HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-07-06, Page 9Grade 8 graduates from Huron Centennial School, near Brucefield are, front row, left to right - Karen Steckle, Lonnie Simpson, Gayle Dunn, Allison Dunn, Roxanne Martin, Suzanne Dallas, Vicki Speziale, Lynn Moffatt, Laurie McDonald, Debbie Harnett, Tanya Grillmayer, Jackie Bell, Brian Fisher, Jamie Sauve, Geoff Lyon, Mrs, Moffatt. Second row - Ann Simpson, Lee Anne Richardson, Colleen Cluff, Patty Dalrymple, Dana Kloss, Cathy Herbert, Mary Jane Parsons, Martha Hook, Julie Porter, Julie Webster, Kendra Papple, Sandra Wynja, John Miller and John Kalbfleisch. Third row - Mr. Snell, John Wall, Mike Maguire, Melanie Van Patter, Robin Novak, Kim Hayter, Mavis Turner, Christine Cooper, Julie Consitt, Julie Boyce, Jeanette Keys, Audrey Dollery, Dawn flunking, Sandra Peek, Gord Collins, David Moffat and Mr, Mathers. Back row - Darin McKenize, Jon Knights, Steven Beane, Bryan Taylor, Bob Grunewald, Brad Eckel, Doug Roy, Scott Townsend, Jerry Oliver, William Fotheringham, Darrell Faber, Tom Williseraft and John Sauve. Absent, Kevin Bender. (Shelley McPhee photo ) SPECIAL KRAFT QUALITY 24's SINGLE THIN CHEESE SLICES SPECIAL SEALTEST LIGHT N'LIVELY 2% COTTAGE CHEESE 500 g 99 WESTONS FRESH BAKED ENRICHED WHITE BREAD 24 oz.59 675 g LOAF SPECIAL CANADA "A" GRADE LARGE EGOS ALL WHITE 1 DOZ. ROSE BRAND 3 VARIETIES DILL PICKLES ONE LITRE 149 LARGE ONE LITRE SIZE SCOPE MOUTHWASH 3.99 140 mL TUBE FINE SHAMPOO HEAD & SHOULDERS 2.99 FINE QUALITY 5 VARIETIES LANCIA PASTAS 500 g s9� BRAVO PLAIN STYLE SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1.19 28 02. WHITE OR PINK REGULAR BUNDLES CAMAY BAR SOAP 4's 1 79380. • 1.2 Kg 3 LITRE CARTON CHEER 2 DETERGENT 1.99 3 LITRE FOR YOUR FABRICS DOWNY SOFTENER 314139 BUNDLE OF 4 7 VARIETIES NEILSON BAR BUNDLE 1.29 WHITE, YELLOW, BEIGE WHITE SWAN n FACIAL TISSUES Box OF �h 200 2% PARTLY SKIM 10000 EVAPORATED PURE CARNATION MAZOLA MILK CORN OIL 385 mL 6S° 1 5 L 3.39 6 VARIETIES 15 oz. TINS CHEF ROY -AR -DEE MEALS 89! ZEHRS CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE POTATOES 2 19 02 TINS FOR VACHON ASSORTED VARIETIES PACKAGES OF 6's OR 12's LUNCH SNACKS 169 PKG ASSORTED FLAVOURS ZEHRS JELLY POWDERS 3 oz. 1 PK GS FOR BLACK FLAG VAPONA _NO PEST NEILSONS ASSORTED STRIP 3 f9 Country Oven Bakery Speciale FRUIT FLUS zehrs fine markets... of fine foods We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly family requirements. NEILSONS QUALITY 79' ONION CHIP DIP 250 g CLUB DES MILLIONAIRE too g BRISLING SARDINES 99" BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUEFISH STICKS OR FRIES24 oz. 3,49 BILLY BEE BRAND CREAMED HONEY 375 g 1.49 BILLY BEE BRAND LIQUID HONEY 375 g 159 ESSO BAR -B -Q LIGHTER FLUID 1 LITRE 119 NEW! 750 g SIZE BLUEWATER FISH IL CHIPSBOSTON BLUE2.39 FREEZE DRIED INSTANT COFFEE TASTERS CHOICE 2 VARIETIES 8 oz. 5.99 DIET STYLE OR REGULAR 7 -UP DRINKS 750 39 DEPS CHUNK LIGHT S. IN OIL OR IN WATER STAR KIST TUNA 184 g 119 TIN 3.6 LITRE LIQUID STYLE OLD DUTCH BLEACH JUG 1119 t ASSORTED DRESSING$ 500 mL11 FOR YOUR BATHROOM BOWL CLEANER SANI- FLUSH 1 k 1139 ,, MONARCH :POTATOES ONE Kg PKG- 1 1 SPECIAL J SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL PRINTED ORANGE, GREEN OR GOLD WHITE SWAN TOWELS ROLL 299 0 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP ONE LITRE 119 VARIETIES KRAFT 119 CARNATION FROZEN "HASH BROWN „ C 69 28391.69 8s 790 CONCORD OR WHITE EXTRA SMOOTH • EXTRA CRUNCH ROSE BRAND 3 VARIETIES DILL PICKLES ONE LITRE 149 LARGE ONE LITRE SIZE SCOPE MOUTHWASH 3.99 140 mL