint: Doi:pillion Express Oo. . , . as soon as possible two rqscuing par- ties were started, in one at the main . , ' • - . . entrence, the otner throtigh . Thistle . . . Mine which ndjohis and in which no • e . .. . EXACT CoPYOF WRAPPER. .../m/d/4 . pose." • . signature See that The fao- emus of you get • Is on • gap ovary • *rappor. eburch . and was witnessed by a large nuniber of....rel t" 'd rv es an friends. After the ceremonay conee•ra,- talations were showered on:the netvly ment with the He wes for • ber of years emplo3r. -. ed with theaanninadian Express office in Sb, Mary& His many friends wish " ' . m. en were at , wokk. The ,Thistle pan-, .. '• ty 'was unable to make. anir liCadWaY, as .the gas . stifled the .workers. 'The fully two ,i. „, .-,,::<;,•• :7,43:,,-4ittgi,,,Willat..WiltigTft.V.-4.1".*".-0-.. .... ' 4T' ''' ':'''''.'k , married. The bride will bgreatly e missed by a -wide circle of friends in Seafortla aad particularly in. the Methodist church, where slae was a, most ardent and.conscientions worker. She was a teacher in the Sunday school mad a leader in the Epworth , • • - League. The groom is one of. the most prosperous young farmers in Us borne townsbip. He has just taneo possession of the homestead farm, where he will take his bride. We ex- tend onr very best wishes -to Mr. and Mrs. Oudmore, and in this we Will be - • , joined by very many friends, - . The regular meeting of the Provi- sional Directors of the Huron Pack- ipg and Cold Storage Co., Limited, was held hi the Clerk's oface, Clinton, 'week. im success. . If ' • ' British Troop Oil Liniment is without oxcep tion the most effective remedy for Cuts wounds, ulcers Open sores Rheumatism Bites Stings of* fuete e'to. 'A large bottle; •!, 26 ceats. - . • •• • Miss Mary Elizabeth McGrew, , r secoud' daughter 'of the lite Alexan- ' •• ' der McGregor, for.many years county treasurer for Perth, was married to James Woods, of Edinboro, scot. la.nd, at Ballinger, Texas on Apn127th. They will reside at -the 'room's • house itt Edinburgh, Scotland .g . • ' a • ' ' . ' -Hugh .Cerrie, one, of 'tbe eatly sett- les a Croreartyt 'passed to the great bey.oncren, May '2nd, at the age of 75 years. Mr. Carrie has been in failing health for the pest two Years, and was bed -feet for oVer one . d death year, an Fraterville party went Miles -under the earth' mita a,. heavy f' 11 f slate. waS cacountered. ' ' At El, 0 this b ugier Men worked like demons; s Z. ' ' ' ta • b ' hoping against hope that lose e- 3r0Ild Illicl'ilt be safe. e . , . . . ' ' Heartrending Scenes, , , , The scene's at the mouth of the mine . while 'the workers were within • were. beyond descriPtion. ' Business had been. suspended in 'Opal Creel:, as SOOD as the and all its mines, - _ news of . the disaster Deeame lenown, " d' and chi ldren gather • an men, women , ed around the .Fraterville. entrance.. Woinell. wnose husbands Mid sons . were within, were wild • with grid. ' All .day. long tbe , rescuers toiled et , the slate obs einctiori, and not until 'e . GOING • GOING • _ .....eseee , . - • London, HurOn and Bruce. ---".". . . . NOGTEC-- •• Passenger. London. depart ...... .. - 8.15 .S. ax, 4.40r, Oentraha ......... .... 9,1 5.60 Exeter 9.3C 6.0 rsall ....-...... 9._ 9.00 6.25 -Brgetilieiti. .... .. : . :::: e %en . 5.33 canton ,.,. ... 10.15 6-55 Wiughanl, arrive • 11.19 8.00 SOMA- ' Passenger Winghani, depart. ' 6,63-.A.. An 3.15P. -Chute-a . ...... 747 •'. 4.25 Brucefield sem . 