HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-4-3, Page 1TWENTY-NINT11 YEAR -NO, 32
• ""
1-lavvkiris dR Sori
i4++++++++++++4•++++++++++++ ++40ese+++++++++++44++++++++
Ask to see our Stock of
T. Hawkins
he !lived
The New Sovereign Shoe
• For Spring and Summer wear
•on the latest lasts and up-to-date
toe for .
• Ladies or Cents.
Also a choice lot of Men's and
boys work shoes at prices that:
- Large stock of Lnm.ber- ine and khemlock,
BMEFS.-A number from here took
advantage of the cheap excursions
and went visiting . friends.Mrs. S.
Speare and Mrs. Vincent to Bramp-
ton, Miss As Miller to Listowel, Miss
Lena McKeller, to Milverton, and
Miss Gorle,:to. Pajsley.-Mr. Norman
McKenzie, a MIA. College student.
is spending a few holidays amongst
, friends here, before leaving for his
I ieId of labor, as student missionary
at White Fish, Ont„ for the summer.
I -Mrs. Robert Graham, who has been
ill for some time past is improving.
-surprise everybody.
Eggs taken in exch4nge for
!gpods, or 5 % off for cash on
Boots and Shoes.
Of all kinds always on hand.
Ha SW et
Treble's Old Stand,
hot rritess shop
PI desire to announce to my meny
Patrons in this -vicinity that I am
•.about to move frem my present shop
across the street to the shop recently
•occupied by W. L. Lewis, as a tailor
shop. -Increasing trade renders larger
building necessary. • While thanking
my many customers for past favours,
I will be pleased to see all rair:friends
and. everyone requiring anytling in
the Harn.ess Line.
01\16 me a Gall, I'll usc
Owing to the rapid progress of the Country
said the prospects of a heavy season's work
there will be a demand for an additional num-
ber of stonemasons and bricklayers .• wages
-50e per hour. Apply A. T. DAVIDSON See,
Mason Building Exchange Winnipeg Man.
voramaso. sareweewsmorsalemo,se•
'WALKER -D1 Crediton. on Monday, March Mist.
the wife of Robb. E. Walker. of a son.
earsoN-Sesnyeas-On Mareh 27th,by the Rey.
Mr. Waddell. M. Jacob Milson to Mrs.
Ellen Sanders, of Olandeboye.
,CANtrernki-In Clinton. Marais 26th, airs. H.
Cantelon, forinedy of Exeter, aged 58 years.
Rounts - At her late residence, Ridout St.,
London, on March 30,1002, Derothy J. RellinS
• formerly of Centralia, aged 27 years.
Antxn-ln Ushorne, April 1st paa Mr. James
• Airth aged. 89 years. Funeral to -day, (Thurs-
day) to the Exeter cemetery.
ItinsekrArt-In •Exeter lyareh 31e1 1002 Ann
Hutchinson beloved tv fe of Henry
man L, D. L. aged 6,3 years 11 inontha.
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedar posts, Prices
reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard :East side of
Main st
SCHOOL REFoRT.-Following are the
names of the pupils who were success-
ful at the Easter promotion examin-
ations: Jr. IV, to Sr. IV, Almina
Yaeger, Mabel Clark; Sr. III to Jr.
IV, Elgin Amy, H. Morlock, Wm,
Roeszler, Ezra Wein, W. H. Smith;
Jr. 111 to Sr. III, Wilber MorIock, A.
Smith, Mildred .Eilber, Della Kestle,
W. Wein '• Sr. II to Jr. III, Merner
Eilber, D. Schwartz, D. Dietreich,
W. Preszcator, Minnie Kestle. Aver-
age attendance 38.
H. W. MAY, teacher.
1 Note. -Parents starting children to
school will kindly see that all such are
in attendance immediately after holi-
HeriSal 1
G. Jr. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conyeyan-
eer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and
Issurer a Marriage Lieentes. Legal documents
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. MoileY
to loan on real estate at low rates of interest,
Office at the Post Moe, Hensel).
