HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-15, Page 5"Credit lost is like a broken glass.' It's Makers dare.not discredit what cost so mtich to establish, :4""" The wide repot- 'ation, and standard value of— 'The Slater Shoe" , J', SPACEMAN. General Agent; General News. Manywill beaorry to learn that our friend Rev. Peter Straithi of Innerkip, The 'Colors Produced by the pia - the Ontario Government AA one roll - lion dollars for good roads, It le cora- plained that for every dollar the Gov- ernment gives, the municipality re- ceiving it Mast give two donee's, and, surely, eays ene critic, the people of a county cannot consider that au. advan- tage. If the Government sheuld offer to pay one-third the CO4 of asphaltitg the streets a this city,•how loog wpuld it take the people to decide that there was some 'advantage in it That million dollar grant vvill helpan- terpising manieipalities to get good roads at one-third less thao cost, and once the benefits of good roads are felt people will know that bad roads fire a • heavy burden on any country—a detri- ment to businese, a serious injury to land values, and a vast •source of dis- comfora—Toronto Star, The Colors Produced . by the DIAMOND RYgS Are'Admired by All Who Have a Taste for Color Beauty. recently suffered the first stroke of paralysis which .affected his left side ; he is hardly yet, recovered but is ha- , proving which his friends will be glad • toheat. •- The Palmerston Reporter and the Spectator of the same Owe have am- algamated, One, paper is snifteient for a town like Palmerston, ,and the naove ia a good one. - We regret to bear that ill -health was the cause a Mr. Smith disposing of,the `Reporter, •' For Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains, Chapped Rhemnatism; Stiff' • Joints, Burns, Scalds, Bites of Insects, Creep, sloughs. Colds, Bagyardt Yellow Oil will be found an • excel- lent remedy. Price 25 cents, All • dealers. • The ley -law graeating a loan of $150,- al0"to the Futniture Co., was voted on •4.Bracebridge on Monday, and. was carried almost without opposition, there tieing only a few -votes against it. Bragebridge is favorably located fo• r the furniture business and has electric eal'' great waste in the Galt, Wa..ter- Works putzlerthe • authorities, but fin- ally a 'leak was found through which 100,000 gallons escapeddaily, reachipg • the 'Ayer through an old tile drain. This has been going on. for years, says a local paper, causing a loss to the town of about $30 a day. It is with deep regret • that we- an- nounce the death of M. H. ,Hanamoild, of Oakville, • Grand Trunk .Agent. For the past year he had been confih- ed to his home with that dreadful alady, consumption, lent on Taes. ay death relieved him of his suffer- ing. 'Interment took place in Tara, on Sunday la.st.' There will be no" spring camps. this • year. What with the fourth African drafts and the men who will go to the eon:elation, the permanent will be sadly depleted of instructors. More- over, there will be no major -general •rommnuding to do the inspecting: ,fien. O'Grady-Haly leaves Canada ear- '• fIr in the month, and Lord Dundotald does not take command-qintil the be- ginning of ,July. The camps will, not therefore he -held until September. Warnings have been sent out by the state cornnaissioners of agriculture • all over the northern and eastern parts of the United States relative to the great swarrn of seventeen-year lo- custs which is due to putin an appear- ance next month. After sleeping • un- -der -ground for nearlytwo decades the Insects will come out in May in enor- mous numbers and fruit growers es- pecially will have reason to fear for the safety of their trees in conse- quence of their visitation. Thatruce Fruit Growers' Associa- tion reccmmend that to get rid of the• eralin moth, aaa band of coarse •can- vas (coffee -bag for exemple) be placed around the trunk of each tree 'about the )5th of June era removed fifteen Bays latex mid the 'moths destroyed. 