Exeter Times, 1902-3-27, Page 5T ITTK R 1110.1. its $ "Contentment czot be too dearly purchasecl." Foot -comfort a, n d shape r etention,are never clear, . at the expense of 'mere fleeting finish. Contentment to those who wear only that foot - ear whieh seste.,4 and phiLe4 by the Malrers,— "The Slater Shoe" 'boodyear Welted" E. J, SPACK1V1AN. Geneval Agent, General News. British Troop. Oil Liniment is without excep- time the most effeotive remedy for Cit, Wounas, Clears, Open sores, Rho-umatism. CANADA AND THE DMEIRE. "We Want to know what, will tie tbe policy of the Government, as a GoVerninent, with regard to the fiscal affairs of the country. We went thot to be a declared pulley SQ thitt the people will know what to expect. In askieg that we are asking nothing unreasonable or unfair. We Want a policy of protection to OUP labOS,agri culture, manufacturing and other in- dustries. We want a policy which will give our people the advantage in their markets—a policy of Canada, for the Canadians, and Canada for the Canadians means not the less Cana- da, for the Empire. Because in seek- ing to promote the development, pros- perity and advancement a Canada, we are but doing our duty to that portion of the empire which has been specially committed to our charge ; and lastly we believe in a policy of re- ciprocal trade under which, while pro- tecting Canadians interests, we shall give tc, and receive froth the other portions of the Empire preference over foreign goods." M. R. L. Bor- den, leader of the Conservative party n eclaretion of the Conseryative policy. Bites,Stings of insects, eto. & arge ottio fivold DeGeptioil and King Edward proposes to signalize his coronation by 'a dinner to a half million of London's poor ; 230,000 has See That The Name been set aside for the 'purpose . 25 cents. 608S. 'A. Hamilton dispatch says: Counter- DIAMOND DYES felt dollar bills that look much like the . genuine article, except that they are is oh Every Package You lighter in impression, are in circula- tion. They are all numbered 677,019, P Ur chase. Mr. Nelson Mills, of Marysville, Mich., owner of Stag Island, states that arrangements have been made whereby the Star Line of steamers will stop at St4r, Island during the present season. ., Col. Dent, states that the shipment of horses to SouthAfrica for March was made last week, and consisted of 761 animals. Next month it is expect- ed ,about 800. will be shipped. Since his arrival in Canada last year Col. Dent, has shipped altogether to South Africa 9,111 horses. He is now buy- ing nothing but cobs for mounted in- fantry, running from 14 to 15i hands. James McKinley, teaching in the O'Sullivan Business College in Thorn- bury, was vaccinated last May and has not yet fully recovered from the effects. Adopting the precautiou to avoid taking snsallpox has cost him over $50 , in physician's bill, This seems to be a cate where the remedy was as serious as the disease has been in many cases, The steamer Alaska. pessed Detroit on her way to Toledo at noon, Satur- day, and is the first boat of the season to make the passage from Lake Huron to Lake Erie. This is the first time in abont twenty years that a steamer has been able to get through Lake Huron, St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River to Lake Erie porta so early in the season. A fine of $500, with imprisonment for six months in default of payment, was the penalty imposed on four of the impersonators engaged in the recent Montreal municipal elections. Now the Finance Comrnittee of the city has has remitted the fine.. and has ordered the release of the prisoners. That committee is as bad as the Ontario Government. which prevents the pro- secution of ballot -box stuffers. . The date of the Provincial election has not been fixed, but rumors of dis- solution and of a general election in the last week of May are very widely spread this week, but when the Cab- inet council rose at six o'clock. Tues- day, Premier Ross said no decision as to the date of the general election had been reached, and none might be come to until the end of the week. It is al- most certain that the election will be in the last week in May or the first of June. The St. Thomas Times owned by Messrs. John W. Eedy