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Clinton News-Record, 1983-11-30, Page 20
PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1983 tech ° teriraettetti e0011111Ct4 46 rrisi.o 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rotten - bury St., Clinton, Phone 482- 9300.--44tfor SWIMMING POOLS - Leading manufacturer clearing 1983 in- ventory. Complete package in- cludes filter, motor, pump, deck and fence. Regular price $2,495, clearance 51,390. Coll doys or evenings 1 • 623.0251. -41.48 U- SED FILE cabinets, desks. storage cabinets, bookcases, office chairs, stocking chairs, lockers, track lights, drafting tables, restaurant tables. We sell, trade or buy. lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St,. S., London 681-2254, Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5, Sat. 9. 12. -- -48o JEWELLERY LIQUIDATION: The opportunity of a lifetime. save 50% now on beautiful diamond rings, gold jewellery. gift items. crystal, etc. You pay only half price now of Soeder's Jewellery, Mitchell. 48 HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, etc. cedar posts and cedar kindling. Phone 482-3842. -- 21 eow TW- O PAIR SKATES - boy's Orbit size 11, $10.00; men's Bauer, size 7, $20.00 CCM Tacks, size 7'i, - will fit 8.81', $35. Phone 482-7076. 48 APPLES: Macintosh, Northern Spy, Empire, Ida Red and red Delicious, fresh cider, red and white potatoes, onions, apple butter, honey, also wooden and plostic barrels for sale. 524-8037 Art Bells Fruit Form, 41 tf SPYS FOR SALE - at Henry Slotegraaf, corner of Bayfield Rd. and Huron No. 31 to Varna. Phone 482-9272. No Sunday sales. 41tf QUALITY APPLES and cider for. sale that tastes so good, also bargain priced seconds for cooking and baking, Northern Spy, Macintosh, Snows and Pip- pins at Don Middleton's Whitehall Forms County Road 13, R.R. 3 Clinton. Phone 482 9838. •43tf APPLES FOR SALE • Macs. Spar• tons, Delicious and Spys at the farm in your container. Call Boyd Taylor 523.9279. 47.50 MUSIC BOXES - The Lighthouse Gift Shop • The music box store featuring a wide range of music boxes. Now open Thursday to • Saturday for your convenience. Opposite the bank in Blyth. 482• 3079. 48 BEAUTIFUL wood window -frame and wash -board mirrors. Uni• que gifts for any special occa- sion. Shop now for Christmas. For appointment, please phone Doug Chamney ('Creative Mir. rors) Auburn 526-7714. 48,49 PORTABLE electric gray fireplace: two matching plant room dividers. brown nylon platform rocker: orange and yellow floral recliner chair, highback upholstered chair. 482.7409. 48nx WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD THE ('lintco.f. ,die\•r5_Kecc)i t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .......... Tuesday Noon Display' Advertising ....... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 yard sale 3 Garagle sole 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cors for sale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wonted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Perscnal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cords of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN 'ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1- Articles for sale DOUBLE KNIT slippers, assorted colours. Mary Hoonaard 523- 9459. 48 OSTOMY SUPPLIES -, and ap. pliunces. Rieck IDA PHAR• MACY, 14 Shoppers Square, Godes ich. 524-7241. 7eow FOR SALE USED WASHERS DRYERS, FRIDGES ALL RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED. DRYSDALE APPLIANCES HENSALL 262-2728 £8E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, in the lot beside Verbeek's Farm and Garden Centre now! Over 250 to choose from SPONSORED BY CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB SNOWMOBILE SALE Huron Cycle is liquidating the remainder of our new and used snowmobile stock. All new machines are under full warranty by Yamaha Motor Canada. 6 only 1983 Yamaha 250 Bravos 1 only 1983 Yamaha 33440 1970 Skidoo 333 cc single 1974 Polaris TC230 (small machine) 1973 John Deere 340 cc 1974 Chapporell 440 cc liquid 1978 Polaris 33340 Colt twin carb 1983 Yamaha ET300 twin (demo) 51, 249.00 en. 4 P,0.!. 52,629.00 ea• + P.D.I. 5200.00 330.