Exeter Times, 1902-4-10, Page 1"WIN ETURON & IVLIDDLESEX GAZETTE TIVENTY-;NINTII YEAR -No. 33 EXETER, ONT CANADA, THUBSD.AT MORNING, APRIL 10, 1902 W++++++++444+4 +- Pat 4. ; The Paint Season will S0011, be here and we have a LI large stock of Sherwin & Williams Paints on hand. at 41. 4 4411+++++ +44+++++++++++++++++++++++ + • Sherwin Williams PAINTS la=ven••••e•wrInkrer.. • Field and Garden. Seeds. Washing Machines and Wringers. Leader Churns. Cistern and Spray Pumps. Garden Tools. Hoes. Rakes, Spading Forks, Etc. Thorold and Portland Cement, ====,..mosscoc..=acznarae.,* T Hawkhis & Son - 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Just Arrived The Hew Sovereign Shoe For Spring and Summernwear on the latest lasts and up-to-date toe for • Ladies or Cents. Also a choice lot of Men's and boys work shoes at prices that surprise everybody. Eggs taken in exchange for goods, or 5 % off for cash on Boots and Shoes. „- Harness Of all kinds always on hand. R., H., Sweet :Treble's Old Stand, Spring Goods Spring is here and we- tire showing the newest designs in Satins, Overcoating and Pantings At Reasonable Prices!' elPagliereeiliFs..:,...-ZegesgTreseee, I have 3us1) received jno. J. Mit- chell's new9 Fashion Plate for the present season, hence I can give you the latest cuts for Spring and Sum- mer. W. VV. Taman. Merchant Tailor. Opposite post office. Sexernith. Batlins--Rev. J. Greene, of Clinton, preached here on Sabbath last.- Miss Diable Malcolm is.at present visiting at Mrs. J. Duncan's.--The missionary collectors were on their annual rounds last week. -The school grounds have been improved bythe removal of the old dead trees which surrounded it. - W. Northcott purchased a fine young horse from T..1. Berry, of Hesse% a few days ago.- Geo. O'Brien is load- ing his car for the North West this aeweek.es-Mr. Johnston was in our neighborhood last week on busi- ness. His many friends were much pleased to see hitn, Zurich BRIEPS.-The old fire hall has been Sold to Conrad Fuss, for $36.50 -Miss Erma Thompson, of Blake, left on Tuesday for Ifunceytown, where she has been offered a good position. --Ed. Axt, who has been iii the employ of J. Preeter, merchant, for the past six years, leoves to take charge of a branch store at Dashwood; recently opened out by R. Pickard & Co., of Exeter.--Feeddie, son of Henry Thiel, While playing with a catapoult recent- ly, the handle part flew back and struck him in the eye, making quite a cut on the eye -ball. Ilhe sight, how- ever Was not iejured, eta unless in- flammation sets in, his physician thinks there 18 no danger of losing his sight. -- The first meeting of the Wornen's Christian Temperarice TJuiou was held last Week at the home of Mrs. S. Its,nnie.-Martin Kraes hos soia his citeelling and 101) 1-0 j. Zettel, fee $750, and Will move with his fain - fist Geiger hat returned tO Pigeon, Mich: Hay SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the report of examination of S. S. No. 2, Hay. The names are given in order of merit: -Sr. IV.'Cora Minn, Daisy Dilling, James Northcott, Wilber Rowe, Edward Gould ; Jr. IV., Willie Russell, Beale Northcott, Frank Northcott, Mowat Ballantyne; Sr. III, Lizzie Mack, Evelyn Gould, Willie Gould ; Jr. III, Cecil Rowe; Sr. II, Bertha Mack, Alva McMahon Tom Ballantyne, Edgar Munn, 'Willie Northcott, Carrie Northcott; Jr. II, Violet Dilling, Ruth Wildfong. • GEo. MAWRON, Teacher. K irkton Barnes. -.-Miss Jennie Anderson, of Anderson, is spending this week with Mrs. Thos, Roadhouse. -Mr. Auger, of St. Marys, spent part of last week with Fred Marshall. -Alfred Bugg spent Saturday in the village. -Robb. Dawson spent Saturday evening in the village. -John Kirk spent Sunday at his home here. -Mrs. t)arneron is very low at -present, - Miss Annie Dawson spent • Saturday here. - Roy Shier, Fred Marshall, Norman Fletcher, Frank Mills returned toSt. Marys on Monday after spending a week at home. -Harry ;Copeland has engaged with Jas. Moore for the har- vest, -James Hazlewood, music teach- er, of Florence, spent last week at his home here, -Edwin Clarke, of Win- chelsea. spent Sunday in the village. - Miss Etta Fletcher returned home from Winchelsea on Sunday.