HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-3, Page 4The Moisons Bank 1110 .0F/I-ARTEItEEt BY PARLIAMENT, ligesS I aid up Capital §?,800,00D eery° Ir1i4e..!! ex,080,000 Plead Office,Mootreel. JAhlES ELLIOT, Esq. GENERAD DURAS= Money advanced te good fermOre on their IOWA Mite With One or more endorsor at 7 per Dent. per 4111111M, Exeter Preach Open every lawful ilay from10 ni, to 3 p. in SATURDAYS, 10 a, un to 1 p. useeut rates of interest allowed on deposits. MESON & N, t. HUREONT, SoLTOIToats, MANAGER Rioter, Deo. 27th, 05. -Thaleridar for ApriVratY2 . .. tf.PNDAY . SDAT DNESDAT... 2111711SDAT. • • • . EIA.TURDAT 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 *23 80 8 10 17 24. I 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 thitO. THURSDAY, APRIL 3an. 1902, NOTES AND COMMENTS, Mr, Win, Douglass, IL C., of Chat- ham, died March "23th, after a short Maus. • 111 His Majesty has done Canada as well as England a good turn by adopting May 30 as the clay for celebrating his birthday this year. • a * The Ottawa, Citizen is in a position to state that the Ontario Provincial elections will be held on Wednesday. May 280a. The authority for the an- nouncement is Speaker Evanturel. 4 * • There is zio climate in the world bet- ter than Ontario enjoys. March has passed, and we have just entered the month of April and. weather as bright and warm as anyone could wish. We have none of the raw,foggyweather of England, and we escape most of the hot, sultry weather of the United States. Spring is combag along with cheerful strides, nature is smiling, and the earth is awakening early in the morning of the year to another busy seasons labor. They are a fortunate people who live, as we do, in the gar- den of Aroerica. * • • If Dr. Leyds :succeeds in arranging an international anti-British demon- stration at the time of the coronation he will enable England to see more clearly what nations are friendly and what are hostile to her. This is a ser- vice that is not to be despised. The diplomats are constantly trying to se- cure such information, but Dr. Leyds _preeposes to make their task easy. On the whole it is hardly likely that the pro -Boer demonstration will be a suc- cess. -It well be to much like an effort to force Europe to shoes its hano. • • • Fee, the benefit of those who are interested in such things, we subjoin the dates of Easter for the next ten years: 1902, March 30; 1903, April 12; 1904, April 3; 1905, April 23; 1906, April 15; 1907, March 31; 1908, April 10; 1909, April 11; 1910, March 27; 1911; April 16. Easter Sanday is always the first Sunday after the I4th day of the cal- endar moon, which (14th day) falls on or next after the twenty-first clay of March according to the rules laid down for the construction of the calendar, so that if the fourteenth day happens on Sunday, Easter Sunday is the Sunday after. • • • It is altogether likely a bill will be introduced at the present session of the Dominion parlianaent to amend the interpretation act, so as to provide that the King's birthday shall be cele- brated on the 24th of May every year. The interpretation act declares in effect • that the soverign's birthday shall be observed on each recursing anniver- eary, which in the case of His Ma- jesty King Edward is November Oth. That date is very late in the season, when the weather is such as to for- _ bid. of outdoor celebration. Moreover it is customary to have Thanksgiving Day in November, and it would be • most inconvenient to the business community to have two holidays in the tame month. On several grounds, therefore, the amendment of the in- terpretation act authorizing the ob- servance of the King's birthday on May 24th would be welcomed by all classes of the community. It has been announced that the King wishes his birthday observed in England on May 80th. Tired X. F "1 was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Theft I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectly well."