HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-10-05, Page 17CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1983 -PAGE 17 A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirem nts. All +,&P Stores will be closed Thanksgiving Day -Monday, October 10th. PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% Milk 4 LITRE BAG CANADA GRADE FROZEN, EVISCERATED, A&P SELF -BASTING, MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE RASE ®R SWIFT PREMIUM DEEP-BASTED PRICE-ALL AVAILABLE SIZES® NO?CONFUSION AT A&P! all Turkeys Pric<:s effective thru Sat., October 8th, 1983 SAVE .67/kg-.30 Ib with supermarket prices lb Limit 2 per family with minimum '20.00 Purchase excluding this item OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.72/kg-1.69 Ib OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR Cranberry Sauce OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.65 Shank Quarters 3n/17 Ikg Ib NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED Shank or Butt Halves 3/kg7S /11 SWIFT PREMIUM, SMOKED, COOKED WHOLE Fully Skinned Swift Hams SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib CUT FORM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF OUTSIDE CUT. EYE REMOVED 14 to 19 pounds average 39 SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib Ib SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib BONELESS RUMP, INS'DE CUT COMBO PACK: 2 RIB ENDS, ROUND OR SIRLOIN TIP 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Round Roast 5B9Te3leiss2Roaeitsb9 Loin Pork Chops 54:/241179 4!?/V 8R39 OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.59Ik -2.99 Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.03Ikg-3.19 Ib FRESH. LEAN OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.05Ikg-2.29 Ib Ground Beef INSIDE CUT 6.59Ikg-2.99 Ib Round Steak Full Slice TENDERIZED Cube Steak /139 /199 Ikg Ib 6Z/28i! /289 Ikg Ib 65kg Ib9 /299 ! SCHNEIDER'S. READY TO SERVE, VAC PAC 8 Olde-Fashioned Ilam' 677W: SWIFT PREMIUM. READY TO SERVE. HALVES 79 Sugar Plum Hams G' lkgS/2 1b 50 7- PREMIUM READv 'C SERVE 31,ARTERS BCNELE55 59 99 Sugar Plum Hams 6/21kg lb MAPLE LEAF. PURE PORK. SLICE & FRY Sausage Meat MAPLE LEAF. 6 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCL Golden Fry Sausages MAPLE LEAF Wieners 500 g 129 roll 500 g 929 pkg 454g159 pkg A&P OR MAPLE LEAF 'ED REGULAR THICK OR HINT OE j{(� Side BaconJf� 500 g vac pac LONG GRAIN & WILD 170 g CH BROWN &WILD Uncle Ben's Rice 1pkg 9 1.9 UNC,E BEN S ASS' VAP INC, NEW WHOLE WHEA' & WILD RICE Stuff'N Such 170 g .99 DETERGENT SUPER BUY' Palmolive Liquid 1 5 plst blitre 3.59 MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage 3173 /169 MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR, GARLIC OR THICK Sliced Bologna vacpac179 MAPLE LEAF SLICED, 6 VARIETIES Cooked Meats MAPLE LEAF BRISKETS. VAC PAC Corned Beef MAPLE LEAF Ham Steaks BURNS, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC Cottage Rolls BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham BREAKFAST Burns Sausages BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA Back Bacon SHOPSY-COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad PURE GRAPE JAM OR Welch's Jelly WESTON CRACKERS Stoned Wheat Thins 375 g 179 vac pac 5 /2 lb 175g 179 vac pac 195/79 Ikg Ib 175g 139 vac pac 35, /159 Ikg Ib 1034,4/46? RIB OR 3 TO 3'2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTION ' 7 Pork Loin Roasts4;4/1'17 ROAST OR CHOPS Centre Cut Pork Loin 5'g /259 4i!