- Miss Phoebe Tufts left on Sunday for Greenway. -Mrs. Wm. Edwards, of Woodham, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm, Avery. -Jack Moore moved into the village last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazlewood and family spent Sunday in St. Marys. (Too late for last week.) BRIEFs.- Miss Lizzie and Gertie Shier left on Tuesday for their new home in Manitoba. -Silas Shier is on the sick list at present. -Mrs. Robert Robinson is in Toronto at present visiting her mother. - Miss Phoebe Tufts, teacher of Greenway Public School, spent her holidays at home here. -Miss Letitia and Maggie Smyth, of St. Marys, spent this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fletcher, -Fred Mar- shall returned home on Friday. -Miss Rachel Kirk, of London, returned home on Friday last. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elliott moved into their new house on Mary street last- week. - Miss Vera Hazelwood is on the sick Het at present. -Mrs. W. M. Leigh is very sick at present. -We are pleased to see Miss Tillie Hazelwood able Lobe around again, after being confined to her bed for over three months. -Mrs, Heywood, of Winchelsea, spent this week with her brother, Mr. Francis. Dashwood. EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stock of Lumber -pine and themlook, 170,000 feet a hemlock lumber for barns, etc., also shingles laths and cedar posts. Prices reasons.ble.-J.A.S WILLIS, Yard : East side of Heneal I G. J, Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan- o3r, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate al. lew ratesof interest, Office at the Post Office, Hensall BRIEES.-Mr. T. J. Berry, the well known horse dealer sold a very fine horse to Mr, W. J. Dickson, of Mc- Killop. This horse was roue years old and weighed 1,140 lbs. He was sold for $225. -The Conservative Conven- tion held here in Coxworth's Hall, on Thursday last was one, if Dot the most largely attended ever held in South Huron, and very much interest was manifested in the prcceedings throughout. • A large number of very prominent men were present, not only from the riding of South Huron, but also from neighboring counties. A number of stirring addresses were given. As was anticipated, Mr. H. • Eilber, the popular member for South Huron, was unamiously chosen as can- didate for the approaching election for the Local House. and. delivered an address which rs highly spoken of.- Mr. J. E. McDonald, and Mr. Ambrose Smith attended the 20th Century Club's "At Home' in Clinton, on Fri- day evening last and report having spent a most enjeyable time- The Misses. McHugh, who very success- fully carried on dressmaking for the last couple of years, left here this week. Miss Madge having taken a position in Toronto. - Mr. W. W. Taman and. Miss Fowell, of Exeter, called on friends here on Sunday.- George O'Brien and two sons in- tends leaving this week:for Alameda, where Mr. O'Brien has taken up a. large section of farming land, and which they intend workmg. Mrs. O'Brien will remain here for the present. -Our merchants are again on the war path for eggs.- We regret this week to have to report the death of Mrs. Robert Bengough,only daugh- ter of Mrs, Menne, of this village, which sad event occurred on Sunday morning last. Mrs. Bengough had contracted a very severe illness a number of weeks ago, andadespite all the medical skill and trained nursing could do, she continued to grow worse until on Sabbath she passed away in the 35th year of her age. The remains were borne to the IVIetho- dist church on Tuesday afternoon last when a very largely attended funeral service was conducted by the Rev. G. Jewitt, assisted by the Rev. W. J. Doherty, of St. Paul's church, after which the remains were interred in Troyer' s cemetery near Hille Green, The deceased leaves to mourn her loss a husband, son and daughter, besides the mother aud brothers who have the sympathy of the com- munity in their sad bereavement -- Thompson Myrdock and Alex. Mur- dock, were in Exeter, on Sabbath evening calling on friends. Mr, miller White editor of the EXETER Thins, We regret to say, is,a.nd has been con- fined to his room for some time past