HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-10, Page 5Tina. ." Good wares make quick markets!' Threetamatty pairs sold in 1,00 as in 18,6. The value of the first pairt like the value ofthe last, stamped on thesole by the Makers The Slater Shoe" " ootyear Welted „rasa z E. J,. SPACKMAN. General Agent, WaSINSULMS.'010a1=aglat=0.. General News. Msmaga For Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains, Chapped Rastas Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, l3urns, Scalds; Bites of Insects, Croup, Coughs, Colds, • Hagyard's Yellow Oil will hes found au excel- lent remedy, Price 25 cents, All dealers. Hobert Wright, of Guelph, during thepast week bought three teem of I • horses, costing him over a. thousand t dollars, and are to be used in working the 500 acres which he has agreed to grow sugar beet on for the Berlin fac- tory. Mr, Wright is a brother-in-law of Prof. Shuttleworth, the manager of the factory. Hon, Thonstss Greenly/ay, of Mani. toba, when asked what he thought of the referendum vote in that province. His reply was that the vote of those ' opposed to the measure was larger than he had expected. He had thought that the votes polledlor and 'againat wouldbellahout even,but that the vote polled for the Act wouldnot reach the required proportion of the total vote. At a meeting ssE the transfer cDrn. mitten, of the Methodist church on April 3rd, the following are some of the tea,nfers of some of the ministers from one conference to anothor :— Rev. G. A. Henderson, from Londnn to .Bay of Quinte ; Thos. Manning •from Bay of Quinte to London ; 0. F. Currelley from Manitoba to Hamilton; H. Irving, R.. Whiting and J. P. Rice from London to Toronto; A. Brown, 3. II, Oliver and T. Manning from Toronto to Lotclon. British.Troon Oil Liniment is unsurpassed by any other liniment on the market to -day. It is composed a healing; soothing and cleans- ing vegetable oilsand extracts, Is is put up in large bottles for the small price a,25 cents. ;Walter Gordon' , who was iaarested at -Halifax with the Canadian mount- ed Rifles on the eve • of departare for South Africa, and brought „back to answer to the charge of double murd- er was found guilty at •the Brandon assizes, Friday. Gordon's .crime was the murder of Chas,. .Daw and Jacob Smith. with whom he lived at white - water. Detective Ilyndman, who ac- oompanied Gordon from Hahfax to Winnipeg, detailed a confession •Gor- don made to hioa of the double crime while en -route West. Gordon first shot Dew while going. to Boissevain. Next day. he quarxeled with Smith' Next day he quarreled with Smith and also shot him, throwing both bodies into an old well. Gordon dis- .appeared after the crime, but was caught at Halifax eighteen months later. He is sentenced to be hanged on June 30th. There is some significance in the re port that on Sunday recently sixty. seven persons, were received into mem- bership of the Euclid avenue Metho- dist church, Toronto, without the • usual means of a series of revival services. On the contrary, it was de- cided not to hold revival meetings, -which, it was claimed, had not al- ways produced the most lasting re- sults. Instead a committee of some twelve active members of the church personally canyassed as many persons as they could in a limited time, who were thought to be probable candi• dates. Aa'coupon containing a num- ber of questions was left with each person, and as a result sixty-seven personsawithout urging or excitement. signified their willingness to join the church and were received on Sunday •,night. It is intended to repeat •the -effort in the course of a. few weeks. . iggg, geaMle=ggagaMoMS.a ggJ ¶n4 will outwear two pairs of • common rubbers. For -three years we have proved that with a a ..a/9 yoo can stub 'Jong sgrairfroi yourfoot, but you cannot stub the rubbers. hif IPS gen uinece.,,,ig re stainpedoica"T • upon the sole of each rubber • righted name Nov 9- wt. OUT' copy- ' do not allow yourself to be de- ceived by imitations. s LEATHER TOP STigt • the best on the market, 6 -inch, 9 -inch and 12 -inch tops, with • Ftollecl Eici4e and Heels. They are Carrie d in stock, and your dealer can order them for you. 'The 3. D. KING CO., Limited • have exchasive ountroli oi all.. auburn CANADIAN IAIMIGRATION. Dnring 1001 einigrants from Ireland numbered 341870, Of tbis total Can- ada, secured only 983. 