4.49 .Kt.r_w, ......... ,,,,,, .. . ,.._ nalea.,..., . . . . ... ta ,°.g, . :g• ttlatizilit„..... ..... .e88.2 -.deg. London . ai.414e...... . .. .. "9.87 . 6.12 M. A • - br. ,‘ , . CREDIVFON , ^ 10 1 i 9 We al ,e.....-.................givina ; • • - . • ' bisfaction - ' ' 21 . ".. • .. /11.001 ening our .. Dry Sbff • -1. • Or IStinn .011n1.66.16,1CWOONSISCRW • . r m flout mill • Wood and • exee 8. - - Wanted. 611000111D . IIIS 1 lent sa,-, since re - ... ,- on Mondav afternoon, or last The secretary reported that the list of 1 a . s Itze.1101 MN:J.10W numbered over 000; and that Mr. A. McD..Allan had • sail- edfor England on Saturday where he expects to close a large amount of stock with a large firm in Glasgow. The secretary also gave a report of a held Cellare, Inspec- was- net noexPected. He was cared 5 o'nlock last evening did. they force for (lupine.; his long illnese by his de- an entrance through it, Up to that 'noted Wile and daughter He • leaves hour only five dead. bodies had' beenI to. Mourn the loss of a loving •hiteband recovered, and • hope was still high - and father, a widow three daugh- that many within. were. safee '1 lie ters ; Mrs. 0. A. ,Rassell, of Carling- hopes of the Iiving were . doomed, . • e., -. • eu-rs ford.; Mrs. (Dr.) Tufford. of Toronto; however, for when. o ce :the les c and Miss Mary at home, 'A, sister,Mrs, could enter and proceed .theY, N.Parked John Bain, Motherwell, through a continuous tomb of' death - , ARE . . SPitherlarid MMS LIMITED. . . . • PREPARED TO PITROBT.ASE I . , Don6 H.' . Froffintine SINFITZEL - , ' meeting with la of survivesi Every , tor of Poultry Statious under the Dominion Government, -who" advised the Company to erect a finishing and dressing department for in him. The bereaved family have the There was not a sign of life.. heartfelt sympathy of the community man had perished, theY believe, al- in the hour of pourning: though it will be some time this'. • -----: before n.11 the rooms can be ''F elef fle0. r 1 t8101 NINICI poultry connection with their cold storage. . morning . 'JOURNALISTS IN POLITICS, entered. • • Fowl sla,ughtered in September can be sold frocold storage April and. m in May at very profitable prices, and the market will be unlimited. Some indi- vidual firms being willing to take. 500,- 000 fewl. John Wilson, Collingwood, was appointed architect aud colasult- ing engineer for the company. It now seems that the 'establishment of a cold storage plant Will soon be an ass ir in i ton. i ed fact . CI n ' 'The Fraterville mine .is. owned .by Newthe-the spaper men are coming . to. e the coal Creek Coal ComParien of front as political candidates.. in the. which Major E. 3. Camp is presi- forthcoming election ill the .Province dent. He was in Chnionati, and is of Ontario. There were seven of them he die - now hurrying. to the scene of t . . . , valiant in the last, Legislature, as follows.: aster. In 1391, . after inspecting Pre.-. Hon. S. R. Steattoo, Peterboro Ex- terville Mine; StatO Commissioner of aininer ; AndrewPattullo, Woodstock Labor R. A. Sbiflet reported that• S'enfinel-Review; T. H. Preeton,Brant- the ventilation was not tip to the re- ford.Expositor ; H. T. Petty.piece, For- furnace Wile ill- cluirements; that the est Free Press ; G. P. Graham, Brock- adequate to ventila,te tim mine, and vine Recorder ; 5, Russell,. Deserento ; were choked. in DER RITTER i• a L, 77 ,.., , ' 5 • . . Lr :N. • STANDING LOGS, . _ E n Kessel7 , .nr in DErt OR IN THE Appl' t,"-• y 9 IBT . IF n %ail .ri mrq.