on account of the breaking of a leg caused by filling on the slippery sidewalk in Exeter -Our curlers, who won the handsome silver tankaid, were recently photographed by Mr. George Trott, the group are well tak- en and we believe they will appear in the Saturday Globe in the near future. -Mr. and Mrs, R,obert Eacrett, were in London recently, visiting Mr. Sac- rett's brother. -Miss Lapin& Cook was in Seaferth on Sammy last- Alonzo Ortwein, who has been in Detroit, for the past year, is home and intends remaining throughout the summer - W. Johnston, was in London this week visiting his daughter. - Miss Mulvaney and Miss Lynch, of London, who were here visiting Mrs. A. Mc- Donnell, have returned to the Oity. Greenway Miss Lizzie Pollock of Port Huron,is at present visiting selatives here.- Miss Jean Baird of Park Hill, visited Carrie Wilson last week. -Miss Tufts, teacher at S,S. No. 10, returned to her duties Monday. -Ras. and Paul MacIn- tosh are visiting Selbourne English.- Miss S. A.Gooding and Miss McGregor attended the funeral of their cousin at West Lorne, last week, Cromarty Our Teacher Mr Jewitt, has pur- chased a general store business at Constance and takes possession as a teacher can begot to fill his place here. While we are sotry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt we hope he may succeed in his new line of labor. -Rev. Mr. Cranston preached in Exeter Sunday evening for nev. Mr. Martin. -Miss Gillispie is spending a few days this week with friends in Usborne: Main st •Lucan Bainvs,-Rev. J. (3. Litt, of Credi- ton, occupied the pulpit of the Evan- gelical church Sunday morning and evening, Rev. Morlock taking Mr. Litt's work in Crediton.- M. Mier continues very low,. but we hope soon to hear of his tecovery.-J. Holz has sold his house .to V. Riter.-Miss Jane Hall has returned after a shore visit among friends in London. -A. Zimmer Who has been confined to his bed for several weeks is recovering, -S, Foust, Of Zurich, was in the village on Sun- day. There seems to be some attrac- tion here for Some. -Quite a, number from here attended the Conservative convention at Henson last Thursday, -Mr. and Mrs, A. Schroeder went to Michigan on Saturday to visit friends, -Rev. J. O. Morlock leaves next week. for Cihesley to attend the entitle' con- ference of elle Evangelical Association to be held in that plate. -Miss Hall, of London, is visiting her brother, .T. Holt -Miss Laura Goetz has gone to Crediton to work for J. 1-10119anan,--, Messrs, Guenther & Willis have pur- chased the flee shire stallion, "Allmon" from T. J.. Berry, of Herm% paying therefore a good lifeline This horse IS corning three year old and is a good one for hie Ago. Baran -Court met in the town hall Monday. Our reeve and constable have been kept busy of late with petty eases. Four or five young men had to appear on the charge of abusive language. It is high time such was stamped out as it is quite a, common thing here -Master W. B. Horne, who Was home for the Easter holidays, returned to his duties on Monday last. -Quite a number are laid up with la- grippe-Mr,Marshall moved his house- hold effects on Tuesday" last to the house now vacated by Mrs. Cathcart, who moved to London. -Mr. R. Horne spent Sunday visiting his mother, Ushorne-A fire Oa= was rung Sun- day night, but it chanced to be some live coals which dropped from a pas - sin gr engine, and our night watch.who it is sold, had a little fire within him- self, thought he would break the monotony of the hight,hence nearly all the inhabitants of Luean went to see the live coals. Orediton, thtums.--Couttell met on Monday and transacted O good deal of hileilleeSe-Alheet ZWieker spent Stens day last With hie parents In London - School opened on Monday last after Easter vacation. Pupils and teachers are determined to present a good showing at the midsummer examina- tions. -The grim reaper, death, has been very busy of late in our midst, especially among our old people, On Monday last Adam Geiser passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. slly Heist, after a short illness. