HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-10, Page 8'''—eaaneeseee TB ZETit TML" tin Dress 0000s tiew MEIN Mw 011101M18 Now Prig NEW SPRING STOCK is now complete in all L" lines. The Big Store was never in better shape for a rousing trade than at the present season. We are looking forwaLd to the Best Sprinc, Trade that we have ever done. We have the goods We.have the values. Cash and one price is what does it Drop in. fLiad look around the big store, you'll not be pressed to buy. iatox twasovemseumaigmlosiomat c -The best clearing line that has c e ode way in a long time. 9 full p ces of pure wool Long Dress !add, in navy blue only, regular 50e ods. While the little lot lasts you • n have a dress end or as much as on want at 25c. 5:) -F» some very swell Satin Cloths. just the thing for nifty dresses or very swell waists. Shades are , bleat, "New Rose,"brilliant red,dawn. grey. 65c -For our great leader in Dress Goods. The new smooth satin finish• - ed Covert Cloth, its ell the rage. Shades are black, dawn grey, bluett, elephant, beaver, navy, brown, fawn, sla,te, tau end pastell. 85c -For the Dillies' New Broad- cloths, the finest finished goods he the trade, all the leading Nil Axles— they're 'corrects $1.00 --For our speciel pee ri finiehed Covert Cloth, in colors a,nd black. 'This cite h has a special finish of its own. Its a beauty. The dress makers all like our chiller Covert Cloths, They are the kind thet look well and. wear 85e, 50c and 65e -Fr the steeliest xange of new Jan Tateleen and Soie -Waist Silks that you'll likely see this season, over a hundred pieces to select :from. Every new shade and make is here for you. $4,50 -The waist. end for very nifty :blackhenestitched silk, the smartest -waist silk we have seen this season. Its beyond ns to describe this new line. i001Xle and see it. I0c-The yard for new appliqiee efa feats, in printed mastitis. They are• very airy and pretty. 15e -For a. swell range of new dim ity rnnslins, a lovely- range of coir bags. 20(3 -For our new linen organdy striped muslins, a sweet lob of new et- fects. They're up-to-date, 25c -For the choicest range of new nifty organdies and dimities that you'll see. Linen grounds, . Grey groands, Bluett grounds, Tan grounds; and all covered with very dainty - stripes and figures. Oh, they're love, ly. 10e -For pure fast dye dress ging- hams, all shades, a swell lot of plaids and. fancy effects, 12,3 -For a swell range of new stripe and plaid ginehsens. all finished in the new lace effects. This range will please sere $1.95 -Each for rea.aseto-wear black lustre skirts. These are al- most half value, correct for street wear. Ask to see this snap. $2 45 for black or navy pure wool serge skirts, well made, good lin- ings, velvet bound. They are worth far more money but we are closing i these two lines out. 25c-Fer black silk finished setanna, very swell goods for odd waists, looks as good as silk and wears better. 1,0•••••MOM•11.1l, Yes, most people bay that we have the best stock of sCarpets and Wall Papers in town. Come in and see what you think. Values at the Big Casb store are always in your favor. IIIG UN STORE J. STEWPiRT toommg For Marriage Limns, Wes:Tiding Rings, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectescles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairbag a Specialty. THURSDA.Y APRIL 10, 1902 Li cals. 3 pound box cream soda biscuits for 0,21c at Stewarts. Several communications have been laid over till next week. Miss Lillian Huston was home from !Olrediton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross speut Sun- - -day. in Clin• en the guest of their son, Will Rose. , as -Miss 3. A. McCombe, B. A.., of Clin- Mr. Wellineton Westhott, of Sar- nia, was home for a few days this week. Miss Halls, of Goderich, is spendine a few days with, her mother and sis- ters here. Milton Hicks left on Tuesday morn ing for Califoreia, where he will spend the summer. Mr. Alex. Fraser, of the Them es road is preparing for the building of a bank barn this summer. Messrs. j. McDonell, T. Murdock and Alex. Murdock, of Hensel, called ;on friends in town on Sunday. . 