HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-3-27, Page 4••4•X.R.TA
R TimEs
The •Mol ans Barak
i0HAR7ERED 13).' PARL•IAMENT, 1855 t
aid up Ceipitel 42,500,096
eserso Peed • — §2.050,000
Heed Office, Me streal.
ernum. lifaxesnat
/Wow adveuced, to eeed. farmers 031 their
efata note with one or Awe endorser tit 7 per
gout. Der minuet.
Exeter Branch
070e33every lawful dear Iron 10 a. ma. to Sp, ta
SATURDAYS, 1.0 a. m, Us 1 p.
larrentrates ot iutcrost allowed on depesits.
soMerrons. tdaunona
Exeter, Dec, 27th, '95,
Calendar for March, 1902
SUNDAY" 2 9 16 233(
elleerneee , 8 10 17 21 31
T.LIA,SiDeor • 4 11 18 25
'VsrizTEsp.A.T , 5 12 19 26
Ttiult$DAT, •. 6 13 20 27
. 7 14 21 28
81.-TURDAT 1 8 15 22 29
Tee elitSDAY. MARCH 27ea. 1902,
Signor Marconi has definitely de-
cided on locating his wireless station
at Table Head, Glace Bay, near Sycle
ney. The decision has been communi-
cated to Mayor Burchell ancl President
McArell, of the board of trade, of
Glace Bay. Work on the etation will
be commenced at once.
!Dime is being exercised by the of
of the Canadian Pacific Railway
that men with rash on their faces
shall not be allowed on the trains
coming from the lumber districts.
This is one method of preventing the
spread of sinallpos with, the breaking
up of the camps.
• a •
The Presbyterian Review, founded
in 1884, has been adopted by the
Westminster, a well known religious
paper. The present subscribers to the
Review will receive a copy weekly a
the Westminster until the expiry of
their subscription. This is the
fourth Presbyterian publication taken
..over by the Westminster.
111110N, MINIER,R11
fill 1116 Ws oi interest to
Times Readers fiaopenina
In these Gounties
Mr. James Lennon, a Seaforth, slip-
ped on the paverneet recently breek-
ing his arm at the wrist,
John Shaw has resigned his position
as Principal of Blyth Public School, to
take effect at Easter. Mr. and Mrs.
Shaw will reside in Clinton.
Sfr, John Hart, of Varna, has dis-
posed of his blacksnaithing busiuess to
Mr, E. H, Epps, of Alyrner, who takes
possession in a couple of weeks.
Robert Clark, of the 8tli con.. Hal -
mother end daughter having passed
away all within a few Months of each
Ai. the prohibition convention held
in Winghatu, on, March 171h, it woe
moved that this IllasS meeting express-
es its great dissatisfaction with the
terms of the referendum, it was also
Moved that the thanks of West
Huron Prohibition Alliance be ten-
dered to the four members of the
Legislature who endeavored to secure
favorable conditions on the referene
dune Both resolutions were carried by
standing votes.
The last issue of the Canada Gazette
in the militia notices announces that
the formation of the Goderich Town-
ship Rifle Association, with headquar-
ters at Goderich, is authorized. A list
of these to whom the long service
medal is granted contains the follow -
hag Serge J. McMath, 83rd Regi-
ment; Serge -Major S. MeMath, 33rd
Reginaent ; Serge 0, Pennington, 83rd
Regiment ; Ooloe-Sergt. Stobie,
33rd Regiment ; Lance -Corp T. Huek-
step, 3erd Reghnent. ,
let, has disposed of his 100 acre farm The death of Mr. Thos. Souter, of
Egmondville, was a surprise to many,
to N. Adonis for the sum of $3.300 ;
Mr. Clark has not decided what he will for although he had been ailing more
do or less since the first of the year. his
critical condition was only known last
week to the fatally and immediate
friends in fact he was able to he
around to within a couple of days of
his death. Mr. Souter was 03 years of
wee. Over thirty vears ago he settled
he continued to reside until a few
months ago, when he left the farm to
his sou, to go to Egmondville to re-
A. seemed vote taken in the Wrox-
eter Presbyterian church on Sunday
last, decided by a large majority in
favor of having an organ placed in the
Mr. John Avery has dieposed of his , on a farm in elelei lop, and an which
50 acres, in Tuckersith, to Mr. Tilos,
Elliott, of Godericla township, es ho
botight the adjoining 50 acres eosin
Mr. John Bunter, last fall.
