HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-08-10, Page 13CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1983 -PAGE 13 A L.iyy,l, *Ala 4t:lit i 144.3t.:Rc. • POWDERED LAUNDRY Sunlight Detergent 12 LITRE BOX 699 OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.69 A . � • \ 044 i9V, with supermarket prices eiloinso.0 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements • WHITE Pronto Towels PKG OF 2 ROLLS 99 Boneless Round OUR REGULAR PRICE 8.13Ikg-3.69 Ib SAVE 2.43/kg-1.10 lb CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF FULL SLICE Round Steak 6 37 /289 /kg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 8.801kg-3.99 lb F RESH-GREAT ON THE B B.O. Lean Ground Beef INSIDF CI)T Round Steak TENDERIZED Cube Steak RIB OR 3 10 3' . LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 439/ 199 Ikg Ib 659/299 !ky Ib 65k9/299 Ig Ib 417g/189 Ikg Ib ROAST iP CHOPS (BONEL ESS 6.591kg 2.99 Ib) Centre Cut Pork Loin 5k9/2 PORK l ()IN RIR PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare Ribs 4'' /189 RIR F'f)RTION Boneless Pork Loin 6159/279 A&P RI (,(IL AR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon NE W ZEAL AND FROZEN SPRING SHOULDER 439/199 /kg lb 32'x /149 kg lb Lamb Chops BREAKFA.S1 Burns Sausages NE 'N NON AL i OHOLIC Henninger Beer IN TOMA 10 SAUCE OR WITH PORK Clark Beans SII VE RW( (JD 1 PART) V SKIMMED Cottage Cheese rIPAN(11 nr:INw Honey Dew 500 g 249 vac pac 6 paof 4 39 330 mLck btls ■ 1411 oz tin ■ 5009 ctn I. 49 64ccont II oz ■ 1 99 RENRICE. ASST FLAVOURS 175 g TUB SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib COMBO PACK: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 1 7/18g 4 /kg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.271kg-2.39 lb LAND O'FROST, THINLY SLICED, 6 VARIETIES Cooked Meatsc1g c .69 SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 4.83/kg-2.19 Ib) Back Bacon .439/199 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA Bologna Chunks 3/1" BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, REGULAR, BEEF OR B.B-Q- Wieners4509c 1" vac pa BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA. SLICED, 5 VARIETIES Cooked Meats vacpagc.89 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA Sliced Bologna BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, Cooked Meats 375 g 149 vac pac 175 g 129 vac pac 3 VARIETIES 375 149 vac pac BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA. SLICED, ASST TRIPLE PACK Cooked Meats3758169 vac pac BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA. 8 VARIETIES Sausage Sticks FABRIC SOFTENER Fleecy Liquid HEINZ. FANCY Tomato Juice SNYDER. WHITE Whole Potatoes ORANGE PEKOE Tetley Tea Bags 500 g 249 size Prices effective thru Sat., ..ugust 13, 1983 ) BRAZILIAN DECAFFEINATED COFFEE 8 O'clock Bean Coffee CUSTOM GROUND -1 LB BAG 349 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.99 !kg 13/ 69 lb SAVE UP TO 2.43/kg-1.10 Ib BONELESS, RUMP INSIDE CUT ROUND OR Sirloin Tip Roast 6 37/ 2 !kg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 8.80/kg-3.99 lb BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA. READY -TO -SERVE Vintage Hams vac pac PI1111 WWII VINEGAR VINAIGRE Y A$C P'$ CANNING SUPPLIES MEDIUM SIZE Canning Jars 99 ctn of 12 SMALL SIZE CTN OF 12-3.59 LARGE SIZE CTN OF 12-5.79 FACIAL TISSUE, ASST COLOURS Facelle Royale 770/349 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA. READY -TO -SERVE. SMOKED. DINNER STYL 0 Boneless Hams 52/kg lb 7/ BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA. SHAMROCK OR NEW STAMPEDE. la v Side Bacon 5009 la pac CAMPFIRE. COIL Polish Sausage 395/179 CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET Sausage' Stye 373Ikg Ib/169 CANADIAN QUEEN. BONELESS. READY -TO -SERV' S 79 Ham Quarters 61kg /2 Ib IN OUR DELI QUADELCO Potato & Mustard Salad ■ 28 1,Do g /dr PILLERS Knackwurst .51000g/22? BRANDT. 