Exeter Times, 1902-5-1, Page 4olsons Bank
Otspital $2.500,004
tee rend - *2,050,000
'Bead o.teaL
Money advanced to good farmerson t/aeir
OWn note with one or more endorsor at 7 per
cent, per annum.
Exeter Brandi
•°Pelt every lawful day from 10 a. sn. to 3 P. ul
• SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. te 1 P. na
ureentrates et interest allowed. on deposits.
Exeter, Dee. 27th,
Calendar for May, 7767-'
4 11 18 25
MONDAY 5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
VICEnerssera-Y, .. . 7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 29
BArruaDAY....... 3 10 17 21 31
Build up a free Ontario.
a • II
The Toronto Globe says th et four of
the Ontario Ministers who took part
in the alcoholic pilgrimage to the Soo
are teetotalers. It should not give
them away 111-e that.- Ottawa Citi-
14 la
The Attorney -General's Department
has received the decision of the Court
a Appeal on the case stated for their
opiniou regarding the constitutional-
ity of the Ontario act respecting the
profanation of the Lord's Day. The
court upliclds the act, Chief Armour.
41, •
T -he date of the Opposition Leader,
Mr. S. P. Whitney, to London, has
•been changed from May lst to some
later date yet to be decided. Mr.
Whitney will hold a series of meetings
in Northern Ontario, and upon bis re -
torn the tour of the west will be re-
• • •
In France a company has been form-
ed to relieve political candidates of the
worries of campaigning. In Canada
• this is done by a "machine" the patent
said. to have been applied for by the
• Ontario Governmert. All the candi-
• dates have to do is to furnish the
"grease" for the machinists. - St,
Thomas Times.
* •
The Hon, John Dryden -says his
.Dakota cattle ranch is a good thing
for Canada, because if Canadian cattle
were left in Canada, instead of being
• shipped to his foreign ranch they
would eat the good Canadian grass.
Now let the Government press hold
IT the minister of agriculture to ad-
miration as a great Canadian patriot
• who depletes his country of cattle in
order to save his country's grass.
It et Iv
Director N. W. Rowell, who is
stumping the province for the Ross
Government, declared in West Nor-
thumberland, the other day, that "Mr.
Whitney would be sure of winning
• until the 26th of May, when on the
ballots being counted, he would as be-
fore, be left in Opposition." This
• rank refers to the fact that it, is in the
"counting" that the damage is done,
renders it necessary that the scruti-
neers shoula be very much on the
alert on the clay when the verdict is
rendered. The "counting" will give
the machine a new lease of life, unless
a strong watcli be set.
a * •
Now is the titne for the people to
consider well the policy of the candi-
• dates in the field. Shall we support
the candidate who will give away
pulp wood to corporations or the one
• who proposes to put it up in blocks at
public auction and get . an adequate
return for it? The candicate who
fought for the exportation of saw-
Iogs, or the representative of the
party who forced the Government to
have our loge manufactured into lum-
ber in Ontario? The candidate who
voted for a bones of $225,000 to the
manufacturers of beet sugar, for the
man who would have gone fur-
• ther and have given the farmer v ho
raises the sugar beet 25c a ton for his
products?• The candidate who makes
our public schools only stepping ston-
• es to the high school, or the candidate
who would make onr public schools
•-fit our children for the struggle of life,
seeing that 95 per met. of them finish
their education there?
"For 25 years I have never
, missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my
• blood, Makes me feel strong, and
• does me geed in every way." -
t John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pure and rich blood ;
, carries new life to every
part of the body. You
are invigorated, refreshed.
Y01.1 feel anxious to be ,
• active. You b e Qom e s troll&
steady,courageous. That's
• what •Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
zoo a bottle. All drools%
' kik your doetoraeat he thinks of Agor,13
tearktps:rilIa. B knows all about this grand
Old family medicine, Follow his ad.roico and
'WO Willbe satisfled.
•J, (1,1eree do., menet, Vast.
111110N, MIllIKZ,PERID
nil the News ot interest to
TIII168 Readers Happening
In these Gounties
T, A. Andrews and family have re-
moved from Constance to Gonda where
they will reside,
The city of St, Joseph is expected to
change hands shortly, a syndicate be-
ing formed for the purpose,
British Troop Oil Liniment, is without excep,
tion the 3110St effective rented for Cuts,
Wounds, Moors, Open sores, Rheumatism,
13ites,Stings of Insects, ole. A large bottle
25 -cents.
