HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-1, Page 111 URO.N & 1VI1DDL ESEX GAZETT F41 TWENTY-NINTH YEAR-No.36 °EXETER, ONT. CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1902 i+++++++++++++++44+++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. er Williams P INTS :± ;4.11111.01.....00.4•1%." let* ee. The Paint Season will soon be here and we have a large stock of Sherwin & Williams Paint S on hand. Field and Garden Seeds. Washing Machines and Wringers. Leader Churns. Cistern and Spray Pumps Garden Tools. Hoes. Rakes, Spading Forks, Etc. Thorold and Portland. Cement, awkins eteeeel.+4-14++44-1-eae-e+-e+++++÷÷ Sort 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01420Seeeeeeeeei0e0000061C0000000 faitera eetee-ie-Wesele gle•egeeeiee80000(1tQ0,0011,00CiD000 Do You Want A nice nifty shoe for summer that is strictly up-to-date, if so -try a pair of the SO V E IR RION They are pronounced by all to be faultless in fit or style. We sell this shoe and many other kinds at different prices. Call and inspect one Stock.; H. Sweet Eggs wanted in exchange for goods: Spring Goods Spring is here and we are showing ,the newest designs in Sullins, Overceating and Pautings At !Reasonable Prices I have just received Jno. T. Mit- chell's new Fashion Plate for the present season, hence I can give you the latest cuts for Spring and Sum- mer. W. W. Taman. IYLerclnearit Opposite post office. Kirkton • CHURCEC. -The annual veetry meet - Ings held in the church of England eaarish of S. Pea,u1's Kirkton, and St. Patrick's, Bidtulph, showed a pros- perous year. All collections for Dio- •cesan and extra objects were duly made, with no omissions in any case, and remitted to the Synod office, Lon- don. All current expenses for churcb purposes for the year were fully realiz- sed by the Sunday offertories and bal- ances on hand with which to begin zext financial year declared, At St. Paul's, Kirkton, the rector, Rev. Wm. „ 'Stout, appointed Robert Livingstone, .clergyman's warden, and Wra. Robin- son was elected people's warden, and •lay delegates to Synod. For St. Pat- xicit's church, the clergyman's and •people's wardens, respectively, are Messrs. Richard Quinton and Richard Blackwell ; and Nassau Davis, lay rep- xesentative to Synod. This congrega- tion maintains a very vigorous and helpful Women's Auxiliary lelissionary Association. For the 7bh time during .the past five yrs, the People of St. 'Patrick's marked their appreciation of their, pastor's services and veal k by a liberal load of oats, and other useful .procluets of the farm, New 8t, Paul's -church, Kirkton, built two years ago. 'holds its place among the finest of the country chatertes of the D1000Se of dituron, Zurich BRIEFS. --john Gaster and &tinily iotend to make Wallaceburg their future home, They will leave here in about two weeks. -Rev. C. S, Fink- beiner, the pastor of the Evangelical church here for the least three years will be stationed at Sebringville, and Rev. Mr. Yaeger will come to Zurich, -Rev. E. Sclauelke, pastor of the Lutheran church, intends going to Germany in June for a short vacation. BIddulph EXETER LUMBER yARD. Large stock of Lumber -pine and ,hemlock, 170,000 feet of hendock Iumber for borne, etc., also shingles. laths and cedar posts. Prices reasonable. -IAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Main st BRIEFS. -:-Died nt her home in Nis- souri on Friday, 25th inst,, Mrs. Wm. Carroll. She was buried at St. James cemetery, Biddulph, on Saturday last. Mr. Carroll was a former resident of Biddulph, and brother of Jas. Carroll, formerly of Exeter. -Marshall Atkin- son, of Clandeboye. son of ;fames At- kinson, of Exeter, who has been down with typhoid fever, is again convales- cent. -George Lewis also of Claude- boye, who has been down with the same disease, is also on the mend. -A good many of our citizens are complain- ing of bad colds. Mrs. Robert 'lodging is also on the sick list. -The farmers here are well on with their seeding; it was a fine spring for farm work, - Richard Atkinson has returned from Parkhill, and settled down on his farm in Biddulph, Elimville Emma -Num -A very pleasant event tnok place at Welcome, near Port Hope, on the evening of April 23rd, at the home of the bride, when Ur. Michael Elford, of Elio:wine, Huron County, and Mrs. Alice Nott, were united in marriage by the Rev. K. L. Edwards. A very social even- ing was spent together by their friends, who wish them a long and happy life. BRIEFS,- The much needed rain came at last and has made vegetables, look green and putting on a springlike appearance. - Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johns and Miss Mabel Miners spent a few 'days the past week visiting friends and relatives in the city of London. - Mrs. Thos. Andrew, of Constance, spent a couple of days visiting reJa- tives around the burg, and left on Monday for Gorrie where Mr. Andrew Hensa.11 ions, eto. 'rile Plimsoll orchestra and G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, ConveYnn" oor, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Alen, and • disconrs. ing fine music, while the serv- IMiss Hamden, of Clinton, added.great- ly to the pleasure of the evening in Issurer of Marriage Licenees. Legal ocuments ing of light refreshnients, provided by carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low ratee of interest. ladies, made a pleasant and enjoyable Moe at the Post Ofdee Heneall part of the evening's entertainment, and much credit in this connection is Bnuees-Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Ingram, due to Mrs. Kaiser. for throeving open who have been here for the past nine her house and giving such excellent or ten monthe, coinbining business help and accommodation. The follow - relatives with a visit among their ing i•s the address presented to Mrs. relatives and friends, left here on Tuesday for their home in Vancouver, Doherty: Dnatt MRS. DOHERTY,-It is with B. 0. A number of friends assembled feelings of the greatest pleasure that at the station to see them off, and vve are met here to -night with you in their best wishes accompany them.- our raidst, in your changed relation as A number of the Oddfellows of Ben- our Rector wife, Oaring the years sail lodge, accepted an invitation on you have been atnong us, you bave Sabbath morning last, to attend assisted with faithful perseverance in Divine anniversag service with their many branches of church work, mak- Exeter brethren in the Tames street ing no doubt many sacrifices, there - Methodist church. and enjoyed a inost fore, which we do not fail to appre- able and eloquent sermon, suited to date and we are pleased that though the occasion by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Brown. --Mr', George Jaya made a still to remain with is. We take this entered upon new relations you are shipment of potatoes during the past opportunity of wishing you both much week. -The friends of Mrs. Robert joy in your new home, where, we Bonthron will be pleased to learn that trust, God's favor and blessing may be she came through the critical opera- richly shown, and we desire you to ac- tion performedon Wednesday evening cept this table as a slight token of our last, by De: Gunn of Clinton, and do- esteem for you. Signed in behalf of ing nicely,she is recovering as rapidly, even mere so, than could have been the congrega,tion. MRS. J. PETTY. expected, -Me. McMartin of London, W. A, REYNoLL.S. was In the village during the past J. a CLAUSEN. week spending a few days with friends. -Wan WHITE. -Mrs. Thos, Ballantine has been quite O. PETTY. poorly during the past few weeks. -Mr, James Bonthron of Toronto, accorapanied by his sisters. Mrs. R. Cromarty H. Collins and Miss Kate* Bonthron, and his neice, Miss Kate Collins, were Bare -ss. -Rev. Mr. Cranston is at - in the village on Sabbath afternoon tending the Synod meeting in London, last, visiting their sister-in-law, Mrs. this week.-Gershom Speare is laid up R. Bonthron, who is seriously with Rheumatic fever. -Mrs. Dr. Tuf- Mr. Hooper, jr., of Exeter, accompan- ford, arrived here one day last week led by Miss Pickard and .Miss Elliott to see her father, Mr. Hugh Currie, of Exeter, were recently in the village who is very i11. -Mr. Harlton, who has renewing acquaintances.