HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-17, Page 4The Molsons Bank mitocaTimplly pARLIAMENT, 1333 ale lip Capital • — 4, a500,000 ()wee Viand — -42,0Sa000 Head Ofticielefestrealt. JAMES glanCYT, ESQ., UrNtlXlig. Mexesisa lifeaey aavanoed to gave f annexe en their on ilebe with One or more endorser at 7 per rant, pee aneure. Exeter Breech Open every lawful day from 10 a. m, to 3 p.m SexteetnAers, 10 a, ea. to 1 p. m. errant rates et interest allowed Op deposits. 01QICSON 8e- CARLING, N. D. RT.TEDON, SOLIOITORS. MANAGER Exeter, Dec. erth, '05. Calericia.r for April, 1902 eimenex..... 6 18 20 27 Moxiee.Y 7 14 21 28 1 S 15 22 29 WEDNESDAY, - . 2 9 16 28 80 TEDJESDA.Y . . .. . . , 8 10 17 24 Beeneeeea ....... 4 11 18 25 EUvricenee:v5 12 19 26 I0111•10..0.4, (flemOttE tilitit., I se THURSDAY. APRIL reria, 1902, — NOTES AND •00M1VIENTS, All the planks in the Liberal plat- form of, 1893 might be run through that stamp -cancelling machine which Hon. Williatn Mulock is importing from the United States. - The registrarship of Huron is still vitermt. It is intimated that Mr. M. Y. McLean, who is to run as the naa- chine candidate in South Huron, is to get the office 'in the event of his de- feat. • s • The census of 1881 cost $456,904, that of 1891, $570,115, a,nd that of 1901, I thus far $986,296. A further sum, of $183,703, will be required to complete it, so that the total cost of the census ef 1901 will be about $1,170,000. s st r - In its City article a March 18th, the Eirnes says the decline ha consols on le London Stock Exchange. yester- day was partly due to a revival a the liscussioe in regard. to the finances of he United Kimgdone for the next fis- ;al year. A defizit of M7,000,000 is mpected;and it is possible M0,000,000 mill be raised by a loan. • • • • Rev. J. E. Starr, of Toronto, thinks he chaneee of succeee in the referen- lum are bmftone• in a. thousand. In III address on prohibition the other light before the Epworth League of he Central Methodist church, in Tor - into, Rev. J. E. Starr characterized he referendum as "the unfairest piece ff legislation ever presented to any egislative body in the world." It was iot a referendum at all, be said, be- muse not having the force of law, it :mild be repealed by Mr. Whitney in ase he carne into power instead of 11r. Ross. Mr. Whitnev, the speaker aid, has declared for the license sys- em, and as to hope from the Reform 'arty, prohibitionists much see that he referendum is false, and the prob- &ditty is if the bill carries in spite of he difficulties in the way, it would be roted at Ottawa. Even if Mr. Ross is *turned to power and the referendum :smiled, the speaker thought, the com- iensation tag showed its swindle. 3etween the two parties, be urged. he bill has not one chance in a thous- ind of being put into effect, lint if nen were true to their principles the eaurch would sweep the liquor traffie int of existence. • • • "Two Knights of the Grip" both of vhom say they care nothing for poli- ,ics, were talking to a Hamilton Vimes man when the scribe asked. low the election was going. Both mid that the general opimon all over i ;he province s that there is going to se a change, and that Whitney was s iure winner. Asked as to how they eot this opinion, one said, "I bear it m the cars every day, and amongst ;he travellers at the hotel. Travellers, is a,rule, you know, are not politi- iians, because it would not pay, as we save to deal with both sides. Whit- aey's manly speech on the referen- lutn settled it." The other said.— Phe scandals have done a lot of harm to the Government; but the people want a change. Yon will never five to see a government in power vain for over 30 years. The younger generation think tbet eight year is Long enough, and it is not good for the nountry to be in one rut for so long a period. I foretold the result of the last general elections but I see far stronger evidences of the change now." , slialf g rs,•,., 0, ,.. "I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1,848. Since then 1 hoe taken it every spring as a blood-Ntrifying and nerve - strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. 