HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-1, Page 6vvV,01
British. AmbaSeador in China In-
sulted the Celestials quite
A Beitisli ambasse.doi: in China
once unwittingly insulted the Chin.
ese Cabinet. lie sought to give em-
phasis to his remarks by the good,
old British method of thumping the
table with his fist. This is corisidea-
ed by the Celestials as a gross insult
to the assmatacal eempany. A cora-
plaint was lodged through the -Chin-
ese Legation, at an inquiry into
the matter instituted. The awful -
nese of the crime did not strike the
British authorities with the same
force As the complainant, and no
notice was taken, but the Chinese
diploinatists were offended all the
same says Pearson's Weekly.
Ili France there are many traps
into which the unwary Britisher may
fail. If you are visiting a friend,
for instance, do not put your hat
upon the bed, even for a moment.
It is considered a great insult to
the host, though why it should be
so is not quite clear. The only
possible explanation is that itis the
survival of some superstition of by-
gone days.
The Britisher is not prone to
drinking a health in water, but
those Who are, should be careful not
to do so in France, as it is eon
sidered a gratuitous form of insult.
Further, the pouring out of wine
may lead to trouble.. If you grasp
the bottle with the tlunxtb facing
downwards, all well and good, but
woe betide you if you grasp the bot-
tle with the knuckles facing the
tablecloth, for it is considered a
gross insult to the host and the
guests assembled.
In Russia, portraits of His Ma-
jesty the Tsar are very plentiful, and
the unlucky Britisher who stands be-
fore one of these pictures, or passes
will speedily have nis attention
drawn to his headgear by Some offi-
cial, and not always in the politest
manner possible. You must take off
your hat to the Tsar's picture, !and
you get so much practice that in
time it becomes quite natural so to
do. It is regarded as a grave insult
to the Emperor of all the Russias
to retain your headgear in the pre-
sence even of his picture. What a
doffing of hats there would be in
London on a royal day, and when
the raw in the street is decorated
with a portrait button. of His Ma-
jesty King Edward, if the same
slavish adulation were enforced here.
W.,... are many me -called tonic pills, but
If you are vigiting te friend in Ea
r ale, Anaemic and, Easily Tired
Girls Often Pall a Prey to
C onsuaripti on,
In young girls we look for abun-
dant health and strength, rosy
cheeks, bright eyes, firm, phunp
flesh and constant cheerfulness. How
often, however, we meet young girls
who seem prematurely old, feeble,
pale, listless, thin. and irritable.
These abnormal and dangerous con-
ditions are due to a general weak-
ness of the blood, and should be
cured just as promptly as possible
or the whole life of the patient Will
be ruined, if, indeed, decline and con-
sumption do not speedily follow. Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills for -Pale People
are the natural, logical and euro
euro for weak girls. These pills
make rich, red blood witla every
'dose. They strengthen the nerwes,
act upon the whole systora and
bring health, strength and happiness
to those who use them.
Mrs. Hirrun Rinkler, South Pelham
township, Welland County, Ont.,
says:—"It is with pleasure that I
give this tribute to the health -re-
storing virtues of Dr. 'Williams' Pink
Pills. When my daughter Lena be-
gan the use of your mediciue she was
in a most wretched condition. In
fact we were seriously alarmed lest
she might not recover. The symp-
toms were a feeling of languor and
weakness, gradually growing worse.
She became pale, lost flesh, had lit-
tle or no appetite and was apparent-
ly going into a decline. Finally the
trouble became complicated with a
persistent sore throat, which gave
her great difficulty in swallowing.
She was placed under the care of a
doctor who said her blood was poor
and watery and her whole system
badly run down. The doctor's treat-
ment did not help her in.uch., and
then acting on the advice °lea neigh-
bor, I began to give her Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. The confidence
with which this medicine was urged
upon us was not misplaced, as I
soon notated a distinct improvement
in my daughter's condition. The use
of the pills for some weeks complete-
ly restored her, and from that time
she has been a ceeerful light-hearted
girl, the very picture of health."
These pills never fail to restore
health and strength in cases like the
above. Through their action on. the
blood and nerves they also cure such
diseases as rheumatism, sciatica,. St.
