HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-17, Page 7MI HEIR WITH 'UNCLE SAY gOW THE BUSY YANKEE SPENDS TEE, DAY. • Ooxne Interesting Natters of Mo- ment', and lifirth Gathered. From His Doings, San Francisco has one saloon for every 22 adult male inhabitants. The Seattle assay office has landed over $55,001%000 since its establish- ment. Chicago may be selected as the lo- cation for a, new naval training sta- tion, A Missouri boy was fatally shot by a playmate while reproducing a 'Jesse J'a,mes play, A Bostonian pleads that a new bridg•e across the Charles River be called' the Longfellow Bridge. Tnere is a pigeon range near Los 'Angeles which every year sends about !40,000 squabs to •the market. • Allot Snail a young school teach - • of Richmond Hill, SOX, 'nearly died frora taking complexion tablets. The' picking of the raisins and 4rawberry crops in California is al- most entirely in tb.e hands of the iChineses The New York State Senate passed the Kruzn bill, taxing foreign corpor- ations doing business in New York. Mr. Lambert, the silk manufactur- er, will erect a public institution in Paterson for the benefit of its .popu- lation. o Fifteen thousand Americans will witness the coronation procession. of King Edward VII in London on 'June 26th, • Brazil, Ind., School Board dis- charged Principal Muncie, who re- fused to resign when accused of kis- sing a girl pupil. . Jacob Steinman, selaconfessed an- archist, arrested in Wisconsin, claims he aided, in the shooting of President McKinley, New York's foreign -born exceed in number the foreign -born af Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Boston combined. There- are over 100 geysers in the Yellowstone National Park. The largest, the Giant, spouts a stream of hot water two feet in diameter 1 to 'a height of 280 feet. . Teely, Reeves, and Rathbone, con- victed of robbing. the Cuban post - office department,, were sentenced to ten years in prison and to pay re- spectively fines of $56,701, $85,516 and $35,324. In New York Mrs. Lillian Wilson, 55, shot and killed a young man, Robert S. Hutchinson, for whom she kept house, and who announced that he was going to Marry, and then committed suicide. At the end of 1890 there were 27,- 360,610 members of all .cloircbes in the United States, and 28,090,637 at the end of 1901. These figures show an increase of 730,047, or 2.67 per cent. This is greater than the gain of population, which is 2.18 per cen t. PREVENTED AN ENGAGEMENT. I isms once very sweet on a pretty girl who was unfortunate enoogh to be big sister to a fiend of the small boy kind. An instance or two of things that little heathen did is my justification for waging war against his kidney. The pretty girl's name Nv as Mabel, and our little love affair was progressing most beautifully When I went "all in my Stmday • best" olio evening to escort her to a concert. Before I could ring the bell the small. boy banged* the front door and popped out. "You May's young man ?" he ask- ed, with abruptness that took away my breath. "Is Miss Mabel in ?" I asked, with freezing dignity. Ho lered, at me out of his left eye, stuck his tongue in his cneek, and whirled three times round on his left heel before saying :- "That's what she is. She's , up- stairs riggin' herself out too fine for anything. She's got on ma s rings and Aunt'Sarah's gold chain; and— Rob !" caste in sharp, agonized _tones froinIthe head of the stairs. And she's had her fringe baking dhairpins in the oven for an hour. and you just ought to .see. her bustle! It's as big as—" "You, Robert !" cried the voice of Bob's mother. But I3ob went on pitilessly. . • "And she's got the stunnin'est new dross, and it isn't paid for, neither ; • end: won't pa go it when the bill comes for her new hat ? Ma says he will, but May says she don't care if he dose. May's plucky, she is ; you'll find it out if she pulls off her little scheme of marryin' you, and—" • -"Robert James, come up here this instant I" comes down from the stair -landing. But Robert James goes on placidly. "You've come to take May to the concert, ain't you ? I know it, 'cause May's been ja,win"cause you • didn't get dress -circle tickets instead • of the front row in the upper boxes. • I said I'd tell on her 'cause she gave me a crack over the head for losing the pencil she does up her eyebrows with. 1 hid hen plate thats got her three front teeth, but pa thrashed • mo into givin' 'em up before he went to town. Noy says ---" , Bob's mother , castle hastily down the stairs, Oez•y red in the face and with a very wild eye. , "Walk in, Mr. H ," says dear Mabel' a reammet, making' a frantic effort to 'appear calm, 1`Our' Robert ,iS in one of hie plrevetil moods. He is so full of spirits. Mabel is so :sorry, but a sudden indisposition ha8----" "Pickles an cheese an' cucumbers for supper 1" (vies Bob, appearing at an open window, • "The dear child has a • most wretehed headache. So sorry, but will you excuse her for this even- ?" • -Take me instead, won't you 7" • asks Bok. drag my wounded vanity away, in SA broken and bruieet in spirit as 1 wish.Bob Was in his head, Mabel and I meet no more. We have not the moral courage to do 86 while BOb is abOve ground, Who has not 'been eldiateci by his eounterpart 7 HEALTH 111 SPRINGi NATURE REQUIRES ASSIST- ANCE DURING THESE MONTHS. To Help Throw Off the Lnpuritiee That Haves Acounrelated Dur- ing the Winter ZlIontb.s—Purga- tiv0s Should, Not be treed—It Is a Tonic That is Needed. In this climate there 'aro many rea- sons why people feel all out of gear in the spring months. Perhaps the chief of these is the long hours in imperfectly ventilated •offices, shops and houses during the winter months. You may feel that there ie nothing serious the matter; you are only a little tired after slight exertion, or perhaps your appetite is fickle, or little pimples or eruptions on the skin show that the blood is not as pure as it should be. If you feel this way, not only your comfort but your health demands that you take proper steps to cleanse yourself of the blood impurities that are re- eponsible for your condition. You need a tonic, blood purifier, nerve strengthener and general up -lifter of the entire system. • Dr. Pink Pills for Pale People meet all these requirements more perfectly than any other medicine. These. aro tante pills and not violent and weak- ening like purgative medicines. ture does not require a, violent meas- ure in spring; but a helping hand to throw off the impurities which have accumulated during the winter, and so toning and strengthening every organ and function that a condition ef perfect health will prevail. Ev- eryone—old and young—ought 'to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the spring. There is no other medicine will do you so much good. Mr. james Salmon, postmaster, Salmon Creek, N. B., says:—"Last spring I eras feeling decidedly unwell. I was weak, dizzy at timet, and continual- ly felt tired. My appetite was poor and I was losing in weight. I tried several mediciaes, but nothing did use any good until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and a few boxes of these made me feel like a new person. I would advise all who feel run down and out of sorts to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are also effective in the cure of all diseases due to poor, thin, watery blood or Weak nerves. Do not take a substi- tute for these pills—it is a waste of money and a menace to health to do to. See' that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" Is an the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- aos IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land. That • Reigns Supreme in the Com- • mercial World. York Corn Exchange has been transformed into an opera house. Hull is proposing to erect an abat- toir, cold storage, hide and skin market, and offices at a cost of 270,000. • It is again reported that the Prince of Wales will visit India at the commencement of the next cold season there. Miss Clarke, the daughter of a re- tired gentleman living at Snibstone Grange, Ashbyede-la-Zouch,. was found dead in -a brook recently. Mr. Justice Ridley, sitting at the Newcastle Assizes, fined the keeper ofthe -Criminal Court £10 for not having it sufficiently well lighted. Captain Randolph Foote has beeir- appointed naval aide-de-camp to the King in place ot Captain Sir Ed- ward Chichester, pan:netted, to Dag rank. The new seuthern- approach to the Tower Bridge, constructed by the London County Council at a cost of £400,000, was formally opened last week. , • A big scheme is on foot for the amalgamation of the Potteries into one county borough. The area under consideration is, 10,000 acres in ex- tent. A large naval and military exhibi- tion will be held at Portsmouth next June, July and. August. Tbe