HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-1, Page 5°Let sleeptng dogs lie
Beware of the "bar-
gain" shoe,
Why is it sold at a
"educed price" 0 it is
worth full price?
Leave lottery shoes
carefully alone, and look
for the Makers' price,
stamped cm the sole of
the sure value shoe—
"The Slater Shoe"
B. J, SPACKMAN. General Agent,
General News.
Mrs. Hawkins, wife of the late.post-
master at Port Albert, has been ap-
pointed to the position made vacant
by his death.
Milburn Sterling Headache Powders contain
neither morphine nor opium. They promptly
cure Sick Headaohe; Neuralgia, lleadaohe,
Headache of Grippe. Headache ot delicate
ladies end Headache from an..4 cause whatever
Price 10a. and 25o
The London Methodist Conference
is to meet in Sarnia this year. The
threenames mentioned most rirounin-
ently for the presidency are the Rey,
A. L. Russell, the Rev. Jasper Wilson
and the. Rev, E. N. Baker.
The contest will be short and sharp
—just five weeks. That it will result
in a triumphant opportunity to Mr.
Whitney and his associates to prove
their ability as administrators of the
affairs of this great province we con-
fidently believe.
Some of our Grit contemporaries are
actually prophesying that Ross will
carry Ontario. Have they forgotten
how the province went in the last Do-
minion election ? If so, they might
do a little thinking.—Belleville Intel-
Used internally Bagyard's Yellow Oil cures
Sore Throat Hoarseness Quinsy, Pain in the
Zhest, Croup, eta. Used externally cures
Rheumatism, Stiff joints, Contracted cords,
Sprains, Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Bites
et Insects.
In a few years *moie, when Great
Britain becomes an out-and-out pro-
tection country, you will hear the
Canadian Liberals boasting of how
1 they have fulfilled their pledge to
Ilkgive this country "Free Trade as they
have it in England."—Woodstock Ex-
• press.
The Ontario election camnaign will
ite short, sharp and decisive, Conser-
vatis es all over the province are bone-
-ful of success, and it really looks now
as if tbere will be a change of Govern:
anent, The Tories are in excellent
shape for the'fray and a great many
Liberals are going to vote for a
Mrs. Miranda Baker, a well known
resident of London passed away
Friday at the ripe old age of 71 years.
She had been ill for about four months.
The funeral took place Sunday at two
o'clock from the residence of her son,
Mr. S. Baker, 709 Waterloo street, to
Mount Pleasant cemetery.
At a meeting of the Women's Emi-
gration Olub April 24th, Lord Sel-
bourne, the first Lord of the Admir-
alty, strongly urged the settlement of
British women in South Africa, es the
-only way the wounds of the war could
be healed. Lord Strathcona, follow-
ing, urged Canada's need of women
settlers. He declared that if the Brit-
ish Government gave any emigration
assistance whatever, Canada should
,share it.
'116- The Petrolea Advertiser puts the
case well, when it points out that it
was only by the stealing of so ninny
constituencies that tbe machine saved
itself at the last election. There is no
reason, says the Advertiser, why the
machine sbonld be allowed to rule.
Its claim to superior .administrative
ability is arrogance. Its bombastic
-demand for another term is impu-
dence. Mr. Whitney. who has a
clean record and a nuttily, straightfor-
ward character, is abetter man than
any the machine can put in the field.
will outwear
two pairs of
common rubbers. For three
years we have proved that with
3,0 Igo woo ,p you can stub
—9 your foot,
nut y
hlg'S genuine
u cannot stub the rubbers.
are tamp9dOm"
upon the sole of each rubber
with our copy-
righted name MAO
do not allow yourself to be de-
ceived by imitations.
the best on the market, 6 -inch,
3 -inch and 12 -inch tops, with
Rolled Ecl,e and Heels. They
are earric.d. in stook, and your
dealer can order them for you.