Have no equal as a prompt and posi-
tive cure for siele headache, bilious-
ness, constipation, pain in the side,
and all liver troubles. Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Try them.
Miss Grace Shepherd, of Clinton, at
the Ottawa Normal School, stood
highest in the test for teachers in a
class of 90 students, taking 85 per
cent, out of a possible hundred.
The-Goderich Lumber Co, last week
sold their sawmill at Owen Sound to
to Messrs. Keenan Bros. ,of that town.
The mill has a'capacity of 50,000 feet
of pine or soft wood per day.
0. N. Smith, editor of the Sault Ste
Marie; Out., Express, was chosen as
the Liberal candidate of the new rid-
ing of Algoma in the comine Provin-
cial. elections ; Mr. Smith is°formerly
of Clinton.
e * e
Bon. J. T. Garrow, of Goderich,
Minister without portfolio in the On-
tario Government, has been appointed
to the -vacancy on .the bench of the
-Ontario Court of Appeal caused by
the death of the late Mr. jnstice Lis-
ter. Mr. Garrow's appointment is
timely, for there era 52 Court of Ap-
peal cases on which judgment has not
yet been delivered, and not a few of
-them may have to be reheard as a
result of the death of Justice Lister.
ri e •
F. B. Leys, M. P. P. for London, is
not satisfied with the way the Gov-
- erameentare carrying out the pledge
made to him to prevent seine fishing
lathe Tbames, As a result a rumor
'fias reached the city that Mr. Lays
will decline to run an the Liberal in-
terests. Mr. Leys is expected to come
down to Toronto one of these days to
have a heart to heart talk with the
Cornruissioner of Public Works, who
has the fishery branch under his
charge. --Toronto Telegram.
• 0 0
The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell,
Mass., have issued the tollowing notice
to their employees : "Believing that
the smoking of cigarettes is injurious
to both mind and body, thereby unfit-.
ting young men for their best work,
we will not employ any young roan
under twenty-one years of age who
smoke cigarettes," This company are
following the good lead of many other
Urge employers of labor, whose atti-
tude is a strong comment on the evils
of this habit, and cannot but do much
` good.
•• •
The fellowing teaehers have been
selected in Eastern Ontario to go to
South Africa to teeels the Boer chil-
dren in concentration careps:-- Miss
Lavine Rodger, Normal school, Ot-
tawa ; Miss Georgia A. Grant, Nor-
mal school, Ottawa ; Lottie E. Bleak-
ney, Cooper street. Ottawa ; Miss
Libbie Florence IL Randal, Ottawa;
Julia, Urquhart, Bank street ;
Miss Sarah E. Drysdale, Perth; Miss
Annie Moulton, Gananoque ; Miss
Ruby M. Bothwell, Ottawa. From
Prince Edward Island:—Miss Clara E.
Arbuckle, Suromerside - Miss Maud
M. Brenaner, and Miss &race Dutcher,
Charlottetown, From Toronto:— Miss
Eva Wilkinson, Mies K. Mc Lennan,
Miss M. D. Scott'Miss Augusta E.
Hoover, Toronto Sunetion, and Miss
Eadie, of North York.
Charges of manslaughter at Stmt -
ford Assizes were dismissed against a
young man named Sillifant, who ran
over a child with his bicycle, and
against Engineer Peters. and Fireman
Slater of the train which killed Mre.
.Camm, of Usborne.
Miss Lottie Foster, who left a couple
of weeks ago for Pilot Mound, Man.,
was presented with a well filled purse,
by the naembers of Varna Methodist
church. where she has filled the posi-
tion of organist for scene time past.
A. H. McLeod, son of R. McLeod,
of Clinton, has been elected President
of the Knox College Literary and
Theological Society for next year, and
D. J, Davidson has been elected
President of the Knox College Stu-
dents' Missionary Society.
Some are called upon to bear more
affliction than others. Mrs. Howson
of Clinton, has during the past fifteen
months, lost a husband, a brother, a
sister-in-law, a,nd now a sister, Mrs.
Waterson, who was found dead in bed
on Tuesday morning at her home in
"I hada most stubborn cough
for many years. Tr deprivedttris:
of sleep and 1 great very thin. I
than tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured."