and A. E. Wallace, capitalized at $40,000 has been sold to a company of St. Thomas capitalists, the transfer to take place on the first day of April. Mr. la H. Dingman, one of . the owners of the Stratford Herald, and the present business manager of the Sb. Thomas Jourpal, will holds, controlling inter- est and will socceed Mr, Eedy as Managing Director, With him will be associated several leading business men including Messrs. J. 11. Still, S. Price, B. S Honsinger, W. H. Murch, of St. Thonaas, D. Marshall, president of the Aylmer Canning Co, Ltd., Ayl- mer, and W. S. Dingman of the Strat- ford Herald Printing Company. OnSunday a man supposed to he J. McGregor, of London, Ont., was found dead in his room at a Sheldan street hotel, Chicago. Gas was escaping from au open jet. The man had not undressed, and lay on the floor beside the bed in such a position as to indi- cate that be died striiggling for breath. In his pockets were found a bank book on a London. On t,e'ban k, beariog the name J. McGregor.. He also had a mileage book from London, Ont., to Winnipeg. He had an account at Molsons Bank, but the bank people refuse to give the amount. McGregor boarded recently on Talbot street, Lonnon, hut the boarding house peo- ple also know little of hiin, He. is supposed to have a brother living in the vicinity of either Egmondville. or Seafortla. Rizeurnatisin No other disease makes one feel Se old. ' It stiffens the joints, produces lameness, and makes every motion painful. It Is sometimes so bad as wholly to theft- ale4 and it sbould never be neglected. M. I. McDonald, Trenton, Ont, had .it after a severe attack of the grip; Mrs. ;Hattie Turner, Bolivar, Mo., had it SO severely she could not lift anything and could scarcely get up or down stairs; Nv. If Shepard, Sandy Hook, Conn, was laid UP with it, was cold e'en In July, and could not dress himself. According to testimonials Voluntarily given, these • sufferers weee permanently relieved, its ()Peers have been, by Hood's Sarsaparilla which correct the fteldlly of the blood on which rheumatism depends and builds up t he whole ht stem. newts Nese ex.tie Constipation. Pries 25 coats. Some profit loving merchants buy package dyes to supply their cus• torners with. that are so poor ana weak that it requires fully three pack- ages to give the same depth and rich- ness of color that is obtained froin one package of the Diamond Dyes. These weak dyes—dear at any price — are sold to customers at ten cents per papket, same price as the full strength Diamond Dyes. Any woman who is urged by a mer- chant to buy the weak and adulterat- ed dyes referred to, should stoutly re- fuse to be swindled. Loss, trouble and irritation of temper can be avoid- ed by always using the Diamond Dyes. Exatnine each package ; when you see the name "Diamond Dyes" you are fully protected. ' Diamond DyeMat and Rug Patterns richly colored on the best quality of, Scotch Hessian, can be ordered by mail. Send your address to the Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q. MH. ..BLAIR PEARS , 1NVESTIGA: TION. Sir Wilfrid 'Amster, Hon. A. G. Blair, Minister of Railways and Can- als, and Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance, strongly opposed a motion made in the Commons to have P. S. Archibald, late chief engineer of the Intercolonial•railway, called as a wit- ness before the public account com- mittee to give evidence as to the management of the goyernment rail- ways. Such a course is unprecedented in Canadian history. Never before has a member of the cabinet dared to appose enquiry into the accounts of his department. Mr. Blair is accused in the public press ot grave irregular- ities in the administration of his department. • On the fioor of the house he expressed the fear, that Mr. Archibald's evidence would be damag- ing to him. The government has declared that the public will not be given an opportunity to learn of the internal markings of the railway de- partment, The- fact that the gov- ernment has burked inquiry gives color to the belief thal all is nct right in Mr. Blair's methods of dealing with public expenditure. Every minister of the crown and every supporter of Sir Virilfrids voted in favor of _estab- lishing. a precedent for 'refusing