- Mrs. N. S. Swin- ney, Princeton, Igo. Tired when you go to bpd, tired when you get up, tired all the time. Why? Your blood is im- pure, that's the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. %Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. VIZI:: .Aak your dotter what he th tales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Bo knows- ail aboiatidsgrand °Id fluntleitiedielue. ;follow Mr adaXoe and we win be iationed. • J. U. alexa Co., Ldwall, 'Mass. ./1/•••••,* 10N, 111EZ,19111 TRE XE1T,E R Perth. The breath ot the pine is the breath of life to the ti. Norway Pixis Syru tains the Mee virtues and ourea coughs, colds, brooehitie, noarsenese mid all throat and lungs troubles, which, it not attended to, Iced to con- sumption, ThiUing at the gas well St. Marys, 1111th6 New8 of interest to is dovva 1425 feet. The drill tiffs now reached the red medium forination,and the indications continue favorable. Times Roadors flopoonioa s a , tar f iurP MO an erson, secte 7 o those Gountios the Stratford Horticultural Society, H terOn. • • Miss Mary L. Copp of Seaforth, was married on Wednesday last to Saannel Little, of lel cGregor, Manitoba, •Mr. Clark has purchased Mr. An- drew's stock of goods at Constance, and will take possession of the store soon. On Sunday there passed away one of Godericifs oldest inhabitants, Mrs. Mary Mayer, relict of the late Mule doeh McIver. Mr. Harvey Weston, of con. 0, aoderich township has leased Mr. Simmon's foam, on the Bayfield line, for a term of three years. Mr. 0. W, Papst, who has been in the stationery basinees in 'Sea,forth, for the past quarter of a century, is retiring from business, Used internally Ragyard's Yellow Oil cures Sore Throat Roarseness. Quinsy, Pain in the Chest, Croup, ete. "Used externally cures Itheumatismt Sitir Joints, Contracted cords, Sprains, Strains, Burns, Segel% Cuts and Bites of Insects. Geo. McKay, con. 4, of Tuckersmith, sold his 50 acre farm to Guy Colwell, Tuckersmith ' • The price received was $3,200, whichis considered a good figure. The Clinton New Era states that Mr. Newcombe, of that town, paid out during last year 8700 in adyertising and considered himself well repaid by the results. Mr. Thomas Murray. M. A., son of Mr. James Murray of Hensall, has been appointed to the position of principal of the Collegiate Institote, of Owen Sound. 0. Grigg, con. 7, Goderich township, has thrown off the robes of bachelor, hood and entered the throes of matri- mony, Miss Cook, con. 4, being the lady of his choice. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a box ? Miss Lizzie FIenty, who has been one of the Wingham Advance staff for some time, left on Tuesday for Medicine Hat, N. W. T., where she has accepted. a situation on the News, Mr. Wm. Reid, eldest son of Mr. Andrew Reid, of Varna, had the mis- fortune to lose a piece of two of his fingers, on Monday last, while sawing wood with a circular saw, at Mr. J. leIcAsh's. Mrs. Geo. Payne, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. McDowell,Sea- forth, met with a painful and serious accident one day recently. She had the ruisfortune to slip and fall, break- ing a bone in her hip. J. Hart has disposed of his black- smith shop and business in Varna, to E. A. Eph, Aylmer, who takes pls. session next week, the price paid be- ing $1,300 ; Mr. Hart purposes going to Seattle to reside. C. L. Sanderson, one of the most prominent citizens of Gorrie, was in- stantly killed by a live electric light wire on Friday evening last. The wires were crossed and Mr. Sanderson was in the act of letting them loose, when the wire broke, one end drop- ping into the river. Mr. Sanderson, thinking the wire was dead, took hold of it to pull it out of the water, ewhen instantly the force of the current of the wire killed him. Two more of the old and respected residents of this district have been removed from the scenes of this life during the past week. Mr. David Manson. and Mr. Wm. Finlayson, 61' Egniondville. Mr. Manson died on Saturday, and Mr. Finlayson on Monday. Mr. Manson was 76 years of age. He was one of the pioneer set- tlers of Tuckersmith, and only retired from his farm there about two years ago, and took up his residence in Eg- mondville.' Mr. Finlayson was also a farmer in Tuckersinith, but he has resided in Egmondville for a good many years. He was about 03 years of age. Mr. Finlayson leaves a widow and one daughter, and Mr. Manson leaves several of a family, all of them grown to the estate of manhood and womanhood. They were both men well informed beyond the average, honorable and straightforward, and in every respect, good living, worthy useful citizens, who enjoyed the full confidence and esteem of all who knew them. Middlesex 'Women with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are made for the blood, nerves and com- plexion. Inspector McCallum, of Loudon, sent a colored man and his wife away happy recently. Both were penni- less and weak. They were far down the other side of the mom:Italie of life, and the valley of decrepit old age looked absolutely cheerless to them when they braced the inspector for a pass down the line. 