HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-10-05, Page 20PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, Wt.:D,NESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 11983 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rotten bury St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300.-44tfar BUY IN BULK AND SAVE $$$ at Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. No. 4 north of Clinton, 1 1/4 mile south of Londesboro • watch for our sign! Drop in for our current price list. Over 50 items. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523- 9508,-16tfar APPLES FOR SALE - Macintosh and . Wolfe Rivers, snows and fresh apple cider at Don Mid- dleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3 Clinton. Phone 482-9838,-39,40 APPLES FOR SALE - Macintosh, Courtland and delicious, pick your own and already picked at Henry Slotegraaf. Phone 482- 9272, -39tf MACINTOSH apples, fresh cider, red and white potatoes, honey, apple butter, custom pressing, cider barrels, plaster or wood. Phone 524-8037 Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-39tfor BEEF FOR SALE '/4, 'h or whole ready for freezer, very reasonable 482-3361.--38eow SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con• valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-12eow 1982 650 HONDA Night Hawk excellent condition, 8,000 km. $1,999. 482-7936.-40 VIC 20 Computer, brand new, never used $250. Call 482- 7606. -40 SMALL Franklin wood stove, screens open into fireplace. $95 or best offer. Call 482-7622.--40 1976 YAMAHA 650 motorcycle. A fall sacrifice 524-7215.-40tf ONE ONLY 410 .. Mossberg shotgun, 3" shell, 3 load, $50.00. 565-2967.-40 CUSTOM MADE king size round waterbed, best offer; highchair, one year old; folding Gendron stroller; size 5 boys, childrens snowboots; boys size 18 months snowsuit, like new; lady's lilac dress shoes, size 8, worn once: jolly -jumper, like new. 523- 9679.-40 EATING AND cooking apples. Prices reduced due to , hail damage. Also cider apples. Mc Clymont Orchards, 1 -mile south of Varna. Phone 482-3214.- 40tf WOODEN BUNK BEDS $175:, size 10-12 complete cub uniform. Phone 523-9236 after ' 5:30 p. m.-40 RED CHIEFTAIN potatoes for sole, large or small quantities. Phone 482-3460.-40tf SPEED QUEEN Super ' Twin washer spin-dryer; R.C.A. 26 inch color TV. Phone 482-7472 after 5 p.m. --40t1 LOG HOME KITS. Do it yourself or we do it for you. Send 54.00 for colour catalogue. Post Of- fice Box 1539, Uxbridge, On- tario LOC 1 KO, - 40o WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 WOOD FOR SALE Thanksgiving Special OCTOBIIR 7-8-10 $204 per l /2 tole load Cut your ownl One road south of Kin - burn, then west Into Hullett swamp. THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE BAYFIELD BUGLE Clinton: News -Recon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads - - , - - - - - -` Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. , .. , , Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 12 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 Pets for sale Real estate for sole Mobile homes Recreatror,',j proper ries Out -;f -w,, , V• ry,r I •.e, For Ifni Apartment< f ,1 rte' Houses for Leat Rooms for rest 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 46. 23. Commercial property for rent 47. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35. 36 37 38 39. 40 41 42 43. 44 45. Wonted to rent Wanted to buy Help wanted Wonted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wanted Service directory Perscnol Notice to creditors Announcements Mortgages Auction sale Educational Lost 8 Found To give away Death notice Births Engagements Marriages In memoriam Cards of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMEN1 WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. I■011000110010111s t . Articles for sale IMPOSSIBLE a sawmill for $34.95. Patented accessory ion verts chginsow to sawmill 7,000 sold. Details, send stamp to Beam Mu, hi 'les '. 