HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-11-16, Page 5Early Files 5 years ago November 16, 1978 Following a request for help from Clinton Public Hospital Board, Clinton Town Coun- cil will advertise for the services of another general practitioner in town. The fate of Clinton's swimming pool could be decided at a public meeting set for nerd Thursday. Voter turnout at the municipal election on Monday ranged from poor to excellent in the area as voters picked only partial slates in area municipalities, as many posts had already been filled by acclamation. 10 years ago 10 years ago November 15, 1973 Clinton council Monday night reversed an earlier decision and will hire four crossing guards to man the school crossing points in the town. A delegation of seven persons were at the meeting and showed the council a 74 name petition asking for council to reconsider their August decision not to hire guards for three crossing points in the town. Rev. John Oestreicher and his family have arrived in Clinton and Rev. Oestreicher will begin his duties this Sunday as Minister of Wesley -Willis and Holmesville United Churches. He will lead the morning worship service at Wesley - Willis and the 1 p.m. service at Holmesville Sunday evening at 7:30 induction service will take place in Wesley -Willis with Rev. F.M. Faist of the London conference as the guest speaker. 25 years ago November 13, 1958 On completing his third year as mayor of the town of Clinton, William J. Miller an- nounced last Thursday night following the regular council meeting, that he did not in- tend to be a candidate for mayor for 1959. "However" he said, "I may seek a seat in one of the reeve's chairs, in order to repre- sent the municipality at the county level." Leaders of the municipalities taking part in the Clinton District Collegiate area will soon be presented with a proposal for an ad- dition to the building. John W. Hanna who has represented the provincial constituency of Huron -Bruce since 1943 in the Ontario government was the unanimous choice of the Progressive Conservative nominating convention held in Wingham town hall on Friday evening. Mr. Hanna was unopposed for the nomination. 50 years ago November 16, 1933 Many of the Clinton business houses had windows dressed appropriately for Remem- brance Day. Amongst the most suggestive and arresting was that of Mr. Glen Gook, himself a returned man, who had imitation grass spread in the bottom of the window and this set with small crosses, each bear- ing the name of a Clinton boy who had been killed in France or had died from the effects of war service after his return to Canada, 33 in all. It was a sobering and a saddening sight. An effort is being made, and seems to be meeting with a good deal of encouragement, to reorganize a tdwn hockey league. A number spoken to about it seem to feel that such an organization would serve the double purpose of providing some good sport dur- ing the winter and of training a lot of young players who would be ready to battle for the honours of the town later on. 75 years ago November 19, 1908 Mr. William Carter of Constanceho is known as the "Chicken King" of Huro from the fact that he is the largest and m t suc- cessful breeder, placed in his pens on Tues- day four Hamburgs which he imported from Clue, Lancashire, England. He had to pay a fancy price for them but was after the best quality obtainable and the price was a secondary consideration. Importing chickens from England may seem rather strange to some but among the best breeders is conceded that they do raise some superior