'The J. D. It asTO CO., Limited
have exclu,ive
control bf
IOne of the oldest residents of Dote
chester paned away on April 24th,
the person Of Elizabeth 'Woods, wife
of Mr, 13. Talbot, ex -county bridge
commissioner, She bad been 111 for a
long time, being confined to bee bed
for the past year, A notable eireum-
stance in counection with Mrs. Talbot's
life Was that she died hi the same
house that she entered as a bride forty-
six years ago, tbough the place ilae of
course been improved a.nd remodelled
since then.
The Ogilivie flhing 0o„ which has
recently made several advances in the
price or floar, ainaounces another
move up of five cents a barrel, making
$4,20 for Haugacian and 33.90 for
Glenora patent. The Lake of the
Woods Milling Co. has made no change
since the other company commenced
the advances, and its Prices for what
are commonly called the same grade
of goods are now 30 cents a barrel
lower. As these big concerns have al-
ways sold their goods on the same
price basis, the situation has caused
nnuch comment in their trade,
The 175t12 anniversary of Guelph,
Ontario. was celebrated Monday,
April 23rd, and in anticipation qf the
occesion The Guelph 1VIercury on Sat-
urday published a sketch of the foun-
der, John G -alt, together with histor-
ical and descriptive artieles in con-
nection with the anniversary, The
• founder of Guelph was also the
founder of the Canada Company. and
he had much to do with tbe develop-
ment of the Huron Tract. His nanie
indeed, is inseparably connected with
the history of this district, The
Mercury publishes a portrait of John
Galt, in which can be traced a decided
likeness to his grandson, John Galt,
postmaster of Goderich,
Returning Officers for Some of
the Neighboring'Con-
Bruce North—Ohas. V. Parke, shei-
Bruce South—W. M, Dank, registrar.
Bruce Oenter, Dr. Malcolm Black,
Huron East—R. G. Reynolds, sher-
Huron South— John Leporte, Drys-
Huron West — Wm. Roberstson,
London—R. H. Dignan, registrar.
Middlesex East— D. M. Oatneron,
Middlesex North—D. S. Campbell,
Mullifarry postoffice.
Middlesex West—S. Blackburn, re-
Perth North --James Hossie, sheriff.
Perth South—Patrick Whelihan- re-
Is The Only Medicine That
Can Promptly and Perman-
ently Banish All Wasting
and Dangerous
It Restores Lost Health When
Physicians Pronounce Your
Case Incurable ,
if, in springthne sick people—young
and old—act with promptness, wis-
dom and decision, suffering, agony
and tnisery would never be carried in-
to the summer mouths.
To delay the work of banishing
disease, regulating the nerves, puri-
fying the 'blood and restoring per-
fect digestion is a serious mistake,
When the blood is sluggish, impure
and poisoned, when the nervous sys-
tem is unbalanced, when digestion is
deranged, and the appetite poor and
variable, be assured your condition is
critical, and calls for instant attention
before the summer months bring ad-
ditional dangers. •
At this time the use of -Paine's
Celery Compound will do a marvel-
lous work for every rundown, sick
and diseased man and woman.
Its life-giving work first commences
with the blood, which is made clean
and pure ; then the nerves are quick-
ly set in order, digestive vigor is fully
restored: the appetite is made natural,
sleep is refreshing, and the despond-
ing heart made light and joyous.
It is well to bear in mind that
Paine's Celery Compound owes its
origin to the most distinguished phy-
sician that this American continent
ever produced, and his marvellous.
prescription is publicly endorsed by
our leesb and ablest physicians.
If all sufferers who have been dis-
appointed in the past will promptly
start with Paine's Celery C'ompOund,
they will be. astonished and delighted
with lhs speed with which this won-
derful remedy is able to call a halt to
wasting and dangerous cliseases. It
is now making tens of thousands well
aucl steoug, awl fitting them to enjoy
the suminer months, which, to the
well and strong, are pleasurable Zind
h appy.