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Evangelical cemetery, Rev. Litt conducting the service, On Tuesday morning last Win, noely Was called to the great beyond. He had been an intense sufferer for many weeks past and death came as a happV relief. RiS remains will be interred in Exeter cemetery this Thursday afternoon. Rev, Knovvles will conti uet theservice. The beteaved friends in both cases have the sympathy of the entire corn. rounitr On Tuesday evening Mr. Grien, of eon. 9, Stephen, an old and respected resident,. passed peacefully away after a very short illness. He was at church last Sunday. Particu- lars regarding interment not yet an- nounced at time of writing- Rev, Morlock. of Dashwood, occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church both morning and evening on last Sabbath and preached with great acceptance, Rev. Litt took h is work at Dashwood -Rev. A. Thibadeau, of Gran& Bend circuit, will preach here next Sunday evening in the interests of the Educa- tional Fund, Rev. Knowles takes the work- on Grand Bend circuit, -Geo. lioltzniann, sr., has disposed of his house and lot to Ed. Kestle, harness- maker,who mill move into it at a,n ear- ly date -Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Young, of London, have been spending a few days with his parents here -Garnet Baker, of London, and his cousin, P. Bertrand, of Michigan, spent Sunday with friends in town -Frank Taylor and Eli Sweet rendered a very fine duett in the Methodist church last Sunday evenincr. The young men are being congratulated. ou all sides for their singing upon the occasion and hope this will not be the last. . Whalen •••••••.•••••••.• BRIEFS. -Miss Minnie Morley spent a few days at Easter with friends in Milverton.- James Brooks, of Bad Axe, Mich„ bought a few choice year- ling heifers in this neighborhood late- ly for which he paid good prices. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Hera visited 111r. and Mrs, S, Peert, of Guelph, at Easter. - Invitations are out for the wedding of Frank Brock and Miss Martha Jaques on April Oth.-S. Gunning sold a fine young horse to W. D. Stanley, of Bid- dulphelast week for $150. (Too late for last week) •BRIEES-Miss Ella Brooks and Miss Bertha Sutherby, of London, spent Easter here under the parental roof. Samuel Gunning solc a colt to Mr. Win. Stanley, at a good figure,- Our fine weather took a change Just in time or else a number of Mir farmers would have been seeding. - A large amount Of maple syrup has been made around here' and 'twas good too.- Mrs. JosephMorley returned home last week after being on a visit to her daughter Mrs, Jeckell, of Hamilton. -Wedding bells were ringing last week, claiming one of our highly respected .citizens, in the person 9f Jabez Millson, wins on Thursday, the 27th of March, was happily married to Mrs, Ella Sanders, at her borne in Clandeboye, the nuptial knot being tied by the Rev. W. E. Millson, of Gesto, brother of the groom, in the presence of only the immediate rela- tives of the contracting parties, Af- ter the ceremony they all sat down to a sumptuous repast, and the happy couple proceeded to the station amidst showers of rice, where they started on their honeymoon to visit his sister, Mrs. Andrew Dinsmoce Imlay City, Michigan. • They returned home on Tuesday, April 1st, to Mr. Unison's residence, where a very warm, cordial and pleasant greeting was extended to the bride and groom by a large recep- tion party of all the neighbors and members of the church. The evening was merrily spent in singing,speeches, games and other amusements, and also a presentation, mit...e by the friends in general to the newly mar- ried couple which consisted of a beau- tiful settee, coupled with a nicely worded address, which was as follows: To Mr. and Mrs. 3, V. DEAR 'FRIENDS. --WR WiSh to thank you for the opportunity of gathering in your home on this occasion to offer you our sincere congra- tulations on your marriage, and. to express to you our well wishes for your future happi- ness. and to welcome to hor new home, and our friendship, one whom we hope ana trust that more intimate acquaintancemay only more firmly establish our mutual confidence and esteem. Even in Paradise it was not good for man to be alone, and. we aro' glad