TUBE FINE SHAMPOO HEAD & SHOULDERS 2.99 FINE QUALITY 5 VARIETIES LANCIA PASTAS 500 g s9� BRAVO PLAIN STYLE SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1.19 28 02. WHITE OR PINK REGULAR BUNDLES CAMAY BAR SOAP 4's 1 79380. • 1.2 Kg 3 LITRE CARTON CHEER 2 DETERGENT 1.99 3 LITRE FOR YOUR FABRICS DOWNY SOFTENER 314139 BUNDLE OF 4 7 VARIETIES NEILSON BAR BUNDLE 1.29 WHITE, YELLOW, BEIGE WHITE SWAN n FACIAL TISSUES Box OF �h 200 2% PARTLY SKIM 10000 EVAPORATED PURE CARNATION MAZOLA MILK CORN OIL 385 mL 6S° 1 5 L 3.39 6 VARIETIES 15 oz. TINS CHEF ROY -AR -DEE MEALS 89! ZEHRS CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE POTATOES 2 19 02 TINS FOR VACHON ASSORTED VARIETIES PACKAGES OF 6's OR 12's LUNCH SNACKS 169 PKG ASSORTED FLAVOURS ZEHRS JELLY POWDERS 3 oz. 1 PK GS FOR BLACK FLAG VAPONA _NO PEST NEILSONS ASSORTED STRIP 3 f9 Country Oven Bakery Speciale FRUIT FLUS zehrs fine markets... of fine foods We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly family requirements. NEILSONS QUALITY 79' ONION CHIP DIP 250 g CLUB DES MILLIONAIRE too g BRISLING SARDINES 99" BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUEFISH STICKS OR FRIES24 oz. 3,49 BILLY BEE BRAND CREAMED HONEY 375 g 1.49 BILLY BEE BRAND LIQUID HONEY 375 g 159 ESSO BAR -B -Q LIGHTER FLUID 1 LITRE 119 NEW! 750 g SIZE BLUEWATER FISH IL CHIPSBOSTON BLUE2.39 FREEZE DRIED INSTANT COFFEE TASTERS CHOICE 2 VARIETIES 8 oz. 5.99 DIET STYLE OR REGULAR 7 -UP DRINKS 750 39 DEPS CHUNK LIGHT S. IN OIL OR IN WATER STAR KIST TUNA 184 g 119 TIN 3.6 LITRE LIQUID STYLE OLD DUTCH BLEACH JUG 1119 t FOR YOUR DISHES LIQUID STYLE JOY DETERGENT 1L 119 FOR YOUR BATHROOM BOWL CLEANER SANI- FLUSH 1 k 1139 ,, Ir 5 VARIETIES COOKIE MIXES DUNCAN HINESGARDEN 99$ BLACK FLAG BUG KILLER HOUSE & 400 g 31 99 12 oz. KERNEL CORN 1 OR 14 o:. HONEY POD PEAS, GREEN BEANS 9R BEAN SALAD STOKELYS VEGETABLES 59#TIN 51 0 g MONARCH BEEF, CHICKEN 3 Ib. CTN. 1N 1/4's 0R TURKEY WESTONS IMPERIAL STOUFFERS ENGLISH MARGARINE MEAT PIES MUFFINS 2169 28391.69 8s 790 CONCORD OR WHITE EXTRA SMOOTH • EXTRA CRUNCH PURINA WELCH'S YORK "MOIST & MEATY" GRAPE PEANUT PET FOOD JUICE BUTTER DINNERS ASSORT 1 L 1199 1 Kg 316 9 3 Fob 1., o .. E^ _. ... YOGURT.g o f9 VIE TON AN FILLED WEN 4 UEHCH e ORANGE PEKOE ZEHRS 129 C YSTALS tonal PftG of 6 13S BREAD S9 R�LLS PKG. 69 TEA BAGS � 613-867 g COUNTRY OVEN FAWN CHOC. CHIP, VARIETY PACK $1 SOUR HAMKURGER HEESE ZENRS CREAM , , 790 ROLLS 8 ® PKG. 69 DREAD 16 oB. %2I' ►� COOKIES o 9 2069 2.59PKG. TASTY COUNTRY OVEN LOAF CHUCK WAGON i6 oz. ASSORTED VARIETIES FLAVOURED FRESH! COUNTRYOVEN B NEILSONS QUALITY FRESH CHUNKY ZEHRS ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCITHEIR GRAND OPENING IN WASAGA BEACH (MOSELY 8 45TH ST.), JULY 14TH C d CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1983—PAGE 9 1 Uiiteds ce By Bertha MacGregor Canada Day was celebrated at the Hensall United Church on Sunday morning when Mr. McDonald spoke on the sub- ject of Some of The Duties of a Canadian Citizen. Marlin Nagtegaal was the organist and Donald Wareing and Michael McGregor were the ushers. Lloyd Ferguson greeted the congregation. Harry Stuart was the Junior Congregation leader. Junior Congregation will be held each Sunday for the children attending Church. Next Sunday will be Bap- tismal Service. Following the Service of Worship a congregational meeting was held at which time it was decided to complete all win- dows in the church with storms, and that the front window would be repaired. xxx A very successful Vaca- tion Bible School was held this past week