'The bands Sgain put on and removed on 15th of July and the moths destroy ea, after which the bands can be put on and l'eft antil fall," Delegates from local breaches of the Associa- tion are -to Meet in Lucknow, June 150, to form a district -organization. . . Attempts areebeing made in several directions to cry down the granting by 1412496 willoutwear two pairs of common rubbers. For t h r dee years we have proved that with , you4cart stub Wit0 ° your ft) o t ft. ion cannot stub the rubbers. '6 genuine stampod upen the sole of each rubber with our copy- • ighted natne do not allow yonrself to be de ceived by imitations. Pad'stEATHER TOP the best Ott the tnarket, 6 -inch, 9einch and 1.2.-itteh tops, with Rolled Ede and. Heels. They • are carried in stook and your • deader cab order them for you. ?sac ee Ana Jo RING Cu., Limited have exclusive 001/ltr01 of all thabbore mend Dyes on all wool, united goods and all totton goods are admired by` all ladies who have a taste for color beauty: There is a depth, fulness and richness in Diamond Dyes colore that manufacturers of other home, dyes have' never been able to -produce. Garments and materials dyed with the Diamond show clear, and perfect colors that stand feat as long as the goods hold together. Colors prodaced by the common package dyes are dull, muddy arid streaked, giving fall prooft of adulterations and worthless color- ing ingredients. When it is generally understood -that Diamond Dyes with all their superior qualities and a guar- antee of perfect work, are sold at the E48,13203 price as the poorly prepared dyes, it will be a clifacult undertak- ing to find a veoraan who will risk her goods with the dangerous adulterations put up in imitation of the Diamond Dyes. • • • Send your address OlI a Post Card, to The WellsakRichardson Co.aLitnited, 200 IVIountain St., Montreal, P. Q., and you will receive postpa,id full range of • designs in the new Diamond Dye Mat and 'Rug Patterns, • THE WEEK IN PARLIAMENT. Parliament has had a busy week. Morning sessions were held and a large amount of business was put thrctrigh, The government we're authorized to borrow $15,000,000. • Several arrrendment were made to the act respecting the p'acking of fruit. A. F. McLaren introduced a resold - tion favoring prompt action by the government in respect to transporta- tion, He called attention to the way this important question had. been neg- lected, His motion was defeated by a straight party vote of 93 to 43. Hon. A. G. Blair admitted •that be had given a contract without tender for the construction of a large section of the Prince Edward Island Railway. Hon. J. Israel Tarte laid down the policy at his department as being for' the Liberal party first and the coun- try second. •— The Minister of Finance laid on the table supplementary estimates am- ounting to $5,639,301.79. ' Dr. Roddick's bill, to provide for the establishuient of The Medical Council of Canada, passed its third reading. A New Brunswick Lady :Who • Had Become a Physical • Wreck is Marvellous- - ly Restored. She Would Have the Whole World KnoW That Paine's Celery Compound Was Her Deliverer From Disease. A.' • Special Message of Odrufort .6'or Sick and Despondent Woxiien., Ten years of suffering from treach- erous kidney disease is of itself a heavy record of eickness and agony for one • frail woman. When we add to kidney suffering nervousness, sleeplessness. • and continued overwork in the home, it marks a condition in life that -draws for our tenderesb and deepest sym- pathies. Such a condition of life was bringing Mrs. W. Irvine, of Qaeen St.,St. John, N. B., very close to the dark grave. Notwithstanding the regular use of cartun on advertised remedies and doc- tor's advertised prescriptions, the rav- ages of disease continued, and friends of Mrs. Irvine said with sad voices, "she was going fast to death.” Just before deadly disease meld fin- ish its work, tae use of that wondrous lite -giver, Paine's Celery Compound, was recommended. Soon, • hope—a new hope—cheered ; the sad heart mad brightened hp the pallid face. A powerful, searching, lifegivieg egent •was working at the root or the disease. It .was making new blood; it was nourishing and strengthening the nerves and body; it was saying a prec- ious life. " , Take comfort and cheer, ye weary, sick and diseased women, from Mrs. Irvine's eXperienee. The remedy that successfully met and conquered her troubles, will, without fail, meet your ease.' Mrs. Irvine speaks of her case as follovvs : • • "I letve been troubled for the past Lee yeties with kidney disease and bavie tried a great many preparations and dectoe'e prescriptions, but with little