Exeter Times, 1902-4-24, Page 4TaE EXETE R T1.111118 The Moisohs Bank %or:LARD:MUD BY PARLIAMENT, 1865 stank Capital . $3,600,000 eServe Fund -• *2,050,000 Read Ottlee, Montreal. I,AMES ELLIOT, ESQ0 GENERAL MANAGER Wiley advanced to good farmers on their 01111.note with, one or Imre endorser at 7 per cont. per ex:num. Exeter Branch Open every lawful day from10 a. na. to S p.m S.A.TURDAYS, 10 a. in. te 1p. m. =rent rates or interest allowed oz deposits. OICXSON & CARLING, N. D. 111/11.1)0N, SOLIOITOES. nrAwatien Exeter, Dec. 27th. '95. Calendar for April, 1902 •SUIIDAY 6 13 20 27 'MONDAY 7 14 21 28 REWEIDA.Y ..... 1 8 15 22 29 WErnmsna.T... 2 9 16 23 80 TliuRSDAY„ . ,3 10 17 24 FRIDAY 4 11 18 25 SATURDAY 5 12 19 26 anagramsolaccorassma,:nagest latfq THURSDAY. APRIL 17TH, 1002, LINN OM( PERTH 3. 5 9 1111 tile News 01 interest to Times Readers flaDoeninu in tilese Counties Huron Mr. Sam Dietz purchased Mr. John Gei,ger's 60 acres farm on the Bronson line for $2900. Mr. Dietz will build a dwelling on the property this spring. British Troop Oil Liniment is without excep tion the most effeetive remedy for Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers. Open sores, Rheumatism, Bites,Stings of Insects, etc. A large bottle, 25 cents. Ex -Mayor Fred Davis, of Mitchell, and son of the veteran owner and edi- tor of the Mitchell Advocate, has pur- chased the stock and business of the Hotel Bedford, Goderich, The other night the family of A. M. Todd, of The Goderich Star, had a narrow escape from being asphyxiat- ed, the cause being the escape of gas from the coal furnace. If there ever WM a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick head- ache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Broina Quinine Tablets. .All druggists refund. the money if it fails to euro. W,Grove's signature is on each box. 2oo Five Clinton boys, VV. Whitely, Jos. Blaney, G. Twitchell, Chas. Boyer and John McEwen have enlisted for the next contingent to South South Africa where they will go as mounted infan- try for a year. The postroastership of Clinton is yet vacant and seems likely to remain •scaor some time to come, the Gov- ernment apparently finding it as diffi- cult a proposition to tackle as the registrarship. Mr. William Gibbings, of Chilton, who is nearly 70 years of age, and who claims to be the first, white child born ire the county of Huron, intends mov- ing to Manitoba where three of his sons are located. Worms affect a child's health too seriously toneglect. Sometimes they oanse convulsions and death If you suspect them to be present gibe Dr Low's _Pleasant Worm Syrup, which ...stroys the worms without injuring the child PEce 25c. The arbitration between the town- ship of Blanshard and Mr. John Mit- chell, of the 8th concession of Bien - shard, which was held at the town- ship hall, Bla.nshard, on Monday April llth, was postponed to May 1st. Mr. W. F. May, of the High school staff, Mitchell, has tendered his • resignation as teacher, and has ac- cepted the position of Oisirict Re- presentative of Life Insurance Com- pany, districts being composed of Perth and Huron. Mr. John McIntosh has been chosen township clerk of Grey. He suceeeds the late Wm. Spence, and will receive • a salary of $175 per annum. Mr. Mc- Intosh was formerly a school teacher but is now farming on the 5th con- cession of Grey. . The brick work at the front and ends give the building now known as the Goderich Summer Hotel a sub- stautial appearance, and when the .crest, which will be three feet or over. is fixed along the roof it will give it a nice appearance, "For two years I suffered ter- ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. • I then tried Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, and in one week I was a new trian.”