The annual imeeting of the Winghani
District *will be held. n the Methodist
cluirch,Wingham, on Wednesday and
Thursday,May 21 and 92nd. Minis-
terial session on Wednesday ; general
on Thursday,
The Government appears to have
abandoned. the idea of having a regi-
mental armoury in Huron, so that the
uniforms and arms will likely soon be
returned to the headquarters of the
respective companies.
• Worms affect a child's health too seriously
bo neglect. Sometimes they cause convulsions
and death If you suspect them to be present
gl.re Dr Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, whioh
destroys the worms without injuring the child
Prim 25c,
At the Conservative conyention held
in Brussels, Anson Spotton, of Harris -
ton, was the unanimous choice to con-
test East Huron in the coming elec-
tions. In Mr. Spotton the Conserva-
tives have a winning candidate.
We understand that Harry Darrow
has about completed the purchase of
the Commercial House, Hayfield, from
Richard Bailey and is busy making ar-
rangements for needed improvements
as the house has been out of use for
some years.
A man's wife should always be the
sante especially to her husband, but
if she is weak and nervous, and uses
Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be for
they make her feel and act like a new
person, so they all say, and theirbus-
bands say so too.
A meeting of the friends of prohi-
bition was held in the council cham-
ber, Wingliam, on Tuesday evening
April 29th at 8 o'clock for the purpose
of organizing for the coining pro-
vincial election Mid referendum cam-
Arthur Oantelon has sold the north
half of lot 51, Hayfield line, containing
40 acres to W. J. Elliott for the sum of
$2330 ; Mr. Elliott has started improve-
ments on the place which is consider-
ed of first class soil and as there are
no buildings the price is a fair one.
Mr. Arthur Oantelon, of Olintron,
concluded the deal for the sale of his
forty acres on the 16th concession of
Goderich township. The 'price was
$2,320 and the purchaser, Mr. W. J.
Elliott of the Base Line, The Elliott.
Bros. are accumulating considerable
real estate.
Mr. Richard Baker has sold his one
hundred acre farm on the 1.6th con.,
Goderich Township, to Mr. Roland
Jenkins for in the neighborhood of
$5000 and intends to become a resident
of Clinton. Mr. Baker has lived on
this place for some twenty-five years.
Mr. Jenkins is now the owner of three
On Thursday night last, fire was
noticed in the storeroom at Amos Tip-
ling's flax mill, Wingham. The store. -
room was soon enveloped in flames
and totally consumed, with a large
quantity of tow, in store. Loss about
three thousand dollars. The 0. P, R.
building near by had a narrow escape,
but were saved by the fire brigade.
Mr. Sidney Johns, Clinton, reeeived
word of the very sore bereavement` of
his brother, Mr..Fred Johns, of Thes-
salon, Algoma, and a one time resi-
dent of the neighborhood of Brum-
field. Within a few days ot each oth-
er his wife, son and daughter all died
apparently from la grippe. The
many friends of the family in Huron
will unite in extending sincerest sym-
pathy to the bereaved husband and
The other day, Mrs. Searle, of
Clinton, who was standing inside of
the v ashroom came near being struck
by a rifle bullet. Some one was
shooting at birds, and the ball was
found by Mr. Searle imbedded in the
casing of the window six inches away
frc m where Mrs. Searle was standing
at the time, and had it, passed through
would have struck her about the
shoulder. People using firearms
should be careful and remember that
shooting is not allowed in town.
Mr, E. C. Clegg, station agent at
Kippen, is one of the best known and
most popular men of the L. H. & B.
He is big-hearted and frank, and
though a man of decided views Fled
with the courage to give expression to
them, he has few if any enemies.
I,Vbere best known he is best liked.
However, what we want to say is
this, that daring Mr. Olegg's thirty
years in tbe service of the Grand
Trunk he has only had nine holidays.
How many have applied thensselves
so closely to basiness as that.? -Clin-
ton News Record.
The comrnanity was rcuch surprised
on 'Wednesday to hear of the death
of Mrs. David Agar of Morris, es-
pecially as it was not generally
known that she wa.s seriously ill. Mrs.
