HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-22, Page 1• TWENTY-NINTH YEAR ---N o.42 1E1 URO.N & MIDDLESEX GAZETT EXETER, ONT., CA.NAD.A., THURSDAY MORNING, ,0+0+444.++++++101.+Hee4.4.+4.4.4. elee+++++++++014+4.444.4.4.44++++ • • • • f een Do and Windows Now is the time to ardorl your Door and Window Screens for your home, and. be ready for the Flies. We have "Wire Web. Barb Wire, Spring Coil Wire, Poultry Netting. Portland & Thorald Cements, .4. ' tet Lawn Mowers and Garden .Shears.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4. ' + 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ awkiris& Son We U..ve WHAT YOU WANT .012,5C610.....701011111.20000.1 Ladies' shoes in laced and buttoned, regular price $2.00 and $2.50, to be cleared out at $1.25 per pair:' Men's patent leather shoes at $3.00 and $3.40. Ladiespatent leather shoes at $2.50. Boys patent leather shoes at $2,50. Call and 'inspect Our Stock. Highest price for eggs. 5 per cent. off for cash. Springs Goods .=,aptia9129.1.9 Spring is here and. we are showing the newest designs in Suitings, Overcooling anti Pantings At Rea.sterieeble Keneicees I have just received. Jno. J. Mit- schelPs new Fashion Plate for the present season, hence I can give you t he latest cuts for Spring and Sum- mer. W. W. Taman. Merciless -it Tetilora Opposite post office: Cromarty BiltEVet.-- Mrs, Simon Miller. who was away last week attending the funeral of her mother; Mrs. Sohn Mc- ,Cullooh, is able to be around. again. - Bey: Ur. Cranston, preached Sunday evening in. -the Methodist church, Staffa,,-- Road work has started in these parts_ so that all pleasure in -driving is over for some time,- Pros- peets for an abundance of fruit; is good_ as there is a great show of bloom in this section, ' Anderson Banens.---The anniversary of the • Methodist Sunday School here will be held on Sunday, June Ise Rev, J., E. • Holmes, of Granton, will preach -morning and evening, and. in the morning a mass m,eeting for the chil- • dten will be held. The double quer- tette of the ..St. Marys Methodist church, wid 'supply the eceusie.- Mrs. -J. Ariderson, who was in Exeter in attendance on her nephew M. J. White, during his severe illness and •subsequent death, returned home on • Sunday. S9XSMith, ANOTHER Peoetenne, Gorrn. - On Wednesday morning, 14th inst., there occurred at his residence,on the Med 154boncession of Hay, the death Of Mr. John McMahon, an old and much re- spected citizen of ,tlii comity, Mr. McMahon, was seYeney-seven years of age and is a native- of Arran, Scotland, atid came to this coentry in the early fifties, and settled on the fine farm now occupied by his eldest sort, in the giving of 1858. Shortly after settling here, he took Unto himself 6, wife in the person of Miss. Elizabeth Fife, also a native of Scotland, who with e fame-, ly of two boys and three girls oureive him. The sympathy of the whole cominunity is eXtendecl to MPS. Mc- Mahon atid family in their sad bereieeement. The remains were in- terred in the Bedell cemetery On Ere- -clays 'ariw.gfasmonnamwoomuseneergovalifeaamstolrmIll Cred iton. Baines -We have had many fines, warm, growing showera of late and nature is looking her best. Tbis is about the best time of the year for a drive through the country. - The Methodist church was shingled. one day last week. -Rey Knowles attend- ed the Annual District Meeting, at Centralia, on Tuesday and Wednes- day. Dr. Rivers was the delegate from Orediton Circuit, The Epworth League service was withdrawn this week to give the friends' an oppor- tunity to hear Rev's G. H. Cobble - dick, and C. W. Brown, at Centralia, that evening. -A large number from here attended the Nomination meet- ing in Hensel', to -day (Thursday) Only one week more and. the suspense will be over. May the best man be elected. Not the man who spends the most money influencing votes. - John Wind has re -shingled his .resi- dence this week. It is a large roof. - The many readers of the Trams •in this locality sincerely regret the great loss sustained by the staff, in the death.of the late editor, Mr. M. J. White. We sympathize with the bereaved family. EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stock of Lumber -pine and , hemlock, 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, eto., also shingles laths and cedar posts. Prices reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard :East side of Main sb BRIERS -At six o'clock Wednesday evening a very happy event took place when Miss Ella, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. Hugh McGregor,- was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. John McCowan, at the bride's residence in Stanley. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. H. Sa,wers, after which the gueits sat down to a well provided table. The bride was beautifully gowned in white organdie, and car- ried a beautiful bognet of white roses. The presents were numerous and cost- ly, a great many coming from. a dis- tance. -On Saturday last our towns- man, Edward Reid was united in mar- riage to Miss Effie Burnside, eldest daughter ot Air. T. Burnside: The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Jennings, We wish the young couple much happiness. -Thos. Malloy went to London, on Monday, to undergo a course of treatment for his eyes. He was accompanied by Rev, E. H. Sawers.-Professor O. B. Little, of Varna, lute =via into the American hotel. Mr. Little is busy re-arraug- mg the place. Kirkton - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott, of Exeter, spent Sunday at his home here. -Will Hill, of Mine Michi- gan, is spending 'a couple of weeks visiting his parents here.- William 3. Hazlewood, of Lucan, spent a few days renewing acquaintances in the village. -Politics is the order of the day now in our burg. The present opinion is that Monteith is a winner. -The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazlewood, see was the scene of a pleasant event on Wednesday of last week, when their youngest daughter, Tillie, *as united in hymen's bonds to Mr. George E, Darling, a pros- perous yonzig business man of Lon- don. The nuptial knot was tied by - the Rev, A. S. Anderson. The pre- sents were numerous and closely, show- ing the high esteem in which the young coo& are held. They will reside in London. The Tarns join a hose of friends in wishing the young couple many years of hap piness and prosperity. --,Norrnan Pletcher spent Sunday at Satem.-3-. le. Elliott spent Suncley with friends in Woodhatn. -Miss Edna Marshall spent Sunday , the guest of her cousin Miss M. Shier. --Wm. Nairn tspent Sunday with Fred Taylor. -Mie Edith Stewart, of St. Marys spent Sunday with friends in Kirkton and Woodliene.---11fise 'Alla and Katie Brown spent Sunday ia Woodham. ---Miss Matehe Tufts is on the sick list tbis Week,- Sohn Moore retie -rued home frorn Manitoba last week. -The Misses, Naive spent Sun - clay with Miss Lillie Taylor, - Mies Irene Robinson returned home an Eris dry after spending two weeks with her brother in the Stone Town. Heneall G. ,T, Sutherland, Notary Public), Conveyan- cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and. Usurer a Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, Office at the Put Wilco Henson Batave,---The council have had the old wooden crossing at the Postoffice corner, which was superceded by a cement one, taken up and are filling in the low places on the street with gravel, The work of laying down new cement walks has already commeneed which will still further add to the ap- pearance of the village, ---F. O. Mc- Donell has purchased a fine new driv- er. -Mr, Logie, Sr„ of London, is visiting relatives in the village, -The Misses Rollins. of London, have been yisitiog Win. Mitchell and family dur- ing the past yeeek.