---John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. ..,Amormastows,...mockuver,,,, Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla .1 that will make you strong 9 and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. •Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. :Lee s, bottle. MI druggists. • Aisne your doctor what be thinkof Arty's Sdkiistpailltd,Ue kneVrs nil about this grasild • eid family: medJIne, IfollOw his advice and • We Wilt be Satisfied. • J. 0. Arse co., Dowell, Mass, Your Tongue If it's Coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys- pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use BUCKiNGFIAM'SDYEZitst rs trrs. OP 08000•TO, OI 8 P, IOLA. • 00., •••••, •• At a general meetiegof the Huron County Old Boys' Association, held on Saturday night, it was decided that the invitation of the Seaforth Council be accepted to visit that town on July 5th. They are promised the freedom of the town, and the day will be de- clared a civic holiday. Perth Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness. trewblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made speeialiyfor the blood, nerves a.nd complexion, Three St. Marysboys went to Lon- don to be examined for admission to the Fourth Canadian Contingent for South .A.frica, Two of the appli- cants, Messrs. A. J, Box and Richard Burton, both corema,kers, at the Max- well Works have been accepted, and Mr. Bert Sharp's application is under consideration. Mr. Box is a son of Mr. Wm. Box, bailiff, and Mr. Bur- ton's home is in Mitchell. The Hotel Clarendon, Chilton, will on Mery lst again change hands, Mr. Cantelon having • disposed of his in- terest in the house to 3, Perkins And S. Mahon, late of the Hodgens Rouse, London. Mr. Oantelon is as yet tin - certain what he will do after the first of May, but may accept an engage- ment to travel for his old firm of car- riage makers. Mr, and Mrs, T. J. McNeil intends to leave Clinton shortly and will go to Wetaskiwin, Alberta, where the for- mer will start up in business in the book and stationery line. He will occupy part of the new building V. C. French, son of Mrs. Freneh,of Clinton. is building for bis newspaper, The Times. We learn the latter is pros- pering, just recently having added a new cylinder press to his plant. George Stokes, who has been station agent at Harriston for some time has been appointed agent at Wingham. R. J. Martin, who has been agent at Blyth, will take Mr. Stoke's place at Harriston. Mr. Vale, who has been night operator at Palmerston for some time takes Mr. Martin's place at Blyth. Robt, Morris, of Listowel, has been transferred to Wingham and will look after the freight and baggage. A pretty wedding took place in St. Joseph's church, Clinton, on Monday forenoon of last week, when Miss Lizzie Consigney, sister of Mrs. John Hayes. became the bride of Mr. Philip Gravelle. They will take up house- keeping in Stratford, where Mr. Grayelle will engage in business with his uncle, They are a popular young couple, and numerous friends join in wishing them a long and happy life. The executive committee of the West Huron Prohibition Alliance met in Goderich, on Friday, to con- sider the reports of the committee appointed at the convention of the Prohibitionists of West Huron, held two weeks ago, to wait upon the poli- tical conventions held at Dungannon and Smith's Hill. Mr. Mitchell, the Conservative nominee, it was an- nounced, had signed the pledge pre- sented by the committee. but that Mr. Cameron, the Liberal candidate, had failed to do so. The Alliance con- sequently decided to give its support to Mr. Mitchell. Those who are disposed to growl at the recent advance in the price of meat in Exeter, may find comfort in the fact that the rise is general. and even more decided all over the • country. The Toronto Star says of the rise there: "Not long ago, sirloin steak of the tenderest kind could be purchased for 15cts. Now it costs 20 cents. and the buyer must not kick if he discovered that be has lugged home a substantial bit ot bone. Round steak could be had for 12 cents, and now he who would eat must pay 17 cents. Prime ribs are no longer prime under sixteen cents, while shoulder cuts will not be buyable un- der 10 and Il cents, a sympathetic ad- vance of from one to two cents. Tbie scale of prices is the result of a meet- ing of the Butcher's Section of the Retail. Merchants' Association, held last night. The section includes about 90 per cent. of the butchers in the city." TO INCREASE YOUR APPETITE. 