HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-09-14, Page 19JON$ L DUDDY. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1983 -PAGE 19 aatifialailiSOCCORRIV 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Trovel Agency, 7 Rotten - bury St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300.-44tfar BUY IN BULK AND SAVE $$$ at Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. No. 4 north of Clinton, 1 1/4 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign! Drop in for our current price list. Over 50 items. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523- 9508.-16tfar NELSON MEMORIALS - Superb Monuments and Markers in everlasting granite at direct from factory prices. Coll your Nelson representative 1-744- 0822 or write for free catalogue to Box 1925, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4R4. -32-39x FACTORY Clearance Steel Buildings. Example 40 x 58' Arch building including 21'W double slide doors $6600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straightwofl all -steel buildings 20' - 60' clear span. Priced to dear. For guaranteed savings call toll free 1 - 800-268- 0802.-37o LINDE MODEL V205 3-phase tri- ple voltage MIG welder, $1000. Wanted to buy: Massey 7 -foot groin binder. Enos S. Martin, R.R. 3 Wellenstein 519'669- 8400.-37o USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium, post & economy). Delivered semiload lots only. (450 minimum) Reasonably priced. Phone 204- 725-2627 office hours --37o NOW OPEN. Andor House Books, used and rare, Elora St. W., Teeswoter. Open most afternoons. Otherwise chance or appointment. Residence (519) 392-6966 or business (519) 392-8266.-37o IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck Pharmacy. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-7eow HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, etc. and cedar posts, cedar kindling also stove wood for sale. Phone 482- 3842--21 eow OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA PHAR- MACY, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-7eow CHOICE LEAN beef by the side. Special on hind quarters. Ready for freezer, government in- spected, farmers prices. Phone Frank Falconer 482- 9128. -33eow ROYALE SCOT CATALYTIC For Sale: Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts Alfred Dykstra 482-9112 IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND FALL BULBS BEST SELECTION IN HURON COUNTY VERBEEK'S FARM i GARDEN CTRE. 22 Isaac St. CLINTON 482-9333 THE CLINT N NEWS m RECORD THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE BAYF EL BUGLE ('lin .on News -Recon :1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads , > , . o , , , , , Tuesday Noon Display Advertising , . , . , , . Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cors for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R V s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 1.6 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for cent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34. Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cards of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER TI -IE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale CAULIFLOWER, broccoli for freezing. Potat4res,,,, anions for storing. Large kraut cabbage; u - pick tomatoes and beans- Te- em farm, R.R. 1, Bayfield, 482- 9940.---37 BABY CAR SEAT, good condi- tion- Phone 482-3739.-37 EATING and cooking apples. Prices reduced due to hail damage from storm of Aug. 8. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Va• na. Phone 482- 3214.----36tf SILVERWARE, 1847 Rogers Bros. Daffodil pattern, complete set- ting for 8 plus carving pieces. 5275.00 firm. 482-3443 9-5 p.m. weekdays, ask for Freda. .---36tfnx BOY'S medium size bicycle $30.; 2 pc. snowsuit size 3, blue and white, like new 515.; double bed with bookcase headboard complete, two real old Crokinole Boards, Phone 482- 7973.