Exeter Times, 1902-4-24, Page 8tras EXETE.Tct TMIS
Cu.rtains C rpe s
Walt Papers and Linoleums
.1 some of the rooms may require renovating. We can
Carpet, Curtain or Paper your rooms in A 1 shape and at
prices that wont hurt your feeling either. Quality and value
are what count and cash and one price do it.
50e be pate for lace curtains, good
PatLer118, new designs. They are all
right for the price,
75e the pair for lace curtains bo3xnd
edge, center or side trimmed. A
spleudid bed room curtain.
$1.00 the pair for lace curtains. This
is one of our great leading lines, A
sure money saver.
$1.25 the pair for lace curtains,
Lovely new designs, fine twisted nets,
bound or corded. edges. More btyle
arid. more valeta than we heve ever
shown for $1.25c before.
• $1.50c the pair for lee* curtaies, l▪ e
new Rannisanee effects. Thew ace
just as pretty and dainty as phssible
and such good wearers too.
$1.75e the pair for lace curtaius,
new Battenberg effects. This is a very
:swell line. All new, designs. Very
pretty patterns. They are right down
to date.
$2.00 and up to $1.00 for the swell -
est lot of new lace curteins Nve have
,ever shown. Rannisance, Batteuberg
and applique effects. Jnst as fine and
dainty as it is possible to make tbein.
Iu tapestry and silk Brocatelle cur-
tains we should be able to please you.
.Our stock is very complete $2,S5e, to
$8,750 the pair. See them,
New English Linoleum. 2 and 4
yards wide, in new floral and block
designs. The new inlaid wood effects
are very swell. Have you seen them.
30c the yard for new union carpets,
not the cheapest by any means, but
the kind that looks well' and wears
40c the yard for union carpets,
regular 50c values. Lots of style, lots
of quality. You'll like this line.
75e the yard for our choicest pure
wool carpets. All new patterns. Love-
ly shadings. made from pure clean
scoured yarus, Perfect colors. You
can't beat them.
$1.00 the yard tor our very best five
fmnle body Brussels carpet. The
swellest lot of patterns. that we have
ever shown. We have cheaper if you
want thee), but these are our very
best. Th -4 come in the new blues,
new greys, new greens, new wool
colors. new fawns, and all the new
pastel' shades. Oh but they are
In all wool a,nd. Beasselett squares,
we have a lovely range, from 3 yard
squares up. They are just right for
bed rooms. Ask to see them.
Do you want any wall paper. We
would like to show you the hest range
of new Clitnedian. American and
French paper that Exeter people have
ever seen. Everybody likes our wall
paper, so will you. And then they
are such good values. Perhaps cash
and one price is what does it.
Remember we are doing the Millinery of the town and
doing it right too. Our trimmers are up to their business,
they are creating new designs every day. Come, come as
often as yeti will and study the new styles. You are always
For Marriage Licenses;
Wedding Rings,
Wmtche.s, Clocks,
Spectetcles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestiseinente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
S Wanted at once, 2 cars potatoes—
The R. Pickard Oo. -
Bruce Dignan, of London, spent Sun-
day with his parents here.
Mr. Milburn, of Paris, Ont., was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford, on
Mr. Young, of t'ae Maisons Bank
staff, Clinton, spent Sunday with
. friends in town.
- For lame back and derangements of
, erthe kidneys and bladder, try Dix Kid -
;hey Pills, Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
444-, The watering cart was a welcome
'visitor to our business ' men and cite --
ens generally, on Friday and Satur-
day last.
Melville Howey, of Elora, and Wes-
ley Howey, of Wingham, attended the
faneral of their uncle, the late Isaac
'Children Cry for
5000 lbs. good butter wanted in
inedietety.--Tlie. R. leiceinek
Mr. and Alm John Treble,, accoine
pained by Mies Meng -au and J'osbua
Morgan left for Manitoba on Monday
where they will reside.
Are you troubled with dandruff,
itching of the scalp, premature falling,
of the hair'use Tarkish Scalp, Foctel:'
Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter,
Richard Elston, of Clentralie, left on
Monday for Chatham, his eon, David
Elston, who is attending business col-
lege there, being very ill with seerlet,
Miss Tillie Brenner, daughter of Jos-
eph 13renner, Greed levied, and Jas.
Hannon, son of 3 eines Hannon,
Sheiks, were united in marriage on
Tuesday, April 22od,
Receipt for making grafting wax,
oz, rosin, 2 ozs. bees wax, 1 oz. tal-
low. Melt, pour in tepid water and
pull or work until the wax• becomes
white, when it is ready for use.