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 51, 200.00 tail bar after 6 1. Articles for sale FINAL DISCOUNTS at Soeders going out of Business Sale in Mitchell. Save 50% on all dia- mond rings, watches, crystal, fine china. Minimum discount 50°6 now. 48 JUNIOR or intermediate goalie equipment. Coll 482.3278 anytime. 48,49 TWO QUILTS for sale, tradi- tional designs, exquisite fine hand sewing. 482-7205,- 48,49 SELLING OUT; Soeder's Jewellery, Mitchell. You save at (east 50°. on everything now. Jewellery, rings, including ex• cellent diamonds, watches, crystal, silverplote and sterling. 50-60-70°. off entire stock. --48 HICKORY FIRE WOOD 535. per 4 x $ x 12" cord, split and delivered in CLINTON. CALL EVENINGS 482-3814 RIPLEY ABATTOIR Top Quality Beef 8 Pork BEEF Hinds 1.791b. Fronts 1.29 Ib. Sides ' 1.49 Ib. Whole or Half PORK .891b. Prices Include cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. gross weight Processing will increase net price per pound While Supplies last Frozen, In 1 to 17, Ib. packages in 10 Ib. lots ar more. Homemade SAUSAGE 1.00 lb. BEEF PATTIES 1.491b. Medium GROUND BEEF 1.49 Ib. Sliced BEEF LIVER .501b. RIPLEY ABATTOIR PhI'A. NE 395-2905 or evenings 395©2979 1 Articles for sale STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance of inventory various sizes available up to 40°° discounts available while supply lasts. Coll toll-free 1.800-268-0842 and save. Argus Steel, 48o CHRISTMAS TREES - Scotch Pine. Spruce and Balsam. Contact Neil Edgar Hwy. No. 86 between Wingham and Whitechurch. Phone 1-357- 2440_ 48_50 - -- JEWELLERY LIQUIDATION: Everything in the store now half price. Save 50% on beautiful diamond rings. stone and gem rings for both ladies and men. Going out of business sale, Soeder's Jewellery, Mitchell. -48 IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524- 7241. - 7eow LARGE TURKEYS, alive. Also, for people who can- not eat pork - try our smoked turkey. Phone 524-2382.--48 OLD ROUND oak table with three leaves, $500.00; old dresser with mirror, $150.00; old buffet, $200.00; hi-fi $25.00; 2 old chairs, $15.00 each; maple tale with three chairs, $45.00; old chesterfield, $35.00. Call 236.4714.-48 dressed or WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clinton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1' <i mile south of Londesboro watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508. 42tfar WOODBURNER SHOP Dungannon 529-7949 WOODSTOVES AND FIREPLACE INSERTS Lopi-Kent i Olson Inferno 1.- Faber -Findlay Pioneer Power - Le Cadet RSF Energy OPEN WEEKNIGHTS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY Mon. -Fri. 6 p.m. -9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. LYTH STANDARD - THE BAYAIELD 1. Articles for sale 1976 YAMAHA 650 motorcycle. A fall sacrifice 524-7215.-.-40tf ANNUAL Christmas Amaryllis bulb sale, great colour selec- tion, available now from Town and Country Homemakers, Con- tact Thea Trick 482-3195.- 46.48 CHRI&TMAS GIFT Suggestion -- Bosch Halogen headlights make o very nice gift that he will like, they give 100°. more light than regular lights. On sale at Stan• dard Auto Glass. Phone 524- 2136. -47.51 AP- PLES for sale. Macintosh, Spys. Red and Yellow Delicious and Kings. 565-5329 or 565- 5301. Also, apple butter for sale 565.5301. --47-49 FO- R SALE - Four ftsnowblower to fit a Case 444 lawn tractor, will trade for lawn tractor with mower 482-346b. 47tf 1 A. Snowmobiles for sale 1977 SCORPION WHIP snowmobile new engine and suspension; 1982 Kawasaki 440 -LTD motorbike. bought in May 1983, 5500 kmstill under war- ranty, asking $2500.00 or will sell separately 482- 7318.---44tfnx 1980 MOTOSKI 368cc, $1500.00. Phone 482.7130.--47,48 1972 SKIROULE 442, black, runs good, well maintained, asking $600.00. Phone 482-3165. 48- 50 5. Cars for sale 1975 GRAND PRIX SJ, $600.00, as is. Phone 482_7130.-_47,48 1976 BUICK Century. new motor, and transmission, needs some body work, 51200.00 or best offer, as is. Phone Murray 236.7746 after 5 p.m. --47.48 1973 PONTIAC four ,door hard- top, auto., 350 V-8 engine, os is $200. Phone 482-3178.