R. N. Mann, Fall Mins, Tenn.
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
will do.
We know it's the great-
est cough remedy ever
made, And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There's cure in every drop.
oteeo. 951., ciabeffh fOr ea ordinar*
0.0141,• Oa, 5g1 for rOlichillily heittSo.
nesiNlard, 01d3l, Ste.; 01.,most moonoadoei
for' Chronic, eases and ttykstp on hand,
.a'sritn. 439..10:m014 vragg.
A lodge of instruction Will be held
in. , the Masonic hall, Seaforth, on
Good Friday, March 28th, commenc-
ing at 2 o'clock. Most Worshipful
Brother, John E, Harding, Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada,
and R. W. Brother Geo. S. McKay,
D. D. D. M. of South Huron district
No. 4. will be present. A large num-
ber of Masons from Stratford, Mit-
chell, Clinton, Goderich, St. Marys,
Exeter, Perithill, Hensall and other
places are expected. Work: Exem-
plification of the degrees. A very
pleasant and profitable time is antici-
On Thursday evening the 131h inst.,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tweedy, of Goder-
ich, celebrated the twenty-fifth anni-
versary of their wedding. There was
a large gathering at their comfortable
home, ' One hundred guests being pre-
sent including friends from Clinton,
Exeter and Bayfield.
On Tuesday afternoon of last week
Mr. James M. Shepherd, of Goderich,
passed away suddenly from heart
failure. The deceaeed gentleman had
been in poor health for some months
and about two months ago returned
to Goderich after a severe ilhaess in
Jas. Aikenhead has purchased -Mr.
Hector Reid's farm, 2nd con., Stanley,'
for $6 575 It is a good farm with
Liver Pins'
.14 at'swiutyQuneed; some/ CHWIIB
1 10110i8 °NAM
thing to cure your bilious.'
obtains Controlling Interest in
the Canadian Copper Oo.
ness and give you a good
digestion. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. 2sc•
Want ;rota moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black f Then ash
DRUMMTS, OR P, HAt. 0., SP41100. 11. 11.
The death of Mary Ethel, eldest
daughter of George and Mary Ullyott.,
on March 130, at the early, age of 21
years, re,moved one of Blaushard's
most highly eseeemecl young ladies.
She was born on the farm in Blanshard
and lived at home nearly all her claye.
She lived in Sb. Marys for upwards of
a year and was well spoken of by all
with whom she became acquainted
Worms effect a ohild's henlih too seriously
to neglect. Sometimes they °muse convulsions
and death If von suspect them to be present
giro nr Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which.
destroys the worms without injuring the child,
Price 26e,
S. Thornton, of the firm of
Thorritoe & Douglas, Stratford, died
very suddenly at an early hour Wed-
nesday morning He was at easiness
as mull on Tuesday, and expressed'
himself as feeling better than for some
time. About midpight he was at-
tacked with acute neernia, and passed
away Within a couple of hours. Mr.
Thornton was about 46 years of age,
end unmarried. '
On Tnesday afternoon all the Ibur-
neyman tailors in Sb. Marys went out
on strike. They number over a dozen.
The tailors have no union, but it is
understood that they Were visited by
the General Organizer 'recently,
Their demands are aloiag union lines
as to scale of wages.As this is the
Easter season, when all tailoring es-
tablishments are taxed to their utmost
the strike has created soniething like
a panic, and it is probable that the
strikers will get what they ask.
Because you haven't used /Catarrh -
ozone is the best reason why you
should use it right away. It will cure
the Catarrh that makes your breath
so heavy and your heariug so poor.
Catarrhozone is a scientific cure for
Catarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma, re-
commended by doctors and druggists
as a certain cure. Henry A. Taylor,
the. oldest druggist in Halifax, says
Catarrhozone gives satisfaction wher-
ever it goes. It is simple and conven-
ient to use, and enjoys fully three
times the sale of any other catarrh
remedy sold in the city." Catarrh -
ozone is guaranted to cure, and. if it
fails you can have your money re-
turned. Price $1,00 fortyvo months'.
treatment. Small size 25c. Druggists
or Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont.
B. P. Bilyea, of Blanshard, has sold
his farm to a Mr. Horn and will move
to the old Logan property near Tborn-
Mr. W. Davis, late of the Owen
Sound Sun, and son of the proprietor
of the Mitchell Advocate, has taken
possession of the Beeton World,which
he purchased.