that you have shown your faith in the words of the good Old Book by applying their truths to the present conditions of life, and our earnest wish is that each of you may have found a companion, whose heart beats in union, with an ear into which you can pour your confidence and your troubles, with whited that you can safely grasp, with an arm on which you can safely lean, and with lips that will prove you faith- ful counsellors. Be assured that we wish you many happy and prosperous years of married life and although we may flatter ourselves that nothing is needed but our present°. here this evening to prove the sincerity of our words. Wo beg you to accept this 'settee, not for its value but as a reminder of hearts full of best wishes for 'our Impninass, long life and prosperity hero, and your eternal happiness beyond. • Sioed by VuIrmns 'Whalen April lat.1002. 1 Usborne Council. a* , Council met April 5th. All the mem- bers were present. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the reeve. The following pethmasters were ap- pointed for the current year: Ward 1 -Wm. Essery, B,, N. Treble, Geo. Buswell, Paul Coates, Salines Prayne, Davis, John nutter, Wm. ItOwcliffe Sam Brock, John Cornish, \T10, Coultis, )3°1)6. Woods, eLlriford, Rs Drought. Ward 2 --Thos. Hatton, Nter (lase, Vin. Ilaggarth, John, Hodgson WM. Oke, Halt. Down,. Wm. W'oocl, Stewart. Geo. Jeffery, R. EtOriaey, MI Clark, 1mnl, Mentieth, J.T. JOHN WHITE & SONS T. Oann, John McQueen, M. MoTag- SOUTH HURON CONSERVA., Your Eye garb. Ward 3 -Wm. Taylor, Thos. Brock, TIVE CONVENTION Jarnes Horne Thos. White, a. Rodd, • AT HENSALL. 0. Comm, ,T. 'Allen, D. Goulding, R. Edwards, Thos. Elliotc, D, Dawson, R. Davis, Jas. Gardiner, Con, Whelihan. Ward 4 - Wm. Traquair, John Hanna. H. Passmore, J. Thompson, Wm. Earl, M. Thompson, John Stew- art, W. Crayford,j. R. Dinican,W. H. Kay. James lrfcCrirdy, ,Tohn Duncan, J. Gillian, W. Gillian, Warren M9, Gill, The matter of bridges and culverts was thoroughly considered arid laid over until next meeting for letting contracts. Accounts amounting to $41,55 were passed and orders issued in payment. Council than adjourned. toaneet May 3rd at one o'clock, FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk. •••••••,•411 Stephen Council The Council of the Tp. of Stephen, convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, I on Monday, April 7th, at 2p. m.. All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Webb -Yearley That the police village of Dashwoed, receive $35.00 as a grant for the year 1902, and the village of Crechton, the sum of $70, and in addition thereto the respective villages be paid all the dog tax levied aud collected in the two villages -- Carried. Anderson -Webb -That the sum of $350 be set aside for the use of the Tp. Board of Health, to be drawn on from time to time, as the board. may see fit -Carried. Wuerth-Anderson-That the ques- tion of making a -grant to the Exeter Union Cemetery be laid over until the next meeting -Carried. Anderson-Wuerth- That By -Law No. 3. of 1902, being a by-law authoriz- ing the reeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum of $2500 from some chartered bank or private person to meet the current expenditure until such time as the taxes of 1902 can be collected, hav- ing been read the third time, be pass- ed and signed by the reeve and clerk - Carried. Yearley- Anderson - That Thos. Whitaker, be paid the sum of fifty cents per week, for the maintaina,nce tof Mrs. Jane Smale, payable quarter- ly, compnted. from April 1st., last, - Carried. Webb -Yearley- That the assess- ment roll for 1002, as delivered by the assessor, be accepted and that the as- sessor be paid his 'salary- Carried. The following orders were granted: -M. Alderson, cleaning out ditch across road, $1.00; John Restler, putt- ing in three boxes , $5.00; Chester Prouty, gratuity, $25.00; Advocate Printing Cos accaunt, 811.25; Jno, McPhee, shovelling show, 83.00; Hy. Wilson shovelling snow, S. B., $2.50; • John Cornish, putting in box and lum- ber. L. R., 8325; B. Cunningham, shovelling and ploughing snow $8.50; Hy, Wilson, putting in box, 81.25; Frank Snell, rep. culvert, 75c; Aaron Ireland, filling in culvert, con. 18, $1.