- Mr. John been engaged with Mr. S. A. Miller Shortt, who has been visiting and for the past two months as black - assisting his sons in McGilliyray, for smith, left Monday morning. -- Our three months, has returned to Hensel'. local carpenters are all busy. No scar- -Mrs. Rev. J. S. Cook has been in the city of work this spring. -The young village the past week visiting friends. peaple's meeting Sunday evening was -Miss Johnston of the township of largely attended, and a splendid Hay, recently returned from London, prayer on Sabbath observance was where she had been spending a month was read by Mrs. Neil Gillespie. with friends. -The Sacrament of the Lord% Supper will be dispensed in Car - Sharon. mel Presbyterian church on Sabbath May Ilth.-The Rey. Mr. Waddell, of Sersoon REnortze-trollowing is the Elimville, was in the village on Tues- day of last calling on a few of his friends. School for the month of April, the -G. D. Arnold is this week moving names being in order of naerit :-Sr. into the dwelling he recently purchas- ed from Mr. Harold. -Mr. and Mrs. IV, Freeman Morlock, Arthur Amy ; J. ,Tr. IV, Elgin Aray, Will Roeszler,Will Ms.carthur were in London this week. Smith Sr. III, Nora Brown, Wilber -G. McEweri, P„ who was home , for a few days on business, returned to moriocic, D. Kestle, Mildred Either ;Sr. III, Dora Dietreich, Willie Presz- Ottawa on Tuesday last. -F. G. Bon- cator, D. Schwartz, Merner Eilber, M. thron, of Seaforth, was here last week Keetle, L, Schwartz; Jr. II, Gladys for a few days visiting his mother.- Kestle, Sybella, Morlock, E, Wein, E. Mrs. Elder, who has been in Toronto Kestle, Aaron Wein • Sr. Pb. II. Nellie for several months on a visit, retarn- Amy and Lorne MoAoCk, Percy Leav- ed home last veeek.-- On Saturday last sonfand H. Schwartz, H. Wein; Jr. Pt. death entered the home of John Car- II, 0. Wein, E. Schoeder, 0. Eilber,M. michael of this place, taking from it Brokenslaire • Sr. Pb. 1, 0. Brown, B, the bright and engaging little 18 smith, 3f, chump Jr. Pt. I, Arvo months' old, child, Georgina. A funer- Brokenshire, L. Schroeder, H. Kraft al service, which was largely attended, and Mabel Coxworth, Lulu Kestle, W. was held at the home on Monday after Schwartz noon last, after which the rema,ins H. W. MAY, Teacher. were interred in the Rodgerville cerne- tery, being followed there by a num- Harpley ber of relatives and friends of the sor- rowing parents, who have the spin SCHOOL REPORT. --The following is pathy of the community in the sad the monthly report of S. S, No. 10, loss they have sustained.- Mr. and Stephen, for the month of April. The Airs. Dent, of Mitchell, were in the names are in order of tnerit. Only village the first part of this week visit- the first four names of each class are ing Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. Dent's sis- ter. -James Petty and George Trott given: -Sr. IV, Lila Hayter, Lydia herritt, Jennie Hayter, Edward Bul- the Old Country where they intend left here on Monday morning last for lock ; Jr. IV, Zillah English, Laura, Geromette, Clara Turner, Clifford spending a couple of months with rela- Sherritt ; Sr. III, Lloyd Baker, Adel- tives there. A number of their friends beet Webb, Earl Oliver ; Jr. 111, Gar - assembled at the station to see them nett Sherritt, Irene Carruthers. Al- oft and to wish them a safe and pleas- mer Mellin, Jchn Armstrong ; Jr. III, ant trip and visit in England. -Wm. (Class II) Mabel Hayter, Irene Car - Buchanan recently made a delivery of ruthers, Albert Mcleinchey, Willie the orders he had secured for nursery Armstrong; Part II, Addie Gero- stock, while thie week John Shepherd mette, Rona Hickey, Frank Turner, is naakiug delivery of the nursery or- Mabel Green ; Part (Sr.) Rose Mel- ders taken by Mr. 