pro- fits will be devoted to naval . and military charities. It is 'announced that a well known colonel and D.S.O. is about to open hairdressing• establishment in the Haymarket. It will be descriged, presumably, as Military Headquar- ters,. Two Egyptian mummies, the one of a lady and the other of a. child about ten years of age, were sold at Covent Garden recently for 25 1.0s and 2,6 respectively. Lord g.acnaghten told the Royal Courts of justice Temperance So- ciety at London recently that be did not believe any Government would ever dare to pass c large measure of temperance legislation; it would be done rather by degrees. A houseinaid at Saddell Castle, pear Clampbelltowil, was carrying a, paraffmlolly on Sunday night when it explodeel and set, het alight. She was burned to death. Enormous catches of herrings are being made' in the English Chtinnel. Ono Boulogne fishing boat in four hours Made it haul of herrings which realized over 2100. Sir Alfred joeles, who left Avon- mouth for ,Tamaice, itt emedent that the island Will eventually become a winter resort, for the weak and weal- thy of Great Britain, • Queen Alexandra has Sent a Wool ehatal to Mrs. Ve'ight, of Surneet, 1,tho is now.living in London. Mrs. Wriglit is in her hi1-dredi4h year, and ha s eight eh i dree , a,.11 living ' Syon Park House, lleentiord, is 10 be sold rmoe. This is -,nn Homee Aeadeney, where Shelley' was educate. ed; the school which it biographe.e One woman with Sunlight Soap will do quicker REDUCES work than Two will with impure soap„ EXPENSE; Ask for the Octagon Bar, xf your groeer cannot sappier, vette to LEV= BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, sending his name and addrega, and a trial sample of Snnlight Soap will be sent you free of coat. states was to the poet "a perfect hell." • • ,A. tablet was placed in the vault of St, Peter's church,Tower of Lon- don, , bit Friday, to commemorate the removal there of the remains of persons beheaded in the reign of Queen Mary. A report is being eirculated that on the occasion of the coronatien naval review the old Victory flag- ship of the Commander -in -Chief will head one of the lines of warships at Spithead. The will of the Duchesee de Val- ence, who died in Deceraber, provides that her famous jewels and collection oflace shall be sold and thes_pro- ceeds distributed among the various ,charitable institutions. London School Board teachers, who are. against the prize system, have been granted the privilege of using the funds set aside for this purpose to purehase pictures and toys for the use of all the childesa. Evan Williams, described as a desperate character, residing with his parents at Amlwch Port, Angle- sey, is alleged to have murdered his father, George Williams, by smashing his head with a chair. -- 11. silver cradle in the shape of a basket -worked bowl banging from two scroll pillars was' presented to the Mayoress of Bury St. Edmunds by the Town Council and local offi- cials to couunemorate the -birth of her son. It is proposed to have a special coronation souvenir in the form oin an album as a gift to foreign co- lonial and 9ther guests, The album, it is proposed., shall be an epitome of the empire,. with portraits of their Majesties, the ICing and Queen, the Ministers, and ValiOUS other no- bilities. HAD TO PAY AFTER ALL. Von Blumer—"I had the most sin.- "gular thing happen to ine the other day. Did you ever go into a man's place to pay a bill you owed him and fiud him out 7" Plankington (emphaticalfy)—``No, sir. Did that happen to you ?" Von Blumer—"It did. I took a notion, or rather I nerved myself up to it, to settle some bills that I Owed. So on my way up irons my office I dropped in to see my fish- monger." • , tried nisi grocer." a What Mr. Jardiue has said is -loch° instantly. Plankingtoo—"And he was out ? Von Blumer—"Correct. Then- I amply borne out by many others in Flankington.—"He was out ?" this city whose experiences have Von Blumer—"Right. Plenty oi been aud are being published from clerks, but no proprietor. Of course. day to day. Dodd's Kidney Pills I left word that I called in to settle aro 'certainly without- an equal as a - medicine for those who are "tired Custoraer—"Didn't you tell me thle horse was afraid of nothing?" Deal-. �r—"That's just what I said." Cus- tomer—"Why he shies at his own shadow." Dealer—"Well a shadow 10 about as near nothing as anything I know of." A TORONTO liAN. THE U. SARDINE REFERRED TO LIVES IN THE QUEEN CITY. Well Xn.ourn Throughout Canada as One of Canada's Commis- sioners to the Paris Exposition, —His Statement is a Very Valuable One and Has Been Read With Nueh Interest. Toronto, March 17.