HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-1, Page 8T.HE EXE' Buy the tJ.J) King I iIJiIiJ Shoe, every pi air guarn'd lie OnliAtti See our Stook of Mem &Boys ,Clothing -EVER BEFORE have we shown sucb an extensive range of Zephyrs, Mu,slins, Dimities, Batistes, Linens, Oriental all over, Grenadines, Mercerized Sateens. So in order to get a good choice come quick. ------------------------- .4K 10c the yard for good quality Check Gingluthe in red, blue, pink, regalarly soiel at 15e. 1.2c the yard for a nice assortment of fancy Pitied Ginghams, correct for children's dresses, warranted fast colors, 25e the yard for very fine fancy Mercerized &steers swell for wast or dresses. Call and see them. 203 the yard for fine range of Dimi- ties, colors in blue,. cardinal, pink and evhite. This line is going to be in great demand this season, eso call early and make your choice, $1.00 for fine black Satane Sbirt Waist, nicely corded with new sleeve and cuff, great value. •;41,85 for black Satan& Shirt Waist 'with new tucking, latest style. Call and see them, $1.50 buys our best black Satan& Waist, bright silk finish, well corded nesd well made. $12.00 for black Brocaded. Silk Cape,) 27 inches loug, trientreed with Fancy Ruching Sequins and lace, a beauty:_:, 15c the yard for h.eavy Ora=en, suitable for skirts or dresses. 18e tlae yard for fine Minerva Silk finish Linea, the new thing, makes an up-to-date dress. 25e the yard. for fine Iris Linen, finest quality we have ever shown, gaaranteed to wear a,nd not to shrink $2.00 for line black Mercerized Un- derskirt, bright lustrous finish, up-tos date style, only a few left. Call early. $2.50 for fine black Mercerized—TS derskirts with beep corded floance. This is the &lest skirt we have ever shown. 353, or 8 for $1,00 for Men's Shirts, made of good Oxford Shirting. We got a big snap in taking a quantity, we give you, the benefit, don't miss it. 50c for men's fine soft front Shirts, choice colors and patterns. The qual- ity you pay 75c for regular If you want anything in Wall Paper, Blinds, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Linoleums or Oilcloths • Call and see us, we can please you. ilG gni! MORE J. 19. ST E W9, F T for Marriage Licenses, Weds:ling RIngs, Weitches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectescies, Etc - rune ON R. E4 IC ICS Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. 'The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY MAY: 1sT 1902 Locals, Wanted at once, 2 cars potatoes.— 'The R, Pickard, Co. Mrs. Millson, of Whalen, is the ,guest of Mrs. Wm. Howard. . If it's Exeter Star Flour, It's all ight. HARVEY BROS. Will Goodison, of Sarnia, was the guest of the Misses Johns last Sunday. Mrs. Alf. McTavish, of London, is visiting her father, Mr. S. N. Howard, Mr. Keys, of Texas, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Brickwood, Exeter North. Wes Hawkslaaw, of London, spent a few days the forepart of this week in town. George Vosper left last week to take a position with Samuel Bagslaaw, of Toronto, contractor. .We want 2000 dozen eggs at o co „Tiie R, Pickard Co. When you buy flour buy good' flour—That's Exeter Star. Harvey Bros. miss Edith wilco, a Toronto, i visiting her mother, Mrs. 0, V' T.he Rev. Father 'Bernal of eft Carmel, called ou friends in the villag this week. M. E. A. Mcleates of Seaforth, wa the guest •af his daughter, Miss ICat McFauls, last Sunday, The Messrs Harlton of Shipka. wer the guests ot their brother, T. G Raritan, on Wednesday. The Sacrament services will be ad ministered in. both ittain-st and Jame street Methodist, churches next San day, May 4th, Owing to the increasing detnatid lo SExeter Star Flour, we have been com elled to run civet time to fill our ot lees. Havey Bros. • Are you troubled with dandruff tching of the scalp, premature faille f the hair, use Turkish Scalp Food old by 0. Lutz. Exeter. Good housekeepers say that ou Choice Pastry Flour, besides being the best, is by far the most economi cal. For sale at the mill. liarve Bros. Mrs. Ed. Bissetb arrived here from Winnipeg, last week where she wil visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm Snell. Mr. Snell who has been very iI1 of late does not seem to improve. W. J. Heitman, has now added to hie well equipped hardware, a tin - shop, and has been fortunate in secur- ing as his tinsmith, Mr. Thos. How, formerly with Fred Siegner, Orediton. Mr. Percy Tom, of London Medical schcol, and son of