HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-09-28, Page 5E.D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 FL. OZ. .88 Early Files 5 years ago September .*: , 1978 Staff morale and the spirit of board members at Clinton Public Hospital is at a three- year high this weeek, as the Hospital has received per- mission from the Ontario Ministry of Health to pro- ceed with phase 1 of their renovation plan. Sunny dry, but cool weather returned to Huron County late last°week, just in time to save the bean and silage corn harvest, and en- sure a successful Plowing Match. Ill years ago September 27, 1973 All people in Clinton and district who came to Canada before November 30, 1972 either as visitors or illegally will have a chance to declare themselves and possibly get landed immigrant status, the News -Record has been informed. Tony Roest of RR 1 Clinton was major award winner at the Commencement exer- cises at Central Secondary School last Friday night. Tony, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Roest of RR 1 Clinton, won a total of $650 in scholarships, including two major scholarships and four subject scholarships. 25 years a�,,o September 25, 1958 In keeping with the deci- sion of London and Exeter to return to Standard Time this week, Clinton Town Council have authorized the return here, effective at 2 a.m. Sun- day morning, September 28. Mayor W.J. Miller will turn the valve which will send natural gas flowing through the miles of underground mains and ser- vices of the town, next Tues- day at noon. The "turn -on" ceremony will take place at the gate station just off Highway 4, near the South End Cities Service garage. 50 years ago September 28, 1933 Assessor H. E. •Rorke has turned in his roll to the town clerk. The population of ,Clin- ton is gaining a little the total gain during the past year be- ing 15. • 'Premier George S. Henry has announced high school and private school students forced to rewrite their mid- dle school examinations through disclosures resulting from theft of ex- amination papers would lose a year's credit. i5 years iag(� Oclober 1, 1908 The township council met on Monday and awarded the contract for the steel superstructure of Gemmell's bridge on the 4th con. south to A. Hill & Co., Mitchell for $1,150. It has a 60 foot span. The cement abutments were built under the supervision of the township's superinten- dent of works. The council also discussed the gully on the Varna road north which has been badly in need of at- tention for some months past. The bonds of the collec- tor were accepted and he starts out in a day or two to collect in the neighborhood of $17,000 taxes. Several from around here attended the millinery open- ings at Walton on Friday and Saturday. WO years ago September 26, 1883 The Zurich Fall Show held In that village last Friday was a success. The articles entered were fully up to former years in number and quality, and the stock was first-class. The weather was very fine, and the crowd was larger than any year before. The carpenter work on the parsonage has been Com- pleted and Mr. Calbick took his departure for London. His pleasant face will be missed from our midst by 'nore than one. A