Vitus' dance, indigestion, kidney
trouble, partial paralysis, etc. There
land and you stay to dinner, it is they areall mere imitations of this
no crime whatever to ask for the
loan of a hairbrush ; but don't do
it if you are in Hungary. The Hun-
garian would regard it as the gross-
est form of insult, and yeti wet -ad be
lucky if you did not find yourself sent 'postpaid at 50 cents a box or
. playing the part of principal in a six boxes for $2.50 by addressing
duel. • the Dr. • Williams' Medicine Co.,
In Gerniany it seems to be the Brockville, Ont.
easiest thing in the world to insult
somebody ; but as these curious
forms are chiefly observed as be-
tween German and German (especial-
ly military officers), John Bull can
safely leave them to fight it out.
The Britisher, however, would see no
harm in presenting a lady with a
rose or any other t'flower, but should
it be unaccompanied by fern or any
other green leaf, a German lady
would be grossly instated.
For South America John Bull re-
quires a. special training, or he will
soon be in hot water. Should you
enter a saloon, or restaurant, and
make the acquaintance of a stranger,
he will offer you a little courtesy in
great medicine. Be sure that you.
get the genuine with the full name,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People" on every box. If your deal-
er does not keep thein they will be
A •luatter po sorefflug.
Those who love to study human na-
ture often derive as inuch pleasure
from watching the people who visit
picture galleries as they receive from
the pictures themselves. It is not e -v-
ery day, .however, which produces so
amusing an incident es one which an
English paper reports:
Two ladies were looking at a picture
by Mr. Peed in the Royal academy en-
titled "His Only Pair." The artist has
depicted a poor boy eating up in bed
while his hardworkieg tnother mends
his only pair of trousees. The boy,
although obliged to stay in bed while
the repairs are under way, is contented -
If you are not smoking a cigarette, ly eating an orange.
he will take his from his mouth andi
One of the -visitors looked at the pie-
ofIer at to you. If so, don't say :
ture with searching gaze and then re-
marked to her companion: "'His Only
Pair? I don't call that a pear at all!
It's an orange that be is eating."
-No, thanks, old chap; I wouldn't
rob you for the world," but take a
whiff or two, and hand it back again
politely. You see, these gentlenien
carry kniees, and the free use of
' them • comes quite naturally. Or,
perhaps, tbe gentleman may offer
you his glass. Should you decline
with thanks, or what is worse, wipe
a small area before you apply the
glass to your lips, you can look out
for squalls, for the knife is the usual
retort in such instances.
One custom of the Spanish and
Mexicans is very charming, if you
understand it. If you admire an
article of jewellery or a scarf worn
by the person with whom you are in
conversation, it is immediately taken
off and bestowed upon you. This
being so, don't say : "Thanks aw-
Willy," and stuff it in your pocket.
The proper thing to do, especially if
the person is a lady, is to take the
article, and then return it with a
graceful bow, adding that you could
not think if depriving the signorina
of an article which goes so very well
with the many charms which ber
person possesses.
A fire insurance agent was en-
deavoring to persuade a Jew to in-
sure his shop. After a deal of argu-
ment on both sides, the canny old
Jew said :
"Veil, supposing I insure my shop
a.nd it got on fire three years after-
wards, how math should 1 get ?"
"The full amount of the policy,"
responded the agent.
"And thuppothe it got on fire one
month after, how raueh then ?"
"Well," replied the agent after a
pause, "probably seven years."
A propos of the forthcoming cor-
onation ceremony of our Zang and
Queen, it may be mentioned that the
coronatioa robe of the Empress of
Russia cost no less a sum than
$200,000, and took Something like
twelve months to complete. The
gown Was' covered with a decoration
of pearisr and tiny diamonds, secured
by A, frextiVorh of gaIden wires, so
• arreaged as to fall into a eoriven-
Lionel aieeege.
JaaaSola Whe is an inveterate yarn
spinner and a bore ea the first Meg-
niettde had." been retailing to his
friend some harrowing story of
WOPlati WbOSO- Lair had turned • grey
im 0, single night.
"Pact,. I awns you; I knew
"If you say you knew the lady in
question, I can quite believe your
story to be true," commented the
friend, in a' tonewhich made the
story -teller awl rattier uncomfort-
• "Of .eourseeI knew her," was the
testy answer "and it's not suck an
Uncommon occurreace as you seem
to innigiae. 1 knew a Mart also—"
"Ana hishair turned grey, too ?"
interrupted the viable. "Well, I
don't wonder at it."
