HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-11-02, Page 14PAGE 14-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, W!- E)NiLSD\Y, NOVEMBER 2, 1983 1 . Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rotten - bury St„ Clinton. Phone 482- 9300. -- 44tfar SWIMMING POOLS - Leading manufocturer clearing 1983 in- ventory. Complete package in- cludes filter, motor, pump, deck and fence. Regular price $2,495, clearance $1,390. Call days or evenings 1 - 623-0251. -41-48 !RUMAT - The Plant Watering System. Your indoor plants look after themselves. Provides con- stant moisture - not too wet or too dry, using natural forces. Package of three regular $11.99 on special for $10.99 until November 12, 1983 at Radiant Life Centre, 57 Albert St. Clinton. -43,44x FIREWOOD FOR SALE by the cord or truckload, price negotiable. Phone 482-3743 or 48z-3592 Bayfield after 7 p.m. -44 TEENAGE CLOTHING sizes 12- 18. Girls brown leather -look coat, borg lining and parka; beige all weather coat with cor- duroy trim; blue housecoat; navy Levis cords; two navy snowmobile suits. AH in new condition. 482-9548.--44. TWO ADJOINING, multi -pane double -hung wooden windows. Excellent condition approx- imately one quarter replace- ment cost. Measuring about 67" wide by 44" high. $100. Phone 524-8115.---44 BEEF FOR SALE '/a, '/7 or whole ready for freezer, very reasonable 482-3361.-38eow SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square Goderich, 524-7241,-12eow OVEN READY ducks and geese. Jasper Snell 523-9379.-44,45x ELECTROSTATIC Photo Copier Minoltofox in good ' working. order $200. Phone 482-' 3475.-44ar FRIDGE and stove, matched set, like new, almond colour. Phone 482:9210.-44 PIANO and bench for sale, recently refinished, in excellent condition, 51500.00. 482-3444 or 482-7784 evenings. -44x HICKORY FIRE WOOD for sale '35. split and delivered '35. per 4 x 8 x 12" cord. CALL EVENINGS 482-3814 RAY'S SHOE REPAIR Lllnton We now have new - FELT WORK BOOTS $25 . pr. Size 12 DRESS SHOES $35. pr. While quantities last *SKATE TRADE-IN *SKATE SHARPENING $3.50 pr. "ZIPPERS All colours and sizes "ONE HOUR SERVICE on most shoes RIPLEY ABATTOIR Grain Fed BEEF Hinds 1.69 Ib. Fronts 1.24 Ib. Sides 1.42 Ib. Whole or Half PORK .891b. Whole or Half SPRING LAMB 2.25 Ib. gross weight Prices Include cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. Processing will increase net price per pound PHONE 395-2905 or evenings 395-2979 THE CLINTON NEWS o RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE RAYFIELD BUGLE (tllntOi1 ie\vs-1 e oF(.1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .... , , .. , . Tuesday Noon Display Advertising , .. , .. o Tuesday 4:00 pain. CLASSIFICATIONS I Articles for sole 2 Yard sole 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cors for sale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent 24 Wonted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27 Wonted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37, Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost &Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cards of thanks 501 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 o.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale SPYS FOR SALE - pick your own and already picked at Henry Siotegraaf, corner of Bayfield Rd. and Huron No. 31 to Varna. Phone 482,9272. No Sunday sales. -41 tf MICRO -MIST 100H. The natural organic, non-toxic plant food - made from Norwegian seaweed contains over 55 trace elements and antural plant growth hor- mones. Use on indoor and out- door plants. 455 ML of concen- trate $6.95 until November 12, 1983 with purchase of one bot- tle of Micro -Mist 100H, receive a spray bottle regular $2.49 for $1.75 at Radiant Life Centre, 57 Albert St. Clinton. -43,44x LAMB for your freezer. Phone 482-9947, -43,44 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 1 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades • TULIPS • DAFFODILS •AMARYLLIS • CROCUS *HYACINTHS, ETC. Best Selection in Huron County! HIII's SCIENCE DIET DOG FOOD VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 1. Articles for sale APPLES: Macintosh, Northern Spy, Empire, Ida Red and red Delicious, fresh cider also custom cider pressing, red and white potatoes, onions, apple butter, honey, 524-8037 Art Bells Fruit Farm. -41 tf QUALITY APPLES and cider for sale that tastes so good, also bargain priced seconds for cooking and baking, Northern Spy, Macintosh, Snows and Pip- pins at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farms County Road 13,' R.R. 3 Clinton. Phone 48? - 9838. -43tf KELVINATOR coppertone refrigerator $250; white Frigidaire refrigerator 5200. 