/19n! PORK LOIN RIB PORTION. COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs .0e AOeIiSho sha COUNTRY KITCHEN Maple Leaf 99 Deli Ham Ib MAPLE LEAF. REGULAR & PEPPERCORN Salami 1100gN44/19! MAPLE LEAF COIL Polish Sausage /wog.37/169 b MAPLE LEAFnARE 00 . BRICK. FARMER. COLBY OR .7O 59 139 Assorted Chees1100 ge19 s 50amL 1 .69 3pkg g 1.19 BEEF. CHICKEN. MUSHROOM Cordon Bleu Gravies 3 z 1.00 SAVE Garbage Bags pkg Of 24 OUR REGULAR PRICE FOR 20-3.49 MINI PUDDINGS OR YOGOURTS-OUR REG PRICE 2 19 Mini Desserts Laura pkg of 4 Secord 125 g fins 1.69 CATELLI-OUR REG PRICE 1 45 Lasagna 5p°9 1.19 CATELLI OLD FASHIONED, GARLIC. HOT & SPICY OR MILD & SPICY Spaghetti Sauce 37I mL .99 SAVE .60 SPAGHETTI. READY CUT MACARONI. LINGUINE Catelli Pastas OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.59 1 kg pkg SAVE .20 A&P, "IN OWN JUICE", CRUSHED, TIDBITS OR Sliced Pineapple 9floz tin OUR REGULAR PRICE .99 SUPER BUY! Case of 24 - 10 oz. tins CRYSTAL SPRINGS Spring water OUR REG PRICE 1.59 EACH CASE OF 6-4 LITRE BTLS 439 4 LITRE BTL .79 A&P, JAPANESE Mandarin Oranges 10 f1 oz tin ■ UP OCEAN SPRAY, CRANAPPLE DRINK OR Cranberry Cocktail oz btl 2.39 (BANDED PACK OF 2-140 g BATH SIZE BARS) OR Irish Spring Soap bandof 3pack bars 1.59 EVAPORATED Carnation Milk 38tinmL .69 VARIETIES BES&SCOTCH M12oTrborCandy`g 9 pkg lig ASST FLAVOURS (PLUS .30 BTL DEPOSIT) Canada Dry Beverages 750 m1 �j 9 btl f� SUPER BUY! ASST VAR INCL WHOLE DILLS & SWEET MIXED Bick's Pickles 99 1L jar OUR REG PRICE UP TO 2.89 (Bick's Assorted Pickles 500 mL jar -1.89) ully Gaily Final results The last race of Hully Gully's motocross season - the CMA Grand Finale, ended on a very positive note -_both spectator and rider support was excellent. Riders came from all over Ontario to compete for points toward the Ontario overall championship. There are still races to go in the championship, but the event held at Hully Gully marked the end of their `regular Canadian Motorcycle Association sanctioned series. Also part of the races this Sunday were the handing out of Hully Gully's own High Point awards. Jackets and plaques were awarded to the top riders, and CKSL Radio and Burger King contributed certificates of excellence to the top 141 riders of the season. The racing itself was very fast and the com- petition was very intense, giving the crowds quite a bit to cheer about. Even the inter- mission contained highlights. Jason Strang of London was the winner of a Yamaha Tri - Moto that was given away as part of a season children's ticket promotion. Also during the intermission, a celebrity race with CKSL radio staff was staged aboard Suzuki 4 -wheeled all terrain vehicles_ The winner was young John Mur- ray of R.R. 5,.Seaforth. Even the fathers of the racers got into the act with a special Father's Appreciation Race that let the dads go out on the track aboard the race bikes, and they did indeed gain an apprecia- tion of what Junior goes through on those special Sundays he has to race. The day end- ed with the awards presentations and the season ended on a very positive note. The next race at Hully Gully moves oil the motocross track and onto the grass drag strip October 9, for the Grass Drag Snowmobile races - preparatory to the On- tario Grass Drag Championships being held at Hully Gully on October 30. Sunday's Results Follows: Mini -Digger - 1) Greg Happy, Hamilton; 2) Chad Minnie, Blenheim; 3) Rob Bulyov- ski, Norwich. Sehool Boy 80 B -11 Kevin