'Warden. of Eg- lin, Eva Wickert, Selbourne English, ruondville, and judging from the qua,n- Eva Hayter ; Part I, (Jr.) Aron Sher - Myr of trees, shrubs and plants deliver- rite Langford Ridley, Addle Hickey, ed 10 Hensell and surrounding come- Emery 111cLinchey. try, will be noted as fruit growing PH0DBE H. TUFTS, Teacher. centres. -Election matters are begin- ning to claim the attention of our vil- lagers, and both parties are preparing Grand Bend for what is expected to be an exciting --- election, as far as -South Huron is con- BRIEFS -Will Patterson has return- ned. On Friday evening last, April 25th, a caption was held for the Rev. Mr. Doherty and Mrs. Doherby, his bride, at Mrs. B. Kaiser's, where the rever- end gentleman had hoarded previous to his marriage, and notwithstanding the very unfavorable state of the weather, a thunder storm having broken out, quite a large number of the church members and adherents assembled to spend a few hours in has bought a large mercantile business. erc -Our merchant, Walter Hern. went re to London on Friday last and return- ed on Saturday, bringing home a load of goods with hicre-Miss Jones of De- troit, and Miss Abbott, of Centralia, spent a couple of days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrew. -Miss Olive Hawkins spent Sunday under the par- ental roof. -Fred Haggith,of Fairfield, spent Sunday eve with friends neer the burg. -Mr. and Mrs, John An - soma in ercourse, and during the drew visited relatives in London the evening they took advantage of the past few days. brides presence, to present her with a (Too late for last week) beautiful Onyx table in reconition of BRIEFS. -The majority of farmers the many kindly and generous services have finished seeding for this term. - Rev. Robt. Hicks, Malahide eircuit occupied the pulpit here on Sunday eve last and preached an eloquent and impressive sernion.-Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andrew, of Cromarty, spent Sunday visiting his father atxt mother. -In letter received, trona S. Andrew, of Ilainiota„ Main, dated April 15, he says they had not searted seeding but expected to staet in a few days. They are sornewhab later this year than usual, -R. T. johns has given up pos- session of the store and hortect to W. Hern, the new proprietor, He is a smart business like young man and we predict he will have as good a trade as Mr. jolans. His two sisters will keep house for him and asgist in the store, -Thos. Veal is regaining his lost strength again and started to do light work Crockett, of Dor- chester, visited his grandfather, 1211 Thompson, a couple of days last week. -The boys are doing a little angling those days but like Isaae Walton, the sport is good but the catch is small, TO OMB A COLD ONI0 DAY Take Laxative Drone Quinine Tablets. All !bugging refund the money if it fang to num w.Geove's signatute 15 oti each box. 26c she had rendered the church during past years. Mrs. Doherty was in the truest sense of the term, completely taken by surprise, not having received a single hint of the presentation in store for her, and slie was much affected by the kind unexpected gift which she appreciated so highly. The address which was fittingly prepared and geere evidence of the high esteem which Mrs. Doherty was,held, was read by Mise 0. Le Touzel, and the presentation was made by Mr, Win, White. The Rev. Mr. Doherty reply - ng on behalf of Mrs. Doherty, thank- ed the doners for their handsome preserte assuring them of the unex- pected pleasure it had given both Airs. Doherty and himself to be present; eith their friends on this occasion,and tv o receive such a valuable token of them kindness and esteem, and bhat it would he a source of eticouragement to them in bhe Mesterei work, for the future, in which they were employed. The reverend gentlenean than went on to deliver a, nice ddress, in which he happily combibed humor and instruct - lot, after which the evening was still farther pleasantly spent in the Way of Musical selections, readings, reoitat., ed home after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Ibbeson, at St. Thomas. -Mrs. H. Gill is having her house improved by putting up eve troughs. -Messrs. Green & Stibbens have had some good catches of fish this week. -the Wednesday 23rd inst., at "The Lady of Mt. Carmel," was the scene of a very pretty and interest- ing event, when Miss Attila Brenner, became the bride of Mr, Jas. Hannen, of Shipka. The