at the United Church. Each morning 130 children and leaders assembled for singing under the leadership of Shirley Luther with Joyce Pepper at the Piano. The children then went to their different departments for Bible Study, crafts and related activities. Superintendents for the different departments were Nursery, Barbara Gackstet- ter; Kindergarten, Nancy Campbell; Primary, Evelyn Elder; Middler, Shirley Luther; and Junior, Stan McDonald. Leaders working in the departments were: Margaret Cole, Betty Up- shall, Joyce Pepper, Pauline Ingram, Kay Elder, Cathy Ingram, Cindy Taylor, Judy Kyle, Karen Shirray, Dean- na Brock, Peggy Volland, Debbie Plumb, Joan Cor- bett, Trudy Rosseboom, Bonnie Gould, Tammy Bell, Bev Bell and Linda Alex- ander. On Friday morning a large group of parents and friends came to school to view the work and to hear the pro- gram. Much appreciation is, expressed by the staff for the fine support of the parents and community in their at- tendance and also for pro- viding cookies for the children during the week. The Christian Development Committee of the church ex- press their appreciation to the staff for their many hours of preparation, plann- ing and implementation of this program for the children of our community. xxxx The 1983-84 Sunday Church School Staff met . and made their final plans for the 1983- 84 season. Sunday Church School will re -open on September 11 with classes for all children three years of age and up. The White Gift Service will be held on November 27 with a pageant y service being presented by the students and Promotional Sunday wilt be held on June 3. The Annual Christmas Party will be held on December 9 and an Old Fashioned Hay Ride will be held in February. The School will continue to have the Month of March as Mission Month and the Bible -A - Month project will continue for this coming year. The staff will hold staff meetings and training nights on the fourth Monday of every se- cond month. People report Mr. and Mrs. Howie Wright and family of Cam- bridge called on friends in the village on the holiday. Mrs. Hazel Luther return- ed home after visiting for several weeks with relatives and friends in New- foundland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker returned after visiting with their son-in-law and daughter, Sgt. Doug Wein, Mrs. Wein and David in Ottawa. The final season of the Hensall and Area Hor- ticultural Society was held June 27 at the Hensall Public School. Mrs. Cathy Mann opened the meeting with Mrs. Joyce Pepper at the piano. The next meeting of the society will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the United Church, November 23 at 8 p.m. Following the business Mrs. Eileen Rannie introduced the speaker Bill Gerling, who is a commer- cial artist, of London. He showed and narrated pic- tures on "Come Walk With Me" speaking about the natural signs of the various seasons. He was thanked by Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell and presented with a gift. Mrs r to Wm. Hearn of Clinton favored with two selections on her harp. Draws were made and prizes went to: Mrs. Belva Fuss; ' Mrs. Russell Ferguson; and Mrs. Evelyn McAllister. A plant exchange followed and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broener, Mio, Mich ` were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thuss and family who have been residents of the village for the past several years, the former operated the Service Station on Main Street, mov- ed to a farm in the Strathroy district. They were a valued family in Hensall and