- 37x WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades BUY YOUR WOOD NOW FOR SALE: Freshly cut mixed hardwood Price is 5130.00 per full cord Minimum order is 1 full cord Price includes delivery within the Ausable- Mayfleld watersheds Contact the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority R.R. No, 3, Exeter, Ontario. NOM 1S0 Phone 519-235-2610, 8 a.rn. to 4:30 pan. Monday to Friday. OFFER GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1983 1 . Articles for sale BABY ITEMS, Gendron 3 in 1 buggy; Gendron stroller; Dorel car seat; 2 walkers; jolly jumper; clothes etc. Call after 4:30 p.m. 482-3640--37 WESTINGHOUSE washer and dryer; McClary frost free fridge. 12 cu. ft., all in good condition. Phone 527-0744,-37 QUEEN SIZE Restonic waterbed, complete with frame and heater. Call 482-9378 after 5 p.m. -37x WOOD PANEL door 6'10" x 2'10" with glass window 25 x 22. Phone 482-9610,-37x HICKORY fire wood for sale $35 for 32 cu. ft. split and piled, delivery included within 2 miles of Clinton, also hard maple $33. Call evenings 482-3814,--37- 39ar REMINGTON model 760, 308 calibre 5300. or best offer. 482- 7126. -37 HOCKEY pants size 36-38; elbow pads; shoulder pads: hockey bag, Good condition, 482- 7617,-37 HONEY number 1 white, your container or ours. Alex Ostrom R.R-3 Clinton 482-728737,38 GRADE 13 history books, "Challenge and Survival", "Changing Prospective in Cana. dian History", P.S.S.C. Physics fifth edition. Phone 482- 9969.--37nx FURNACE, new, woodburning will take 3 ft, wood, fire door is 12'2 x 15'2. Phone 482- 7957, -37 HARMONY peaches, apples, Bartlett pears, potatoes and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524-8037. -37ar FIREWOOD - dry mixed hard- wood 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 12 in. long. 530 picked up; 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 16 in. long $37.50 picked up, any quantity 482.9284.-37,38 U PICK tomatoes $6 per bu, also available squash, pumpkins, and winter onions. Evans Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield 482-7562.-37ar TWO PAIR Menari skates size 7 and 8 good condition; two pr. Bauer Junior Supreme skates sizes 6 and 7 boys. Phone 482- 9543. - 37 FRESH CAULIFLOWER ONLY N®W $6.50/DOZ. Open Daily 9 o.rn. - 6 p.m. Closed Sundays. VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles west of Exeter on Hey. No. 83. iPh>ne 237-3442 1. Articles for sale CUCUMBERS for pickling, all sizes available, also sweet corn. John Segeren, Hwy. 8 5 miles east of Clinton. Phone before 10 a,m. or after 4 p.m. 482-9217.-35-38 FIREWOOD for sale. Hard Maple, Beech and Cherry. $35. per face cord delivered in Clin- ton area, $30 per cord picked - up at yard. Phone 482- 9485.-36-39 --_ 5. Cars for sale 1975 PONTIAC Laurentian $250 as is. Phone 482.3023,-37tfnx 1966 IMPALA for sale, as is or for parts. Phone 482-9702 days or 482-7805 after 6 p.m. and weekends. -37x 1974 MALIBU Classic, 350 engine, power steering, power brakes, cragers, cassette deck. 1974 Delta 98, fully loaded, 350 engine. Phone 482-3592.-37 48 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, WAGON, 4x4's 8 WRECKERS 22 - 1981-82 Mercury's, Fords. Chev's & Plymouths 1-1981 Lincoln Mark VI 1-1979 Cadillac 1-1978 Volare Station Wagon 4-1976-78 Dodge, Chem, & Jeep 4x4's 9-1975-80 1/2 & 3/4 ton pick-ups 6-1976-78 18.2 ton stakes, dumps & cab's 8 chassis 3 -GMC 1 tons with Holmes Wreckers. 1-1976 Plymouth as low as '795.00 Stock No.1868 MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 miles E. of Hanover on Hwy. No. 4 Phone Durham 1-369-3136 12. Real estate for sale 52,000 DOWN PAYMENT: for full two storey red brick duplex - ed home. Large lot, central location, Clinton. Call 482- 9210. -36,37 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott Braker, Blyth, Ont. 523-4481 One storey brick veneer. 