HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-11-02, Page 8PAGE 8 -CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1983 p `n' aerie QUALITY BI' t LK FO S Serials effective from W SAF®it TS=0 Nov. 2 till closing Tues. Nov. 8 .use 9 nd %'a re Duce Specia1tieS. 19 MAIN STREET - SEJAI I RTH Pere FRESH HONEY .89 lb. Large SEEDED RAISINS 1,39 Ib. Sweetened MEDIUM COCONUT 1.29 lb. CURRANTS 1.09 le. Dutch GOUDA CHEESE Mild Med. 2,7I'Ib. 2.991b. Grat RMESAN CHEESE 1 Ib. package 3.99 PEANUT BUTTER CHIPITS 1.39 Ib. All Christmas Baking Supplies now available Learn how to make your own Christmas Candy & Chocolates Candy Classes - Nov. 14 or 15 7:30-9 p.m. $2.00 per class Register at Scoop 'n Save Phone 527-0460 Lyich's CUSTARD POWDER 1.29 Ib. KIDNEY BEANS .49 .b. WE DO ALL THE SCOOPING Dutch Style BLACK FOREST HAM 2.991b. Store Sliced Smoked COOKED HAM 1.99 lb Light or Dark CHOCOLATE HAIL 400 g pkg. 1.29 Monday to Friday -Open 9a.m to 5:30 p.m.-:--Saturday-9 a.m. to 5p.m ****************>A********** -11 SUPER SPECIALS ************************* All Purpose FIVE ROSES FLOUR 10 kg Bag 5.49 Large Selection of DUTCH CHOCOLATES For Christmas Open Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9 p.m. Clover Leaf Flaked LIGHT TUNA 61/2 oz. Tin .99 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Instant 10 oz. or Decaffeinated 8 oz. Jar 4.99 Green (dant ASSORTED VEGETABLES 12 or 14 oz. .59 MEAT Fresh Voting Ontario Family Pack Pork 3.06 LOIN kg CHOPS Ili 1.39 Fresh Voting Ontario ( entre (nl I ion PORK "g 3.73 CHOPS Ib 1.69 Boneless Pori 1 non ROASTS or kg 4.83 CHOPS • Ib 2.19 Iresh Sin ed lender BEEF kg 1.74 LIVER II, .79 ( entre ( u, 1 a., 4 r, 1 our, 4.17 PORK k" CHOPS lb 1.89 Pork 1 on i(ih l nd (oonlr, Sl, b• 57 lel SPARERIBS lel lb 1.59 Pork loin Tenderloin k".28 3.28 J PORTION L® ROAST it, 1.49 Si hneldery 5a... 1 70 Regular or Honey 9011 g BUCKET CHICKEN 3.69 Schneider, Kent Slued SIDE BACON ;nag OR 1.98 Si hneuler, Ord 11„i, -., 111 Rego WIENERS 4;4 g pkg 1.59 Sthneiders All Bert ( ello Pak STEAKETTES con g 1.98 -. S, hneiders P,ip alar \ar u.l,r. SLICED BOLOGNA n(. g pkg 1.98. Schneider, 1'; g linwl Regular or ( hunks HEADCHEESE BOWLS 1.59 S, hneider• , in g npi,l.,, \.i,n•,i,.• SANDWICH .99 SPREAD ROLLS SMOKED 6g 5.71 SAUSAGE Ili 2.59 FROM THE DELI '�. hn,.,A,.r, Oopol.,r LUNCHEON LOAVES SUMMER SAUSAGE 1,. COOKED PICNIC g 4.37 1.98 I, 6.57 2.98 5.49 2.49 [TOMATOES • PRO DUCE Prod Ont tan al 1 Ib bag COURTLAND APPLES 1.19 Prod USA (an 04 SUNKIST ORANGES do, 1.19 , Prod USA (an 01 'WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 5/1.00 Prod. USA Can al LETTUCE c .69 ,Prod Ont ( ani al RUTABAGAS ' ea,b • 39 Prod. USA Can 01 AVACADOES 2/1.00 Prod. Ont. Can .1 -MUSHROOMS k". 4.78 Ili 1.99 Prod. Ont (an 01 PARSNIPS 1‘141.66 lb .69 Tropical GREEN PLANTS ,.,,,h .99, BAKERY Granny BUTTER TARTS pig nl ,n 1.39 Hamburger or Wiener WESTON ROLLS Pkg of 11 . 79 Stone Milled 100 Whole N heal Se70 (,rain or Bran COUNTRY HARVEST BREAD „-s g Ina, . 79 FROZEN FOOD Niagara APPLE JUICE 11 c or tan .89 /in -rhino l asauna Spaghetti or ( hr. ken (b,,.. 51,.,r,... LEAN CUISINE ENTREES 119 g pkg 1.99 Hoghbner COD IN BATTER 0s pkg 1.99 HIGHLINER FILETS ii, pkg 1.99 Deep N O,•I. McCAIN CAKES 1,99 ish 'do's „r in Harr.. HIGHLINER FISH (arnalinn TATER GEMS nn g pkg i•u 3.29 1.19 SHAVING GEL SHAMPOO & CREME RINSE .79 2.99 GROCERY Red Rose Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS 3.39 Pkg of 120 ( lover Lea( PINK SALMON 5nr lin 1.29 Sthetarlr Lalli SULTANA • RAISINS • 1 � 'SO R pkg.Catelli Old d SPAGHETTIe SAUCE 4 750 ml jar 1.7 V (alelld ASSORTED PASTAS 1 kg, hos .99 Milk Male DRINK SYRUP 1.29 iso mt Laura Secord Assorted PUDDINGS & YOGURTS 4125 g. tiny 