HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-09-07, Page 18CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 11983 -PAGE 117 Fall co <<tro1 remedies for quackgrass Prices effective thru Sat., September 10th. 1 983. A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! We redeem all food store coupons. Ag REGULAR GRIND REGULAR, AUTOMATIC, DRIP Maxwell House Coffee 369 g VAC PAC 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.69 4104 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF BLADE, CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER wilt supermarket prices Boneless ')9511 � BeefRoasts ,k9 b OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.831kg-2.19 Ib SAVE UP TO 1.60 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCL RED HOTS Schneider's Wieners PRICE r OUR REGULAR 49 1 Ib vac pac PRICE UP TO 3.09 FRESH, MEDIUM Ground 373/169 Beef /kg lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.27/ka-2.39 Ib EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING 51 59 Blade Steaks 3 Ikg /1 Ib NEW ZEALAND SPRING. FROZEN Loin .Lamb Chops 659/299 NEW ZEALAND SPRING. WHOLE SHORT CUT Lamb Legs 549/249 NEW ZEALAND SPRING. SHOULDER. FROZEN Lamb Chops 439/19! lkg PREVIOUSLY FROZEN. SLICED Beef Liver 1'g/ Ib .79 MARY MILES OR A&P REGULAR OR THICK SLICED 50D g Side Bacon 49 vac pact MAPLE LEAF. SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls SCHNEIDER S. SLICED, REGUI. Side Bacon 395/1 /kg Ib AR. MAPLE OR THI K T 79 • vac pa2 c SAVE 1.11/kg-.50 Ib SEMI -BONELESS BLADE OR CHUCK SHORT RIB Beef Roasts 328/1` OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.39Ikg-1.99 Ib BEEF (CENTRE CUTS 5.491kg-2.49 Ib) Brisket EndOv 29 Point Cuts Ikg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 6.151kg-2.79 Ib SCHNEIDER'S. COIL 3 Polish Loops ,kg9 /19! SCHNEIDER'S 99 Olde -Fashioned Hams S8/kg0 /3 Ib SCHNEIDER'S. FROZEN, BREADED. 9 PIECES Bucket of Chicken SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED. 8 VARIETIES Cooked Meats SCHNEIDER'S. SLICED Cooked Ham SCHNEIDER.S. SLICED, PICNIC OR Chopped Ham ALL BEEF Shopsy's Wieners 900 g 499 size 175 g 89 vac pac ■ 175 9 149 vac pac 175 g 129 vac pac 1 lb 169 vac pac SWIFT OLD MILL Breakfast Sausages 3/1" SAVE 1.30 SCHNEIDER'S Oktoberfest Sausage 99 500 g pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.29 SCHNEIDER'S REG, BEEF & COUNTRY MAPLE Mini Sizzlers OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.29 500 g pkg 99 PETIT, GORET. SMOKED Boneless Picnics 3r/17 SCHNEIDER'S, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Sliced Bologna FEATURE FOODS, THICK CUT European Herring FEATURE FOODS Rollmops Herring 375 g 179 vac pac 510 g 339 jar 320 g 249 jar OeiiShOA,.Items available in stores with Deli only SCHNEIDER'S. COIL Kielbossa ■ 66 1100 g /29IIb SCHNEIDER'S MILD MEDIUM OR OLD Cheddar Cheese .81 100q /369 WITH PECTIN. RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY KELLOGG'S Aylmer Jams 50arnL 1.69 Special `K' DEEP BROWN IN TOMATO SAUCE. IN MOLASSES OR WITPORK TOTAL DIET Libby's Beans 14trnOz .79 Dog Food DEL MONTE. FANCY ASSORTED VARIETIES 1 O9 Milk Bone Biscuits MEDIUM Liht Taste Fruit 14, oz NO SALT. ASST VAR INCL FANCY PEAS Del Monte Ve etables ft ASSORTED VARIETIES 14tinOz •79 Kal an at Food CAMPBELL'S V-8 Vegetable Juice OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.59 475 g pkg 4.4 kg bag 9,0./0 2.59 5.99 2.39 hoz tin ■ 48 FL OZ TIN ASST VAR. INCL CREAM STYLE CORN FRITO'S, REGULAR OR B.B.O. 275 g Corn Chips PRIMO Spaghetti Sauce. PRIMO. CANADIAN Tomatoes CHICK PEAS. ROMANO. RED & WHITE Primo Beans 3pkg 00g 1 ■ 79 28in071• 09 tin ■ 28 fl oz tin • KIDNEY OR LENT 19 fl oz 9 tin ei 10 FL OZ TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES 109 York 3/149 Primo Pastas Vegetable OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 900gPKG .99 REGULAR & DIET 7UP-Case of 24 280 mL TINS 599 A&P White .Vinegar 4 LITRE PLST BTL 159 OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.39 