Must not be confounded with com-
mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car-
ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un-
like them in every respect. Cue trial
will prove their superiority.
A cablegram received in St Marys,
on Monday, by Mrs. Mary Meigban
states that her son Charles Wesley,
in Vet River, Soath Africa, is dan-
gerously ill with enteric fever.
Donald McKenzie, of St, Marys,
died at his home on Sunday, after a
few weeks' illness, He was 62 years
old and leaves a wife and one son to
whom we extend our sincere sytn-
Pat by. .
A very pretty wedding took place on
splendid buildings, with a commodious Wednesday last at the home of Mr.
brick house. Mr. Aikenhead does not and Mrs. .Alexander Fraser, of the
get possession until fall. gr. Reid Logan road, when their daughter,
will ha,ve the present crop. This will Miss Tracey, was united' in marriage
be 350 acres of farm property Mr.
Aikenhead holds in Stanley.
Mrs. Matilda Gibson, of the 51h con-
cession of McKillop, has just finished
a quilt containing 2,174 pieces and 316
different shades. She is now in her
78th year, and besides the work men-
tioned, has clone several pieces of
patch work and sewed 30 pounds of
cerpet rags this winter. This is very
remarkable for a lady of her age.
A quiet though very pretty wed-
ding took place at the home of Mr,
and. Mrs. Jas. Taman Sr., of Blyth,
on Wednesday, the 22th inst., when
their second daughter, Miss Annie,
was united in the happy bonds of
matrimony to R. W. James, of East
Wawa.nosh. Mr. and Mrs. James
will take up their abode near Blyth.
Their many Weeds extend their hear-
tiest congratulations.
Ropert Charters & Sops, of the Mill
road, Tuckersmith, have a thorough-
bred Durham cow, which is not thir-
teen years old and has given birth to
thirteen calves all of which lived. In
the lot were three pair of twins. The
old cow and her progeny have netted
her ownersthe handsome sum of 31,-
850 and they still have eleven of them
left. Stock raising at this rate is cer-
twinly a profitable business.
A qniet though pretty wedding took
place at tbe borne of .Mr. and Mts.
James Tomah, sr„ Blyth, on Wed-
nesday 1.2th inst. when their second
daughter Miss Annie was united in
the happy bonds of matrimony to R.
W, James of East Veawariesb, Mr.
end Mrs. James will take up their
residence near Blyth this -week. Their
many friends extend heartiest con-
s. John Aitcheson, of Roxboro;
died on Monday last, hey -
ere reached the good age of 86 yeare,
Mrs. Aiiebesoti had beert in failing
health for a 'wig time and at the
death of her husband. a few mouths
ngo it Wil$ not expected she would
long sorvive hire, The family have
been seve,rely afflicted lately, father,
te William Sykes, of Logar,
Donald McKenzie, one of the best
known and most highly esteemed resi-
dents of Blanshard township, died at
his home on the River road, about two
miles from St. Marys, on Sunday
morning, efarch 16, aged 62 years,
Dr. J. B. Gerry, of Mitchell. left
last week for British Columbia where
he will reside in future. On Friday
evening after choir practice the mem-
bers presented him With $10 as a token
of their appreciation, and the Sunday
School staff gave him another purse,
ad be has been a faithful member -of
both choir and school.
Sergeant J. T. Wood, son of the late
Wm. Wood,of Blanshard, who arrived
froni South Africa a few weeks ago,
a.rid who has since been in Stratford
hospital, is now visiting his relatives
in and about St. Malys. Mr. Wood
enlisted from Winnipeg in the Second
Canadian Contingent and re-enlisted
with the Canadian Scouts under
"Gat." Howard, who.was killed.
Organized $9,000,0Q0 Comp:toy Por
the Purpose or Talting Over Niekel
PrOpertieS lit This, Province -- Mr,
Schwab Acted its :in Ireakvicleal and Not
us Eepreseutatirc of the 'United states
And one always to be selied upon, is
Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor,
Safe, sure and always painless. Near-
ly fifty imitations prove its value. Be-
ware of such. Get Putnam's at drug-
gists, or if.you cannot get it we will
send it to yoa by mail upon receipt of
25 cents, postpaid,. to Canada or Unit-
ed States. N. 0. Poison & Co., King-
ston, Ont.