111•1111.•••imlimal Nothing will stimelate a keen, healthy relish for food, insure good digestion and perfect, assimilation like Ferrozone, which is the most suc- cessful tonic and health renewer known to medical science, Ferrozone is a positive cure for Anaemia, Im- pure Blood, Boils, Pimples, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia and all Stomach and Bowel troubles. Ferrozone cleanses, strengthenes and purifies the blond, it invigorates the heart and nerves, ban- ishes sickness and pain and makes ailing people well. Try a box or two of Ferrozone, the result will he a sur- prise. Price 50c. at Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. Middlesex James Campbell, ex -reeve of West London, and retired coal merchant, died instantly at the residence of his brother-in-law, Donald McDonald, on April 1Sth. Tbe action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. VIGTORY fiFTER 1/16TORY Al all dairy Fairs and Expositions held in Canada, buttermakers who use WELLS, RICklARDSON & CO'S "IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR" carry off nine -tenths of all the prizes awarded. This proves that it is the best and safest color to use at all seasons. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S 'IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR" being the strongest color made, it is the cheapest to use, All honest merchants recommend it. THE LONGEST WORD. The controversy as to what is the longest word still goes on, We have already mentioned several claimants, of which "antidisestablishmentarian- ism" (twenty-eight letters) appears to be the longest ligitimate English word As to the longest word in any langu- age, a writer in the "Living Church" thinks the following word bears the palm, namely, "Llanfairdwilgwyngyll- gogerchwyrndrobwlItysisigogogoch. " "It is the name of a village in North Wales." says the writer, "and while lunching at a Welsh inn at Bettws-y- Coed, recently, I heard the naris pro- nounced with perfect ease and clear- ness by a young Welshman." But, according to another clerical corres- pondent of the same journal. this word simply "isn't in it" with the Greek word "hash," of one hundred a,nd eighty-one letters to be found in Liddel and Scott's unabridged Greek luxicon : "Lepadotemachoselachoga- leokranioleipsanodrimupotrimrnatosil- phloparabomelitokatakechumenokich- lepikossuphophattoperisteralektruon optokephalliokigklopeleiolagoosirara - bophetraganopterugon." After this it is expected that the controversy will languish. STRIKING AT CANADA. Germany's duties on United States goods are 50 per cent. lower than on Canadian products. When the pre- ferential tariff was put into force, Ger- many struck Canada's trade a stunn- ing blow by raising against us her highest tariff. She demands of United States exporters to her markets, affi- davits to the effect that their ship- ments are in no sense of the word Canadian output. In the face of such strong measures against this country, our government allows German goods to freely enter Canada under the pre- ferential tariff. The only thing re- quired at the hands of the German manufacturer is. that his wares must undergo a "finishing" process in Eng- land, equal to 25 per cent, of the value of the goods. This "finishing" in- cludes the cost of handling in England; the profits of the middleman ; freight charges; repacking; and other ex- penses incidental to the domestication of these foreign manufacturers. It is not requisite that a day's labor be put on the goods, which are eventually sent to Canada, to the advantage of foreigners', and the ruin of Canadians. Textiles handled in this way are flooding our