- 50c; Jno. Lawsdn, putting in box, $175 ; Jos. Flaist, cedar posts, $15.00. Council adjourned. to meet again at call of Reeve. • HENRY BIDDER, Tp. Clerk, Exeter Public School Report. --- ROJAS 1 ANO 2. -Class A. F. Sweet, 11, Gregory; M. jeneison, R. Frayne ; Class B, Noris; Class 0, W. Carling ; Class D, None. No. on roll 42. Aver. att. 40. . H. N. ANDERSON, } Teachers. J. M. ROBERTSON, Room 3. -May Snell, Hazel Brown- ing, Edna Dow. Mary Murray, Vera Rowe, May Quance, Aldewin Evans; Jr. IV, Fred Trevethiek, Una McPher- son, Lily Acheson. No. on roll 50. Average att. 47. C. VosrEn. ROOM 4, -Fred Smith, Edna Bissett, Olive Gould, Hugh McKay, Dolly Werry, Jenny Welsh, Leah Hemmer and Bertha Snell, equal ; Jr. III, Ethel Vosper, _Blanche Sheere. Forest Crews, Mary Breck, Maude Johns, Minnie Cann, Edna Trevethick. No. on roll 49. Average attendance 40,31. M. E. GILL. Room 5. --Jr. I11, Willie Bissett, Emma Heideman, Charlie Long, Millie Bissett, John Trott, Arthur Cann '• Sr. III, Douglas Stewart, Margaret Ma- kins, DeLemme Milyard, Frances Davis, Lulu Martin, Earl Spackman - May Rowe, Edgar Smith, Emma Hall. Maggie Carling. No. on roll 50. Av.', 43.5. H. E. Warasorro. R0031 6. -Sr. 11, L. Efodgert, L. Bir- ney, 3. Manson, C. Welsh and J. Har - ton, equal ; .Tr. II, L. Snell, G. Ache- son, C. Pickard, W. Amos, H. Gardi- ner ana A. Pickard, equal, A. Bissett. No. on roll 50. Aver, att. 44, H. D. POINGLE, ROOM 7. -Se. II, Catherine Makin, Edith Brock ; Ir. II, George Brown, Willie Birney, Olive Wood, AIM Heideman, Harry Carling ; Sr. Pt.11, Ida Welsh, May Jewell ; Mid. Pt, 11, Latimer Grieve, Clarence Heywood ; jr. Pls IL illie Ford, Mabel Sutton. No. on roll 80. Av. att. 36. S. 3. I1LVI'IN. Room 8. --Jr. 11, Birdie Boyle, Heber Snell, Gladys 'lord, .Laura 1VIcFaIls ; Sr. Pe. 11, Violet Tiould.en, Bert West- cott ; mid. Pt. It, Eylmore Harness, Young Oreeeli, Trenton Elliott, Gor- don Taylor, Willie Snell ; jr. Pt. 11 Harry Puke. No. on roll 4L Aer. att. 35. E. CARLING. Parents, who have children about to begin school are requested to send them as soon as possible in order that they may join the new classes formed at Enter. • STOr AND WORIttOFF TRECOnti. Lexetive Braine-Quiiiitie Tablets otire a cold in bac •ay: No onto. Ne Prioe 25 cent U. Ellber M. P. P. again chosen a.s standard bearer. The largest Liberal -Conservative Convention in the history of the county of Huron was held in Henson on Thursday lase for the nomination of a Liberal -Conservative candidate •for South Huron . The large hall was completely packed with representative men, and scores were unable to secure standing room, remaining outside in the hope that an overflow meeting would. be held. The enthusiasm was unbounded. the various speakers being frequently interrupted by vigorous applause. Among those on the platform were Mayor Beattie, of London, chairman of the Western Liberal -Conservative association ; Major Jos. Beek, of West Huron fame ; John Sherritt, M. P, of North Middlesex ; Dr. Rollins, of Exe ter ; B. B. Gunn, Seaforth ; Mr. Holm - stead, barrister, Seaforth ; T. B. Car- ling, Lew Dickson, barrister, Exeter; John McArthur, ba.nker, Hensel!.; John McDonald, Merchant, Hensall ; and others of the most prominent men in the Liberal -Conservative ranks ha South Huron, a number of whom de- livered stirring addresses denouncing the policy of the Ross Government, and strongly endorsing the record of Mr. Henry Either's, the representative in the late Legislature. The nomination of Mr. Eilber as the standard-bearer ofthe party in the coming election was moved. by Dr. Rollins, who performed a similar duty four years ago, and seconded by Mr, B. B. Gunn. Both mover and seconder made stirring speeches. The nomination was unanimously carried amidst the wildest enthusiasm, Mr. Either in accepting the nomin- ation, made a brilliant address, which was received. with unbounded en- thusiasm. There is not the slightest doubt that Mr. Eilber will carry the riding by the largest majority ever polled. Exeter Municipal Council. Council met pursuant to adjoure- ment at Town Hall, March 21st. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Moved by J, Muir seconded by J. Davis that we use 30 lengths of cement tile at outlet of Main street sewer, the balance clay tile. Moved in amendment by W. Hard- ing, seconded by J. Wood, that we use cement tile for Main street sewer as far as deemed necessary by the committee hereafter named. The Reeve declared the amendment car- ried. Davis -Muir -That councillors Hard- ing and Wood and the Reeve be ap- pointed a committee to supervise the work on said sewer. -Carried. Wood -Harding- That the street commissioner be instructed to procure 1000 tile for sewer on Andrew street; se .• Carried. Muir -Harding -That the following accouuts be passed and orders drawn �ii Treasurer for same ;-W, 3. Hea- man, gasoline $045; James Creech, charity to Mrs. Sutton $6.00 ; T. A. Amos, balance of account re -disinfect- ing, 1901 ac. $2100.-Clarried. Wood -Harding --That Mr. Creech ask for tenders for painting water wagon.--Oarried. Davis -Muir-That Council adjourn to meet again on Friday, April 4th, at 8 o'clock p. m.- Carried. Council ment pursuant to adjourn- ot Town Hall, April 4th. All presdnt. •f Minutes of previous meeting read ; and confirmed. Petitions from the majority of the ratepayers resident on Main street between Huron street and the south boundary :and from the corner of Main and Wellington at. to the north Is directed to the following/ list of Sterling Money Saver Glance over the list. Notic the figures. • They count. Se for 4 pounds Washing Soda. 5c for 2 barrels Carpet Tacks. 10e for a 15c Bottle of Oats,. 25c for 4 pounds Select Raisins. 15c for 25e Curtain Poles, compl e with Brass Trimmings. 40c for 00c Roller Window Sha s over 100 to choose from• . Eggs and Batter wanted, either exchange for goods or for cash. T. Halton ems teeeleeelltnereilee30008.6601111 e I : • ce • : Sll E Talbot e e e e : (successor to Levitt's Fair.) 1 0 O " i FOR THIS WEEK i • • : An extra. nice line of : e i• S TEA . • • 6 0 e • : at 25c. the pound. Try' .. l e• e it for once- •s • • : Umbrellas and Parasols :I : 1 at 10% off to clear • • 1 Some nice Granitevvaye 1 09 and Tinware to hand. 1 2 0 : Wedding Presents e 1 e in Great Variety. I O . e 2 -7- . • _ e 1 Vile Le TALBOT I 0 O (Successor to Levitt's Fair.) 1 eeceeetatt000seemsooaceees•• side of the Presbyterian Manse, was received, asking that Main street be watered between the above named limits. Moved by J. Davis, seconded hy 3. Wood, that the prayer of the Wapn- er be grauted,-=4Jarrie4. Hardingr-ba thp following gammas be Bused e.ed on Treasurei for same :-Ed. Treble, painting and repairing wagon 38.50; Tremame & Snell, electric lighe ac less $0.00, allowance $78.24 ; Wm. Col- • lingwood, labr 31,25; Geo. H. Bissett, part salary S25.00. Miss Kemp, do $25.00. -Carried. Davis -Muir -That the account of 3no. Moore for constable fees be filed. Carried. Muir -Harding -That the Clerk ask for tenders for watering Main st, from the north side ot the Presbyterian i Manse to the south boundary, nclud- ing the pumping water for all purposes, also for excavating and fii lling n sewer on Andrew st., from south side of Vic- toria st. to the north side of Welling- ton st., tenders to state price per rod. -Carried. Davis -Harding-- That council ad- journ to Friday, April. 21, at 8 o'clock p. m. -Carried. GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Now ilSt firriV611 Car of Owen Sound Samson Portland Cement. Car of North Celebrated Portland Cement Sewer Pipe. Car of Builders Hardware and Wire. Buiider's of houses and barns should get our prices for supplies. Rae.. IMMO0111111•1101•11111. Ready -Mixed Paints • Here we excel jewell Ready -Mixed • 45c • Elephant Ready -Mixed 40c Adamantine floor 40c Guaranteed pure lead and oil, Wall Finish • For Tinting and decorating walls:0 and ceilings use MURfi.L0 made ready for use with a little col water. Made in 17 tints. imsymrsowerenararaywermmemar WO. New Spring Goods Just arrived Poultry Netting, (all sizes,) Horse clippers, Hors'', Singers, Washers, Churns, Spraying Machines, Wringers Sulphur, • Blue Stone, Mechanic's Tools, Buildings Pape, Whiting, Fence Hooks, Fence Machines, &c. AT ROCK )TT'M PRICES. ..agaugagosig.k. HARDWARE AND COAL) EXVIIIR.