Harry Eilber is a stronger man than
he was four years ago when he re-
quested the votes and influence of the
electors of this town and will accord-
ingly poll a bigger vote and larger ma-
Mi. Thos. Case, of Rogervilleleft
on Monday night last for Mauiltobe,
wbere be will spend a few weeks pros-
peuting, and if he ;can suit hitnielf
will take up land and move there with
his family,
Mrs. Elizabeth An Chapman, re.
liet of the late Tho. N. Chalmette
died on Monday, April 21., in Inger-
soll, aged 60 years and 8 months. De-
ceased was a sister of Mr. leichare
Seldon, formerly .of Exeter.
Will J. White, of Ottawa, accoin.
panied by his little son, Charles, speut
Saturday last with his mother, Mrs. J.
White, sad brother, M. J. White, wbo
has so long been confined to his bed
from the effects of a fractured leg.
A mass meeting in connect ion with
the Colborne bra,ncli of the West
Huron Temperance Alliance will lie
held in Zion church, Oolboene, on
Thursday evening, April 24th. and Ad-
dresses will be given by prominent
The many friends of Mrs. Win,
Hawksbaw, ho has been very ill
at St..loseph's Jr,,Hospital, London, have
been very anxious during tee pest
week owing to her very critical con-
dition. At tirne of writing no possible
hopes are held out for her recovery.
Mr. Beech, of Watford, spent a few
days of last week and this, renewing
acquaintances in town, and on Sun-
day evening very acceptably sang a
solo in Maiu-st Methodist church.
His many friends were pleased to
again hear his voice in song.
It is said that some local doctors a.re
charging a fee of 50 cents for vaccinat-
ing. In R. S. 0. 1897, c. 249, a 12, is
the following:—"In all contracts to be
made under the provisions of this Act,
the sums contracted to be paid shall
not be more than 25 cents for every
person successfully vaccinated, includ-
ing all or any of the certificetes re-
quired by the Act."
Canadians will be sorry to hear that
Lady Dufferin has not been at all well
since the death of Lord Dufferin. She
went a fortnight ago to Raith, the
pretty Fifeehire home of Mr. and
Lady Helen Munro -Ferguson, for a
stay of six weeks. In the meantime
she will make arrangements regarding
her future place of residence, There
is a chance that Olandeboye may be
Dr. Bryce has issued his annual vital
statistics for Ontario. The death rate
shows an increase from 10.8 to 13.5 in
ten years, accounted for by the large
hicrease of 72 per cent., over 1891 of
deaths between the ages of 70 and 79.
No. fewer than 3.825 of these died last
year. Last year 3.099 people over 80
years died, an increase of 39 per cent.
in the deaths of children ranging froth
5 to 15 years is noted.
To THE FARMERS.—The R. Pickard
0o. are paying highest price for po-
tatoes. See them at once.
We want 2000 dozen eggs at once.
The R, Pickard Co.
Mrs. M. Gill has returned to Grand
Bend for the summer naonths,
Mr. John Southcott has moved to
Grand Bend for the summer and is
erecting some cottages.
Mrs. Stephenson, of aonstance, and
Mrs. Muir, of London, visited their
neice, Mrs. 3. White, last v`yek.
The members of the Independent
Order of Oddfellows, will attend ser-
vice in the James -et church on Sun-
day morning next,
Fred Walters, son of Jas. Walters,
left on monclay for Sault St. Marie,
where he will remain* for some time
with his uncle, Mr. Elliott.
Beef is jumping over the moon
again. Meanwhile eat fish. If fish are
high priced, eat cereals. If cereals
are high priced, eat sawdast.
John Spackman, who has been in
Toronto for some time past under
musical instruction, is home for a
short time.
The Bishop of Toronto left Tuesdev
last for Montreal, to take part in the
consecration of Dean Carmichael as
Coadajutor Bishop of Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Gattis, of Eagle River,
who has been spending the past month
with their deughter, Mis, B. S. O'Neil.
left for their home on Monday last.
HOY W.-NTED.—A good, smart boy
with fair education, wanted to learn
Rev. W. J. Taylor, of St. Marys, the printing business. Apply at
conducted service in Trivitt Memorial Tams office.
church on Sunday last, Rev. J. W.
Ten Eyck taking :Rev. Taylor's work
its St. Marys.