ceremony took place in the presence of the relatives and many friends of the bride and groom. The bride was claa.rmingly gowned in dainty white organdy. The -mystic words indicating the bond of union were spoken by the Rev, Father Mc- Crae, After which followed a recep- tion ab the home of the bride's father Mr. Joseph Brenner, at Grand Bence where all partook of a most sumptuous repast. The gifts were costly and numerous showing the esteem in which the young couple are held, Dashwood. Bumvs-Rey. 3, 0. Morlock attend- ed the Conference of the Evangelical Association, held at Ohesley, last week, He reports a very successful Conference, $3,200 having been raised for missions. During his absence, Rev. Catriere , of Grand Bend, occu- pied his pulpit. The Conference will be beld here next spring. Quite a number from here went to Orecliton, on Sunday, to hear Rev, J. G. Litt, who is leavine. Crediton, having been elected pretiding elder nf the ease dis- trict of the levangelical Association. --Miss Annie Hese, of Zurieh, visited friends hi the village on Sunday. - Mr, and Mrs. I, Fink'beiner. of °mei- toe returned to their home on Monday after a week's visit at. Mr. C. Fink. beiners.-Miss nal!, of Loudon tee JOHN WHITE & SONS turned to laer home on Eriday, after towns. Under the lave, British sub. A t 1 . t ention! a few weeks' visit with her brothers jects who are of age and have resided Y. Hall, of the village.! --Ed. Axt, of in the city or town constituenc for OJ zerleb, was in the village, en Tues. year can, if not otherwise qualified deYs-A. Zimmer went to London, on to vote, register at a special court dicitis.-D. Pfaff has improved, the Monclay tie be operated on for appen- choenldteastfetwo receiveeiweeks inardvzocees. o f Tthhi es appearance of bis house by giving it a ,RyStera was borrowed frone the state fresh coat of paint, of New York. When operated honese- . • OreeriWay -- BRIEFS.-Mr. H. Wickert, of Port Huron, visited his home here last week. -Jas. Brophey sold a large load of fish last week. and went out lase Monday for another load bub only got 3 salmon and a few herring, he sold, them m the village, -The May Quar- terly Meetin Sacramental services of ly it gives a wide iranclaise. Many persons who are entitled to the re- sponsibilities and duties of citizenship, but whose name may be missed by the assessor, cart secure their rights under tbe personal registrational plan. In New York, however, this system has been sullied by frauds. Tammany has invented a process that is desig- nated "colonizing." This fraud con- sists of employing an army of black- legs to pass from registration office to Grand Ben& circlue will be held in registration office and to register in Boston Methodist church pext Bab- them all. When the multifarious bath at 10,30 a. in. -O. H. Wilson left registrations are accomplished the here last Monday- with W. A. Wilson's same artists visie the polling booths household effects. It was the largest on election day, and cast as many load of the kind ever known in this votes as they have claimed by reels - vicinity, weighing 4155 lbs. net. He expects to arcive in London by Tqes- day noon, tbis is what we call through freight. He intends to return on Wednesday and bring a load of dry goods and groceries for W. J. Wilson & Co, Mrs. W. A. Wilson accom- panied by Miss Alice Wilson, left by early train Tuesday morning. - 0. Mason is digging a drain from Grace (March, through thce village, north to H. Slaa,nk's creek, eitn. order to let the water away from cliurch ground where a large new shed with hall above is to be built. -W. .T. Wilson & Co. have let W. Mellin the contract of building an addition to their store, 42x14 feet. - The house just vacated by W. A. Wit son will be rented, apply at postofece for key and ternes.-Ed. McPherson had a peach tree in blossom over a week ago. W. ,T, Wilson has an apri- cot tree in full blossom this week. Exeter Municipal Council. Council met pursuant to adjonrn- merit at Town Hall, April 25th. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Harding-MuirelThat the tender Of Fred Gillespie for sheet watering and pum.ping water for all purposes a $9.7o a week, duties to commence by instruction of street commissioner. - Carried. Davis - Wood -- That council ad- journ to Friday, May 2nd, at 8 o'clock p. m. -Carried. GEO, H. BISSETT, Clerk. Licenses Granted, At a meeting of the License -Com- • missioners, held at Hensel' on the 18th, inst., the following licenses were granced:- Seaforth, Christina, Step- hens, James Weir, James Dick, Hen- derson &DeLacy, andW. & J. Hunter, for taverns ; for shop, Edward Daw- son and joseph Weber. Exeter- U. Cunningham, W. Hawkshaw, W. T. Acheson.Geo. Merner extended. for three months; shops, Farmer Bros. and F. J. Knight. Usborne, Joseph Stephens, Stephen - Wm, Moffatt, August Hill, Wm. Fritz. eimon Deit- rich, James Shaddock, James Han- non, Joseph Brenner, 0. L. Moser. B. Cunningham aud George Grafton extended for three months, Hensall- W. R. Hodgins and George Scott. Stanley-HenrySchafer and 0, B. Little. Tuckersnaith- Olias. Wilson and George M. Strong. WEST HITRoN. Those receiving licenses for West Huron were : Olinton-J. Rattenbury, Cantelon, J. McCaughey, Chas. Milne, R. Graham; shop license. Thos. Bell. Goderich-J. Miller, Thos. Tilt, Wm, Craig, B. Saults, Georee Buxton, Michael Farr, Wm. Babb; shop license, Walter Saults. Wing - ham -George B. Rowe, John Carr, L. Hanson, James Broadway, Mrs. Mary Dinsley. Blyth- Mrs. Francis Mason, IL James. Hallett- Alex, Robinson, Auburn; Thos. Hill, Lon- desboro. East Wawanosh-john Mc- Donald, Whitechurch. Ashfield, W. T. Mieuntain and Mrs. ,T. Mallough, Dungannon; James McDonald and Alex. Young, Kintall ; Nelson Pier- son, Port Albert, Colborne •-e Wm, Glazier, Dunlop. EAST HURON. All the old licenses in East Huron were granted except that to Esty's hotel, Wroxeter. A. strong petition was presented to the commissioners from the ratepayers of that village, asking to have this hotel out off, and as the population of the village, ac. cording to the last census, is not large enough to admit of two hotels, the commissioners granted the petition. In this riding 10 Remises are in force, 15 straight licenses, and one wine and beer license. TOOTHACHE CURED IN ONE MINUTE. --- Saturate some batting with Poison's Nerviline and place in the cavity of the tooth. Rub the painful parts of the face with Nerviline, bind in a bot flannel, and the toothache will dis- appear immediately. Nervilirm is a splendid household remedy for Cramps, Indigestion, Summer Com- plaint, Rbemnatism, Neuvalgia and Toothache. Powerful, penetrating, safe and pleasant for internal and ex- ternal use, Price 2nc. Try Netviline. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills fpr 13illious- THE MAUI-111qt AT WORK, THE LAW CHANGED FOR PROTEC- TION OE CRIMINALS. The first fraud by the machine against which the people muse he on guard in this election, says the Mail and Empire, will be attenlpted in con. neetioo with the regiserabion of meals hood suffrage voters in cities and ' tration, The clean Government party in New York has fought against this manoeuvre with some degree of suc- cess, but the thing is done at all dee - tions, and as a consequence the power of tbe machine is strengthened. For the Ontario Government the same fraud has been practised. But it bas been reedered somewhat hazardous hitherto by the fact that the applicant for registration has been required to take an affidavit setting forth that his qualifications are such as he alleges them to be, and that he has nob regis- tered in any other place. The affi- davit is quite welcoixte to the honest man. In filet, ib defends his Tette. But it stands in the way of the :ma- chine worker, because it renders him liable to prosecution for perjury, and to a penitential sentence. At the last election in Welland experts were em- ployed by the Ontario maclaine to reg- ister fraudulently at Niagara Falls and to vote for the Government nom- inee. Two rascals were arrested after they had taken a false oath, and were cbarged with perjury. They were assisted to get out of the country, however, and escaped. The machine has elecide'l that trouble of this kind shall not occur again. At the