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Clinton News-Record, 1983-09-07, Page 7
HURON PIONEER STEAM THR[SHER REUNION More than 10,000 visitors to Blyth this weekend will be greeted by this sign, painted by artist Jim Marlett in 1975. The sign says it all for the upcoming weekend show, to be held on September 9,10 and 11. ( Rod Hilts photo) Auburn people you know Social News Mr. and Mrs. Pete Whetstone and son Kevin returned recently from a two week visit with friends in Germany. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock was at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition last Tues- day for the London Area Women's Institutes where she assisted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food booth to promote the work of W:I. throughout the Pro- vince of Ontario. Thomas Jardin visited with his sister, Mrs. Ken Parsons of Toronto last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton of London visited with Robert Armstrong for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Carter of Woodstock visited last week with his sister, Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Mr. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ar- thur have returned from a two week vacation at their cottage at Timiskaming. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Freda Watts of North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jar - din spent the holiday weekend at Robson Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eichholz. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gross, Anita, Bryan and April returned recently from a week's visit with her brother, Allan McDougall, Mrs. McDougall, Angie, Shane and Marcie at Sud- bury. They also visited the Rev. and Mrs. Rick Hawley, Beth and Amy at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shut- tleworth, Tammy and Aaron of Chatham have taken up residence in the Knox United Church manse and he will be ("ALM TRICIAN "sues WERE PR0000f THE FACT -AND CAN. TRUTHFULLY SAY, WE INSTALL ELECTRIC HEAT/NG THE y - PROPER WAY" Barry Buchanan 3 PHASE ELECTRIC CLINTON 482-7374 NEED To KNOW SoMETHINO ABOUT YoiR NEW COMMUNITY? ' ,'(t r(: r,r., 524-2544 Our hostess will bring gifts nd greetings along with elpful community nformot,on in charge of the services at Knox and Donnybrook United Churches. Mrs. Jetrid Rueger of Lon- don and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams, Ruth 'and Michael of Willowdale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright and family over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carter and son Christopher who recently moved from Goderich into the house they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arthur on Goderich Street, spent last weekend camping at Clam Lake. Mrs. Ruth Coyne of Wind- sor visited last weekend with her brother, Ross and Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Sproul of Mississauga visited last weekend with Mrs. Marion , Sproul, Bill and Ken. Members of the Auburn Horticultural Society are reminded of the first meeting of the fall season to be held on September 12 at 8 p.m. in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall. Clarence Lang of Chesley will be guest speaker and members of the Goderich Garden Club are invited as guests. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Joelyn of Auburn, Michigan visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powell and other friends. Joanne Slater left this week to attend Humber Col- lege where she will study in the horticulture field. The Auburn Women's In- stitute will hold its September meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Peck on Tuesday, September 20 at 10 a.m. Jonathon Collins visited last Tuesday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Stadelmann, Christine, Rhonda and Jennifer and at- tended Rhonda's ninth birth- day party. Ch rch starts at Landes By Dora Shobbrook Unite -el Church Services resumed on Sun- day at the Londesboro United Church after the holidays. Welcoming the congregation were Harry Snell and Gordon Shobbrook. Ushers were Theresa Knox, Theresa Overboe, Denise Gross and Kathy Kennedy and the organist was Lisa Duizer. Colin Swan welcomed all and gave announcement; beginning next Sunday, Sun- day School will .start at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Swan presented Bibles to three 9 -year-olds who were promoted from Junior Congregation, Lawrence Bergsma, Joanne Wilts and Melanie Knox. Happy Gang Seniors The Happy Gang Seniors met August 31 in the hall. President Beth Knox welcomed and read a poem with pointers on how to make friends. The treasurer's report was read by Margaret Taylor. There was some discus- sion about the bus trip to Douglas Point on September 14 and the Zone 8 rally in Seaforth on October 5 at 1:30 p.m. There were seven tables of cards in play. Winners were: ladies' high, Hazel Reid, lone hands, Mae Smith; low, Isabel Airdrie; men's high, Jake McDougall; lone hands, Harry Caldwell; low, Bob Thompson. Serving lunch were Mae Smith, Beth Knox and Audrey Thomp- son. 4-H Club Need a lift in your life? Young people from 12-26 years old are invited to join the 4-H club "Looking Great! Feeling Great!" Londesboro III will hold their first meeting, September 12 at 4:30 p.m. at Helen Kolkman's. Exercise Group If you are interested in ex- ercising and having some fun, come and join the Londesboro Exercise Group which meets on Thursdays. There is no charge and it will start September 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hullett Central Public School. Congratulations to Wayne. Lyon and Jane Christenson who were married September 3 in the Londesboro Church. Wks. Kevin Broome spent Friday at the home of her parents Glen and Doreen Carter. Also at the same home for the holiday weekend was Colleen Carter. Colleen is now living at the ro new ; a: a: ,, hoarse at 386 110k, " eWr. Mrs. Olive Penfound and Elgin visit ' T:, with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mair of Stratford on September 1 on their 55th wedding an- niversary. Childrenn ready for Belgrave Sch ol Fair By Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse Personals Mrs. Howard Zettler of Chepstow and Mrs. Elizabeth Procter went on a sightseeing tour of Douglas Point on Friday. Mrs. Elizabeth Procter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pro- cter, Karen and Kevin, visited with the Rev. Charles Speakman and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Speakman and family at the Anglican Camp of Big Bay Point near Barrie, On- tario. While there, Mrs. Pro- cter and her brother, Charles, visited with Mrs. Charles Speakman who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wightman, Tracey, Pamela and Kevin of Fergus spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, Steven, Cathy and Robert of Lucknow visited on Sunday evening with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch, Julie and Jeffery of London spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Miss Dorothy Higgins is a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander- son and Mr. and Mrs. George Michie spent a couple of days at Toronto and Milton and visited with their cousin, Mrs. Jean Wills of Milton. Sheila Anderson has gone to Waterloo to attend Wilfrid Laurier University taking a course in Honours Business Administration. Pamela Shaw has gone to London to attend the Marvel Hairdressing School. Listowel ospital turns down heliport LISTOWEL - Listowel Memorial Hospital will not be installing a heliport for an air ambulance despite pressure from the ministry of health to do so. The issue came up at the Aug. 24 meeting at the hospital's board of trustees when Hospital administrator Dr. Frank Elligham reported on correspondence from the ministry. The correspondance indicated the ministry is encouraging community hospitals to develop heliports to tran- sport seriously injured patients to hospitals in Hamilton, Toronto or London as necessary. The idea was rejected by the Listowel Hospital last year, but at that time, the ministry was proposing only a daytime heliport. The ministry is now prepared to fully fund the cost of a lighted 24-hour heliport. Hospital Chief of Staff Dr. Barry Neable felt the heliport is unnecessary because of the proximity of Listowel to Toronto and London. Ifit's from AnsteWs it says, `you're special' 8 Albert Street, Clinton 26 Main Street South, Seaforth 284 Main Street, Exeter 203 Durham Street East, Walkerton 135 Queen Street East, St. Marys DJSPL /} l'OLR LOVE 0.1 'HER FLI'GER The diamond engagement ring you select for your bride will be a daily reminder of your deep love. This is a purchase you should consider carefully because it's meant to last a lifetime. Consult us before making your final decision. We're American Gem Society jewelers... dedicated to consumer protection and fine service. "Cherie" - 4480. set "Elegance" - $725. set "My Love" - 5650. set The Perfect Pair...matched Diamond Engagement Ring and Diamond Wedding Band Sets...set in 14 karat gold Now available in eight styles, three are photographed above. ANSTETT MF MRF P AMF RI( AN AGS GFM SO( IF TY EWE L LE -RS Don't forget the Belgrave Blyth Brussels School Fair, September 14. ' The 63rd annual Belgrave School Fair is scheduled for September 14 and there are not too many changes plann- ed this year from previous ones, according to Joyce Vincent of Belgrave, fair secretary. The Belgrave fair is the only school -centred fair of its nature left in the province. That means the only ex- hibitors are children from the Belgrave, Brussels and Blyth public schools. As in other years, there will be schoolwork, baking, sewing, pets, field crops, poultry, livestock, fruits, vegetables and flowers. Mrs. Vincent said she is not sure how this summer's hot, dry weather will affect the crops and fruit and vegetable ex- hibits. "We'll just have to wait and see," she said. One of the fair's most longstanding traditions is the parade of school children from the Institute hall to the fairgrounds to start the pro- ceedings. Games and races will be held throughout the day for the children. Mrs. Vincent added there will be a lunch booth set up on the premises to supply fairgoers with beef on a bun and homemade pie. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983—PAGE 7 - SNELL'S G OCE Y LT UNADVERTISED SPECIALS ALWAYS WE TNRESNERS f983 Lewis Soft Twist White BREA24 oz. loaf .65 Dietrich's 100% Whole Wheat BREA,I;, 675 g. loaf .75 Weston's CINNAMON BUNS 8's 1©19 Weston's RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL 340 g. .89 Old Bavaria CHERRY, LEMON, or RASPBERRY TWIST. . 1,79 Chiquita No. 1 i`ANANAS per Ib .39 Sunkist ORANGES size 138's per doz ,99 Ont. No. 1 CELERY STALKS per bunch ©49 Ont. No. 1 CARROTS 2 Ib. bag .49 York COOKED HAM "store sliced" per Ib 2.39 2 lbs. or more 1.99 per lb. Maple Leaf POLISH SAUSAGE COIL per Ib 1.49 Maple Leaf S.P. COTTAGE ROLL 1/2's per Ib 1.69 Canada Packers ECONOMY WIENERS per Ib .99 Schneider's No. 1 BREAKFAST BACON 500 g. 2,99 Stacey's SOFT MARGARINE 2 Ib - 1.59 Niagara Unsweetened ORANGE JUICE 12 oz .69 Niagara APPLE JUICE 12 oz .99 ABC RED SOCKEYE SALMON 7.5 oz 1.89 Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 675 g 1.69 Fraser Gold MUSHROOMS pieces 8 stems 10 oz .69 Royale BATHROOM TISSUE 4 Roll 1.59 Royale PAPER TOWELS 2 roll 1.19 COCA-COLA, DIET COKE, case of 24-10 oz. cans 5.69 Open Tuesday through Saturday - 9 am -6 pm Open Friday Evening Till 8:00 -Closed Mondays WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, SOME SPECIALS SUBJECT TO ARRIVAL FROM SUPPLIERS. Phone 523-9332 We deliver WE'VE GOT TIS BEST DEAL PJ TOWN! Don't miss the News -Record's PIONEER THRESHERS REUNION SPECIAL 2 Jays only - Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 10 & 11 ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION New or Renewal Regular 18.80 69s SENIOR CITIZENS' RATE $1,95 Regular 15.80 year • BUY NOW AHD SAVE—YOU CAN EXTEND YOUR PRESENT SUBSCRIPTION REGARDLESS OF ITS EXPIRY DATE! DROP IN TO THE NEWS -RECORD BOOTH IN THE ARENA AT THE PIONEER THRESHER'S REUNION - - - BLVTH Plus -the ever -popular PICTURES From past editions of Hie News Record 15$ each ,. 2/ 25° incorporating THE BAYFIELD BUGLE THE BLYTH STANDARD