HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-11-02, Page 23CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1983 -PAGE 5A Nescafe Coffee FRUIT BOTTOM, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Beatrice Yogurt 175 g TUB x/149 BUY 4 SAVE 1.69 OUR REGULAR PRICE .79 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT with supermarket prices CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF T -Bone or Wing Steaks or Roasts OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.561kg-4.79 Ib SAVE 1.11/kg-.501b FROZEN, EVISCERATED, 2 TO 4 LB AVERAGE AT'A&P! SAVE 3.97/kg-1 .80 Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Grade 'A' Chickens SirIoin Steak 2.18//199 �e 6.1 5Ikg'/2*79 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.291kg-1.49 Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.12Ikq-4.59 Ib SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib RIB OR 3'TO 3' LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork 395 79 Loin Roasts /kg lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.831kg-2.19 ib FRESH 39 99 Lean Ground Beef WIkg /1 Ib TENDERIZED 59 99 Cube Steaks 61kg /2 Ib ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELESS 6.591kg-2.99 Ib) Centre Cut Pork Loin 5T/22? PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) 39 99 Spare Ribs l/kg/1 Ib FRESH MINCED Ground Pork 328/141 mow SAVE .88/kg-140 Ib RUMP. SIRLOIN TIP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless 15 79 Beef Roasts 6//kg lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.03Ikg-3.19 Ib RIB PORTION Boneless Pork Loin 6r/27 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN. PORK SIDE 5 Spare Ribs 31k1 59g/1 Ib PREVIOUSLY FROZEN. SLICED Beef Liver 1 )(1g4/11).79 SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 5.05/kg-2.29 Ib) Ib SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib OUTSIDE CUT. EYE REMOVED Round Roast 5'/2? OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.591kg-2.99 Ib SCHNEIDER'S. 9 VAR. POPULAR COOKED Meat Back Bacon lEnd Cts 4/219 Loaves LABELLE FERMIERE Tourtieres 450 g 199 size COMBINATION PACK -CONTAINS. 2 RIB ENDS. 2 LOIN ENDS 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS 39!/&17!OoLoin OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.051kg-2.29 Ib FROZEN CONCENTRATED FRUIT BEVERAGE ALL PURPOSE OR UNBLEACHED Five Alive 12;1) oz 1 ■19 Five Roses Flour FROZEN RANCH CUT Carnation Potatoes pkgg ■79 PFPPERIDGE FARM FROZEN CONC. ASST VAR Layer Cakes cake 1.59 FROZEN. BEEF CHICKEN OR TURKEY A&P Deluxe Pies 21t19 1.69 MINUTE MAID. FROZE. CONC. Orange Juice OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.85 DEL MONTE Stewed Tomatoes SKIPPY SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Peanut Butter MOTT S Clamato Juice 16 2/3 FL OZ TIN . DETEAGENT 139 Palmolive Liquid OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.49 2.5 bagg 2 39 ■ 19 fl oz 89 tin • 7j0rg2■99 1 litre 1 btl .89 1 LITRE PLST BTL 269 NO. 1 GRADE, CREAMED Bee -Kist Honey 1 kg cin COMPARE TO OUR REG PRICE OF BEE MAID AT 4.29 • 57100 g /259 Fresh Pizza Small10" z.us Medium -12" Large -14" 3.99 4.99 Made Fresh Daily In Our Deli EVAPORATED. 2 PARTLY SKIMMED Carnation Milk ASST VARIETIES, DEL MONTE Fruit Cups CARNATION. INSTANT Hot Chocolate 385 mL 63 tin ■ pkg of 4 5 oz tins 1.99 pkg of 10 1■ 79 envs A&P, IN OWN JUICE. CRUSHED. TIDBITS OR Sliced Pineapple Colonial Cookies OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.09 19 fl oz 79 tin ■ 4000g TIN TIE BA MONARCH, ASST VAR, ADDED TOUCH Cake Mixes 520 g box A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN BEAN COFFEES. CUSTOM GROUND. 