1.69 Aunt Jemima Complete Regular or Buttermilk PANCAKE MIX 1.79 1 h AUNT JEMINA SYRUP • 50 m1 1.99 Dow BATHROOM CLEANER 1.89 475 g Rnlair Ass! r ragranres AIR FRESHENER 15 g 1.49 Rotair AIR FRESHENER Refill •99 Peek f rean N e x Short( ake BISCUITS 1 49 400 g pkg Old Dutch BLEACH 1 6 Ince Ina 1.19 f lee. , 1.4-0.d FABRIC SOFTENER 1 n litre mg 2.99 Betel 1 Ib lob SOFT MARGARINE 1 e49 /rp lot Quart, STORAGE BAGS 109 Ho. of 15 s 7 dell 0 Ansi 1 !minor, INSTANT PUDDINGS 59 85 g pkg e MINUTE RICE nn g pkg 2.59 Rakers Semi ',vier, BAKING CHIPS ,-; g pkg .99 Rakers Sarni Sweet CHOCOLATE CHIPS ,:n g 1.99 All (nn. ennale LAUNDRY DETERGEN T 6 bier boy 7.99 y,l D'SHWASHER DETERGENT • . Ig ho, 4.99 Po,. Rants f 17.nor Morse CAT FOOD 4 sOO g pkg 1.49 v/,. I iaoiA a DETERGENT ,ti m1 2.49 Re,..dn, ALUMINUM FOIL m99 11 . 1; MUSHROOM PIECES & STEMS .6 earn t oldj""i se rde By Eleanor Bradnock Social News Winners at last week's euchre party held m the Auburn Community Memorial Hall were: novelty - Bob Armstrong; high lady - Mrs. Carol Daer; low lady (playing as a lady) - Ross Robinson; high man - Sreven Rodger, and low man - Donald Haines. There were eight tables in play. The winner of last week's lottery draw for the Auburn and District Lions Club was Jim McCreight. .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett of Amherstburg visited their aunt, Mrs. Elva Straughan last Friday. Mrs. Bonnie Armour and daughter Julie were weekend visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger attended the 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright at Stratford last Saturday. Mrs. Mary Bere of Dungannon visited with Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Philips last Sunday. Mrs. Bere showed pic- tures of a trip to New Guinea and told about life on the island, where her daughter Ruth and her husband are working, at the open session of Knox United Church Sunday school. Mrs. Harold Baechler and her grand- daughters, Catherine and Tracy Renon visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vanderburgh, Steven and Kristen of Guelph. They all visited the Lion's Safari at Rockton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook of Clinton visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baechler. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer of R.R. 1 Auburn who on Sunday, November 6, will celebrate their golden wedding day with a dinner at noon and m the afternoon will hold Open House in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall. Mrs. Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Marjorie McDougall and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock at- tended the London area Women's Institute convention at St. Marys last Thursday and Friday. The sympathy of this community is ex- tended to John Wilson and his family on the �1 furnace on themarket! 100% rturn . on your nf. One of the most profitable invest- ments nvestments you con make. It's 96-98% fuel efficient. Save money on every utility bill. Up to 43 % more efficient than many existing gas furnaces. An incredible engineering achievement. No pilohlight. No burner. Requires no chimney. Dimen- sions are just 49 x26 x 21 inches. Will readily accommodate Lennox Central Air Conditioning, Electronic Air Cleaner and Power Humidifier. • 20 year warranty on the heat exchanger • Eligible for the up to 5000 Government Rebate. tExN¢rputs GBAILEYs Specialist In Pulse Combustion Heating MILL STREET HENSALL 262-2020 We are Proud to be your Lennox Dealer YOUR INDEPENDENT LENNOX DEALER death of his wife, Cora in Clinton Public Hospital last Saturday., The Wilson family lived in this community for several years. Mrs. George Collins entertained five