1 , If You feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin) then begin _ to take the good old stand- arcl family medicine 7 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's regular nerve •a I/ i E. utter, a perfect blood builder. $1.00 a Wee, All iltaggisis. Ask yottr doctor what he thinks of Ayer'a Sarsaperilla. Do knows all about this grand old tamlly Mod Leine. veneer We advice and 'We 'fon be Satisfied, 3, C. Arlta ocaremen,ritese, 1110110N, NORM all the MOWS 01 interest to Times Readers Happening in these Gounties Heiron Mr. John Krell), au old resident of Stephee, died last week. The South Huron License .Commis- siouers will meet at Hensall on the 18th inst. Samuel McBride sold his farm as the Goshen line, Stanley, to his son, Robert. The Goderich township council have purchased a Massey roadgrader which will be a great benefit. Jr. Sturgeon, of Bayfield, has broken the record of herring fishing by lifting as many as ninety dozen in one catch. Milharn's Sterling neadache Powders give women prompt relief from monthly pains and leave no bad atter effect whatever. Es sure ru get Mllburo's. Price 10 and 25 cents. All alors Mr. F, W. B'arncombe, of McBride and Faincombe, has beeu taking lev- els for Logan's chain in Stanley town ship for several days past. Brussels Post: A letter from a friend at Cape Town, South Africa, says :— Rents and living are very high here. Butter is 46 cents per pound and eggs 75 cents per dozen. If there ever was a speofic for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are e, specific for sick bead - ache, and every women should know this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. The executive of the West Huron Prohibition Alliance Hall, Goderich, meet on Friday next, 18th inst., one o'clock, to consider the political situa- tion, now that the party conventions have beeu held. A very pleasing event occurred on Wednesday evening last at the home of Mrs. J, 0. Millian, Goderich, when her eldest daughter, Miss Emma M., was united in Marriage to George Fow- ler, of Saltford. Arthur Mtgee, of Turnberry, and his son, James, aged about 14, were engaged burying a large boulder on Monday, when the stone moved, slipp- ed into the bole, and crushed the lite out of the unfortunate boy. The Epworth League of Wingham, held a. very novel entertainment in the way of a "Shoe" social. The admission fee charged was a sum equal to twice the size ef one's shoe. The treasury of the League was enriched by about $20, as a malt 01 the entertainment. Theessential lung- healing principle of the pine tree has finally b een successfully separat- ed and. refined intol a perfect cough medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by ell dealers on a guarantee of satreaction. Price 25 cents. Mr. Horace Townsend, late of Park River, N. D., has bought the farm owned and occupied by Arthur Ciente- lon, being lot 29, COO, 2, cf Tucker - smith township. for the sum of $5,000, and takes possession at once. Mr. Townsend finds no place like old Hur- on. and Tuckersenith in particular. Miss H. Annie Campbell, of Goder- ieh passed away on Saturday last, at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Tutt, after a long illness of consump- tion. The deceased' was twenty-four years ofeage, ,Besides her mother she leaves her brother, Kenneth, of Tole- do, Ohio, and a sister, Miss Kate, at home. The farm of 97 acres, on the 2rid con., owned by .Tancies Tremeer, of Smithville, has been sold to John F. Dale. Hullett, for the sum of :34,500. The farm is at present under the ten- acy of Thos, Biggin, ,whose term has not yet expired. We understand that Mr. Da -e has purchased the farm for his son. The annual joint excursion of the West and South Huron Farmer's In- stitutes to the Ontario Agricultural College will be held on Friday. June 20th. The excursion will probably be run from points along the London Huron and Bruce, north and south, and also from the Buffalo and Goder- ich branches. At the manse, Wingham, on Wed- nesday of last week, Mr. Chas. Mar- tin a,nd Miss Mary Burgess, of the luevale road. were married by Rev. D. Perrie. In the evening a very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. Charles Henderson, Bluevale road, by the many friends of the oung couple. Death is slowly but surely claimieg the old settlers of Huron county. The death of Patrick Lynn, of Goderich, which occurred on April 2nd, took from us one of the oldest and hest - known residents of the county of uron. For the past five tnonths the deceased, who had attained his eighty- third year had complained of not feel - ng well, but his illness did not assume serious a.speet until about two onths ago. 13ut in spite of medical id and the unremitting attention of is devoted wife, the patient gradually ecame weaker until death ensued. Arthur 'Niasori, of BrucefleId, left on 'hursday for the west, with a carload f fine stock. In the lot were two ex ellent stallions and seven other orses. One team was purchased pecially for a gentleman in Manitoba, e is also taking with him Robert barter's bull, which was recently old to a gentleman out Mere. Mr. ason only returned a couple of week!, go, where