ot no benefit, For the laeb tx MOO thS i base had a great strain upon my syStero from night-wa,tching and overwork, I was breaking down ; py friends said, ".1 was going fast to death," I resolved to try Paene'e 01 lery COmpOuncl, aud used fear liotales. My kidney troubles diSappeared ; ner- volisneseands lee plessness are troubles Of the:.pasft am" my,. general I,,e Li -til is good, tu a worn, t au) • Ctit•eci • I Wish you to pithliS11 this So that, the ' Wed'id can read it." SL PIERRE DISASTER A More Colierant,Account Of the Awful Catastrophe, FULLY 80 000 LOST THEIR LIVES What the Deielate cite Looks Like-- Avvfol Sight: that Mot the Gaza *X 1tesene1's—Xiescrlptieas of the katal • Poet nruption bi enrviVore From the 3Iodorn Pompeii—Relief • • Dein; sent. Fort de France, Islana 'of Martin - May 13. --It now deems to be generally aderlitted, that about . 30- 000. Persons lost theig lieres -as a re- sult of the outbreak of the" Mont Pc-' lee volcano, at St. Pierre, on.Thurs- day last'. Baldry put, last' Thursday morn - log the city of St. Pierre disappear- ed within 10 minutes in .a whirliog cyclone of fire vomited, from Mont Pe- lee; thirty thousand persons were instantly- and hcirribly killed, and the . . • voleario, whose, ancient crater had been oecupled. by a . quiet lake, in •„Which, picnie parties,. bathed, su'dclen- „AY' discharged a, torrent of fiery mud, :eithieh rolled towards the 'sea,, engulf - :ink ,everything. before it. Then the •jot. . of . cable •cenefounication was letr¢ken, and the doomed city was iso- • Wed from th "world The eon -inlander of the French cruis- er Stichet gave the Atherican consul At Guadeloupe, Louie H. Ayme, the • first news Of -the appalling' disaster the day after it occurred. Mr, AYnlo has reached the desolate spot, where S.t...••Pierre stood, and confirms the awful story in all its essential fee,- • itires. From an interview with Col.' Ayine, who is a trained American newspaper.. man, a correspondent • learned thefollowing facts regardiUg the destruction of St. Pierre: ..• , • Thursday - morning fotind the in- habitants. of , that city anxiously leoleing— -towards the ‚thick clouds ahroudiug the .Mont Pelee, crater. Al]. day Wednesday horrid detooations ,had been heard. - 'geese had been. - echoed froin St. Thomas on the north te) Barbadoes on the south. • During tho. night. of Wednesday these . had ,teased, „and only fine ashes; like rain, fell on St. Pierre. As this continu- ed, the governor, Dr, Mouttqt, 'who was then at 'Fbrt, de France, tried to stop the panic which the velcanic disturbance caused. He declared the , dangerwould not increase e seat. a de- tagbment of soldiers to preVent a general exodus of the inhabitants, and laSer went to St. Pierre himself with nue wife. The 13ritish steanter Roraima ar- rived' at St. Pierre soine time after - Wards; with 10 passengers, amcnig when). was Mrs. Stokes and her three children and lrs. Jainee. They were all waldhing the ramn. of ashes, When, with a frightful roarand terrific -eleCe trio discharges, a cyclone of fire, mud and steamswept down from the crater over the town and bay, de- stroyitig a lleet of vessels at anchor of/ the, shore. There the stories stop: Only twelve survivors -are in the military hosPital at Fort de France, •whilethirty thousand corpses are direwn about or buried in, the ruins of St. Pierre, or else floating, gnaw- ed by 'sharks,. in the surrounding seas. Twenty-eight charred, half dead human beiugs were brought hero. Sixteea of them are already dead and only four. others are ex- pected to recover. On the Scene of Desointlors,” The Associated Press steamer char- tered in Guadeloupe, reached Martin- ' lque at 6.30 Supday morning. Enor- ratios- quantities of the wredkage of • large and Small ships and houses were met with. Huge trees, floating -.bodies,' with -flocks. .ot sea gulls soar - Ing above and hideous sharks light- ing about them, were found here and there. From behind the 'volcanic veil - came blasts of hot \bind, mingled With -others,' ice 'cold. At Le Pre- cheur, five miles north ,of St. Pierre, canoes' filled with men and women, frantic to it•et awast. Children Cry for CASTORIA. Welive,by our blood, and on k. We thrive or starve, as . our blood is rich or poor. There is nothingelse to live on or by. .When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re- freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind; with con- tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. • When weak, in law spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest • is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor ;. there is. little nutri- ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again—man woman and, , yott have tot triedlt,, send for free sample, its agreeable taste wilt vtrprise yeti. SoOTT,& 9.07140110P110$ Ttil'oitta 5OC. and $x.00; all &utast* TJJJ T1iB VA. erno venom nes% enc cot the ;steno was covered With le silver .grey Coat- ing of eel.