Sol Smith Eussell, the actor, died at
the Richmond Hotel, Washington. at
2 o'clock p. m., A.pril 28th, of perpet-
ual hiccough. Mr. Russellhad been
ill for some time from this malady,
hut daring the past few days the de-
cease took a sedous turn arid mince
early morning the eud had been hour.
ly expected. Mr. Russell was 54 yetis
It is generally believed that, Parties
mem will be prorougee May 13th. At
all events the Government has decided
that the session shall be brought, to a
close on that date, and as the most inn
poitent measures on the order paper
are Government bills, the majority of
which it is not iutended to put through
there is no reason why the business of
the session cannot be finished up by
the date Dinah ned.
The breath f.r t he pine iA the breath of life to
dm consumptive Norway Pine Syrup con.
ains the pine virtues and cures coughs, oolde,
bronehilis, hoarseness earl all throat and lung
troubles, whieh, it oot attended to, load to cern
Y tol Ra FAIT /Liar
ours if you try
Cureagititadraotaufeseias estoirestorronlin
onsuey, and we send you
free trial bottle if you write for it.
SHILOH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con,
sumption, Poeurnonia, nronchitis and all
nun Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold
in a day, and taus s.reveut serious results.
It, has been doing these things for GO years.
5. C. WELLS & CO., Toronto, Can.
Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Mind
Meetings of the Vryheicl and
• Utrecht Commandoes.
Strong Opinions Expressed—A. Tacit Truce
in Those Districts Has Expired -128
more Doers Accounted For—Twen-
ty-Five wiled, Ion captured
or Surrendered During the
London., April 29.—Wiring from,
Pretoria under date of Sunday, April
27, the Correspondent of The Daily
Telegraph says that Gen. Botha,
with other Boer leaders, attended
meeting of the Utrecht and Vryheid
commandoes last week. At these
meetings strong opinions in favor of
peace were expressed.
The tacit truce in the 'Utrecht and
Vryhald district, the correspondent
concludes, will expire to -morrow.
FIGHTING sTirsr., ooDS ON.
One Hundred and Twenty-Kiiiht Boers
Accounted For 2Ist.
London, April 29.—The War Office
has made public the following des-
patch from Lord Kitchener at Pre-
toria: "Since April 21, 25 Boers have
been. killed, 78 have beeu taken pris-
oners and 25 have surrendered."
There has been, desultory lighting in
various sections of the Transvaal
arld Orange River Colony.
Canadians III. .
Ottawa, April 29.—The Governor-
General has been informed by cable
that the following members of the
2nd 'Battalion of C.M.R. are danger-
ously ill of enteric fever in South
Pte. William Blanchard of Peter-
boro, Ont., at Elandsfontein.
Pte. John Arthur Wilson of Lon-
don, Ont.
Pte. Robert Dease of Montreal, at
'Trooper Drury Dead.
Ottawa, April 29 .—The Militia De-
partment has received word that
Trooper Joseph Drury of the 2rid
Canadian Mounted Rifles diecl from
enteric fever a,t Klerksdorp on April
24. Drury comes from Maple Creek,
...v. -a! as
Beresford's First Act.
London, April 29—The first official
act of Rear Admiral Lord Charles
Beresford (Conservative) after
ing the oath in the House of ; Com -
Mons yesterday was to give notice
that to -day he will present a motion
for reducing the salaries of Mr. Brod-
rick, the Secretary of State for War,
and the Earl of Selborne, First Lord
of the Admiralty, in order to call
attention to the lack of direct res-
ponsibility in the administration of
both the army and the navy.
Sol Smith Russell Dead.
Washington, April 29.—Sol Smith
Russell, the actor, died at Richmond
Hotel in this city at 2.10 o'clocle;
Yesterday afternoon of perpetual hic-
cough. -Mr. Russell had been ill for
some time from this malady, but
during the past few clays the disease
took a serious turn, and since early
morning the end had been hourly ex-
pected. Mr. Russell was 54 years
'Speaker 'ititl-.crtson Dead.
Halifax, April 22.—Thomas Robert-
son, Speaker of the Nova Scotia
Legisl a ture, died at South Dakota
yesterday,where he had gone for the
benefit of his health.