he succeeded in eyndicat- n g to stallions, at gool figures. On his tree be will be accompanied by obert IVIerizies, of McKillop, who is akieg out a stallion. Mrs, Herbert Elford died very sucl- lenly on Wednesday evening at the ensile, residence, Hohnesville, eased was president of the Huron (Witty W. 0. T. IL, arid was widely mown and very highly esteemed for ler many admirable qualities She was born in Leicestershire, England, n Dee. '27,1842. Emigrating to this &entry in 1843, with the other rriern ere of her father's family, she found her first home in ()amnia, in Mono ,ownehip. Mr, and Mrs, Elford, in 874, bong,ht, the fa,rte in Gm:Teter:1i Township, where they have faithfully Constipation Does your bead ache? Palo back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills, They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. 2$0. AU druggists. Want your Moustache or beard a beautiful brosvp or rich blaok? Then ueo BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttilligrers Oltucayrts, olt H. P. HAL at CO., Mato" N.H toiled and lived together up to the time of her death. It is our sad duty this week to re- cord the death of Elizabeth Stroud, he - loved wife of T. G, Graham, took place at Winghean, on Monday last. Deceased had been ailing for some Wile, and last fall onderwent successful operation for the removal of an (merlon tumor. She appeared to be improving nicely until about Christmas time, That dread trouble, cancer, was the immediate cause of death. Tbe death of Hattie P, Fisher, be- loved wife ot Mr. John A. McLean, and eldest daughter of Postmaster Fisher occurred at the family rule dence. Wingham, early Tuesday morning last at the age of 80 years. Mrs. McLean bad enjoyed her good health up till Monday evening, when early in the evening she was taken ill. Medical aid was at ouce eimm.oned and all that was possible to do was done for her, but she passed peacefully away early on Tuesday morning, be- ing ill only five hours. Two of Kippen's most popular resi- dents, Wesley Harvey: and Miss Mary Cudmore, were married on Wednes- day evening, April 8th, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents on the London read. Friends to the number of seventy-five or more sat down to a sumptuous and dainty dinner which Was fully enjoyed. The presents were numeroue, costly and useful, testifying to the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Harvey are held. M. and. Mrs, Harvey take up their residence at the old family residence in Stanley, Mr. Flarvey, Sr., having retired from farm work, has taken up his residence in Hensall and left his son to succeed him. WHY SNIFFLE AND SNEEZE? Don't snuffle any more with a cold in the head, just carry a CATARRH°. ZONE INHA.LER in your vest pocket, use it now and again and yoa wont have colds. Catarrhozone knocks out a cold, iu ten minutes, kills a headache in five tnintites., and hard racking coughs in half an hour. Inhale the pleasant Oatarrhozone vapor five minutes four times daily and it will cure Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deaf- ness, Asthma and Catarrh in any part of the system. Catarrhozone is the most direct, modern and scientific method, and is' guaranteed to give satisfaction. Complete two months' treatment costs $1.00, trial size 25c. Druggists or N. 0. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. Middlesex If a child eat 3 ravenously, grinds the teeth at night and picks its nose, you may almost be certain it has worms and should administer without delay Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup this remedy contains its own cathartic. R. Knowles died at his home on the townline between Blanshard and Bid- dulph on Sunday 6th. The remains were interred in Kirkton cemetery. % Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness. tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are re- lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion, Will'ana F. Kane, second eldest son of John F. Sane of Lucan, died of smallpox at the Isolation hospital Hart's Islaud New York city, on Fri- day last. He contracted the disease the previous Monday. The funeral was held at New York. Thos. Evans, jr, of Prospect Hill, was severely injured at a saw- ing bee on the farm of Milton Hayes on Saturday last. A large pile of fence rails, which were standing on end, fell over and crushed his leg and badly scarrecl his tace. Fprtunately the rails fen on the frame of the saw- ing machine, or he and Mr. Hayes and Wm. Wright, who were working alongside him, would have been in- stantly killed. Mr. Hayes sustained light injuries to his face. H. Svveitzer, of Belton Street, Lon- don, was foued dead in his bed on Fri- day, April 11. The old gentleman who was in his 83rd year, had not been in good health of late, but his demise was entirely unexpected. Mrs. Swit- zer and a grown-up family, all residing outside theecity, snrvive. The re - mans were shipped to Centralia, arid conveys d from there when they were interred in the Oiediton cemetery, de- ceased having at one time been a resi- dent of that place. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative 'aroma Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. Nr ..Grove's signature is on each box. 25e Soft Harness 'YOU CAA make your bar. nese as soft as a glove and rie WIWI as wire by neIng Enneetee. /far. nese Oil. You can lengthen lin Ilfe-rciake huh twice as long as it ordinarily would. E EKA Harness 011 wakes ;spoor looking bar. Seas like new, Mede of thirtS. hoavY bodied oil, wi- pe/31411y prepared to with, gang" the weather, SOld everywhoro ia cana-ail melee. adetyliarlitiAli OIL 06712Alt, Perth It is rumored that Fred Davis, ex - Mayor, of Mitchell, has bought the New Bedford hotel in Goderich. Dr, G. D, Stanley, son of Ur, T. D. Stanley, of Se, Marys, and Mr. Geo. E. Ash, his brother.in-law, have started up a drug and jewelry business at High River, Alberta, The action of Oartees Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels but do nob pnrge. They are sure to please, Try them. The St. Marys waterworks pumped in the month of March this year 815,- 550 gallons of water, an average of 26,808 per day, in comparison with 667,284 gallons pumped in 1001, an average of 21,525 gallons per day. Mr. Chas, Lewis, who is employed in the blacksmith shop at the Maxwell works, St. Marys, met with an acci- dent last week. While working around the drop 'hemmer, he got his thumb crushed underneath it. This v; ill probably resalt in the loss of his thu rub. Encouraged by the. report of the Government geological experts to whom the cuttings have been sub- mitted, as well as by the response of the directors of the Natural Gas Com- pany, St. Marys, have signed a con-' tract with Mr, Oox to drill another 100 feet down. This will take about three weeks to do and will make the well 1560 feet deep, If the signs hold good —and they ought to—gas will be found. On Wednesday evening of last week Miss Katie S, Myers was united in marriage to Mr. Alex. Fisher, city editor of the Beacon. The ceremony, was performed by the Rev, M. L. Leitch, pastor of Knox church, of which the contracting parties are both i members. The bride s one of Strat- ford's most estimable young ladies, and has been a valued member of Knox church choir. Mr. Fisher is a sou of Township Clerk, A. M. Fisher. A very pleasant event occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Henderson, of con. 7, East Nissouri, on April 9th, it being the marriage of their daughter, Eliza Jane, to Thos. Walters, a young farmer of West Nissouri. The ceremony was perform- ed in the presence of about eighty of the most intimate friends of the con- taacting parties. The wedding pres- ents e videnced the high esteem in which the young were held by their many friends, who were present from Toronto, Wingham. London,Crediton, Thorndale, Thamesford and other places. PfAINE'8 CELERY COMPOUND TETE Gnat Wino MaliGinc. WHILE IT DRIVES OUT THE SEEDS OF DEADLY DISEASES IT QUICKLY BUILDS UP FLESH AND MUSCLE, A Marvellous Restoration Vouched For by a Prominent Clergyman. THE CURED MAN SAYS: "I Feel Like a New Man, Which Oon- dition I Owe to the Blessing of Gnd and Paine's Celery Compound." Thousands of families to -day mourn the loss of near and dear ones who, when sickness first came upon them, were forced to use other medicines in- stead of the great disease banisher, Paine's Celery Compound, We earnestly appeal to the relatives and friends of the suffering, to break away from the bondage of medical etiquette and dictation, in order that the suffering ones naay have a surer and. happier hope of a new life. The one remedy known to medicine that can brine vigor, strength and permanent health to the weak, run- down, rheumatics, neuralgic, dyspep- tic and those burdened with kidney and liver troubles, blood diseases and derangements of the digestive orga- nism, is Dr. Phelps great medical pre- scription, Paine's Celery Compound. The following letter from Mr. W. R. Daniels, Lawrencetown, N. S., will surely inspire every suffering man and woman with fresh courage and hope. Mr. Daniels'. cure is vouched for by Rev. C. M. Tyler, a prominent clergy- man of the Methodist church : "I feel constrained for the benefit of suffering humanity, to add my testi- mony to the wonderful effects of your Paine's Celery