Sexsm ith.
One hundred tons of feed to dispose of at the
Rensall Oatmeal Mills the coming week.
• BRIEPS,--3.4133eS Petty, George Trott
and George Joynt, all ot this village,
intend taking a trip to the Old Coun-
try the end of this month.- Miss
Hemphill, of Wroxeter, spent the Bas -
ter holidays with friends here. -The
friends of Dr. Campbell, of Zurich,
will be shocked to learn of the very
sudden death of his mother on Monday
night last, who had been living with
him. Mrs, Can:when was in her usual
health and going about until a few
hours previous to her death, which we
believe was from apoplexy. Much
sympathy is felt here for the doctor
in his sad bereavement. -The millinery
openings held in our village last week
were very largely attended and much
admired by the ladies. -Dr, Sellery
spent Sunday at his home in Kincar-
dine. -Miss Edie Bunthron, of Lon-
don, spent Easter at her home here. -
Miss Ethel Murdock was In Clinton
last week attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. H. Cantelon, of the Claren-
don hotel, (and formerly of Hansa)
Mrs. Centel= had been in ill health
for some tune previous to her decease
but the end was not thought to be so
near. -F, G. Arnold left on Saturday
afternoon last for Buffalo, to join Mrs.
Arnold and. family, who have been
there for a month or so. Mr. Arnold
and family will be missed by friends
in Hensel, where they have resided
for a length of time. -Mrs. Wm. Mit-
chell attended the funeral of a friend
the first part of the week. near, Cen-
tralia. ---Mrs. J. 0. Stoneman was in
Lambeth during the past week -visit-
ing her parents. --Miss Le Touzel and
Miss Stephenson, assistant teachers,
are spending their Easter vacation at
their homes, the former in Godericb
and. the latter in Olinton.-Mr. Shortt
and children'of Parkhill, have been
visitina at Mr, Johnston's, Willow
Hall farm. --Mr. Kaiser spent Easter
with her daughter in Harriston.-Mrs,
E. Pierce of Forest, has been the
guest of Mrs. Sutherland. -Mrs. Mc-
Leod, of Detroit, Mich., spent Easter
with her mother, Mrs, White. -Miss
Ethel Colwill spent the Easter holi-
days in London. -Miss Lynch and Miss
Mulveney, of London,are visiting Mrs.
a A. McDonell. - Miss Irving, of
BRIEFS. -We are sorry c no e a
Mrs. D. Mack has been in a serious
condition lately. -John Rowe has got
inicely, settled in his new home, we
wish Mr. Rowe every success and wel-
• come him to our community. - Mrs.
P. O'Brien, has impro-sed her home
• by the erection of a wood -shed and
back. kitchen. -Edward Glanville and
family, from Alberta, are visiting
friends in this vicinity. -Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Manson spent Easter with
friends in McGIllivray,-John Corbett
is making preparations to raise his
barn this summer. -P. Essay left for
Manitoba. last week where he will
join his brother, Will, who went out
there a couple of years ago. H. Dill-
ing is working out a new threshing
machine, which promises to be a good
success. -T. N. Northcott, of Exeter,
called on friends, here, last week. -
Mrs. L. Aldworth. of Bayfield, visited
friends here over Easter. - William
Russell, had a wood bee on Tuesday
last.- The recent snowstorm put a
sudden stop to seeding, in this vi-
Dr, and Mrs, Wycliffe Bell, of Ham -
Mop attended the furieral of the late
Mrs. 'Kinsman, on Wednesday, Dr.
Ben e son of John 13011, who was a
former resident of Exeter sortie 17
years ago, and notes many changes in
that time.
