HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-17, Page 5.40 I\ "7'77 'judge of nothing at first sight*" A sb.oe may look well, and fit badly—may fit well and wear badly, The shoe with a five year records, and the Makers' price stamped on sole is a sure thing, even if lion -ht in the dark. E. J, SPACKMAN. General Agent, General News. British Troop Oil ilLiniment is unsurpassed by any other liniment on the market to -day. i It s composed of healing, soothing and, cicala - ng vegetable oils and extraots, It is put up.in large bottles for the small prioe a 5 cents. Caspar Kruger, eldest son of ex - President Kruger and twenty -tour of the same name, have taken the oath ef allegiance to Great Britain. Rev. DI , N. English, M. A„ for many years principal of Hellmuth Ladies' College has been appointed by the Bishop of Huron to the parish of Southampton. A man in Binghamton, N. Y., has made a discovery whereby whisky can be compressed into bullets. This will be a hard pill for prohibitionists. We have frequently heard of persons be- ing half shot, but the bullet will make - it the whole thing. For Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Burns. Scalds, Biter; of Insects, Croup, Coughs, Colds, HagYard's Yellow 011 will be found an excel- lent remedy. Price 25 cents, All dealer. The rumor regarding bail for Sifton is not likely to amount to very much. .Xudging by precedence, bail under the present cireunastances, no matter for what amount, would be refused. If the jury disagrees at the second trial. bail might be accepted, but the word "bail" at present is analogous with "speculation." A cute chap has been playing Ber- liners for "suckers," so the Record says. He introduces himself as a con - doctor on the Great Northern, with his home at Denver, and that he is out on a vacation. Well he has melt- ed his wad and would like the loan of a fiver. He gets the V, for which he gives a cheque on the First National Bank, at Denver, Col. He takes his leave -and the pigeon finds that the cheque is worthless, The scheme is being worked throughout Ontario, F. J. Byrne, owner of the pipe line under the Detroit river, and doing business as the Interior Construction company, has thrown up both hands and acknowledges that the Canadian gas fields are exhausted. Over a year ago Mr. Byrne commenced driving wells in Canada to reach the Trenton rock. He was driying these wells when Detroit's natural gas supply was cut off, and kept on boring until a week ago, when after reaching a depth of 2,500 feet, he abandoned the undertaking as hopeless. The gas company in Canada is still boring, but Mr. Byrne says Detroit has un- doubtedly seen the last of the natural gas. A traveller, -.who has just driven through West Elgin, spoke of the method the Grits were taking there to defeat Findlay McDarmui, the 0011- servative member, in St. Thomas. The Grits tell Conservatives that it will be a "walk -over" for McDarrnid, while at the same time they are hold- ing nightly organization meetings to prepare for the registratiou vote. Out in the country their candidate, Mc- Crimmon, has made a house to house canvass, asking Conservatives ,•not to beat him too had, and that they, the Grits, are not going to make much of a fight. etc. etc. The same methods are reported from South Perth and South Waterloo, end no doubt in many other places in Ontario the same game is 'being worked. -Wood - 'stock Times. Xing S.. SO will outwear two pairs of common rubbers. For three years '..ve have proved that with g ng .0 'Pm 9 au can stub i,110, ' your f o but you cannot stub the rubbers,' Aing's genuine are Stallilped upon the sole of each rubber with our copy- - righted name do not allow yourself to be de- ceived by imitations. Wing's LEATHER TOP Stag the best on the market, 6 -inch, 9 -inch and 12 -inch tops, with Rolled Edge and Heels. They are ca,rriod in stook, and your dealer can order them for you. The J. D. KING co., Limited have exchtsive• SOWcontrol of all.. /Rubber* Death Of the Egg King Of Can- ada, IVIr, J, D. Moore. M. J. D. Moore, after an illness of several menthe, passed away on Tues- day, April lst,, at Ws residence, St. Marys, at the age of 63 years, in St, Marys Mr. Moore was looked on as one of the business leaders and his reputation as a most extensive egg dealer and exporter madebis name a familiar one throughout the Dominion. He was the pioneer in the