-48.50 1974 B210 DATSUN, 2 door mechanically good, needs some body work, as is, $250.00. Phone 262.5295. ---48x A. For sale 130 INTERNATIONAL manure spreader, single heater ISO model, 5450,00, Good condi- tion. Phone 262-5295. 48x STRAW FOR SALE - 482 9973. 48 C. Wonted WANTED TO RENT cash crop land for 1984 crop season. Phone Steve Keys 262-5365. 48 "WANTED; • Old brick buildings for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. and or the Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd., Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick, supplying bricks from Detroit to Thunder Boy to Quebec City. Sarnia 1- 519-542-8811 or Toronto 1-416 283-2311 -24eow BERG Sales -Service Installation -Barn Gleaners -Bunk Feeders -Stabling -Manure eons'ryr•rc FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2. BJ.q'TH Phone Brussels 887-9024 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor trar(r.avom Clinton, -462-7511 Sorry reiitor rme9er-734.5717 diretoo-119.4241 erosion, t@®rgrasesiss.262-2610 C. Wonted WANTED to buy mixed grain ap- proximately 50 ton. Phone 262- '5708. 48-50 D. Livestock FOUR HOLSTEIN heifers due soon also a selection of open heifers all listed 262.5365. 48 TEN GOATS due to kid the first week of December. Phone 524- 9838. - 24•9838.- 48 Attention Farmers WE PAY '20.00 TO '30.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY IN- JURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS, MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4910 14 hr.. a day, 6 days a week Serving this area since 1974 FARMERS Thinking about building o new barn or drive - shed or fixing your existing buildings? PHONE RAY LAMBERS CLINTON 4823305 FREE ESTIMATES (c) SALES & SERVICE installation 8, parts KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. R.R. 4 Walton PH. 343-2734 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES Barn Cleaner chain 8 parts for all makes. DOLE 6. Trucks for sale VAN 1977 DODGE Tradesman, excellent body and motor, 8 cyl. automatic, $3100.00 or will trade for 8 cyl. cor in good shape. Coll 236-4714.-48 10. Pets for sale MINIATURE registered Schnauzer puppies, ready to go December 16 or will hold for Christmas. 527.0145.-48 13. Mobile homes 12 x 60 three bedroom mobile home for rent or sale. Call 482- 3081 after 6 p.m.-36tf 12. Real estate for sale emideTHREE BEDROOM semi- detached tached house in Clinton for sale in excellent condition with roughed -in fireplace and bathroom for future family room. Available Jan. 1. Contact Ron after 6 p.m. at 1-672- 0206. -37eow OK GK GK GK GK OK OK OK OK OKGK NC0 0 0 0 0 3>< 0 Ng0 0 0 D Ng D 0 0' D 0 D 0 K GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0,11,v GK REALTY & Insurance Inc. tig14 Isaac St„ Clinton 482-9747. 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. HAL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS BILL COUNTER 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687 Listings to suit all financial situations. UNDER •20,000. Small older home, needs work, excellent lot. Two 1 1/2 storey frame, one ready to occupy, one needs some work. IN THE 20's. Brick bungalow, electric heat, 3 bedrooms. Frame, 4 bedrooms, split over attached garage. IN THE 30's. Frame, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, close to schools. IN THE 40's. Frame, 4 bedrooms, rec. room, garage, paved drive. Frame, 1 1/2 storey, attached garage, central. IN THE 50's. Frame house, garage, born, on 4 acres near Clin- ton. THE 60's AND UP. Custom built brick bungalow, many extros. Executive brick and frame split, pool, In conform- ing neighbourhood. IN ADDITION to the above residential Ilstings we have a number of business property locations, building lots, and through our agricultural department a wide variety of farms. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) s 0 0 it 0 7C 7t REAL ESTATE LTD. PRINC- ESS ST. W. Small shop or garage for the handyman. ALBERT ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, large lot, garage. '24,000.00. ONTARIO ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, attached garage. '27,000.00. PRINCESS ST. W. - 3 bedroom home, small down payment. JAMES ST. - 2 or 3 bedroom wartime home, full basement, paved drive. JAMES ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, carport, close to downtown. JOSEPH ST. - 4 bedroom home, gas fired boiler, aluminum sided. HURON ST. - 4 unit apartment building, needs work, lots of potential. STEEL SHOP 50 x 90 in Seoforth's industrial pork. LARGE MULTI -FAMILY ZONED LOT with brick building, potential to renovate or build in Seaforth. WRECKING YARD and stock - coil for details. LARGE LOT 8 older commercial building in Clinton. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOME - aluminum sided, barn. '19,000.00. . ELEGANT HOME converted from a school, red brick, 3 floors, '/, acre near Clinton. • 4.9 ACRES. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, steel shop. '35,000.00. Near Walton. 4 ACRES - 1 floor home, horse barn near Clinton. BRICK BUNGALOW - 3 bedrooms, finished basement, garage, V2 acre, South of Seaforth. '54,500.00. 85 SOW CAPACITY BARN - 1 floor brick bungalow, 4 bedrooms, attached garage, 49 acres, 40 workable. 10'/< % mortgage, near Clinton. KIRK ST. - 3 bedroom home presently duplexed. MAPLE ST. - Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, good condition. HURON ST. - Large residential building lot. 41/2 ROLLING ACRES with pond near Clinton. Only '10,000.00. HULLETT TWP. - 75 acres, 55 workable. '75,000.00. COLBORNE TWP. - 96 acres, 70 workable, Maitland River frontage, bush. GODERICH - 80 acres, 60 workable, scenic area with pond & cottage. KIPPEN AREA • 100 acres, 85 workable, large brick house, open barn. HURON ST. - 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, Wood fired boiler, pool. _ RESTAURANT OR STORE, main street, apartment above. AUTO BODY SHOP, or modern commercial building, highway location '34,900.00. 3 ACRES, 4 BEDROOM HOME, with many extras, shed. near Winthrop, '45,000.00. MARY ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, only '21,000.00. NEAR BAYFIELD - 50 acres, 20 of bush, 25 workable, scenic site. NEAR VARNA 159 acres, 150 workable. 2 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS on 31/4 lots on highway 4, will sell separately. Call Harold W :Y rkmon FAfR1111S, HOME A (COMMERCIAL Clinton S19-482-3455 Call Pstatr Domsma FARM IIPRU,ENTATIVE - POULTRY SPECIALIST RR ell inn .S 10.4 2.9il 49 gietiteelre iitlib Isle o Et➢®t6sa a t!st ree Sit; e, 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por- table cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Cor- riveou, Zurich 236-4954.-16tfor FLOOR SANDERS for rent at B. 8 M. Rental and Soles, Wingham 357-1666. -45tf or HUTTON B LYTH - 3 bedroom home In a choice residential area, iivingroom, kitchen with custom cupboards, utility room, double garage, large lot, house in fine condition. BRUSSELS - 3 bedroom home. Ilvingroom with fireplace, kitchen with Hanover cupboards, rugs throughout,- garage. hroughoutagarage, large lot, asking only' 14,100,00. B RUSSELS - Fully updated one floor home, 2 bedrooms, Ilvingroom, kitchen with good cupboards, main floor finished roc room, full basement, new aluminum siding, new wiring, new windows, electric heating, asking '27,900.00. TWO BAY VILLAGE GARAGE - office, parts room, hoist, extra lot, a drilled well, septic system for a mobile home, asking '24,900.00. Small down payment and owner will take back the balance. Mel Mothers WINGHAM 357-3208 representing LLOYD W. HUTTON., REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kincardine JOMM l DUDDY HIGHWAY 4 SOUTH: Ex- cellent location. 1200 sq. ft. ronch with totally refurbished interior. Featuring top line kit- chen, spacious family room, economical wood supplementary heat, quality broadloom and finishing, "A" frame playhouse, private yard, river bank half acre. $69,500. 162 ALBERT NORTH: Beautifully restored 2 storey brick home with central cherry staircase, pine woodwork, fireplace in family room. Luxurious living convenient to downtown. 589,900. 260 RAGLAN: 4 bedrooms, or 4th bedroom can be used as office or "computer room". Double garage, auto door. High energy efficiency with 2 x 6 con- struction. Spacious kit- chen. built-in Maytag, dining room, sundeck with ravine' view. Now only $72,900. PRESTIGE HOME, GOOD LOCATION: Four bedrooms, four bathrooms, library, fami- ly room, games room. splendid Hanover kit- chen, formal living and dining, fireplace, garage. Everything you ever wanted in a home, now at 574,900. 