This Made damson a little sulky;
but he speedily became interested
when his *lend remarked :
"Your 'tories remind nie of a
lady I used to know, but she became
grey in a single hour—In less than an
hour, - he fact."
"Some terrible shock, I suppose,"
remarked Jawson.
"I dare say it would be," con-
tinued -the friend ; "at any rate, it
Ancient Superstitions.
The ancients peopled all distant lands
with monsters and all distant seas with
horrors. Unknown and distant coun-
tries were, to their superstition, peo-
pled with "gorgons, hydras and chime-
ras dire." The distant seas were filled
with monstrous dragons and serpents,
of arbieb the sea serpent is today per-
haps at suryival. The unknown oceans
were ailed with whirlpools that sucked
In naariners who were sacrilegious
enough to, approach them to an awful
Perhaps theSe superstitions, as much
as any one thing, kept the world for so
many centuries an unexplored and un-
known waste.
.asa rev flee Octagon Bar
A copy of illustrated booklet
"Weekly Expenses Reduced" sent
free to your address by writing to
"won, it you will excuse me," said
the guest, "I think a'll retire," and
rising he walked - towards the door
and awaited the escort of his host,
'Please, may I go with you. ?"
pleadiugly exclaimed the boy of the
"And why should you want to go
with rao ?" • smilingly replied the
guest ; "aren't you satisfied with
your own' comfortable bed ?"
"Yes.," repliecl the boy, "but I
want to go with you 'cause X heard
. g
happened while silo was getting mar-
pasay tbie morainthat you ex-
. pected to retire on $200,000.
"Oh, I understand," said jawson,
sagely; "the men would have an-
other. wife alive ; it would all be die-
coyered at the eleventh hear ; n ter-
rible scene, would ensue, and all that
sort of thing."
"You're not within a mile of it,
jaeason," was the unfeeling answer.
"This lady I refer to married a fel-
low named Gray, and she, of course,
became Gray as soon as the knot
was tied,"
Several men were holding an ar-
gument as to how many sides a
round haystack contained, when one
man offered to lay a wager that a
Sound stack had four sides—viz.,
north, east, south, and west ; and
it was decided to abide by the de-
cision of a sehoohnaster, who was
to act as referee.
The opposite party contended that
a found stack could have no sides,
and agreed that if the man could
prove four sides he was to be the
So satisfied were they of their con-
tention' that they deputed the man
to see the referee and bring back the
The inam laid' down his case, and
said :—
"Supposing that I stand in front
of a round haystack, there will be
the north side, the east side, the
south side, and the west side." .
To his astonisbment the school-
master replied
"You may add to that 'the • right
side, the left side, the nearest side,
and the farther side."
When about to rusb off the man
was called back and a.sked what the
top side and the bottom side had
done amiss that he could not in-
clude them• !
He said, "I never thought: of that.
Why, we have now got ten 'sides 1"
The referee replied, "You may as
well make up the dozen by including
the inside aaid• the outside."
Without • waiting for any further
discovery the man hurried away to
claim his bet.
Carving's* on Easter Island.
The hard volcanic rock of East 7 is-
land is covered with carvings intended
to represent human faces, birds, fishes
and mythical animals. Fishes and tur-
tles appear common among these sculp-
tures, but the most COMMOn figure is a
mythical animal, half human in form,
with bowed back and long, clawliko
legs and arms. According to the na-
tives, this symbol WaS intended to rep-
resent the god, "Meke-Meke," the great
spirit of the sea.
"What are these things ?" asked
the cuetorner.
"Pencil erasers," said the shop -
"I don't want anything that will
erase a pencil. I want a
nnzrk eraser."
"That's what I meant. ,These' are
peneil-marl erasers. Anything else?"
"Yes ; I want some lead pencils."
"We haven't any lead pencils. We
have some wooden cylinders with
graphite inside them. Will they do
as well' ?"
Is the Oritical Age in the Life c4!
All Little Ones.
The. Soft Ammer,
Mr. Editor (he wrote):
You will very kindly note there' ti a poera
and a stamp inolosed.WIthin. If the poem
stands no Show, use the ratan]) to let me
know, but I'll be a poet yet, yoU bet.
Then the editor wrote back:
Although worth It doesn't lack, yet ditch
Maudlin rhymes as yours are teldom read,
Here's II for your latter, which- is infinite-.
ly better than year poem, which you'll
find inclosed. Tao ED.