—(Speeial)— Kr. J. G. Jardine, whose statement as to the wonderful curative and tonic properties of Dodd's Kidney Pills has been published in many of the papers, is a resident of tine city, His home is at 805 Crawford street. Mr. Jardine was chosen as one of the Canadian Commissioners to the Paris Exposition two years ago, and performed the onerous duties of that office with honor to himself and credit to hs country. It is to , his experience in the French capital at this time that Mr. Jardine makes particular reference in the published statement in which he says :— "During .my stay in Paris I felt many times quite run down owing to the complete change and to the worries and work ofour business there. I suffered not it little with backache, with general feeling of depression and I found Dodd's Kid- ney Pills invaluable. "I had learned the value of this medicine before going t• Europe as I had it very successfully for back- ache which I found it relieved ala most instantly. So when I went to ‘Paris I was careful to take with me some of this my favolito remedy. "Every time I was threatened with a return of the trouble I used a few Dodd's Kidney Pills and can say they did not disappoint me. They are the best medicine I know of to tone up the system generally and they do certainly -relieve back- up, but wanted to see the pro- prietor first. Dispute about bill. Seo?" Plankington — "Oh, yes, that strengthens .yonr credit." Von Blumer—"Exactly. Then I called to see my butcher, and I'll be banged if he wasn't out also 1" •Plankington—"By Jove, but you were in luck !" Von Blumer—"No, I wasn't." Plankington—'Why not ?" • Von Biumer—"When I got home I found them all waiting for me." FOR EVERY MOTHER. • A Manitoba Mother Gives Practi- cal Advice on the Care of - Babies. It is well known that nearly all infant -troubles spring from a dis- ordered stomach. Indigestion in a child Will cause at first peevishness and sleepleseness; but other more -serious troubles will follow fast, nisch as colic or cramps, constipa- tion in some cases, diarrhoea in others, With fatal .re- sults in many cases. The mother Who neglects having constantly at hand the means for treating these llIs takes an awful risk. Mr. R. L. Logoch, Man., is one mother who is particelarly well fit- ted to give advice on the care of babies'. Her standard medicine for the minor ailments of her little ones is Baby's Own Tablets,, and she says :--“They are the best medicine I have ever used for infant'ailments. I have given theni to my. baby for indigestion and stomach trouble and they are prompt and thorough in making a cure., No mother should be a single day without the Tablets in the house." Baby's Own Tablets are for child- ren of all ages, and will cure :tech troubles as constipation, colic, sour stomach, diarrhoea aad simple fevers. They are invaluable for teething children, and will break up colds and prevent croup. Guaranteed to contain no opiate or other harm- ful drug. Dissolved in water they Gall be given with perfect safety to a new-born babe. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or sent post paid at 25 Cents it box, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Out. PUT TO A WRONG USE. A certain compaey in the Town Gtiard Capetown was served out with about a couple of dozen yards of flannelette for the purpose of rifle cleaning. Theo watt to noticeable improvement ia the appearance of the rifles, but one fine afternoon one of the members of the company was teen lounging along the beach at Meizenbeeg, smartly attired in a, suit oe,ethe flannelette! • "Clara Dimpleton has more tact than any other girl 3. ever Met, She has jufit refused -to rnarry me," "Yon don't Seem to feel vevy much eut up," “That's the strangest part of it, She rejected nue in math it way that I have bead sorry for her over out," "run down" or "used up." Dodd's Kidney Pills have been en- dorsed most heartily by all classes. The British Museum library nas 32 miles of book shelves. CHEAP EXCURSION TO CALI- FORNIA. The Wabash Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets to Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal, at less than the