= resembling dirty snow. Iettri011e blasts of lire, aShes and mud swept over the steamer, but, finallY, St. Pierre was readied. ',The sand - covered IrilIs were lionlied by the still smoking- volcano.' The ruins Were. still barnieg in meny places, auti frightful odors of burned flesh flhlb the air, With great difficulty a, bailing Was effected Not one house was left intact,. Everywhere were vis- cid heaps of mud, of brighter ashes, or piles of volcanie st,orieS. ,The streets could hardly' be traced. Ebro and there amid the ruins were heaps a corpses almost all tho faces were downwards. In one corner 28 men, women and children were mingled in ene awful maas, arms and legs pro- truding as the hapless beings fell in the last struggle of death's agony. Careful inspeetion showed 1 hat the fiery stream which so completely de- stroyed St. Pierre must have been composed of Poisonous iffli SOS which ...instantly suffocated everyone who in- haled them, and of other gases burn - ng furiously, for nearly all the vic- tims hail their' hands covering their. Mouths pr were in some other atti- tude si; end ng they had sought relief from suffocation, A11 the bodies were carbonized or r,oas ech ,A. G. Austen, the manager of the Colonial Bank of Barbadoes, landed at S. Pierre with a party from the BritiSh Royal' Mail steamer 'Solent, He famed the. bank clock; topped at • some minutes before 8 o'clock. • ' The stories of .the .survivors added to the awfot details, of the particul- arly hareowing account of the loss of the British steamer Rorainia. •C. C. Evans of Montreal and John 0. Morris of New 'Voile, who are now at the military hospital of Fort de France, pay the vessel_ arrived at 6. As 8 bells was struck a, frightful ex- plosion was, heard up the mountain. A cloud of fire, toppling and roaring, swept with lightning, speed down the mountain side and over the town and bay. ,The Roraima was nearly sunk, and caught Are at once. oUtreal.i's Story. "1 never can forget the horrid, fiery "I never caia forget the horrid, fiery, choking whirlwind which en- veloped nee, " ' said Mr. Evans. "Mr. Morris an.d I rushed below. We were not very badly burned, not so bad as most of them. • When the fire came we were going to our posts (we are engineers) to weigh anchor and get out. 'When we came up we found the ship aU afire aft, and fought. it for- ward until 3 o'clock,when the Such - et came to our rescue. We were then ein :raft." "Ben" Benson, the carpenter of the Roraima,- said: "I was on deck amid- ships, when I heard an explosion. The captain ordered ,ine to up - an- chor. I got to the windlass, but when . the fire came L went to the forecastle and got my duds. When I came out I talked to Mr. Capt. Mug- gah, Abe Scott, the first officer and others. They had been on the bridge. The captain was, horribly burned. He had inhaled flames, and Wanted to jump into the sea.' I tried to make him 'a life preserver. The captain, who was undressed, , jumped • over - hoard, and, hung oa to a line for a. while. Then he -disappeared." • , Linder, the quartermaster of the steamer, who is horribly burn- ed and can scarcely talk; confirms this. • Laded Onq Five Minutes. Francisco Angelo, who speaks poor Eug-lish, vividly described the on -rush of the fire. He Says the cap- taiji was a very brave man, . to brave to die burned up. Angelo fur- ther asserted that the storm of fire lasted not more than five minutes. Joseph Deckles, a seaman, who is 50 years old and is so frightfully burned that he cannot live, having inhaled flame, said that he was the last in.an to see • the captain, who was trying to reach a floating mat- tress. Other men of the Roraima who were rescued are. Salvador