'Phone 482-3597:-44 TEMPWOOD downdraft wood stove with accessories, used one year $225. Phone 482- 7811, -44 1976 YAMAHA 650 motorcycle. A fall sacrifice 524-7215.-401f APPLES - Northern Spys. Prices reduced due to hail damage. Also cider apples. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Var- na. Phone 482-3214.-40tf RED CHIEFTAIN potatoes for sale, large or small quantities, Phone 482-3460._ - 40tf R.C.A. 26 inch color TV. Phone 482.7472 after 5 p.m.---- 40tf WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS Clinton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1'. mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508. - 42tfar HEADING SOUTH? Read Canada News, your Canadian weekly newspaper. Three mon- ths $5. Six months $9, cheque. Visa or Mastercharge. Box 400 Beomsville Ontario. LOR 180. Phone (416) 563-4323. 44o ALL -STEEL buildings never been erected sitting in our warehouse from Canada Farm Show. Different sizes available with huge sliding doors. Best of- fer call toll-free 1.800.268-4942. Miracle Span. First in Steel Buildings. -440 USED ALUMINUM STORMS. Combination storm and screen windows. 32 x 64 55,00 33' , x 65', 55 00 23 x 71 55 00 Aluminum basement storm 24 x 27' , 53.00. wooden awning - type window and frame 3' x 3'. 520.00, Phone 482 • 7676. 44.45ar SEVEN QUILTS handmade. new much exquisite. tiny hond stit- ching all over, traditional designs pretty eye cotching col, ours ossorted sizes. Offers Phone 482 7205 42.44 WATERBED KIT all sizes. In eludes mottress, heater liner hardware. chemical. Fully guaranteed $150. Complete bed with bookcase headboard $325 sheets S40. Caps 540. Viso Mosfercharge (416) 637 6904. 44o 1 Articles for sale WOOD FOR SALE. Terms cosh or take almost anything on trade. Phone 482-3277.-- 42-45 STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance of inventory various sizes available up to 40% discounts available while supply lasts. Call toll-free 1-800-268-0842 and save, Argus Steel, --44o USED STORE island and wall shelving, gloss shelving, showcases, counters, wire racks, fluorescent lights calculators. We sell, trade or buy. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S., London 681- 2254, Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9- 12.-44o USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium, post & economy). Delivered semilood lots only. (450 minimum) Reasonably priced. Phone 204- 725-2627 office hours. -44o WINTER COATS. One Muskrat borg, like new, size 14; one black cloth, like new, size 10- 12; one red quilted with hood, like new, size 10; one camel hair, good condition, petite size 10. Priced reasonably. Phone 482-3669. -44 .22 cal. Remington repeater with scope, one year old, 599.00. Also 2 piece gold chesterfield, Naugahyde $90.00. Phone 1-236-4222.-44 BROCCOLI, cabbage, onions, red and white potatoes, plus much more. Te -Em Farm R.R. 1 Bayfield. 482-9940. -44ar TABLE TENNIS set, 5' x 9', fold up legs and casters, net and four bats included. 527-0358 after 5 p.m. -44 COLONIAL rock maple dining room suite, round table, 2 leaves, 4 regular and 2 Captains chairs, large hutch with drawers and cupboards. Asking $1200. Seven months old Sears Kenmore dishwasher (white) $425.00; Beatty 30" stove (white), $100.00. Phone 482- 7856. -44 ,1A. Snowmobiles. for sale 1977 SCORPION WHIP snowmobile, new engine and suspension; 1982 Kawasaki 440 LTD motorbike, bought in May 1983, 5500 km, still under war- ranty, asking $2500.00 or will sell separately 482- 7318.- 44tfnx 4. Antiques for sale ANTIQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Trafalgar Village Oakville, November 3, 4 & 5. Ontario's finest dealers. Royal Ontario Museum Treasurer identifica- tion panel Thursday, Friday 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Saturday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. -44o 5. Cars for sale 1977 MERCURY Marquis, two door fully epped as is, 5895.00. Phonequi482-3489..- 38tf 1977 CORDOBA, power steer- ing, power brakes, power win- dows, power door locks, air, reclining seats, stereo, ex- cellent M.P.G. Good shape, must sell. 524-7115.