Steel Corporation in tlie Deal.
New York, March Tim Tri-
bune says: A. report was . current,
three or four months ago, and 'denied
at the time by representatives of
both companies, that negotiations
were in progress for the purchase
by the United. States Steel Corp.ora-
tion of it controljing interest in the
Nickel Corporation of London, Eng-
land, The basis for that report de-
veloped yesterday, when it was
learned that Charles M. Schwab,
aeting, however, as an
and not in any sense as a repre-
sentative of the United •States Steel
Corporation, had, in company with
certain other capitalists, purchased
an, interest in the Nickel...Corporation
and other nickel-pro'clucing concerns.
Robert M. Thompson, pi esitlint and
principal owner of the Orford Cop-
per Company, when asked about a
published statemeat 'that control of
that company, the Canadfan. Cop-
per :Company of Cleveland, and the
Nickel Company of Paris, Fr anc'e,`,
had. been ,obtained by Mr. Schwab
and several of his .financial as-
soeiates, who bad organized. a, $9,-
000,000 for taking over these pro-
perties, said.:
•"Our company obtains a large
part of its supply of nickel
from the mines el the Canadian
OPPer Company, hi the Province
of Ontario, and the New Caledonian
Mines of the Nickel Corporation ' of
London (not the Nickel Company of
Paris). The stock of these two
companies seemed to me a desirable
investment, arid 1 an several asso-
ciates, among them Mr. Schwab,pur-
chased a controlling Interest in the
Palladian Copper Company, and a
considerable block of stock of the
Nickel Corporation, 'although not
enough to constitute control. It
IS elm purpose to formea, holding
Company; capitalized, probably at
59,000,000, to which will be trans-
ferred the controlling interest in the
Orford , Copper Company. Etna the
Canadian Popper Company, and our
holdings , of Nick -el Corporation
etock. 'The Orford ud Canadiau
compariles will continue to be opera-
ted • separately. The* format has
5800,000 stock, and the latter 52,-
500,000; 'while the capital stock of
the Nickel Corporation is p750,-
000:" .•
Double llurderer mangos. at Hull, Que-
Ilan Jail, Poe., March 22.—Stanis-
las Lacroix was hanged in Hull jail
yesterday' morning at S.U5 otclock.
He died gamely. Rev. Father Forget,
made a brief statement on behalf of
the murderer, who said he admitted
his guilt, and died at peace with the
world and 'his God.
Lacroix did aot go to bed. Thurs-
day night, but sat up with the nuns
and prayed, His little son was with
him until nine o'clock, and was with
his doomed father again early yes-
terday morning. " The three brothers
of the murderer and. his three sisters
bade him farewell about twenty min-
utes to eight. ' • • -
Whoa the hangman entered the cell
Lacroix said he bore him no hard
feeling, and asked him to do the
job well. ,
The scaffold was exposed and about
.fifteeu spectators wpre present. Af-
ter the blEick cap we adjusted La-
croix eves cautioned bY the priest to
-keep up heart. ' He"sald,_ ani
not afraid to , At 8.05' the sig-
nal was given and Labefoix fell 'nine
feet. Thirteen and it half nilieutes,
Ater the jai1. surgeon pronounced the
Men dead. His neck had not , been
brokefl by the fall,*hut death was
due to strangulation..
Lacroix was •hange4 for the brutal
murder of his "wife on Aug. 21, 1960.
A year previous they had separated.
The day before the crime Lacroix
bought it revolver and then. followed
his wile into the house and caught
her crouching behind the door, arid
holding the baby. Catching her by
the hair of the head he dragged her
out. The woman. clinging to her
baby, tried to reach the door, and
Lacroix shot her in the hand. Fall -
Mg upon her knees the woman
screamed, "Stanislas, what do you
mean?" For an answei. Lacroix shot
her 'again and she fell *dead. Lacroix
returned to the house where his v7ife
of what Paine's Celery Compound has had bean and shot dead an old man
I m -d Hi ol ThOmaS de Fran -
Jos. Piper, who has been in.the em-
ployee of Bawkshaw & Wrayen,illers,
Lucan, for over four years, has -accept-
ed a good position as assistant •miller,
at Arnprior..
John' Kennedy., "Of the 10th con. of
Biddulph, died on Thursday; March
13th, after a couple of days illness from
infiamation, Mr. Kennedy was only
57 years of ago.