the opposition that fair play, which the country demands shall be accorded them. PERFECT IN ALL POINTS WELLS, ' RICHARDSON- & CO'S "IMPROVED BUTTER - COLOR,". never turns butter to a reddish or brieky tinge. It gives the 'true and rich golden Sun tint that is always maintained in hot and cold weather. ft does not taste the butter, color the bueterrnilk, and has no offensive smell like other colors. WELLS, RICH- ARDSON & CO,'S "IMPROVED BUT- TER COLOR" never becomes raneid, stale or sour. It is the only perfect color for making perfect butter. At all druggists and general dealere. THE WEEK IN PARLIAMENT. • Hon. W. S. Fielding delivered his budget speech on Monday. it was. perhaps, the most uninteresting ora- tion of the kind yet delivered by that gen Id ent an . No tariff changes were announced and no policy as to future develop- ments- along that line Was *enumer- ated, -t - Thegovernmenf,, refused a bonus to those engaged in the, beet sugar indus- try. , - era The expenditure for the year ending June 30th, 1901, was S57,982,860, and the revenue $52,514.701, leaving a de- ficit of $5,468,165:” The trade with Great Britain for the year 1001 shows a decrease of $4,715,• 253 as compared with 1900. The trade with the United States, without reference to coin and bullion, increased in 1001 as compared -with 1000 to the eittent of $0,702,833. Trade with Great Beitaio decreased $4,715,- 253. Strong speeches were delivered by Mr. It. L. Borden, leader of the oppo- ei lion • Mr E 13. Osier Mr. E W. Smith ( Wentworila) Mr, cs7 R. Brock, Mr, Jebel Robinson, Mr. Richard Bleb), end Mr. Sohn Charlton, in which the government policy was sharply criticized, Mr. Charlton was very strong in his denunciation of th course of inactivity followed by Sir Wilfrid Le ii vier. • , By a etritight lately vine of 103 to 50 the goveriatumeeefueed to anew p s, Archibald, late ehiel' engineer of the Intercolonial, to be called as a witness hy the Public A.teetente Committee. Lc You Could Look ji,s, into the future and see the conditiou to winch your coegh, if neglecte4, 'will bring yeti, you would seek relief at once—and that eaturally would la through Shiloh's Consumption Ci " ro m AGzactoCnstriro, stma, and all ;ling Treubles, Cures Coughs and Colds in 0 dflY, 25 cefits. Write to 5. C. WELLS iSt Co., l'oronto, Can., for free trial bottle. Karl's Clover lloot Tea perlfies the Blood '61.0.060MMINIMIC NH8 RE GEN. KITGHENE Leaders Are 'Making Another Effort For Peaoe, Late of 10) DR* Wig 11* CIRAHIAM, MORI:lb. West, No. Clarence,squaro, corner Spaclina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseaees, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. ProvATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc„ (the result of youthful t to proternt ;From imot al, 00 folly 0114 excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand won - ing, treated by galvanism, the only method 'Without pain and all bad after effects. pules Bast, under a Flee ee Trace— Acting :President selfailtburzer and E., W. 11.01 tz, ex-Socretary of the Trans - veal, Were' of the rarty—a.eting ',res- ident Narrowly Escapee Capture. Pretoria, Mardi 23.—Actiog Pre, sident Schallsburger, F. W. lleitz, The Grant for a WhIrf at St ex-SeeretarY of State or tile 'Trans - Joseph Condemned Vaal, and. Connilaudants Lueas Mey- . ---- a and Krogh, with their secretaries Ai. discuesion arose in the House of and attendantsarrived here yester- Oommons the other day over the prO- day, March. 22, at 2.04t on a spa - posed expenditure at St. Joseph, Mrciai train from Balmoral, about 50 Tarte said that the total amount to be miles . east of here. l l re'aey came ill - expended. on the harbour would not to Balmoral under a flag of truce. exceed $8,000. This would give a Upon arriving here afr. Schalkleur- depth of- from eight to. teu feet of ger and, his party drove immediate - water.