Reeve, London; 2) Nick Deturse, Mississauga; 3) Bob Ebner, Barrie. School Boy 80 A - 1) Shane Nesbitt, Rich- mond Hill; 2) John Suvanto, Richmond Hill; 3) Richard Tripodi, Markham. School Boy 100 - 1) Barry Yerxa, Georgetown; 2) Steve Robertson, Ajax; 3) Steve Collins, Brownsville. Junior 125 - 1) Kevin Moore, Sudbury; 2) Darrin Ming, Pickering; 3) John Trip, Oakville. Junior 250 - 1) Kevin Moore, Sudbury; 2) Brad Denning, Strathroy; 3) Larry Hill, Orillia. Junior Open -1) Mike Vasily, New Lowell; 2) Ted Mackey, Woodstock; 3) Mark Srokosz, Grand Bend. Senior 125 Marc Michael, Niagara Falls; 2) Scott Wilson, London; 3) Dan Thring, Kit- chener. Senior 250 - 1) Jim Kuches, Brantford; 2) Brad King, Hamilton; 3) Jim Richardson, Corunna. Senior Open - 11 Lance Hayes, Kitchener; 2) Bart Wilfong, Kitchener; 3) Steve Stuszynski, Hamilton. Expert 125 - 1I Doug Hoover, Mount Albert; 2) Rob Hodgson, Cambridge; 3) Jeff Sutherland, Woodslee. Expert 250 - 11 Doug Hoover, Mount' Albert; 2) Michael Harnden, Oshawa; 3) Dave Beattie, Sarnia. Expert Open - 1) Mike Harnden, Oshawa; 2) Mike Rensby, Whitby; 3) Chuck Collins, Varna. Father's Appreciation Race - 1) Peter Krasa, Mississauga; 2) Bill Fulcher, Wyom- ing; 3) Dennis Small, Mississauga. Bowling news Wednesday Mixed In Wednesday Night Mixed bowling action on Sept. 28, Elizabeth Foster claimed the ladies' high single and triple with 231 and 600. Theresa Machan rolled the high average with 198. Doug Buchanan collected the high single and triple for the men with 354 and 898. Don McWhinney bowled the high average with 239. In the league standings, Cathy's Brewers are out in front with seven points, closely followed by Pat's Bad News Bears and Doug's Pirates who have five points each. Bob's Philles are next with four and Jim's Expos have three points. Rounding out the bottom half of the standings are Bob's Cubs and Don's Cardinals with two points and in last place Brenda's Blue Jays with no points. Tuesday Ladies Betty Fawcett was in the spotlight Sept. 27 in the Tuesday Afternoon Ladies League as she bowled the high single, triple and average with 383, 738 and 236. Ede Turner, Ramona Jamieson and Ruby Uniac rolled the high doubles with 295, 295 and 284. Tuekersmith Mixed On Oct. 3, Elaine Boyes and Wes Lenting held the floor at the bowling lanes as they picked up the high single, triple and average in the Tuckersmith Township Mixed League. Elaine rolled 272, 622 and 207 while Les bowled 322, 671 and 224. In the regular standings, Hilda's Hot Rods and .Jenny's Jeeps are tied for first with six points followed by Rose's Ramblers and Elaine's Eldorados with five and Ann's Vans and Freda's Ferraris with four points each. Clinton Area ladies Lia Hoggarth rolled the high single, triple and average on Sept. 27 with 261, 587 and 195. In over 200 games Lia Hoggarth has 261, Dianne Ryan 223, Lois Morrison 200, June DeRuyter 211 and Kaye Harris 205. In the league .standings the Cinnamon Runs, Cassia Buds and the Oreganos are tied for first with six points, followed by the Garlic Buddies, the Nutmegs and the Four Accents with four points. • Thursday Mixed On Sept. 29. Rita Leppington and Bob Atkinson starred as they collected the high single, triple and average. Rita rolled 298,' 704 and 212, while Bob scored 280, 767 and 246. Rest in Town have slipped into the lead in the standings, just one point ahead of (:ramal and Grampas and High Rollers, who have 10 points. The No Names are in Turn to page 18 I