12ac for Steel Brigg's best guaran- eed mangold seed. Long Red and taut Yellow. At Stewarts. For lame back and derangements of the kidneys and bladder, try Dix Kid- ney Pills, Sold by C. Lutz. Exeter. The recent fall of snow has made the roads quite muddy We hope now to have fair April weather. Lorne Cann and Russell Southcott ton, was the guest of Mrs. Stanhary last, week. • left this week for Detroit, they having secured a, situation in a chair factory Mr, G. Sutherland and Mrs. Jas. lin that city. Sutherland, of Hensel], called on The entertainment announced by friends here on Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) Statibury, of Bayfield, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. j. G. .Stanbary the past week, Children Cry for CASTO IA. the Ladiee' Aid of *Tames St. church, by Mr. Spofford, the cartoonist and reciter, has been withdrawn. Walter Hearn, of Zion, has purchas- ed the stock of Mr. John Johns, Elinl- ville and wilt take possession next week. Mr. and Mrs, Wright, of Alma, Michigan, paid a flying visit to Mrs. Wrigbt's sister, Mrs. Seckell, London BORN lemmas -0n 4th son„ Usborne, on April GUI road, last week. DIED season. 50 only, 5 foot hard wood 50c for 23c -The biggest thing of th the wife of Mr. Jno. Perking, of a son. Gilbert A. Powell, aged 4.1. years, 8 days, take one for 23e. At Stewart's. While they last yo Powtax---In Exeter, on Tuesday April 8th, Mr. step ladders. WMISASZic.,1272?Ziati, r ss Coods Silks E ESPECIALLY WISH YOUR ATTENTION drawn to our Dress`Goods and Silk Department, We can only show you the latest productions of best markets. We bob only the newest in shades and. goods, and therefore can dell you the latest. Our motto is "Be yourself and. have your own style." This we desire you to follow and you will, purchase New goods at Right prices. BLAOK DRESS GOODS -In Cashmeres, at 25c, 50c, 05c. 70e, and 75e per yard. Birds Eye Cloth foreSkirts, 50c and $1.00 per yard, Waterproof Soliels at 50c. 75c and $1.00 per yard. Black Lustres, .English Serges, at 25c, 40e and 500 per yard. Black Cheviots, 40c and e0c per yard. Black Worsteds at 50c and $1.00 per yard, Granite Cloth, 50c per yard. Armure Cloth, 3ac per yard. Drat) de Lerma, very fine, $1,00 per yard. Poplins, 50c and 750 per yard. Bradt., satin Brash. 75 cents. 8UI1INGS -In Newest Cloths and Shades,were $1.50 and $1,75 per peed, for $1.10 per yard, COLORED DIVE/SS GOODS -Fancy Voiles in navy, biscuits aniline -purple, mauve, brown, 50e, Coverts 75c per yard. Venetians at 75e. Serge Mixs, very heavy, 75c. Taffin- ettes in cream, steel grey, biscuit. navy, at 50c. Crepelens in biscuit, silver-grey, black, Navy, at. 75c. Cashmeres, Serges, Men's Vellings, Solie,s, in all shadesofrom 25c to 50c per yard. Silk and Wool Glories at 75c per yard. 8:t Ks—Taffetas, Tamolines, Peen de Soies, Moires, Tacome, -Japanese, Glace, at 50c and 175c, in all shades, Black and Colored Satins, at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.10 per yard. See our new Trimmings. Thanking you for pat favors. OPPLESTONE&GARDINER oceries a Specialty, Post Offiee 1310k. Mr, Alex, Telt, left last week for 1:4titiontid. on, where he has secured a. poel- Mr Robert Sanders retuned hoeae on Thursday last after a, pleasant visit with friends in Detroit, Miss Lilla johns Who has pleasantly spent the past tnonth with friends in Clinton and 0o4erieh, returned home °la Monday.. Mr. Edwin Spackinan. of Blenheina accompanied by his little daeghter, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Speakman over Sundey, Are you troubled with dandruff itching of the scalp, peetnatere fallin of the hair, ase Doltish Scalp Food, Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter. Frank Dennis, who bas been eine ployed as clerk with the late W. D. Yeo, left for Toronto last week, where he has secured * similar position, - The public school