• Mr. Sherritt (North Middlesex) de- I ly to Lord Kitchener's headquar- -tors, where he heal an interview clared he was perfectly familar with with the British general. r.Plie Boers afterwards proceeded to thei railway station. and entrained at five o'clock for Kronstad, whence they will go out wider 'a safe con- duct. • Sb, josepl,. and the peoplein the neighborhood did not look upon this as a proper expenditure Of the public money. He read an extract from a, local paper Which said that "St. Jos- eph needs a harbor as badly as a goose For a week • ,past arr, sehaik- needs side pockets." (Laughter.) burger' and his coileagues havo been Mr. Tarte promised to investigate stationed at Rhenoster Kola north of the Matter himself' and to not spend1Bajmorai, ' whore they have been the money if he found it unnecessary closely pressed by British columns. He intimated his opinion that the reel reason for the opposition to the Vote was because the families settled in the neighborhood were French, • Mr'. -Baggart, 'denounced the Minis - tee of Feblic Works for descending to racial prejudice in a little matter of this kind. "It is" said Mr. Haggart, the smallest 'kind of parish polities I have ever heard introduced into this House." (Conservative applause.) Mr. Tarte, while declaiming the in- tention attributed to him, declared that he had nothing to take back. Mr. Haggai% — "Make an apology and don't do it again." (Laughter.) Mr. Sherritt said that the French people .around St. Joseph were as much opposed to this expenditure- as anybody else. They were incluetrious •people and did not went to see money wasted. Dr. Sproule, protested against Par- liament being asked to passa vote of this kind. The work was *absolutely needless: ' Mr. Tarte said the 'item had been included in the recommendation of the late Mr. McMillao, the then member foe the county. Dr. Sproule—J last before the general elections, . • • Mr. Tarte admitted that the first survey was made in 1900. St. Joseph has increased in population during the last, year. The money 'would not be spent until it was fully shown that the work Was needed: • Dr, Sproule asked for the report of the engineer of the department. Mr. Tarte said it would be brought down if Dr. Sproule would .move for success, will refuse to be a party to it. any negotiations. Dispatch riders enteted Balmoral Friday night and notified the Bait- cmmuitted suicide ' on Sunday ish of the approach of Mr. Schalk- morning: He was 50 years of age. burger and his party. The tinaSn is luoknowu. . It is reported that the Boer posi- tion at Rhenoster Kon had become • Diseases of Wornen—Pairftr), profuse or suppressed menstruation, ulceration, lencorrimee ei.d all displacements of the womb, OFPloo Houfts-9 a M, to 8 p ui Sunday 1 to a p. m. CASTOR IA For Infants and. Children. Ma fac- simile signature et le at ovary ' • wrappar, His nrcelleney the 0 overnor-General yesterday in the foil palate cable- gram: . "Cape Town, afereh. 20, 1902. — Death from dysentee Sr, NeWcastle, 19th March, ihicl Battalion, Mounted Rilles,, R. G. Moore." Trooper Moore belonged to Moose - min,' N.1V.T. irilieti Himself in Nl'innineE* Winnipeg, March 24.—David Porter at the Occidental Hotel, almost hopeless, and that lVfr. Schalkburger narrowly escaped cap- ture. Another .4.ttempt at Peace. London, March 24.—•T1e news that the wandering Boer "Government" had entered the British lines is re- garded as having but one meaning, namely, that another attempt is be- ing made to negotiate peace. The fact that the censor passed 'the news of this movement is accepted as con- firmation of this opinion. Nothing is actually known here of the inteZtions of Messrs. Schalkbur- ger, Reitz, Meyer and Krogh. It is possible they have only sought per- mission to traverse the British lines - in order to consult with Mr. Steeni and the Boer Generals Dewet and Delany, but, whatever their object, the news has been welcomed in Lon- don as pointing to the posaibility of peace. Some correspondence which was seizdd some time ago when Mr. Steyn narrowly esCaped capture proved that he and Mr. Schalkburger were anxi- ous to conclude peep. No 'extra.vea gaiit hopes, however, are being built on the outcome af the movement of Mr: Schatk-burger and his Conapan- leian, chiefly because it is feared that Delserey in the flush, of his recent Mr..Haggart said Der. Tarte prop- osition was absurd. Why should he ask the House to take him in trust. Before coming to Parliament he should be well satisfied that the ex- penditure was a justifiable one. Such a request was constitutional never presented i o a Swazland, and has not been promm- assembly before. ent during- the war. A pleasing feature of the recent Meyers Presence Significant. meeting of the Provincial Grand Or- 'London, March • 24.