0, R. Devlin, the Canadian imanignitien, agent in Ireland, stated in au isiterview in the Montreal Witness, that it was against his principles to ask any Irishman to Leave his native land, A, the sarne Urine it must not be.forgotten that Mr, Devlin accepted from the government, last year, the sum of $0,183,41, salary andexpenses, for work which he has failed, to to, If hetai even secured a fair percentage of Ireland's exedUS last season, it might be an order to congratulate bum Emigrants from the British Isles are of the class that Canada needs for her development. Even in the fa ce of a declaration by Mr. Devlin, that he will not work in the interests of his employers, the government encourages him in his course. Many of Canada's leading men are from the ranks of immigratts from the "Emerald Isle," and it • is a shame that such material ' should he allowed to pass into the United States, While Canada is being flooded with diseased immigrants from semi - civilized sections of Europe. What 1 Does the Grim Spectre Follow You Into the Joy- ous Springtime? FRIPIS GELERY • GOMPOUND Defeats the Work of Death by Removing Your Terrible • Burden of Disease, • —--- Are you still in suffering,' misery and despondency ? Does the grim spectre, Death, follow you • closely as the joy- ous springtime brings happiness and blessings to others around. you? Are you still clinging tenaciously to false theories of physitians or friends who persist in,assuring you that time, care and the use of your present medicine will give' you new health! Be assured your present condition is a perilous one. The continuance of the medicine you are now using is a folly ; you are aimply trifling with life and wasting precious time. • You should reinember that while nature clothes the fields with fresh grass and flowers, and while the trees with a strong life are showing bursting buds and new foliage, that human be- ings --young and old -- drap oft in thousands in springtime. Now is the time for prompt decided, and practical action if life is to be saved. Prejudice and the erroneous theories of even medical men should be cast aside when the hand of death is upon you. It matters ' not what your social position be; the medicine that save the humblest man or woman is,sure the one adapted for the needs of the rich and .those in high social positions. Paine's Celery Compound has a rec- ord of life saving that no other medi- cine can ever equal. It has rescued rich and poor from the grasp of death when physicians and their most care- fully prepared prescriptions failed in the work, If the suffering men and women of to -day could but see the happy faces and hear the kind words spoken by the tens of thousands who have been made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound, it would soon dispel their existing doubts and fears. Paineas.Celery Compound is the only medicine that reaches the rdot of dis- ease; it is the only agency that can remove your terrible load of disease. Unsolicited testimonials of cures pour in every day. Young and oldbear witness that rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease, liver complaint, dys- pepsia and blood diseases are banished permanently when Paine's Celery Compound is faithfully used for a time. Begin its use to -day poor suf- ferer ; delays are dangerous. • SAVE THE INTERCOLO.NIAL "It, is a pity that Hon. William Mulock could not he turned loose on the Intercolonial Railway, "If Mr. Mulock did for the Intercol- onial what he has done for the Post Office Department the • Government would gain 'more in Quebeta Ontario and the West than it could lose in the IVIaritime Previnces. "The management of the Interco - Ionia] is going from bad to worse. The system is bedevilled by the politi- cal necessities of Hon. A. G. Blair and Hon. W. S. Fielding. They have their little game of parish politics to play in Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick, and the principal of public ownership is prostituted to the prac- tice of using the Intel -colonial as a vote maker for t he Governm en t."