markets and driving out our expert workmen from our midst, to seek employment in the United States. Yet Sir Wilfrid Laurier says our tariff is perfect ; and Hon. W. S. Fielding states that the tariff has been removed from politics. St iVlarys A sad tragedy occurred at the Of- fice Hotel, St. Marys, on Tuesday night last, Miss Emily Langford. a servant at the hotel, was asphyxiated in her room by coal gas, and hex roommate, Miss Alice O'Connell, was almost dead when rescued, The two girls occupied a room in the east wing of the hotel through which passed a pipe from the coal stove in the hotel office below. The pipe had become disconnected where it turned through a partition, and the deadly flames thus eecaped and filled their room. The tragedy was discovered at 6.20 o'clock on Tuesday morning by Mrs. Moir, and Drs. Brown, Smith and Ho- tham were quickly summoned. Miss Langfordhad been dead an hour or two before, the other girl Miss O'Oon- nell, although very sick, quickly re- vived on behag removed from the room. The dead girl, who is about 19 years of age, was a daughter of the late Mr. andairs. Samuel Langford, of Well - burn. Mrs. Chas. Sager, of Wellburn, is a sister of the deceased. Miss O'Connell, who so narrowly escaped death, is about fifteen years of age- and is a daughter of Mr. Dan- iel O'Connell, of Downie, LOST HEARING QUICKLY RE- STORED. No matter whether of long standing or not deafness can be permanently cured • by CarAltnnOZONE, which never fails even in the worst cases. The pleasant scented vapor of Cabarr- bozone allays inflammation, prevents and cures the Catarrhal condition that causes deafness and relieves right • avvay. Thousands have proved the effieiency of Oatarrhozone, and with Suet: a valuable remedy within easy reach there is no longer any reason for' people to remain deaf. Catarrho- zone is recommended also for Coughs, Colds Catarrh mut Bronchitis. Com- plete outfit, $1.00; trial size, 25c. Druggists. or N. C. Poison & Co., Hattford, Conu., TJ. S., or Kingston, Ont. Hanailton's Pills Cure Constipation, v•oter''..tig„,t akes short roads. ood 'for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere, Made I)y. IMPERIAL exr, co. laizsact YOU Could Look 'IWO OF FOUR RAISED Tic a. A into the futereand see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, Will bring you, you would seat relief at once -and that naturally would lo* through Shiloh's • Consutnption Con- ure ucrt A.s t zna , and ail Zuni Troubles, Cures Coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents. Write to 8. C. WELLS Sr, co., Toronto, can., for free trial bottle, AFICarl'sCloveraootTea purifies the Blood N.,,,,,mummionsmomeammolant-,,...ea-motse NOTES AND COMMENTS, May 29th will be the time for a change. 3., A. R. Wardell, father of the late T. A. Wardell, M. L. A., of Dinadas, will be the standald bearer of the Liberal - Conservative party in North Went- worth in the coming provincial elec- tions. • • At last the Ontario Government has made known the date or the Pro- vincial elections, the announcement being officially made that nomina- tions will take place on Thucsday, May 22nd, and polling on Thursday, May 29th, • • 4, The Ontario Conservative leaders will open the campaign in this part of the Province at some point in East Middlesex on Thursday, May 1. The place has not been decided upon, but the date is secured. Conservatives will be pleased to hear this. Mr, Whitney will be accompanied by sev- eral of his able lieutenants, and a rousing welcome is assured to them. Speaking at Woodbridge on Tues- day, evening, Rev. J. E. Starr, pastor of .Bathurst Street Methodist Cluiach, Toronto, said: -The great issue in the present electoral campaign is not pro- vincial prohibition, but political recti- tude and morally." "Premier Ross is attempting by his so-called referen- dum to trade upon the ignorance of the voters of Ontario." "His so-called referendum is a fraud, just 9, red herr- ing drawn across the trail to divert the attention