On Wednesday March 12 the sad
You can maks your Mar-
i:lobs as soft as glove
rind ea tough as wire by
using EUREKA Bar.
?retie Olt. Ton can
lengthen lie e It
last twice as long as it
ordinarily would.,
Hawse) Gil
toalcca a poor lookIng 593
Doss Ince new, Made of
Nue. heavy bodied Oil, es-
pechdiy prepared to 111D:t-
elling lyeatinir,
Vold everyirboro • , •
513 can5-all 019021.
limit lAttElital Olt 0011tal,
death of Miss Isabel Hodgins, a for-
mer resident of Maguire, took place in
London. During the past year three
out of the family have died,
There is no one article in the line cf
medicines that gives so large a return
for the money as a good porous
strengthening plaster, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladona Back-
ache plasters.
In Lucan, on Wednesday evening,
March 19th, at the residence of the
bride's mother, and in the presence of
a few immediate relatives, Miss Jen-
nie 1VIcNair was united. in marriage to
J. Robson, of London township,
A large number of the relatives and
friends assembled. at the residence of
Moses Hodgins, Mooresville, on Mon-
day for the purpose of celebrating the
anniversary of his 68th year of bis
birthday The afternoon was most
pleasantly spent by the oldest guests
while the evening was eor the young.
A Greatful Mother Writes About
The Rescue of Her child.
Paine's Celery Compound
Triumphed after a Physi-
cian's Failure.
Mrs. G. Stone, of Eganville, Ont.,
grateful for the reseue of her little
boy from death, writes as follows:
bec, on Friday.
";) I 1•• r
111111111111011111111111111111CCIOICICOS 11111011110111111.111 cs
r .
101 111111 n31111111111110111, 11,110
sitaitating the-roodAndRegnia
tit the_stomae4soOdBoweLs of
Ite5sanclatstkontains neither
pinunT,Morphin6 nor Biwa
war NAm.c
• earoaaamaima.:i.:*
likaj;f ofa d ATAMIZZPIRM
Ampk;I: Sea-
• 41.4farria
tagonaleallo •
Su 'Orr • ,
Apeffectilemediy for ConStipa-
tion, sour stomach,Dlarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish,
Bess and Loss OF SLEEP.
, —
TacSImite Signature of
Mato& is put up in one -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bnlls. Donl.allow anyone to sell -
yen anthing else on the 'plea or promise that it
is "jest as good" and (1;411 answer every pur-
pose." XEFP Soo that you got 0 -A -8 -T -0 -R -I -A.
' vraPPoN.
James Quill:, the athlete and pro- Spitheriand Imes LIMITE0
prietor of the Commercial Hotel,
Brantford, was found dead
night Sunday, in the hotel sta,bles.
The bell boy hearing groans in the
stable, informed the cook, who , pro-.
ceeded to the stable and at the foot of
the steps leading to the hay loft found
Quirk lying in a pool of blood. It is
supposed that Quirk went out at mid-
night to see some game chickens in
the loft, and that when entering the
loft was attacked and hit on the head
several times with .a blunt instrement,
as his bead has badly bruised. The
culpit, it is supposed, escaped through
the gate leading to Dalgleish street,
as the hostler before retiring bolted
the ate which was found open, after
the deed was committed.. The police
are working on the matter. Mr. Quill
was a son of Conductor Quirk, who is
well known to- everyone who travels
qn the London Huron & Bruce. The
family home is in Kincardine.
Children Cry far
"I think it my'dutY to inform you
int-orttagniel). 3tG •
done for my little 'boy. He became nei;le
very ill, and had the attendance of
our physician,' but no good results
were apparent. The dangerous thrns
to Which my boy seas subject bece me
more frequent, and always worse in
winter. He would become pale as
death, feet and hands fey cold, and
vomiting always followed. He seem
ed to be powerless, and for days
could not raise his head from the pil-
low. After trying various kinds ( f
'medicine we decided to get Peine's
Celery Compound for him. One bot-
tle made him well, and since that
time be has not been ill. I have every
reason to believe he is permanently
In face of such testimony, who can
deny the feet that Paine's celery Con)
pound saves life ? Hundreds of ste h
letters as Mrs, Stone's are on ffie 1111
the inspeetion of doubters,
When your children are net -voile,.
fretful, despondent, sleepless, weak
and rundown, hatre loes of 'appetite,
slow eirenlation of blood, and decree ,
ing in weight, give them Paine'e
Celery CorrIpound for a weekor two
And 'flak": Well the, cheering, res ti 1 ts in
returning heal tit „ and vigor, We
, strongly urge the immediate use of
the Ereeatmedicine for all sickly awl
weak boys and girls.