- 400 1976 CHARGER, 318, power steering, power brakes, good condition, certified. Phone 524- 7600.-44 1975 MONTE CARLO, power steering, power brakes, 350 red with white vinyl roof, white in- terior, body excellent. 482- 9955.-44 '7. R.V,'s for sale IN FLORIDA 24 ft. Terry Trailer, complete with heat and air con- ditioning. Priced at 53600.00. Phone 524-2887,---44 9. Automotive WANTED 1978 AND UP FORD BRONCOS - BLAZERS -JIMMIES 4 x 4's Top dollar paid Call collect 1-631-5623 or 1-472-8358 12. Real estate for sale' THREE BEDROOM semi- detached house in Clinton for sale in excellent condition with roughed -in fireplace and bathroom for future family room. Available Jan. 1. Contact Ron after 6. p.m. at 1.672- 0206.-37eow FOR, SALE: Drive in Restaurant or commercial lot 180 x 340. Good income. 393.6310, Located on Hwy. 8 near Stratford. --44x C. Wanted "WANTED - old brick buildings for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. and/or the Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd., Ontario's largest .supplier of reclaimed brick, supplying bricks from Detroit to Thunder Bay to Quebec City. Sarnia 1 • 519-542-8811 or Toronto 1-416- 283-2311 "- 24eow Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton -412-7211 Starry /A111er Iseter-236-2717 Klrkton-220-6205 Gregory Hargreaves -262-241e SALES & SERVICE installation & ports KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. R.R. 4 Walton PH. 345-2734 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES Barn Cleaner chain 8, parts for all makes. C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT cosh crop land for 1984 crop season. Phone Steve Keys 262-5365.- 44 F. For rent FOR RENT TWO - 4100 bushel steel graineries. Mervyn Falconer 482-9858.-- -44,45x Attention Farmers ,.WE PAY '20.00 TO '50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY IN- JURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS, MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS 8 SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1.800-265-4910 24 hrs. a day, 6 days a week Serving this grog since 1970 FARMERS for a good farm building at a competitive price: PHONE RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION 482-3305 Clinton FREE ESTIMATES BERG Sales -Service Installation -Barn( leaner'. -Bunk 1-r-r-d,•r'. StahlinL -'lanurr 1-0me•arr'- FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2. R1,1 TR Phone Rrii r.Jq 887-q021 13. Mobile homes 12 x 60 three bedr&c&�om mobile home for rent or sore. Call 482- 3081 after 6 p.m. -36t1 GOLDEN FALCON 18 ft, trailer for sole. Coll 565.2930 between 5 and 6 p.m. -44 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por- table cement mixer, Power trowls. wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked, Coll N.J. Cor- riveou, Zurich 236-4954.-16tfar 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM heated apart- ment, good location parking. Fridge and stove $240. monthly or $55. weekly. Last month in advance. Phone 482-3814 evenings.-43tfar ONE BEDROOM carpeted with fridge and stove only $140 per month. Apply to Box 602, Clin- ton. NOM 1L0.--44 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, available now. References please. Phone 482- 9788.---44 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residen: 9338 NEW LISTING: ce200523- acres, 130 workable, E. Wawanosh, buildings for 600 hogs. Owner will consider mortgage. NEW LISTING: 100 acres, 80 workable, E. Wawanosh. Priced for quick sale. HENSALL:.70 King St., 1 Y, floor frame home, 2 bedroom, F.A. gas heat. 150 acres: 102 workable, 5 bedroom home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean- out, 3 miles north of Auburn, F.C.C. mortgage. 20.0 ACRES: 190 workable, E. Wawanosh, good hardwqod bush, excellent bldgs., `field stone house, above average barns for swine and cattle. 243 ACRES: all workable, set 'up for beef, could be hogs, Hwy. No. 4. CLINTON: Queen St., 1 floor frame bungalow, 2 bedroom, gas heat, shady lot, priced to sell quickly. BLYTH: 21', acres with 4 bedroom modern home, many added features, large one floor barn. Ideal hobby farm in the village. 