will be missed by many friends. The station will now be known as M & T and opened on Monday morning for business and is being operated by Marvin Merner, Bayfield and Terry Short, Kippen. We welcome them to our village and wish them success. Queensway news The Church service at Queensway Nursing Home was conducted on Tuesday by Rev. and Mrs. Matheson, Thames Road with Mrs. Rhode accompanying at the piano. Rev. Stan McDonald conducted the funeral of the late Alex Barrett, who had been a resident since 1968; several residents attended the funeral at the Mike O'Connors Funeral Home, Hensall. A birthday party was held for the residents with Birthdays in the month of June; namely Mrs. Debocker, Mrs. Scrimgeour, and Mrs. Bosse. Mr. Philip Eisenbach visited his sister Miss Eisenbach. +++ Mr. and Mrs. D. Prezcator have taken up residence in the home they recently pur- chased from the Drysdale Estate on Main Street. Brucefielder lebrate 50th anniversary By Isabel Scott Congratulations and best wishes were expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross at their home Sunday afternoon by their family and friends on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Rob Marshall and children of Nottawa visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. BobDalrymple and at- tended the funeral of her un- cle, the late Morley Cooper. Sympathy is extended to the families. Miss Betty Boyce of Toron- to spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Alice Ham. Mrs. Lorna Hully of Peter- borough is visiting her sister Mrs. Gregor McGregor. Mrs. Helen Weigel of Cleveland, Ohio is holiday- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot. . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McBeath of Windsor visited on the weekend with his mother, Mrs. W. McBeath. Mrs. Beatrice Zemenick and daughter Mary Ann of Dearborn, Michigan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott. Sympathy is expressed to the Elliott family due to the death of Mrs. Lawrence Elliott's father ivho was buried in Bairds cemetery on Monday. Londesboro......... • from page 8 George Carter of Londesboro, Cheryl, Wayne and Bill Armstrong of Strat- ford, Mr. and, Mrs. David Armstrong, Matthew and Daren of Clinton; Joey Mason, Mrs. Alice Mad- daugh, Tom Moscrot of Lon- don. Don't forget Hullett Township Day on July 9 at 2 p.m. A pork barbecue will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Mrs. Bob Burns and sister Mrs. Mary Vallancount spent Monday in London when Mary is returning home to Regina from spen- Keep your cool at Mothers Day Cok Laundry 13 Rattenbury St., Clinton we're Air Conditioned for your comfort! SOFT WATER Easy on your clothes Easy on your soap Ow soft water 1s conditioned by Culligan * Clean & quiet waiting area * Inglis top loaders *Economical Wascomat Double Loaders and Giant Loaders Easy an your pocketbook ding a month visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee visited on Monday with his. Aunts Mrs. Mary Robinson and Mrs. Jewel Cowan in Hanover. Jewel is a patient in Hanover hospital Mrs. Rev. Mervyn Penfound of Flin Flon Manitoba visited with his mother Mrs. Olive Penfound, and his brothers last week. Staff Sergeant Richard and Mrs. Shaddick, Sandra, David, Lynn and Nancy returned to their home in Burnaby B.C. from spending past two weeks with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick and Mr. and rs. Scott of Seaforth. NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? 1 (c'iomcl(t4"l' Ph0r,F ..4$2.73169 -aand Rreeitri; .1 0 o,'h hP��r UI .. tI1llllllr