IThe English Stock Food for horsese
during spring work, also for younge
pigs and calves, it is the best and:
cheapest stock food in the marketlf,
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
Mrs. Jas. Halls, who recently re-
moved from Elimville to Exeter to re-
side, has purchased. the comfortable
home of the late Mrs. Manning, on
Andrew et., and will take possession
at once.
4 ,444,14,1,
New goods with button -hole edges at 25c soc, 75c, 1.15,
$1,50, $1.75, $2.00. $2,25, $2.5o, $2.75, $3.25 a pair:
With Rollers, in Plain, and Patterns, Fringes, Laces and
Lace Insertions, .. ....from 35c. to 85c.
We sell "Force" the rood that is all Food,
Produce taken in Exchange.
Groceries a Specialty,Ta p,=,3=s1;9,..tr2"1,42..reereteetelflPose Office Bleck.
story brick cottage on William street,
e,he property of the Fanson estate.
!Apply to RAT. L. PaNsoN.
`elerinee your annual roe. e bills or pedi-
gree folders call at the 2IMES and see
what we can do for you. We have
excellent cuts, give first-class stock
and prices are right.
HILL—FORD—A quiet wedding took
place on Wednesday aftern000n at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Ford, second conces-
sion, Stephen, when his daughter,
Lillie Maud, was united in marriage
to Frederick James Hill, of Buffalo,
son of Mr. George Hill, town. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
0. W. Brown, B. A. 13. D., at four
o'clock in the presence of the .near
relatives of the contracting parties.
The bride was charmingly attired in a
handsome costume of white Persian
lawn and carriecl a large hoquet of
roses. Little Miss Cecelia. youngest
sister of the bride. aril Miss ,Elvia
Ford, a niece of the bride, were two
very pretty flower girls. The service
of obber atlendants were dispensed
with. The wedding breakfast was a
dainty affair and the festive board
literallygroaned. beneath its burden of
choice viands. Mr. and Mrs. Hill leave
this morning (Thursday) for London,
where they will spend a couple of clays
after which they will go to SAM°
to reside. Fred. is a native of Exeter
and was a former typo graduate of
Tun TIMES office, now having a lucra-
tive position with the flrm of James
W, Clement, Buffalo. The beide is
also well and favorably knowti in this
her native home and the many pres-
ents received are an evidence of the
good wishes of their many friends, We
Join a host of friends in bed wishes
for long life and happiness,
TWTINTY-OVNT PincEs. — The Re-
ceiver -General's Department, invites
all who have 20 Cent pieces to serid
them intend have them exchatiged, as
it is desirable to put the toin out of
circulation. At presene two kinds of
20 cent coins are found in some places.
The' NeWfoundland pieces can be die-
tingulehecl from the Canadian coine 'by
lie R. PIAdril GO. Exicruaii
TRADE IS BOOMING in this line with us, and no
wonder. The beautiful assortment, the tasty trim-
mings and the reasonable prices found hei e. all help to make
things hum. Leave your order early.
Wall Papers
We are showing all that is new and popular. You will find
prices in your favor hem See these goods at 30, 5c, 10c,
12ie, 150 and up.
Carpets and Oilcloths
Wo have them in great variety, purchased direct from tIte
manufacturers in Great Britain and Canada.
Carpets at 25c, 350, 50c. 75c and up
Oil Cloths and Linolenems ...at 25c, 35c, and 503.
Pongee Cloths and Prints
1000 34,ds, 8atin fiinish Pongee Cloth, in a beautiful
variety of coloring and designs, warranted perfectly fast
colors, regular 20e the yard for .. .15c
600 yards, 32 -inch, heavy weight; perfectly fast colored
Prints, the regular 12ic kind, our price 12 yds. for $OO
White Wear, Grand Assortment
Ladies' Night Gowns,
Ladies Skirts,
Ladies' Corset Covers,
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.26, 81.50
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 to $2.50
15c, 25c, 35c. 40c, 50c, and 75c
er++++++444-1-4-44++++++++++++ e-+++++++++++++++++++++++++
t We want Two Car Loads of Potatoes.
4. We want 2000 Dozen of Eggs.
4. . We want 5000 pounds of Butter. +
4' +
+ 4.
In exchange for Store Goods. M.See us at once. +
+ We are paying Highest Prices. +
+ . +
4. ..
eee++++++4-e+-eietee+++++++++++ ++++++++++++!e+++++++++++++
10 packages fresh Garden Seeds for.. 25c.
2 lbs. Steele Brigs Best Mangold Seeds, .. ....for 25c.