The Bader holiday brought the
Usual number of visitors to Exeter to
=spend e pleasant time with friends,
striong whom We noticed the tolloW-
ing;-.1VIrs. Reginald. Elliott of Not.
vetch. Mrs. Nelson and Miss Ilrama
Nelsell, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and
Ore* Miss 011ie McLaughlin, Harvey
Digman, laindora Miss Mabel Pollack,
,St. Marys; Wellington Westcott, Sar-
nia; Miss Ethel Fernier, London; War -
ten Ross, Pontiac ; Mise Beatrice Rob -
Won, Blyth; M. T. M, White, Wind-
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
a correct report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No. 3, for the month of
March. The names are arranged in
order of merit, but, owing to their
irregularity of attendance, the stand-
ing of some pupils is comparatively
low ; V, Laura jory ; IV, Asa Pen -
hale, Chas: Sanders, Clinton Sweet,
Herbie ford, ViolasPenhale, Roy Par -
sobs, Clara Beaver, Willie Triebner,
Sadie Willis, Homer Bagshaw, Hattie
Willis ; Sr. III, Minnie Sanders, Al-
onza Ford, Eddie Willis, Herbie
Beaver, Edith Parsons, Lizzie San-
ders, Mitchell Willis ; Inter. III, Al-
fred Weurth, Tommy Sanders, Sam
Ricks, Berl Box, Violet Woods, Nel-
son Sanders; Jr. Ralph Willis,
Harry Parsons, Harry Triebner, An-
nie Hicks, ; Sr. II, Fred Beaver, Vic-
tor Sweet, Tommy. Penhale, Cecelia
Ford, Garnet Craig, Earl Parsons,
May Sanders, Levine, Cookson. Liilie
Woods, Hilda, Preszcator. Edith Whit-
taker; Pb. II, Eddie Triebrier, Harry
Sweet, Geo. flicks, Sena Stanlake,
Gladys Dearing, Fred Preszcator, Geo.
Whittaker, Sherman Willis; Pt, I,
Preston Dearing and johrible WilIis
*DA) Earl Sbapton, Chester rat -
sons, No. an roll 52. Average atten-
dance 46.2:
Parents having childree to wre-
n:tepee this spring are requested to
send them inimediately after Easter
FRED SANDERS, teiteher.
BniEss.-TheiloniTdvialidt3age of March BRIEFS. -On Sunday last Rev. Mr.
coming in like a saint and going out Panton, of Stratford. occupied the put,
like a lion is true this year, judging by potointrholuefloit7uhdeadyePeriaaersfetbdyrtnteiolieolanenheicarhgsuter cavhe,eceitohnnta..
the storm of Taesday, and seeding
operationsare8a.reat sten ds til 1 John
Andrew were ;a Tem. gregational meeting was held pre -
to last week attending the Grand sided over by Kr, Penton, at which
Council of the 0, 0, 0, F. -Mr. and arrangements were made for hearing
Mrs, j. Andrew spent the Easter holt- of ministere with a view to the calling
days with relatives at Brantford,- of a successor to Rev. .1, O. Smith. -j.
The assessor for the township has fin- E. Schnuqt, the new hardvvare man,
ished. his work for 1902. -Mr. and Mrs. went to his old home at Rodney on
John johns visited friends at Wood- Saturday. He intends to return in
ham on Sunday last. -The new mail athhedchoeuarsteehoefida eWi ett kt s with iht hisfamilyafanreuimlY.
menced his duties, he having
carrier, Mr. Ballantyne, hasconi-bdealy..sthbauvte tteeeflushasbitionuggattheto ptaoswtiafedwo
the contract from Mr. Moore,
not indicate that their luck was very
Sodom good.
BrisEPs,-The people of Sodom are Usborne
pleased to hear that Elder
children in splendid order. •
dresses were given by Rev, Tata
S. R. McVitty, and G. W. Rivers, B.
A., of Ravenswood. The weather was
most disagreeable and yet the church
was crowded to the doors. This 8, S.
is in a most healthy conditioa and
everybody is interested in its success.
Rev. aleVitty gave splendid service,
and demonstrated to all that he is in
living touch with Sanday School
work, • We will be pleased to have
him' with us again. Proceeds of col-
lections amounted to over $25.00.