60B, Pier, tice Place, Quaihlusk i Cove, B.C. VOP 1N0 40o TWO SETS DRUMS one five piece Ludwig and cymbals, one five piece beginner's set and cymbals. Best offer. 524-2889 after 6 p .'r. 40 WOOD STOVES aid f- replan e inserts considered among the finest and most efficient available. Open week nights and all day Saturday. THE WOODBURNER SHOP Dungan non. 529-7947 38tf 16 H.P. w'heelhorse tractor with blade, gond conton phone 482-9812. 40 41 Ton�atoe3� Pick -Your -Own or Readi-Picked Call ahead for large orders Apples and a variety of vegetables for fall storage OPEN WEEKDAYS TILL 9 P.M. SAT. TILL 5 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY Huron Ridge Acres R.R. 2, Zurich 565-2122 For Sale TO BE MOVED 11/2 storey frame house, 4 bedrooms, Targe modern kitchen and living room, family room, full bathroom, office, sun porch, all Well insulated Exterior imitation brick. For more information Call 262-5708 Articles for sale FOR SALE Freshly killed capons ready for Thanksgiving Order now 482-9738.-• •40 1980 SUZUKI, model GS400ex• ceiient condition 12,000 km, complete with fairing. Phone 482.3338 -..40 KENMORE portable dryer; 30" General Electric stove; box fan; barbecue gasoline cylinder: lady's skates size 6. Phone 482- 3825.--40x O\'E•N READY roosters 6.8 lbs Ralph Scott, R.R. 3, Blyth. 523- 9528. --40 UNIQUE Christmas gifts, this weekend - special prices special gifts. The Old Schoo House, County Rood 25, Blyth. -40 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades FALL CLEAR -OUT SPECIALS 'S4 bushel SQUASH COOKING ONIONS 501b. '6.S0 SPANISH ONIONS 501b '10.50 PUMPKINS , . - , - SO` up Also Available: BOSC PEARS: APPLES: TOMATOES; RED & WHITE POTATOES: CAULI- - FLOWER; BROCCOLI. EVANS FARM MARKET "Where the Price Is Right" 2 MILES MORPH OF MA YFIELD ON HW Y 11 482=7562 5. Cars for sale 1977 MERCURY Marquis, 'two door fully equipped as is, best offer. Phone 482-3489. - 381f 1977 CORDOBA. power steer- ing, power brakes, power win- dows, power door locks, air, reclining seatsstereo, ex- cellent M.P.G. Good shape, must sell. 524.7215. - -40tf 1978 CHEVY NOVA. power steering, power brakes, V8 automatic. Phone 887.6437. - 40 7. R. V.'s for sale TWENTY-FIVE foot Citation Travel Trailer, sleeps 8, ex• cellent condition. Call Brucefield 482-7188.-- 40 10- Pets for sale HOUND PUPPIES 8 weeks old, BLuetick and Walker cross 887• 6437. - 40 13. Mobile homes 12 x 60 three bedroom mobile home for rent or sale. Call 482- 3081 after 6 p.m,-.36tf FOR RENT - mobile home in Clin- ton, two bedrooms. Call 482- 7066.--39,40 FOR RENT - 2 bedroom house trailer, fridge and stove, $200,00 monthly plus utilities. 6 miles from Clinton, 12 miles from Goderich off Highway 8. 262-2939,-39,40 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por- table cement mixer. Power trowis, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Cor- riveou, Zurich 236-4954,-- 16tfar 17, Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment available November 1st. 519- 833-9021. --37tf A-1 APARTMENTS, 14th St., Vonastra. Bachelor, one bedroom, and two bedrooms, all utilities paid, no deposit. Phone 482-3581.- 38tf SPACIOUS, three bedrooms, Vonastra, broadloomed, close to school and recreation facilities. Phone Mrs, Maxwell 482-3713.-39-41 A. For sale QUANTITY of baled hay, good for horses. Red Chieftain potatoes for sale. Phone 482- '7578. 40 FARMERS for a good farm building at a competitive price: PHONE RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION 482-3305 Clinton FREE ESTIMATES CUSTOM COMBINING White Beans Soybeans with flex head. Combining of corn wide b narrow rows. 523-4260 B. Custom Work CUSTOM CORN Drying - no handling charges. For more in- formation. Call Arnold Steckle 565-5329,-40-42x CUSTOM SILO filling and swathing, Phone Hank Reinink 523-4569 or 523-9202.-22tfar C. Wanted 'WANTED: - Old brick buildings for 'Wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. and/or the Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd., Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick, supplying bricks from Detroit to Thunder Bay to Quebec City. Sarnia 1- 51.9-542-8811 or 'Toronto 1-416- 283-231,1-..