50 ACRES: 30 workable. good set of buildings, near Auburn. JAMES ST.: Clinton, I', floor frame home, 3 bedrooms, extra large lot. 12 ACRES: 13th of Hullett large home, nearly new barn, set up for hogs and hens. 2 ACRES: 2 mi. from Brussels, spacious 5 bdrm. brick home, custom finished throughout. Owner will consider mortgage or trade. VANASTRA: 1' , floor, Victoria 'Blvd., under 520.000.00. BLYTH: 1' floor brick home large lot heated garage and workshop. RESTAURANT: Fully equipped, living accom- modation reasonably pric ed, 91 ACRES: Adjacent to Belgrave good house and general purpose barn. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn one floor brick bungalow pov ed drive 100 ACRES: General form 13th of Hullett 46 ACRES: 25 cropland 9 hardwood bush large dou ble home large barn drive shed with workshop paved road, near Varna. HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland BLYTH: Large 2 floor brick home Westmoreland St HENSALL: 1' , floor home on Richmond St 5 good condition financing available HULLETT TWP.: 85 acres 40 workable paved road good building site HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL: Hwy No 8 190 x 264 fully serviced vendor will sell all or part AUBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow gas F A heat under 535 000 00 BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedroom 1' , floor frame home F A oil heat under 525 000 00 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM modern apart- ment in Blyth, stove and fridge. 523-9696. - 44.45 SUITABLE person wanted to share a two bedroom apart- ment with 18 year old working mon. Phone after 7 p.m. 482- 3743 Vanastro. ---44 TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent, close to uptown, available. December 482-7813 after 6:30 p.m. -44x BACHELOR Apartment close to uptown, utilities, heat and cable supplied. Must hove references, no phone calls, call at 44 Huron St., Clinton, only. --44 CHRISLYN TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING under new management 1 FREE MONTH WITH LEASE ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA PHONE 482-9084 ELIZABETH COURT One, two and three bedrooms available now, December 1st or January 1st. Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. All utilities included at: 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 262-2846 ASK ABOUT SPECIAL BONUS. DJ0$M L UDDY 71 EAST ST.: (Corner of East and High) 5 year old ranch bungalow with attached garage. 4 piece and 2 piece baths, 4th bedroom, electric heat. List price '59,000. PRICE REDUCTION TO '72,900: Now excellent value on this brick and cedar bi-level at 260 Raglan St. Features family room with brick fireplace, spacious kitchen with built -In dishwasher, Intercom system, 2x6 construction, auto garage door. Drive past, then ask to view. EXECUTIVE 4 BEDROOM: 107 Townsend St., now only '74,900. Formal living room with fireplace, 4 bathrooms, library, splendid Hanover kitchen, family room, games room, garage. HIGHWAY 4 SOUTH: Owners pride shows in this fine ranch home totally refurbished. Interior shows quality throughout, large family room, woodstove, 3 bedrooms, top line kitchen, river view. High sh ties. 260 ALBERT ST.: Large rooms, not commonly found in some newer homes, are o feature of this fine bf-level. Family room, large master bedroom with °nsult° bathroom, double garage. High eighties. FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST: 2 storey brick home with lots of updated renovation work, including recent kitchen, main floor laundry, 1'/, baths, hot wafer heating, sundeck, brick coach house for use as studio, workshop or hobbies. '67,500. FINE CALIBRE RESIDENCE: Interior renewal to a high standard sets this 2 storey brick home at 162 Albert apart from the others. Symmetrical architectural planning, with centre hall and stairway, North and South rooms have identical bay windows. Lovely main floor family room with fireplace. '00,900. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 RUSS ARCHER 482-9428 or 3733 CLINTON OFFICE 402-3766 r,®®@/r,CH SA TP011.0 0 4.60CfAratoWr aYtklet/®aW Pr WU V Toa iLGP7TaPt SE AFORT40 m rrdtiCHHILA m 8URICH Txsre• SHIM r00180 17 Apartments for rent A-1 APARTMENTS 14th St Vanastro. Bachelor one bedroom, and two bedrooms, all utilities paid no deposit. Phone 482-3581. 38tf TWO APARTMENTS in Londesboro - one. four bedrooms and one bachelor. Phone 482-7314. 40tf TWO BEDROOM heated apart- ment in Brucefield. Phone 482- 7465. 44 SPACIOUS, three bedrooms Vonostra, broodloomed close to school and recreation facilities. Phone Mrs. Maxwell 482.3713.