HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-3, Page 5.11 Zf!R TT II "Gather thistle, expect prickles." Haunt "bargain' sales" and expect dis- satisfaction, Good things don!ti go a 'begging; and:: insurance is worth. having. ' Sure value, up to the Makers' price., "The Slater Shoe" "OoodyerWelftd,"; ammo. - R j, SPACKMAN. General Agent, General News. , British 'Preen Oil Liniment IS without excep- tion the most effective remedy for Cuts, NlVertinds, 'Ulcers. Open sores, Rheumatism, Bitbastines of Insects, eta A large bottle, 25 cents. The thirtieth anniversary number Of the Mail and Empire, issued on Saler- day last, was a highly creditable bit of work, in design, in conception and execution. H. C. Rocker), who has been editor • of the Toronto Evening News for the past five years, has resigned to take charge of the Ste Thomas Journal, and Mr. Buckner, oathe Toronto World, will take editorial charge of the St. Thomas Times. - The semi-annual meeting of the Do- mestio and Foreign Missions Board, of Or- the church of England will meet at London, Ont. April 9, 10, but will probably be adjourned to Montreal for April 21th, to suit the convenience of the bishops of the province, who will have to be in the city for the conse- cration of Dean Carmichael, April 25. Worms affect a child's health too seriously to negleet. Sometimes they cause convulsions and death If vou suspect them to be present give Dr Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which destroys the worms without injuring the child. Price 25o, "What Women like in Men," "What Men like in Women, and "Husbands and Wives," are the titles of a series of very interesting papers by Raiford Pike, the third of which appears in The Cosmopolitan for April. The same number of the Cosmopolitan treats of Prince Henry's visit, with a series of beautiiul printed photographs under a title of • A Clever Emperor and a Confederation of Nations," •F Hopkinson Smith, Israel Zangwal, Bret Harte and Maarten Maartens are among the other contributors of this number, which is unusually good in fiction, MEMINIMONI UHL FRR1DIRMENT Is in Sessipn Ottawa People Hear of a IVIarvellous Cure. It is a ResCue From Suffering and Death Effected by Paine s Celery Compound THE 'GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. - NM,. BROWN, SAYS: 4'After the Use of Paine's Celery Com- pound I am Now in the Best of Health. The greatest of modern physicians. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. L. D., after years of long practice and close scientific study, gave to suffering and diseased men and women his mar- vellous life-giving prescription, with the conviction and positive knowledge that it had peculiar virtnes and ampie powers to cure, after the terrible ver- dict "incurable" was uttered by the medical practitioner. Thousands of the strongest teeti- menials' from the best known and most reliable men and women of our country fully sustain the claims made by Dr. Phelps regarding his incompar- able Paine's Celery Compound. One of the most convincing. proofs furnished. Comes recently from a gentleman widely known in the Capi- tal city, we refer to Mr. Alfred Brown, 91 O'Connor St.'Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Brown's letter fully demonstrates the fact that the greatest sufferer may oast off his or her burden of disease and become well, strong and happy. It proves too that the great medicine maintains more firmly than ever be- fore its unrivalled place in, the estima- tion of people of wealth and social stauding as well as with the masses. Mr. Brown says: "I acknowledge with thankfulness and pleasure the fact that I have been cured of a very painful illness of eight years standing by the use of Paine's Celery Conventicle t had, during the years of my illness, tried almost all the advertised medicines without de- riving any good results. I was also treated be several of the best doctors of this ciey, boning to and that one of tlaetu at least would understand my case, "I was getting wane, and was told I was incurable. I was indeed in e critical condition. I Could not go from the house alone. as I was liable to sud- den collapse, I tried hospital treae- ment, but, no relief or good results caatie to or. I could not sleep ; any - any that 1 ate increased my agonies ; I WP.S extremely' weak, restless, tired and despondept'was obliged to walk about with my bands pressed amity into nly left side to ease my paine ; ray feet and hands were cold eonbin1- ally ; had ineliiiation to vomit, had profuse cold sweats, quick breathing. and would be teichea with pain for boars at a tire ., "After the eegular use of Paine's Celery Compoiled for e time, now in tbe btu t Of health, haVe good appefitte II.M1 CA sl ose eny kind of food. Thank God 1 aro my old self once move, all throueh the ose of Pabee's Oelety Oompootal Mail and Empire : The referendum