HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-3-27, Page 8litc. New Catp0..,,. .1111 11103 and Ari Squares • .0008 The House Cleaning Season has a,ga,in arrived and the busy and thoughtful housekeeper is on the lookout for Carpets Curtains and Wall Papers.. You know our reputation as house furnishers, an..I this season we are prepared to show you even. better values and larger assortments than ever. We want you to corne and see the nice new things we have for cosy homes. Come and bring your friends with you, you are always welcome at the Big Cash Store You'll not be asked to buy. $1 00 the yard. for the choicest, live 5e the roll for a nice lot of new frame body Brussele Oarpets,-new oriental designs, -very rich coloeings. The leading shades are the New Green, Dove Grey, Pastell, and rich Wood Effeets. $1 25 the yard for our finest Velvet Carpet, this is a swell parlor carpet, in the new rich green effects., You should see this line whether you want to buy or not. Its as pretty as a pictare„ 75e, the yard for our best, pure wool Carpets. The assortment is large and the patterns and cceorings are the, newest, 30c. the yard for a good hoaest Union Carpet, Pure, clean colors mei good designs. A geed carpet for bed VOOttiS. Bruseelett Squares, large enough to cover ituy ordinary room, ali in oue piece, no seams, beautiful dens, bordered all &routed, $4.25, $4.75, and $0,00. New Tapestry Art *Squares, very swell patterns, bordered all mound, pm and $12.00. Pure Wool Art Squares, new de- signs, lovely colorings, svvell borders, $7.20; $8,40, $9.00 aud $12.80. 50e,„ 65c„ 75c.'85e, and $1 50 each for our new Velvet and IVIehair Door,: Mats, they are lovely, 15c. each for Carpesamples. We have about 200 for you t, Enda, travellers I to pick frau'. 75e. each for Brussel Carpet Ends, 13: yards long. They are very suitable for mats. wall papers, all with matched borders and ceilings. 8c the roll for lovely new glimmer papers, with either wide or narrow; matched borders. 10c the roll for a swell lot of new artistic papers. AU new effects and exclusive designs. 121c the roll for a special let of LIP - to -date paeers, in gold glimmer read pastel' effects. 15c the roll foa very exclusive rich gold. decorated papers, all new and effective designs. Tbey're lovely geode. "Odd patterns." -We have a lot of odd. patterns, from 2 to 10 rolisin each lot. You can have them for about quarter their regular value, 50, 75c and $1.00 the pair for 3 extra special lines of lace curtaias. Fur low aud medium priced lace cur- tains these 3 lines stand out very promiuently. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 the pair for our 4 great big lace curtain bar- gains. They come in the new Lacey Battenbarg and Rennisance effects. $2,85 the pair for new tapestry cur. talus in greens, Blues, Reds and Ter. rase They're very pretty. $8.75 the pair for very rich Broca. tell curtains, the finest e have ever shown. QM>. WICV.M011,1110M9......1•1, Our Millinery- Show Rooms are open. Our Trimmers are ready to serve you. The spring Hats are going to be very artistic. Drop in any time you are always welcome, bring your friends with you and see the lovely creations in Spring Hats. You'll like them. SDIE J. ST EWfART For Marriage Licenses, Wodicling Weetchie, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc 'CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY MARCH 27T, 1902 Locals. Abpure p41—re baking powder eold by O Lutz. We are sorry to learn that Wm. Snelf continizes roite Mr. and Miss Sutherland. of Hensall, spent/Sunday with friends in town. Mise Harken, of Shieka, was the guesb of her brother, T. G, Harken, this week. A. number of farmers in this vicinity did some ploughthe durine the early part of march. Luther Howard who spent the past week at his home here left for Galt on Monday last. Mr. Jones, of Manitoba, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. E. Tones, the : forepart of. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gatiss, of Eagle River, were the guests the past week of their daughter, Mrs. B. S. O'Neil. fen.. 11.0111•111, NoTI0E.-A1l parties indebted to H. Bishop & Son,caust be settlei at once, as we are leaving town. Fred Hill who was called home ow- ing to the death of his mother, left fur Buffalo on Monday 'morning. Miss Annie McCord, of Ilderton, and Mrs. J. Ovens, of Maple Lodge, were guests of Mrs. E. Jones, on Sunday. Miss Mary G-idley will be the guest of Mrs. Pinch and Dr, and Mrs. Both- well, of Stratford, during the Easter holidays, The pupils and teachers of the pub- lic schools will have their Easter holi- days for one week, commencing to- day (Thursday.) Coronation Day, Thursday. June 26, will probably be observed as a general holiday in Canada, as well as iu all portions of the British Empire, The spring term in the Uentral Busi- ness College, Stratford, Ontario, be- gins April lst. This college is known for its firstclass work, and the pres- ent is a favorable time to commence a course of training. Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, of Parkhill, is understood to have been invited to the pastorate of Park street Metho- dist church, Chatham, to succeed Rey. Dr. Hannon, who has accepted a call to Exeter. Mr. Bert Ross, a former Exeter boy, was seriously injured dnring a game of hockey in London, on ,Thursday last having one of the bones of his chest broken. He is now at his home in Chathana. We trust to hear of his speedy recovery. Chiidren Cry for CASTORIAg TA; .04,21kfti,ct 44* :=1=erMeelare List of Croceries Morton's Pine Apple in Syrup. Snigapore Grated Pine Apple: Canned Apples, Delhi Corn, Peas, and Tomatoes Niagara. Pickles Crosse & Blackwell's, Heaton's, William Bro's, Detroit, Canada Pickling Oo's. These pickles range from 15c, to 35c., and consist oe Mixed, Ohow-Chow, Pearl Onions, Sweet Mixed and Ketchup. ann d Fish Kippered Herring, Herrings in Tomato Sauce, Sahnon-Maple Leaf, Viking & Lowe Inlet, Sardines. 04.)rned Meats Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Dtick, Veal. Leaf, Oottage Loaf, Ham Loaf. E3reakfast Foods Shredded Whole Wheat, Swiss Food, Grape Nut. Malt Breakfast Veod. i -S A SPECIALTY-Salada, Japan, Hyeon, Ceylon, 1 401712S-MeCormick's best goods only. kominnwerlespiwiloweirmiessemoreisi a Grocery Stock is a Fresh, Olean, Complete Up -to -Date Dept. Thanking you for past favors. POPPLESTONE&GARDIlsER roceries Specialt Peet Qffi0e.Binelet lJriah Ouniiitighant was in Louden, Monday, on baeluess. Mr. Ire eendrew, of Uremarty, wee calUngon friends here an Monday. Mrs. 14. Thorne will visit frierids fn Toronto during the Baster holidays. Mr. Rogers, ofParkhill, was here on Sunday, the guest of his son. R. R. Rogers. A, song service will be given by the choir of James et, chueele on Sunday evening next. efrs. Geo. Thomas aud Miss Jetcolis are spending a short time with heeler's in London, Edgar Westcoet wits the guest of his brother, Will Weetcott, Seaforth, on Friday last. During spring work feed your horses English Stock Food, it will pay you, Sold by C. Lutz. Oecil Rhodes, the great South Afri- can leader, passed peacefully away at 5,57 on Tuesday afternoon. lYfrs. Elliott, of Stratford, is called here owing to the death of W. D. Yeo. Funeral to -day (Thursday') Forroaldehyde is a certain prevents,- ive to smut in oats, barley, and other eed grains. Sold by C. Lutz,druggist, ?iteter, Father Walsh who recently assule- ed two young ladies in Stratford, was fined '$20 and cost in each case, which was paid, Bo ee WearTED.-A good, smart boy with taw education, wanted to learn the printing basiness. Apply at Times office. Rev. W. M. Marble is in Toronto this week, as a delegate to the Grand (Domicil meeting of the Oanadian Or- der of Ohosen Friends. Ales, Kirk, after spending a pleasant week with her brother, Dr, D. A. An- derson, left for het, home in Dur3gan- non, on Monday. Jos. Cobbledick has purchased the grain elevator and lime and coal busi- ness from Andrew Hicks, Centralia. He took possession yesterday. Miss Winnie Taylor, of London, who was so seriously ill last week has re- covered and is now here visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Bissett. Miss Aggie Watson, of Vvoodsteck. neice of Miss II. Pringle, school teach- er, had the misfortune to fall and break her leg near the hip. 11. Smith of Springleurst Farm, shipped a car load of 17 head of fine cattle on Monday to a firm some distance west of Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Kestle, Mrs. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, and Mr. Wetherald, of Mit- chell, are here this week attending the funeral of the late W. D. Yee. Wellington Johns left on Monday morning for Winnipeg where he will visit friends and afterwards go far- ther wet where be expects to locate. J. T. O'Brien, successor of A. Bag „shave, at Bagshaws old stand. AI kinds of bread, cakes and confection n hand. Wedding cakes a specialty. Sas. Smith, who has been in the ena ploy of Mr. E. J. Spackman, as clerk, left for Detroit, 011 Wednesday Morn- ing, where he has secured a similar position. Next Sunday being Easter, sermons will be delivered in all the 'churches appropriate to the occasion, also special music will be rendered by the different choirs. We are very glad to hear that Amos Donne, of I/shame, who has been confined to his bed for six weeks with la gaippe and typhoid fever is able to be out again. A number of our citizens are con- templating taking a trip to the old country early iu May, among whom are Mr. and Mrs. Smallacombe, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet, Mrs. Thorne and Miss F. Bawden. Rev. R. D. Hamilton, of Welling- ton-st Methodist church, London, in his Sunday evening discourse, thoroughly condemned the referen- in unqualified terms, and thinks tem- perance men will be justified in ignor- ing it. Through the kindness of Mr. Burk, of Port Arthur, the TIMES is in receipt of a large bundle of illustrated pamph- lets an& other literature full of infor- mation about New Ontario, which we will be pleasedto give to any one who is desirous of going there or who wishes to know anything about that country. Messrs. 