-A petition was largely signed during the past week addressed to our council, preying that our Main st. be watered from, the Lon- doriroacl to the school house, upon the basis of a frontage tax. -W. j:Miller, carriage inalcer and reeve, has recent- ly taken out a license as an auctioneer. -Wedding bells are once raore ring- ing in our village. - Or carriage makers are turning out a number of very fine baggies. -Nomination vill be held -here in Miller's Opera Hall, to -day (Thursday) and after the usual formal .proceedings in which a mass - meeting will be held in the skatiug rink, when the candidates ande their supporters will deliver addresses. -The adjourned Temperance convention was held in Miller's, Opera Hall, on Friday afternoon of last week, The attend- ance was not as large as at the former meeting, but considerable interest was manifested in the proceedings. The main business of the meeting was to consid r the re lies from the cauda dates to the:question, as submitted by the committee appointed by the for- mer convention to ascertain the views ot the said candidates as to the grant- ing of the proposed, prohibitory bill, and the enforcing of the same, if rade law, and after the reading by the Secretary of the convention, of the questions put to the candidates and their replies thereto, a resolution was passed and carried that M. Y. McLean's replies be considered satisfactory to the convention. -On Monday evening last the Rev. T. B. Copeland delivered his promised lecture in the Methodist church, the same being illustrated. by lime -light views and moving pictures. The lecture was a yeryinteresting one and the views were also very much enjoyed, the pleasure of the occasion being still further enhanced by a num- ber of fine musical selections from the choir and others. The attendance was fain -Daniel. Stewart was in Stratford. part of last week, and reports that city as booming. -Our council bas en- gaged Peter Melville to trim the shade trees on Main st., for which they are deserving of credit, as it will greatly improve the appearance of the trees and our Area, to have them a nice uniform height, -Miss Hatton of Clin- ton, spent Sabbath with friends here, -The Rev. Mr. Shearer, Seep of the Lord's Day Alliance preached in Car- mel church on Sabbath morning last in tbe interest of the said Alliance, giving a very interesting account of the good work:that had already been accomplished, and dealing also with that which still remained to be done. The Rev.gentleman also gave a short i address n the Methodist church the same naorning, and is what might be termed. and iudefatigable worker in Sabbath observance. -Mrs. Thompson, of Sault Ste Marie, who has been here for a number of weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Francis Marshall, re- turned home this week. -Word has been received that James Petty and George Trott have arrived safely in England and had a very good voyage on the whole. -The House of Parlia- ment having closed, Geo. McEwen,our local member, has returned home from Ottawa, and resumed his usual active duties.- Messrs. Shepherd & Willis are constantly purchasing and making shipment of hogs from this station. - At the prohibition convention held here Rev. G. a Long resigned the presidency of the organization, and Rev. Martin, of Exeter, was appoint- ed. -John Stacey and Samuel Stacey were called away during the past , week to attend the funeral of their mother who resided near Kirkton. Mrs. Stacey had been in very delicate health for a number of years, but.had passed the anted age of three score years and ten, she was very highly re- spected for her many excellent qual- ities. The family have the syenpathy of the community in their sad bereaee- ment-The crops in this section are giving very good promise, the beaati- fui rains of the past week having helped all vegetation greatly.-Setur- day, May 24th will be observed here as a geteral holiday, and an business places will be closed. -Joseph Case of this village, and his brother George,of. the London road, intencl leaving b.ere on the 3rd of June for Southern Al- berta, on a prospecting tour. -Quite a number of the Oddfellows, of Hensel]. lodge, No. 223, acceptecl an invitation on Tuesday evening last, to attend a banquet given by their sister lodge of Liman, and report having spent a very pleasant time, being right royally en- tertained. -Miss Ethel Murdock was in Lucan pn Tuesday and Wednesday visiting relatives. -Very much inter- est is being inanifestecl here over the approaching election, -john Humes - ten, of Manitoba, is visitingrelatives and frii ends in Hensall and vcinity, • resulting . to any pare af the school MAY 22, 1902 Addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clinton ; Rev. Hamil- ton, of Goclerich ; Rey, Sawyers, of 13rucefield ; Rev, Davidson, of Varna, and Yelland and McNeil, of Bayeeld. The. history and progress ot the church was read by Rev. McNeil, and a copy placed in the corner stone together with severalether papers of imi importance. Miss Gbson was made the present of the handsome silver trowel, which was used for the oeca,sion. The choir rendered sorne fine selections, also Mrs. Baldwin, of Seeforth, sang a solo, after whieh a collection was taken up Mounting to thirty dollars-- Thos. Lankie of the New Era office Clinton, was in town on Monday last. - rehe Smith is in Toronto this week on business.- Mrs, McPherson: and Mrs Lawyer Bt,done, of Clinton, were present at the laying of the corner stone, on Monday last, --Mrs. Rathwell, Miss Addle Rath - well and Frank Willis were in town on Monday last, Mr. Harry Ellber spoke in the Hall here, on Wednes- day night last, assisted by 13, B. Gunn, of Seafortb. There was a large audience present. everything passed off pleasauely. EvIyri Hickie, of Brucefield has engaged with Mrs. Murray, of the Queen's hotel here. for the sumener.-Henry Darrah has par - chased the Commercial Hotel from R. Bailey, and takes possession on Ist -June. He gets six months license. Harry is a good. business fellow, and intends making a lot of improvements en the house and stables this sunsmer. --Don't forget Mu of May, at Bay- field, foot Ball match at 9 o'clock a. tri., Bicycle Races in the afternoon. Everybody come and. enjoy a pleas- ant day at the lake. -Chas. Card left for Toronto, on Tuesday last, where he has secured a position in a store there. -We expect to see a hot game of foot bell, on 21th, between Varna and Bayfield, to be played here. -- Lindsay Bros, have just finished burn- ing a fine Kilrn of line, and have taken a contract from the claurcb comraittee of furnishing the lime for the brick work. -We are sorry to state that Flossie McGee still remains very low and slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. -- Sandy Manson, and wife, and Miss Katie Manson, of Blake, attended the laying of the corner stone on Monday last.- Mr. Wallace Irwin and Miss Etta Twit- chell, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town.- Mrs. Blase and Miss Mary Walwin left for the Soo, on Satur- day last by boat from Goderich. Mrs. Blair iutends snending the summer with her two daughter, who are liv- ing there.- Messrs. William Wa,ms- ley, Fred Atwood and John Sharp lefe on Thersday tor the Sault the latter intends taking up a farm there.- --Messrs. Murdock Ross, John Toms, and Louie McLeod leave for Sarnia, where they intend fishing this sum- mer. Exeter Municipal Council. e, Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, May 19th. AB present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. 'Wood-Hardiag-That the follow- ing accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for same :-James Murray, gas pipe: $1.60; James Taylor, labor, 62c.-Clarried. Muir -Harding- That a by-law be • prepared prohibiting the running at 'large of more -than two cows -belqng- ing to one ratepayer. -Carried. Davis -Muir -That the Clerk ask for painting and kalsomining Town Hall. -Oarried. Wood -Harding -That- council ad- journ to meet at eatl of I eeve.- ar- ried. GEO, H. BISSETT, Clerk. Exeter Public School Board. Minutes of meeeing held in the Town. Hall, May 10th, at 8 p. in. Absent H. Huston. The following is the order of busi- ness duly submitted and approved, Per Chairman minutes of previous meeting. Per Union corn., that the required urinal had been constructed and prop- er drainage secured, at it cost of fifty- five dollars. e Per Secretary that the balance of the H. S. and N. B. fees were in a fair way of being secured without trouble. Per R. N. Rowe and W. Carling, that the following account be paid, J. Grigg, school supplies $15.34. Per J. Senior and W. Trevethick, that the following suggestion be held under consideration until the next, meeting of elle Board and also as a notice