strains over the water. Mr. Carter was quite pleased with his importa- tion and believes they will enable him to make an even better record at the Provin- cial Fairs than heretofore. The squirrel hunt held here recently was closely contested, the winners - 10 men to a side - scoring 2045 and the losers 2025. The captains were John Murdock and Peter Mackenzie, the former winning so that to Peter and his men fell the paying for the oyster supper in the evening. A black squir- rel counted 25 points, red squirrel 10, coon 50, rabbit 50, mink 100 and hawk 100. Four coons and five rabbits were bagged, squir- rels furnishing the remaining points. 100 years ago November 14, 1883 A large crowd surrounded an apparently dead dog on Thanksgiving Day. When everything had been settled as to the cause of death, the canine quietly got up, looked at the assembled wisdom of the town, and limped away. "The Clinton Curling and Skating Rink Company" have applied for incorporation for the purpose of purchasing land and erec- ting a curling and skating rink in the town of Clinton. The capital stock is $1,200 divided into 48 shares of $25 each. On Saturday a Clintonian did the county town. On his return he made for the station at a double-quick pace, reaching the train in time to be almost too late. He has "staying powers" equalled by few young men and a mile foot race may yet be matched. He's a runner. CI INTON NEWS -REL i), WEDNESDAY, NOVEMR>d_R 18 ma PAGE 5 ALLENS PURE APPLE JUICE 48 FL OZ. .99 MAXWELL HOUSE VAC PAI( REGULAR, AUTO OR FILTER DRIP GROUND COFFEE 369g 2.69 GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE SUGAR 2 kg 1.49 IGA FANCY WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12 FL. OZ. 2/.88 MINUTE MAID FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE REGULAR OR WITH PULP ORANGE JUICE 12% FL OZ. . 99 CHRISTIE BONUS PACK (15oz. FREE) CHIPS AHOY 600g COOKIES 1.59 LIBBYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 FL. OZ. • 99 MOUNTAIN DEW, DIET OR' REGULAR PEPSI COLA 24x10 FL OZ. TINS 5.99 AVAILABLE IN 750 ml BOTTLES AT 2/8W PLUS 30' PER BOTTLE DEP. PRONTO WHITE PAPER TOWELS PKG2 OF PKG OF 2 . 89 McCAIN FROZEN CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, BANANA OR MARBLE CAKES 18 OZ. PKG. 1.59 HIGHLINER SOLE IN BATTER, HADDOCK FISH STICKS OR 1 COD FILLETS 16oz./350g. • 99 McCAIN FROZEN BRUSSELS SPROUTS BROCCOLI SPEARS OR CAULIFLOWER 300g .88 FREE'N SOFT 33 g SOFTENER 2.99 BOLD .3-6 L FABRIC SOFTENER AND POWDERED DETERGENT 4.99 ROYALEPKC OF 4 WHITE YELLOW ALMOND OR PINK BATH ROOM 1 TISSUE PALMOLIVE 1 L LIQUID DISH DETERGENT 2.49 CASCADE 1 4 kg AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER R 3.99 PUSS'N BOOTS 15 OZ CANNED ASSORTED'VARIF.TIES CAT FOOD 2/$1 BICK'S 1 L GARLIC. POLSKIE, NO GARLIC' WHOLE DILLS AND SWI ET 1 MIXED OR YUM YUM PICKLES .99 EVEREADY'AA'.TY, 'C' SIZE PKG OF 2 HEAVY DUTY 9 VOLT BATTERIES 1.49 PKG OF 1 WESTON 1882 STONE MILLED 675 g WHOLE WHEAT BREAD .79 WESTON 284 g FAMILY RASPBERRY CREAM ROLL .99 FINESSE 200 m1 REGULAR OR EXTRA BODY CONDITIONER �� OR SHAMPOO CLUB HOUSE 106g(TIN) GROUND BLAC1.69l PEPER CLUB HOUSE 43 rnL PURE EXTRACT .1.99 i,4ONARCH 470 g VANILLA, CHOCOLATE AND CHOCOLATE FUDGE DELUXE CANNF D1 FROSTINGS .39 MONARCH 260 g ASSORTED FLAVOI IRS POUCH PACK CAKE MIXES .5 SYLVANNIA PKG OF 2 40/60/100 WAT T INSIDE. FROSTED LIGHT BULBS .99 AUNT It MIMA 1 kg REGULAR BUTTERMILK, BUCKWH(AT PANCAKE MIXES. 