—Smart Set. „
lb **is
• ...wee
Edward I. had the largest family
of any British sovereign. He had
18 children.
Tortured by All Kinds of Pains
And Aches Ere Tries Everything
but Fails to Find Relief Till a
Friend Advises Him to Use
Docld's Kidney Pills—They Have
Made a Well Mau of Him and
He is Grateful.
.Ottawa, Ont., Mar. 31: (Special.—
Frank Chartrand, a railway man,
whose home is at 130 Little Cha.ud-
Jere 'Street, has acknowledged that
Dodd's Xidney Pills have done more
for him .than anything else in the
world has ever done. He says:—"I
:suffered with backache and was al -
,ways drowsy and had a very heavy
feeling in my limbs.
al had frequent severe headaches,
And more times very sharp paths in
the top of my hea.d, which gave me
much annoyance in my work.
I "My fingers would cramp and I
would have an uneasiness in my legs
and occasional paths in the loins.
"I was dizzy in spells and short ot
breath. • If I ate a hearty meal I
would have a pain in my lett side.
My appetite would sometimes be
very good and sometimes I couldn't
eat anything, •
"I had a constant soreness and
tenderness over the spine and tired
feeling in the region of nay kidneys.
"I metered quite a little with a
ldraggingoins. heavy feeling across the
"Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom-
mended to me by a friend of -mine
who had been cured, and I began to
use them.
I "Ahnost from the start I began to
I feel the wonderful improvement,
which continued as the treatment
proceeded, till the unpleasant symp-
toms had one by one entirely dirsap-
Pe'2.:leoddd.'s Kidney Pills have worked
,a. wonderful cure in my case and
I cannot speak too highly of this great
and good remedy."
Dhring the teething period great
care should be taken of baby's health.
The little one suffers greatly; the
gums are hard and inflamed and any
disorder at the stomach or bowel
increases the peevishness of- the child
and often fatal results follow. Mo-
ther's greatest aid at this period is
Baby's Own Tablets—the surest of all
remedies in curing the mincer ail-
ments of children. Among the many
mothers who testify to the value of
these Tablets is Mrs. R. IL Bickford,
Glen Sutton, Que., who says:—"My
little baby suffered much teem teeth-
ing and indigestion. I procured 'a
box of .Baby's Own Tablets and it
worked wanders in baby's condition—
in fact I believe it saved my little
one's life. I sincerely believe that
whore now many a home is saddened
through death of a little One, joy
would be supreme it these tablets had
been used. I consider them baby's
best doctor and would not he with-
out them."
Baby's Own Tablets when given in
accordance with the directions pre-
vent roztlessness and nervousness—
cure simple feVer, diarrhoea, consti-
pation, colic and all steniach trou-
ble. G earanteed. to contain • no - op-
iate.or other • harmful drug. By die -
solving a tablet in water it can be
given with ribeolute safety to .the
yery youngest babe?. Sold by
druggists, or direct by mail,' post
paid, at 25 centsa box, by address-
ing the Dr. Williams' Meditate CO„
Brockville, Ont.
Mit aril's Liolialltit Lumliermao's Neuf,
An Irishman sued another for kill -
Ing his dog.
"Did you kill that dog, Murphy?"
asked the judge.
"I did, yo' honor; but 111, Make
him prove it."
The judge then turned to the plain-
"What was your dog worth, Den-
nis ?"'
"Never a halfpenny was he worth,
yer honor; but, be jabers, I'm going
to make him pay the full value of
the baste!"
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world produces,
end is sold only In lead
Eilack9 Mixed and Green.
lapin tea drinkers try "Splaila" Green tea.
The word "infantry" was first used
by the Spaniards to designate the
bodyguard of the "Infante," or heir
to the Spanish throne.
Canada is Pre-eininently the Great-
est Pulp Wood Producing
Country in the World,
The prospectus of the Atlantic
Pulp and Paper Company, Limited,
just issued by the brokers, Messrs.