few days ago, a young girl whose name is unknown, while waiting at the G.T. sta- tion in Goder:;h, to take the train to New York was ac- costed by a man who offered to purchase a ticket for her. Station Master Straition next day received word from Port Huron s:.ating the girl was there, and had a ticket for Ra} ('ity. The scoundrel who bought the ticket had swindl- ed her in this way. keeping he difference of about $8 in the price. and the girl was unaware of the wrong until she reached Port Huron. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ,1983 --PAGE 5 * The price on all major cuts include cutting and wrapping * Weight Toss in cutting, boning and trimming the cuts below will increase the price per kilogram/pound of edible meat. SUNRISE 2% PARTLY SKIMMED MILK 4 LITRE RAC: 1.98 JAVEX REGULAR SCENT LIQUID BLEACH LEWIS WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT & WHITE BREAD 675 G. TAB SPRITE OR COCA-COLA SALADA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS PKG. OF 60 1.59 SIFTO 1 KG. (SLIM) TABLE SALT MINUTE MAID FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE REGULAR OR WITH PULP ORANGE JUICE 121/2 FL. OZ. .99 REYNOLD'S 100 FT. x 12 INCH ALUMINUM FOIL WRAP SWANSON BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY FROZE N POT PIES 8 0L. 69 • BLUE BONNET 2 LB. SOFT MARGARINE PUSS' N BOOTS 25.5 OZ. CHICKEN, FISH, BEEF OR LIVER CANNED CAT FOOD ROYAL CHINET PKG. OF 15 10'/2 INCH SUNGLOW OR FLOWER & LEAF PATTERN DINNER PLATE KLEENEX PKG. OF 100 WHITE, BEIGE OR YELLOW, CLASSIQUE FACIAL TISSUE KRAFT 500 G. PROCESSED 16 SINGLES CHEESE FOOD SLICES BEEF SIDE PPROX. WEIGHT 118 TO 127 KG. 260 T;S 280 LBS. 3,28/Kg . 1 BEEF CHUCK APPROX. WEIGHT 29 TO 32 KG. 65 TO 70 LBS. 2.84Kg. • /Lb. EEF EONT APPROX. WEIGHT 59 TO 64 KG. 130 T0140 LBS. 2,76Kg. 2 ® /1b. EEF IND APPROX. WEIGHT 59 TO 64 KG. 130 TO 140 LBS. BEEF LOIN APPROX. WEIGHT 20 TO 23 KG. 45 TO 50 LBS. 5•7lIKg. 2.5 /Ib. BEEF HIP APPROX. WEIGHT 29 TO 32 KG. 65 TO 70 LBS. 3•9 /Kg. 1 • 79/Ib. MEAT BONUS BUYS REGULAR GROUND BEEF 13•9 5/Kg 9 • /1b. FRESH CANADIAN PORK PORK CHOPS MIXED RIB OR TENDERLOIN END LOIN CHOPS 2 3•28/Kg. • /Ib. I 2 N CH FRESH CANADIAN PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS TASTER'S CHOICE 8 OZ. STUART HOUSE SMALL PKG. OF 10 OR REGULAR OR DECAFFEINATED LARGE PKG. OF 6 INSTANT COFFEE BURNER SAVERS 5.99 V -H 500 ML PREPARED MUSTARD JOLLY MILLER 3 x 3'fa OZ. ORANGE FLAVOUR DRINK CRYSTALS KLEENEX, WHITE, MAN SIZE, PKG. OF 60 OR BOUTIQUE PKG. OF 120 FACIAL TISSUE AST RA 7.75 OZ. SOCKEYE SALMON KRAFT8OZ. MOZZARELLA, BRICK, FARMER, FANCY DOMESTIC CHELSt SI ICK RICK'S 1 L ASSORTED VARIETIES PICKLES DALTON 200 G FEATHERSTRIP 1.89 3.99 3.991 COOKIES 1.88 1.49 COCONUT CHEER 2-6 L POWDERED LAUNDRY DETERGENT CATELLI 750 G. OLD FASHIONED, COW BRAND 500 G MILDLY SPICED, GARLIC OR HOT & SPICY SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1.77 GREEN GIANT 12-14 FL. OZ. ASSORTED VEGETABLES BAKING SODA CLOROX 2-61 OZ. POWDERED DRY BLEACH AGREE 255 ML. ASSORTED CONDITIONER OR SHAMPOO MRS. SMITH 240Z. FROZEN PUMPKIN PIE LIBBY'S 19 FL. OZ. WITH PORK, MOLASSES OR IN TOMATO SAUCE DEEP BROWNED BEANS HOSTESS 200 G ASSORTED FLAVOURS FARM HOUSE 24 OZ. FROZEN APPLE PIE KELLOGG'S 675 G. CORN FLAKES CEREAL KELLOGG'S 800 G. RAISIN BRAN CEREAL PEEK FREAN 200 G. ARROWROOT, DIGESTIVE, NICE OR SHORTCAKE MONARCH CAKE & PASTRY OR ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 10 KG. MONARCH 340 G. VANILLA. PEACH OR STRAWBERRY YOGOURT CAKE MIXES Kg. 1 • /Ib. FRESH CHICKENS CANADA GRADE 'A' UNDER 1.8 kg./4lbs. 2 .62,... 