'Chatham's Horne" they said, "But we ain't ag- win to ask, for transportation de. bull way, Put us down at Thamesville, and we'll walk dem odder fifteen miles," Too bleak and cold a day for old people to he tramping, and first.clase railway tickets to Cbathain were handed out. Maybe the recipi- ents didn't grin Red call c1oWn bless- , ings on the inverter. They had been at Ingereoll in search of work, but the search was vain, has received the diploma won by the society for its exhibit at the Paris ExposItien in 1000. A man's wife should always be the same especially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be for they make her feel and act like a new person, so they all say, and their hus- bands say so too. There are two new cases of small- pox reportee from Nissouri,near Welh burn. .A. yoeng daughter of Mr Peter Smith, and Mr. Archie Smith, of the 6th concession, have the disease. The quarantine is •being rigidly enforced by the authorities. Mrs. James Keeler, and her sisters, Messes Hall, from Jamestown, accom- panied the remains of their mother to • Mitchell, whose funeral took plime to Trinity church cemetery last week. They report Rev. J. T. Kerrin pros- pering in Jamestown, and beloved by the people, which his many 'Mitchell friends will he pleased to hear. The planing mill which for so many years has been conducted by the D. Moore Co„ St. Marys, has passed under the •control of a new firm, Brown, Tevelin 4e Barr. The nego- tiations have been going on for some time. The new proprietors take only the mill, the stock beingheld by the original owners until it is used. Mr. Bruce Anderson, formerly of Dr, Monteith's office, Stratford, will graduate this month from the Medical Department, Kentucky University, taking an honorary diploma on gyne- cology, and pedriatrics. Mr. Ander- son has attended various American colleges and the one in which he will finish is among the aidest in the United States. • In St. Marys on Saturday, Marth 22, one of Downie's old pioneers in the person of William Muir, was called home. Into the Downie bush he came with his father and mother in the year 1843, There be grew to man- hood, cleared the bush and. tilled the soil. There he brought up his family esteemed by all bis friends and re- spected by all. He was a typical far- mer; his occupation being not only his business but his pleasure. To it he gave the best of his days, taking no active part in municipal life, but vot- ing as his principles told him. The death of Chas. Stewart,son of Johnston Stewart, of Blanshard, is a sad one. He was a young man in his 28th year, full of life and vigor. Along with his brothers, John and Joehua, he had been working in the oil wells in the Southern States. About six months he came home, hay- ing contracted blood -poisoning it is thought. In spite of care and medical skill he grew worse till death brought about his release on Saturday last. Besides the brothers mentioned his father and mother together with Wil- lie in Brantford, and Walter, on the homestead, survive him. To the sor- rowing relatives and friends the sym- pathy of the community is extended. Deceased was a cousin of Messrs. Wm. and John Stewart, of Farquhar. MB TIER COUGH AND WORKIOFF TEL COLD. Laxative Brame -Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one ay. No cure, No , ay. Price 25 cents GENERAL NEWS, Albert T. Patrick, convicted last week of murder in the first degree, for plotting the death of Millionaire Wil- liam Marsh Rice, and now waiting the death sentence, and Mrs. Addie M. Francis, have become husband and wife. • Suit for $50,000 damages was begun in the Kent county circuit court by Chas. Lewis. of Berlin, Mich., against the Modern Woodmen of America, for injuries alleged to have been received while being mitatecl by the Berlin Camp. BR says he was treated rough- ly. and his right leg was so injured that it had to be amputated. • For working on the Sabbath, the proprietor of the Bruce Herald, of Walkerton, and his foreman have been fined $1 and cost by the police • magistrate, The proprietor explains they were pressed by work and in- advertently continued working