Aiello and Joseph Susino. From. the ,Italian ship Teresa Lo - vice several men were saved; but they are in a frightful state, except Jean Louie Prudent of St. Pierre. - Although on deck and unProtected, he was little burned. Prudent Says • there was first an awful. noise of ex- plosion, and then right away a cy- clone of smoke and fire, but such was the awful, poisonous, choking nature of the smoke that it burned • worse than the - fire. When it struck people they fell dead. The cyclone of gas tore the masts out of ships, blew others up and sunk • some of them.. Soon afterwards came a wave of fire bigge.r ,than the smoke clouds. Military rule is established' in the town to prevent vandals, from work- ing. Such property as has not been destroyed will be protected. One of the • great taisforturies arises 'from the fact that the storehouses of provi- sions have been swept out of exist- ence. • Martinique must depend upori the chef ltY of the world to prevent a fooSi famine. , Already food is ex- hausted at Fort 'de France, which has been, over -Tun by. the refugees froni the country. rofelt A ;roil 111' Years. ''St. johp, N.B., May 13.—Wor4 was received last night or the death, at St. Martins, N.B. on Friday night of James Ross, who was 111. years old. To Succeed lir . ticker. Ottawa, May 18.—Rev. Thurlow Fraser hits accepted the call to mis- sionary work in Formosa as succes- sor to ehe late Dr. Mackay,: • struck by a Street• Otar. lefootreal, May 13.—Ne1l1e Bach- man, 8 years of age, the little clexighter of Hymen Baehman, was killed by a Montreal Street Railway car yesterday. 0.1' It. Earnided., •'Montreal, May 13 --Tho Grand Trunk nanwty.Plystou earnings, May 1 'tc; /:t9Oit, $801,585; 1901, $513,- 222; Increase, 388,043. DR. W H CRAHAMiingSt. West 'oat() of 198 0 • No. 1 Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture or Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and an bad after effects. Diseases of IWomen-4-Peinf11l, pr2nse or sUppressed menstruation, uleeration, leueorrhoea aud all dieplacemeots of the womb. ()larva Houns-9 a, m. to 8 p. rn. Sunday 1 to 3p. • DISASTROUS EXPLOSION. so Speetatets et a,fle Killed and Vie , Moro 3+111 ble Trammed:. Iajuries et 4itteberg. Pittsburg, Pee, May 13 .---The Sher- aden yards of the Panhandle B. n. was the scene this evening of ono of the most disastrous explosions and fires anoWn in this section for many yeatigi* A, score of lives were lost and about 200 persons were so badly burned that, according to the judg- ment of 'Physicians in atten,denee, 75 psr cent. of them will die from the effects or their- injuries. The cause of the catastrophe was the explosion of train of naptha cars. Much of the escaping naptha ran through Cork's Bun to ltsplen Bor- ough, a distance of one and a half miles, and caused` another explosions blowing to atoms the Seymour Ho- tel and the Collins House on River road, and badly wrecking a frame buildind nearby, in which were " con- gregate% 200 or more sports from Pittsburg and vicinity, betting on the races, baseball, etc. Few of the occupants of this building escaped in - From the Late Get Howard. - Toronto, May 13.—A short tiro.e prior to his departure for South Africa, Major Gat Howard instruct- ed a well imown Ottawa artist to eX- ecute three paintiogs of himself, to bepresented to the Royal Grenadiers of this city, the 43rd Ilattaltion of Ottawit and the 901h Battalion of Whinipeg. • The portrait presented to the Roy- al Grenadiers was unveiled last night at the • seventeenth animal 13atoche dinner of the officers of the regiinent, holt:lain the officers' mess at the. Ar- mouries.. Saw Condor in MI:tress. Victoria, B.C., May 13—Robert • Marshall, a boat puller on the schooner Mary Taylor, one of the sealing schooners which has not yet returned to port, in a letter to Et friend here, says, referring to the loss of the • sloop -of -war Condor, which went doien in a gale off Cape Flat- tery in December last. ,One of the schooners saw her in. distress, liut could not get near her. She was fir- ing guns and lire -rockets. Aeronaut Severo as Killed. Fails, May 13,—The death of Sen- hor Severe. the Brazilian aeronaut, • who, with, an assistant, was Yesterday morning by the 'expl osioir of his airship, La Paix, in Which he - was making a trial trip, created ter- rible consternation. His