0. R. Hosmer, a director of the Clanadian Pacific Railway, and Merchants' Bank, and F. W. Thomp- son, Manager Of the W. W. Ogilvie Milling Company, have purchased the entire business of the W. W. Ogilvie Milling Company. The prize is under- stood to be between $3,000,000 and $4,000.000. Mr. Thompson will be manager, with headquarters in Mon- treal. The business was first started in 1891 by the father of Bon. A. Vv. Ogilvie and or W. W. Ogilvie, who came from Scotland and built a mill at Jaeques Cartier, near Quebec. Mr. Thompson will be remembered by many in Exeter, having been here at one time in connection with the Exchange Bank, The annual delivery of the Mc- Cormick & Sylvester machines, made by Mr. Snell; on Wednesday, the 26th inst., was a very large one. We doubt if any one agent in Ontario has ever delivered as many machines at one time, and it is a striking tribute to the business ability and popularity of Mr. Snell, and a most gratifying tri - bate to the company making these goods to receive each a pabronage from etch a class of progressive and intelli- gent farmers as there is to be found in the Exeter vicinity. The G.T.R. depot presented a lively appearance when the mad:lines were loaded under the able management of Messre Snell and A, S, Devitt, the long. line of wag- gons were marshalled into procession and were photographed by Mr. J. Sen- ior, of Exeter. The Exeter Band was ia attendance and acquitted them- selves in their usual good form, The customers and friends were entertain- ed to dinner by the 1VIc0ormick & Syl- vester company. On Sunday evening last the Rev, C. W, Brown preached a very inter- esting temperance sermon iti the &WASS St. Methodist church, He took his text from 2nd Kings, 10 : 0, "Bub who slew all these." Mr, *own said lio R. Flokard Goe xe1411saii Si IT HA.S NEVER 13•EN OUR PlipA.SVRE ,show so OF APPROACHING SPRING we are showing this season. We have on our tables exact copies of Paris and New York. pattern Hats and Bonnets, which are exclusive in design, , The trimmings this season are very rich and we are showing everything new, We will be pleased to have the pleasure of a call t'rom all ladies' of Exeter and vicinity. Wall Papers We have thern in great variety and prices are strictly in your favor 3c, 5c, 7c, ioc, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Carpets Just opened up a beautiful new stock of Wools and Unions, latest designs, best qualities and lowest prices, 25c, 35e, 40, 50, 60e and 75c Lace Curtains Direct from the manufacturers in Nottingham and Switzerland, specials at enc, 75, Loci, $t r3, $1,50 up to $5.00 ++++++++÷÷.14++++++++++++4.1- ++++++++++++++++++++++14++ Thdt 13W PPIllt BarOdill • • We have succeeded in getting the second case of those heavy, extra wide, fast colored prints. They are great value and fast sellers, the kind you pay or- dinarily 12ic for, special bargain 12 yards for $1,00 'Cause the housekeeper to think of cleaning ,titne—clean house that. inei.ns paint and paper, + +4-1-+++4-4-1-eataleeeeeeee++++++++4' Dress Goods Special - Beautiful heavy all wool serge dress, wide width,all shades and black, regular value 45e per yd, for .... ... • • 30o Boots and Shoes Our Spring stock is now complete. We are showing great values in ladies' Oxfords at Loa, LI°, 1.25, 1.50, 1.6o and 1.75. Dinner Setts See our immense stock in new designs and decorations. We import direct from manufacturers in Britain, special values at 6.5o, eIo. 50 and 11.50, bress Trimmings They are lovely, this is the verdict of every lady who has seen them, price reasonable top, 5c, 7c, ioc, 20c, 25c to 6oc. morei.samosiimg. IWe, want 10,000 dozen eggs and 40,000 lbs. of but- ter during the next 30 days, to -fill g large contract, we pay highest prices. The R. ickrd Co. Direct Importers. that in America and Canada it was estimated that over 70,000 men went down to the grave every year, caused from the effects of liquor in sorae force or other. Who is responsible Man is in a great measure responsible .for his own ruin, for man is a power, he can resist if he will. Some inherit the taste for drink, such should have our sympathy and be dealt gently with, for they are our brothers, but one so handicapped. ought not to associate with wicked men. God desires suc- cess for man. The path of virtue is the path of safety. The careless men are responsible for the present state of affairs. The christian church have it in their power, if they but see the re- ponsibility, to do away with the legalized sale of liquor. Clontinuing the speaker said that the bill which the Ontario government had just passed could not be accepted as a full- fillment of their pledges. The tem- perance people didnot ask for a referendum but for prohibition. They had expected that the Ross govern- ment would have been more reason- able, as it was, the temperance people had to poll over 200,000 votes before the present bill would be put into force. In closing his address the mintster said, that if God.be God, if right be right, if •chri.stians be chris- lens, if God01 us who can be against us. DEA.TH OP Mn. W. D. Yno.