Will coet the province $40,000, and the municipalities another $40,000. Pro- hibitionists will have to subscribe $100,000 for campaign purposes unless they give up the fighe ; while the anti - prohibitionists will be taxed in like amoent. At least $300,000 will be spent in order to enable Aar. Rose to face both ways. It seems to he a, case in which a polibiciau amps into "a, hole" and then taxes everybody to cover the cost Oa resening him , Those who NV,P weauperintendiaa the construction Of Ike aitvernment tie - graph lines in the dieection of the Yukon must; have had a jolly time, judging front the following items of expense taken I rom the Auditor -Gen- eral's report :- 2 cases Heonesey's brandy $ 16 75 10 gallons Rum at $5.25.. 52 50 3,000 Representative cigars;., 180 00 1,000 Fiore Espana cigars 45 00 1,000 El Condos() cigars, 37 00 105 lbs. Myrtle Navy tobacoc . 73 50 70 pounds T. & Betobacco 51 80 86 lbs, Prince of Wales tobacco 58 48 1,000 Manual Gaecia cigars 75 00 According to this, brandy, rum, to ham> are necessary to the stringing of telegraph wires. Tha:5 the taxpayers of the Dominion have to pay such expenditures is a shame and disgrace of the Public Works Department. The second trial of Gerald Sifton on the charge of murdering his father, Joseph Sifton, at St. John's on June 30, 1900, will in all probability begin on the morning of Tuesday, April 8, before His Lordship (Thief Justice Fal- conbridge. The spring assizes open on the previous afternoon, and as the true bill was returned at a previous court, and both sides vvill be termer a very heavy expense, the trial is to be brought on at the earliest possible moment, It is hardly likely that the case will occupy ten days, as it did at the fall court. Witnesses for both the Crown and defense are being subpoen- aed, but the course to be followed by the Crown is, of course, being kept dark. Crown Attorney Magee stated that he was not in a position to say if many medical men would be called again. This was a matter which rest- ed entirely with Mr. Riddell, K. C., of Toronto, who would in all probability consult with Mr. E. F. B. Johnston, leading counsel for the defense, and agree on the number of doctors to be called by each side. The Crown Attorney refuses also to sap if Edgar Norden would he called for the prose- cution. LUMBAGO BACKS STRAIGHT- - ENED. Don't be around. the house losing tirue and money because your back is stiff from lumbago. Do as thousands before you haye dope. Buy a large bottle of that unusually good liniment Poison's Nerviline, and rub it frequent- ly over the sore part. It gets at the pain, limbers you up in no -time. Ner- viline is quick to relieve ; never fails ; never harms. Try it to-aaye, 25 cents. OH 1 WHAT A PREFENCE Last year the rate of duty on all United States goods imported into Canada. was 12,5 per cent., and the duty on all British goods was 18.2 per cent. The duty on dutiable imports from the United States was 24.83 per cent., and the duty on duitable im- ports from Great Britain was 24.74 per cent. be preference in favor of Great Britain is consequently only seven -one -hundredths of one per cene. The result was that last year trade with Great Britain decreased $4,715,- 409, while from the Melted States, exclusive of coin and bullion, we im- ported $6,762,733 worth more goods than ever before. At the same time, exclusive of coin. and bullion, our ex- ports to the United States were 8682.- 150 lees than in 1900; The gain of the United States over the Motherland in Canadian Markets last year was $10,- 786,381. A.nd this the kind of prefer- ence that the Liberal party supports. THOSE LARGE INCREASES The goVerrilitelit haye not'only in- creased the expenditure of almost every department, the funds for which are supplied from consolidated account but they have added greatly to the cost of conducting branches, the ex- penses of which are chargeable to collection. Here are few such increases • in nor as compared with1900: Customs . . ..... :$227,485 Dominion Lands... 13,509 Iuspector of Staples . . , 12,258 Post Office 266,435 • Public Works.. .. . . 113,349 • Railways and Canals .2,551,735 Trade and Commerce32,236 It will be noticed that Sir Richard Cartwright has succeeded in adding $32,260 to his expenses.. It is well to remember that the Knight of Oxford, daring the days of opposition, de- nounced the minister a Trade and Commerce as a person quite unneces- sary for the good government of this country. Trade and commerce in those days cost many times less than at present. PUBLIC' EXPENDITURE. According to the Moncton Times (Conservative) the salaries paid in the Moncton offices of the Intercolonial railway which in 1800 totalled $03,001 amount now to $177,118. The Tittles gives apparently full details. The In- tercolonial system has since 1806 been extended somewhat, but not by so much as twenty per