2 bedrooms, new closed in sunporch, close to downtown. Ideal for retired couple. Reasonable. HUTTON REAL ESTATE BLYTH brick 3 bedroom home, well maintained. In good residential area. Real nice kitchen living room, dining room. Lot (66x150) garage (19x21) Low asking price. Country Style Living 1 acre landscaped lot with mature trees. Village of Brussels, 3 bedroom living room, dining room. Kitchen, full basement. Workshop (30x36), good place for small business or repair shop. Now reduced. Asking price '22,500. For more Information Contact: MEL MATHERS Wingham 357-3208 Representing L..10 HUTTON- REAL ESTATE Attentionrsv A. For sale TWO H.P. Leeson electric motor, $200.00; 1 U, h.p. motor, $75,00. 523-9691 after 6 p.m. -37 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SILO filling and swathing. Phone Hank Reinink 523-4569 or 523-9202,-22tfar CUSTOM SILO filling and com- bining. Phone 482-3518,-37-39 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton -4119-7411 Barry Miller Exeter -994-9717 Kirk tori -1120-5105 Gregory Hargreaves -969.9610 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT - cash crop land suitable to plant wheat. Phone Steve Keys 262-5365.---37 FARMERS for a good form building at a competitive price: PHONE RAY UMBERS CONSTRUCTION 482-3305 Clinton FREE ESTIMATES BERG Sales -Service Installation -Barn Gleaners -Bunk Feeders -Stabling -Manure. eonsever4 FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, B11 Til Phone brussels 887-9024 SEED WHEAT orders now being token for these three varieties - AUGUSTA outstanding in Yield and Sprouting resistance, HOUSER Superior yield and winter hardiness FREDRICK Ontario's proven performer. DURST FARM CENTRE Highway 8 West, Clinton 482-7706 BRYAN BURST --- LEN LOBES Proprietor • Field Representative j^^ t,1C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A KG;ICGK.GK.GK,GK GKCGKGI< G'K Atm OR REALTY & insurance Inc. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 48209747® Also Gederich, Exeter, Grand Bend. AL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS BILL COUNTER 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687 1.747, SIX YEAR OLD BRICK BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, gas hot water heat and much more, CUSTOM BUILT FOR LUXURIOUS LIVING, this brick bungalow is loaded with features you'll like. TWO STOREY BRICK, 4 bedrooms, central. Yr ma. ever PYRAMID MODULAR, 56 x 22. 2.4 pc. baths. 3 bedrooms, 6 closets, spacious lot overlooking river. STUCCO, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, carpeted, central. FRAME, 11/2 storey, 3 bedrooms, top condition, the price will surprise yout 1'/2 STOREY FRAME, attached garage, beautiful lot, central. NEAR CLINTON, 4 acres, 2 bedroom home, garage, 24 x 32 metal barn. 50 ACRES. 1'/2 storey home, near main highway. 150 ACRES cash crop land, dryer, good home. C.M.H.C. LISTING; 4 bedroom brick, carpeted, large central lot, priced to sell. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on large corner lot, fireplace, carport, air conditioned. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OL. WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. RESTAURANT - and 3 bedroom apartment in Clinton. SIX UNIT - apartment building, mint, good returns. Main St. store and apartment in Clinton. COMMERCIAL - one floor building near the Post Office 536,000.00, parking available. COMMERCIAL - one floor building Victoria St, COMMERCIAL - one floor building Albert St, BRUCEFIELD AREA - 12 acres, modern home. BAYFIELD AREA - 5 acres, bush, trout stream. LONDESBORO AREA - elegant red brick home, nicely treed three acres, KIPPEN - Vacant lots CLINTON AREA - one acre, four bedroom modern Angelstone home with garage, finished basement. BAYFIELD - Modern two bedroom home, double garage. APPLE ORCHARD - 2750 young trees, modern home, 17 acres. 