egg business in Ontario and established the first cold storage warehouse for eggs and butter west of Montreal. His enter- prise in this regard was a prominent factor in the commerciel development of this district, as before this time cash for eggs and butter was unknown to the farmers of the west, Besides his dealing in farm produce Mr. Moore was a manufacturer and ex- porter of oatmeal, and also conducted a large planing mill and lumber husis nese. He was ready to assist in any- thing for the welfare of the town and was for several years a member of the town council where bis executive abil- ity was often recognized, He was also a member of the public library board, which position be held up to the time of his death. The deceased was a native-born Canadian, his birthplace being Dum- fries, near Galt, where his youthful days were spent on his father's farm, His opportunities for school education were very limited, but he had a natur- al talent for business. When about thirty years of age he came to St. Marys and at once became identified with the business interests of the town, The deceased was twice roarried, his first wife being a Miss Black, of G-alte He leaves a wife and two daughters. Mr, Moore was a member of Knox church, and was very liberal in his church support. His kind-hearted.- ness made him many friends and his death will be highly regretted. A PRINCE -ALBERT LADY SAYS : "1 Havo Great Faith in Diamond Dyes." To the wise woman who buys good good material, Diamond Dyes are a necessity to the economy of the house- hold, and by using these days many perplexiug problems are solved, It is here that good judgment and manage- inent can save much. while the thoughtless and extravagant keep themselves hopelessly poor. Mrs, G. S. Pook, France Albert, N. W, T., says: "I am very pleased with tlae success I have had with Diamond Dyes. I have used the Black for Wool on many occasions, and always got a lovely fast black that kept its bright and full color as long as the goods held together. I dyed a, heliotrcpe cashmere dress for my Mae girl ; it took a rich Cardinal, very even in color, and that stands washing. I have great faith in Diamond Dyes" If you delight in home Mat and Rug making send your address to The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, F'. Q., and be supplied free of cost with the new de- signs of the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns which are ready for hooking. THE WEEK IN PARLIAEST. The debate on the budget, which will close on Tuesday, the 8th inet„ was re- markable this week for inconsistencies of Government speakers. Mr. Ken- dall, Cape Breton, wants free trade and direct taxation; Mr. Turgeon, Gloucester, is confident that free trade will be granted by the Minister of F:nance Mr. MacLaren, of Hunting- don. declares himself to be a free trad- er, but he is willing to bow to the judgment of Ron. W. S. Fielding and become- a protectionigt ; Mr, Holmes. West Huron, admits that there is a split in the Liberal ranks over the tariff question, and warns the Government not to grant further protection ; Mr. Scott, Assiniboia. who won his election on free trade promises, explains that he is first and last a Liberal, and it is a matter of in- difference to him which policy he vot- es for. The Conservatiye speakers present- ed a solid. 'trent. They were Mr. Port- er, West Hastings, who delivered his maiden speech and made a good impression ; Mr, Rosamond, North Lauarke Mr, Pringle, Cornwall ; Mr. Lovell, Leeds and Grenville; Mr- Tay- lor, South -Leeds •' Dr. Roche, Mar- quette; and Mr. LaRiviere, Proyen- , cher. •40anada for Canadians" was the strain that characterized the op- position remarks. Adequate protec- tion to farmers and manufacturers was called for. WEARY BR—Al-N-W ORKERS All fagged out, ideas fiow slowly as molasses, snap and energy .all gone! The buoyancy that made work a pleasure, that gone also. A doctor would say you are run down, enervat- ed, neither eating or digesting enough. It's Ferrozone you need to brace up that fitful appetite and improve as- similation and digestion so that lots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. Fel- rozone will drive away the tired feel- ing, restore your spirits and energy, revive your ambition and strength for work. No tonic or rebuilder like Per rozone-try it. Price 50c, per box, or six boxes fax $2.50 at druggists, or N. 