wife ' wit- nessed the accident. ....m•Mor-•••=11M...,,....1•1•116M.410nRISTOWIZIemo OPINION OF LEADING PHTSICIANS 1 have been prescribing Strong's' Pilekone for the ILIA eight years, and have had. better success with them than with all other means. War. WOODRUFF, M. D„ London, Ont. Px•ice $1.00. For sale by druggists, er by mail op receipt of price. W. T. •STRONG, - Manufacturing Chemist. London, Ontario: , INSURANCE. ERF.1131% B1014.10T, Ageo for the WESTERN 4.0SIMIANCE COM RANT, of Toronto; also for the PliCfNIZ FIRS 5EltlItA11111/. ,001,4PANT, of London, England.; Ase 'same INstreteNcas Coanteeir, of Ere and MEDICAL DR. J. H. EWERS, M. B. TORONTO UNI- - VERSITY, 51. 1). O. M. Trinity Univer- itY. Oftice—Orediton, Chat, Pianos anc! rgans. At popular prices and easy terms of paymenti We sell the celebrated Heitz man & Co. Pianos, (the Art Pianos of Canada.) The choice of Royalty for their tour cf Can- ada.. If you want something cheap- • er we can show you . pianos' of • oth er makes which Will be no dis grace to the most elegant parlor, • In sewing machines we carry the New Williams, liayrnond arad White, also needles and supplies ,1.Vp..s13B ,ardialiatielViot!4rLais.ttie.rs(14 forTahllmelaatecshtineshs. e andeet music alwaY1 cflicresidence, Dominion Lahore - tory, Exeter, in stock, Call and see. IEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers,. Solicitors, Notaries, ConVeyencers, Comnussioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Etc. • 1VIcatey to I,oan ateoveest rates of interest. OFFICE STREET, !EXETER.' 0.11, CARLING. S. Z. Z. DICKSON p W. MADMAN (successor to Elliott & Gladman) Brister, Solicitor, 'Antal Public, Conveyancer, Etc, , Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXRTER DENTAL *ell. Eft' avf-ti'.I'.' itNi-Rif.'2,). v. S. D. D S., Honor Graduate ' of Tercet° University, Dentist. Teeth extracted -without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan- • eon's block. West side of Main treet, Exeter* D.A. ANDERSON, (11. D. S. L,D.S. DENTIST. Bonor Graduate of the Toronto University -tnd Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honoes Also Post -graduate of gifrtsiSecilitnoltgri. Prosthetic , Dentistry (with ' Everything knownte the Dental Profession donein this asffice. Bridge work, crowns, a - itiminum,gpla and volcanite plates all ,done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic vsed for painless extrac- Office one door south. of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. jr oR SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN EXETER—We offer for sale en reasonable terms, that very desirable residentialpropert9 known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No. 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. 'I here is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling also the necessary outhouses. The house is In good re- pair and has 9 rooms. Tte lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or trait growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply, of hard and soft water, The property is up to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to DICKSON Se Caliente barristers Exeter, or to A. E. HOOFER. flew P. 0„ Penne, U. S A., proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Martha, Isabella Manning, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 189, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Martha I. Man- ning, who died on or about the 1th day of February, A. D., 190, are required to send or deliver on or before the 15th day of May1002, to R.Z.Nanningt Clinton, Ont. or to Samuel Peart, Marden, Ont., the Executors, their names, addresses and occupations, with par- ticulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them. duly certified. And that after the 15th day o May the said executors will proceed to dis- • tribute the assets of the said deceased the ar entitled Iteretioi ELD and Garden Seeds _ We have just reeeived a nicely assorted lot of Field and Garden seeds from the D. M. Ferry and the Steele Briggs seed houses. These ate fresh, new goods—to us et least, and lower in price than last year. We think these people offer seed true to name and excellent in ,quality. We will be pleased to have a part of your trade and will appreciate yoUrzood will. We shall shortly haVe a quantity. of