of motion :--That whereas the property adjoining the school property to the south being available and free of buildings thereon. That this Board urge upon the village council, the desirability of purchasing the said properey, and. recreation geouncls for the village, and further that this Board place a turnstile on the north side of the ease play grounds at pres- ent used by the boys, and suitable openings through the fence on the smith side oe the same to achnie per- sons a t all times other than when the school is in session. Provided, how- ever, that no person be allowed on the origittal play grounds surroutidieg the school without permission of the Principal or Caretaker of theschool, audfurther, that Action be taken by the Board to recover for all damages Bayfield. Banies.-The corner stone of the Presbyterian church was laid on Mon- day lase, at two o'clock P. M. The afternoon being en° a large crowd assembled. The honor of laying the stone WAS given to Miss Kate Gibson, of Toronto, who was quite eapable of the position. Her father, the late Hamilton Gibson, was the fiese preacher in the old church tiovir in use. ro ert in aluation ctt the ri ile es pp v p v g afforded by this proposed resolution. Per W. J. Carling, adjournment, 3. R1GG, Seereary. The Rev, 3. G. Shearer, Secretary of the Lord's Day Allia,neee delivered a very interesting address in the Main Se. Methodist chureh last Sunday evening, after the usual evening set - vice, a large congregation had assetne bled from the differetat churches, to hear him. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Cuba is now a Republic. Mr, john Atkinson sold his driver to Mr, F. 0. McDcinell, of Hensall. Mr. Will Hawksba,w, Jr., traveller, spent last Sunday at his home here, Messrs, Will Wilson and Abe Ches- ney, spent Sunday at the latter's home in Hensel]. Dr. Rollins is puttine us) a new fence in front of his residence on Anclreve street. Mrs R T. johns. Elimville is Visit- ing her brother, Geo. Miners, Huron street, for a few days. Mr. Freeman Talbot, of "The Gore" Visited with his brother, Will L. Tale bot, here, over Sunday. Mr. B. S. O'Neil and C. C. Tremaine are in Toronto this week, combining business with pleasure. Mr, Harey Browning has success- fullypast his 1st year examinationeat Trinity Medical Oollege, Toronto. Mr. E, Beech and hie fattier, Mr. X. Beech, of Watford, were in town this week ita the interest of Mining Scocks. Mrs. hs. Willie and Mee Geo. Willis attended the wedding yesterday, of Mr. Frank Willis to Miss May Mor- gan of Forest. Miss Lena Froward is visiting friends in Se Marys, also attending the wedding of leer cousin Miss Lottie Jefferson to Mr. Miles, of Brantford. Messrs. Thos. Ogden and Geo. Crow- ley, of Luau, have purchased the livery outfit of Win. Snell, who, ow- ing to ill health is retiring from busi- ness. They take possession on Mon- day. • The Sovereign Bank of Canada, has leased the building recently erected by Mr. Thos. Fitton, and is lia,ving it remodeled and fitted up with all mod- ern conveniences. Theyswill open up shortly. The Exeter District meeting of the Methodist *church, was held, at Oen- tralia oia Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Addresses were given by Rev. C. W. Brown, of Exeter, and Rev. Geo. Cobbledick, of Parkhill. • On Tuesday evening last a number of Oddfellows of Exeter Lodge, No. 67, drove to _Lucien to visit the lodge there and withess them confer the third degree. They were given a supper and entertained with speeches, songs, etc, All report a pleasant time. The Berlin News, referring to the. racket in some towns and cities over the celebration of the coming holiday, says: "Let the whole people observe the holiday in the most befitting man- -nee, and keep the memory QS oneeve love fresh in our minds." Mr. Frank Willis, of Forest, son of our townsman, Mr. Tas. Willis, was married: in Forest, on Wednesday, Mey 21st, to Miss May elorga,n, an es- timable young lady of that place. They will reside in Forest, where Mr. Willis has a well- established photo- graph studio. Frank's many friends here join with the • TIMES in emigre,- tulations. Hensall