J. E. Tom, I. P. S., visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Tom; this week. He leaves Short- ly to attend the Medical School at Winnipeg. Mrs. Armstrong, recently of the Thames Road, and who now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Saylor, of Sarnia, was called here, owing to the death of her father, Mr. Robt. Spicer, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smallacombe, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sweet and little daugh- ter, leave this (Thursday) morning for a, trip to the Old Country. They in- tend being absent about four months. eWe wish them bon -voyage and safe hreturn. Alf. Sheere left last Monday, for Winnipeg, with a car -load of horses for Messrs. Handford & Elliott, and from there he will go to Crystal City. If letr. Sheere is favorably impressed with the Western Country, he will in all probability remain for some time. Mr. E. Howard, while driving in the country last week, haa occasion to call at two farm houses, when, in each case a vicious dog sprang out at him from its hiding place, inflicting a wound on each leg. We are pleased to know that the result so far has not been serious. Mrs. Adair, an aged resident of St• Marys, fell on the sidewalk on Friday night. She sustained injuries to her tace and back from the effect of which she is now recovering. The accident was caused by a defective plank in the evalk, which she did not notice in the darkness. Arthar, the 17 year-old son Rev. S. J. Allin, of Hamilton Road Methodist church, London, formerly pastor Of the James St. Methodist church here, while playing in a game of base ball. tripped falling heavily on his left arm, resulting in :fracture of bones at the elbow, the bones being forced outward at the elbow instead of backward. The woman who knows how to svalk and who walks two hours daily in the open air has found the secret of good looks. says a physician, It turns lovely girls even into more ra- diant beings, and plain ones take on an appearance of beauty. A face tint is no longer wanted, or a skin white- ner, a tonic or an opiate, a doctur or an appetite. The cresting on the south wing of the front of the Main street Methodist church, was blown off during the heavy wind storm the early part of last week, and it was the intention to have the wing taken down on the north side, and both lowered, but the heavy wind storm on Saturday did the work, which now leaves them both to place in position. The recent rains have been very ' welcome to the farrier and gardener generally. Mr. W. W. Taman has added to his tailoring staff. Mr. 13ert Fowler, of Goderich. 'Meter L. 0. L. No. 024, will visit Hensel]. Lodge to -morrow evening (Friday.) All members are requested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Dent, of Mitchell, ac- companied by Mrs. Sutherland. of Hensel', called on friends here on Monday last. Mrs. Robt. Barnes, of London, has , returned home after spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Evans, Use English Stock Food for horsese during spring work, also for youn pigs and calves, it is the best an cheapest stock food in the marketz Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. - Miss Maggie Talbot, of The Goret .who has been stopping with her bro- ther, Will Talbot, here, purposes leav- ing for her home for a few days nex, week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins, of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hos- kins, of Kirkton, and Mrs. Walper, of Berlin, attended. the funeral of their neice, Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw, ja, last Saturday. Wellington J. Clark, of Brussels, spent Monday evening visiting with his cousin, Mrs. M. J. White, on his way to London to his father, Will ee For lame back and derangements of g. Clark, who, we are sorry to learn, fs the kidneys and bladder, try Dix Kide centinues very ill. nee- Pills, Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter. ee ;The success of the day depends on We notice the name of Mr, Joe e&he morning meal. Use our Wheat -e 33Ianey, of Hensall, on the list of ?,:et. For sale by the leading dealers .accepted volunteers for South Africa, :end at the mill. Flour and. feed de Mr. Cecil Hersey and Miss Lille ivered to any part of the town. Har' Hersey-, of London attended the fun- veY Bros. eral of Mrs. Win. liawkshave, jr., last During the very severe wind which Saturday. was blowing at the rate of about 60 Mr. Rolston and Miss Harriet, of St. Marys, were