Sutherland & Cameron, Ottawa, con -1
tains some interesting reading mat-,
ter. The mills of the Company will
be situated on the Little Cascapedia
River, at New Richmond, on the Maio
des Ohaleurs, where it is proposed to
erect a paper mill with a, daily capa-
city of 54 tons, a ground woed pulp
mill with a daily capacity of 50 torts
and a sulphite pulp mill with a'
daily capacity of af) tons. The wood
used will be principally spruce, and
it is believed that pulp and paper
an be more economically manufac-
tured there than at any other place
In America, The properties and lim-
Les acquired by the corapany contain
about 302 square miles. The com-
pany has reports on the property,
made by five different rangers. whose
reports show that there is sufapient
wood to afford a perpetual smpply of
timber. One of tae rangess who has
traveled and examined limits i.n the
State of Maine, New Brunswick and
Quebec a.nd worked in Wisconsin and
Minnesota, says it is tho best pulp
limit he has ever traveled over.
The water which will be used in.
the manufacture of paper is pure and
clean, the Little Cascapedia River
being fed by springs and is suitable
for making the finest grades of pa-
per without the oxpense of filtering.
• W. C. Edwards, M.P., of W. C.
EdWardo & Co., Limited. lumber-
men, Ottawa, is the president of the
company; R. Y. Ellis, director of P.
W. Ellis & Co., Limited, manufac-
turing jewelers, is the vice-president,
,and the other directors are:. Charles
�L Waterous, president of the Water-
ous Engine Works Company, Limited,
Brantford; R. H. Thompson whole -
What Doddle Kidney Pills have
done for Mr. Chartrand they have'ale paper merchant, Buffalo; A. F.
done for thousands of others,and H. Eckardt, manufacturer, Toronto;
they'll do the same for you if you 1
Charles Lvman, president of the Ly -
give 'them chaace.
ma.n-Knox" Coaapany, Limited, Mont -
There are many railway men in
r ' eal. J. W. Waadrope, director of the
Canada toedear who find.Dodd's NewRichmond Lumber Company,
Limited, Mon treal; Williana H. Mc-
Intyre, paper manufacturer (late me-
chanical superintendent Laurentida
Pulp CoMpany), and W. R. P. Park-
er, barrister -at -law, Toronto.
• The subscription books are now
open, and prospectuses, with full in-
fto rmati on and application forms,'
may be obtained • from the office of
'Sutherland le Cameron. Ottawa, Can
ado., or the National Tyust Company,
Limited, Toronto; Montreal and
ney Pills indispensable. They aro
the railway man's merest and best
friend. •
• The constant vibration on trahnt
and engines is very hard on tke kid-
neys and Docid.'s Kidney Pills make
'these organs well and able to resist
Aunt Hannah—"Oh, I don't think
Mary would do such a mean thing
as that. I have always heard peo-
ple say she was generous to a. fault.'
Uncle George—"When the fault hap-
pens to be hers, she is."
For Over Sixty Years
"Does your wile call:yore as many
pet names as 'she did when you were
•nrst married ?" "lar—not as many
pet ones."
1113r. WINRI-OW'S SOOTRIXO 5T.Tilf? 113A beta need by
millimse a acetate fer their children 3, hill, teething..
'smoothes the child, cortess Ma gums, elLayagain, cures
wind colic, regulates tbe nom lind bowels, and is this
best remedy for Diarrhosa. Twonty-gro cents hattle.
Sold by druggists throughout the werld. lgo sure and
es& for " hitte.)Vne'sr.o Soo -rano sraer."
• Clara—"I had an awful time alien
I refused hint," Maud—"Ilow do
you mean ?" .Clara—"Why, he took
it in earnest, and I had to explain
that I didn't mean it."
McsOrs. C. 0. Richards 4? Co.
Centlemen,—After suffering for se-
ven years with inflammatory rheum-
atism, so bad that I was eleven
Months confined to my room. and
for two years could not dress myself
without help. Your agent gave me
in May.. '97, and asked me to try it,
which r did, and was so well pleased
with the results I procured mere.
Five bottles completely cured me and
have had no 'return of the pain for
eighteen months.
The above facts are well-known to
everybody In this village and neigh-
Yours gratefully, A. DAIRT.
'St. Thnothee, Que., May leth, 1899.
"Xs be a master of English ?"