CANNING SUPPLIES MEDIUM SIZE Canning Jars BOX OF 12 399 SMALL SIZE -3.59 LARGE SIZE -5.79 ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags PKG OF 120 359 OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.39 MACARONI & CHEESE Kraft Dinner 225 g PKG 27.99 OUR REGULAR PRICE .69 EACH A reduced rate of Roundup for quackgrass control in the fall is now recommended by the manufacturer, Monsanto Canada Inc. The key point is, the reduc- ed rate will give season -long control only. It requires full rates to give long term con- trol. After wheat and spring grains are harvested, pro- ducers can now control quackgrass for a season, by using the reduced rate of roundup. A rate of 2.5 (two and one-half) litres per hec- tare applied with flat fan nozzles in 50-100 litres of water per hectare is recom- mended. Spray when the quackgrass is at least 20 cen- timetres high (three to four leaf stage of growth) and ac- tively growing. If a frost occurs, wait several days to determine if quackgrass has recovered. It can be treated after a mild frost, if there are three or four green leaves actively growing. Don't apply after the first damaging frost in the fall. Don't till between ,harvest and fall application and allow five days or more after application before tillage. Always read label directions. Sprayers should also be properly calibrated for best results. Please note, for long term control the recommended rate is 4.75 to seven (four and three-quarters to seven) litres per hectare of roundup in 200 to 300 litres of water per hectare. If there are questions, con- tact Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food crop specialists. Crop Stabilization The Farm Income Stabilization Commission has announced fees for the year 1983 of the three year 1982-83-84 plan. For first year enrolment, the fees are as follows on a per tonne basis: corn $2, soybeans $4.50, white beans $8, winter wheat $2.50, and barley $2. Farmers who applied in 1982 will receive renewal forms in the mail. New ap- plications may be picked up at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food offices or by writing to: The Farm Income Stabilization Com- mission, Ontario Ministry_ of Agriculture and Food, Legislative Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, On- tario, M7A 1B7. Applications should be mailed on or before October 1,1983. Once calculations are made on the 1982 crop sales, an announcement will be made. Claims are made by submission of sales and weigh slips if a payment is to be made by the commission. S. J. Paquette, Farm Management Specialist. Tax Jerks for farmers Hobby farmers should not get unlimited write-offs of farm losses against other in- come according to the Chris- tian Farmers Federation of Ontario. The Federation's Provin- cial Board at its regular June policy setting meeting in Milton decided against joining a growing lobby to abolish the $5,000 a year limit that part-time farmers can write off against non- farm income. A number of farm groups have called for the repeal of Section 31 of the Income Tax Act. That sec- tion stipulates the $5,009 maximum. "The existence of Section 31 has been supportive of maintaining the family farm structure of Canadian agriculture," the Federation writes in its letter to the federal government. The Federation lists five additional reasons for rejec- ting the repeal of Section 31: - high income profes- sionals could be encouraged to establish hobby farms as tax dodges; - the price of foodland within easy driving distance of urban centre could be driven up: - commercial red meat producers could face even more competition from part- time entrepreneurs; - it is unwise to encourage young people to establish farms based on losses writ- ten off against other income: - public policy should not encourage investor interests in agriculture at the expense of the interests of en- trepreneurs. The Federation does sup- port modification of Section 31 by increasing the allowable write-off to $10,000.