Re ick
Direct importers.
a dotted ring which surrounds the "20
cents." The name 'Newfoundland"
can also be found on the coins of that
Island. A. maple leaf wreath encircles
the "20 cents on the Cananian piece.
BASE BALL Oeun.—An enthusiastic
base ball meeting was held on Friday
night last and a club organized with
the following officers :— Hon. Presi-
dent, W. H. Leyett ; President, 0, H.
e.Sanders ; lst Vice -Pres. Jos, Davis ;
ed Vice -Pres„ N. D. Vice -Pres.,
; Secy-
"Treas., W. J. Brooks; Committee of
Management, the President and Sec-
retary, and Messrs. Heaman, Christie
and Bissett. The club deserves the I
support of the general public, and '
should be encouraged in every way.
The membership fee is 50e.. A meet-
ing of the Committee of Management
is called for to -morrow evening, (Fri-
day) at 8 o'clock, in the Town Hall.
been made at Battle Creek, Mich., of a
new embalming fluid, that the in-
ventor claims will preserve a body for
centuries. The body of John Leck, an
aged negro, was handed over for the
test six months ago, and was exhumed
last week for examination. The body
has the consistency of vulcanized rub-
ber, and might readily pass for a
statue of black marble, as the petrified
flesh is hard enough to take a polish.
There is not the slightest trace of de-
composition or wasting, the features
retaining their fullness. The experi-
mentor says the fluid will preserve the
body fer centuries. It was recently
discovered by an eastern chemical
company, and this test on the body of
an unclaimed county hospital corpse
is the first made.
died on Thursday, April 17th, one of
Centralia's oldest residents, in the per -
SOD of Dorothy Bissett, relict of the
late Richard Handford, at the ripe old
age of 85 years and 17 days. Deceased
came to this country in 1834 from Mer-
ton, Devonshire, England, with her
parents and settled in Stephen town-
ship, She was married a few years
later to the late Richard Handford
and settled in Centralia where she re-
sided until the time of her deable.
She Was an active member of the
Methodist church and was beloved and
honored by all who knew her. She
leaves Mx sons : James and Richard, '
of Centralia ; Silas, of Exeter ; Samuel
and Caleb, Manitoba ; Thomas,Exeter;
and two daughters : Mrs. Mary Hicks,
Manitoba; Airs. Johana May, Mit-
chell ; also one brother, Thos. Bissett,
sr., Exeter, to mourn the Ioss of, a lov-
ing mether and sister. The funeral
took place on Saturday, April 19th.
The remains were interred in the
Exeter cemetery.
Exeirree, reeioN Bttetaat, GROUND.—
We have been requested to melee the
following insertion On behalf of the
directors of the Exeter Union Burial
Ground.' The seasons Operatiehe at
the cemetery are now fairly com-
menced, and as the expenses will
be very large this year the directors
hope that WI persons interested and
willing to aiSISt, will contribute as
liberal': as possible. It will save the
directors much loss of time and trouble
if those intending to contribute would
hand such contributions to one of the
directors as soon as convenient. After
another year the directors hope to
have the cemetery in a well kept and
seemly condition, and then to become
incorporated, which will be a guaran-
tee that for all time the cemetery can-
not again fall into neglect. The direc-
tors who will receive contributions
and give receipts for same are Richard
Coates, D. Jacques, Thos. Case, Roger
Northcott,' Wm. Russell, S. M. San-
ders, Ohas. Snell, Thos. Prior, W, D.
Weekes, E. J. Spackman, 0. Lutz.
All parties not having received proper
deeds for lots will kindly present their
certificate to W. D. Weekes and re-
ceive a proper deed in exchange,
Should the certificate be lost a proper
deed will be given.
The adjourned vestry meeting of the
Triyitt Memorial church was held in
the School ball on Monday evening,
April 14th, with the rector, Rev. J.
W. Ten Eyck, presiding. The attend-
ance was good, particularly the ladies.
Mr. 0. H. Sanders presented the midi -
tors' report of the Wardens Ladies'
Guild, Women's Auxiliary, Sunday
School, Willing Workers and the
Junior Mission Band, all of which
proved very satisfactory and was
adopted. The total receipts of the
church aggregated $1435.35 with ex-
penditure $1422.56, thus leaving a
balance of $12.79. The assets were
placed at $41,500.00, with liabilities of
$1,234.25. The receipts of the different
societies of the church totalled $4-27.30
The following °facet% wete appointed
in addition to those elected at the last
meeting:--Sidesrnen, R, B. Samuel, S.