You Can
Lead a Horse
to water but you can't
make him drink.
You can't • make him eat
, either. You can stuff food in-
to a thin man's stomach but
that doesn't make him use it.
Scott's Emulsion can make
him use it. How? By mak-
ing him hungry, of course.
Scott's Emulsion makes a thin
bodyhungryallover. Thought
a thin body was naturally hun-
gry didn't you? Well it isn't.
A thin bOcbr is asleep—not
working—gone on a strike,
It doesn't try to use it's food.
Scott's Emulsion wakes it
up—puts it to work again
making new flesh, That's the
way to get fat.
Send for free se.mple.
scorr 4 sowNE, Toreata, Canada,
see and mo; Sit druggtsta
A Boy of 15 Years Kills Girl of
While Zarin g School Brio Sharp Drew
a Revolver and Shot Reatileo Rolland
tioad—The Victim Was a Daughter
of Air. Holland, Engineer on
the Kingston and Eembroke
Kingston, April 29,—Just as the
children were being dismissed yester-
1 day afternoon at Frontenac Seho01,
' a shot rang through the building,
and a bright, happy girl, aged 14,
l named Beatrice Rolland, fell over
and was soon. dead. The bullet
I pierced her tensple. Eric Sharp, ag-
ed 15, a schoolmate, fired the fatal
shot. The girl was cared fer and
physicians summoned, but she was
beyond relief when they arrived.
,IVIeantime the hoy fled.
At 7 o'clock he ,gave himself up to
the police, He says he knows not
how the deed occurred. He said he •
would shoot the gir/, she having tip-
ped his hat in the cloak room. When
he pulled the revolver it went off.
Scholars say that Eric told the
girl if she did not stop he would
shoot her, and he drew the revolver
and aimod it at her. The revolver
was an American Dull, self-acting.
He threw the weapon away.
An. inquest will be stimmoned to-
day. The families are grief-stricken
over the dreadful deed. The victim
was the daughter of George holland,
an engineer on the Kingston & Pem-
broke Railway,
The lad is a, son. of Henry Sharp,
a. Princess street grocer. He was a
lively lad, fond of cigarette* and
no Was Caught in nn Elevator and Crush-
ed to Death.
Toronto Junction, April 20.—Wel-
lington Lawrence, a lad 14 years
of age, who lives at 37 Whitney ave-
nue, Toronto Junction, was killed
Yesterday morning while working in
the factory of the Canada Cycle &
Motor Company. There was no one
around when the accident occurred,
but as he Was working on the ele-
vator it is supposed his head got
caught between the elevator and the
posts and he wet dragged up two
Rights before the elevator stopped.
Yesterday was the boy's first day at
work. Coroner Clen dollen has ordered
an inquest.
Na:icnisl League, st onday.
New York 9, Brooklyn 3.
Phila.delphist. 4, Boston 1.
Amer can League. Nona:1y.
Baltimore 3, Boston 7.
Washington. 9, Philadelphia 12.
Chicago 0, Cleveland 2.
Th.. .Electlelis l. 1.ratiice.
Paris, April 29.—The Ministry Of
the Interior yesterday 'afternoon
made public the results of 574elec-
tions, which give the Ministerialists
243 seats, sub -divided as follows :
Republicans 39, Radicals 92, Radic-
al Socialists 41, Socialists 21.
The anti-Ministerialists have 158
seats, sub -divided as follows : Na-
tionalists 31, Republicans 60, Con-
servatives 65, Dissident Socialists
One hundred and seventy-three re -
ballots, of which 122 are favorable
to the Government, and 51 are un-
favorable, are necessary.
The latest election figures made
public by the Minister of the Interi-
or show that 248 31inisterialists and
163 Anti-Ministerialists have been
elected to thb Chamber of Deputies.
31ra. Turnbull Found Dead.
Orangeville, April 29. --Mrs. John
Turnbull of Monti Centre, a village
ten miles east of here, left home
quietly on Thursday morning early.