"Yee, to- judge by the liberties he
The Abyssinian law against to-
bacco smoking dates back to the
year 1642,
irs'eloyeireesited ab bottom 'not does not require ratio?
age Acme Poultry Netting
board euppert at edgea, keel otrente61, deS441 memoirist wire
wane easy to sates. whe ' Atop; 14
Me. IS guar.) at top, loojtonlf adi* oentte, (Linnet) ta
eat taXgooraneo, very detfalo d,nd °neap. , a ate
Make faila cind brelentmetiti. rose, Wee, Male RA
stiaplee. Mho narne of page is your guarantee equality,
The Page Wire Fens Co., Littlest!, WelkervIlle, Ora, '5.
ASSIOS TO A Ulnae—Dona take any °haws at the outset ot your married late glee Van
AFLd1We are handling large quantities
We can handle yours to advantage,
Ithe Dawson Com.inission Co., Limited, Toronto.
222.21Fly.„..,,nent?.2LL.Ig$1,2512fge, apples And other Protium Bolleited.
1•••••••••••••••=004.0. Rawile.•••%.....:V.44P00.00•••••••4940•••••Tranaps.0.4,1•440.......ely'
C0e00:0000090Z600044060 os,aeoes,ese. ocegoeceo.-
8,11T-iPRISE '
Mrs. Boaster—"Henry. and I went
to the theatre last night. We had a
box." Mrs. Blunt — "Chocolates,
weren't they ? I saw you in the gal-
lery eating something."
ksk .far Minds and tae no other
OOP) 000060Q(Deee00600(.0600600C)06600 eC,e0(343000044
T. Nofl. body atilt.° d y S
Sulphurous. for
Od.erless. "Headlig t"
Every Stick—
A Match Parlour
She—"I wonder why they hung
that picture ?" Ile— Perhaps they
couldn't -catch the artist."
Recent articles have appeared in
the press announcing the wona.eetul
discovery by .a celebrated European
surgeon: of the cure of cancer by the
X -Ray treatment, and while it ap-
pears as a new thing in the medical
world it is not generally known that
clueing the last two years several
wonderful cures have been effected in
our man country, in the City of Ham-
ilton, by one of ..its well-known phy-
sicians, Dr. Cunnaings, who was one
of the first In Ameeica to introduce
the X -Rays in his practice, and has
effected several 'remarkable cures in
cases where the Knife and Plasters
have failed entirely. Two Hamilton.
cases in particular might be mem
tioneta one a Mr. John Langton, who
had cancer. and had tried all kinds of
treatments without avail. Hearing
of a Wonderful cure 'in the Cite/ by
Dr. Cummings, he placed himself in
his heads, With the result that to-
day there is not a trace of the dis-
ease left. The other case was that
of a widow, Mrs. Win. .Glertson, who
after several operations both by
Balite and Plaster, found the disease
recurri ag. Her pbysician recom-
mended her to Di` . °awnings and
she is now •permanently cured One
feature of the X -Ray • treatment is
that no scars or traces Of the disease
are left, .From tlais it vlli be seen.
that Canada: igInot behind the older
xematries 'of EtRope in the wonderful
development* tieeMedieal 8cienee. •
It will surprise you to see hew it
looke, how it wears, how easy it
works, how econtealical it is
when you paint with
the oldest and best known paints
in Canada to -day, made from the
best paint material to • fight off
hot sun and storm, to outlast all
others, and at just the right price
for pure paints.
Drop us a line and ask for
Drop us a card and a.sk for tft
A. RAMSAY & SON, Utah. 124,2
pdi CNTREAL Paint Mahors
Tito finest inatoh,Vil
Vie worisSeltualla from
9et corky 131/19, anci
especially suitable
for domestic woo—
nut up in neat eliding
boxos,aeozoloct osloro
rash box eentsinlng
about 030 =althea—
throe boxes in a watt-
a"nr= otalYttos
.44• .144 -144++444Z -H-444444 4-144++4,4-1-4-1-7-114-7444,4444
The death -rate of children under 5
years is G3a,. per 1,000 in England.
This is Abetter rate than any other
country except the United States.
There the rate is only 59 per 1,000;
while in Austria and Italy it is over
110 per 1,000.
The cemeteries of the 'United
Kingdom cover 30 square miles of
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications. as they cannobrotteh the
Vocalised portion of the oar. There is only ono
way ti; cure deafnovs, and that is by coustitu
lional remake. Deafness iv caussd by an
indented condition of the mucous Hein of tho
EUstachiart Tube. 'When this tube is in-
- flamed you have a rumbling sound or ipeper
foes hearing. and when lt is entirely closed
drafaods is the result, and unless rho intlam-
niatioa oan be taken cut and this tube restored
to Ste normal oondttirn, hearing will be dn.
