Clinton News-Record, 1983-07-27, Page 6• n dot Mast dmoth my* limilms anus si hiding limo vinalts le nyearm/4 my be ammed .bunin Amp Omit mbeirtmil gni Wein eteml et Inch ttli:1 es." 41.111‘" and related r SeciaI Back.to-Schoo Offer! August 2nd to Sept. 3rd ,r70",Vci 1.4 Dr,PT444-4'i4r 47" -01122, • .7 faraElargrAl 1.fh. ,revaLatam . imorissmtmawscangemorommavegisodemosigunmommezerageurnoromp.wammagorimmezenamogommyorostogzektesv Jr,13M1=1:17.03COMMIWIREEMIMZI=MFMMIZMMODY=Mr,4,13,41=PASPLECZAVASIMMONAYSZT411.10,YAMMMIN,AN,94011.5.54dIRAVOW1...V=02WMAIRUMSWWWW40514MMTRYDRIAILMOUTAN4 ,..1.1713224-1,17.9M% nturt4,95,Fit 0,434M, We- Orir,7 ALA 4 - • Timothy UyI •" jully 30 • .‘, Kirt Kii •-• • ' • July 30 ROganTh• , d ,PS14010110-:- July 31 II)S. 640 4*.r fr cir '"OwE7 f t saea Huge Soati,Bubble Tar. 42til alsifbr . G e mrndividual ei) 0" •,' 4 .MERAPICE OPTOMETRY t Amaze your friends,With a huge kia0itibble. It's easy to make andliiin to"watch soar into the sky. Ilucs soap bubbles are made by the7.:same principle as small ,ontin,r-only on a inuth larger scale. To make a huge bubble you geed: O 3/4 cup Joy dishsoap • 1 gallon warm water • 1 bucket -- * 4 feet of absorhe t, fuzzy stress irectious: 1. Tie the string'into a circle. 2. Put Joy dishsoap and warm water int a bucket. 3. Let the string circle soak in the s lution for 5 iriainutes. 4. Hold the circle out to your side and run slowly. 5. If the striag circle is too big for you han e by yourself, ask a file d to help. ,6. Watch e bubble soar like a huge halloo into the sky. Y u don't need to buy special kits for blowing regular sized bubbles. All you need ' son16 dish - soap and a piece of wire. end the *ire. into a hoop, dip it in detergent, and blow. Shnplel istribeeted by 'Cam& Wide Fe ture SeVbee fitin gt,icacKy Fairtfi4d ACCOU 4k)":07:04g .SS/A .UMMIUM) 1,', 94 , Jinni Reniteif 1419j i9:491, PH4 TOGRAPHY i; • ,;.•,';:*, T'37 so. A AA*: ABATTOIR SERVICE itsftA-0,4„14A. , • • • •,„:. • • '•••,-•••V•.-;;;,.'.•-•,;•••,g•-•,/,'::,,,,',.!:•••'