re -opened on Mon- day, with the regular staff of teachers, and a slight increase in the number of pupils in the primary departments, Nothing but the best selected Roma GROWN WHEAT, and No. 1 Hard used in making EXETER Szan, nom: Flour and e`eed delivered to any. part of the town. Exeter Star Floar put up in One Hund,red pound sacks, and abbl. and * paper sacks, None genuine un- less delivered to the consumer in aim branded sacks. It is saia a wedding will occur in towu shortly and one in which Exethr will lose one of its young ladies to be- come the wife of a business man in an American city. Use English Stock Food for laorses during spring work, also for youn pigs andscalves, it is the best an cheapesb stock food in the market Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Exeter Star Flour contains all the cream of the wheat, and produces a nice fleecy loaf of bread. For sale hy all the leading dealers, and at the mill, ask for it and take no other. Mrs, Jas. Halls is in Goderich. this week in attendance on her son, P. T. Halls, who is at present suffering from an attack of typhonl fever. Mr. Halls has many friends in thi,s locality wbo hope for his speedy recovery. A ma.n.and woman, residents of the North End, appeared betort Squires Gregory and Snell, last week, Oil the charge of having stolen goods in their possession. They wire both acquitted. J. G. Salisbury defended the accused. Samuel and Silas Stanlake,of Sodom, have sold their 100 -acre farm, lot 4, con 8, Usborne, to Samuel Hicks, of the same township. The price paid was about $E000.- Mr. Hicks now has 250 acres all withir a half mile of each other. Mrs. Huston of Exeter, is visiting her mother.Mrs. Rusk at Goderich,and on Sunday evening last Mrs. Huston sang a solo in the Victoria Street Methodist church. entitled "The Even- ing Star," the rendering or which was greatly admired by all present. (Com.) Mrs. Thorne a,nd Miss Fannie Bays - den left here Tuesday morning for Boston, from there they will sail for England, on one of the Dominion Line steamers. They expect to spend some months in the old land. Their many friends here wish them bon voyage and safe return. Word -was received here on Satur- day of the very serious illness of Mrs. Wm. Haeeksha,w, jr„ of London. Mrs. Hawkshaw was removed to the hospital vvhere eel y critical opera- tion was performed, and her made - friends will he pleased to know she is doing as well as ran be expected. A. widower in a neighboring town the other day was remarried just two weeks after his first wife's death, and w lieu the boys came to charivari hin3 he went out and told them they ought to he ashamed of themselves for mak- ing such an uproar around a home where a ilium,' had. been held so re- cently. The sad intelligence was received Wednesday, from Edmonton, by the Messrs: Harvey, of the death of their , brother, Mr. Isaac Harvey, of that place, w' ho left here a year ago. The news came as a great shock to the bereaved family as they were not aware of his serious illness. The re- mains will be forwarded to Exeter for interment. Notice of funeral later. At the last meeting of the Quarterly board of the Methodist church, a utia.n- imous invitation was extended to Rev. H. W. Locke to tartan.. as pastor for the uoming yeer : During Mr. Locke's pastorate of the church here since June last he has endeared himself to the rnembirs of his church and con- gregation, and has made a host of friends in the sister churches. -Leam- ington Post. On another page will be found Mr, W.J.Bissett's advertisement, in which it will be seen that he is agent for the Deering Harvesting Co's implements, Mr. Bissett has had considerable ex- perience in the handling of farm machinery and has made himself popular as an agent and salesman. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he is now selling the above cone pany's implements. The Deering binder, mower and rake are atnong the best in the market. today. Mr. Bissett is also agent for the Canadian Airtnotor windmill, wood aud iron pumps, tanks, etc. You can inspect these machines at his office opposite Brownings drug store. On April and, Miss ataxy Adelaide Rusk, of Goderich, and William E, Hall, of Galt, were joined in wedlock's bonds at the home of the bride's mo- ther, Mrs. Us. Rusk, Elgin Ave., in the preseriee of relatives and a few personal friends, including the Central school staff of teachers. The bride, who carried a lovely boquet of roses, was marriedd in her travelling gown of facet cloth, trimmed with panne vel- vet and, cream applique, With which she wore a very handsome waist of plak silk. The bride was the recipient, of Many valuable and useful presents, among which were heeldsonne ones from the pupils of her class in the Central school, and the Central staff, The newly eateried couple left, by the aftertuem train for Toronto, and at the conclusion of the honeymoon trip, Mt and Mrs. Hall will take up resi- dence In Galt, Where the gentleman has been in mercantile life for some time, Mrs. Hall le a sister of Mts. W. 0. Huston. 1161:. Piokard Go. Exotor Hasa — OF APPROACH1 Dress Goods Silks, Musliris • Wonderfully Cheap, quality being considered. The Black and Colored Serges at 80e., are deserving of Special .:Emphasis, they are all wool, wide width goods and are selling fast, You will require to come quickly to secure your share. Dress Coods 100 yards 45 inch black and navy Serges, perfectly fast dye, and besatis ul qaality, suitable tor snits. Regular ales 66c., special 50c 1000 yards Venise Foulard, this is a line of American printed goods, and the regular price would be 20c the yard, but we purchased at much below the regular price, and have placed it on our counters for..... 15c NEW PRINTS We are showing a beautiful range of New Prints, 82 inches wide, warrant - fast colors, regular price 120 a. yard, our price 12 yards for $1.00 Niuslins 200 yards, good width, perfectly fast colors. American aluslins, in striped patterns, a greab snap, per Yard... 7c. 800 yards, neve design, American Muslins,in a great variety of colorings, find quality cloth, at a bargain, per yard . • 10c. SILKS We are showing a lovely range of Waist Silks at 00c, 60c, 05c, •75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 the yard. They in- clude the Taffetas, Louisine, Foulard, and all other popular makes. :sea 511861a18 111 BOOtS 51106S..i. + + + + A few weeks Igo we came across a Shoe Manufac- t 1: turer who was hard up for money. He offered us a 4- + + line of up-to-date Boots and Shoes away below the + 4. Some Beauties Just in. See Them. .1 regular price. They are now in and marked off. $ 4' get ' Youll the benefit of this lucky purchase. They -!- + t, + t . are selling quick, come and make your choice at once. $ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10 packages of fresh Flower and Garden Seeds for 269. Steele Briggs New Mangold Seeds, just in, 2 lbs. for 25c. .1••••••• G R1NG Cause the housekeeper to. think of cleaning time—clean 'lapse— that mehms paint and paper. all Paper rid lids In all the novel Shades and Patterns is more attractive than ever. CABTETS—New designs, cheaper than ever, from 20c . up tO SI .00, in all Wools and Unions, CURTAINS --In Lace and Tapestry, nobby goods, IN WHITE WEAR—We have just opened up the finest goods we have ever shown. LADIES' WAISTS—Large assortment. See cur New Dress" Goods, New Prints, New Muslins, New Gingharns, New Trimmings, New Laces, New Embroideries. Full assortmen:: of Crockery, Groc.eries, Boots and Shoes,, Ready Made Clothing, up, to date, and at prices that will sell it. Highest Price paid for Produce. CAR ••••••••••••• Bargains for Men Men's Senca Seams Rubber Coats, all sizes, full length, special at .. 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • $ 5 4 o0 Men's Black Overalls with bibs, well made, and great sellers, special at • . . • • . . . .... • .... .50 Men's Odd Pants, regular $t.75 line, for • . • ...... $1.25 Men's regular soc. Flannelettes for .40 Men's regular $8.00 Tweed Suits for .. • .... • . , .. $5.00 • Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Suits° We have purchased a number of Sample Suits, consisting of jacket and Skirt. They came in fawn, grey, blue and black, are well made and lined, and every suit is a bargain at $7. 