Compound. I was in- duced to try your compound through its wonderful effect upon a Mr. Parks. I had. previously used a vast quantity of patent and doctor's medicines, only to find myself growing weaker. After using your Paine's Celery Oonipound to the number of five bottles, I gained 43 pounds, 'and I am able to work hard all day, as a mason, with comfort to myself. I feel like a new ina,n, which condition I owe to the blessing of God and your Paine's Celery Oom p o The Montreal Witness, that staunch temperance paper which never printed a liquor edvertisern en t,says: "The Pre- hibition Alliance, recommends that no stone be left unturned to get a proliihi- tionist into the field. Even supposing there was no hope, as some deep :rid- ingly declare, of getting the quota of votes required, would that be a ieason for not mustering as strongly as pos- sible at the polls ? On this latter poiet we have ourselves no question ab all, If this referendum prove% that there is au overwhelming public opinion in fevor 01 prohitition, no Governmeet wilt be debate ed by any arbitrary Hesitation as to numbers from passing a prohibitory law. But under any circumstances the intensity and breadth of the prohibition feeling in the country being brought to the referendum test and duly registered will be oil record foe years and years to tome as a grunge for politieiane arid *seatestuati to go by." "SPHSOSHOH. ttlk4 tt 4 I COAL -STEEL COMPROIVHS. steel company rakes over Coal entaPauX on a Guaranteed 8 rev Coot. Battle -New Steel resite. Montreal, April 15.—The details of the compromise yesterday between the poneenon Coal Company and the Domaruon Iron a:. Steel Company will prove interesting reading, Wider the terms of the deal the Steel °Mel- t pany takes over the Coal Company, and guaranteed 8 instead of 6 per ' cont. (as Called for to the original option) on the common stock of the Coal Company, which makes this is- sue practically an 8 per cent, bond. The Coal Company, by an issue of ie5,.000,000 of commoa stock, retires the 88,000,000 preferred stock and. the $3,000,000 of bonds. Tints the Steel Company will have to pay the 8 per cent. on $20,000,000 Coal common. , The Steel Company, by an issue of $5,000,000 new common stock at 60, will raise money to complete its Sydney plant. This will make the Steel Company's capitalization as follows: Bonds, $8,000,000; prererred stock, $5,000,000; common stock, 820,000,000; total, .$33,000,000. The Pilot le Blamed. Ottawa, April 15. Commander Spaiu returned. from St, John yes- terday; wherci he was holding a, court of enquiry into the grenindthg Of the Lake Superior. Commander Spain is returning on Thursday to take COM: - mend of the vessel, and will - give his jUdgmont in open court.. It will. he that the pilot. is guilty and re- sponsible for the grounding of the vessel. Sarnia Bylaw Carried., Sarnia, April 15.—The ratepayers of Sarnia voted on two money by- laws yesterday. One to raise $3,000 for tho purchase of a public library Site, on which to erect the $15,000 Carnegie library building, the other to raise $10,000 by 'debentures for permanent road improvements. The library bylaw Was carried by a ma- jority of 28: To (40 to Eu -land. Ottawa, April 15.—Prof. James W. Robertson, 00211111ISSi011er of Agricul- ture and Dairying, will leave to -day for England on an important mis- sion. It is probable Prof. Robert- son's trip to the Old Country has to do With the handling in England of Canadian ffroducts which are to go forward during the summer in. cold storage. Arnprior P.U. Dead. Arnprior, April 15.—An Old and re- spected resident in the person of Mr. George Craig, police magistrate, died auddenly at his residence here last evening. Deceased leaves a wife, four sons and two daughters to his loss. ppoloted Crown ProLeettreir... Montreal, April 15.—Mr. Rodolphe Lemieux, M.P. for Gaspe, has been appointed Crown Prosecutor for the Montreal district. It is understood' Mr. Lafontaine, Who has the posi- tion at present, has retired. 1, Tunnel the Si, I an;reade. Montreal, Que., April 15.—The South Shore Railway Co. will have a bill before the Railway -Committee to -day to constiuct a tuaner uader th.c St. Lawrence in place of .a bridge. Czain For Coronation Arch. Winnipeg, April 15.—On Saturday the C.P.R. shipped met a carload of pressed Manitoba wheat, with straw and heads, for use in the -papadian grain arch to be erected in tendon, Eng. Three at S20,000. Montreal, April 15.—There is such a boom on the Montreal Stock Ex- change that three . of the ftveLseats created the other,daY • were sold -yes- terday 'Morning for -820,000. each. col. Tl. ompson to Go. Ottawa, April 15.—Lieut.