—Few of the tinge Lodge, held at Petrolia, was the papers here comment on the news presentation of a beautiful cabinet of from Pretoria. These take it for silverware to D. M. Jermyn, P. G. M., granted that Mr. Schalkburger and of Wiarton, in recognition of rest his a:Uwe/lions are on a mission services.. Of peace, and again engage in a 'discussion of Possible peace ternis, expressing the hope that the over- tures will have a succeseful out- come. The presence of Lucas Mey- er is regal dal as . siguificant, as he is an intimate friend of Louis Botha. The War Office stlates that it has received no official information either to confirm or contra:diet the news. • Commandant i4".rogh ia one of the secretaries of the Boer Government. Ile was formerly the a.chninistrator of AND DThe Daily Chropicle. commenting on the absence of Botha from the deputation, suggests that be is stand- . . . Ing aside owing' to the failure Does your . horse "feel his Of his overtures of a year ago, and considers- that, although tbe con- - . . ;oats"?'What a difference . be- difions Lord Kitchener then offered , — Botha had been. namulTed, it: is high:. tween the grain -fed and the ly Probable thatpeace will be ar- ranged on similar lines, but that grass-fed horse! The- first the Boers cannot expect inore lenient terms. strong and full of ginger, the The Daily -News remarks that second flabby, weak and tired settlement would be possible if the Boers were treated like civilized coin - out before he begins. The batants, "but men do not Surrender unconditionally, just after taking one f kes theeeding rna difference. 0f ie enemy s generals and four Children are npt alike either . :-*vrItzerland.Not to Interfere. ; of his guns." One is rosy, bright-eyed; fa I Berne-, March PC—The Bundesrath Saturday rejected the proposals of of life and laughter, another is the Federal Assembly invitine the e Government to join with other states pale, weak and dull. The feed- in approaching Great Britain on the • . I subject of • the concentration camps m2.,, again is responsible. in South Africa, on the ground that Sickly Children need special Great Britain had already taken •measures to ,relieve the suffering', and feedina.. They don t feeltheir tbat the results should be awaited. • oats'. Scott's Emulsion adds Tablet to -Lord Alia TJUvelled. h . I Ottawa., Mareh 24.—Lord Mintei diet.'" '„'It is like; &rain to the., '11 Pt' Bartholomeer'S'A Phurche New •.• . .. - e se ,.. Edinliwgh;' to dm memory of Arthur, horse. The chid gets . new Earl of Ava, soh.' of Lord Dufferin, appetite and strong digestion. worihoiiiNvila:s mortally wounded at Wag - near Larlyeraith, on Feb. 20, . . ScOtt's 'Elnalsion is more 1900. on •onto` sicii.e othf the tablet oisr , - another exec ed. o e memory than food. It is a strong three Ottawa boys who fell in South medicine. It rouses u ' d II Africa. On the other is it tablet to p U Lord Ave.'s aunt, Mis. Stephenson, a children, puts new flesh on thin shipboard in. 188" sister of Lady Duffe;in, who died on ones and red blood into pale First X)ertatli in 0.112.1t. SCOttIS ElTILI1SiOrl makes ordi- a'' • s' - _.8 m. , °nth. Africae was reported to 'theMtl'Crell d..22"—T110 one . It makes children grow. .deOtatth ale.: ana. ian Mounted 111.- ja.st the right. richness to t yeaterelay nnarnIng *enlivened a tablet nary food do its , duty. • This picture represents • the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. I 'Send for free sample.. ' KOTT & DOWNE, se . , , TORONTO CANADA •See and r. all druggists. 1 ! .1 Must Stand. His Trial. Montreal, March 22.—Arthur Bru- net was yesterday condemned by judge Choquette to stand his trial before the Court of King's Bench. The accused is alleged to have bribed Mr. Dergeron's .agents during the bt. James elections. General KI11 liimselc Brussels, March 24.