1.4 McNA'R 375 mL RED CHEMARASCHINO 2.39 McNAIR 750 g SULTANA RAISINS 2.09 McNAIR 350 g PURE CHOCOLATE CHIPS SEMI -SWEET 1.69 1.59 McNAIR 200 g CHOPPED AND PIECES WALNUTS McNAIR 450 g RED OR RED GLACE CHERRIES AND CRE F N 3.39 ' CROUST INF 5 125 g CRISP- BREAD .79 CHRISTIE'5 250.300 g BACON DIPPERS, ESCORT VEGETABLE OR WHEAT THINS SNACK CRACKERS •2 KEILOGG'S400g CRISPIX CEREAL SIFTO 1 ICE SALT SALAD PKG OF 120 ORANGE PEKOE PAPER TEA BAGS 1 1.49 .69 3.69 AUNT ILMIMA 750 mL REG BUTTERY SYRUP ULAR, LITE McNAIR 75 g CHOPPED OR HALVE S PECANS McNAIR 75 g SLICED. SLIVERED QR GROUND ALMONDS MAR f INS 1 kg HAPPY HOUR POPPING CORN 81 UE BONNE T 1 LB SOFT MARGARINE .99 1.99 .99 .79 1.39 ANAC IN PKG OF 30 TABLETS 1.19 McNAIR 225 g CUT MIXED FRUIT OR PEEL 1.19 BLUE BONNET 3 LB COI.OURFD QUARTERS MARGARINE 2.99 WELCH'S 40 FL OZ UNSWEETENED PRUNE 2 • 19 NECTAR PRODUCT OF USA RED EMPEROR GRAPES CA�ADA NO 1 :3 59 l B. ICA 28 FI 07 FANCY IN LICHT SYRUP FRUIT COCKTAIL KAM 12 OZ RFCUI AR LUNCHEON MEAT DEL MONTE 14 FL 07 FANCY ASSORTED VEGETABLES 1 . 39 1.79 6' PAMPERS WITH GATHE RS DAYTIME PKG OF 01 EXTRA ABSORBENT PKG OF 24 OVERNIGHT PKG OF 22 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS AICAN 2 FT x 12 INCH 3.99 ALUMINUM FOIL WRAP .99 CHFF BOYARDFF 425 g ABC'S AND 123 S IN CHICKEN SAUCE SAFARIOS AND ASTROCF TTI PASTA 8 i FRESH CANADIAN PORK PORK BUTT CHOPS 2.1 .99 /KG. /LB. FRESH CANADIAN PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS 2.84/KG. 1.29,18. FRESH CANADIAN PORK PORK SHOULDER ROAST .99 /LB. REGULAR GROUND BEEF 2.82 /KG. 1.28 /LB. CANADA GRADE "A" FRESH CHICKENS UNDER 1.8KG/4LBS. 2.62;.,:. 1 . 19,,.. STORE SLICED COOKED HAM 4.83,x. 2.19,. DEVON SLICED SIDE BACON 500g 1.89 S('HNEIDER'S500G. SLICED SIDE BACON 2 . 39 SCHNEIDER'S BY THE PIECE BLUE RIBBON BOLOGNA 4.14/KG. 1.88/LB. SCHNEIDERS 454g PK(:. ALL BEEF DUTCH TREAT, RED HOT OR SKINLESS WIENERS 1.79 MEAT BONUS BUYS SCHNEIDER'S 175 g PKC: MAC. & (311151. LUNCHEON OR CHICKEN LOAF .95 SCHNEIDER'S 175 g PKG SLICED COOKED HAM 1.59 S( LINE IDF R'S 500 g PKC E, VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA 2.25 S( HNI Of R 5 501, g PK(, LUNCH'N SNACKS 3.69 SCHNF IDE RS 500 g PKG BEEF STEAKETTES 1.99 SCHNF IDE R'S 400 g PKG MEAT PIES 2.19 TAILLEFER 450 g PKG TOURTIERE PIES 2•15 TAILLEFER STORE PACKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 2.98 Ikg 1'-.35 !Ib S( H.NE IDE R S 9(0 g P81, BUCKET OF CHICKEN 4•88 SCHNF IDE RS 500 g PK(; SKILLET STRIPS 1.98 TAILLEFER 175 g PKG HAM STEAKS 1 .69 FROZEN HEAT & SF RVI FISH CAKES 2.18 kg .99 Ib ',( I. 1'1N\v 4(>If OR NA1 VF\ OWE FASHIONED HAMS 9.01,g 4.09,Ib SEA GLO FROZEN PERCH FILLETS SEA CLO FROZE COD FILLETS 4.39 1.99 14.39 1.99 Ikg /Ib kg Ib PRODUCE -GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE- GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE -GARDEN FRESH HEAD LETTUCE (ANADANO. 1 PRODUCT OF (AL. .99 RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT PROD1!(T OF l' 5 A 5/89 FRESH CARROTS (ANADA NO. 1 3 LB BAG .79 GREEN ONIONS I'ROf)l:( T OF 1 ti 1 ( ANA[)A N() I FLORIDA TANGERINES PRODU('T OF U.S.A. FRFSH 150'S DOZEN FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 'R( )111 ( T ( l ` •1 'F> 3/$1 1.59 2.39 DOLE GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS .86 /KG. 0391L8. ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED- PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING, SATURDAY, NOV. 19 -WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS Monday TueAday 1, edneRclay Thou -Ada% OPEN TN1'RSDAI AND FRIDA I ' 1(,HT Fridaa T1I.L 9 P.M. FOR YOUR (;Or' I IF" (.1. tiaturdas, 8-30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 8-30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 8.30 a.m.-9:04 p.m. 8.311a.m.-9:0Op.m. 8.30 a.m.-6:00p.m. 4