Wind -
SCHOOL RavoRT.-The following is
the school report of S. S, •No, 1,
Stephen, for the otanth of March.
The names of the four highest only
are given, and are in order of merit: -
V, Elude Baker, C. Hogarth, P. Wind -
Leland has deeided to become a per- SCHOOL REPORT. - The relative "'"1", A' HaPbnwrn. IvisiPteehIevii, B. omseitcwheld.'
H. Mitchell,
manent resident of this vicinity. We standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 5, SOD ; Jr. TV, Vernon Wilson, Rebecca
Wil -
alt unite in extending him a hearty Usborne, at the recent promotion ex -
welcome. -Jabez Sta,cey, late of Pe-
trolea, has purcb.ased twenty-five acres
north- of the Lake road and intends
making it his home. --Edna Whitacre,
daughter of T. Whitacre, is very ill of
pneumonia. We hope to hear of
her speedy recovery. - Virtu, Isaac
has purchased a house and lot in
Exeter. --Our teacher, Miss Robertson,
has gone to Goderich to spend Easter
with her mother. -We are pleased to
hear that Alex. Box is slightly improv-
ing although nob able to do much
work as yea -Miss Rose Penhale is
sop.eBndoxiog a few clays visiting her uncle
Bstaars,-Mr. and Mrs, John Pibk-
ering, of Brinsley, spent a few clays
lastweek .Visiting in this vicinity. -N.
Buchanan, haying leased a piece of
land near Moray, intends moving
there in the near future. -M. McPhee
recently purchased a valuable mare
from J. Gooding, of Greenway. -Jas.
McLean retarnecl last week, after
spending the winter in New Ontario.
We believe he intends soon moving to
that country, --Allan McInnes, who
has been engaged in the lumber camps
for the past two years, returned re-
cently and is engaged with It. Ryan
for the summer. - W. Gillespie is
spending Easter hclidays with his par-
ents in Seaforth,
Wingham, is tb.e guest of Mrs.' red red , BRIEFS. -George Melville is under
McDonell.-Mrs. Dever, of Dresden, the doctor's care with very severe
was this week the guest of Mrs. F. C.
McDonell.-Mrs. James White, of this
village, has returned to Detroit for a
visit with her daughter, Mrs. McLeod,
of that city, who was here spending
the Baster vacation, -The Rev. W. J.
Doherty, Miss Emma Johnsteriaand
Miss E. Oroysdale are in London this
week attending the annual meeting of
of the Women's Auxiliury Missionary
Association of the Diocese of Huron. -
Miss Malcolm, of Calder, near London,
is visiting friends in Hensel", and vi-
cinity. -The Reform convention held
here on Saturday last was very large-
ly attended and very much interest
taken in the meeting. Mr. M. Y. Mc-
Lean was Unanimously chosen as
standard bearer, The Conservatives
will hold their convention here on
Thursday, Apr. 3rd in Millers hall. -
The present cold weather and snow
Tea° Laxative Quinine Tablets. All
dril lets refund the money if it fails (Xi cure.
attack of pleuriss, and la grippe. -
Friends Russell- and McNeil, delegates
to Grand Council, 0. O. C. F., held at
Toronto last week report having a
very successful meeting, -Mark Clark,
who cut his foot two weeks ago, is
able to be around again. -Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Withems and Miss Dela
Williams were the guests of 'John
Cole on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Reid took a drive to Exeter on Sunday
to see the latter's brother, who is quite
ill at present.- Chester McRoberts,
teacher at Mt. Pleasant is visiting. un-
der the parental roof, near Devizes,
week.- Wm. •Hanson has 45 acres
sown this spring. Alf. Ross also is
just through sowing. -Mr. Boyce who
has rented Rtch. farm is moving
this week.