-- We are again reminded of the shoreaess of tirne, in the death of Mr. Wm. Daniel Yeo, which occurred at his late residence, Carling st., on Monday morning, Mr. Yeo has been a resi- dent of Exeter for some time having been employed with Carling Bros. about six years ago during which time he was a victim of typhoid fever, followed by an attack of intimation from the effects of which he never fully recovered his former strength. He afterwards removed to London, where he remained for some time, re- turning to Exeter about two years ago when he entered in the mercantile businese for himself, and established a lucrative business. Finally his strength failing he went to Colorado in the early winter, hoping to bene- fit his condition, but finding the cli- mate too severe, and strength fast) failing, he returned home just one week previous to his demise. He was a young men full of nativity and only in his 30 year, He leaves a wife (nee Miss Ada Tem) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0, Tom, of this place, to fight life's battle, and mourn the loss of at affectionate husband, besides a num- ber of reletives and friends. The funeral will take place to -day (Thurs- day) at 2 o'clock for the BNoter ceine- tery, Wall Paper and1bith In all the novel Shades and Patterns is more attractive than ever. CAIPE,TS--New designs, cheaper than ever, from 20cup to $r0'n CURT AINS—In0Laice allaWoolsn.c1TapnesatrY; LnTonbiQbn' nobby goods. IN WHITE WEAR—We have just opened up the finest goods we . have ever shown. LADIES' WAISTS—Large assortment. See cur New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Muslins, New Ginglia.ms, New Trimmings, New Laces, Npiv Embroideries. , Full assortmem of Crockery, Groceries, Boots and Shoe's, Ready Made Clothing, up to date, and at prices that will sell it. Highest Price paid for Produce, 1.11•••••••••••••••••••,••=. Some Beauties just . See Them. r R.1058 RIGHT. Do you want a Bedromn stilt, Sideboard, Dining table, Kitchen table, Centre table, Side table, Dressing table, Oak table, Ash table, Kitchen chairs, Dining chairs, Drawing chairs Easy chairs, Morris chairs, Rocking chairs, Boys' ' chairs, Girls chairs, High chairs, Low ,chairs, Odd chairs, Even chairs, Common chairs, 'Uncommon chairs, Couches, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Pictures, Pictures framed, Pic- tures -without frames, Frames without pictures, saws sharp- ened, or old furniture repaired, varnished and re.junivated. if so we will try hard to make it easy for you to buy. kSPARE THE BIRDS.-CrUel boys with catapults prove very destructive at this time of the year to a great many innocent birds. There seems to be a general impression abroad thee birds are only a nuisance. If a few of them are discovered in a cherry tree, the first impulse of the proprieter, too often, is to kill them. It is a tact that even when the birds are allowed to come and go at will there is always enough left for the owner. In most cases the quality is greatly improved, the fruit taken by the birds proving a relief to the tree. The advantage of having insectivorous birds about is scarcely recognized, but it is to these sinall creatures that growers owe the existence of the trees and fruit, At this time of the year, vegetable mat- ter is infested with the larva or foli- age -devouring insects. These develop at the first appearance of warm weather, and the result is that the fruit and leafage would eventually be destroyed were it not for the effi.cient protection afforded by the birds. Any law, therefor, that will protect the birds from harm, should be and will be, enforced. with -vigor, and will, in the long run be backed up by popular sentiment. r, THE VINTIRE STOCK SHOW. -At meeting of the directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society, Hensel], on Saturday, Match 15th, it was ar- ranged to hold the fall show in union with the Stephen and 'Osborne Branch at Exeter, on the first Monday and Tuesday after the London Fair, It was also decided to hold the annual spring ,show for entire stock at Bruce - field, on Tuesday, April. 