-10. 'UV , -f.lt ill 11 TO Buy. Buy Property, Borro MOney, C011eCt1On$ •Your Go to . or Sell a Farm , or Sell . Town ^ w or Lene .. . Made, Life 'insured, . . the 0.1ci CU011- . ------ese . INFLA.M.MED NOSE AND THROAT • • • that the airways J. A. Auld, Arnherstburg Echo. places, These seven are again in the field. . • •ra • .try, . by -the. Allan . _-...,,..- . . s And such diseases of the respiratory organs as WeaktLtings,, , ', M.Y. McLean, Seaferth Expopitor- ; . . A:sorsa-a oannenean onan. ...chas. N. Smith, $ault Ste. Marie Ex- • ' • • . • • . a -1,0.1•031AN, .o.,..KETER, °Pr. Elr' ' e THE Line, , -UNDERSIGNED, •• .Bronchitise - Cold in the Beacleand Nasal eGaterria, are treated With Marvellolis el:Meese or strictly scientific.priemiplen by Catarre hOnolle• .The medicated VaPOr Of Oa- tarrhosone (Pickle?' traverses. every eh, passage possible to be.. reached- by any treatment. , All soreness, pain, coogestion and infiatamationt are. at ,. -. . Fess ; I'dajor Hugh Cleric, Kincardine . . Albert UttYnolds of " .el?' Division, El..1.0,, seview ; John Downey, Guelph Her- • • -,. . -i.' a Fever s 1 otnn. alci :-Sarn Charters, Branipton Oonser- • . . . . valor ; ' J. Mitchell, Goderich Star. •Ottawa, May 20. T-Clablegralv .. to The profession is certarnlY improving llis Eacellency, frein London , and as soeinl a,nd political standing'. Cane . !Town received ae rs' , the -Militia Department - yesterday announce the following casualta.es: . . - • Wheat, ears Ataelse3r. " Butter Egge$ Turkeys Geese. Exeter, 31,,ix 2ivr, 1903. ,,,,r bushel. • : • 78 to . . .... ... ........ ' , 40 io. - - ,. .... . . . oo to . . , Gil to ..... . - . • ...14 to • 12 to 8 to • 6 to 79 - 40' 60. 70 14 32 s 6 OtT . ..10rtkl . Otaea over H. • 1 va, (Dash paid e . • • Spaekm'an's. E xeter, for , SPACKMAIr . • Hardware. . , Raw Vora. . once dispelled,. and by meaue• of the - healing powers of Catarrhozone the • • • - . • vitiated tissues are. quickly restored . When Catarrhozone is used. colde last, only ten minutes,e Coughs halfan COMPLETELY F.A.GGED OUT , • • ' '' Albert :Reynolds of. "A" •divisien, -Chickens • The world Is full of sickly, despon- South African Constabulary, died of p__uots dent, tired enervated people all ho- , enteric fever May ' 1 • at. Potehef- Nv • Dried ping to be well some.day. The surest stroom. Ilis mother is Min. A.. ReY-- Pork to health is l Ildney, Ontario. . • ...... .. .• per ih .....'.. .• 5' to . .. .. ' 7 to .. 16 to Apples.. ,.. - .. 5. to live weight ... ... :. e5,65 to . 5 7 16 . 6. $§65 ADVERTISE THE TIMES:. IN - hour, and Catarrh, • ColuallilPUono, Asthma and 13ronchltis Zee ae from aged along the way of tak- mg Ferrozone after meals. •Ferrozone * ' te d el 1 is a appe izer an • en._ ) es one nolds, John Arthur . , Wilson and Rohm t D end 0 ef 11 were ill of clitor- estse, a 1 .i . -, - ______ IT PAI , -S : ______ • fire. A t rial.will convince anyone of the startling merit ' of Catarrhozone. great ' to eat plerty Of wholeSume 'food with- Out fear dyspepsia. ic fever May 17. Wilson belongs ' to Ont., and Deese to. Mon ea. Costs $1.00, email size., 25c. At drug- gists, or Poison & Co., -Kingston, Ont: Dr Herieliton's Pills Cure.' Constipat a ' • ACM. ' of indigestion or eeondora . m'Bth This results ia the rap -id formation of ; real. owere previou.sly reported an abundance of red, vitalizing blood, ' in, the hoSpital. ' - . which will restore the nerves, increase i Private B. On-Itedswell, Medicine . flesh and vigor, and nourieli and feed • Hat, ne.W.T,, :Lend C.M.R., was dane . every organ of the body. Ferrozone ill or -enteric at Pietermar- en. a- . • • - . . c. r.o.,6,4--*. . c , .,,,,, ... • e. : • e e • . mioss). .