5 VARIETIES INCL FINE DI ITCH MEAT LOAF 49 Cold Cuts .55 lio0g /2 lb CHAMPION. BEEF CHICKEN OR LIVER 3. pl6st jug litre 3■59 Dr, Ballards Dog Food TOTAL DIET -BONUS PACK 2 KG PLUS 10",, FREE oz0tns3/1■00 Dog Food 2.2kg2■99 pkg 25 oz fin ■ 9 ASSORTED VARIETIES 19tin ■59 Del Monte Fruit Cups Sogtins 1.69 pkg of 1.99 BATHROOM TISSUE. ASST COLOURS Fruit Bottom y�q Royale Yogourt 3/ � Tissue "I IR REGI It AR PRICE 79 EACH BUY 3 -SAVE .88 SUPER BUY PRIMO Spaghetti Sauce 28tinOz 1.09 PKG OF 8 ROLLS ALL PURPOSE 299 Five Roses Flour OUR REGULAR PRICE 10-79 10 kg BAG 799 STRAINED, MEATLESS VARIETIES Heinz Baby Foods 3/5f1 tins 99 3 litre plst cont OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.69 a ties self testing centre l pens in Goderich People with diabetes in the Goderich area will now be able to obtain professional help in monitoring their blood glucose levels at home, with the opening of an Ames Self -Testing Centre at Rieck Pharmacy, 14 The Square. In co-operation with Rieck Pharmacy, the Ames Divi- sion of Miles Laboratories has approved the pharmacy as one of a series of self - testing centres across Canada. Each of the self - testing centres is staffed with fully qualified person- nel who can instruct diabetics in the technique of home blood glucose monitor- ing using the Glucometer Reflectance Photometer (Trademark of Miles Laboratories Inc.). The Glucometer was in- troduced in Canada during 1982, and is the leading blood glucose meter in Canada. The Glucometer is battery- operated, lightweight, por- table and easy to operate. It is used in conjunction with Dextrostix reagent strips to allow a blood glucose level reading in less than two minutes. The Glucometer owner is covered by 12 mon- ths warranty, an extended warranty service just in- troduced, and a toll-free telephone "Hot -Line" for Glucometers requiring ser- vicing. The importance of home blood glucose monitoring is being stressed in the treat- ment of diabetes, and physi- cians are anxious to involve their diabetic patients in the management of their condi- tion. Until the advent of the Ames Glucometer, the only convenient tools available to the diabetic for a health management program were urine testing products. "While the old urine tests provided accurate test results," says Pharmacist Mark Aitken, "the informa- tion obtained wasn't suffi- cient to make short-term ad- justments for self -treatment in the home. By testing blood glucose levels with the Glucometer or with Visidex reagent strips, the patients are in charge of their condi- tion and can live a more nor- mal life." Ames Selt-Testing Centres carry a full line of Ames pro- ducts for people with diabetes. Heart fund exceeds goal At the close of its fiscal year, the Canadian Heart Fund, Ontario Division, has reached its $8.45 million an- nual campaign objective. The 1983 campaign which was conducted during. February in Ontario exceed- ed its goal by $28,611. Door- to-door canvassing, special events, corporate solicita- tions, the sale of `Roses for Research', and In Memoriam donations; all contributed to the final total of $8,478,61L Bequests and other sources of income combined with campaign receipts will allow the Ontario Heart Foundation to allocate $11,200,000 to heart disease and stroke research in On- tario, for the 1983-84 granting period. In presenting his report, Alex D. Broomfield, the 1983 Canadian Heart Fund Chair- man said, "The residents in the Province of Ontario can be proud of their substantial contributions to the crusade against heart disease and stroke. Evidence to date, that research has paid off, is in the fact that the overall death rate from heart and blood vessel diseases, for people under 65 years of age, is down 27 percent since 1953. Marked reductions have been achieved in deaths due to stroke. In heart attack, the single leading cause of death in Canada, the decline has only been 11 percent. He continued by saying that the residents of Ontario have en- dorsed the work of the On- tario Heart Foundation, through their continuous support over the years and that vital medical research in the area of heart disease and stroke will continue to receive the financial support of the Foundation. In conclusion and on behalf of the Canadian Heart Fund, Ontario Division, Broomfield expressed "heartfelt" thanks to the thousands of volunteer workers and canvassers in the Province, for their tremendous support of the 1983 Campaign.