Agar was only in her 361h year, and
what makes her death additionally
sad is the fact that she leaves eight
small children to mourn her loss, one
of whom is only two weeks old. The
funeral took place on Friday after-
noon and was largely attended. The
heartfelt syropetby of the entire cam-
mun i y goes out to the sorrowing bus -
hand and children of the deceased
lady, and kiad neighbors are doing all
they can in the time of trouble,
ANC0P ANT, 'WEL1.9 /MPiliklurlYY.-1111r
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has eon used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
childree while teething, with perfect sUCCO4r.
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays al
pain, cures whirl colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea, his pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggiste in every part of the world. 25
cents ialottle. Its Value is incalculable. Be
Re.re tied take ;Kra Win,-tlotv Soothing
syrup and ask for to other kind,
Then your liver isn't acting'
well. 'You suffer from bilious-
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
Small doses cure. ?.fa
Want yOur rabuitache of bead 'beautiful
brown Qr rich black? Then WO
09 cm. cd. 009991070. oh R. P. Mu. CO., NASMUA: H,
The Allgolican Synod of Huron will
meet in London, June 17th. •
My friend, look here! you know
how weak and nervous your wife is,
and you know that Carter's Iron Pills
will relieve her, now why not be fair
about it and buy her a box ?
W. H. Stewart, of the High School
staff, Luca,n, has been appointed. sec -
1 ond assistant master in the Mitchell
High School. at a salary of $700 per
annum. The new teacher, Robert
Stewart, his brother has been appoint-
ed in his stead.
John T. Coughlin, the well-known
cattle buyer, died on Wednesday
night last at his residence in Glen -
worth, from lung trouble, after an ill-
ness extending over nine months, Mr.
Coughlin was one of the best known
residents of the county, and was uni-
versally esteemed.
This is an unfailing emblem of ca-
tarrh, and if not checked will ulti-
mately result in. deafness. The simp-
lest remedy is Oatarrhozone, which if
inhaled a few times daily, prevents
the catarrhal conditions from spread-
ing. Oatarrhozone quickly stops the
ringing in the ears, head noises, gives
permanent reliet to catarrhal deaf-
ness. For catarrh in any part of the
system, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung or
Throat Troubles, Oatarrhozone is a
specific, and is guaranteed to perman-
ently cure nr your money back. Lame
size, $1.00 ; small size, 25e. Druggists
or Poison tt Co., Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Consti,
Debeneure debt of the town of St.
Marys is fR87,461,26.
Rev. Dean Kilroy has been 28 years
parish priest at Stratford.
Mr. Joseph Whelihan, of the Wind-
sor Hotel, St. Mary's, has sold his
handsome brown mare to Mr. George
McCormick, of London, for a good
Mr. W. 0. Crawford, of Tilbury has
sold his fine farm on the lOtla conces-
sion of Blanshard. The purchaser is
Mr. Chittick, of Blanshard, the price
paid being 54,404.
Women with pale, colorless faces,
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are
made for the blood, nerves and, com-
At the atnual meeting of the Share
holders or the Granton Warehouse
Joint Stock Company, a dividend of
5 per cent. was declared. The same
board of directors was elected for
another year.
Mrs. Caroline Alexander, who was
killed by a G. T. R. switching train in
London recently, was the wife of John
Alexander, who once conducted a
cooperage at Lucan, and who died
about seven years ago.
Mr. Peter Smith and family and
Mr. Win. Stapleton and family, of
Wellburn, who have been quarantined
on account of smallpox, have been
pronounced free from any contagious
disease, and allowed their freedom.
J. J, Maguire, despatcher and freight
clerk at the G. T. R. station, Strat-
ford, has been promoted to the agency
at Shakespeare. Shakespeare is not
a large town, but this promotion puts
the genial J. J. in a. more direct line
for further elevation.
Mrs. Groph, an rAd lady who was
visiting her son-in-law, W. Zimmer-
man, Reeve of Milverton, died sudden-
ly on Wednesday, April 21th. It was
found that a blood vessel in her lungs
had burst. She had previously been
in good health.
Lieut'aH. R. Moir, sort of late Geo.
Moir, writes his brother in St. Marys,
that he has received the appointment
of paymaster of the 2nd Canadian
Mounted Rifles in South Africa. This
position carries with it the honorary
title of captain. He will in future be
located at Cape Town.
A company is in progress of organi-
zation to push the manufacture of peat
in Ellice township, north of Stratford,
The Stratford Peat 0o., as the uew
concern is called, will have a capital of
$40,000. They have purchased 150
acres of bog, and expect to be able to
turn out 25 tons of peat per day.