cent. The salary increase at Moucton is ninety percent. The Toronto Mail, another Conser- vative paper, recently gnoted figures to show that the censtre of 1001. taken under liberal iteapicee, will cose covey a million, where nearly equivalent work under Conservative rnle cost some- thing over half a million. Such statistics would appear to il lustrate how it is that the gross gev- enema/it expenditare in Canada has been jumping up so since 1896, The government 'theory regarding' the growth of expenditure is that the public necessities have been increasing proportionately, and that the country gets fair value for its money. Statist. VC'S of the WASS cited by the Moneten Times and Toronto Mail appear to prove that the government theory is weak.—Ottawa Journal, Independent, Liberal. YOUR. FAITH .4rs if yea try 1111011'S .Consumption Csgiii,i0.r,s,eosiss'4,:tfstii4dvwT3):::;feutTrogicuoilcei. . • , ttniacY, fate we 0,:i you free trial bottle if you write for it, sumption, Pneumonia, :Bronchitis and all imng Tfoubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a d,ey, ad Leis prevent serious restntS, It has been doing these thiugs for 60 years, S, c. vverae a ea, Toronto, can. Karl's Clover Root Tea eerreets the StOM1tCh • THE WEEK IN PARLIAMENT The week saw a division in the Sen- ate on straight party lines, a scene that had only one precedent, aud that a few days earlier. The Liberals have drawn tbe political lines hard and fast and with the control of the upper chambee• the responsibility of the • government increases. The budget debate was continued. Mr. E. F, Clarke, West Toronto; Mr. Robert Johnston, Cardwell: Mr. A. 0. Bell, Pictou; Mr, Sproule, East Grey; Mr. Kemp, East Toronto; Mr.rfackett, TreiTrPtince; and Mr. Richardson, South Grey, pointed out many defects in the administration ot Canadian affairs. Sir Richard Cartwright attempted to dispute assertions made by Ilia Bell, to the effect that the records of the country had been faasiaed by the trade and coninierce department. Mr. R, le Borden replied to the Minister of Trade and Commerce and showed that Sir Richard by his own utter- ances admitted the accusation was correct, DIAMOND YES Por the Home in Spring— • time. 4•11•0•01•1•11•••••••• In thousands of homes throughout the vast Dominion, mothers and daughters are working merrily and bappily with Diamond Dyes: Last year's faded and dingy dresses, skirts, blouses, capes, jackets as well as children's and uaen's suits are being transformed into newand handsome garments for spring wear. This home dying work saves scores of dollars an• mealy to economizing families. Success in hone dyeing is only as- sured and guaranteed when the Dia- mond Dyes are used. The use of crude, common and imitation package dyes is a danger and source of loss to all who unfortunately use them. Send a Post Card with your address If you desire to secure the full rauge of Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns. The Wells & Richardson Co.'Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montrea1, P. Q., will inail these novel designs free of cost. YOUNG CANADIANS, EOHOLD ! Attention has been very properly called to the had example set to young men by John Charlton, in his acknow- ledgement, that for over twenty years be believed Protection to be the best policy for Canada, and at the same time promulgated Free Trade doctrines all over this continent. Such a shame- less confession, coming as it does from a man of Mr. Charlton's position, is hard to understand. He is a man high in his party ; he is one of the old school, where honor was supposed to be held sacred ; be has been entrusted with negotiations, the result of which meant the Independence of Canada and last but not least, he is the self - avowed apostle of morality in the House of Commons. Year after year Mr, Charlton made it a practice to lay before parliament a bill to eafeguard public morals. • And now he publicly admits that while he thanked God that "he was not as other men" he was living the lie of open hypocrisy. He believed that one 'Policy was for the development of his country ; be advo- cated one uuconditionally opposed to his ideal ; out of his own mouth, John Charlton stands condemned before Canadians as one who would willingly have sold his native land for "a mere mess of potage" -- the retention of power. • LIDOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE Without regular action of the bowels, Lana - Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure constioa- tion dy spepsia, biliousness, • sick headache and all affections of the organs of digestion. Price 25 cents All druggists. ow,To ain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL- SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop- erly, so that the patient Is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be- fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking Scars raulgoa You will find it just as usefei in saltwater as in wittier, and if you are thriving upon it don't stop because the wtather is warm. 5oe, Red $t,00, all druggist. BOWNE. Toronto. CANADA 81IOULD 13E FIRST, .