Fu I I arton
storm has prevented farmers from
seeding. --Miss Addle Bell has return-
BRIM'S.- Sidney Smith 'is visiting
ed to London to resume her studies in his parents in Finkerbound for a week.
music. -Mrs. (Rev.) Geo, Jewitt has -Miss Hamilton, our junior teacher,
returned from a visit with friends in has been off duty for a week. -Thos.
London.- The Misses Caroline and McOollough has started his cheese box
factorse-A Prohibition meeting was
held in the school rostra on Monday of
last week, for the purpose of electing
officers. - James Hetherington has
bought the south half of Morey's farm.
Jim intends goirg into grazing. We
wish him. success. -Henry Rogers has
started work on his new kitchen. -
Joseph Woodley and his two daugh-
ters left for Michigan on Thursday, -
The farmers have once more got to
work on the land and some are pre-
paring to sow. -Miss Winnie Race, of
Mitchell, is the guest of Miss Annie
Connelly. -John 13Iachard, who has
spent the winter at the lumber woods,
up at Port Arthur, returned home last
week.- Sidney Smith has sold his
handsome driver to Robert McIntosh.
of Motherwell, realizing a good figure,
Bertha McKenzie are visiting friends
in Auburn, their former home. -Miss
Mitchell, of Mitchelville, is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Wm. White, of Roger-
ville.-Wm. Peart, of this village, has
taken up land in Alamedieand intends
engaging in farming. Mrs. Peart and
child will remain here for the present.
-Miss Louie Thomson, of London,
was here during the past week visit!
ing her mother. -J. N. McMartin, of
London, spent Easter with frieuds in
Hensall.-The church services on Sab-
bath evening last were very thinly at-
tended, owing to the very unpleasant
state of the weather and roads. -Dr.
C. Ross, ot St. Joseph Hospital. spent
Easter vacation with his father Gavin
Ross, of Rogerville, - Miss Francis
Coxworth, of Loiadon, spent the past
week with her parents here.
Soaooa REPORT. -The following is
the report of S. S. No. 6, Usborne, for
the month of March, together with
the result of the promotion examin-
ations. Names in order of merit: -
V. Class, Linda Hunter, Dora Del -
bridge ; Sr. IV, May Jones, Ida Del -
bridge, Gertie ; Jr, IV, Olive
Nelson Coultis, Ella Berry -
hill Promoted to Sr. 111, Willie El-
ford, Almena, Heywood, Vera Wash-
burn. Addle Johns, Clarence Miners,
Stanley Coward, Victor Sawyer,
Beatrice Wilcox, Newton Clarke,
Clarence Fletcher, Jackson Woods,
Prontotecl to Jr, III, Gordon Waddell,
May Cooper, Everett Skinner, Laura
Godbolt, Nettie Campbell. Alma
Johns, Hattie Hunter, Welliugtort
Skinner Priscilla Penwarden ; Jr. 11,
Laura Woods, Lulu Godbolt, Sack
Hasson : Pt. II, Alexatatier Berryhill
Pearl Johns, 'Hubert Jones ; Sr. Pb. I,
Jennie Campbell, John Creeey, Clara
Kellett ; Jr, Pb. I, Charlie Cook, Lil-
lie God.bolt, Addie Cottle.
anunattorts is as follows •Those
whose names are marked vvith the
star did not write on all the subjects
The marks required to pass are 50% -of
totaJ:-5th class maximum 788, Ed -
mad Westcott 621, Wallace Fisher Willi() San•s, Elzworth Ridley ; Jr. 1I,
521 ; Sr, IV, ma,s-. 480, H, Kernick •
Gordon Wilson. 11Ialvaa Cafes•, J.no.
•350 ; Tr. 4th. max. '610, Nellie Bissett Dempsey, John White ; Pb. II, •Lillian
443, Jessie Russell 382, Leslie. Richard Robinson, E. Wilson, -9.. Robinson,
383 ; Sr. 3rd. max. 810, Janine Frayne
583, Nellie Russell 550, Emma, 1VIc- Mervin Elston ; Part LAustin Duplan,
M. Baynham, Hubert White, Wilson
Colbert. •
3.A. MoNancomeane,
•i. seaeau, Teachers.