one way first-class, rate. Tickets on sale April 19t1 to 27th, 'good to return any time before June 25th, 1902. Choice of routes going and returning. All tickets should read via Detroit and over the Wabash, the short and trues route from Canada to California. • This will be the grandest oppor- tunity ever given the people of .this country to visit -this land, of -sun- shine and flowers at a, low rate. Full particulars of this excursion from any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson, District 'PasSenger Agent, North-east corner King & Yonge Ctn., Toronto. Cumulus or thunder -cloud rarely rises over two miles. Seven miles is the outside height for any cloud. A POPULAR HEALTH RESORT. The Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem have included in the large list, of summer and winter remains which they are bringing before the public, the Sanitarium at St. Catharines, Ont., a retreat for rest and recupera- tion. A mineral spring from which the water flows- and which is used for bathing and massage pur- poses at this establishment, was discovered years ago, and' has been the means of attracting lumdreds of the best class of people from, the south to- enjoy the benefits derived from bathing in it. Considerably denser than sea- wa- ter, the effects- are very marked, and when heated and skilfully applied cures rheumatism, gout, scrofula, neuralgia, liver trouble, shin dis- eases anti cases of nervous prostra- tion. Many of the cures are simply wonderful. The -waters of this spring are referred to in Encyclopaedia l3rittattica, Appleton's American En- cyclopaedia, Hare's System of Thera- peutics, etc. It is only during the last few years that a, commodious Sanitarium has been established at this point, corn= bining rest -cure and family hotel. Copies of it neat little booklet giving further particulars may be had by applying to M. C. Dickson, District Passenger Agent Toronto. Oenerel Sir Arehibald Hunter has asked all city and colt ity authorities for their views ns to re -arranging the Yeomanry regiments. — SLAVERY IN • China is the great elave country of the world, Of a population of 400,- 000,000 there are slaves to the num- ber of 10,000,000. Every family of means keeps its girl slaves, and a, man's position is usually gauged by the number be keepe. At aner age from 3 to 15 girls are sold, 7 or 8 being the age at which most change hands. The girls are purchased to do housework, it being cheaper to bley than hire. Slaves vary in price; $10 is about the average, but much depends on the girl's appear- ance. A. good-looking girl will fetch 820 or even $10. 1,968 of the present population of the United Kingdom were born at sea. LEM' We are handling la.rge quantities, We can handle yours to advantage. The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Toronto. Consignments of Butter, Eggs, Apples and ether Produce Solicited. .4..••:**,:00:••:0414:•+•:+10.1:60:14:040...4:41,14::•4:110:0,08•11;. 4,0+:••;44;:i 0:44:4 t:•••:•••:* 4:44:410:140,.1:414.:44.) 0:4 When a house is well painted it *.Si, attracts attention, To be well painted it must be done with 4, good paints. Get the hest, that es ean be had, don't pay an ox-? orbitant price, but pay a fair price. fibRMISAY'S FAITS Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the wovid, produces, sell Is solC 4:nly In lead packets. Black, Mixed and Gre:en. 'Wen tea thinkers try "Made" Careen tea. To bring water to l-sondon from, 'Wales will cost 88 millions sterling, and will be only sufficient to pro- vide fok, the next 50 years. ROYAL MUSICOICA. HOTEL. This licit- modern, up-to-date hotel was opened for the reception of guests in 1901. It is situated in the centre ef the finest summer resort region in America, known as the Muskoka Lakes, within easy reach of the principal points in Canada and the United States. The interior of the hotel is planned to the best ad- vantage for comfort and conve- nience, special attention being given to ventilation and sanitary arrange - meets. Its spacious suites, with handsome bathrooms attached, are especially adapted to either large or small families. Cuisine and ser- vice are the best. Open for guests Juno 15th. For further particulars, deseriptive matter and all informa- tion, write M. 0. Dickson, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 00...."