Search for her had been made with-
out success until Sunday afternoon,
-When her body was found lying be-
neath a brush pile near her home.
A can containing Paris green was
found near her body, showing the
manner of her d.•ath. The deceased
Was 50 years cf age, and had been
atelaucholy for .daass;
Princess Again on Trial,
Cape Town, April 28.—The trial of
Princess Radziwill, on the charge of
forgery, in connection with notes
purporting to have been endorsed by
the late Cecil Rhodes, but which the
latter repudiated, began in the Su-
preme Court to -day. There are 24
counts in the indictment. Though
Rhodes and Schultz; the two princi-
pal witnesses, have died since the
case was first filed, their evidence, in
the form of affidavits, denouncing
the signateres on the notes as for-
geries, holds good.
Three ?.Tew Iiing's Counsel.
Ottawa, April 29.—An Order -in -
Council has been passed appointing
Premier Mullahs and Hon. L. A.
Sifton of the Northwest GoVernitent
King's Counsel. Mr. F. C. Wade of
the Yukon. has also been made a X.
New Hamburg Bylaw.
New Hamburg, April 29,—A bylaw
voted upon here yesterday granting
a bonus of S10,000 to the New Ham-
burg Manufacturing Company, was
carried by a vote of 115 for to 31
Jesuits Win Avon.
London, April 29. --The earth of
the Protestant Alliance to *expel the
Jesuits from England under the act
of George IV. have again
Athens Ill law Carries.
Athens, April 29,—A bylaw to
erect a neW 60,000 ton hall In tho
village of Athens was carried yester-
day by a majority of 91,
DR. W; H. CRAHAM, itYaVst.wesb.
No. i Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases •and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Etc.
PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and exccss,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
Diseases of Women—Painfnl, profuse or suppressed, menstruation,
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb.
OFFICE ROURS-9 as uu. to 8 p. tn. Sunday 1. to 3l:, In.
Eirst Section of Fourth Contingent Almost
Ready—The Scene At wulow .rk.
Halifax, Lii of Great ,touvitT•
Halifax. N.S. April 29.—The mili-
tary camp at Willow Park is now a
scene of great activity. The work of
organizing is steadily getting on,
and preparations are being made for
the third regiment, which will sail
first. The clothing for the Inc. of
this regiment has all been served
out, and yesterday the troopers of
the 4th Regiment were receiving
their kit.
Several troopers were before the
commanding officer of the 3rd Regi-
ment, and minor charges were tried.
One of the rnen was charged with
striking a fellow trooper, but he
was acquitted. Several for breaking
barracks and being absent from par-
ade were dealt with. A number of
horses arrived yesterday, and were
• taken to the stables at the camp,
The 3rd Regiment is now coraplete
and ready to go on the troopship. A
portion of the 4th. Regiment (in
which the. Halifax men. aro) will
leave with the 3rd Regiment on the
Cestrian otu fay 3.
The Third Regiment is commanded
by Col. Williams, Adjutant Capt.
Van Straubenzie, Major Wilbur Hen-
derson, Lieut. Kingsford of Toronto
and Lieut. Darker of Hamilton.
oi. Thtedonell's Adjutant.
Ottawa, Aprii 29.—hr. Tye, Chat-
ham, Ont., has declined a position as
Medical Officer to one of the regi-
ments for South Africa. Inspector
Strickland, N.W.M.P. will be adjut-
ant of Lieut. -Col. Macdonell's regi- :
ment, and Sergt. Raven will he
so 0 to the Front.
Omemee, Out., April 29.—Major
J. Nein of this -village has been of-
fered an appointment by the Adjut-
ant -General in the fourth contingent,
C.M.R. Ho goes either as a captain
of a squadron or as veterinary cap-
tain. Ile has not yet decided whicji
to accept. He is qualified to take
either position. He holds a, first-
class military certificate. At present
he is senior major in the 45th regi-
ment. tinder Col. Sean- '..gassiess;
I bave used W. T. Strong's Pile-
kone for external as well as internal
piles, and get better results than from
any other remedy I have used. A.