— Toren to Telegratn. Independent. THOSE ELECTION tJRIMES. The fines of $500 hnposed on the "telegraphers". Chalifoux and Lam- oureem who were convicted at Mon- treal for crimes committed during the recent municipal elections in that city were paid by Joseph Emmet M, P., the Liberal representative for St. James Division, Montreal, and Alder- man Lariviere, another prominent Liberal. The fines were refunded by order of the city council, but the Montreal city treasurer holds receipts l'ot. the amonnte, svbich bear the sig- nature of Alessi's. Brunet and Lari- viere. Mt. Brunet, owes his election to the Commons to unheard of elec- tion crimes, His nephew is at present awaiting trial for alleged endeavoi s to induce students to act a's "tele- graphers," commit perjury, and then leave the coentry an order to clefeat the ends of justiee, • Mr, Brunet, sr„ is no doubt pronlpted by a fellow feeling in eorning to the rescue of ruen, who, had their fines not been paid, would be compelled to serve six months in prison, in adclition to one month im- posed without the option of a fine. Children Cry lbr sToRIA If You Could Look J. laterite foture and pee the eondition to which your cough., if neglected, will brig you, you svoeld seek relief et once --and that naturally Would bf., through Shiloh's Consumption. .Asthma, and all ung Cure • Guaranteed, to cum COR- 13UftrptiOn, Bronchitis, • Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day, 25 cents. Write to S. C. WsIme Co., Toronto, Can., for free trial bottle. Karl's Clover Root Tea perinea the Blood ags PROTEOT THE FARMERS, For the year ending June 301h, 1901, Canada's importation of agricultural products from the United Stater, in- eluded:— Oats...... ..... a $040,313 ' 32 340 15,913 Potatoes 88,019 Tomatoes... ..... . 37,508 Grapes 59,915 Small fruits. 80,806 There is no reason why Canada should not rise and ruaraet the above named produce. The Conservatives have called for a revision of the tariff which will guarantee to farmers the exclusive privilege of trading in their own markets. "Canada for Can- adians" with equal recognition to the needs of the farmer, manufacturer and laborer is what die Clonservative party stands for. THEY FATHER CIONS'OMPTION. • Bad coughs, colds and catarrh are responsible for more consumption than is traceable even to heredity. •Catarrh - ozone cures move quickly than ordi- nary remedies because it is -the only antiseptic yet discovered that is vola- tile enough to reach 'the root of the trouble in remote parts of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and impregnate every particle of the air breathed with its healing,"gerin-killing vapor. Oolds can't last ten minutes, or coughs more than thirty minutes when Oatarrh• ozone is inhaled. It clears nose,throab and air passages at once, stops damp - logs, headache, and erradiaates - ca- tarrh from any part of the system. Two months' treatment 1.00;$trial size 25c. Druggists, or N. ta, Poison & Co., Kingston. Out. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Mild. EXODUS STILL CONTINUES. • alie maga . The 'United Statescensus returns show conclusively that the claim made by the government, that the exodus from Canada to the United States has ceased, is mere Moonshine. The statistics sent out from tlae Unit- ed States census bureau established, that in 1880, there were '717,157 Can- adian home residents in that country; in 1800, the number was 080,038; in 1900, it was no leep than 1,181,778. That is to say that in 1890 the total number of Canadians respectively do- miciled in .0artails, and the United States was as 82 to 17 while in 1900, was as 82 to 18. FRRNIERS' WIVES . --- Use WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S ''IMPROVED BUTTER COL- OR" from year to year because it gives the most satisfactory results, In every part of Canada, richly flavored, golden tinted butter is seen on every feriners's table—butter that is good enougb for royalty. WELLS, RIOH- ARDSON & CO'S 'IMPROVED BUT- TER COLOR does the good wcrk. Ask your dealer for it. Refuse sub- stitues. . CANADA FLOODED WITH DISEASE. --- Mr. Robert Watchorn, the Special ImmigeantInspectiar, who bus charge of all United States immigration obf- ficials in Canada,is responsible for the statement, that "ninety-eight per cent of the European immigrants who are prohibited from entering the 'Unit- ed States, by the Anaeric.el officials at Montreal ancl at otber points of entry, along the herders are suffering from 'infectious diseases, which are the direct result of filth and lack ot sanitary n,etlioda." ' Canada, (more practically Ontario and Quebec) is be- itig made the clumping ground. for disease 'introduced by these people., The minister of Agriculture has refosed to take steps to exterpate this fright- ful condition of affairs, glaatalleelgi are, WI for the Children. Give them oil—cod-liver oil. Its curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret. ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anmmic child, and his face becomes rosy and • full of health. Take a flat. chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. • • This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are. so careful in making it pleasant to take, Send for free sample. SCOTT a. 130WNE, Toronto, cahada. 500 and Leo; all druggist FAILED A$ NEGOTIATORS The Liberals, before they came 1111,0 power, proMised to effeet a pronept settlement of all outstanding disputes between Canada an the United States, AMeng the international ques- tions on which no ;/Ter/sent has been reached up to 1800 were these: (1) he _Soloing ;Sea difficolty—fur seal fishery. ' 1 • (2) Reciprocity in Tvaite. • (8) The A ilantic and Pacific coast fisheries. 4) The Alaskan boundary, 5) The bouding privileges, • 0) Thapreseryatiop of fish in con- tiguous waters, (7) The maintenance of naval vessels on the great laites. 8) The Alien Labor law. 9) The wrecking law. (10) Transit of merchandise, ( i ) Mining rights.. . (1 2) Definition of marking of fron- tiers.(13) Conveyance of persons in cus- tody, Not one of the questions has been brought to a satisfactory issue, al- though Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his followers visited Washington, and spent. much federal money in enter - taming Does it not look as if the government's ability as negotiators must be questioned? EFFECT OF A. DIVIDED CABINET --- While the farmers of the west are demanding that attention be given their rights in respect to the trans. portatiou of grain, members of the government are engaged in "fighting like blazes." Each minister has his own pet selieuies to advance, and the resala is that the great question of transportation is still being kept in the background. , When it is consider- e'd that eighty-five per cent of Canad- ian wheat is being carried over Alneri- pan railways aud on American vessels, the neglect of the government falls little short of criminal, With an eriterprising and united cabinet at 1 Ottawa, the problem of handling our grain promptly and effectually might he satisfactoeily solved, We are spending millions on oar railways and canals only to find that our produce is passing through foreign 'channels, to the aggrandizement of foreign labor. Mr. Tarte bas devotea time and energy to bring about a betterment of 'pre- vailing conditions. but confronted as be is by inert confreres, he is just in the same position as regards transpor- tation, as he was in 1897. THE CRITICAL TIME OF LIFE Is between the years of fifty-seven and sixty-two, • Nature's powerslows down,yitality becomes less, and the pro- gress of decay sets in. • A means of ex- tending old age.and renewing decreas- ing vigor is to take FERRozoana after meals. Ferrozone keeps up the ap- petite, and in the formation of red vitalizing blood, imparts clearness to the tiring brain, force, euergy and and spirits jrist when they are needed Most. To take Ferrozone' regularly means adding frOna ten to twenty years to life. • Large boxes 50c„ or 0 boxes for $2.50, at Druggists, or son & Co., Kingston, Ont. ° Dr. Hamilton'S Pills are certain. • THE SIFTON TRIAL AGAIN POST- . • PONED. The Sarin murder trial has again been postponed. As was hinted some days ago, two important witnesses, James and Martin Norden, cannot be found, and it is believed that this fact has led to the postponement. The Mordens are brothers, and their story told at the trial last fall, when a jury disagreed in the case, was that the prisoner, Gereld Sifton, made separate proposals to them the night before the tragedy to assist him to kill his father. Chief Justice Falconbridge, who pre- sides at this Assize, had only a week to spare, and this may be the actual cause of postponement. The Crown officials are reticent, but pretend to be able to lay hands on the Mordens when they desire to, The young men have not been seen about the city for two weeks past. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS An OLD iND WearaTaren REMEDT.-Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by minione of mothers for their children wlaile teething, with perfect shcoess. It soothes the child, softenerthe gums. allays al FXnafrrcezntc?shaeaalgnit gthle)etsatstiee. D3Secik by druggists in every part of .,he world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be, sure and take Mrs Winslow's •Soothing., syrup and ask for no other kind. SHIELDING MR MR BLAIR On August 19th, 1891, Sir John S. Di.4 Thompson, leader of the Conservativ government said in regard to enquirie by the Public Accounts Committee "If it were necessary, I might go fur theand say that we do not desire t adopt any technical rule or any rule a to relavency even to protect th honor of any member of this side df" the house, or any member of the Goat; ernment. On the contrary, all thfs we shall ask, whenever the occasioe may arise, is not to be protected by any rule of relavency, but that the charge shall be made rela,vant by be- ing made on the floor of the heuse and referred to that committee or some other committee for investigation. We ask that such a charge :shall pro- ceed, and that it shall proceed regu- larly, and then let the Committee on Public Accounts or any other com- mittee receive everything in the way of evidence that is regular and perti- nent and proper to any enquiry the house Ilea ordered it to make, regard- less al togeth er o what the consequence may be.' Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon. W. S. rieldieg and Hon. A. G. Blair, in their speeches and by their votes, declare that no witness, who does not come to exonerate son:mettle connected with the government department, against which chargee have aeen Made will be allowed to appear before the WOO: aCCOMI ts committee. This stand has been Laken to shield Mr, Biala and bis mismanagement of the Intereolon- ial Raiiway. Chliaren Cry for CASTOR IA. • DR. W. H. CRAHIAM, Lat'elelst. west. • No. x Clarence,square, corner Spadien. avenue, • Toronto Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes • a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples,Ulcers, Etc. • PlaIVATE I) X SEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, et,, (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all bad after effects. DIseases of Women—Painful, profuse or supprescd meestatiatior, uleeratioo, lancorthoca and all displacements of the womb. • OFFICE ROURS-0 a, m. to 8 p. m. Sunday 1 to 8 p. INSURANCE. Handsome Designs Sent Free of E Cost to any Address in Canada. •Er4RisTST ELLIOT, DIAMOND DYE MAT AND RUG PATTERNS ARE THE MOST - • POP UL A.R, ..risiassee The continued and increasing de - mend for the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns, isthe best proof of their great popularity. The fascinating art of Mat and Rug making in the home is now cultivated by women of every social rank. There is with many ladies a pride and pleasure in being able to show nice, specimens of their handiwork. . The Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns combine beauty and sim- plicity. After securing One of these patterns, any lady can easily hook it and produce a valeable and attractive room ornament. The manufacturers of th e Celebrated Diamond Dyes are prepared to send. to any address: freeof cost sheets of pretty and suitable designs to enable ladies to select from. Address' The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q, MR. BLAIR'S BIG COAL BILLS. 10 1899-1900 Hon, A. G. Blair pur- chased $548,140 worth of coal for the Intercolonial Railway. In I000 01, when the price of coal had advauced fifty per cent.,' he purchased 200,000 tons of coal more than in the previous years. Run of mine coal is worth about $1.80 per ton when prices are normal. Mr. Blair paid as high as $5 per ton for this coal in 1900-1901. These 'extensive investments were made about the time of the generel election. Buying , $1.80 coal for $5 partly explains the deficit of neaily $1,000,000 which revealed itself in con- nection with the management of government railways last year. PREVENTING SCAB IN POTATOES - —aa Care should, says the American Ag- riculturist, be taken not to plant po- tatoes in sods where scab has been prevalent in previous years. Before potatoes are prepared for planting, says the Agriculturist, they should be treated by seaking them in a solution of corrosive snbliseate, made by dis-, solving.1 mince corrosive sublimate in 7 gallonof water, in which-the.tubers should he scathed about 1 1-2 hours. The solution is poisonous, and should be handled v ith care. Potatoes treat- ed with it should not be eaten, but used only for planting. Pat the po- tatoes in an old sack and hang in the solution. Take them oat, drain and thoroughly dry them berme they are cut and planted. Exeter, Anitu. 9'rnz Wheat per bushel Oats Barley-. Peas„,,,,,,, Butter Eggs Turkeys ... Geese-- Chickens per Ib Ducks Dried AppleS.. to 6 Pork live weight -. 85.65 to 85 65 - 71 to 12 . 37 to 39 - 47 to 48 -.75 to 75 .-17 to 17 10 to 10 8 to 8 ....,6 to 6 o to 5 7 to 7 . 