••••••••• Fundy Bay, in Nova Scotia, has a tide of 63 feet, the highest in the world. Mirad's Liniment Lumberman's Friend Australia's output of coal is 7,- 000;000 tons a year, 2,500,000 more than that of India. A DOZEN FAST EXPRESS TRAINS EVERY 'DAY. This is a large number of fast trains eacla way. between Buffalo and New York, and they are all splendid trains. The Empire State Express is one of them, (daily except Sun- day) and is the most popular train in the country. Ask your ticket agent for tickets by the New York Central11you wish to travel in com- fort. ' Fare same as by other lines except by Empire State Express. Ireland sends 200,000 pigs, 120,000 sheep. to England yearly 56,000 cattle, and For Over Sixty Years MSS. WINSLOW'S Soontrwo SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while Leeching. Itsoothes tbe child, F °new the gums. allayn pain, cures wind colicregulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Dlarrlicea. Twenty -fire cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and oldster "ss. W.lirsrm Ws Somme° timer." 0.1.06••••••••• The outflow of the Nile varies from 16,000 cubic feet a second in June to -400,000 in Septenaber. From these figures the value of the new Assouan dam in preventing this gi- gantic -svaste will be plain. Keep Minard's Liniment in the jloose Regent's Park, with 4:721- acres, is the biggest of London parks. St. James' Park, with 93 acres, is the smallest. Monkey Brand Soap is a cleaner and polisher combined but won't wash clothes. Out of every 1,000 people in the United ICingdom 484 are men, 516 women. The ratio of girls to boys is only 489 to 511, but many more men emigrate than women. TO CURE A COED IN ONE EAT. Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signeture is on each bog. 25o. England has 550 doctors for every million of population, Ireland 680, Scotland 850. AA for Mind's and taie no other Sir Wolfe Barry estimates the loss caused by tbe congestion of London streets at £2,14,000 it year. In 1880 there were about 1.000 hazieems in London. There are now over 7,000. Millard's !Juin-lout is used by Physiclaus No plant, not even the nettle, grows in all parts of the world. On- ly eighteen species are known Which show themselves at the same time, over half the land surface, Page Metal Oraanaental Fence. re.:::101Zt oansmentni, very ellowy and surprisitagly cheep. a is but whet itt eveuted for dew', saislatlivision fenees In tOWD, lots, erave yards. orotallereherdn, 6t°'nt elly 20 .0ts. PER RUNNING FOOT. paitted and t Just tbtnk of it, Let us gelidyen full patticulate. We elite reek° fitrin fence, Vettitry %hotting, nape and. staples. The PsecaNire Pelee Co., Limited, Welkeretife, OM. ' • Akvio•utermai.m.,,,Lrgro.oximonmetior, ••• on, - • "• ee it eons" X .11 of.4,14,414401-4044+++4+14-144-144.44-44.4-*++++14+++4+1444! Are sold by all dealer') at fair is s -s• . prices, and you get all that can be put into the best paints that sa can be made, by the oldest paint s'ts house in Canada. It's the best to ..ta cover, beat to wear, preserves is and beautifies, ready for use. l• Drop a card and ask for our BOOKLET "K" FREE. is showing cuts of beautiful homes. *.? A. RAMSAY & $ON, 6662'1"24 MONTREAL" Pat Maker -1'4m .10 '104 Non - Sulphurous. dories. Every Stick— A Match Every Match— A Lighter mericsrurammlasrumulcoV d y's "Headlight' ParOo r atches .111111C.MITM.M.M. The !newt matelloo in of. the world,Imado from soft corky pins, and it. ospeoially suitable for demean) ass— ent up in noat &Mira boxinhassortod elders eaoh ban ooritzi:.?Ing about 500 mat0h002- three boxes In a pack- age. For Sale by Ati Firet Class + Dealers. +44-14444+++44+44+444414, ++4,4444.1444+4414++4444 Gold coin loses I, per cent. of its I weight in 50 years' use, but silver loses the same percentage in ten i years only. Stops the Cough and works oft' the Cold. Laxative Broom -Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one doe. No Cure, No Pays Price 211 centa. The Wages of Italian cotton -spin- ners were only 22 cents for a ten hours' day in 1862. They have since doubled. In England cotton -spinners average $5 a week. ATLANTIC PULP ▪ AND PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED. The prospectus of the recently ceS. ganized Atlantic - Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, is being sent out this week by the brokers, Messrs. Sutherland & Cameron, Ottawa. The capital stock of the company is 000,000, and its property is situat- ed on the little