GRAHAM, M. D., London, Ont.
Price $1.00. For sale by druggists,
or by mail on receipt bf price.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing
Chemist, London, Ontario.
IEL and
Garden 8 eds
We have just received a nicely
assorted lot of Field and Garden
seeds from the D. M. Ferry and
the Steele Briggs seed houses.
These are fresh, new goods—to
us et least, and lower in price
than last year. ----- • We think these
people offer seed true to name
and excellent in quality. We
will be pleased to have a part of
your trade and will appreciate
your good will. We shall shortly
have a quantity of seed corn to
We are selling canned Corn,
Peas and Tomatoes at 7c each.
o o
O 0
0 A course of training in the 0
e . 0
.)Certtra..-• 4-(;,--y ,5,/., 0
, , . i ,
L../ /6J4/761:j4,4 -Y7e,:e%*•••-7;:' :
O .,..r... j .„ . .......,„ ,...,_:".c., 0
O e
• enables young men and women to so- 0
0 Imre employment at good wages int- 0
0 modiately on leaving college, This is •
0 the schen' that enjoys the reputation of 0
0, doing the best wont in business educe- 0
e dm The graduates of tho school arc
0 in drone demand as teachers in businese 0
es °calves in Cantata, and the United Stat- 0
0 ea his is the school for you and your 0,
0 Moeda, Write for catalogue. e
a W. 3. ELLIOTT, ,no
0a Principal g
p oesseammectootaisesesimo
Owing to the rapid progress of the eountry
and the nroSpects of it hoary eeneon's Work
there will be it demand for en additional num-
ber of etonomasorts and hrickleyera wages
see per hour, Apply A. T. IlAVIDSON See,
:Stamm Building Exobange 'Winnipeg Ran.
Ageu fortne Weseinne. Assienaivoir Cox -
Mere, of Toronto; also for the Pnessrdx Film
"Ittiall:ICICt°rStli7A'SoOlE letzlijilatvl.'nogflailil4
X/ VERSITY, M.D. 0. M. Trinity Univer.
ity. Offlee—Crediton, Oat,
. Graduate Victoria ,niversity
office anti residence, Dom Mien Labora-
tory, Exeter.
Barriaters, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Moisons
Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
(Successor to Elliott Se Glaclman)
Barrister, Sosioitor, Notary Mlle,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm, and village
prOperi les at Lowest rates of interest
D. S. D. D 5.,Efonor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extrac,ed without pain or
bad after effeets. Office in Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
treet. Exeter,
, D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L.D.S
i Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post-graduatoof
, Chicago School ot Prosthetic Dentistry (with
1 honorable mention.
. Everything known to the Dental Profession
I done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A. perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless 1 extrac-
tion,Oillce one door south of Carling Bron store
Exeter, Ont.
For horses or cattle on reasonable terms.
Stock to be taken on the ranch, on Lot 1, cor-
ner of Klondyke road and Stibbins side -road,
on and after April 14th, when a man will take
charge of them during the season. For further
particulars apply to
GEO.-WATTS, Thedford, Ont.
Parties are hereby Scautioned not to nego-
tiate or honor a note in favor ofJames Hannan
drawn in the latter part of December, 1900, at
9 months, for the sum of eighteen dollars, pe,y-
ablexaShipka, and signedJ by
That beautiful farm property being compos-
ed of lot 29, con. 4, London road, Township of
Usborne, contaimg 100 acres, This is a desir-
able property in a high state of cultivation,
situated midway between Bonsai and Exeter
If not sold privately on or before the lst of
March will be sold with tho chattels lay pub-
lic auction on the premises on 4th March, 1902.
For terms and particulars apply to the pro-
prietor, ThosaHawkins, or to Thos Cameron.