of the people from those who are guilty of perfidy to their pledges." Minister of Militia's Interesting i Announcement Monday Night. TWO REGIMENTS ARE COMPLETE • • • The Wingha.m "Advance" says: - "If one can judge by the outspoken utterances of Wingham Liberals, there is very decided dissatisfaction here with M, G. Cameron as the party candidate. A number of the leading members of the party here make no secret of their opposition to the Government candidate and positively state that they will not support him. We are informed on good authority that a petition largely sign- ed, was addressed to the Liberal Association of the Riding, statina the dissatisfaction existing, and re- questing the calling of another con- vention. 'One Liberal is authority for the statement that the petition had over sixty names attached. a _ STOMACH AND BOWEL TROUBLES --- A promptly satisfactory cure for Cramps. Colic, Indigestion, Heart- burn, Billiousness, Sick Stomach and Summer Complaint, is a few drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. Nervi - line at once relieves pian and safer- ing, erradicates the cause of the trouble and cures permanently, Pol- son's Nerviline is the best general pur- pose remedy for internal pains known; it acts so quickly that no household should be without it. Buy a 25c bottle of Nerviline to -day, it's all right. Hatnilton's Pills cure Constipation. PIZICES OF CEMENT. --- The Ottawa barrel ot cement at $1.- 94 is a 350 pound barrel, too. In oth- er words, Ottawa's price is 55a cents a pound, which for 350 pounds equals $1,94. Why Hamilton should be able to get good cement so much cheaper than Ottawa is hard to understand, but why the Dominion government should pay a dollar and six cents a barrel more than Hamilton - over $200,000 extra on the total contract. -cannot be understood at all. What can be the explanation 9- Ottawa Journal. I THE PARLIAMENTARY WEEK. Ittdost Son of Chancellor Sir john Boyd. ajOr A, J. noyd, Carried off by • Enteric over in South African Constabulary - Canadians Ill- Sie anchael nicks-lioach on Peace Rumors. Ottawa, April 22, --The Minister of Militia announced last evening that sufficient men had been enrolled to form two out of the four regiments for South Africa. Officers have been, provisionally appointed to these re- giments, And their appointment will he Confirmed as soon as the War Of- fice signifies its approval. Lieut. - Col. A. 0. Macdonell, who is to re- ceive the command of the two regi- ments to be raised in the west, is on his way to Ottawa, and after conferring with the authorities here will probably return and take charge of the recruiting. Two of the trans- ports, the Cestrian and Winifredian, will arrive in Halifax about the 2nd or 3rd of May. They can take be- tween them 1,500 men to South Africa. To -day at Halifax the is- sue of uniforms Will probably com- mence. Col. Borden said last night that the commanding officer of the fourth regiment had not yet been selected. More Go Wednesday. NIEht Toronto, April 22.7 -The next squad of soldiers from Toronto for the fourth contingent will leave here on Wednesday evening to join the others at Halifax. Those sworn in by Col. Otter yesterday were : Sergt. Bates, Gilbert H. York, S. G. Dudley, W. G. Wilson, R. Mulcahy, R. MacMas- ter, E. A. Patterson, Joseph Hum- phrey, R. W. Wilson, Nicholas Davey, William F. O'Brian, J. F. Green, Clarence Simpson, W. H. Hill. Nattress declared the following fit yesterday : Herbert Gledhill, George Johnston, Streets - Ont., Henry A. Jones, James A. Dixon, James D. Graham, Lind- say, Ont., Ernest Scott, John T. Hughes, Clarence Chandler, Henry A. Meek, Stephen Hawkins, Hast- ings, Ont., James Riley, Hamer J. Beatty. Regulars May JOill the Fourth. Toronto, April 22. -At Stanley Barracks last night the men of the R.C.I. and the men of the R.O.D. were granted permission to enlist for the fourth contingent to South Afri- ca. Sergt. Now Lieutenant. Windsor, April 22.