8 O'clock Coffee ��a49 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.39 -SAVE .90 (3 Ib bag 7.39 -Our regular price 10.09 -SAVE 2.70) Larry Kenneth Riehl, son of Bill and Gladys Riehl, 24 North Street, Clinton, received his Honors Degree in Business Administration (with distinction) at Convocation Ceremonies held on Oct. 30 in the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. He was also the recipient of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier University Gold Medal awarded to the top student academically having attained the highest average in all senior courses in the Honors Program. The student must have also attained at least an A -average in all courses in the senior program years three and four. He is also an Ontario Scholar. Larry is now employed with Canada Packers in Head Offices, Yonge and St. Clair Streets, Toronto. MINERAL WATER (615 mL BTL -.89) Perrier case of 12 615 mL btls OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.09 EACH 1 -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, ASST COLOURS Cottonelle CATELLI Mac & Cheese Dinner •39 SUPER BUY! 225 g pkg CHEFMASTER. PARCHMENT WRAPPED Margarine ■NI♦M■ • • A SUPERB BLEND. RICH IN BRAZILIAN BEAN COFFEE • • 8 0' Clock Coffee 1• i •• 1 Ib bag Limit one bag per family purchase . "'▪ Valid until November 5th 1983 A&Pit 640 II (Feature price 2 79 without coupon) • ®®®®®■■111■®®■11®®111■■®1111 ))111..... ■ • 8 O'Clock Coffee •• • • •• • • 1.■■UUI • • A SUPERB BLEND. RICH IN BRAZILIAN BEAN COFFEE i ■ 0 1 3 3 Ib bag 111 Limit one bag per family purchase II Valid until November 51h. 1983 . (Feature price 8.29 without coupon, A&P# 6411 1 IlIamisimennonsimiumumergupoonoll Brenda Fee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fee of Clinton graduated from the School of Design, Fanshawe College on Oct. 21 with a diploma in Applied Arts (Design). Brenda is employed with Simpsons, London. Computer program helps beef farmers Computer use is becoming commonplace. The computer run, beef finishing program is available through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF 1 at the University of Guelph. Many beef producers test corn silage and grains for protein, calcium and phosphorous, but don't participate in the beef finishing program. What can you get out of the program? The usual reports give a printout on mineral mix formula, grain mix, batch weight, financial analysis, cost analysis of feeds, feed requirement analysis and inven- tories. 'Break even selling price is included in the financial analysis. Inputs needed are feed test results of home grown feeds, age, sex, weight, type of cattle, purchase weight, selling weight, ex- pected death loss and implants and growth hormones to be used. For financial analysis, information on purchase and selling prices, discounts anticipated, vet, medicine, marketing, trucking costs and overhead costs are required. By using figures from his own feeding operation, a meaningful report is returned to the producer. What bet- ter way is there to help make those decisions on cattle purchases and feeding programs? The first computer run is $45, plus $20 for additional runs within the same feeding; year. OMAF is pleased to assist beef pro- ducers in completing the input form, feed sampling and interpretation of the results. If interested, please contact the OMAF of- fice in Clinton. Federation convention The 47th annual convention of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture is being held in Toronto at the Skyline Hotel on November 28, 29 and 30. At the convention more than 500 delegates, representing the 26,000 members of the Federation, will debate policy and set priorities for the upcoming year. Also on the agenda are sessions on animal welfare, en- vironmental law and labour law. The theme of this year's convention is, "Future Directions." In line with the theme, the delegates will be debating a review and planning committee report on a possible restructuring of the OFA. Guest speakers for the convention include Ontario Treasurer Larry Grossman on Wednesday, November 30 and Agriculture and Food Minister Dennis Timbrell nn Tues- day, November 29. Dim it and bear it says IAPA When an oncoming driver doesn't switch to lower beams, don't fight back by keeping your upper beams on, says the Industrial Accident Prevention Association. Just dim and bear it says the IAPA.