One of Stratford's most esteemed
ladies in the person of Miss Eleanor
Edith Beck, daughter of Mr. and Pars.
George Beck, was, on Thursday ever,-
ing of last week, married to Mr. IL R.
Parker, principal of the poblic school,
Belmont. The ceretnony was per -
In every town
and village
may be had,
that makes your
g?' horses glad.
T 1 14 41S
formed by the Rev.. B. N. Baker, of
the Central Methodist chapel).
William McCaffrey, a well-to-do
farmer, living about titrenines from '
Stratford, in the township of Ellice, ' Dr,
attempted to commit suicide by hang- i
ing himself in the barn, on Apri12.2nch
Mr, McCaffrey has been in poor health
for some time, and in consermence
very despondent, and is not thought
to have been. responsible. He was cut
clowzi in time, and it is thought he
will recover.
Sam Harstone, of Winnipeg, a for-
mer resident of St, IVIarys, was drown-
ed ori Saturday last by the capsizing
of a steam Ismael), at Lower Fort
Gerry, in which were a company of
fifteen, E Very body massaged to
scramble to shore with the exception
of Harstoee, Leonard Haistone, town
Solicitor, St. Marys, is a brother.
Harstone was one of the best-known
curlers in the Domition, He was un-
One of the best • known and weal-
thiest farmers in the township of
:Ellice, Wm. McCaffrey, attempted to
take his life Monday morning by
hanging. For some days be had been
acting so strangely that it was found
necessary to have a special watch
placed over him, as his mind was eyi-
dently affected. On going to tbe
barn his hired man found Mr. McCaff-
rey hanging to a beam, from which he
was suspended by a rope taken from a
hayfork. He was cut down in time to
save his life.
The South Perth license commis-
sioners met at the Oollison house, in
Mitchell, and granted licenses for the
ensuing year to all the old list of
hotels, and shops, with the exception
of the Russeldale case. In that case
a largely signed petition was sent in
asking that the license be withheld
owing to the alleged bad management
of the house and other objectionable
features. The commissioners decided
to grant the place a three months' li-
cense in which time the matter can be
well considered and some proyision
made for entertaining the travelling
public in case the hotel is finally
closed. up. The report on the prem-
ises was that they were in very bad
repair and the license cannot be re-
newed unless a good deal of fixing up
is done.
Follow The Example Of The
Millions Of People
Who Now Use
It is safe to follow the example of
the millions of wise women who have
made the Diamond Dyes their chosen
and only ayes for home coloring,
The faith of all is so firmly established
in the excellence of the Diamond
Dyes, that they would not use any
other make, even if they were given
the common and imitation dyes free
of cost. Valuable goods and gar-
ments should not be risked with poor
and. untried dyes. Ruin, loss of
money is the sure result.
Mrs. R. F. Swaiwell, 108 Harris St.,
Vancouver, B. C., says: "I have used
a great many of the Diamond Dyes
and have always had most satisfac-
tory results. I have dyed silks, dress-
es, mens' clothes, curtains and any
quantity of woolen goods to my en-
tire satisfaction."
-••-•••• eV • ••••-•••--
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold
in one ay. No cure, No ay, Price 25 cent
Registration of Voters, -As soon as
the writ for the Provincial election is
received the board of registrars ot
manhood suffrage voters for the town
of Goderich will meet and fix dates for
the registration which must be held in
accordance wiih the Act.
At the the residence of Samuel
Sangster. con. 4, West Nissouri the
wedding took pia es, Weduesday,April
16, of his eldest daughter, Wilhelmina,
to Richard Wallis, cf Putnam. Rev.
Mr. McKay, of Dorchester Station,
officiated. The event was a very
happy affair, and the youug couple re-
ceived many congratulations.
There died in Windsor on April 21s1
inst., Frances Bonis, relict of the late
John Ridley, in the 68th year of her
age. Mrs. Ridley was well known to
the pioneers of St. Marys and sur-
rounding townships, having taught
school for a, number of years in St.
Marys, Blanshard, Usborne, and also
in Stratford, when that city was a
hamlet. About 10 years ago she re-
moved with her family to Detroit.