- • , eve.r .. . -r, "`EW2ii= . MiddleseX Liican is. having more granolithic sidewelke. NI R St John1 't for Uxbridge i n . . eNbk on Wednesday afternoon. to a -e over gerously an ideal restorative and invigorant itzburgoaalay 1-8. . Ib is a tonic of =equalled merit t 11 a t • Private .II. W. Dyinent, I-Talifax, anyone can use with benefit . -Price 2ncl C.M.R., Was clangerouely ill; . or 50e per box, or six linxes for $2.50, at enteric at Kiniberley. ' •' druggists, or N. O. Poison 'SL O., King- Private 0, Mc:Vicar, London, and store Ont. ' . Private E. A. Ilec:dy, Quebee, were .• I viSh to annonnoe to my friends in tit 'I am avain.handling FARNI MaCHINERY. b . • ___....-..--*------.:...0.0. - ' "ea_ .kareamak,sr.ses,antwasmoscsesommer . • „ Ls Vicinity . . that 5,74 there passed away quietly one of Bay- tnttn '' ' - e ' a•se - ----a Weak s ,. :field's oldest resideritS, in- the person of Mr. John E'sson, at 81 yea,rs of' age. About two years ago the ' illnees, te . which he finally' succumbed, made its appearance, which seemed te be an affection of the nerne centres ' of ethe the largebotel bet purchesedthere. ----- ' i reported dangerously ill •of enteric at • '. J -- - .e...- e • ---- ae-ea - _ et , - ar s, _„, e eae....e, ' . , ----•••',.tleifen"-e., ,. The Queen's botel, LuCan, chaeged .....- . , , ohannesb it rg . „ • -,-,,,- 4' '4 ,. qs I -___._----- - ' • , • ki ;1 i . in," .-'or norsos, - . hands • oti Tuesday, when the new propelettiv, Mr. Harry Stewart, enter- . . A FREE PATTERN • : . nail fax,, May -0.-:,--,It waS intended 't,„tn..-- ,T$ 4,`1„ i ' N. /10164r- ri , 'R , en 4-1, • - • aa, •, 'Anse ea, -upon Amssession. „,- . ,Cyonr ostfr election) th'everjr sub., ,seriber. Only 50 conts•a.,,year. - ' ,, that the .51,11 o.m.R.' would sail' on ,..?"..•,1'..,,,t-.---*- the • Corinthian on Thursday, but . at eleetz)$f,-4.4s,‘ -747,,,a4.1lwaal , 1, .... - •,. 1 , . , . wan • . I suffered terribly and was ex- tremely -weak for 12 years. 'The doctors said my bleed Was all turning to water. At last 1 tried A f' Sarsa arilla • arid was •etion --Ye s P / fedi-rig all right again." Mrs. J. W. Fiala, tiedlyme, Ct. ..........0.0.0en Nomatterhow long you .4 . 4 d " ••=',4. . nave been. in por now ) . . ly y ' • - ' p0Or OU may' be todayl Ayer's Sarsaparilla :is..the best txtedieine you can . , , take for purifyung arid en. - tic ing the blood. • h ' - . • . , . -whole trust in it throw .IA... gWay everything else. ' .$1.100.botift. Alltiraggists. . .. , litk your doctor *bet ho fldulta rit Ayor's ffeetentrine, no ktteoo all itbout, neoateee • ela family Medicine. •VolloW his attvieS end *elf/Jibe Satisfied. , , a. o, mitt oo,, toweli,MAss. . 11 I.; r. T„ 4 ,, brain. His end came very quietly being baStenect by a stroke of paraly- Sikt, During the seventies arid eighties. probably no Man in Huron was more widely knowne than he. For a, num- her of years he vvas clerk of Stanley, .0 and later reeve of Bayfield, 'and i politics he wag an ardent Liberal. After a protracted illness, caused by eateer, Wm. Leidla, Tuakersmith ', w ' one of the pitibeets of the tovveship, neeeed away on- . Monday morning. r Deceased bad suffered inost, acutely I . uotli hie ailment, Ina. bore it with' atir,sman resignation. A man of strong iodividualityf sterling charm- . . . . ter, arid good ,goalitree,, and he wee ', . a held in the, highest possible esteem, fact clearly shown by the large mina . • sTo . • ' or Infants and Obild.ren, led ran, I -Ili !ii" . „it n - , 10 01 Auttte ' -,e., ,..,jol.', ostr e‘neenelef %AVM ......