-24900, ....,,�. �;. Attention Fartfners WE PAY''20.00TO'50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY IN- JURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4910 24 hrs. a day. 6 days a week Serving this area since 1974 STOCKER SALE 800 HEAD at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on Saturday, October 15, 1983 at 1:00 p.m. CONSISTING OF: Steers, Heifers & Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Greg Hargreaves -519-482-7511 (Clinton) -519-235-2717 (Exeter) -519-229-6205 (K irk ton) -519-262-2619 (Hensel!) -519-262-2431 (Hensel!) AUCTIONEER: Larry Gardiner v G <\ FALL SALT AND MINERAL SPECIAL 1/2 Tonne Minlmurtr Order FREE DELIVERY or .10 per bag discount for pick-up. PURINA - 25 KG. LivestockMineral • • 78. 5 PURINA - 25 KG. Dairy 1:1 Mineral l V. s 25 KG. BAG Cobalt Salt • 40 KG. BAG F.C. Rock Salt 0 0 0 • • 0 • • Purina Minerals are formulated from the highest quality ingredients, giving farmers true value for their investment. PRICES IN EFFECT TILL OCT, 31 '83 PURINA CROWS DURST FARM CENTRE Highway 8 West Clinton BRYAN DURST 482-7706. LEN L.a B',:: Praprlmtor rl�ld 00pr0000004Ivo ® ® e® - in MN 1!I IN We m D. Livestock ONTARIO HEREFORD Club Sale Hickson's Sale Arena, Lindsay October 15, 1 p.m. 35 lots bulls bred and open heifers. Contact Elinor McCrae, R.R. 1, Almonte 613-256-1275.-40o GOOD SELECTION of ser- viceable age ROP tested Yorkshire, Hamp, Duroc and crossbred boars. Also York x Landrace gilts. Priced according to market conditions. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton, 345-2317.---40-43 70 HEAD free -listed registered Herefords, western pedigrees, horned and polled at Carson's Sales Arena, Listowel, Ontario, October 22 at 1. For Findlay Lewis R.R. '3. Ayton NOG 1 CO. --- 40o ATTENTION FARMERS CUSTOM CORN COMBINING With wide and narrow row. TRUCKING AVAILABLE Book early for reliable service. Phone: Wayne Colclough Morning or Evenings 482-3064 BERG Sales -Service Installation -Barn Cleaners -Bunk Feeders -Stabling -Manure Conveyers FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Bl,Y TH Phone Brussels 887-9024 SALES & SERVICE installation & parts KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. R.R. 4 Walton PH. 345-2734 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES Barn Cleaner chain & parts for all makes. Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS %raster l4 ' ..�.m�... ClIntect-442.7997 Scurry Meller Ea•004-926-2717 xlrk taxa -PS@ -42 9 evatory Flargr-e.o o -252-2®14 5- Cars for sale 5 Cars for sale 60 POLICE CARS, VANS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS 4x4;5 & WRECKERS. 20 - 1981-82 Mercury's, Chov's, Fords & Plymouths; 2 - 1980 Chevettes; 1 - 1979 Cadillac; 4 - 1978-79 Chev & Plymouth Station Wagons; 1 - 1978 GMC Suburban; 5 - 1976-78 Dodge. Chev & .Jeep 4I( 4's; 10 - 1915- 80 1/2 & 3/4 ton pickups. club 8 crew cabs; 8 - 1976-78 1 8 2 ton stake, dumps 8 cub 8 chassis; 3 - GMC 1 ton with Holmes Wreckers. MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway Phone Durham 1-369-3136 J9rou-✓te20.,-,/,9 RAYFIELD PROPERTIES Bayfield Beauty - This 6 room Bungalow nested in the trees - offers true Bayfield charm. The old and the new have been tastefully blended to offer country living at its best. Best View in Bayfield - Rarely does a two bedroom cottage have such a setting. A true gardener's delight offers a retire- ment dream and priced in the low forties. Tile Street - Not on the lake side but this 3 bedroom cottage could be just what you're looking for, priced in the low thirties for quick sale: Small Acreages - No. 21 Hwy • with Cen- tury home just south of Bayfield offers hobbies unlimited. This exclusive is just listed and must be seen. 14 Acres - Ranch Style home on outskirts of village. Ideal Subdivision potential. Business Opportunity - If you hove the plans • We have the location, and a seven '-ro'tfd'`fwb&""s'torey 'hor>rie offers family living. OPEN HOUSES OCT. 8th & 9th FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL ADAM FLOWERS - 519-565-2813 PAT NORMAN - 519-482-7535 411 Me.