after twelve o'clock on Saturday night, and adds: "The staff of every daily paper in Toronto work on-Sunda,y, and they were under the seine Sabbath law as the Bruce Herald, yet we never hear of Police Magistrate Denison either fining- them or allowing his constables to lodge vexatious complaints against them." Mr. John Cotton Dana, Librarian of the Newark Free Library, has made a calculation of the circulation of news- papers and magazines in the United States. He says the total circulation of the dailies is 2,865 millions, of the weeklies 1,208 millions, and of the monthlies 263 millions in a year, while of books there aie about tens milli on '7'44 ' Exeter; aenzOne, 1001. Wheat per bttsbel 71 to 75 , be 30 • 47 ts) 48 Pone- a . 75 Butter.... teeee.0•••. Ilerkeee tiscese., . • Chiekone nes lir fit:eke-a Dried Apples. Pork live weight • et to 17 .- 10 to 10 8 to 8 - 6 • to • Al:0..007to 76 16. to .111 5.(15 d to (1 $ t0 41105 Rain and sweat have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Her - • 011 It re. O 13t3 the damp, keept the leath- er soft and pit. able. Stitches do not break. No rough sur- face to elate • and cut. 'the harness not ottly keeps lookiag nico l'ssfbut woos se/foe AS loneby the use of Ettrolta , 1-Tareesit Oil. Bold evorywhet carup—.. all sleet, Miele by impeael 011 Corn/sally. TIMES Sick Headache?° Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's ,your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys- pepsia, biliousness, 25c. MI dreniate. *."--=;;;Tora7175; tetitui 1 DIbreve or milt black? Theri use BUCKINGHAws nvr for the ' el Whitkers 00 ell. er Ditlie00rre, ORB, P, & •04K0A, 04H. copies. He has also classified the mat- ter in a few typical newspapers and periodicals as follows:- Commercial and finaticial,14per emit.; gossip, 8 per i cent. ; politics, ncluding the political aspect of the Philippine war, 8 per cent. ; sports, 7 per cent, ; legal 6 per . • cent • criminal 4 per cent There is an immense flood of reading matter, and an immense opportunity for men- tal developixtent, but it is evident that there is plenty of room for improve- ment in the use of the opportunity. Chilaren Cry for ST�RI HURON1AN musT HAVE GONE DOWN. St. John's Nfid., March 31s4, -The sealing Steamers which arrived here to -day bring reports of tempestuous weather. They say they have not sem or heard anything of the missing Allan Line steamer Huronian. It was thought by some persons that this steamer might have •drifted to the north and• become enmeshed among the ice floes and her crew might have been rescued by some sealing. steamer. The absence of news from the north makes it certain that the Huromau is no longer afloat. The British brig Gratia (Capt. Giles) reached here this afternoon, 98 days from Oporto. This is the longest voy- age between Oporto and St. John's on record. The Gratia sustained general damages. She saw nothing of the Huronian. - - Peace Conference Is on Pretoria, Monday, March 31.- Presi- dent Steyn and. General Delarey have been located, and a meeting between them and Acting President Schalkbur- ger is expected to be arranged without further delay. It is reported that General Botha will also attend the conference. Commandant Mears has sent in word that his command will abide by the decision of the Boer Government. Commandant De. Villiers, who has, been operating in the Kimberly dis- trict, has sent in a flag of truce, asking for terms. The peace movement, however, bas in no way interfered with the military operations. The British are again sweeping the northwest districts- of the Orange River Colony, where it is believed they bade about a thousand of Dewet's men within the cordon. . WARTS ARE ITNSIGHTLY That is the reason no one is clamoring for a few more warts -make them fashionable and a remedy to grow warts would quickly be made a finan- cial success. Yes, Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor removes, works quick- ly and without pain -any druggist will tell you more about this remedy, Children Cry for CASTO IA,. 