----. "The development of Canada has been entrusted to us, and we certeinly should not be true to otir daty if we did not seek to develop this country' kaoria the lines of manufacturing :in- dustries as well as along the lines of ag- ricultuall indueti ies, if we considered that the resources of this country justified ns in doing so. We know that the resent ces of this coontrY do justify us in doing so. We know that pain and all bad after effects. we possess the material for carrying on manufacturing industries to au Diseases of women—Pail-Ifni, profnee or stippreseed meesti extent possessed by few other count- uleeration, leucorrhoea arm all displacements of the womb. ries in the world, and I say we would seele to avail ourselves of those natter- OFFICE HOURS— 0 a, ra. to 8p, rn. Sunday 1 to 3p m . . not be true to ourse/aes, if we de 1101' seek to build up he this way not only • ials which are closo t 0 our hands, and 411 a,gricultural production,but a manta factoring production as Well. •Our interests muse sometime give way to imperial interests; but any system or policy which closes Our factories, causes our machinery and plant to lie idle, and semi our operatives to the . 113.P4 MI y . , , OR, Wo H. CRA •,ig, t West ILI A isa Late ty Wfils . No, 1 Clarence -square, corner Spadina .avenue, Toronto Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc, PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc,, (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Glect and Stricture or Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without United States is not a policy which is advantageous to Canada, or the empire _merely becanse it gives an increase to Some manufacturing industry in Great Britain. Our policy should be, in the first place, to conserve our own inter- ests; and,in the next place, as between our competitors, British and foreign, manufacturers of the motber country U our policy should lica, to give to the reristilla 111 Gil !looping nation, •CREDITO IN Roiler Mins Ila.0.111:.121921 We are giving excellent sai. bisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Dry SoftWeed Wanted. a preference over those of other countries."—Mr, ale Borden, leader, of the Conservative party, in his de- claration of the Ocniservative policy. DEAF AS A. DOOR NAIL. Not an uncommon expression, but DOH Fromptlii. H. S EITZER Trite true of many people whose hear- BuGG/Es ing ma be perfectly restored by in- haling Oatarrhozone. It quickly re- lieves and cures all kinds of Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness, and diseases of the respiratory organs. Don't give up hope till you have tested Catarrh - ozone, M has restored lost hearing to thousands, and can do the same for you, Catarrhozone is a vegetable an- tiseptic, pleasant and convenient to use, absolutely • certain to quickly benefit and ultimately cure. Two months' treatment $1.00. Small size 25c, at druggists or by mail from N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. MR. BLAIR'S MANAGEMENT. -- Mr. Blair's management of the gov- ernment railway system seems to he mismanagement of the highest order. In the year ending June 30, 1900, the Minister used 332,000 ties on the Inter - colonial. Then came the election of November, 1900, and Mr. Blair bought 1,300,000 ties. Of this number only 500,000 were used, and the remaining j 800,000 are lying along the road. The ' ties were purchased at prices ranging from 20 to 29 ceets each. No contract was made with any dealer and the ties were supplied in small lots. NO MUD IN OURS. ELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.'S "IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR" is the only absolutely pure butter color in the world. Thereis not a trace of MUD or other offensive IMPURITIES I in it. Ihe last drop is as clear as the first. It is the only color used by the world's best butterrnakers. Once you use a common color, your reputation as a buttermaker is lowered. The best is sold by all first-class dealers. ' •••••••.••• NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Wm. D. Yeo. late of the village of Exeter, in the county of Huron, merchant deceased, NOTICE?: is hereby given pursuant to Chap. ter 129 R. S. O. 1897, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Wan. D. Yoe, who died on or about the 25th day of March, A,19f2. are required to send or deliver on or 'before the 19th day of .A.pril 1902, to J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, Onb„ Solicitor for the Exocutors, their names, addresses and occupations, with particulars of their claims, statements of their accounts, and the,nature of the securities. (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date, the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son or persons of whose Maim or claims notice shall not have been received at the Ulna of such distribution. 