—Gen. Mime- quin, directory of the Military Car- tographical Souiety, commi tted sui- cide by shootinir with a. ri • GOOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE Withoue regular action of the bowels, Laza- Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure constipa- tion, dy spepsia, biliousness, sick headwall° and all affections of the organs of digestion. Price 25 cents All druggists. (r A FREE P/Virr ERN your own selection) to every sub- scriber. Only 59 cents a. year. MeC CALKS MACAU E A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A gem; beautiful colored plates ; latest fashions; dressmaking economies ;fancy work; hou‘ehold hints; fiction, etc. Sub- scribe to -day, or, send sc. for latest copy Lady agent wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- date, )11mi:wink:al and Absolutely Perfect-Fittiog Paper Patterns. All Seams Allowed and Perforations shoW the Basting and Sewing Uses. Only xo and 15 cents each—none higher. Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail liom THE MoCALL CO., 113-115-117 West 31st St„ NEW YON. ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES IT PAYS • ReiR R0111 Fitlie 4011g IF You WANT TO wx••••••••••••••...11 Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, . Borrow or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the101d Cuon- try, by the Allan Line, INSURANCE% ERNEST ELLIOT, Ageie for the Weseaser Asistaiesice Com, easy, oe Toronto ; also for tin) maxim Fins insonANcic COI4PARY, of London, England ; Lila, Taxon 1 NeoliANonl 001IPANY, or Er and MEDICAL yeelt..J. H. RIVERS, fe, R TORONTO tall- elea VERSITY, M. D. C. N. Trinity I/Myer- ity. Oflice--Crediten, , 1 VV. 131-10 WN1b1 M.D. .M. O. Si • P5, etreduaie Vietolie Aliversity ce es and fecidenee, Imni in fon Labors - 141), Exeter. 11-1l.A DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, uonveyeneers, *• Cms, Commissioners, Solicitors 1or the Nelson Bonk, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE ;-1±5AIN STREET, EXETER, 8. 11. CABLING. B. A. 1 1.1.,DICIE,'901s, F W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladn3an) Barrister, Solicitor, Potary Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL tT xnvrivrAil, Ii. n. S. AND aae DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D D s., Honor Graduate - of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extraceed without pain or bad after effents. Ofilce in Fan - son's block, West eide of.. Main treat, Exeter D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. 8- L.0-8 DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Termite University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Posagraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Protession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. pASTURE Mir.c.The For horses or cattle on reasonable terms. Stook to be taken on the ranch, on Lot 1, cor- ner of Xiondyke road and Stibbins side -road, on and after April 14th, when a man will take charge of them during the season, For further particulars apply to • GEO. Wares, Thedford, Ont. NOTICE. 1=--t Parties are hereby Eco,utioned not to nego- tiate or honor a note in favor ofJames Hannan drawn in the latter part of December, 1900, at 9 months, .for the sum of eighteen dollars. Pay- ablelAtAhnika, and signed by JOnN NESOILWANGER FARg FOR SALE. That beautiful farm property- being compos- ed of lot 29, con. 1, London road, Township of Usborne, containig 100 acres, This is a desir- able property in a high state of cultivation, situated raidway between Hensall and Exeter If not sold privately on or before the 1st of March will be sold with the chattels by pub- lic, auction on the -premises on lth March, 1902. For terms andparticulars apply to the pro- inietor, Thos. Hawkins, or to Thos Cameron. auctioneer. F OR SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACHE DELAND IN EXETER—We offer for sale on reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No- 56, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land andis excellently adapted for garden tug or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up oo to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to Diczsort CamiNo barristers Exeter, p.rEielolir.00PER, Rew P. 0,, Penne, U. $ Aor.,t MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farni or village property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CABLING Exeter. ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN spAcKmAr r1ONEY TO LOAN. Oface over H. Spackman's Hardware I have a large amount of private funds to Exeter. loan en foam atd village tit j rine at kw Ito of haterest F, W. GLA.3)1VIAN, tr..S Cash paid for Raw Furs. . Barrister main SI. Exeter. "Christmas Box" Full of \A rnderful Things Portraits of Acareeses, 20 PopularSongs 21., Magic Telescope and Pictures, 50 Amus- ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses,100 Fenny Conuedrunis, Book of Love, Game of Lettets, Magic "Writing, 324 Jolly Jokes, R0e0fPt for M 011staehe 0 rower, 100 Money Mak- ing Secrets, 1C0 Toi et and Cooking Receipos, 255 Selectioes rot Autograph Aflame, 10 Model Love Letters, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams, Guide to Flirtation, Magic Age Table, Lover's Telegraph, end our new Cat, or Xmas Tot's, Books aril Notions, all by mail F RE 5, for 5c, silver to pay, postage. .„- Yarmouth, N.S. OUT THIS OUT Organ • At popular -prices and easy rais of payment. We sell the celebrate eitz man & Co. Pianos, (the Art Pianos of Canada.) The choice of Royalty for their tour cf Can- ada. if you want something cheap- er we can show you pianos of other makes which will be no hs graee to the most elegant parlor. 11811:11.1.93=1.1,30.3.1... In sewing 'machines we carry the New Williams, 13.ayrnond and White, also needles and supplies for all machines. - The latest sheet music always in stock. Call and see. S. MARTIN Spring Goods mswamoshoemerammanewasza. Spring is here and we are showing the newest designs in Sultings, evemeating and Pantings At Reettsorseabna Ps -ice% I have just received Jno. J. Mit- chell's new Fashion Plate feu, the present season, hence I can give you the latest cuts for Spring and Sum- mer. • and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and you will get by ram% mail a GOLDEN BOX or OOODS that will bring you in NORD MONEY )-in one month than anytAh.liwig. ciffEeNviny,Ann.iTer,ic.a. Yarnicu th, N W. W. Taman. aletectseerit Tesillote. Opposite post office. BROWNING'S fug tore fleadduarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney :Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. 'A.1 Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ei W. BROWNING Dominion Laboratoru. 5 PacicQ, of° Cards Free. s•MINclagimbrieSSIN One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak "Escort" One pack, "Flirtation" One Pao' bt 'Holl -to light.' One ' Pack. "Our Sofa Jae Holds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, wita book full of notions. Send. 50 silver for postagei A.W. KENNY, E, T. Yarmouth, g N. WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity must be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and &bee to be openedin Canada to further business interests of an old established manufacturing concern. Salary $150 per month and extra profits. Applicant must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand' in. Address, Supt„ P. 0. Box 1151, Philadell phut, Pa. A GC 0I) INVESTMENT. Faeson's brick block and dwelling, in Exeter, for salo. The brick block is well situated, on Main street, is 70x55 foot, three storeys, and contains four stores, ()Meet; and halls, all len ed. This is the best business stand in town. The dwelling is brick of two storeys and contrails 10 rooms is admirably adapted for a Wardle house. The property most be disposed of. Terme easy, apply to R. L. Fannon. teeter, Ont 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE IIVIARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sent:Meg a sketeli and description 1007 quickly aseerteir our opinion free *whether axt levention le prof' ably -patentable. Commenter', none steamy ccualderttial. Flandbeek on PatentS sentfree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents tttt.en through munu & co. receive void notice, 'without charge, in the .handsomely illustrated weekly. /argot eke enation of any seientific icurnat Terms, $3 a year; fatir *menthe, L Sold byan riewodealers. UNN &Co go,Broadway, New York Brandi Offit10, g25 F St.,Westin:Jewel, D.C. "eaf you feet mean take GrIp.Aulntrie if you want to feel fine take Otto,..Qta,reltte" I httve be h atinst Ortp42a fano 4t&d find it Ti excellent tnedlelne." zeoatess, Von's btit.