01- A HIGHWAYMAN AND A GRIT. Hon. W. S. Fielding is responsible for the statement, that in 1896, the duties levied on imports amounted to 18.28 per cent., and that in 1901, they were 16.06 per cent This reduction of 2.22 per cent. includes the alleged pre- ference to Great _Britain, without which the decrease would be •even more insignificant. • Speaking at 'Winnipeg, Sir Wilfrid Laurier said: will outwear two pairs of common rubbers. For three years we have proved that with •itcinges sr .g.m.,,re you can stub your f o o t, but you cannot stub the rubbers, Kitife °S genuineelea„„s, 5146.pf are Stallitied owl"' • upoh the sole of each rubber with our copy- Le, rip righted name Mil; yr do not allow yourself to be d ceiVed by imitations. King's LEATHER TOP Sifia the best on the market, 6 -inch, 9 -inch and 12 -inch tops, with Rolled Edge and Heels. They Are ettrried in Steak, and your dealer Can order them for you. The J. D. KING• CO., Linlited have exclusive ClontrOi of all .. f j"I do not tell yeu that we must, have no taxation, but 1 dusay that the goy, ernroent is not right to take a cent from you or me except for the neeeen Pities of the revenue, and if the gov- ernment takes from you any portion of your earnings, whether the portion be large or small, to give to somebody else that government is as much a rob- ber as the highwayraon who puts a pistol to your forehead and says ; "Your Purse or your life." It would seem, therefor% that the difference between a, highway robber and the members of the present goy- ernmene is 2.22 per cent. It may add to this view of the position to etate, that only kt. fevv clays ago, Sir Richard Cartwright called the Prime Minister's attention to the above quoted utter- ance. • • MR. BLAIR'S CONDUCT CON- • DEMNED. Worn one end of Canada to the other the press is ringing with denun- ciations of the conduct of Hon. A. G. Blair, Hon. W. S. Fielding and Sir ilfrid Laurier in refusing to allow members of the public accounts cona- roittee to call Mr. P. S. .Archibield, a witness wanted to throw light on wasterol expenditures on the Inter - colonial railway. The Independent newspapers concede that the speeches of the ministers bad a suspicious ring about them. •Mr. Blair's utteraece as to Mr. Archi- bald's coming bears out this opinion : ( "I have no doubt that Mr, Archibald, when he comes upto Ottawa, if he should come i here n consequence of the action of the house, will come for ' some purpose. What will he come for? Will he come to exonerate anybody against whom reflections have been cast' He is not coining here with any other object in his mind or any other purpose than to establish a foregone conclusion in his own mind, that the people who turned him out of office are not competent or qualified to con- tinue any longer in the administration of the government railways. Does nob Mr. Blair give expression tbstee,:eits eeeieee,e : 14' :eel ilee. What is Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing, Syrups. It - contains neither Opitun, • Morphine 3aor. other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castcria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-, nese. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. '''Castoria. • relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation , and Flatulency. Cats-toria, assimilates th.e Voted, regillateE••• the Stomach and I3owels of ratantS and Children, giving . healthy and natural Sleep. Castoria is the Children's. • Panacea -The Mother's Priend. Oastoria. • "Oastorla is an excellent medicine fo. children. 111others have repeatedly told me of its geed effect upon their children." Da. G. C, ()Snoop, Lowell, Mass. THE FAC -SIMILE • CaStoria. Castctria Is so well adapted to childrens that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." IL A. ARCIMR, M. D. Broalyn, r SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. to his fears in these sentences? Read the motion submitted to the House on THE CENTAUR COV1PANY, TT MURRAY EITRCET. NEW YORK CITY. August 19, 1891, by Sir Richard Cart- r.E.MMUffeeTa77,Weese,741.-WegeWe,. determning the standing of the Pub- wright,who expressed his intention of i Pub- lic Accounts Committee : "I move that : It is the undoiabted. • '' Siiinse• Wee right of the committee on Public Ac. minister of the Crown or of any other counts to investigate all circumstances (party in connection with such pay - connected with the payment of any of ment." the several sums of public moneys re- The Conservative government, of ferred to that committee, and that in that dayunder the leadership of Sir the course of such investigation no S. D. Thoinpson,accepted that motion evidence should be refused on the with cheerfulness. What a contrast ground that it may disclose improper between its action and that of the conduct or relations on the part of a present regime. 