EXETER—We,ofrer for sale on reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Honsesteacr situated
on Lot No. 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
and commodious brick dwelling; also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre
of land and is excellently adapted for garden
ung or fruit growing. There as a plentiful sup-
ply of hard and soft water, The property is up
to date, and the terms easy, for particulars ap.
ply to Dickson St CARLING barristers Exeter,
or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0„ Penne, tJ. S
A., proprietor.
• ,
In the matter of the estate of Martha
Isabella Manning, late of the -village
of,Exeter, in the.County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given marswint to R.
0. 1897 that all persons having clai
againsethe Estate of the said Martha I. Ma
mug, who died on or about the dth daY
February, A, D., 1902, are required to son
or deliver on or before the I5th day of May190
Peart, Marden, Ont., the Exeoators, the
to R. E. Nanning, Clinton, Ont, or to Samu
names, addresses and occupations, with par
ticulars of their claims, and tho nature o
the securities, (if any) held by them. dul
certified. And that after the 15th day
May the said executors will proceed to di
tribute the assets of tho said deceas
among the parties entitled thereto, havin
regard only to the claims of which th
shall then have notice.
Dated this 28rd day of April.
Packs of Cards Free.
r Ono Pack, "May L a V. Home," One Pak
"Ilsoort" One rack, "Flirtation" One Pawl
"II Id t relit ' 0 Pack SofaJ
Holds Two, Sample of 21 other styles, with
book full of notions, sena 5c eilver for postage;
A.,W. KENNY, 61, T.
Yarmouth, g..
WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity
" must be unquestiOnable) to take charge of
distribution depot and office to be openeclin
Canada te further business intereeta of an 016
established manufacturing concern. wary
$160 per meant and extra motile. Applicant
must have $1500 to $2060 eash and good stead -
Ileg. Addrees, SuptstP, 0. Box 1151, Philadel:
phia, P.
At popplar prices- and easy
terms of payment.
We sell the celebrated Heitz
man 8z Co. Pianos, (the Art
Pianos of Canada.) The choice
of Royalty for their tour cf Can.
If you want something cheap-
er we can show you pianos of
oth er makes which will be no ds
grace to the most elegant parlor.
In sewing machines we carry
the New Williams, 1:aymond and
White, also needles and supplies
for all machines.
The latest sheet music always
in stock. Call and see
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town.
All the latest styles, lTi tbe newest
colors. •
Our prices arelow as can be found
for first-class material and workman-
OfiLL fiND 8EE -US.
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
1)1c -fig a s(toi_l'e
Headquarters For
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparations and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
AFull line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion Laboratoru•
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowest
rates of interest.
I have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties atlow rat
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
and send it to us with 6 cents in silver and you •
will get by return rnail a GOLDEN BOX O'
GOODS that will bring you in Monis MoNET
in one month than anything else in America.
A.W. Kiirsnaa E. T.
Yarmou th, N.
You can save money time and feed by keep-
ing your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive
better and keep healthy. Make the bog com-
fortable and he will put on flesh. You can do
so with a very little expence by erecting (Ped-
ler% Patent) 'rho Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed.
Simple of construction, make it yourselves.
Send $2.00 in registered letter for farm right
certintate and plan of construction to
JOHN PEDLER, Exeter, Ont.
Patent:applied for.
"Christmas ox"
Full of IA onderful Things
25 Portraits of Aotresses,20 PopuIarSonge
IVIenic Telescope and Pictures, 60 Amos.
ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 90 Re buses, 100
Funny Conundrums, Book of Lore Game 5
Letters, Magic 'Writing, 324 jolly Joke
Reteipt for Moustache Grower,100 Money
1ngficerets,1C0 Toi It and Cooking Recelpes, 265
Selections for Autograph A ibuins, 10 Skald
Love Letters, limy to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary
nf. Dreams. Guido to Flirtation, Magic Age
Table, Lover's Telegraph, and our neat Cat, or
Xmas Toys, Beeks ond Notions, all by Mail
PRE8,,fer Se, silver to_paystiostege,
W, KINNEY, n. T.,.