16 to 16 f Mallitolid flour e have just received a car • of pure 4 Maiiiiitoba Flour Which we -• will offer at the low price of • PerBag . . . . $2.Io 5 Bags for .. , $10.00 Wheat and Oats taken as cash. ••••..VI While we have a high regard for modest! s and the feellx:gs of our noighlaors, yet wo MUSD say, and do claim this to be the best and cheap* eat flour 011 the market to -day, It will make NOTICE TO CREDITORS more bread, aud better bread than any other i N grade offered. Those who have tried it say it w_ is the best they have had in forty years. An -01 m. D. Yeo, late of the village of eight.” Perhaps talk is cheap, but it will only other says "site gets ten loaves where she rot Exeter, in the county of Huron, cost you 82.10 to verify the above for yourself. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chap - The English army and navy officials have just ordered the exclusive use of this flour, and ter 129 R. S. 0. 1897, that all persons having •our mill is at this moment filling a large order i 309las, ii.rnychse,o7Aaw,iDnhso. t, 1dt9Chiee2d,Eoasirtalootreraebociofarttleiateh e to d 2a5i1dsho dn aWy moot for S. Airiest. Try a bag yourself. .................. I deliver on or before the 19th day of April 1902, W TR ENETH1 0 K to 3. 4.gtiTobir'il!Frettej,;,,(ir,titgatiLosr 11 _ occupations, with particulars of their elaims, :E: . statements of their accounts, and the nature of 4009.0.006900T4966,0001660 mentioned date, the said executors will pro - the securities, (if any) hold. by them. And notioe Is hereby given that after the last ceed to distribute tho assets of the said • • IF' NOTHING TURNS UPsti I !tie:, an sp,cdmazroan g1 It yh etc, p athr toi e s claimstiUdotth,evriteloi, : TURN SOMETHING UP: i aitiln:iied i selsedlisai iasTlisd-ohtioe0orel ubatenoeyrns rigs lahrvatel nti huae toe teaobifio,evt oeuraaenbeyille iprfeeordr. 6 son or persons of whose Claim or claims notice Si .Acoujr,s!tio.:,,trainfi;77 in the P::''." , such distribution.10 ° 3. G. STANNURY, shoji not have been received at the tin f • ' ' / fa Exeter, 0111 o. .:07(1[4_14/4;: (s s ,i( lW•0".. 6 1 • ,__.) , 0 Solicitor for the Exeoutors. 6- ' STRATP0Ro, ONT • Dated t Exeter, the 2nd day of April, 1902. • to t • enables young mon and women to se- 0 i 0 mediately on leaving college, his is • • cure employment at, good Aragya IM. • Q _ 0 the school that enjoys the reputation of 0 5 Packof Cards Free. 0 doing the best work in busmest ellen- 0 0tion. The gratin,Les of the sehool aro • • in strong demand as teachers in business • Ono Pack, "May T. C, T.I. :110me," One Pak 0 coilees in Cemina and dm United Stat. • e es. 'his Is the school 10r Y" and Your ;1.2 engin-to tight.' Olio Pack, "Our Sofa Su, "Escort," One pack "Flirtation" Otto rac4, te friends. Write for catalogue, ss Ilelas Two. Sample �121 other Styles, 'WW1 "VV, S. ELLIOTT, 8 book full of 'tenons. Send So silver for platage A,W, KENNY, Is, a'. la Principal a Yarmouth, a II. soseesoseavtoec000000ID03006 Agen for the WEerisinf ASSONANCE COX - of Toronto; 8.180 for the Piton= Fres NSORANOID COM,PANY, et London, England ; AL, LUNGE INSOBANCE COMPANY, of Er' and • MEDICAL Ta,R. J. 14:, RIVERS, M. B. TORON'I'0 U1 - J) VERSITY, SW. D. C. IC Trinity Univer- • ity. Oilleo-Crediton. Ont, TV.131i01VbaNci M. D. 11. 0. el,• P. S, .'Graduirt e Vici oda .nivt.rsity office wad retijdetit 6, 00011100u Lahore: tory, Exeter. 1 3 (A]. DICKSON & CAR.LING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Conimis6ioners, Solicitors for the Meisel's Bank, Etc. , Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, al.E33X. Elolic'ExRsOrr e. n. MINDING, B. A. • F W. GLADIVLAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) B t it Ht P bli Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL -ro- MN:MAN, L. D. S. AND -"-• DR. A. R. RDISMAN, L. D. S. D. D S.,Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extrac...ed without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block. West Aide ot Main treet, Exeter' —and Royal College- of Dental Snrgeons of D.A. ANDERSON, (D. 0, S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. • Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, a)- luminuro, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest 0383)3)e1 possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. pASTURE For hork Stock, e a Ian Lot 1, cor- ner 01 NIondyke road nd Sti iiiriffeIrssead,„ on and after April 141 • when a man will take charge of them during e season, For further particulars apply to Wassrs, Thedford, Ont. tt 0 LET, on reasonable