• Ban:as-The remains of the late
Dorthy .T.RoIlins,who died in London,
on Sunday last after an illness of ten
weeks, of rapid consumption, were
interred here on Tuesday morning
last on arrival of train froin London.
The deceased was aged 27 years, and
some ten .years ago, with her father
and twdaisters, she moved from Cent-
ralia to London, and was employed in
a local. esta,blishment. Her father
predeceased her three years ago. Two
sisters survive. Death occurred at
No. 353a Ridout street. -This village
has had in its 'history many sudden
and amazing changes in removals and
business, and a few of our best young
men have lately gone to the North-
west. Among the most recent and
deeply regretted by the community is
that of Andrew Hicks. He has sold
dot his business as grain buyer to Mr.
Oobbledick, of Exeter. also bis beauti-
ful residence to Mr. Coughlin, cattle
dealer. Mr. Hicks intends within a
month to go to Manitoba. He will do
well wherever he goes,' and ever be a
credit to his native villaze.-A very
extensive sale of cows took place last
Saturday. The animals all sold at full
value. - Sunday morning was fine,
there was a large congregation in the
Methodist church and the pastel, Rey.
Mr. Hutton, preached a delightful •
Easter sermon. -Next Sunday will be
a red letter day with the young people
BRIEFS- MISS B -ridges and Mee:Tien-
of the Methodist church ; it is their
lefeCoy, Elva, Windsor, R. Mttcbell ;
Sr. III, Leslie McNaughton, •Flora
Hepburn, Clarence Duplan, Enos
Windsor ; •jr. Dayal Baker, Verne
Sheardoven, G, Hogarth, Sam IVtcCoy,
Sr. II, Charlie Grafton, Fred Conwa,y.
Donald 523, Wesley Dayman 512,
Clark Fisher 491, Clayton Frayne 429,
May Hodson 426, Florence Perkins
336 ; Jr. 3rd. max. 590, Eunice Ker -
nick 435, Emerson Cornish. 367, Fred
Cornish 300, *Wilbert Riyers 75;
Sr. 2nd, Max. 565, Norman Perkins
357, Albert Kernick 312, Thos. Hei-
man 303, Emily Pra,yne 300, "Fred
Ford 178 ; Jr. 2nd, max. 130, Herbert
Bissett 117, Emma Ford 84, William
Sellery 83, Herman Dayman 81, Gor-
don Heywood 74,
PRDSENTA.TION.-T- he many friends
and neighbors of Mr. David Wynn
and sisters assembled at the church
on Wednesday evettmg March 26tb,
for the purpose of presenting them
each vvith a present as a token of es-
teem, and to show their respect for
the three friends, who were about to
depart from their midst. Mr. ,Wynn
and sisters having beea good fse .idly
neighbors and earnest church workers
were well worthy of the gifts and
words of praise received from their
many friends, The chair was filled
by Rev. Waddell, a. good programme
was rendered by our local talent, con-
sisting of readings, recitations, in-
strumental and vocal music, after
which the follovving address was read,
and can assure you the presents were
much appreciated by each: -
To MD. DAVID WVIM-We as members of
Sunshine church and Sunday. School have
iearned with sorrow that owing to failing
health you have decided to give up farming
and move away from this neighborhood. You
shall be greatly, missed by all as a kind and
obliging neighbor, and especially' missed by us
In the various departments of our church work.
You. have been prominently identified with
this church from its inception until the
present. As a Steward you have been faithfid
and accurate and always one of the first to .be
present at the meeting of the Official Board.