last session of the Legislature Attorney - General Gibson introduced. a bill, and the majority forced ie into law, re- lieving the voter who registers person- ally of the necessity of taking the oath, and thus protecting the "coloniz- ers" or fraudulent applicants from the danger of prosecution for perjury. This new lam has gone into operation, As a consequence the machine can lead its colonizers into the registra- tion booths and register them freely unless some one insists that they be sworn. Then it can send them to the polling booths and vote them. It is calculated thee the representatives of the clean Government party will not be inclined to insist upon the oath, because electors are as a rule offeres when sworn unless the law required them to take an affidavit. For this reason bunches of "Repeaters" or "col- onists," are expected to get through. This is fraud No.1 which the machine will practise and for which Attorney - General Gibson's new law leads the way. The law, in that it is designed to save the naa.chinise from the charge of perjury . and from the penitentiary, shows the connection between the Government and the machine. It in- dicates how responsive the Govern- ment is to the demands of instru- ments of fraud which elects its condi- dates, In the registration it will be necessary to be on the alert for the perpetrators of the offence, to whom the Government has extended its stat- utory protection. The stuffing will not be delayecl until polling day. It will open at the registration booths, and it will be practised there unless great care be taken, because the Gevernment has removed the punish- ment which it ought to bring. Fanners and Laborers Here is something specially for you at a special price. 1 -Men's heavy brown Denim Overalls double knees and. double stitched. were 85e, for 05c. 2 -Men's rxtediam weight, black Denim Overalls, goocl workmanship, were 75e, for 60e. 3 -Men's extra, heavy blue Denim Overalls, riveted poekets, bibs and suspenders attached, were $1.00, for 80c. 4 -Same as above, without bib and suspenders, were 85c., for 05c. 5 -Men's blue Denim Smocks, size 36 to 40, well made, were 75c, for 60e, You will find all our goods a little lower than you expected. Call and see. A little higher than "highest price" for Butter and Eggs. arlfon agi110000041241133066616,600004111 • a e a a W. 1. Talbot e • e a a • o a (Successor to Levitt's Fair.) e • • • e • • FOR THIS WEEK • • • • s • An Extra Line of • e to e e a es 56 I and1060 0 0 0 a • • e • . . 6idS8Wdre. • • o • • se o se e 0 0 Regular 8c and 15c Goods. i 0 a, A few more 'Souvenir of Exeter' IS O Plates to hand, 25e. each • a • e • ts Balls by the window full, • g 5c. to 25c. • e • • • 9 6006 and Soo • • • a • e e a gity le e e) a L TAL OT .. a (Successor to Levitt's Fir.) C 0 • a P,S. -Eggs wanted in large or gr 2 small quantities, in trade. • le 00000000000000000000000000 NERVOUS AND SLEEPLESS There is just one cure and that ie plenty of food for the blood and nerv- es, which is best supplied M Ferro - zone, than which no blood builder, nerve tonic or strength producer is better. Ferrohozone promotes healty digestion, which results in improved nutrition. The blood grows rich and red, farnishes stability to the entire system, and the store of nerve force and energy increased daily. A. re- building of the constitution, new spirits, health and strength all come from the use of Ferrozone. This mar- velous renovator is sold by Druggists for 50c a box, or six boxes for $2,50. By mail from Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont, E T OLS FOR Carpenters, Framers, Masons b. A full and complete line to select' from at Reasonable prices. SMASH BRAND PORTUND CE Always on hand.' migaimIliiibtbbsa..MonsacesW. APRIL N ENT E S Spraying Machines from 4.5c up Poultry Netting (all sizes) from 4c per yd up. Lawn Mowers, Maxwell make from $3.25 up, Washing IViachines from $4-75 Wringers from : $2.50 up. Carpet Sweepers from $2.50 up. Paint Brushes from 5C up. Ready -Mixed Paints from 40c per qt up Blue Stone ----So per lb lismoimAlesneSinno W. J. 11,ANIAN: EXETER,. P. S.-Tinshop connection,