0. Poison & 0o., Kingston, Ont. • .THE CHINESE QUESTION, In 1896 Sir Wilfrid Laurier promised to give serious consideration to the objections of British 0ohlinbia to the freedom enjoyed by Chinese immi- grants. Since that time the leader of the government has had ample time to carry out his pledges, Although reminded many times since of his duty to Beitish Columbia:, the Prime Minis- ter has never been induced to give a straigh t. answer. The Conservatives have challenged the 'government to Safeguard western interests. Bon, Wm. Mulock, the IVIInieter of tabor, has a chance to remove an injustice- Whieh comes direetly in tooch with hie newest department. Children Oil for CASTOR IA. YOUR FAITH ours if you try. hiloh's Consumption and ours is so strong we Cguarantee a cure or refund money, and we send you fret tri al bottle if you write for it. SliInows costs 25 cents and will cure Con- sumption, Pueunionia, „Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and Lius preveet serious results. it has been doiteg these things for 60 years. S. C. Warts St Co., Toronto, Cart. Cu Karl's Clover Root Tea correct...inn Stomach THE 0ANA.D1AN EXODUS. Much has been said in defence of the small increase in the population of Canada, during the decade -1891 to 1901. The government admit that the results are disappointing. Mit they promise better things for the future and one of the reasons for this con- fidence lies in the claim that the exo- dus from Canada, to the United States has ceased. Unfortunately for the govern nien t, the statistics dreamt bear out this statement. The value of household goods admitted duty free into the Uuited States from Canada during the past five years was : 1897 , .... -81,175,000 1898 964,000 1899 .. . .. , –1,037,000 1900 1,144,620 1901 .1,042,237 Does this look as if tho exodus had ceased? There is a buoyant, and ma- terial permanence aboUt this exporta- tion of Canadian household wares to more Southern latitudes. GOT LAME BACK OR LUMBAGO? No need of that DOW. That sort of pain can be knocked out in short or - 'der, for Poison's Nerviline, which is five times stronger than any other, penetrates at once through the tissues. reaches the source of suffering, drives it out and thus gives relief almost instantly, Not magic, but strength that gives Poison's Nerviline this power. 4 Tou will think it magic how- ever if you try it, pain goes so quick- ly. Sold by dealers eyery where, in large 25e bottles. HOW FOREIGNERS ROB O.A.NADA "Since Canada granted a preference to Britain, tons upon tons of German and other foreign textiles have been brought over to England and re- shipped to Canada, after a so Called process of "finishing' in order that they may be classed as goods of Brit- ie.h manufacture. In some cases this "finishing" in England consists simp- ly of taking off the German. French, or ,Austrian labels, doing the goods up again, and then giving them a British name or label. There is no branch cf trade in which this style of smug- gling is carried on to a greater extent than it is in the textile trade." -Bel- fast (Ireland) News. Such a statement, coming as it does from one of the most influential British papers, haviug no political ends to serve in Canada, establishes unquestionably the mischief that is being wrought throughout Canaria. by the preferential ? tariffas it now exists. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.—.Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfeet success. Ib soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, mires wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrlicea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggistsin every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. lts value is "incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. A LESSON TO MACHINE MEN. In the Court of King's Betel], Judge Wuetele recently sentenced Eugene Gagne, to two years in St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary, for impersonating voters and perjury during the munici- pal ;.elections at Montreal. The long term of imprisonment meted out to Gagne should serve as an object; lesson to those who haye engaged in ma- chine methods in Ontario. Private persons have at last found it necessary to conduct prosecutions. when those in authority, whose duty it is to bricg the guity to justice, fail to do their duty. During. the coming campaign in