1020.0,11.10‘1090004.01100201 FOR OYER SIXTY YEARS AN OLD AND WELL -TNT= RESANDY.–Mir VVinslow's Soothing Syrap has been used for over f1y years by millions of mothers tor their children while teething, with perfect suceees. It 'soothes the child, poftens the gums. allays al pain, euros- wind coho. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every past of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. re THE T-OME MONEY MAKER Maine we ghs 17 pounds. It femora won - derail than a sewing machine, just 83 durable, and higher speed. To Work at Their Homes. Under the Direction of A Pair In 30 Minutes The GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO, 37 MELINDA ST., TORONTO, To FW Largo ilontracts—Oood Wages • Easily Earned. We want a few more workers in this locality, at once, and in order to secure your co-operation without the delay of correspondence, we herewith explain our full plan in this advertisement. The work is simple, and the Machine Is easy operated, and with the Cuide, requires no teacher. If you wish to join our staff of Workers let us hear from you promptly with the Contract, order form, and re. mittance, as a guarantee, and we will send machine and outfit to begin work at once. METH 0 raie wish to secur e the services of families to do knitting for us in their homes. Our method is the same as adopted in England. • We are the introducers of this plan and the rgest knitting concern In Canada. .41.1 ter long* experience, we have been able to produce an Autonaa,tio Machine by which all kinds of 'seamless knit- ting is now done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling anyone of ordinary intelligence to quickly learn to do the work from the Ins truction Guide. All we require is that you use the machine accord,ing to directions. The Machine being made expressly for this purpose, and the operation so simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work. The great demand now Is for Bicycle Stocking, Wood- men's Socks, and Motormen's Mittens, and as we are un- able to supply the demand, have taken this method of ad- vertising for more help. The large export trade to the North-wegt Territories, British Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un • limited demend for our goods, and, withthe combined* co- operation' of the many families we are employing, together he with tlarge amount of knitting we are able to turn out, by which we say" .rents, insurance. interest on capital, eta, enables us to undersell any manufacturers of this ele se of goods, and we have Sale for all the knitting we ea nvC turned out. The price we pay for finished 'bicycle stockings is 310.00 per hundred, or at the rate of. 10c per pair; woedmen's socks; 5c, and motormen's mittens, 12e a pair. All other work in proportion to size. The machine can he operated by any one of 6, family, and at our prieeS any energetio family should be able to suctaln themselves comfortably, and in thne be a. source of In •le -en a en t comfor t. Our plan is to send nut each machine to beginners with n a-ek or stocking pertially knitted, and remaining in the ma rhine ready to be continued, and also enough yarn t knit one pair of Sample socks or stocking's and a airraa anis comni- ' • Instritr Lion Guide. showing how the wora to be done 0 "alien 'be samples have been finished a' reterned to mr ie factory, we sena a quantity of yarn, tr"on aim, "petit .•.01,1 -Mum likewise -ellen finished. We prPnay chargese II work one way, a no our workere' pay WPM charges. The work. as we have ted, i eireele arta finno, the wobble haeing a ,-,,.)r,tty ,, thou- • siatehee a min Jae. We have me ny porsene, now In oUr oseriet• state r»r, kid from twenty-five to thiety pairs of eeairsor steeki•nra a clay, and where the time ot a family le devoted to the work, you can read ilY see that 815.00 or "M0 ner week .can fie, easilyearned. We fernish our workers all the materials. yarn, etc., free. n ed everything- that is necessary for the work. We l'11 furnishing the machines only for the exclusive use ot tt•inea doe, ring to fake employment with us, who ntust, in r+••••Th•• f heenme FL mernber, send lie this Contract Order r;.ent "'Irene rl y signed by them, and at leitet one good refer- ee ee, Fula remittance -accordingly, tb give us the riecesaary er• e est fie •-•4' the clean titles of valuable yarn wern ay send fee- "ire.. te time will not be wasted or misappropriated. fl"ilyt."