Tattle boys last week in honour of Jonathan's sixth birthday. Those present were Peter Craig, Scott Arthur, Ryan Chamney, Marc Bricker and Marty Lawrence. Games and contests were played and tpe birthday cake with candles held the centre of attraction. raiding Course Do you want to learn how to braid a rug, a chair pad or table mat from discarded materials? Braiding is the short course for Huron County women sponsored by the provincial Ministry of Agriculture and Food with Mrs. Jane Muegge, rural agricultural specialist, assisted by Bonnie Wilson of Elgin County at Wingham the last two weeks. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs. Tena Empey are the leaders and they will be star- ting their classes on Thursday, November 10 at 10 a.m. in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall. The leaders will show slides of what has been made in other counties and give everyone a better idea what they want to make. Each person has to make a trivet and then an article of her own choice by next March or April. Participants learn how to prepare old clothing for braiding such as shrinking or fading characteristics and how to cut up old clothes, panty hose and cotton underwear to make attractive rugs, chair pads, place mats and a dozen other household accessories. If you would like to take this course, please call either of the leaders or come out at 10 a.m. on November 10. This course is sponsored by the Auburn Women's Institute. UCW Knox United Church Women held their Fall Thankoffering meeting last Wednesday evening in the Sunday school room of the church with visitors from Blyth, Don- nybrook and Dungannon Churches; St. Mark's Anglican Church; and the Presbyterian W.M.S. members. ry Shuttleworth was the speaker and tot about his street ministry and jail istry which he had led in Chatham. He told about his experiences in establishing the coffee house there and helping people find themselves and lead a new life. Mrs. Maurice Bean thanked Mr. Shut- tleworth and a question period followed. Mrs. Armstrong announced that a quilt would be set up on November 7 and re- quested that the nominating committee be prepared to present the slate of officers at the November meeting. Duff's Church welcomes members By Betty McCall WALTON - Reformation Sunday was observed at Duff's United Church on Oct. 30. Greeters were Bruce and Ron. Godkin and Mrs. Margery Huether was organist. Rev. Swan celebrated the 500th Birthday of Martin Luther for his sermon and prayer. The sacrament of Baptism was observed with the following parents coming forward with their children. Paul Arthur Linton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dat,id Linton; Christina Lynn McClure daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McClure; Cody Benjamin Nichol, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nichol. Card party Five tables of euchre were in play for the first card party of the season at the com- munity hall. Prize winners were: high lady, Annie Reid; second high, Dorothy Daer; low, Rena Watt; high man, Doran Thornton; second high, Bert Daer; low, Gordon Murray. It was decided lunch would be served by the committee in charge as usual at $1.50 admission. Lunch hostesses were Leona McDonald, Margaret Shortreed, Valerie Shortreed and Berva Watson. Everybody is welcome Nov. 8. FANTASTIC FRIDAY FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 9 - 6 p.m. ANNA'S , DRESS SHOPPE�� � SEAFORTH 1/3ALL AFF WINTER COATS ^A SPECIAL RACK OF BLOUSES, SWEATERS, 1995 JEANS AND CORDS 2400 SELECTED DRESSES FROM 5 - 15 FOR DANCE EXERCISE TOPS AND TIGHTS ALL MATERNITY WEAR WOOL SLACKS, SKIRTS AND BLAZERS 25% OFF 20% 'OFF 20% Orr PLEASE NO LAYAWAYS PICKED UP AT THIS TIME - •