107 Townsend. BEAUTIFUL BUSH LOT: Over 100 acres, mostly mature hardwoods, secluded, Maitland River. 525,000 down. VILLAGE LIVING: Solitude, market gardening, beekeeping, barn for ponies, 3 bedroom home, 720 sq. ft. workshop. sounds good at only 542,300. HORSE LOVERS: Large paddock, huge barn, 31/2 acres, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, one floor home. Highway 8. Now 536,900, absentee Ven- dors Invite offers. TWO AT 514,300: Where can you buy a good 3 bedroom. full basement home with 100 Amp ser- vice, poured foundation, all services, for under 315,000? Call us, we have the answer. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR OFFICE 482-3766 JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 RUSS ARCHER 482-9428 or 3733 16. Articles for rent BOAT or car space for rent, steel shed, insulated, paved floor by month or season, 5 miles southwest of Clinton 482- 7205.--48,49 12. Real estate for sale Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482.-9371 Residence: 323=9338 NEW LISTING: 2 acres, 4 bedroom home, like new throughout, insulated barn 32'x64', Morris Twp. Pric- ed to sell at $55,000. NEW LISTING: 21/4 acres, 1'/, floor, 4 bedroom brick home, oil heat, nicely treed, 6th line Morris Twp. - '39,000. 50 ACRES: Colborne Twp., 6 acres irrigated apple orchard - '100,000. 69 ACRES: near Clinton, 35 workable, nearly new bungalow, insulated barn. Recreation potential - '139,000. 100 ACRES: 55 workable, E. Wawanosh, buildings for 600 hogs - '119,000., owner will consider mor- tgage. 100 ACRES: 80 workable, E. Wawanosh. Priced for quick sale at '59,000. HENSALL: 70 King St., 1'/, storey frame home, 2 bedrooms, F.A. gas heat - '39,500. 150 ACRES: 102 workable, 5 bedroom home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean- out, 3 miles north of Auburn. F.C.C. mortgage. Asking' 150,000. 200 ACRES: 190 workable, E. Wawanosh, good hardward bush, excellent buildings, field stone house, above average barns for swine and cattle. 243 ACRES: all workable, set up for beef, could be hogs Hwy. No. 4. CLINTON: Queen St., 1 floor frame bungalow, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, priced to sell quickly - '25,000. BLYTH: one acre with 4 bedroom modern home, many added features, large 1 floor barn. Ideal hobby farm in the village - '110,000. 50 ACRES: 30 workable, good set of buildings, near Auburn -'98,000. JAMES ST.: Clinton, 11/2 floor frame home, 3 bedrooms, extra large lot - '27,500. or best offer. 12 ACRES: 13th of Hullett, large home, nearly new barn. set up for hogs and hens - '59 Of O 2 ACRES: 2 miles from Brussels, spacious 5 bedroom brick home, custom finished throughout, new garage - '79,000. Owner will consider mortgage or trade. 20 ACRES: Goderich Twp., 2100 sq. ft. ranch home, new insulated barn 40' x 160', many extras including inground pool and paved drive. very scenic. Exceptional value at '198,000. 150 ACRES: 7th Concession Morris Twp., log house, frame barn - '149,000. VANASTRA: 11/2 floor, Victoria Blvd., under '20,000. B LYTH: 11/2 floor brick home, large lot, heated garage and workshop - '38,500. RESTAURANT: fully equipped, living accommodation, reason- able price, Blyth -'80.000. 91 ACRES: adjacent to Belgrove. good house and general purpose born. - '115,000. 100 ACRES: general farm, 13th of Hullett •'189,000, 46 ACRES: 25 cropland. 9 hardwood bush, large double home, large barn, drive shed with workshop, paved rood. near Varna - '130,000. HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland -'137,000. B LYTt1: largo 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St. - '39.000. HENSALL: 1", floor home on Richmond St. S., good condition, financing available • '45,000. HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL: Hwy No, 8. 190' x 264'. fully serviced. vendor will sell oil or part AUBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow, gos F A heat, under '35,000. BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedroom , 1'/, floor frame home, F.A. oil hoot -'22 900.