15th. This is a few days earlier than usual. This ye tr, also, it has been decided to make a new departure in respect to the ex- hibitioa of stallions. The same elasses will be exhibited as formerly„, but this year there will be no judging by the so. cieby and no prizes will be awarded. Instead, the people will be permitted to., judge for themselves as to the meeit of the animals : shown. 'Instead of awarding prizes, the society will pay throe dollars to each horse eX- hibited, to pay expenses., For several years it has been difficult to induce horsemea to bring out their horses, partly because of dissatisfaction with the judging and partly because parties not receleing prizes feel that to be beaten is an injury to their horses, and rather than run that risk they prefer not to show at all. In the method of showing bulls there will be no change made, The usual very lib- eral prizes will be offered and awards made by a competent judge as former- ly.Iferetofore, however, bulls taking prizes were required 10 serve a, certain es. C. H ston Furniture and Undertaking Rooms GIDLEY'S BLOCK, EXETER. time within the limits of the society, ,but if they serve within the county they will now be eligible. FORECASTS FOR APRIL.- A re- actionary storm disturbance, begin- ning the last of March, will expend its force by April the first, a higher barometer, westerly winds and cool- er weather following up the distur- bance and lasting two or three days, during which change to fair and cool- er, frosty nights will prevail iu most parts of the central and northern states. bringing a decided change to warmer and culminate aboue the Oth 7th and 8th in many active thunder stormsand heavy local hail storms. The Moon is on the celestial equator on the 6bh and at her new on the 8th. which facts will tend to cause higher temperature and electrical storms. The Vulcan storm period central on the 16th is almost exactly coincident with the center of the Mercury period with Moon at quadrature with the Earth and Sun on the 15th, and on the celestial equator on the 19th. Summing up these conditions, we pre- dict that active and possibly danger- ous storms will visit many sections from Wednesday 16 to about Satur- day the 19th. But the times of decid- ed and general storms will be found to center about the regular periods einbraced within the Mercury brace. Rising barometers and spurts of cooler weather will come between the regular periods, but will be of very brief duration. The culmination of the Mercury disturbanees will fall about the date of the full Moon. Therefor expect at the reactionary storm period central on the 22nd and .3rd, some general and wicked storms of rain, hail wind and thunder. During the pertubation of the above Mercury periods, our friends in northern parts of the country need not be surprised if they are visited by some late but decided squalls of snow and sleet. The last storm period for April is central about the 28th, extending from the 26th to the 30th. As we, enter this period the barometer will fall, the temperature will rise arid more etorms decided in character will develop to the west and ran their courses east- ward during the last three days of the month. Upon the whole we believe that April will prove a nice month for general outdoor werk. We doubt if rho rainfall for the month will be ell that is desired in many sections of the middle west. Some localities of obtuse will get more tban local needs call for, but the general rainfall will be short of normal, or average aMount. PLEURETIC PAINS A DANGER SIGNAL. ‘-pe-aves Proinpt treatment is essettial. Bathe the region of pain immediately with F01.8011'S Xerviline and quickly bind on a hot bandage sprinkled with Neryiline. Never known to fail. Cures almost instantly. Neuralgia, toothache, rhearna,tism ancl lumbago are cured by Nerviline just as Poison's Nerviline cures all pain, atad is the loesthousehold liniment known, • Large bottle 25c. A BUSINESS EDUCATION rs needed. if the young man or wom- an would succeed in the business world to -day. Such an education is received in this most up-to-date and best equip- ped college. ForeSt GM] BEISINSS GONG Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, LONDON, ONT. WESTERvELT, Principal. 4.+4•44+++++++++++++++++444014 I THE MART • To Have !he Best Coods what the business man owes him- self. It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be often the cheapest and con- sequently eLiwiays the best. We have in stock everything in the titationery Line -newest in Note Paper- Coniplete Line of Jarditeres; anglisla and German Decorated Vases, Manch China, Limoge and !Japanese Ware. FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS, JOHN GRIGG, XTR EtAIRGAINS IN' YOu will find here at all times the greatest bargains in. furniture. The lowest prices and best efforts to please. entaximeciamonaMentellemOMMINOWO edertaking a Specialty.