HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-11-09, Page 5Early Fil s 5 y ars ago November 9,1978 Depending on which road you come into town on, the population of Clinton varies several hundred. The new sign put up recently by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications shows Clinton's population at 3,200 up from 3,000 two years ago, while the other sign on the Bayfield Road, a county road, shows Clinton to have only 2,993 souls. What started out as a project to make renovations to the Vanastra Recreation Centre has now turned into a $160,000 to $225,000 addition, Tuckersmith Township Council has learned. James Murphy, Artistic and Managing Director of the Huron Country Playhouse, announced this week that the Playhouse was awarded a $10,000 grant from the Sully Foundation of Goderich. 10 years ago November 8, 1973 The second phase at Vanastra, the takeover of the commercial and industrial area by Tuckersmith Township from Vanastra Developments, will take place within the next week or so. The Goderich Psychiatric Hospital has ac- quired two new staff members in the past month. When Triple K Restaurant holds its grand opening celebrations this weekend on the south side of Blyth, a dream for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hesselwood ( owners) will have come true. The (Venereal Disease) Kit prepared jointly by the Ontario Ministry of health and the Ministry of education will not be in- troduced to students in Grades 7 and 8 in the 19 separate schools under the jurisdiction of the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. 25 years ago November 6, 1958 Over $428 will be spent this month by the Clinton Public Hospital Auxiliary for valuable equipment needed at the hospital. Total funds collected for the UNICEF col- lections on Halloween night were $219. Senior First Aid classes recently held in Clinton under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance were completed last Thursday evening. Arrangements have been made for examinations to be conducted by Dr. R.M. Newland, in his offices, on Nov. 14. Instructor for these classes was C. Magee. Warrant Officer George A. Johnston has been re-elected Mayor of Adastral Park housing area at RCAF Station Clinton by ac- clamation to head the council for the next year. This will be his second term. 50 years ago November 9, 1933 Nov. 3 found the football team of the Clin- ton Collegiate journeying to Listowel to play the first of a home and home games series with the Listowel boys to determine whether the ancient Haugh Cup should rest on Listowel shelves for another year or change its place of residence, and adorn once more the mantel -piece of the C.C.I. The members of Clinton Branch No. 140, the Canadian Legion , attended service in the Salvation Army Citadel, Sunday morn- ing. The Legion, headed by the Kiltie Band, marched to the barracks, where they were given the forward seats. The band occupied the platform and led the service of song con- ducted by Mr. Agnew. Word has been received of the safe arrival of the car of vegetables, fruit, etc., sent from this community to the west, and grateful thanks expressed for it. The need seems very real. 75 years ago November 11, 1908 The second well for the waterworks system was completed on Saturday last and on Monday the driller left for his home at Petrolia, the happiest man in the whole community. The outfit will remain here ure til required by the owners, Peat & Sons, at some other point. The wells are each 350 feet deep. The drilling began early in June last and the contractor fully expected dif- ficulties. Difficulties presented themselves and the work dragged along for three and a half months. When the job was finally taken off the drillers hands, he heaved a sigh of relief that might have been heard across a concession. Mr. Geo. Trowhill had charge of the engine and assisting the driller when his services were required he obtained such a knowledge of drilling in general as will enable him to take charge of an outfit some day himself. 100 years ago November 7, 1883 Mr. Jas. Young has resigned the position of Minister of Agriculture and Treasurer for the Province of Ontario. Col. A.M. Ross has been appointed in his stead. This necessitates an election in the West Riding. Nov. 10 at Goderich, is the day for nomina- tions and the 17th for election. Some of our young men started for Algoma last week, but failed to connect with the boat at Kincardine. They have returned here and seem rather pleased at the mishap. A chat in the evenings with their sweethearts here will no doubt, be preferable to "baching it" in Algoma - and they will stay here this winter. A short time ago some person or persons entered a house on the 5th concession and took a bell therefrom. The bell was used for calling the working men to their meals. The cooks of the house do not mourn very much after the loss of the