Interment took place in Elitnville
.A. shocking accident occured. in
Ellice, on Saturday morning as the re-
sult, of which little Frietie Schinner-
ma,nn, the eleven -year-old daughter of
Alr. Chris. Schinnermaan, a well
known farmer hes in a critical con-
dition. The little girl was evidently
trying to get on top of the land roller
while it was in motion, and her leg
caught between the roller and the
Iran bars which bolds the rollers to-
gether Her leg from the knee to the
ankle, was fearfully ecerated and
bruised, the flesh being literally torn
to the bone.
ti 131116KY-RED MBE
This is the result -when you are in-
duced to use any of the common but-
ter colors, that merchatts ciell for the
eake of big profits. When you use
your butter has this rich golden tint
nI June made butter. Bricky colored
butter is always avoided and cute
die/teed, The goIdeu June tint given
gives extra value to your butter. All
dealers sell the kind that makes prize
Children Cry for
Dighy Thinks Death Result-
ed From an Accident
Coniidently Supports the murder Thoors
Charge of Dlentriclde-Arrest uf
Alex. McDonald on a Charge of
Kullow Ilis litother-cfloto
leged ts Rave Moen Done in
-Nevem er or 1900.
Brantford, April 22. -The •Crown
asked for a further „adjournment of
the inquest on the body of James
Quirk last evening, there being more
evidence of the theory of murder that'
it is desired to place before the jury,
and so no verdict was reached to-
night. The result et the post-
mortem examination was road by
one of the doctors l'7310 assisted at
the autopsy, and it showed that
there were five distinct wounds on
the head, Four Of these were setae
wounds and did not penetrate the
skull. The fifth. wound Was directly
on the top of tbe hend and did enter
the skull, although it did not ewe -
trate the bra -M.
The most interesting feature of the
evening was the difference in the
opinions of the two doctors. • Dr,
Digby stated emphatically. that ho
believed thee alt the wounds might
have been caused by a fall from tho
ladder. Dr. Frank's opinion was ex-
actly opposed to this. He most
emphatioally stated that in his opin-
ion the injuries ' could not possibly
have been caused by a fall.
One of the boarders, George Tay-.
lor, who was up at the time • and
who was very early on tho scene,
gave some -unimportant evident* as
to going to the barn with Toole, the
partner of the deceased, and getting
the money which Toole took from
the pockets of the dead man in his
presence. Dave Thomas and. Albert
Doyle, who were with Quirk earlier
in the evening, were also called, but
their dvidence was not interesting.
Alex. _McDonald Arrested at Ottawa on a
Very Serious Charge.
Ottawa, April 22. -Alex. McDon,
ald, second-hand dealer, at 9 William
street, was arrested yesterday on a
charge of manslaughter, it being al-
leged that he choked his mother,
Lotilsa. McDonald, to death Ori Nov.
26, 1900. It was given out at the
time that Mrs. McDonald had died
suddenly from heart trouble, but it
is alleged now that her son, in a
wild outburst of rage, strangled her.
• It is stated that McDonald attend-
ed a wedding on Nov. 26, and on his
return commenced to abuse his moth-
er. One word led to another, it is
claimed, until Mrs. McDonald said:
"Alexander, niy son, you had better
be careful. I saved you from the rope
once and you. ought not to talk this
way of your mother." At that Mc-
Donald's rage is said to have become
ungovernable and the police were in-
formed that he ran across to his
mother, grabbed her by the throal
and throttled her. She fought hard
for her life, but when her son desist-
ed, under pressure, Mrs. McDonald
dropped back and died in a few min-
utes. 'The doctor and the coroner,
who were called in, accepted the
statements of those in the house
and certified to death from heart
failure. The real story reached the
police as the result of family dissen-
This is the second time that Mc-
Donald has been arrested on the
charge of manslaughter. In 186
he svas arrested, but dcquitted of a
charge of killing a man nain.ed Chor-
our Export Flour Trade.
Montreal, April 22. --The Canadian
export trade in flour is booming just
now. The Lake of the Woods man-
ufacturing Company is in receipt of
large orders for foreign markets. W.
A. Hastings, the vice-president of
the Company, stated yesterday that
they were in possession of an order
from Australia for 31,086 sacks of
200 lbs. each, as well as of one for
12,500 barrels for South Africa.
This is believed to make the largest
order ever given to any individual
milling company in the Dominion, be-
ing equivalent to 48,536 barrels.
Death of Willi nth Fowler.
Newmarket, April 22. -The investi-
gation into the death of William
Powler, - the East, willimbury far-
mer, who was found dead in the
swanre on the farm. of William Good-
win on. Sunday, April 20, was ad-
journed last night for two weeks-.