seed corn to We are .1 selling- canned Corn; Peas and Tama' oes at 7c each. W. TR.ENEPHIGIC Iteesesestmossomposesessoleso IF NOTHING TUFMIS, UP 2 TURN SOMETHING UP: o A course of training in the to , rat e Ego TRATFORD, NT • le enables young men and women to 10* 0 more, employment at good weges ha- 0 maiately on leaving oollege, This is 0 tho School that enjoys the reputetien of 0 ee doing the best worim in busineee educe- e tion. The graduates of the school are 0 0 in strong demand as teachers in business 0 d011eges In Canana and the United Stat. 0 0 es, This is the school for you arid your 0 CO friends. "Write for catalogue, 0 3 sv. s. Principal to 106011041040.114041100.001101110•0.04 shalt e ha tothe notice.ee es e w le Ilf 'ZS only L Dated this 23rd day of April. Pneoel R. E. olaexxxe SearcrEe Executors. 5 Pack g of Cards Free. VOMINIIISIMMOR3 It One Pack, "May I. C. U. Horne," One Pak, "Escort" one pack, "Flirtation" One Pease "Efold-to light." One Pack, "Our Sofa au Holds Two.- Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send 5e silver for postage. A.W. KENNY, el, T. • Yarmouth, sS, wANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity muse be unquestionable) to fake charge of distribution epot and office to be openedin Canada to further business Interests of an old established manufacturing concern, Salary $150 per month and extra profits. A_PPlicalit must have gl500 to WOO cash and good stand- ing. Address, Supt,,W. 0.Box 1151, Philadeg phia, Pa, A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to every sub. scriber. 'Ouly 50 cents a year. ' WC/ALES MAGAZI 1E, A LADIES'. MADAME. A glut; beautiful colored plates latest fashions. dressmaking economies 1 fancy Work ; hciusehold hints ; fiction, etc. Sub- saribe to -day, 6r, send sc. far latest copy. Lady agents wanted, Send for terms. St3rlialIt, Reliable, Simple, TYp-to- date, Economical and Absolutely • PerfecaPitting paper Pattertia. W CALL Affirms All Seams Allowed and Perferatkins shoe/ the Sestina and Sewing tines. Only US and ts cents- tacit—none hIgher. Ask fer them. Sold In nearly every oity fandteenjorbylnallirorn 'tHE MeGALI, 00,e 111-00-117 West alst St., Nt.W Yalta, 4+, S MARTIN BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newest colors: Our prices are haw as can be found for first-class material and workman- ship. BEFOR.EIYOU BUY GALL fiND 6EE -1J6. FccRussell Two Doors South Town Hall. BROWNING'S i'ug4tore ficadnuarters for Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Me Kidney Mixture • Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A' Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES • WAROWNING Dominion Laboratoril• MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON Se CARLING Exeter. rIONEY TO LOAN. have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village eropertics sleeve rat of interest. F, W. GLADMAN, Barrister Main St. Exeter. CUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 5 cents in eilver Ana you will saber return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you in Moon 14formir in one month than anYtideg else in America. A. W. Koratv, E. T. Yarmou Ib, N. -usrmermeatextozomatesersamare IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS— You ean save mOsey• time and feed by keep- ing your pigs. dry and clean. They will thrive better and keep healthy. Make the bog com- fortable and he will put on eeh. Ton ean do SO with a very little expellee by tweeting (Ped- ler's Patent) The Elevated Movenbie Pigs Bed. Simple of construotion, make it yourselves. Send $2,00 in registered letter for farm right certificate and plan, of construction to „ Jove' Ptinatu, Exeter, Ont.•' Patendapplied for. "Christmas Box" Full of AA onderful Things 25 m•PilogrtoraTiotsioosfcAopeetraoilagepg,1200tLoor Larpanng: ins Experimen is, I.,ove's Puzzle, 20 lichtleete 10Ct Funny Cotrundruits, Book of Love, Game o Letters, Manic "Writieg, an ',Telly Jokes Rectiptfor Moustache'Grower.100 Money Mak- ing Seerets, 110 Toi et and Cooking Ilecolpes, 255 ,SdebtiOnS fOr tntOgraph Albinos.. 10 Model Love Lettets, Dew to Toll Port= es, Ilictionaty of Dreams, 'Guide te. Flirtation, iliaglo Age • Table, Lovers Telograeh, and our now Cat. or Kenna Invs, Booke tied Notions, all by mail F R E 5, for• 50! silvaatAtetw•entiterirmeatirfoz.hT. Nce, a '1,51 It,