bell. But, however, a bot- tle of grape wine, will be given any young man that will return the lost treasure. Remember boys the gals do what they say. CLINTON NEWS-FihCORO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1983 --PAGE 5 SUNRISE 2% PARTLY SKIMMED IGA PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 10 FL. OZ. WHITE SWAN ASSORTED PAPER TOWELS 2'S 4 L. BAG LIBBY'S 14 FL. OZ. DEEP BROWNED BEANS PLAIN, WITH PORK, IN MOLASSES FRESH CANADIAN PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP HOSTESS ASSORTED VARIETIES POTATOC H I PS 575 ML. • 49 I.G.A. FIRST GRADE CREAMERY 1LB. BUTTER MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNER MIXED RIB & TENDERLOIN (7-9 CHOPS) 2.84,KG. .29„.. FRESH CANADIAN PORK PORK RIBLETS 41.08 -08 • SLB. SAVE 21' SAVE 20' DEVON ' SLICED SIDE BACON 500 g. LEWIS SNOW FLAKE WHITE BREAD 450 G. HEINZ 10 FL. OZ. VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP CRACKER BARREL MILD, MEDIUM, OLD, COLOURED OR WHITE CHEDDAR HIGH LINER FROZEN COD IN BATTER 350 g OR BOSTON 16 OZ. BLUEFISH CHEESE STICKS FILLETS SAVE 32` IGA 385 mL EVAPORATED 65 MILK • IGA 48 FL. OZ. FANCY TOMATO JUICE SAVE UP TO 65` IGA 28 FL. OZ. CHOICE TOMATOES SAVE 50` IGA 14 fL. OZ. FANCY 75 CHOICE SLICES INLELIGHT SYRl1P. 79 PEACHH YORK 12-14 FL. OZ. FANCY WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE CORN, CUT GREE OR WAX BEANS OR PEAS VEGETABLES • DUVET PKG. OF 4 TWO PLY WHITE BATH ROOM TISSUE IGA PKC. OF 2 ONION SOUP MIX FACELLE PKG. OF 400 FACETTES FACIAL. TISSUE CHORE BOY EACH NO. 971 COPPER CLEANING PUFF HEINZ 7.5 OZ. JUNIOR BABY FOOD MONARCH 3.5 kg CAKE & PASTRY OR CANADA GRADE 'A' FRESH CHICKENS UNDER 1.8 kg/4 LBS. PORK BUTT CHOPS SHOULDER CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKED HAM 4.83 /kg 2.19 /Ib DUNCAN HINES 460-510 g CHOCOLATE CHIP, OATMEAL, PEANUT BUTTER OR DOUBLE CHOCOLATE COOKIES MIX KURLEY KATE PKG. OF 2 NO. 200 POT CLEANER PEEK FREAN 400 g NICE OR SHORTCAKE COOKIES IGA 8 kg KIBBLE DRY DOG FOOD FRESH CANADA GRADE 'A' IGA 15 OZ. CANNED CAT FOOD DELUXE 10" DELUXE 12" DELUXE 14" COW BRAND 500 g BAKING SODA IAVEX 1.8 L FRESH SCENT LIQUID BLEACH L)EL MONTE 4x5 FL. OZ. ASSORTED FLAVOURS PUDDING CUPS DAINTY 350 g CHINESE, BEEF, CHICKEN' MIR 500 mL LIQUID DISH DETERGENT DR. BALLARD'S 25.5 OZ. BEEF, CHICKEN, LIVER OR BEEF'N CHEESE DOG FOOD ROYAL 85 g STRAWBERRY, CHERRY OR RASPBERRY JELLY POWDERS FRIED RICE CHIPITS 500 g SEMI -SWEET CHOCOLATE BAKING CHIPS HABITANT 750 mL PLAIN, GARLIC, POLSKIE DILL, BREAD & BUTTER OR SWEET MIXED PICKLES IGA PKG. Of 20 PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS IGA PKG. OF 12 PLASTIC KITCHEN DIAL PKG- OF 3 WHITE OR ALMOND BATH SIZE BAR SOAP NESCAFE 10 OZ. INSTANT COFFEE MILKBONE 800 g FOR DOGS FLAVOUR SNACKS PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT RED OR WHITE SUNPAC FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE KRAFT 16 FL. OZ. ASSORTED VARIETIES BAR- B-QU E SAUCE CATE L: i PLUS 750 g READY CUT MACARONI, SPAGHETTINI OR SPAGHETTI PASTA IMPERIAL DIET OR SOFT MARGARINE 2 x 8 OZ. or 1 MADE ON LOCATION MEAT BONUS BUYS MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS 3.51 /KG. 1.59 /LB. MAPLE LEAF 500 g PKG. SLICED BOLOGNA 1.99 MAPLE LEAF 17.5 g PKG. MAC & CHEESE CHICKEN, BOLOGNA OR LUNCHEON MEAT .95 MAPLE LEAF BY THE PIECE WAXED OR REGULAR BOLOGNA 2.40 /kg 1.09 /Ib MAPLE LEAF CORNED BEEF BRISKET 25 2.3816 MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 3.95 /KG. 1.79 /LB. PILLERS 375 G. CHICKEN BOLOGNA 1.09 MAPLE LEAF S00 g PKC. SLICED SIDE BACON 2.12 PULLERS 37.5g CHICKEN LOAF 1.09 MAPLE LEAF S00 g PKC. SAUSAGE MEAT 1.38 MAPLE LEAF 625 g PKG. CHICKEN & CHIPS 2.88 MAPLE LEAF 700 g BUCKET OF COOKED CHICKEN 4.39 PILIPERSOLISH. BY THE PIECE SAUSAGE 3.51 ;kg 1 .59 /Ib PILLERS WHOLE OR HALF BLACK FOREST HAM 8.58 /kg 3.89 /Ib MAPI E EEAF 43,1g PKG. SKINLESS WIENERS 1.75 PRODUCE -GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE- GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE -GARDEN FRESH HEAD LETTUCE CANADA NO. 1 PRODUCT OF CAL. FRESH BROCCOLI PRODUCT OF ONTARIO EACH DOLE GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 7 7,KG. • 35118. COOKING ONIONS ( ANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO 2 LB. BA(, . 49 N•.1.ANO. 1 CALIFORNIA RED EMPEROR GRAPES .96 1 KG. •89,18. FLORIDA TANGERINES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FRESH 1 50'S DOZEN 1.59 FRESH CARROTS ( ANADA NO. 1 LB BM, .69 ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING, SATURDAY, NOV. 12 -WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS OPEN THTTISDAY A'XD'FR1DAI ti1GHl TILL 9 P.M. FOR Y OUR CONY .NIF.N4 F. Monday 8.30 a.m.-600 p.m, Turgday . ... 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 1M1edneadar .8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Thurvday 8:30 a m -9:00 p.m. Fnday 8:30a m-9:00p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m.-6:00p.etm.