guests of Miss Jean Hawkshaw, at the Commercial, last Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson and little Carrie, of Mitchell, and S. M. Edwards also of Mitchell. were guests at Dr. Anderson's last Sunday. Children Cry for CASTOR 1A. miles an hour last Friday and Satur- day, the windmill at the electric power house was bloWn down, as well as part of the scaffolding on which it was erected,, making an almost com- plete wreck. E. Spackman and 3. Walters drove to London last Sunday to at- tend the funeral of Wrn. j. Boyd,who was employed as a traveller by A. M. Smith & Co., London. Mr. Boyd hacl been ill several months, he was well and favorably known here. , L les' white Night Gowns Having hemstitched tucked yokes, embroidery yokes; lcw neck, trimmed with embroidery and insertion; high neck, trimmed with lace insertion and finished with Sevilla lace; yokes, of blind embroidery vvith hemstitched tucks. Prices ;•A ra.nging from ...... . . .. . 75c to $r.5074 White Underskirts Having deep Embroidery Ruffles and Insertion to znatchelwith cluster of hemstitched tucks; hemstitched trill with insertion and tucks; lace frill and insertion to match with fine hemstitched tucks; two rows of very wide embroidery ruffles, Allhaving dust frill combined. Each line good velue, Our prices at from $1.00 tO $2.50 CORSET COVERS, .... 15c, 25c, 85c, and 60c. White Carnbric Drawers In Lonsdalo Cambric, hemstitched and embroidery ruffle, at 60° a Pair mar" aixie.....eftersmoseeep 41111.6111111 See our Ladies Blouses in Linens, white and colored. POPELESTONE•($t AE DINER Oreceries a Specialty. Post Office Block. Wm. Redden left on Wednesday last for Manitoba with his household effects, Mrs. Hedden and child leaving on Monday evening of this week in company with Mrs. Emmanuel Bissett and two children, Mr. lett, having gone some weeks agu. The best wisbes of their many friends go with them for prosperity in their new home in Ceystal City. Here is .a bit of weather lore that may be useful. It is said that robins are sure weather indicators; and that if the robins sing in the top of the trees as evening closes, in you may rely on fine weather the following day, no matter what the appearances. If, on the other hand, the robins to- wards night do not fly to the top of the trees to sing an evening song, you may took tor coming bad weather. To THE FARMERS.—The R. Pickard Co. are paying highest price for po- tatoes. See them at once, • Boy W,..NTED.—A good, smart boy with fair education, wanted to learn the printing business. Apply at Teems office. DISTRICT MEETING — The annual meeting of the Exeter District will be held in the Methodist church, Cen- tralia. on Taesday and Wednesday, May 20th, and 21st. Ministerial ses- sion on Tuesday ah ten o'clock a. m. General session on Wednesday, at 9,30 a. M. ODDIPELLOWS ATTEND DIVINE Seine VIOn.—La,st Sunday morning the In- dependent Order of Oddfellows attend- ed service in a body, it being the eighty third anniversary of the organ- ization. The brethren from the surrounding villages had been invited to attend. Service was held itt the janaes street Methodise church, the Rev. Me. Brown, pastor, officiated, His sermon was interesting and in- structive, it beitig a fine day a large congregation assembled in honor of the occasion. Children Cry for. CASTOR 1A0 Ti16 1316kara 60. Exchccrilso MILLI peamemeosanomarommaso4,enamp RADE IS BOOMING in this line with us, and no wonder, The beautiful assortment, the tilsty trim- mings and the reasonable prices found here. all help to make things hum. Leave your order early. Wall Papers We are showing all that is new and popular.. You ▪ Will find prices in your raver here. "'See thesegoodsat 3c, 5c, 10c, 2i -c, 150 and up.. Carpets and Oilcloths We have them in great variety, purchased direct from tho manufacturers in Great Britain and Canada. Carpet § at ..... . . ....250, 350, 50c, 75c and up Oil Cloths and Linolenems ...at 25e, 35c, and 503. Pongee Cloths and Prints 1000 yalds, Satin fiinish Pongee Cloth, in a beautiful variety of coloring and designs, warranted perfectly fast colors, regular 20c the yard for. 05c 500 yards, 32 -inch, heavy weights perfectly fast colored Prints, the regular 12ic kind, our price 12 yds. for $1.00 White Wear, Grand Assortment Ladies' Night Gowns, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Ladies Skirts, .50c, 750, $1.00, $150 to $2.50 Ladies' Corset Covers, 15c, 25c, 35e, 40c, 50c, and 75c ... ,,.. T• THE FARMERS 4- We want Two Car Loads of Potatoes. + 4.4. We want 2000 Dozen of Eggs. + We want 5000 pounds of Butter. 