Ontario violations of the election laws will be met by equally severe n3easures. The day of the political thugs is rapidly drawing to a close, now that prison doors have beer) thrown open for his reception. ransx"eatessessmartwer Bird -Shot For Tiger. No use to hunt tigers with bird -shot. It doesn't hurt the tiger any and it's awfully risky for you. Consumption is a tiger among diseases. It is stealthy —but once started it rapidly eats up the flesh and destroys the life, No use to go hunting it with ordinary food and med- icine. That's only bird:shot. It still advances. Good heavy charges of Scott's Emulsion will stop the advance. The disease feels that. Scott's Emulsion makes the body strong to resist. It soothes and toughens the lungs and sustains the strength until , the disease wears itself out. • Send for free sample. • BCorr . Icroet liCOlitif8 FOR IWOIIIJNORO Kitchener's Week End Report Tells of Severe Fighting, ConlInandanz Forgioter Amonetho Doer Had 100 Casualties - Gan. IlamMtOn and Col. grltowiell Driving tile Erienk,r-Orithot retro Oentered-rteple Sent to the 'Goers at Pretoria by the lIr1th311 Government. London, April 15. -News of severe fighting in. the Trans vital at the, end of last Week Ita.4 been sent by Lord Kitchener, who report that about two hundred Boers 'Were killed, wounded or captured. There were about a hundred British casualties. The British also captured three guns and a considerable quantity of sup- plies, Commandant Potgleter was among the Boers killed. several Dees, rigs tine. Lord Kitchener, in a despatch. dat- ed Vona. Pretoria, Sunday, April 15, recounts how Colonel Ocilenbrander, after locating Commandant Boyers' laage at Pzel 'Cop, moved his force by different routes from Pietersburg, Transvaal Colony, blocking the prin- cipal lines of retreat. The fighting commenced April 8, when the Innis - killing Fusiliers attacked Molips- poort, covering the 130er position, and by dusk had seized a hill east- ward of the poort, after considerable fighting,. resulting ,in. Colonel Murray being wounded . and Lieut. Lincoln being killed. An officer anct five men were woun,ded. Since then the open- ations continued daily. Colenbrancl- er's latest report. April 12, gave the Boer losses in Wiled, wounded and prisoners as 109 men. The Colonel hoped to be able, to report further captures. Commandant Potgiotor The most severe fighting occurred April 11 in western Trausvaal where General lan Hamilton has replaced Gen. Methuen in command of the 13ritish troops, The Boers attacked Colonel Kekewich's force near Rooi- wal, and fightieg at close quarters ieinenacsLi iedndig. n. g Commandant Potgieter, The Boers were repulsed, on the field 44 men killed, and 34 wounded. The British cap- tured 20 wounded prisoners. Accord- ing to last accounts, General Ian Hamilton was pursuing the remain- der of the Boer commands. The British losses in this fight were six men killed and fifty-two wounded. At the beginning of the pursuit Col. Kekewich captured two guns, a. pom- pom, a quantity of ammunition and a number of wagons. A BriStslt Reverse. A. force of Boers recently over- whelmed a strong British patrol sent out from Bultfontein, Orange River Colony, to cleat- distant farms. An officer and two men were killed, four- teen men were wounded, and the re - /paining members of the patrol were surroun.ded and captured. Lord Kitchener mentions holding an in- quiry into this reverse. New Zealanders' Heavy Loss. The casualty list published last evening shows that the 8th New Zea- land Regiment lost 13 men killed and 15 men injured on April 12, in a railroad accident, near Machivie. 1 THE BORK COMMUNICATION. Amounted to Little More Than a Request to Cable 3Ir. Kruger. London, April 15. --It is said that the communication of the Boer lead- ers to Lord Kitchener amounted to little more than a request for per- mission to use the cable in consult- ing Mr. :Kruger and the Boer dele- gates in Europe regarding a basis for a peace settlement. There is a distinctly hopeful feeling in official quarters. isepie to the B00311. Replying in the House of Commons yesterday to the Liberal leader, Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, who asked whether any terms of peace .had been suggested by the Boer lead- ers in South Africa, the Government leader, Mr. A. J. Balfour, said it was impossible, at present, to say more than that a message had