-Sergt. J. C. Diggs has been. made a lieutenant in the fourth contingent. He was with the first contingent. The past week in parliament was at- tended by the most important discus- sion of the session. The imposition by Great Britain as a duty on food -stuffs was a hard blow to the governnient, who were challenged to show what had been done by them to have Cana- dian flour, meal and wheat kept on the free list. Sir Wilfrid Laurier admitt- ed that no action had been taken. al- though every member of the British ministry, with one exception, is favor- a,ble to a mutual preference for Can ada. Tne Government's immigration pol- icy, under which diseased immigrants are allowed to land, was vigorously as- .sailecl, Reforms which would bring in British settlers were called for. The public accounts committee en- deavored to examine J. Y. Rochester., an einyloyee of the public works De- partment, concerning expenditures on the Yukon telegraph. Grave irregu • laxities NI ere revealed, but Mr. Tarte and Mr. Fielding openly warned Roch- ester not to reply to certain questions., and. a lot of dema.ging evidence was kept.con ceal ed. A Liberal caucus resulted in an al- most open row. Mr. Blair's resigna- tion wee practically called for by some of his followers, 1)ub matters were tid- ed over. Western Grits objected to the extensive St. 'Lawrence improve- ments, On the tariff, the discussion was very breezy. FOR OVP,It SIXTY YEARS AN OLD API", 1l EX.1,-1 7.En Iisaugov.- r Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 04'ty year. by millions of mothers for their children while teethinct, with perfent siaccess Ib soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain;ourea wind collo, and is the 'beat reined for DiarrhoSa. It Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every port of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its VThltle is incalculable. Be sure and mho wl,,slow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. 3IAJOB A. J. BOYD'S D A.TH. . Enteric Fever in South A fricaCarries m Off. Ottawa, April 22. --The 0 overuor- General has received the following cable from the Casualty Department at Cape Town: Cape Town, April 20. -7 -Death 4"roni enteric fever, 20th April, Pretoria, South African Constabulary, Capt. A. J. Boyd. Please inform Sir J. A. Boyd, Toronto, Canada. Sketch of oh: o, The late Major Alexander J'ames Boyd was the eldest son of Sir John Boyd (Chancellor), and was born in Toronto 37 years ago. News of his death from enteric fever at Pretoria was a great shock to his relatives and friends, as it was not known that he was ill. recent letters re- ceived from him told of his being in excellent health and spirits. These letters were .dated at Sterkfontein as late as Fob. 28, and indicated that he was then in charge of a line of blockhouses. Major Boyd went to South Africa with the first draft of reinforceinents • for the first Canadian contingent, and was present at the battles of Zand -River and Doortikop and the capture of Pretoria. Ile returned home and again enlisted as an officer of the Baden-Powell Constabulary, recrti 1 tad in Canada. In athletic affairs the deceased took pronthient part. being a memberof the Royal Canadian Yacht Club an 1 of the Argonatit Rowing Club. • He rowed the Argonaut "Crew at Phil- adelphia in 1893 and at Henley in 1309. lie was also a member of the Osgood° "Rail Rugby Football Club. 11 is military career has been. one of distinction. He was a cap- tain in the -Queen's Own Rifles, and served. With that regiment in the Northwest Rebellion (1335y. Ten years ago he entered the Royal Gren- adiers as second -lieutenant and was junior major itt the time of his death. He was it member 'of the law firm of McCarthy, Osier nod Hoskin. Ple was educated at Upper Canada Col- lege, and achul Lied to • the bar .about 12 years ago. - re Can MI a as Di. • Ottawa, April 22.