Cascapedia River, at New Richmond, on the north of the Bade des Chaleur. Prospectuses and application for= may be had from any office of the National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto or Anon- treal, or from Sutherland & Cameo, on, brokers, Ottawa, Canada, In ,size, not counting colonies, the European Powers stand in this order: Russia, Austria, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, • . Deafness Cannot be Cured hy local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deetnese, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is mind by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tuba is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or impor feet hearing. and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and -unless ibo intlam illation can be taken cut and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de. F tr oy ed forayer; nine cases out 01 ten are caused br oeterrh, whicb is nothing but as is - flamed condition of the mucous surfamv. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafnesa (caused by catarrh) that can am be cured by fiall'e Catarrh Cure. Send ior circulars, free. F. 1 CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold bv Dregglotr, Rail's Eamus Pills are the best. Of 1,000 zn,en who marry, 332 mar- ry women youngcr than themselves, 519 women cif a.bout the same age, and 89 only older women. • Messrs. 0. C. Richards & Co. Gentlemen,—After suffering for se- ven years with inflammatory rheum- atism, so bad that. I was eleven months confined to zny room, and for two years could not dress myself Without help. 'Your agent gave me a bottle of KINARD'S LINIMENT in May, '97, and asked me to try it, which I did, and was so well Pleased with the results X procured more. Five bottles completely cured me and I have had no return of the pain for eighteeii` months. The- above facts are well-known to everybody in this village. and neigh- borlakod. Yours gratefully, A, DAIRT. St. Timothee, Que., May 16th, 1800 RailWay gauge in all the Australe ian colonies but two, is 42 ie. In leTew South 'WOGS it is 56fr in., and in Victoria, 63 in. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS, EPPS' GRATEFUL-COMROFMNG, 0000 BREAKFAST -SUPPER. W P 0 1123 THE Pa OST PO P WAR DENTIFRICE, CALVE RTS CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Preserves the te.s Lb. Sweotene the breath. Strengthens the gumo. CLEANING LADIES EMU-ZINO DUOTRIING EiLl Can be dons perfectly by our French Process. Try IS BRITISH AMERICAN OTERO 00. IKONTREAL. TORONTO, OTT.AWA 5QURBEO. CAN VDU TOUCH IT? If se you ean oure it with Iiilleadins. This w on, orful salvo soothes and heals the moot delicate tissues. Positively unequalled for disease or injury affecting man or membrane. Try It for Inflamed Eyes, Catarrh, Chaffing Sores or any Sore you can tomb. 280., Druggists, or Cileadlne Co,, Toronto. money refunded if not satisfacitcry. TO PRINTERS FOR SALE.—Thre 2 -revolution Campbell Presses, bed 4048 Inches. Splendid order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto BOYS BRIGADE u le instruments, Bugles. Fifes, Drums, Caps. etc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Can have a Fite and Drum or Bugle Band. Lowest prices mer quoted. Illustrated price-iiat mailed free. Write us for ANYTHING in -MUSIC or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHALEY, ROYCE CO., Limited Winnipeg, Man. Toninte, Canada Dominion Lino Stearnsilip3 Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool. Ford/4nd to Liverpool. Vis Quotas - town. Largo and Fast Steamships. Superior amen= edatIon fer all cleans of pmsongers. Saloons and Stateroom" are amid Mips. Special attention tuts been given to Ms Second Saloon and Third -Clara accommodation. Tor rates of passage tuad all particulars, apply to any Kent et the Company, or Richards, Valls 5 Co, D. Torre/toe /4 0a. 77 State St..Boston. Montreal alai. Portland. WoOD PolOTO.EINIGRAVINKL, J. ENG.C9 — 168 BAY•STREET— i012(100. THE CANADA PEANENT and WESTERN CANADA • M CRTCACE CORPORATION wte w • • e Tavites ievestors of large or „ small amountS to investigate. ite ' sle Four Per Cent. Debentures .• with hall -yearly interest eon- - * • pens attached. They are is fox. fixed terms of not 0 less than one year and are • , secured by assets amounting to $23 000 000 $ " OFFICES, • • TORONTO ernatr, • Toronto.*: ii -14+1-1-1.4.4411,-1444++444.4-