1 . 19,,e. PETER PIPER BONELESS DINNER HAMS 4.39ig. 1 . 99,,„. SCHNEIDER'S 900 G. HONEY FLAVOUR OR REGULAR BUCKET OF CHICKEN 4.99 MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS 454 G. 1.19 PETER PIPER SLICED 500 G. PKG. SIDE BACON 2.15 PRIDE OF CANADA 375 G. PKG. TRIPLE PAK COOKED MEATS 1.69 SCHNEIDER'S 500 G. PKG. OKTOBERFEST SAUSAGE 2.75 C HOE D AM CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED 4.83,.,. 2.19/Ib. PRIDE OF CANADA OVAL DINNER HAMS 4.83..,. 2.19-. PURE PORK SAUSAGE FEARMAN'S STORE PACKED 3.15/Kg. 1.43 /Ib. LONEY'S PKG. OF 4 MCCAIN 19 OZ. FROZEN, CHI( KEN NOODLE CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, SOUP MIX BANANA, MARBLE 1.19 CAKES BLUE BONNET 3 LB. QUARTERS COLOURED MARGARINE SYLVANIA PKG. OF 2, 40/60/75/100 WATT SOFT WHITE 2.69 LIGHT BULBS KLEENEX WHITE, PINK OR BLUE FACIAL TISSUE PKG. OF 200 .93 HI -DRI WHITE, YELLOW OR PRINTED PAPER TOWELS PKG. OF 2 SANKA REGULAR OR AUTOMATIC DECAFFEINATED VAC PAK GROUND COFFEE 369 G. WESTON WEEK AT WESTON PKG. OF 12 WESTON PKG. OF 6 WIENER OR HAMBURGER JAM FILLED ROLLS .89 BUNS WESTON PKG. OF 8 PLAIN WESTON PKG. OF 4 ENGLISH CHOCOLATE MUFFINS ®85 SWISS ROLLS RAISIN BREAD .99 VA( HON PKC,. OF 12 FLAMINGO BUTTER TARTS 1.09 .89 1.69 PRIDE OF CANADA BONELESS PICNICS 3.86 /Kg. 1.75/Ib. SCHNEIDER'S 400 G. PKG. 6 VARIETIES MEAT PIES 2.18 SHOPSY'S 500 G. PKG. MACARONI, COLE SLAW OR POTATO SALAD 1.29 SHOPSY'S 4 x 50 G. PKG.; PASTRAMI OR CORNED BEEF 2.55 WIENERS MAPLE LODGE 454 G. PKG. ®99 SHOPSY'S SMOKED RINGS 6.15/Kg. 2.79/Ib. FAMILY PRIDE BEEF BURGERS 2.84/Kg. 1 .29/Ib. SHOPSY'S 500 G. OLD VIENNA SALAMI 2.89 SEAG OCEAN FROZEN PERCH FILLETS 4.39/Kg. 1.99/Ib. GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE.GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE.GARO1EH FRESH PRODUCE CANADA NO. 1 ONT. SNOW WHITE NEW CAULIFLOWER POTATOES CANADA NO. 1 10 LB. RAC 1.49 .99 FRESH CELERY CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO LARGE .69 SNOW WHITE MUSH ROOMS CANADA NO. 1 3.95,KR. 1.79/Ih. SEEDLESS GREEN GRAPES CANADA NO. 1 CALIFORNIA 3.06/Kg. 1.39/Ib. VALENCIA ORANGES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. 112'S DOZEN 1.39 RED TOKAY GRAPES CANADA NO. 1 CALIFORNIA 2.18/Kg. .99/Ib. TROPICAL BANANAS GOLDEN YELLOW DOLE 1.08/Kg. .49/Ib. ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED- PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, OCT. 1 -WE RESERVE THE RICHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS Monday Tuesday ib rdneaday . . Thur*day ...... OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 'i1GI1T Friday TILL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVF:NIF.'SI:F. saturday 8.30 a.m.•6:00 p.m, 8.30 a.m.-6:00 p. m. 8:30 a.m.-600 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. 8.30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. 8.30 a.m.-6x410 p.m.