L. 0. L.,No, 733, held a veiy successful Arch meeting in their lodge room Heinen, on Thursday evening, May 15, There were present brethren from Exeter, Centralia and Lucan. After considerable time was spent in initiation, speeches, etc, all partook ot an excellent luncheon prepared by brother Foss in his neat and commod- ious lunch parlor. After all had clone justice to the many dainties prepared, they departed to their homes appreci- ating the kind hospitality shown them by the Hensel). brethren. ( SWEEP -THEM OUT. George Midgely, principal of Lamb - ton Mills Public School, writes the World criticizing the education sys- tem of the Province (If Ontario. He says that his reasons for "sweeping out of the Governmene these political educators" are : 1. They have been in too long and consequently becrue dormant to the best Interests ot our country. 2. They are a family compact close- ly alliecl for selfish interests 3. The educational system under their control has become almost no system. 4. Every text book complied by a Grit (and the one that cap give the most Ald to election campeigns) is aothorized, irrespective of it being a required book or not. 5, The text books ate at exorbitant prices to feather the nests of the con - broilers and the ever changing curri- culum a Means for the authorizing of fresh books to drain money for the consolidation of the Grit party. "In closing I might say that I never took any interest in the provincial elections before, but, finding to my sorrow the most glaring evils in the present party in power, I would earn- estly appeal to all interested in educa- tion to weigh this matter thoughtfully and I am sure you canent fail to see some of these evils resulting from the present ROEIS Governin en t." eaes--ast Lirand Military Event, The city of Wiudsor, Ont., is to cele- brate Victoria Day on the 245h and 261.h in right royal style. The 48th Highlanders (the kilted regiment) of Toronto, the 21st, Essex Fusiliers.k and other troops will take part.. Suitable military events, games, sports, pire music, eug-of-war, etc, will be iadulg- ed in. The city of Windsor will see a big crowd on that day. Special rates on all railroads. THE YUKON TELEGRAPH PION IC. Von. de Israel Talettes getterosity to his employes geows on one, as the Auditor General's report of last year is perused. Good cigars, unimpeaeke able liquors and the blest expensive JOHN WRITE & SONS Itteboinfgf uwrnertinflenPrortliewn lenienteciabtreriletill ee ARGAIN bawl that construeted the Yukon I telegraph lines. A plush couch, bed. room suite, carpets, etc., were suppli- ed to one official, Some further charg- es for clothing for officials are append- ed ; 120 naive of boots at $3.75. $450.00 20 " 9.00. 180,00 13 " 'c. &00. 104.00 23 " " 0,50, 149,50 7 .' " 5.00. 35.00 10 doz, p,. moccasins 33,00, 330,00 5 " rubbers at 21.00. 120.00 These items appear in the statement ot expenditure on the line from Ques- nelle to AM:), B, 0. The charges for footwear for Mr. Tarte'e ofnicials have been added to the pablic debt of the country. SENATE RESTRICT IMMI- GRATION. It remained for the Senate to take definite steps to restrict immigration to Canada. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, throughout the entire session just broughe to a close, refused to take steps to prevent diseased immigrants from corning to or remaining he Cate- ada. Not even the dumping on Can- adian soil, of persons, who were re- fused admission to the United States by representatives of that country, moved the Canadian authorities to action. The Senate, when theyre- ceived a bill amending the Inamigra- tion Act, at once incorporated amend - meets, which had been unsuccessfully urged in the Commons by members of the opposition. In their mad rush to secure immigrants the government have neglected the safety of those al- ready domiciled in Canada. Under the new regulations the danger from introdiection of disease will be averted in a small measure at least. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. TO, W,Grove's signature is on each box. 25o 40 ONTARIO CONSERVATIVE ASSO- CIATION. The association deem it proper to call your attention to the fact that since the last Ontario General Election and bye -elections the Ontario Election Act has been arnended ia several im- portant particulars, notably the fol- lowing : "A. Every person who gives a bribe shall on conviction incur a pen- alty of $200,00, and shall also be im- prisoned for a terra of six months, 4' with or without hard labor, • B. Every person who takes a, bribe 0 ce, . , e For the Roimay Season 1.--Lemens, nice juiey ones, e dozen for 25c. • ,-An imperial quart bottle Boweees Saperior Mostard Pickles, regular e5e for 15. 3,-Caelneel Corn, 4 cans for 25c. 4. -Aa Imperial Pint Bottle of Pure Castor Oil for 12ec. MUSLIM 0 0 BtfiROfillS8 113 1 -New black and white 'Muslin, in stripes of alternate blaek and white reisect dots. The latest creatioa of fashion's fancy', and only 17e a yard. 2. -New Pink Muslin, having that much desired baby eilobon effect altercating with loose open work. Everyone buys lb at first sight for 25e a yard, 3, --Very new White Muslin. in many patterns and effects, 3 prices, 10c, • 150 and 20e, and every price a, ' bargain, Dela overlook our ANOY ARES F, INE ANDIES ..A.ND IRE BACKERS. A little higher than "highest prices" for Batter and Eggs, T. ariton oi5esceesseseeeess*******se • e 6 I (TAO' s Bazaar; , . . . . . . e * e o a FOR THIS WEEK 41 • • • 1 Firecrackers I . . . . ip ID RA tas 1 . . . 8 0 e e co to * e shall in the diseretion of the trial judges lee liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months,with or without hard labor, oe to it penalty of not more than $200,00, or to both. C. A person who procures an ap- 9 f?" pointmant as deputy -returning officer f I k -grecrackers ee _ e by false pretense, cr other improper al' ID means or who acts as depuby-return. * 0 ing officer without lawful authority, 8 et incurs a penalty of $400.00, and shall 0 4e 6' also on conviction be imprisoned for a, 0 e * terra of one year, with or without e I 0 ": Bazaar. hard labor. 6 0 • 0 D. Any deputy -returning officer or 6 riatcaionas poll clerk who wilfully miscounts the ballots (eg. switches ballots) or other- wise makes a' false state of the result is guilty of an offence and incurs a penalty of $200.00 Section 191 provides that no person shale fraudulently deface or fraudulent- ly destroy any ballot paper, or fraudu- lently put into a ballot, box any _paper, other than the ballot paper which he is authorized by law to put in, and any person guilty thereof is liable to im- prisonment for one year, with or with- out hard labor." The association is desirous of pre- venting bribery and other offences against the Election Act, and will try to see that the electors' ballots should be fairly counted for the candidate for whom they may in fact have been marked. For this purpose a number of detectives are., being seri, out. If you require antin your Riding the Association wilt etry to meet your wishes. Any siiggestions thee you • 0 0 a Wedding Presents a Specialty. ti se se teeveceee00000000e04900000000 may think proper to offer in respect of carrying out the above matters will be gladly welcomed, The Association, above all, desires a clean election, ani should any of the suggested breaches of the Election Ace occur and satisfactory evidenee thereof be forthcoming, the Associa- tion is prepared to spend a large sum of M011ey to bring to justice the guilty parties, and asks your assistance and co-operation in these matters. Yours truly, E. B. OSLER, EDMUND BRISTOL, President. Hon. Secretary wrap TEM COMB. AND WORK OFF THE COLD. Laxative Dromo-Quinine Tablets cure a old in one ay, No aura, No ay. Price 25 nt Stores will he Closed orl May 24Itlif ther Nies Get ahead of the flies by put ting up early in the season -SCREEN DOORS -AND WIN ID 0 WS We have them in all sizes. LA IN WERS The Best Canadian and American Makes from $3.25 up. orkraiworummverremnitnettniettra.. 'ersparatom00.;4*,fiir.minn.eiralatix.orse001040.101,10000 Ready 1xd Paints, urale Use the Best. Elephant and For finishing Wall, and Ceit. Jewel are the Best. Inas in 17 shades and tints. W HE/WAN ex.e'rek. Eavetroughing, Etc., a Speciality.