..6111 are entattal., and this 'confidence most be es- • tr *le are to suoceed. Wo guarantee fair' dealing • aeornel• esvinent for work, so do not ask tia to deviate f•-nry• , ror.0 +nrrn•I„ aq we 'cannot make a dietinctien with one ar *Int trnther: besides, eve are doing- an extensive bifsl- •"'f he governedby btisiness principles. eat -,metres( price 01' the maohine Is 315, and noel- W• IJI ant br, Fn1c1 to any ()there than thnse' who will aeeee f1 en ftnillincT for 08, re a t env ttme a r ter you ctoinmerice, and have done an atrnI•nt nr work eoual to the purchase price, and Wish to dierientinno, we Will take book machine and retinas] the arnennt raid forsame, after deducting cost of our ex- P71reis7:nili. a Large Detnand by the Trade for this class of work. der 'Workers can depend upett it Year after' Ycar. Pee41 if yet engage 'With uti (whole or abate time) we will Yeom) von annulled WI tIt work as long 00 you do it satisfaCe, f'rbyfly for 'tie end 'return It promptly. We entrust our work- ers with large quantities' of vahlable yarn, and as we giVe '00011EOTIC)Pil WITH OF D INC BUSINESS references as to ottr honesty and integrity, we must asid• you to do the same, In' order that we may know with whona• we are dealing. We have, In as brief a manner as possible, endeavored to show you what our work is, and we simply say as to this, machine, it is just what we represent it to be, and will posi-- tively do everything we claim tor it, or refund the money. Each machine, securely packed with an .outfit, is set up for work, thoroughly tested, and a. sock or stet:king partially knitted before boxing and shipping. Should you aecla e t� engage with us, itwlil be necessary to send us Cash Con -- tract Order Form, Properly signed by you, and at least ones good reference, together with the remittance, accoraintely„ upon receipt of which we will forward machine and outfit: ready to continence. Respectfully yours, GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO, 37 Mel:ntlatreot, Toronto Our References -Express Companies, Banks. or Toronto IRMA.' 10088 MUMS. If You wish to examine the machine and see the ma- • terial before undertaking the work, you can do so by" sending $3.00 as a guarantee of good faith, and to defray - expense of shipping, and we will send everything to your" nearest express company, leaving a balance _ of twelve - dollars to pay the agent and 25 cents for the return chargeas on the money to us. We are so frequently and unn.ecessarily asked if one ma' learn to knit without a teacher. 'We say, Yes; it rettutrea: no teacher; any person of ordinary intelligence who cane read the Instruction Guide can learn to loe.t. at Once. ouracil Pr) :At $15.00 Cash Co'--- ..t Ordor the Glasgow Woolen Ca. atelinda St., Tomtit:, Mr Gentlemen, -I dire to clo the work as desert'. eil I tt ivertisement, and enclose $15 to pay for one Autorrutticin • nitting Machine, together wLth materiel, . Instructions, ,,,a) everything necessary for the work, the 1.tame to tescnt le me by Express, CHARGES PREPAID, It Is understood and agreed that any time after I have.' done an amount of work equal to the purchase price, Sri, and wish to discontinue, that the Glaspeev NN/eolen Co, will' take back the machine and outfit, and after n'edunt lag their' expense, retina me the amount paid for :same. Sender or head of family (if Taseible) meet sign here: Pull name .... . ..... • . .... r•: •to •• ••• . • . .0Street ...„ County , "01,1* '•;1•• Prey.- .... . . Nearest Expreas Office is at .... ...... . . . Tor reference I name the following person: •••• !•••• •••0•• .•••01, • • . • .. •••• , •°••• ,•.•11 Be sure to use this . term when spending your remit-• tance for the machine and outfit, whidh you mast Ill In and have signed by at least one good referermc in theta '• proper place. Tear Off and return to us, ahd also a titte,.:. here how much time you can devote to the .work; aletaai: hew you 'Wish to be pe.). A, weekly, Monthly, or as-. you. zensk In the work. ... • . •••0•• ••••.001.• Send your rentittan.ce by Express, Money Order„ Begla-• tered 'Letter, or Post -Office Money Order, and We wilt' • promptly 'forward 'machine, outfit, . and simple guide for*, doing the work. This is the best offer ever made for the, benefit et CanadlatiS Who Want to Work and make money at. hone, ( Atilt OTHER OC)MPAPAY. . . THE EXETER TIMES