terms. NOTICE.' Parties are hereby P.:cautioned not to nego- tiate or honor a note in favor ofJames Hannan drawn in the latter part of December, 1900, at 9 months, for the sum of eighteen dollars. pay- ab1e7a4Shipka, and slued by MRS. JOKE NEScliWANGEN FARM FOR SALE. That beautiful farm property being compos- ed of lot 29, con. 1, London road, Township a Usborne, containig 100 acres, This is a desir- able property in a hiet state of cultivation, situated midway between Hensall and. Exeter If not sold privately on or before tbe 1st of March will be sold with the chattels by pub- lic) auction on the premises on 4th. March, 1902. For terms and particulars apply to the pro- prietor, Thos.illawkins, tr to Thos Cameron. auctioneer. F°', SALE—BRICK RE SIDE115 WITH AN ACRE °ELAND IN EXETER -8e offer foressale en reasonable • terms, that ve esirab residential property known as "The : s 1 ornestead" situated on Lot No. 86, sou . • :siren Street, Exeter. There is emoted up dais comfortable and cornmeal° . brick _ Welling, also the necessary outh h es. The ouse is in good re- pair and has ooms. Tho lot contains an acre of land andjbxce1lont1y adapted for garden ing or frill owing. There is &plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to ,Onsa-sots & CArnassa barristers Exeter, or to A. E. Koornit, Row P. 0„ Penne, U. S A., nroprietor. Masses. aerstrutexa WANTED— • vOtvialgAtTo tWheillria,NpridPgprtiegMeeAssN,o7 the country and 13* pros9tots 01 5 h ' there will be adetnad Inc an additional num- ber of stenemasons and bricklayers 3svages 50e par hour. Apply A. T, DAVIDSON Soo, Mason Building Exchange Winnipeg Som. WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity must be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and office to be openetlin Canada to further business interests of an old esphtai:ipisa.hed • mantiftteturing oontiorn. Salary len per mann,. and attra profit Applicant must haVe$1.500 te $2000 cash and geed. stand, AddresS, Sopa. P, 0, Box 1151 iPlasnos and Organs. At popular prices' and easy terms of payment. We sell the celebrated Heitz man & Co. Pianos (the Art Pianos of Canada.) The choice of Royalty for their tour of Can- ada. If you want something cheap- er we can show you pianos of other makes which will be no dis grace to the rnost elegant parlor. In sewing machines we carry the New Williams, Ti.ayrnond and White, also needles and supplies for all machines. The latest sheet music' always in stock. Call and see: S MARTIN BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All .the latest styles, in the newest colors. Our prices are low as can be found for first-class material and workman- ship. BEFORE YOU BIISI" °FILL ft N D SEE US• Two Doors South Town Hall. BROWNING'S Dictig s(tote Headquarters. For • Dyspepsia Cure , Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla. Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonders ful healing and curing properties. .A.• Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Ji N. BROWNIN6 Dominiou Laboratoril. mONEY'TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CABLING •nxeter. rIONEY TO LOAN. have &large amount of private funds to loan on faxm and v 59SllcpextiOstirw rat of interest. F, W. GL.A.D.MAN, Barrister Main St, Exeter. OUT THIS OUT and send it to u$ with 5 cents in silver abd you will get hy return roail a GOLDEN 130X OF GOODS that tvill bring you in MOM MONEY one month than anything else in America. A, W. Kamer, E. T. Yarrnou 1Ii, N. A GCOD INVESTMENT. • Fanson's brick block and dwelling, in Exettir, for sale. The brick blot* is situated, On essetepesetassand contains foUr stores,. o and halls, all lesteddls„ This is the best bust a stand in town. The ssoss dwelling is brick o o storeys and contains 10 100038, 19 adtnira adapted fr a bbardlag house. The pi. orty must be disposed oL Terms ea,sy, apply to R. L. Fenton. Exeter, Ont. "Christmas Box" Full of oncierfui Things AN= Portraite of Adresse ,s 20 PopularSongs 4Z UP Magic Telescope and Pictures, 60 Amus- ing Experimen is, LOve's Puzzle, 20 Iteb.uSeS, 100 Funny Conundrimis, Book of Lore, GaMe of Letters, Magie Writing, 524 Jotly Jokes, • Receipt for Moustache Grower,100 Money Mak- ingSeeretS, 110 Toi et and Cooking Root:Apes. 265 10 8i�dej IS,ctoivertioonitsferso,v.a. AowuttoogrTetopiAb ilFoitlunurssoo, Of Drottins. Guide to Flirtation, Iliagle Age Table, LOVer'S Telegraph, and our now Cat, or Xmas Tom Books ard Notions. All by mail FR EE.fee 50, silverAt,owpayimpti,patc6,41 ;N. .tio,