Sweet, P. Rowcliffe, A. Q. 13obier, 0,
H. Sanders, N. D. Hurdon and E.
Elliott ; envelope com, Geo. Murton,
Jos. Davis, 0, H. Sanders. Thos. San-
ders, E, Elliott, P. Rowcliffe, Adam
Case; advisory Beard, N. D. Hurdon,
D. Mill, J. Hawkins, D. Elliott, John
Hawkshaw, A. G. Dyer, E. J. Knight,
J. Smalla.cornbe, Geo. Davis, Thos.
Sanders, Geo, Atkinson, A vote of
thanks was moved and tendered the
various organizations of the church
for the zealous and good work per.
formed by all. The Rev. Ten Eyck
stated that there had been 112 services
held ; 39 week -day services; average
attendance at each service 110 ; 12
burials (only two of which belonged
to the parish, Mrs. Hawkins and Mr.
Geo, Kemp.) 10 baptisms and two
marriages. Shorbly after 10 o'clock
the vestry adjonened after which a
luncheon was served and a very
1pleasane time was spent- socially.:
Carling ros.
The best place in town town to deal, that's if you want
honest goods honest prices and no humbugaib3na Money is
the root of all evil so we are told, yet we all wish We had
cords of the root. Instead of wasting time wishing sensible
people watch their expenditures. The bargains we are,offer-
will convince you that money is saved for you by buying of
us. We call your attention to
oral w
The newest, best and cheapest goods in town.
Our grocery department is oomplete with pure reliable
goods. No better.
Try OLIF Teas 250, 30c, 400 arid 60c
The thoicest Blue Ribbon and Monsoon.
' "FORCE" have you tried "Force" the greatest health food out
All the butter and eggs taken in exchange or cash,
'TM 5
Some Beauties Just in. See Them.
Do you want a Bedroom suit, Sideboard, Dining table,
Kitchell table, Centre table, Side table, Dressing table, Oak.
table, Ash table, Kitchell chairs, Dining chairs, Drawing
chairs Easy chairs, Morris chairs, Rocking chairs, Boys'
chairs, Girls chairs, High chairs, Low chairs, Odd chairs,
Even chairs, Common chairs, Uncommon chairs, Couches,
Bed Springs, Mattresses, Piotures, Pictures framed, Pic-
tures without frames, Frames without pictures, saws sharp-
ened, or old furniture repaired, varnished and re-junivated.
If so we will try hard to make it easy for you to buy.
u tort
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms
You Should Support
DeCallSe—We bring the farm-
ers to your town, and pay them
cash for their grain, arid they
leave a good share with the
merchants of y•our town.
Outside mills don't.
Because—We have a large
sum invested in the milling busi-
ness in your town.
Outside mills have not.
Because— We employ a num-
ber of men, who all live here,
and we pay thein a good sum in
wages each week. The most of
their money being spent in your
The employees of oubside mills don't.
Because—We live here and
help support your churches and
Outside mills don't.
Because—We have reduced
the prices of our Goods consider-
ably since starting business.
Because—Exeter Star Flour
is the most reliable family flour
in town, ancl will make better
bread, and more bread to the
sack, than any other family
flour in town. A trial will con -
any good housewife, that
whalfWais right.
Because— OiPure
toba Flour is the undivided pro-
duct of No. 1 Hard, Manitoba
wheat, and contains all the
nutritious substances of the
wheat berry. Put up in 100
pound hags, and branded PURE
Because—Our PRINCESS
Flour" (Choice Pastry) has no
. equal in town for fine pastry
cooking. One half less shorten-
ing required when usiug this
flour, and this means a 9aving in
For in.fan.ts and Childran.
Tbo fad,.
• Of
Is needed if the
young man or wom-
an would succeed in
the business world
to.day. Such an education is received
in this most up-to-date and best equip-
ped college.
Forest Gitu Business Gollelle
W, WESTERVELT, Principal.
+44 ++++++++++++++++++++++
To Have
Best Goods
s what the business man owes him-
It is this business policy of ours
which induces us to claim to be
ofterst the cheapest and con-
sequently et )wa.ys the best.
We have in stock everything in the
dtatioDery Line—newest in Note
Complete Lane of
esnglish and German Decorated
French China
Limoge and Japanese Ware.
' ND"
You will :find here at all
times the greatest bargains in
furniture, The lowest prices
and best efforts to please,
Undertaking a Specialty.
R N. Rowe