The jury gathered at the :Royal Ho-
tel at 8 o'clock, hut were dismissed
immediately by Coroner J. H. Wesley
who • acted under instructions • from
Crown Attorney H. 11, Dewart of
Toronto. 'rho fruitiest will be con-
cluded at the next sitting.
Uri tiSh. Brough t Up stock.,
London, April 22. -The allotments
of stock in tbe new shippaig corpor-
ation. were all -taken up by British
members of the syndicate at noon
yesterday. What proportion was
given to Europe the Morgans deeline
to announce, but evidently it was
not nearly so large as desired by the
British interests.
eirty---te errs,. Lost.
Cairo, IIL, April 22, -Fifty-six
lives were lost in the burnieg of the
steamer City of PILtsbueg. Nothing
has been discovered concerning tho
cause of the disaster, Several bodies
-cave been foiled. An inquest on two
p.osaiteci in a verdict that one died
_rem exhaustinn zed ahother from
..-ehatie SM4.1.74-•
GOOD UV/writ is eta POSetn
Without regalia action of the bowels, Laica-
l...Ivor Pills regaltite the levels, nitro ConStithv.
tion, dy spepsia, biliousness, sick heedache
and all atreorionq of he erg•tititi of digestion.
Price 25 coots Ali din, klets.
• ,..7,17r77,11W•••
s' ^
hat is
Castoria is for Infants and Children: Castoria is a
harraless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and. Soothing Syrups. It contains • neither Opium,
Morphine no other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish -
mess. (Astoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind:Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and.
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and. Bowels of Infants and Children, giving.
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is axt excellent medicine fo..
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its go:A effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. OSGO,OD, Lowell, Mass,
"Castoria is so well adapted to childrerP
that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre.
scription known to me."
n. A..0.1ICUnR, M. D. Brooklyn, N.
reascdett '
rHC .ENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STFIEr-T, racw vont,. 11 ITV:
London, Huron and Brucc.
1.• -....-..__-ft,-.
GO/NG NORTH- Passenger.
London, depart ..... ... 8.15 A, M. 1.40r,, M.
Centralis............... 3.1 5.50
Exeter 9.30 6.0
Hensell 9.14 6,15
Kipp= . - ........ 9.50 6.25
Brucefielt 9.53 B.33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
Wingham, arrive 11.10 8.00
GOING SMITEr- Passenger
Winglaam, depart , 6,33 A. m. 3.15 P. is.
Clilltell .- ... . . .... 7.47 4.25
Brueefteld 8.08 4.49
Kippen 8.15 457
Henson .27 5 02
Exeter 8.35 5.10
Centralia 8.46 5,25
London .arrive ..... 9.37 6.12
Sutherland Inns LIMITED.
Apply to
E. C. Kessel,
9 0
O 0
. • Exeter Grist KM .
. .
. .
O Mill Feed always on hand.
§ Farmers' Gristing a Specialty,
w Chopping Promptly and Prop -
a erly attended to. Wheat
to Wanted, Give us a Call.
Terms Cash.
I-10 rvey Bros. t"
1Successors to j.Cobbleclick & Son
We are giving excellent sa-
bisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill
Dry Soft Wand Wanted.
Gristinn and Gliopoira
Doric Froinntin.
ROE PHI 1811lie Aenc
Buy or Sell a Farm,,
Buy or Sell Town-,
y u Borrow or Lendi
vtiANT Collections Made, •
Your Life Insured,
TO 1 Go to the Old Cuon-
try, by the Allan.
JOHN spAcKmArr
Office over H. Spackman's Hardware -
It& Cash paid for Raw Furs.
I wish to announce to my friends in this vicinity that
I am again handling FARM MA.CHINERY.
ifs 'rod eits
races ee
• 4.kV
13 4PL';'311160.1110,
, •4. a
, „ ' „
Agent for the well known
Harv tin Co's
Ideal Binderg, Ideal NtOwers, Deering Rake, Ete•
These Machines are second to none in Canada,and if you need a Hinder,
Mower or Rake, call and examine these Machines for yourself. They .•
are Strong and are noted for their Easy Rnuning. •.
Thanking my customers and friends for past favors, I again solleit
your patronage. •
°P"Dfug"t° 13'`)"1" W. J. 4'8 W j 1311SSE irr, EXETER
P..-Alro agent for the Canadian Airrnotor Wftldmill, Pumpsoka