As a Sunday School teacher your services
have been much appreciated and our clan
has had. a prominent part :in arranging this
evening's programme. Wear e so indebted to
God for your services, and feel so keenly our
loss by your removal that we have met to-
gether to ask you to accept this chair for your-
self, this cruet for your sister, Elizabeth, and
this clock for your sister. Minnie, whose pro-
longed illness has been the occasion of much
sympathy and sorrow. We hope that you.
in the future may look upon these gifts as
something which you prize, not so much for
their real worth, as for the affection and re-
spect of which they are a token. We hope
you may have good health and much prosper-
ity in your future home, and that surrounded
by Christian friends, and strengthened by help
Divine, the remainder of your life may be in-
creasingly happy and useful. As this is East-
ertide we feel constrained to give you this
parting apostolic benediction. "Now the God
of Peace. that brought again from the dead
our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the
sheep, through the blood of the everlasting
covenant. make you perfect in every good.
work to do his will, working in you that
which is well pleasing in His sight, through
Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and
ever, Amen." Hebrews 13-20, 21,
Signed on behalf of Sunshine Church and
Sunday Sch001:-.70IIN EMMY, Davin GOULD-
Ai Ise. Graig
BRIEFS,-WilliSAA Drought a well
known cattle dealer'of Ansa Craig,
dropped dead at his home at an early
hour on Thursday last. He had arisen
early and went to the kitchen to secure
a drink of water and when about to,
partake of the contents he was sudden-
ly overcome and fell to the floor. Ills
wife and daughter were aroused by
the fall, and were startled to find the
unconscious form of their husband
and father on the floor. He expired al-
most inimadiately. Heart failure is
supposed to have been the cause of
death. He was about 55 years
of age. Mr. Drought was one of the -
best and most favorably known per-
sonages in the northern part of the
county. Born in Bicklulph township,
he for a number of years followed his
trade as cabinet maker. About twen-
ty years ago he built and kept the
Queen's hotel at Allem Craig. During
the past fourteen years he has been
engaged in the cattle trade, and did a
very large shipping business. He was
a member of the Orange order, A
1. wife and daughter, Miss Ida, survive.
t172.°EAtre: Teaebors. number of b. rothers also live in his
native township,
Miss Lillie Dickson, who has been a
pleasant visitor with Mr. and Mrs, L,
II. Dickson for tbe past two weeks,
returned to her home hi Renfrew, on
Saturday last. Her brother, Mr.
Diekson aceompaniecl her as fat as
Toronto, and on his return brought
veith him his nephew, Louis Brophy,
of Montreal, who will speed e short
10, Grove El sienattut 15 �t t each box, 25e. .1, time.here, •
For Infants and Children,
• Crediton.
BRIBES,- March surely went out
like a lion, with snow and wintry
winds, hence seeding is at aStandstill
until spring weather comes again. -
Did you get "April fooled" ?-Phe
political pot is beginning to boil al-
ready. The reformers are jubilant
that M. Y. McLean has accepted the
candidature for their party, and the
conservatives hope that H. Eilber, the
present member, may see his way
dear to be their standard bearer. At
to -day's convention may the best man
be selected. -There will soon be a coal
famine if weather continues cold. -
Misses.Minnie and Ina Hill, of Clinton,
spent Easter with their aunt, Mrs.
Rivers. -Chas, and Mrs, Zwicker visit-
ed London and Toronto during the
Easter holidays. -R. E, Walker, our
popular bac:Ilea wears a broad smile
these days -another boy. -Mx', and
Mrs. 0, 13luett are spending their bola
days at Forest, their former home, -
School will re -open on iVlotiday next ;
every pupil should be on hand . -
Aubrey Baker, of London, gave our
village a passing call on Monday hist.
Be reports business very brisk at their
new stand. -The S. S. anniversary ser-
vices held in the Methodist claurch on
Sunday last were it 11108t signal sue -
cess in every way, Rev. S. R. Mc,
Vitty, of Delaware was the special
delegation foe the day. He spoke
with great earnestness and power to
large congregations both morning and
evening. The snags meeting in the
nfterhoon was addressed by Rev. Mc-
Vitty, and Messrs, H. Huston, of
Exeter, and Geo, Bloomfield, of Brig -
dee. These adclreesce were of a very
high order, being ititerestiagf helpful
alid inspiring to young ancl old.