-Col. An- drew T. Thompson, 'ALP., will accom- pany the Canadian coronation con- tingent as major, arid will have charge of the infantry units. 040 I. Halifax, April 15.—The steamer Corinthian sailed at 1 o'clock yester- day morninfy'for Liverpool. The par- ty of twenty Canadian school teach- ers sailed on the steamer. :•titgar Beet Itylaw carripd. Bachm, April .15.— The Township of 'Wilmot sugar beet bylaw was car - lied yesterday by a majority or 643 votes, the vote being: fort 663; against, 20. Instead of re iueing the cost of ad- ministration, es the Liberals premised the cost ha: been vaialy increesed. Expenditures on account of consoli- dates funds wri e millioes of dollers higher in 1001 the,n was the case in 1696. The items chargeable to collec- tions show a similar state of affairs. Compariug the expenditures for 1896 and 1001, there has been a subetantial increase in the latter. year under var- ious beads as flaws;— Customs, $227,485, Dominion lands, $13.500, inspect ion of et apiee, 6124258. :Post office $266,435. Public works. 8113.349 Rail ways arid mows, $2 5.)1,735, Teede end Coto Mert:P. $32 236 Weights and measie es, $5.800. In every levee! len I be Leueler ad- ministration nes aticled to tie. cost or government nieteod mauing the substantial reductions a eh were promised by these Who are now 'Mem. hers of the goepie, Children Cry for ASTORIA. 11111111101Miltatinigit=0=333Mitsai• What is es.e.Seateie htAs,,‘ •••;‘,..,: •••<< \ • Castoria is for Infants and Children. Crstori i a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Brothers. Castoria destroys Worms and. allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and. Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of ILfants and Children, giving •healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The Brother's Friend. Castoria, ..0.8tozin is an excellent medicine lb. children. Mothers have repeatedly told rue of its gobd effect upon their children." Du, 0, C. Os000n, Lowell, Castoria. “Catttorits Is so well adapt:ea to .childreta teat x recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." H. A. AACHER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. r THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. .EV„Mffe.w. TI4 CENTAUR co PAN r, TT MURRAY STIICZT, TIM, Tog!: OtTY. -4SITICENCIIMIZMIIIIMMIEIROMI11.131111216. -teruste•-..inzettomus=a London, Huron and Bruce. GOXNG NORM- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 A, M. 440P, M. Centralia, - ......_ 6,1 5.50 Exeter 9.30 6.0 Etensall 9.41 6,15 Kippon 9.50 6.25 Brumfield ........ 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 655. Wingham, arrive 11.108.00 GOING SOUTH- Passenger Wingham, deparb 6,53.A. M. 3.15 P. M. . Clintru 747 . Brucelleld 8.05 4.49 Kinpen 8.15 4.57 liensall .... ...... .22 5 02 Exeter 8.35 5.10 Centralia 8.46 5,25 London . arrive . 9.37 6.12 Sqtherialid 1111166 ARE PREPA.RED TO PURCHASE ELM, —AND— OTHER TIMBER, EITclER STANDING OR IN THE LOGS, Apply tr. E. 0. Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. 12.4•911106101100000.6000000.04646 O • TELEPHONE CONNECTION. • • • 1 Exciter Grist Mill . . Mill Feed always on hand. 0 0 : Farmers' Gristing a Specialty. ei O Chopping Promptly and Prop- et e erly - attended to. Wheat o 0 O Wanted, Give us a Call. 0 O 0 O Terms Cash. 0 06 Harvey Et r oER 0 a 2. Successors to I.Cobblediek & Son 0001111)1110300900086000006806MI cREDrroN rUs We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re -- modelling our mill . Dry Soft Wood Wanted. Origin and Glioppina Donc Fromotin. H. SWEITZER. Relei RenI 181111e EP" IF You WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm,.. Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend Money, Collections yrade, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon-- try, by the Allan- E2r Line, ON THE:UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAM Orrice over H. Spackman's Hardware. Exeter.. tee. Cash Paid for Raw Furs.., 411111•••• ADVERTISE IN THE- TIMES IT PAYS i I wish to announce to my friends in this vicinity that I am again. handling FARM Tri:::..CHINERY. egatteneleartaireMeNareit - y " ,, ••• .•505 ".• ' 414o • kidA „ • . 4" • , " tun Agent for the well known eon arvestin Ideal Binders, Ideal Mowers, Deering Rake, Etc These Machines are second td none in Canada'i.. Find if you need a Binder, Mower or Rake, call and examine these Mechnes for yourself. They are Strong and ate noted for their Easy BAnning. • Thanking my cusborners and friends for past favors, 1 again solicit your patronage, °PP°811°13"nino'8 W. J. E3ISSETT EXETER Drug Sion. ?S.—I anci also agent for the Oanadian Airmotor Windsnill, P.nmps.Sze,