4, + + In exchange for Store Goods.' il."5..See us at once. + + 4.- We are paying Highest Prices. 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4. + . 10 packages fresh Garden Seeds for.... 25c. 2 lbs. Steele Briggs Best Mangold Seeds, ....for 25c. The R. ick r Direct Importers. Carling Bros. The best place in town town to deal, that's if you want honest goods. honest prices and no humbugging. Money is the root of all evil so we are told, yet we all wish we had cords of the root. Instead of wasting time wishing sensible people watch their expenditures. The bargains we are offer - will convince you that money issaved for you by buying of us, We call yOur attention to G Fits' es, estate' MOO The newest, best and cheapest goods in town. Our grocery department is, complete with pure reliable goods. No better. ' • Try Our Teas 250, 3009 40c Fild 50c The choicest Blue Ribbon and Monsoon. "FORCE" have you tried "Force" the greatest health food out. All the butter and eggs taken in exchange or cash. GIVE U8 9, OfILL. LI ES Some Beauties Just in. See Them. 1' PRICE/8 RIGHT. P Do you want a Bedroom suit, Sideboard, Dining table, Kitchen table, Centre table, Side table, Dressing table, Oak table, Ash table, Kitchen chairs, Dining chairs, Drawing chairs Easy- chairs, Morris chairs, Rocking chairs Boys' chairs, Girls chairs, High chairs, Low chairs, Odd chairs, Even chairs, Common chairs, Uncommon chairs, Couches, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Pictures, Pictures framed, Pic- tures without frames, Frames without pictures, saws sharp- ened, or old furniture repaired, varnished and re-junivated. If so we will try hard to make it easy for you to buy. Host. Furniture and Undertaking Rooms GIDLIEV5 BLOCK, EXETER. 2 FOR SALE OR To RENT. — A two story brick cottage on William street, the property of the Fanson estate. Apply to Rex. L. FANSON. LADIES AID.—The monthly meeting and tea it: connection with the Ladies' Aid of the Main -se Methodist church will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bleas- dell, Albert Street, Mrs. Munroe and Mrs. Bleasdell serving light refresh- ments. PASSED WITH HONORS, — At the meeting of the Board of Examiners of the London Conference of the Meth- odist church, held in London recently, we notice the name of Mr. Ohas. Down, son of our esteemed tosvus. man, Mr. John Down, as having passed his examinations with hot -tors, now entering as a probationer for the ministery of the Methodist church. sex 0LD:PI0NEEE7G0NE.— The su:b• ject of the sketch, Mr. Robt, Spicer. who died in Exeter, on Friday, April 25th, al his residence, William street, was born in the county of Norfolk, England, and came to Canada with his parents, while quite a young man, finally settling in the township of Darlington, near Bovemanyille, from thence he moved to the county of Huron, while the country was a wil- derness, and bought a farm in the township of Usborne, about one mile from Bethesda, but after some years he sold his farm, and bought one on the Thames road, where he remained for some time, then wishing to retire from farm life, he sold his farm and moved to Exeter, where he has re- sided ever since, but for some time has not enjoyed. very good health, and for the year has suffered a great amount of pain from Bright's disease, both in body and mind and a week previous to his death was taken very ill, after a,few days intense pain, pass- ed peacefully away. There lives 'to survive hint a widow and four child. ren—two sons, George and Ezra, in California, and two daughters, Mrs. Armstrong, of Sarnia, anci Melissa, at home, The deceased was a Liberal in politics, and for many years a con- sistent member of the James street Methodiet church. The funeral on Sunday last was very largely attend- ed, A. great many of his old neigh- bors showing their esteem for an old true friend. DEATH O' Mns, Wire, HeenesHAW. —The remains of Mary Ada McLaugh- lin, beloved wife of ill Ha,wkshaw, jr., who died in Se Joseph's Hospital, London, on Thursday, April 2411, at the age of 26 years and 10 months, were brought here and interred in the Exeter burial grotind on Saturday last followed by a large COMOUrSe of sor- rowing friends. Deceased had always enjoyed good health, was of a bright happy disposition, and had , always lived here, being engaged as book- keeper with E. Spackman & Co. for a ntimber of