been received Saturday from the Boer leaders through Lord Kitchener, and that a reply had been sent to them. Further communication was expect- ed. Peace Itroposalm of the Boors. The Rague, April 15. -From those close in touch with the Boer leaders 'here, it appears that the latest se- cret despatch from South Africa out- lines the peace proposals now under discussion at Pretoria. They elosely follow the summary given on Satur- day last by The Evening News of Edinburgh, with the following Orli- tional 'details; "The Boers accept a British Lord Commissioner, with a Boer Execu- tive, both to be resident at Pretoria, "The country to be divided into districts, with British district offic- ers and a Boer committee chosen by polling, by the burghers. The veto right to be reserved to the British pVernment. The majority of the British officers miiet pc conversant with the Dutch language, "Johannesburg to be retroceded to tho British with a complete British civil organization. A war indemnity of at least £10,000,000 to be ,dis- tributed by mixed committees, "Disarmameat to occur when the first batch of 13oer prisoners is sent baek to South Africa, - "No war tax to be le -vied. "Both languages to be recognized in the schools and coUrts, tied in of- fiei al documents. "The expense of the garrisons in. South Africa to be borne by Great 131:i:t•ittliith:present Boor leaders to be re - a'n'd in office so fhte as possible." e,• te:zes lee": tilleVitilAt, .tondon, April 15.-A despatch Wm Wellington to The Timee says that. at a 'luncheon to the tenth eon_ e, Cattede, . • 50e end $1,6e; all druggists, DR. W. H. 1"1-,..RAHAM, i'llnIst. West,. I No, i Clarence -square, corner Spa.dina, avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc,, (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gicet and Stricture ox Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all bad after effects. Diseases of Won- en—Painful, profuse or suppressed menstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb, Oorroz HOURS -9 a, m. to 8 v. m. Sunday 1 to 3p. tn. sursonaverielr =gent going sent irom rixe Colony for service in. South Africa, Premise - Seddon said only between twenty and thirty officers conunisstons had 'been allotted to New Zealand. Mr. Seddon vehemently condemned what he declared wao a breach of faith on the part of the Imperial War Office in refusing nominations alter the patriotism which the colony had dis- played, • Tttree anallIans .0ttawa, April 15.-4 cablegram to Nis Excellency from Clape Town re- ports , the following casualties: Ben- jamin Spring of the South African Constabulary, dangerous ill of en- terie fever, at Potchrestruom; John A. Wilson ot the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, dangerously ill Of enteric,. at Elandsfontein. Spring's mother is Mrs. Warren of Castleton, Ont.; Wilson's father is Edward Wilson of Iitunilton road, London, Oat, and Robinson belongs to Halifax, N.S, liarried Mem Mort -ed. April 15. -The Militia De- • partment yesterday issued a notice stating that married men and wid- owers will not be accepted for the South African contingent. Nelson, Slocan City and Grand Forks have beeu added to the recruiting points in British Columbia, and Macleod and Battleford to the recruiting points M the Territories. In south- ern Manitoba recruiting will take place at Morden. Deloraine, Souris and Carman, beginning on 24th inst. To Ile P.iectrocuted :nay 5. New York, April 8. -Lawyer Pat- rick will be electrocuted May 5. He has been taken to Sing Sing. VW. Exeter, APRIL lien, 1901. Wheat per bushel Oats Barley....... Peas Butter.-- ...a Eggs Turkeys ... Geese Chickens per lb Ducks 71 to 72 37 to 39 . t tg. 75 ...17 to 17 11 to 11 9 to 8 6 to 6 5 to 5 7 to 7 . .. 16 to 16 Dried Apples..........-6 to 6 Pork live weight.. 3565 to 35.65 -4.61.9•01Z1.11011O11111 FIELD an Garden Seeds We have just received a nicely assorted lot of Field and Garden seeds from the D. M. Ferry and the Steele Briggs seed houses. These are fresh, new goods—to us rt least, and lower in price than last year. We think these people offer seed true to name and excellent in quality.. We will be pleased to have a part of your trade and will appreciate your good will. We shall shortly have a quantity of seed corn to offer. We are selling canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes at 7c each. W. TREVETHIGK. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascortair our opinion free whether an 1nYention is prol ably patentable. Communion, Mons strictly ecnridential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oident agency for securing patents. Patents taKen through Munn & Co. reeetve spade( notice, without cnarge, In the scientific American. A handsomely' illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold bynil newadealers. MUNN &Co 36 1 Broadway, New york Branch office, 425 F' St., Wathington, D. C. ge001.00111000@eeeelleeeeeSeee • IF' NOTHING TURNS UP • a TURN SOMETHING UP: 41 0 A course of training in the• ,) Cen!.rt '0: • • • STRATFORD, ONT 0 enables young mon and women to so- 0 0 cure employment at good wages im- Q mediatory on leaving college, This is 0 0 the school that unjoys the reputation oi 0 doing the best wore in business educe- 0 0 Um The graduates of the eelloce aro 0 In strong demand as teachers in bueiness • 0 colleges in Cabana and the United Stat. 0 es. This is the school for you and your 0 0 friends. Write for eatalegue. 0 W. T. ELLIOTT)60 , 1) Principal 0 004114091,00eseeeineeefeeeeette INSIMANCE, ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN Ass -uneaten Cow Pawn of Toronto; also fax the P1RCENIX FIRE NSORANOE COMPANY, Of London, Sitgland I 4.1.1LIANOTO IMP:MANOR COMPANY, of Er e and MEDICAL P J. IL rtivERs, M. B. TORONTO MU - jut TERSITY, M. D. 0. Itt. Trinity TJniver- ity. Otlice-Crediton. On t, 1 . BROVNINO M. D. 11.0. . P. 8, Gradeate Vlototia Juiversity office andreeidepee, Doniiniou Labora- tory, Exeter. 11 GAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Parristers, Solicitors, Notaries. (Jonveyeneers, Commissioners, Solicitors fax the Molsone Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-1.1 AIN STREET, 6EXETER. 8. R. CARLING, E. A. L. IL DICKSON F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL KINZMAN, L. D. S. AND -s-e• DR. .i8.. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. SnEronor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extraw-ed without pain or bad after effents. Offiee m Fan - son's block. West side of Main Ireet, Exeter D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D• S. DEN TIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University. and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. ' Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work. crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bros store Exeter, Ont. pASTURE TO LET, For horses or cattle on reasonable terms. Stock to be taken on the ranch, on Lot 1, cor- ner of Elondyke road and Stibbins side -road, on and after April 14th, when a man will take oharge of them during the season, For further particulars apply to GEO. WATTS, Thedford, Ont. NOTICE. Parties are hereby tcautioned not to nego- tiate or honor a note in favor ofJames Hannan drawn in the latter part of December, 1900, at 9 months, for the sum of eighteen dollars, pay- able1attShipka, and signed by MRS. J OEN NESONIYANGER FARM FOR SALE. That beautiful farm property being compos- ed of lot 29, con. 1, London road, Township of Usborne, containig 100 acres, This is it desir- able property in a high state of cultivation, situated midway between Hensall and Exeter If not sold privately on or before the 1st of March will be sold with the chattels by pub- lic auction on the premises on lth March, 1902. For terms and particulars apply to the pro- prietor, Thos.fflawkins, or to Thos Cameron, auctioneer. F°' SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale en reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No- 86, south of Hump Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- pty of hard and soft water, The property is up to data, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply tci esicrsoN Ss CARLING barristers Exeter, or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0„ Penne., U. S A.., proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Wm. D. Yet). late of the village of Loxeter, in the county of Enron, merchant deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chap- ter 129 R. S. 0. 