3- G. STANBIIRY, Exeter, Ont. - Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Exeter, the 2nd day of Aprll, 1902. 60000•006000•0•000••••aaaa 5• • ES TELEPHONE CONNECTION. • O e 0 • O ExGris eter t Mill e a a O a a Mill Feed always on hand. • • 0 • Farmers' attesting a Specialty. 0 : Chopping Promptly and Prop- 06 O erly attended to., 'Wheat 0 * Wanted, Give us a Cala. e • e o Terms Cash. •a S Harvey E3rof. : a Successors to J.Cobbledick & Son, ? ocese•••••ao••••••ilesosoom Stdherland hrne LIMITER ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE ELM THER TIMBER, ElTtltra STANDING OR IN TILE y Apply te E. C. Kessel EXETER, 01+ T, BUGGIES I Doyen Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in. the newest colors. Our prices are low as can be found for first-class Material and, workman- ship. :BEFORE:YOTJ BITY:477ae 11N11) SEE usseil Two Doors South Town Hall. •••••00•000a 0080060000;ga O a i Spring Tom Oponsfiprist I I _, ;;;;;Ka'/X4---4 1 O .....—) • O STRATFORD, ONT 0 O 0 6 Enter now- and be ready : 0 O to accept a good position 0 e• in the fall. 0 a a This popular school with its splendid : staff of teachers, thorough courses of O study, and reputation for strictly high 0 ce arade work, is the one for you to attend. 0 mk, Dais college occupies a far higher level 0 5 than the average business college. Write 0 O for circulars. a a W. J. ELLIOTT, 1 O Principal ; e €00000Gataa0•00000•••000•00 Reiff Ned [SIM itllellq Er IF You WANT Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan Line, ON THEaTJNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAI` oface over H. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. taaal Oash paid for Raw Furs. London, Huron and •••••=.1 GOING NORTIE— London. depart 8.15 Brucc. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, • Agen for the WESTERN AssunAilon tOolii- • Nixv, of Toronto; also for the PROD= FI.R.0 NW:MANOR COMPANY of Loudon, 4Dgland kraIANOR INSCUAICE COls&P.ANY, Or Er and MEDICAL Lon.v.hANT,11.%,'6..11t.T5PAITRInYviT. ity. OftIce—Crediton, Out. 1A/ . 13E0 W 14 IN Li iI.D. M . 0. • P. 5, Graduate .,uivereity aloe and rOflitiSbee, o re to e Labora- tory, Exeter.. • 1 ( U,. DicKsoN & CARLING, Barrist ors,. $olicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers. Commissioners. (:)licitors for the Molsons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE:—MAIN STItEET, llEXICTER. Et. R. CABLING, R. A. L. II. JAMESON F GLADM.A.N (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) 13arrigter, Solicitor, liatary Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest 9FFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL TT KINEWAN, L. .0. S. AND -•••••• DR. A. R. RLNSMAN. L. D. 8. D. D S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effeets. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main treet, Exeter' D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. 1.,D -S - DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University aud Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al - 1 uminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manlier possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used. for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bros store Exeter. Ont. pA_STURE TO LET, For horses or cattle on reasonable terms. Stock to be taken on the ranch, on Lot 1, cor- ner of Klondyke road and Stibbins side -road, on and after April 14th, when a man will take charge of them during' the season. For further particulars apply to 1550. WATTS, Thedford, Ont. NOTICE. Parties are hereby tcautioned not to nego- tiate or holler a note in favor ofJaures Batman drawn in the latter part of December, 1900, at 9 months, for the sum of eighteen dollars. pay- able:tte,Shipka, and signed. by ;se 1,, MRS. JommNESCRWMIGElt FARM FOR SALE. That beautiful farm property being compos- ed of lot 29, con: 1, London road, Township of Usborne, centering 100 acres, This is a deur- able property in a high state of cultivation, situated midway between Hensall and Exeter If not sold privately on or before the 1st of March wM be sold with the chattels by pub - lie auction on the premises on Ith March, 1902. For terms and particulars apply to the pro- inietor, Thos.tEfav,-kins, cr to ThOs Cameron. auctioneer. FOR SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE °ELAND IN EXETER—We offer for sale en reasonable terms, thq very desirable residential property known as 'The Hooper Romestead" situated on Lot No. 