•44.46 AVAILABLE December 1st, heated comfortable, 2 bedroom duplex. $210.00 monthly. 527. 1507. - 44tf 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM semi detached house in Vanastro available November 1st 482.7895, 40tf FOR RENT - Semi detached, cen- tral location, Clinton, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, private drive - 482-9210.-..-44 IN BLYTH, central location, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, oil heat, available immediately. Phone 482-9210 or 523-9338.- 44 EXECUTIVE HOME • residential area, four bedroom, 1'2 bath, fireplace, hot water electric heat. Available December 15, For appointment to view phone 482.3657. - 44,45x 20. Room & board HOLIDAY LODGE for B&B, lun- cheons, banquets, also accom• modations for retired people, 5415.00 a month dinner includ• ed. Mrs. Van' Demme 482- 3685.---43tfar 25. Wanted to buy L. & M. AUTO Wrecking. We buy scrap rods and batteries and scrap. Phone 887-9561.- 27tf WANTED - HR or JR x 15" used snowtires in good 'condition. 482-9844, 44x TWO TIRES, size HR 78 - 14 snow or regular. Phone after 5 p,m. 524-2017, 44,45nx 26. Help wanted MATURE LIVE IN Housekeeper, companion re- quired for elderly couple. Should have driver's license. Please reply in writing to Drawer 41, c o Goderich Signal• Star. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. 44,45 BE YOUR OWN BOSS Earn $8.00 to $10.00 on hour by showing our beautiful Christmas catalogue and taking orders. It's easy. Must be of legal age. Call Fuller Brush Co., St. Thomas, 1 - 631.4383 collect after 6 p.m. 44 45x 26 Help wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING. Contact Mery Orr's School. Offices in Toronto, (416) 251-9073, Ottawa (613) 523-3489, London (519) 432-1726, North Bay (705) 472- 2910, Thunder Bay (807) 623- 8686, Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759- 0177. Cambridge (519) 648- 2519 P.C.E.C. member. - 44o 27 Wanted (general) PIANO WANTED not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669.2280 or 519- 669.2198,- 42-19 WANTED: Scout uniform, size 10 or 12. Phone 345-2564 after 6 p,m.---44 28. Business opportunity UNEMPLOYED? Earn money this tax season, learn Income Tax Preparation, U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main St. Winnipeg, Man. R2W 356.--440 PROMOTE Bicycle Motorcross. Every municipality needs it. e Contact BMX Ontario Co Dave Marshall for information BMX Ontario, R.R. 1, Williamsford, Ontario NOH 2V0 (519) 794- 3290.-44o 29. Tenders TENDERS WANTED For OIL HEATING At Saltford Valley Hall Closing Date Nov. 4/83 Apply P.O. Box 183 Goderlch 30. `Ehlployment` wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home, port time or full time. Phone 482- 7497.- 44,45 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, win- dows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 481.7676. Ken McNairn. 8tfar PHIL'S refrigerator and op• pliance service. Prompt depen- dable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062. 27tf PIANO TUNING and repairs, us• ed pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Winghom) 357-1049- 34tf JIM COOK Furniture Refinishing, also floors, wood- work, doors, etc. Phone 523. 9284, 12eow GKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGKGK 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 V 0- 0' 0 0 0 0 0 �rr V 0 1AM. V GK REALTY 8 Insurance Inc. ar 1141116 482-9747. 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. TIAL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS BILL COUNTER 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687 NEW LISTING. 1'/, storey, 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, rec. room, garage, paved drive. CUSTOM BUILT for luxurious living. Call us to view this 3 bedroom brick bungalow. C.M.H.C. LISTING, 4 bedrooms, brick, carpeted throughout, central, priced to attract. FRAME, i'/, storey, attached garage, attractive centrally located lot. The above is priced in the "teens" and le ready to occupy. This Is one you shouldn't missl EXTENSIVELY REMODELLED older home, 3 bedrooms, fabulous kitchen, carport. NEW LISTING, small older hone an excellent lot, price leaves room for necessary upgrading. Coll Bill. STUCCO, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, carpeted, central. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOAR (Multiple Listing Service) kOKOKOKOKOKOKOKG 0 0 0 0 0 AA Y 0 0 Pt