17ACRES - with river frontage, quiet area near Clinton. MARY ST. - two bedroom home, mint $21,000.00 PRINCESS ST. M:g08.111ree bedroom bungalow MAPLE ST. - two-bedroom home, $24,900,00. JAMES ST. - semi detached brick duplex, three bedrooms in each side. HURON ST. - Brick Duplex, zoned commercial, excellent office and residence. QUEENST. - two bedroom one floor home $23,000.00. RATTENBURY ST. E. - three bedroom home, garage $12,900.00. ONTARIO St. - four bedroom two storey brick 534,900.00. EAST ST. - Renovated three bedroom home, large lot. ALBERT ST. - two bedroom home, garage $24,000.00. RAGLAN ST. - four bedroom brick bungalow, double garage $66,000.00, subject to severance. ERIE ST. - 1.3 acre residential zoned lot. PRINCESS ST. W. - workshop on lot. ERIE ST. - Split level brick 3 bedroom home attached garage, large lot. TOWNSEND ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow. attached garage. TOWNSEND ST. - 4 bedroom executive styled home. ISAAC ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow, attached garage. VICTORIA ST. 3 bedroom home, a delight to show. MILL ST. - 4 bedroom home, large lot. $21,000.00. HIGHWAY NO. 4 SOUTH FARM. - 92 acres, 3 bedroom home. HULLETT FARM - 97 acres, 94 workable. DAIRY • 45 tie ups; 125 acres. Blyth area. HOGS AND VEAL CALVES - 5 acres nice house. 500 HOG BARN - 100 acres, brick house, Blyth area 96 ACRES - river frontage, 70 acres workable. Colborne Twp. BROILER QUOTA - 17,424, Pullets 25,000, 500 layers sow born, nice house, 100 acres. 100 ACRES • 85 workable, large brick house, large barn Kippen area. DAIRY - 180 acres, 100 workable, 55 free stalls. FCC mor tgage. 80 ACRE 70 workable, stone house, born, near Holmesville. 414 ACRES tiled, near Zurich, LARGE DAIRY AND BROILER SET-UP • near Clinton, BLYTH - 116 acres - 83 workable, zoned residential. McKILLOPTWP. - 2'% acres, highway farm, 2 storey stuc co home, goat barn rented for income. Call Harold Workman Clinton 519-482-3455 Call Peter Dafinlsfrfa RR 5 Clint:w,n 519-482-9849 - o duCR NOW o rrl/m®@/AFA PBTON e SO APORTr1 © PAOTCHEdd 0 EIrRICH m o enamel STRA TPORO 12. Real estate for sale THREE BEDROOM semi- detached house in Clinton for sale in excellent condition with roughed -in fireplace and bathroom for future family room. Available Jan- 1. Contact Ron after 6 p.m. at 1-672- 0206. _37eow FOR SALE: three bedroom brick bungalow on McConnell St. in Blyth. Four piece bath, two piece both off master bedroom, patio doors, deck and full base- ment, additional lot optional (private sale). Phone 523- 4298. 37 REAL ESTATE LTD. BOX 868 19 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 NEW LISTING: 108 acres of very desirable recreation land, mostly beautiful hardwood bush, extensive river frontage. Vendor will hold mortgage. Full price '95.000. DESIRABLE LOCATION: New listing. Hwy. 4 lust south of Town, Immaculate 3 bedroom 1200 sq. ft. ranch bungalow on fully landscaped half acre. Double paved drive, interlocking brick patio, splendid family room, both levels finished. '69,500 list. Vendors transferred. 3.61 ACRES: Highway 8 location near Seaforth. Contains good barn, large fenced paddock and beautiful, spacious mot:ular home with 2 full bathrooms, many features. '62,900, must be sold. PRICE REDUCED '10,000: 20 acres at Brumfield with 3 bedroom brick home, 24 x 50 building. Land all workable, Harriston silt loam. Now '45,900. Vendors anxious. SPLENDID 2 STOREY: One of the finest quality brick homes in Clinton. Completely renovated on both floors, exceptional decor, gracious staircase, main floor family room with fireplace. Shown by appointment. Priced right at '89,900. 87 RATTENBURY EAST: Solid brick 3 bedroom totally refurbished, with beaut!fyy�k decor throughw.n`V High efficfenc ie'aace. 1'/2 baths. 161/4% mortgage. List '72,500. SMALL BUNGALOW: 137 Joseph St. Well -kept 2 bedroom with full dry basement, b ezeway and eQb erslzed garage/12td%shop. Pri- vate yard. Priced at ',500. ATTEN26TION RETIREES: Splendid modular home In beautiful Five Seasons Estates, Bayfield, 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths plus 2 pc., private and secluded. Must be seen. '38,500. NEW LISTING: 92 Richmond St. S., Hensall. C.M.H.C. foreclosure. 3 bedrooms, main floor family room, needs repairs. '19.900. 