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair turd. has 9 rooms. Tho lot contains an acre of land and is excelleatly adapted. for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up to date, and the terms oaey. for particulars ap- ply to DiensoN &CARLING barristers Exeter, or to .A.. E. HOOPER. Row P. 0„ Perna, U. S A., proprietor. Passenger. MONEY TO LOAN 0.50 Centralia ...... ... .... SA Exeter • 9.80 Sensall • 9.44 Kippen 9.50 • Brucefleld 9.88 Clinton 10.15 Wingliam, arrive. Goma SOUTH— • Passenger Wingham, depart 6.53 A. m. 3.15?. at. Oluaten • 7.47 4.25 Brucafteld .0 4.49 Itippen ... 8.15 Kansan 22 8.35 8.16 London. arrive. .... .,9.37 6.0 We have unlimited private funds for invest - 6,15 ment upon farm or village property at lowest 6.25 rtes of interest,. 6.83 . DICKSON & CARLING 6 55 Exeter. ..... 11.10 8.00 Centralia riONE Y TO LOAN. have a large amount of private funds to 1.67 5 02 loan on form and vi]eooeiiie,itICA lot of interest. 5.10• F, W. G1JAD1VLA.N, 6.25 6.12 1 Barrister Main St. Exeter. "Christmas Box" OUT THIS IOUT Full of NA onderful Things 25 atVerc'PeflgfeAotirel rgirgd°1412oCgr°41115(1.= ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses, 100 Funny Conundrums, Beek of Love, Game of Lotters, Magic 1Nriting 324 aonv Jokes Receipt for Moustache Grower, 100 Money Mak- ing Secrete, ILO Toi et and Cookieg Reempes, 255 Selections for Autograph Albums, 10 Model Love Letters, Row to Tell Portunos, Dictionary of prams. 9.900 to Flirtation, Magic Ago Table, Lovers .1 elegraph, and. our new Cat. or Xmas TOvs. Molts ard Notions. eli by nittil FRE E. for 5e, silver toils:5N nostogg Yarniouth, N.S. aerate' and send it bus with 6 cents in silver and "you will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you in Wrenn MONET in ono month than anythiu elSe in America. A. W KEWAY.1110 Y81111011 11,, 1C, A GC OD INVE STM ENT. aims and Or ns At popular price easy terms of payment. We s1 the celebrated IIcitz man & Co. Pianos, (the At, Pianos of Canada.) The cholce of Royalty for their tour cf Can- ada. If you want something cheap- er we can show you pianos of oth er makes which will be no dis grace to the most elegant parlor. INSIONIVIA11.1)1 • In sewing machines we carry the New Williams, 11.aymoncl aid White; also needles and supplies for all machines. The latest sheet niusic always in stock. Call and see. S. MARTIN Spring Goods thenprieang.esfst hdeersei sn ciln we are showing Suitinge, avercealling and Pantings At ReatsomealbTo JP•tice I have just received Jno. J. Mit- chell's new Fashion Plate for the present Feason, heece I can give you the latest cuts for Spring and Sum- mer. W. W. Taman. rilet-claetra Opposite post office. BROWNING'S ic-tig Store Headquarters For Dyspepsia Cure Bloodt and :NerveeTonic2,5e Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills; Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney:Mixtur e Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla • Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. . TOILET ARTICLES • SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES BROVIINING Dominiou Laboratorll. 5 Packs ofj Cards Free, S One Pack, "May I. C. IF. Rome," One Pak, "Escert" One pack, "Flirtation" One Pectic "Hold -to light. One Pack, "Our Sofa Ju Holds Two. Sample 01 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send 5a silver for postage. .A.. W. KENNY, E. T. Yarmouth, S.N. WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity - TV must be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and eff ce to be openedin Canada to further business interests of an old established manufacturing concern. Salary 8150 tler month and extra profs. Applicant must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand- ing. Address, Supt„ P. 0. Box 1151, Philadei) phia, Pa. Fanson'e brick block and dweBing, in Exeter, for sale. The brick block is well situated, on lilttin street, 18 70x65 feet, three storeys, and cOn faille four stores, eiliceS and halls, all leased. This is the best business stand in town. Tho dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10 toomsos adnlirably adapted for a beardieg house. The property intat be disposed of, Terms easy, apPly te R. L. Pearson, Exeter, Ont. r.17nfermeev."4.,,esnlw,rywi.47,1theirem! TRADE •IMABISS DESIGNS CoPVRIGHTS Anyone sending a sketch and description nay glalokly ascertair out opinion free whether an invention is area ably' i3ate0tab1e. ConnnIndea. Vona striday °evidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest inteney fel' Bemiring patent,s, Patenta Caton tiatough Mahn .% Co. 'receive arectat notleo, wg.boutexterge. intim ClentifIC J1mrkau, A handsomely illustrated Weekly. T,araeSt 010- enlatiOn of any scientific Journal. Terms.„0 . year; four menthe, 0. sold by an newaderders. MUNN & CO 361ertulltvaY' New lfork Branch Ogle% a% 11' St„ Washington, C. yOnt' feel Mean !Ow Gelp.,QuIntrad pon Wont to roc; fate eaae, Gclo,tgol,rnifte". een acing Oripitaninino and And it an excellent p. AOGEItS0 skilten, Otti.