On the Monday evetiing folloWa
essa), ing the annual entertainment was
al a Lettiese 41,11; held. A. teat eat wag rendered by the
We are handling American
W A La Le 171' A. IP, ER
and have it fine new assortment just to
hand. The newest things • iu Sa,tirt
Stripes, Gilts Bronzes, and fiagraine
are here, Tlie prices range as follows:
Far side wall, frora 4c to 15c per
single roll.
. For Ceiling% from 3ie to 13c per
single roll.
ll'or, Border, from lc to 5c. per yard.
Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, and all farixt
produce wanted.
T. 0. Harlion
P. S. -See bills for special prices OII
other lines.
0 I II. Vi
O a ohit •
• II 111 l
O aSuocessor to Levitt's Fair.) re
8 2 Boxes Of
I•Oranges 1
a For Saturday. ••
O - 0
O 0
6 0
O 0 L. BOa
0 ••
6 •
: (Successor to Levitt's Faiff.) ---4.-,- -
Navels and 1V1exicans1 just
to hand. Prices on these •
will be found right. Also rp
a few
which will be sold for One 2
Cent each to clear. • 1 will
have some nice toiletsets on
sale for Friday. •
Radishes and Lettuce
Epworth League anniversary. Rev.
ry Brandon, of Belgrave, spent Easter
with Wm. Brandon here. -Miss Lizzie
Dr. Gifford,of Ontario st. church,Ohn-
Gardner of Clinton, spent Sunday
ton, will preach morning and evening.
with Mrs . F . A . Edwards . -Mr . -Ar-
On Monday evening refreshments will thur McIlyeen of Watford, spent ivron-
be served in the school room of the
day visiting old acquaintanceeia town.
church, a,fter which among ether ex day
Harvey Sperling spentEaster
ercises the Rev. Dr. Gifford will give
his home in Georgetown. -Miss Flossie
his famous lecture, "The Mammoth Stanbury took a trip to Halywood for
Ca,ve." The League,is looking forward
to a laRaster -Mr, H, Drelunann was n
large and successful gathering.-
In this section Sunday afternoon came London on business last week. --Mee,
a sudden change in the weather, to IRS t:Wh'enEsro.wn111Pax. lsrvLnoravoweeks,iisitie,nfgMtrs. Rlh
wards evening ebe rain proved down ep
in torrents and the wind blew a hurri- 1 -Mr, Ben, SPenger and Wrn. Sander -
cane. -Many of the farmers are almost
finished. seeding and are waiting for
sunshine and April showers.
son have gone to work in the Bruce -
field mill. --The literary society closed
their series of concerts on • Friday
evening last, when a grand program
was given. After the program an
Milburn' Sterling Headache Powders contain address was read and. Mrs. Stanbury
neither morphine nor opium. They promptly was presented with a beautiful rock -
cure Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Headache,
IliariesdaVned HoteaGdarlePhPeefr. oiHn eandnkr chaeuseofwdh
Price 10c and 25e •
ea 1 it ec va et er [ ial g a c shin% irnatnodk token
nenotrf e their
re appreciation, the re ac
•of her kindness during the winter.
We have just Received
a large shipment from Chicago and
Montreal, of the Jewell and Ele-
• Ready
Mixed Paints
and Adamamline Floor Paint, The
• big sale we had for these goods
last season warted us in buying very large quantities
this season.
• The Jeweil brand The Elephant brand
Reearly Mixed Paint, guaranteed pure Elephant Ready Mixed Paints and
Linseed 011 and White Lead, Elephant Pare Lead, the old reliable.
This beautiful sanitary Wall Finish was used very largely last
year, and gave the best of satisfaction, Used in place of wall
paper, and we have it inly beautiful tints,
BR U8tHE.18
All kind of Paint and Kalsomine Brushes, from 5 rents up,
.....) HE, ,
P. S.-Winscr & Newton Tube Colors, full tine6.