50, $10.op and $12,5o. MILLINERY Business is booming in this line with us. We teammensmoommgam would be pleased if the ladies will leave their orders early in the week as possible, but come any time and we will do our best to pleese you. • Bring us all the Butter and Eggs you can during this month, we pay lughest prices. The R. Pi Direct Importers. The Minister of Agriculture has ap-j pointed Mr. McD. Allan. of Goder- ich, and Mr. Workman, formerly fsuit inspector at Mnntreal, as fruit inspector at the Cork and Wolver- hampton exhibitions. Mr. H. Ward Farrow, youngest son of Postmaster Farrow, of Brussels, was married at Palmerston, on Wed- nesday, of last week, to Miss Mary Emma, daugbter of the late James Jobnston. of Palmerston, The young couple will make their home at Wind- sor, which is now Mr. Farrow's head- quarters, he being mail clerk on the train between Windsor and London. At the Liberal convention for West Huron, on Monday, held at Dungan- non, the balloting resulted in the se- lection of M. G. Cameron, barrister, of Goderich, as the candidate at the aim- ing provincial elections. Mr. Cam- eron was not in a position ' to state with certainty that he would accept the nomination, and asked for ten days in which to consider the matter. The following are the statistics of Hey township for 1902: - Nurnber of persons assessed, 1020 ; No. of Rate- payers, 1002 ; No, of reale persons, 21 to 00, 745; total assessment, $1,819,225; taxable income, $2,200; Personal property, 831,250; Statute Jabot, 3,- 818* days • total number of persons, 3,452: children from 5 to 21, 1205 ; children from 7 to la, 8a9 ; No of cat- tle 5271 ; No. of sheep, 1,127: No of pigs, 3,000 ; No. of horses, 1707; No. of acres woodland, 4112, swamp, 6636; orchard, 577 acres; felt wheat, 8525: stestm boilers, 23. The number of males between 70 and 80 years,. 46 ; between 80 and 90, ig ; over 00, 4. Thomas Wardell, of Durham, late member of the Ontario Legislature for North -Wentworth, died in the city hospital Hamilton, Saturday after- noon, The administration of chloro- form had just been cotameneed pre- paratOry to the performance of a slight operation, when Me. Wardell suddenly collapsed (liter taking the first few whigs of the drug. Deceased was ea brother of Da Wardell, of Hamilton. Who Wee in attendance when be died. Ile was a °deserve- tive in politics, and had represented the coustituency of North Wentworth in the Legislature, for the past six years. VOIV SALE OR TO Reera, teve story brick cottage on William street, the property of the Nasal estate. Apply toCi MY, L. Varteieet, WANTED-Reli e lady agents to take ordagase ustom made dress skirts, walking ir s atenelleaeleirts. Write quickly Dominoes GARMENT Co., Guelph, nt. TENDERS—Any persons wish- ing to put in tenders for contrac for New Brick Building, will fin plans and specifications at Ur MOLSONS BANK, Exeter. lionsEs AND LOTS FOR SA.-jh two frame, and lots 31a. an premises er trees, a ell of wate wood and other con Apply to T. PRIOR, Exeter. CLEAN IIP YOUR BACKS YARDS. - The season has arrived for cleaning up the yards and outbuildings, and our citizens should be prompt in the mat- ter as heretofore. By the people cleaning up around their premises it will add greatly to the appearance of the place in general. LOOK ArrEE YOUR. TREES.- The time is at band when spraying should be commenced, The 'latter part of March and early in April, when the buds are swelling, is the proper time. As the Fruit Marks Act will be rigidly enforced this year, every person with an orchard will find it greatly to their advantage to thoroughly spray, as the apple buyers and pickers eannot, and will not take inferior fruit. EXETER UNION OEMETERY.