(741. DOUGLAS F. CHUBB BROKER 77 MAIN ST, • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK rw0 Ontu". ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 33 Stanley Street, Goderich Ph, 324-2111 Clinton Ph, 4112.7841 NEW LISTING 323 Matilda St., Clinton. Spacious Brick Bungalow, Large living room and Eat -in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1'/2 baths, Den and Laundry Room in basement. Asking $47.000.00 OUT OF TOWN e' New Listing Stanley Township - Stone Home on 6.2 acres, country location with panoramic view. New Listing Goderich Township - 10 acres 4 bedroom farmhouse - working woodburning cook stove, 2 baths, driveshod. Auburn C entry Estate - 3.2 -erre° Something Special - Executive G eality „Farr-" Home - 3 bedrooms, two ear garage, 2 baths, Fieldstone fireplace. Jaooacalcm OA YPIE&D 0 ® a.aaCetrmOST WIRSONANA e 96. Toa v aiNTON • SIMFO0Tl' o hr TCKEA1 o ZURICH eSOTE !T0srPOa1D 17 Apartments for rent NEWLY RENOVATED apart• ments. Close to downtown. For more information call 482- 3878. 39,41x BLYTH - two bedroom apart- ment for rent in modern fourplex. Phone 523.9696. 40 NICE. clean two bedroom apart- ment in fourplex unit with full basement in Clinton. Easy to heat $200 per month references required. Phone Wingham 357-3721. 40 TWO APARTMENTS in Londesboro • one, four bedrooms and one bachelor. Phone 482.7314. •40tf ONE THREE bedroom and one two bedroom apartments at 157 Princess St. W. - Clinton. Phone 523-4525. 40,41 THREE BEDROOM apartment in Blyth, newly decorated, carpet throughout, close to downtown. Phone 523.9640 or 523. 9418. 40 12. Real estate for sale Is:. BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523- 9338 NEW LISTING: 200 acres, E. Wowanosh, 190 workable, good hardwood bush, excellent buildings, fieldstone house, above average barns for swine and cattle. CLINTON: Queen St., 1 floor frame bungalow, 2 bedroom, gas heat, shady lot, priced to sell quickly. BLYTH: Queen St., large commercial property, 2 apartments above. Can be purchased with or without existing stock. Good terms. BLYTH: 2''a acres with 4 bedroom modern home, many added features, large one floor barn. Ideal hobby form in the village. CLINTON: Princess St., full 2 store; x001 home, good or,, easily dupiexed. 50 ACRES: Farrow to finish for 70 sows, new home. Hwy. No. 86, low interest F.C.C. mortgage. 50 ACRES: 30 workable, good set of buildings, near Auburn. JAMES ST.: Clinton, 1' , floor frame home, 3 bedrooms, extra large lot, 12 ACRES: 13th of Hullett, large home. nearly new barn, set up for hogs and hens. REDUCED: Spacious and elegant 5 bedroom brick home, custom finished throughout. 2 miles from Brussels on 2 acres, must be seen to appreciate VANASTRA: 11, floor. Victoria Blvd., under $20,000.00. BLYTH: 1', floor brick home. large lot, heated garage and workshop. RESTAURANT: Fully equipped, living accom- modation, reasonably pric- ed. riged. 91 ACRES: Adjacent to Belgrave, good house and general purpose barn. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn. one floor brick bungalow. pav ed drive. 100 ACRES: General form 13th of Hullett. AUBURN: 1"7 acre with one floor frame bungalow and heated shop. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland, 9 hardwood bush. large don ble home. large barn drive shed with workshop paved road HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland BLYTH: Large 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St. MORRIS TWP.: 7th Con 150 acres 100 workable recently drained, jog house frame barn HENSALL: 1 floor home on Richmond St S. good condition financing available HULLETT TWP.: 85 acres 40 workable. poved rood. good building site. HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL: Hwy. No. 8, 190' x 264', fully serviced, vendor will sell all or part AUBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow, gas F A heat under 535,000.00. BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedroom 1' , floor frame home, F.A. oil heat under 525 000 00 4