1897 that all persons having claims against the istate of the said Wm. D, Yea, who died on or about the 25th day of March, A, D. 1919, are required to send or deliver on or before the 19th, day of April 1902, to J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors, their names, addresses and occupations, with particulars of their claims, statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, (if any) hold by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date, the said executors will pro- oeed to distribute the :Issas of the said , deceased among the parties entitled thereto,: having regard only to the claims of which6 notice shall have been given as above required and the said executors slaan not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any nen. son or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall net have been received at the time o such distribution. 3. G. STANSURY, 11; xe er, Ont. Solicitor for the Executers, 1 Dated at Exeter, the 2nd day of April, 1902. " WA.NTED — AT WINNIPEG MAN. - Owing to the rapid progress of the country and the 'prospects of ft heavy season's work there Will bo a demand fax an additionel nunn d btik1ayetst Milson Building Exchange Winnipeg Mea. SV per hone. Apply, T, DAVIDSON Sol 5 Packg of Cards Free, 111.0MCMIRIMIII6A1 One Peck, "May 1. C. U. Home," One Pak "Escort" One Pack, "Flirtation" One Nest) eHold-to light." One Peek, "Our Sofa ,fu Rams Two." Sample of 21 other styles, with hook fall of notions. sena Be silver for postage. armouth, s N. ANTIS% Responsible Manager (integrity unquto must be estionable) take ()have of distribution depot, and office to bo openrclin nannett to further hi -oleos leterests of an old eetabilshed marmfaetering concerti. Salery $150 per month. and extra, profits. Applicant tenet haVO ;WOO to $9000 °ash and good steed- ing, Address, Supt. 13, 0. Boit 1151, Philadel: phia, Poe ianos and Organs. At popular prices and easy terras of payment.), We sell the celebrated fieitz man & Co, Pianos, (the Art Pianos of Canada.) The choice of Royalty for their tour cf Can - ads., If you want something cheap- er we can show you pianos of other makes which will be no dis grace to the most elegant parlor, oams.grisosmamaca..• In sewing machines we carry the New Williams, 4aymond ad White, also needles and supplies for all machines. The latest sheet music' always in stock. Call and set. Si MARTIN BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Do you Want a uggy? We have the finest, stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newest colors. Our prices are low as can be fonnd for first-class material and workman- ship. BEFORELYOU BUY GALL fIND BEE -US. J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. BROWNING'S i'uoc g tote Headquarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and. Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. .A.I Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES W. BROWNING Domillin laboratoril. MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of imterest. DICKSON Ss CARLING Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. have a large amount of private funds to loan on farni and village pi opertits at /ow rat of interest. F , W. GLADIVIAN_ Barrister main St. Exeter. CUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and you will get hy return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you in IViOnis lVforizr in one month than anything else 10 America, A. VV, ICarmir, E. T. Yarreon tb, .IMPORTANT TO HOG " RAISERS - You Can save money time and feed by keep- tIng your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive otter and keep healthy. Make the hog coin- ortable and he will put en flesh. Yon can do o with a very little expence by ereeting (Ped- lar's Patent) The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed. mple of construction, make it yourselvee. end $2.00 01 registered letter for farm righb rtifleate and plan of construction to JOUN Ponmen, Exeter, Olit, IStent applied for, "Christmas Box" Full of onderruI Things ft= Portraits Of Aotressee, 20 PopularSonge A LW Magic Toleseope and Pielaires, 50 AMOR. trig Experiments, Love's plume, 20 nolytises,100 Fenny Cotrundrturis, Book of Love, Genie Of Letters, 1VTagic Writing, $24 Sally JOkeS, Receipt for Moustache Grewer11.00 Money Mak- ineeecretS, 110 Toi et and Cookinglieeeipee, 255 Seleetions for Autogeaph Arbunis 10 Model Love Letters, How to Tell Vortenes,pletionater of Dreams, Guide to Flirtation, Magl0 Age Table, Lover's Telegraph, end our itetv Cat, or Kente TosseBeeke tied Notitims, a.n bit melt FRE E, for de, Sil,YOr tO.,118,3". Peetaletn :A* W., IeINNE T Yarinbtith. 141,.