years, until united in marriage to her now bereaved bus - band, about a year and a half, ago They went to live in St. Marys, after- wards returning to Exeter where they resided with Mr. Hawkshaw's father at the Commercial hotel. About a year ago they removed to London I where Mr. Hawkshaw was engaged as traveller. A month previous to her death she was 'taken ill and her con- dition proved t3 be of a serious nature, when she was removed to the hospital where a very critical operation wee performed, after which she seemed to rally, and strong hopes were enter- tained by her friends for her recovery. All seemed well for a number of days when hensmorhage of the lungs de- veloped and her life for several days hung on a very slender cord, the patient having had several attacks un- til the end came. She leaves a father and mother, one brother, Will, in Brantford, and Miss 011ie in London, besides a bereaved husband and a host of sorrowing friends who have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. MARRIED ELFORD--NOTT—Ab Welcome. near Port None, On the 23rd ult. at the home of the bride r. Michael Is, ford, of Elinwille. to Mrs. Alice Nat, Ikev. X, L. Edward officiating, DIED SPICER—In Exeter, on 'Friday, April 25th, 1002, Robert Spicer, aged 70 years 4 months and 13 claYS- 9.vvicsmo.v- In atc; g:oseplis,s Hospidtal, Lon - on. Mary A(a ughl belove wife of Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw, Jr., a.g,ed 25 years and 10 months. r(yoiff, A FREE PATTERN ur own selection) to every sub- scriber. Only 50 cents a year. MC A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A gem; beautiful colored plates ; latest fashions dressmaking economies ; fancy Work; hOLl,Ilotc1 hints; fiction, me. Sub- scribe to -day, or, send set, for latest copy. Lady, agents %vented, Send for terms. Stylish', Reliable, Simple, Up -to. date, Econontical and Absolutely Perfect -Pitting Paper Patterns, LL ABffecks Ali Seems Allowed and PerforngonS shot the 'Basting and sevens Lilies. Only to and to cote each-llone blgher, As RI thorn sold In nenriy every elty an tOWn, ofr ti4mill kora r To oo ' 00ALL 1113-115.117 West elst SL, NeW Mut. 1 s Why You Should Support THE HOME MILL Because—We bring thp farm- ers to your town, and pity nein cash for their grain, ifsbcl they leave a good share eeith the merchants of your tow% Outside mills don't. - Because—We have large g busi- sum invested in the mil ness in your town. Outside mills have not. Because --We employ num- ber of men, who all li here, and we pay them a goo sum in wages each week. The ost of their money being spent your town The employees of outside mills *on't. Because—We live heretaiid help support your church and schools. Outside mills don't. Because—We nave red the prices of our Goods cons ably since starting business, Because --Exeter Star Fl is the most reliable family fl ur in town, and will make beifer bread, and more bread to e sack, than any other fa ly flour in town. A trial will c n- vince any good housewife, t t what we say is right. Because—. Our Pure Mai toba Flour is the undivided p duct of No. 1 Hard, Manito wheat, and conettins all ti nutritious substances of ti wheat berry. Put up in I pound bags, and branded Pu MANITOBA. Because—Our " PRINCES • Flour" (Choice Pastey) has no equal in town for film pastry cooking. One half less shorten- ing required when usiug this flour, and this means a saving in money-, ed er- fifiRVEY BR08 MILLERS VIRP•91.• 11A,119, C STORM For Infante and Children. sletaters Teo faos 4747 -arzfa, wraffot A BUSINESS EDUCATION Is needed if the young man or wom- an would succeed in the business world to -day. Such an education is received, in this most up-to-date and best equip- ped college. Forat Gitll Bugloss Golloo Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, LONDON, ONT. W, WESTERVELT, Principal. 1 THE MART. * ++++++++++++++++++++++++tte To Have the BesLcoods s what the business men owes him- self. Te is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be often the cheetpese and con- sequently always the best. We have in stock everything in the etatiorery Line—newest in Note Paper Corrspete Leine o Jardineres, anglish and German Decorate& Vases, FrChina Limoge and !Japanese Ware. FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. JOHN GRIGG/ le,XETER • !BARGAINS IN IFURNITOR You will find here at all times the greatest bargains in furniture. The lowest prices and best efforts to please, Undertaking a Specialty. R. N. Rowe