Theo tho Hfltes Dropogar.
Orangeville, March 22.e --The organ-.
ization of ci local telephone company
has, had its effect 011 tile Bell Tele-
phone Company already. At a:emot-
ing. of . the Town „Council Councillor
McKeown herideclain Et proposition on
behalf of the Telephone: Co. • In re-
1.111Ti for Et five years' renewal of the.
existing agreement With 'the town,
the company offered: 1.. To give' resi-
dence teleph one service, grounded cir-
cuit, for $15 a your. 2. To give resi-
dence services,metell ic circuit, for
516 it year, where sabecribers al-
ready have- business telcorhns, 8.
Fro pu a in a, metallic circuit for ail
besincse .teleph 11.235 at.• the pveeiett
rate, 320 a Var. :
SATtItri,41X, Manna 20.—In Exeter;
Oli-Marche2.9ile 11e, leeesOu block will
pb.e. 8,rri°1,(1 tl'H!
BnowN. Auct ; SeaNntinas; Soli-
citor ; R, Felesoie, Adel si istrator.
itincyggenlaIrSinsSira°wne hru'av?4ebeprrs;ved that with
two pairs of
wil Forl o three thwr eea •
K)ng'skiit rgniOTIT,
: eV
' hut you cannot stub the rubbers,
King's genuine et-AgGuirrp
-are stamped
upon the sole of each rubber
with our copy -
r gh fed name JUIN Ira5
do not allow yourself to be de-
ceived by inatations.
the best on the market, 6 -inch,
9 -inch and ' 12 -inch tops, with
Rolled Edge and Heels. They
are carried in stock, and your
dealer can order them for you.
111.eh controla(Iv e. D.oKexclusivef iauN.C°.°
e STRATFono, ONT ,
.•• Enter 11 OW arid be ready
• to acoept 8 good position •
• In the fail. • •
Thle premier school with its stelenditi 1115
made& toechere, thorough courecs IV 0
O 3blidY,Itutio elm tat Ion for strictly high 0
8 'aratio work, 10 the ono for you to atl encl. g •
O This erilloge ocbutits IL far higher level 6
eth than tiro nvori, go businms College. Writ° 6.
Lor ebrtlars,
• . 'Ett,tor4 ' 2
et• eeeeeeeeeeet3000000006000
• Spring Tern] Opens
OTHE 111 6E14
Apply tr'
E. C. Kessel
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling Our mill ,
Dry 'Soft Wood Wanted.
GriStillg an Glioppinu
Dom Pr011iPti.":
Bayou Want a Buggy?
We have the 'finest. stock in towm.
All the latest styles, in the newes0
colors. •
Our prices are low as can be found
for first-class material and workman
J F R ssell
Tw Delors South Town Hall.
fa. .
a- •
Exeter Grist Mill
;MillFeed always on hand.
2 Farmers' Gristing a Specialty.
• Chopping Promptly and Prop-'
• erly attended to. Wheat
O Wanted. Give us a Call.
Harvey Etrols. 3 .
• . Terms Cash'. ,
ISuccessors to .T.Cobbledick & Son,roal
London, Huron and Bruco.
oirrG Nortiru— Passenger.
Lotidon, depart
8.16 A, 1W. 4.4.6r, lea •
Oeritralle 1,1 5 50
Exeter 9.SC 6.0.
Rensall ....... 9.41 6,15
Etppen....... 9.5o 6,25
13rueefield,.-. ... . ... 9.58 5.91
elint,014 , 10.15 3 15
Wingliatn, arrive, „ 11.10 8.00
110 SeOsrrit-8PaOsetge
_inghet, dopar; 6.58a. m. 3.15 P
. At.
Clinton . .747 .1.25
Bruiodd '.05
" CD'
. Kinpen 8.15 .4.57
Prensall .22 • Oe
ICxeter . 8.35 5,10
Centralia, 8.40 5,9,5
Lencton.arrive..„. 9.37 6,12