386 JAMES ST., CLINTON: Neat corner property, 1 floor home, landscaped, detached garage. '27,5500R- 63/6ATTENBURY EAST: High quality 2 storey brick centrally located. In tip-top condition, featuring extra brick "Coach House" Ideal for hobbies, crafts. '67,500. RAGLAN ST. BI -LEVEL: Best location, a host of features. Double garage with auto opener, railed split -entry foyer, family room with brick fireplace, 2x6 walls, 4 bedrootras, 8 station intercom and more. '78,500. PYRAMID 12' x 52' wIHi appliances, curtalns- Vacant, ImemuF tate possession. Very clean. '9,900•. J :HN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD, MLS REALTOR 19 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO JOHN DUDDY 482-3452 RUSS ARCHER 482-9428 OFFICE 482-3766 12. Real estate for sale REDUCED IN PRICE BAYFIELD: Two choice building lots, close to the lake. Power of Sale. Asking 514,000.00. Now both for only $11 600.00 No 184.-37 HIGHWAY NO. 8: Near Holmesville • 57 acres with small home which needs refur• bishing, steel sided driveshed, 20 acres tile drained, 15 acres of bush, balance in scrub bush. Listed at $62,500.00 - now can be bought for 545,000.00 with excellent terms. No. 167.-37 ESTATE SALE: Two • three acre parcels on paved rood, close to everything. Listed at $31,900.00. Now $20,500.00 cash. Located in Bayfield. No. 110-37 OWNER SAYS SELL: Choice Holmesville ' 2 acre building lot, opposite General Store. It s been reduced to 54500.00 frorn $5500.00. -No, 168 37 PLEASE CONTACT BILL CLIF- FORD REAL ESTATE, 76 Hamilton. Street, Goderich, phone 524- 9097 or 524-8951 for more details and showings. BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523- 9338 NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom bungalow, gas forced air heat, under 535,000, Auburn. CLINTON: Princess St., full 2 storey, 6 bdrm- home, good condition, easily duplexed, reasonably pric- ed. 50 ACRES: farrow to finish. for 70 sows, new home, Hwy. No- 86, low interest. F.C.C. mortgage. 50 ACRES: 30 workable, good set of buildings, near Auburn, JAMES ST.: Clinton, 1' 2 floor frame home, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, extra large lot, under '30,000.00, BLYTH: close to uptown, 1'6 floor home, 3 bedrooms, extra large lot, 12 ACRES: 13th of Hullett, large home, nearly new born, price includes 500 cage layers. REDUCED: Spacious and elegant 5 bedroom, brick home, custom finished throughout,. 2 miles from Brussels on 2 acres. Must be seen to appreciate. VANASTRA: 1''2 floor, Victoria Blvd., under '20,000.00. • BLYTH: 1' 2 floor brick home. Targe lot, heated garage artd workshop, RESTAURANT: fully equipped, living accommodation, reason- able price. 91 ACRES: adjacent to Belgrave, good house and general purpose barn., 92 ACRES: 75 workable, 2, mile south of Clinton, Hwy, No. 4, good 3 bedroom home, HOLMESVILLE: 13 odes with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 100 ACRES: general farm, 13th of Hullett. AUBURN: 1', acres with 1 floor frame bungalow and heated shop. 46 ACRES: 22 cropland, 9 acres hardwood bush, large double home large barn, drive shed with workshop, near Varna. HULLETT TWP. 95 acres of good cropland. BLYTH: large 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St LONDESBORO: 1' , floor frame home with large workshop. MORRIS TWP.: 7th Con 150 acres, 100 workable recently drained, log house and frame born 296 ACRES: 180 workable extensive feed lot facility good house low interest F.C.C. mortgage HENSALL: 1 ' , floor home on Richmond St in good condition, financing available 15 ACRES: wooded property near Auburn 2 floor brick home, 2 small sheds, REDUCED: 6 acres near Brucefield good frame home large barn and machine shed HULLETT TWP.: 85 acres 40 workable paved road good building site BLYTH: large 2 floor home carport 6 years old AUBURN: 7 storey framn home in very gond condition. 4 bedrooms well insulated HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL: Hwy ' No 8 198 ,r 264'. Fully serviced Vendor will sell all or part