Ltreyed forever: Mao cases oot of ten arc
°Smedley c ttarrh, which is nothing but art in-
flamed condition of the mucus!: surfr
We will give Ono Hundred Donate for any
ease of Dort:sego (canted lay catarrh) that can
uls be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
or circulars, free.
P. J. CHENEY 3.'s 00., Toledo, 0.•
Sold brDrngrisb. 76c.
Haifa Vaini.y Pills are the best.
The number of people canplo3red in
the British Civil Service now ex-
ceeds half a million. Of these over
10fe,e000 are employed by the Post
' Lever's Y -Z (Wise.. Head) Disinfec-
tant Soap Powder dusted in the bath
Softens the water at the' same time
that it disinfects.
"You say you have a ping-pong
club in your town ?" "Yes. The
first fellow who mentions ping-pong
gets it."
Seeps the comae
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Brouto•Quinitio Tablets mire a cold
in one day. No Cure. No Pay. Pried 25 cents.
Bank of England notes are num-
bered .baekwards, that is, from. 1 to
10,000. Hence the figures 00,001.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the House
India's Government used to import
£50,000 worth of quinine yearly,
Now they' have in Bengal alone four
million cinchona shrubs.
Minard's Liolment Is used 11 Phisiclaos
NV P c. 112,4
4•044444400* 44444.4..04 .00 441
Only 28 whales were taken last
year for blubber. In 1550, 3,000
were killed.
Preserves the tooth. Sweetens 1 Ito breath.
Strongthena 1.110 sumo
and Cleaning. This is a specialty with the
Send particulars W pot and WO are sure to satisfy.
Address Boo 1514 Montreal,
1./RITHein WMT it
,C9. al v-7,,, :5 g litip-ei MINUTE! •
0 Don't put powder es
Chaffing *ores. It
4ores. comply ease., far tette
being. ofevernea
heats Chaffing Sere*
It relieves pain at onoe and cureo the cora:teal
Any metier who tries la I load Ins will never Willing!
be wIthout It. 220., Drurvaiuta, or tilleadino Co;
Toronto. Sionsyrefundon ,fnot satisfactory.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if It fails to ouro.
E. W. Grove'a signature ,s oe each box. 230.
Camels were brought to Arizona,
in the United States, in 1857, and
then turned wild. The last descend-
ant has just died.
FOR SALE.—Twe 2-ravoIutlon Campbell
Pr00609, bed 4046 Inches. Splendl
order. Prise 311000 each. Terme easy.
73 West P.dRikteR St, TOrOht0
Instruments, Bugles, Flies, Drums, Caps. ole.
Can have a Fits and Drum or Bugle Band.
Lowest prices ever quoted. Illustrated price.liell
mailed free. Write us for ANYTHING in MUSIO
WHALEY, ROYCE 6 CO., Limited
Winnipeg, Man. Toronto, Canada
Onanktion Line Steamships.'
Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver.
pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queene-
Largo and Past Steamships. Superior accommodat IS
for all classes of pavcongek. Saloons end Stators
are amldehips. Special attention has been given to
Second Saloon and Thira•Olass accommodation.
rates of pasatme and all paiticulers, apply to any ng
of the Company, or
Richards, Mille /4.0o, D. Torrance St Co..
77 State St.,110Lkon.• Montreal and Portlautic
We want at once trnstworthy men and. WOIOGri is
every locality, local or traveling, to introduce n new
discovery and keep our show cards and gnome:an
matter tached up in conspicuous plum throughout 155
commiesion or salary, St6s.00 per (loath anal
town and country. Steady employment year roue
Expenses, uot to exceed $2.50 per day.
Write for partionlare. Postoflioe box 337,
W• O EP 8 PHOTG.t.-kiCilaNitq.9_,
L. JONES lt..NG.C9
•-168- EAY• ST Fe ToRONTO
• •
• •
Invites investors of large or
small amounts to investigate
• its
Four Per Sent Debentures
• • vei th half -yearly interest cou-
pons attacked. They are is -
seed for fixed terms' of not
•• • less than one year and are
4. Seciured by assets amoutting
$ 23 0 0 0 0 0 0
• beruCce,