---......an C '7 Colonel Miteleon.ell is not sure whetla -'3-1.Y4ti...-7--tn i - nnett fern' , 6 „ n,,,,,a„ ,,,,,,, ,,, .,„, , 'R.,5.:zt:F.'4%*-*:'. .:;••• .4f011-4 •,•':: k • x_. 'S.i! eaReeableoceCiescroael •-e. harness treated a with Eureka Bar- E A ness OIL It re. $ n L s :„. ee C t er the. horsca 'will be here in time. .There are pop horees at camp, CIAld A . •ahout 250 neer° are required. The ' r • • . , , .,-, , i r -I- ... regiment, m a. otner erretaeemen-s - is ready to embark. A LADIES' MAGAZINE. , . aaatnee . • ,.....,,s4s,!..., • --e-..• ' „.._,t..ea..ana.-a. .1, ;;`,."' ,,f' . - VP s'i.:„.•::.,,.."" l.-, es,..; Iota a . - nt • R 4 0 s. 1 - .,,,,4,.,V40 4,i •,'•' se. , , ro A 6.4,, -.1.,,.16. ,,,."`', • - ',,t,•, -; ,.,, .. • ,, . . , 6. '-• ' HO. I , 1 1, a I, . I ”co ' I( 0 '- 1 .. ' ' ' , .. / '1 (1 A: 41' ......' 7) IP 14. - , - I . . ststs the damp, ei, keeps tholooth- ''' et soft and pli. .;,e able. St:Halos do not break. No :toot% stn.. \ faeo. to cane s 1.1\ a anode no , ;. t \ ''• ...artless not \l, \ \ .,, °111t"0% !t A gam; boandrid colored plates ) latest noth, Met Deatit, fashions: dressmaking, economies ;fancy work; houAohoId hiott ; fiedoo, etc. Sub. scribe to -day, or, send 50, for latest copy, &"•7), t,. John, May 20. -While' speeding , Lady ap;ents wanted, Send for terms. past Bloonili.ed Statiora about 20 ' Stylish, Reliable, Silnple,Dp-io. miles- frem . thiS city yeeterday after- . date, Economical told Absolutely noon., the Olen. express train from eerfeeenatiaa.Papor Patterns; HanfaX strtlek and killed MrS, .1e111- adm,. • , '" • ,„ • ,,..,. ,. . , 4, Agent for the well known 1E1 n s, erli.1 4. Har ,. rp. , • - ., . J ''' loo ingliko , IstSr,, bid Viet4ta twictr ' . hi • "1"gbY °id 1,,, t• 00 poic c IL A niore, nio their -in-law of stotion. Agent 11.- A. Brown of Bloomfield, aad Ceeil 13nawn, aged 6 years, son , ' . ' Ilioa I Bthder5 Meal Mower& Deering Rak6, EtG, . . r use ofEurcka , Harness OPI4 ''''' a. , . • •,,,:„,„44^A rt. kf, 6,• BAZAR, WI 74 t , • VAITIE 5 . .,v of th.e agent They were tryirie to - cress 'the. track in front of the train, and bOth Met instant death_ . The.g611\111e'hine8 are eecoricl to hone in Canada .1 nd if you needle Binder, ' -- ---- -' - • " . -. . . • , ' , .. , itfevvet or Bake,. pall and eXaMino these 141schinos ler yoursen, They AFC Strong and are noted fot. their Easy Running. • . Sold . ror/ \ .1' everywhere , IA cans-- . stitsi2es. - \ . Mode by ,1 . hnperial 011,' \ r , COlapany„./, All Seams Allowed sod eerforotIons toe the 68.0110 stul 8eiving LIneS. Only to ' and )5' oonts eadh--nono higher, Ask tor them, Sold la nearly every city and towt), or by Wail from , . . . ' • ' , 113-11Mt7 West stst 'My taw YOH, , ... •" a (ihilciren Cry for - . I I . • I again solici Thanking my cuetornere and friends for past favors, , ,t your pateonege. • ...„ ..., 0,positents..,s w j 1131m.,), s ET XETER ' Drug Store, • A ' , . , " .. , . P. ' ' . S, -Also are') t for the Canadian Alvin°, or l'inn d mil), Pornps,&ce .4, ,. ,,.... , ,.... ..,„, ,,,.• „ ,..- =.., ,,, - •"-Alsoriettreaese/etr..,2MV.E. •