-A cablograra to His Excellency the Governor-General from. the Casualty Department at Cape Town, announced that two more of the Canadian Mounted Rifles who distinguished ill eineelves at Xleinhardt's River, March 31, are druagerously ill in the hospital in Johannesburg, of the wounds reeeiv- ed in that engagement. They are Ptes. -John Millen and Michael Mur- phy. Millen enlisted at London, Ont. MS father lives at Wingho,M, Centre,,Ont. Pte. Millen was wound- ed in the jaw ahd leg. Pte. Murphy who was wo•unded in the head, be- longed to Peterboro, where his fa- ther, Connor Murphy, lives at 82 ',ends street. 4.1/•• WM. GOOD EIZALTli IS IMPOSSIBLE Without regular action of the bowels, Laxa. Liver Pills regulate thli bowels, cure constipa- tion, dy spepsia, biliousnoss, Sick headache and, all all actions of tho organs of digestion. Price 233 cents All druggists. ...:e7a-,,eata...47. AVegetablePreparationforAs- similatitig ttitTood andReg ting theStemarhs andBowels of SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE CiaillitMala 0 ••,..d*r Promotes'Iligestion,Cheerful- tessanclIkstZontkits neither p'inutitMorphine tor litherat. NOT NATIC OTIC. arderfmnam../....1.10 .7Fec,"? of 01 d .Vr.54.111ZELPITCIER iumph;r2 S <2.1 day:Senna Achill old& 4aire i+pparnibit i3i Carbana11J'cla,4 Nfirm Seed - r,earihid Slop . taiwynem norm Aperfect Remedy for qonstips- tion , Sour Stomach,Tharrhoea, Wortns,Convulsions,Feverish, mess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of t7f.f? NEW YORIC. IS ON THE PPE 011 EVERY BOTTLE Or F.X.ACT 'COPY OF -WRAPPER, Gastoris, is put up in ono-sise bottles only. It is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to poll. you anything else on tho pleo or promise that it Is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose," Xra- See that you get 04 -8 -T -0 -R -I -A. The foe - simile signature of lo on every wrapper. l'.,40,171.V.AVrit,W;f417, VarOt 14'NEM, London, Huron and Brucc. --a--t-a- Geme-Nowrsc- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 A, in. 4.40r, m. Centralia, 9,1 5 50 Exeter 9.3C 6.0 Rensall . 9.14 615 Kippon 9.50 6.25 Brncefiold 9.58 0.33 Clinton 10.15 6,55 Wingham, arrive 11.10 8.00 GOING SOUT11- Passenger Wingham, dopazt6.63 A. m. 3.15 P. nr. Clinten 7.47 4.25 Bruoafield 8.05 4.49 Eippen 8.15 4.57 Hansel), .22 5 02 Exeter 8.35 5.10 Centralia 8.46 5.25 London . arrive 9.37 6.12 Sutherland innes LIMITED. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE ELM. -AND- OTHER TIMBER, EITHER STANDING OR IN THE LOGS, Apply' E. O. Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 • • TELEPHONE CONNECTION. 0 0 • ID 0 . Exeter Grist Mill 0 eil 0 O 0 0 Mill Feed always on band. so e o o Farmers' Gristing a Specialty. o o oppng rompy and °biPtld P0 O erly attended to. Wheat 0 Wanted, Give us a Call. at e), et • Terms Cash. e tz • e Harvey Bros. Crr s St Successors to ICobbledick & Son ' 60811101118111111/1111410000081,1100801116 CRD1TO1N .1=1:0101 We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Wanted. Gristinu and Glionina. Donc Fronti". H. SWEITZER. NI Esiole Aiercy' litgr IF YOU WANT TO loraii=1.11.111111•11•MCICA Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend'I Money, Collections Made; Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- - try, by the Allan. Line, ON THE:UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAP • Office over H. Spackman's Hardware' Exeter. as, Cash paid for Raw Furs. ADVERTISE IN THE TI1VIES IT PAYS I wish to announce to my friends in this vicinity that I am again handling FARM M-UHINERY. ----""":--70e-17,...._--r--- ''"'"--------e---X s., ...,72. , 6-2,172 ,.........„..._ A, -go. rhi • • ' • Agent for the vvell knolvn Ham sh g Ideal Binders, ideal Mowers, Merino Rake, Ete• These Machines are second to none in Canada, and if you need a Binder, Mower or Rake, call and examine these Machines for yourself. They are Strang and are noted for their Easy Running. Thanking my customers and friends for past favors, I again Solicit your patronage. Opposite Browning's W. Drug Moro. EMSSETT, EXETER. P.P.-Al.() agent for the Canadian Aircncior Windmill, Pumps,&c. •••• « •••••••1 .0.