-I here- with through these columns beg leeve to acknowledge the following sub- scriptions tower& the Exeter Union Cemetery fund McCullough, $5.00, Thos. Cameron $3.00 ; subscrib- ers of $2.00 are, J. McCullough, Robe. Monteith, kly Passmore, S. Campboll, n tn. Quinton, and those of $1,00 are, Win, 'Turnbull, Hy Rundle,'S. Pass- more, Alfred Hankin, A. Turnbull, W. Weetcota Jas. Frayne, Thos. Bis- sett, IVIrs. Lydia Hudson, Rev, 0. is offering for, the ses oflHtrion street, 'There is on the -nhoe fruit d dams. ences. ST RIA 'Vor Itfanto Etta Children Tea ha !statute thane ajfi at ta 414" erety enspria PRIGED-S R101 -1T. kl••••1•1041M1•6•4.472.010•.•Siray Do you want a Bedroom snit, Sideboard, Dining table, Kitchen table, Centre table, Side table, Dressing table, Oak table, Ash table, Kitchell chairs, Dining chairs, Drawing chairs Easy chairs, Morris chairs, Rocking chairs, Boys' (chairs, Girls chairs, High chairs, Low chairs, Odd chairs, Even chairs, Conamon chairs, Uncommon chairs, Couches, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Pictures, Pictures framed, Pic- tures without frames, Frames without pictures, saws sharp- ened, or old furniture repaired, varnished and re-junivated. If so we will try hard to make it easy for you to buy. co t Furniture and Undertaking Rooms GIDLEV'S BLOCK, EXETER. Fletcher, Mrs. Sohn Cottle, R. McDon- ald, sr., John Thompson,R. McDonald, jr., M. Elford, sr., Dan Coward, • 5, Madge, A. Hodgert, Thos. Hunkin, J. F. Allison, Wm, Monteith, W. Har- vey, 0. H. Perkins, George Coward, Jas. Monteith, David Cottle, H. Bor- land ; Dan Kernick 50c. A few of the above subscribers have not yet paid. They will oblige by handing the same to Dr. Latz or the undersigned. PAUL MADGE. You Should Support THE HEM MILL Because—We bring the farm: ers to your town, and pay them cash for their grain, and they leave a good share with the , -merchants of your town. Olaside mills don't. Because—We have a large sum invested in themilling busi- ness in your totvn. Outside mills have not. Because- We employ a num- ber of men, who all live here, and we pay there a good. sum in wages each week. The most of their money being spent in your town. The employees of outside mills don't. Because—We live here and helpsupportyour churches and Outside mills don't. Because—We have reduced the prices of our Goods consider- ably since starting business, Because—Eeter Star Flour is the most reliable family flour in town, and will make better bread, and mare bread to the sack, than any other family flour in town. A. trial vifl con- vince any good housewife, that what we say is right, • Because—Our Pure Mani- toba Flour is the undivided pro - duet • of No. 1 Hard, Manitoba wheel, and contains all the nutritious substances of the wheat !sorra. Put up in 100 pound bags, and branded Penn MANITOBA.. Because—Our "PRINCESS Flour" (Ohoiee Pastry) has no opal in town for fine paetry cooking. One half less shorten- ing retired when uslea this flour, and this means *saving in money. HARVEY BROS. tumults EDUCATION Is needed if the young man or wom- an would succeed in the business world to -day. Such an education is receiveci in this most up-to-date and best eqnip- ped college. Forest Gnu Business GolleaC Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, LONDON, ONT. J W, WESTERVELT, Principal. - THE MART. +++4-14++,4-+4•4•4•44ieleters+++++++ 'To Have the Best Coods s what the business ream owes It is this business policy of •ours which induces us to claim to be often the cheapest and con- sequently efewesys the best. We have in stock everything in the atatiorery Line-tievvest ha rote Paper Complete Line of Jardineres, anglish and German Decorated Vases, French. China Limoge and {Japanese Ware. F ANCY GOODS OP ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. JOHN GRIGG, BXET E R ARGAIINS IN womvointmonsaforatevorameacno. El You will ,find here at all times the greatest bargains in furniture, The lowest prices and best efforts to please. Undertaking a Specialty. R. N. owe