Exeter Times, 1902-2-27, Page 8"I" E
kJ tee
rived a
Large t'Itoek of
IS WhfiliT'S Buy the J. Li.
King 6hoe lo
fllfl (1Ca3iITTIl1S1 U
womr.a"urossongeemer ,a0ocoaresassmsoosamoon.pRopop..
• New
Dress Goods
We heve just reeeivee shipueent et
new. Spring. Drees Goode ;. one very
special iitie of tine coeert cloth iu ail.
the leedieg shedes. Ooreect tor 4.1.0vc,s
or suite, 05e toe yard.
Tapestry Curtains
• Tapestry curtains in fancy :stripes,
very tech eoloriitase up•to-teate goods
at $4.85 pr.
Stilt teepestey eurtains, finest we
have ever •shown, deep knot, ed fringe
top a•ui1 bottom, extra special. for
$8.75 pr.
Barg n ins
in Men's Suits
Fur Prices °Nally Reduced
1,teree ueeralian Otiou For Coate,
worth $10 00, reduced, to $10 2e.e.
1 mar cite' Coat, a nice one, going
for $1875,
I may choke Coert Coat, regular
$38 00. reduced to $29.00.
I only Rock Welleby regular price
$23.00, reduced to $18.75.
3 only Blaek Corsican Lamb, a reat
wearer for $18,75,
only pairs of men's black fur driv-
ing gem) t lets, worth $1,25, for $3.25 pr.
Black English Coney Caperine,large
I full storm colter $4.00,reduced to $2,50,
Bleck. hair Coney Oaperine, trimmed
we h teils, very stylish, $8.75, reduced
to $5.50.
Blaek Seal and Bocherata combine
tion eaperine, very swell, $11.00, re-
duced to $8.25,
eee.,We have plated on. our counter an
odd lot of Meree suits, sizes from 33 t o
44. &nee of these suits sold as high
as $11.00, as we are bound to clear
you take your choice for $1.75.
Carpets and Wall Rapers
We have just opened the choicest
lot of new carpets and art, squares we
have ever shewn. Lovely art squares
3 x 3 yards and up to 4o 4 yards,
bordered all around. They're swell.
Our new Wall Papers are going to
be the telk of the town. They're as
pretty as eau be,
To Move
the Best GOOdS
s what. the buniness men owed
It is the; business policy of ours
which indaces us to claim to be
ofteee the cheapest and con-
sequently et 'ways the hest.
We hat 4: in stock everything in the
retationery. Line—aewest in Note
Complete, laihe o
renglish and G-ernian Decorated
French China
Litnoge and ;Japanese Ware.
JO O11G3,
a nd
Mr. II, leciekingbaco, of Winchelsea,
paid hie family a visit 00 Sunday.
Will Wilson has rettirned home
e 'Mu an eateuded viett with friends
Listowel mid other poilits earth.
If stock of any kind be not thriving
ell try English Stock Food le will
eeerelly remove the trouble. Seld by
.Lutz •
• Broad sbeets of ice cover the waters
'ef leeee Huron at present and as tar
.tis the eye can penetvate is to be seen
notteug but a boendless waste of ice -
The Empire Separator elo. of the
United States, have deelded t:o estab-
lish an ageney and repair works in
Otoiada, and bave appointed A. Q.
Bobier as manager.
Notice.— Having disposed of our
msieess to M T. FlawiUns & Son, we
vould request all parties indebted to
is to kindly eali and settle at once.
Bisaoe & Sena
Rev, Milyard, and Ricbard Gridley
weve appoiated delegates from the
Main se Methodist church to attend
the convention of Temperance workers
held in Toronto this week.
• Ma Melville formerly of the firm of
P,Ietville arid Morrison manufacturers
of Acetylene gas geheretors here, hes
taken a position with the fiera of
Hawkins & Son, as tinsmith.
NDIV STOW:0,-1VMM P. Gardiner
ed. Same Popplestone will open up a
stock of general merchandise at an
early date in Mrs. D. johns' block,
next door to the Poet Office.
' The Mole:nes Bank bave signed a
eontract for 90,000'brick to be deliver-
ed at once, •so that the erection of ourselves on perfectly clean land laet season.
their new building on their new prop-
•erty may begin early in the spring.
- While in conversation the other day
W: Newcombe informed us that he
Ipaid out $700 in advertising daring the
past year. Although he thought this
was quite a large StUD he considers he
was well repaid in return.—Clinton
New Bra.
The Epwerth League of Main St.
Methodist chetah will give an oyster
sociae in the basement of the chureb
an the evening of March 4th. A
splendid and varied programme is be -
mg prepared, and a cordial invitation
extended to all. Doors open at 7.30
p. m. A.d nessiou 25c. .
lTflo R. 1:.,1..lcar..(1 Go 'rx..1-.)..".,41,..41.1
Nov 000US
We are now Opening Up New Springancl Summer Goods daily.
New Prints, New Muslins, New Whitewear, New Antrim Lawns,
New Batise Cloths, New Victoria Cloths, beingamong the latest
We have also just received advice of a very heavy shipment of
British and European goods which were shipped us froin Glascrow,
on board the S.S. Astoria, This large shipment is composed of all
iD Dress- Goods Dress Trimmings Silks, Vel,
the latest productions n r
veteens, Lace Curtains, Gloves, Hosiery, Lawns, Linoeloems,
Laces, Ribbons, Etc., Etc. This •shipment is due herein a few s5c
We Solicit Your Trade
• And can assure you, that you will net meet with better
treatment anywhere than we will give you, Our extensive
stock (vvh.ich comprises nearly everything) offers the largest
facility for choice, both in nods and grades, and is in all re-
spect representative of thebestmarkets offer. •
If we suit in other things as we surely can, priee wont
stand in your way. Come and talk to us. LIere below we
We are introduaieg a new Variety be Seed. Oats, which we grew,
For Marriage Licemes9
Weekeeiteg Riteges,
Weetchese. Clock,
• Jewelry,
Spectacles., Etc
R. -flCk
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The ropy for changes must be left
not, lot er than Tueeday ream. Casual
advestisemente accepted Op to. noon
Wednesday of each weelt.
Houses to vent, in town, are
Stephen township is no free
small pox.
Mrs. Harry Smith. of Springharst
Farm, is very ill.
Miss Edith Sanders has been visiting
ifriends in London, the past week.
Fred Gould, ur Seafeeth, s isited un-
der the parental roof over Sunday.
. Will Stanlake, of Hensel', visited
friends in town on Sunday.
Mr. Will Goodison, of Sarnia, spent
a few days here lase week with friends.
Mr Fred. Rollins-, of Rochester,
Mich., called on friends here this week.
Mr. R. Seldon, of Ingersoll, visited
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sam wall, oze Mon -
week.Ohas. Graham, of St. Marys, was
pm:chasing horses in this vicinity this
, Messrs. Will Breoes and J. Hale
.i kirk spent Sunday with friends in
; A. Q. Bobier, was in Kincardine an
business trip the forepart of this
Mrs. Thorne has returned from Lori -
popular prices and easy (don where she has been visiting
terms of payment.
We sell the celebrated Heintz
man & Co. Pianos, (the Art
Pianos of Canada.) The cheic
of Royalty for their tour cf. Can-
If you want something cheap-
er we can show you pianos of
other makes which will be no dis
grace to the most elegant parlor.
In sewing machines we carry
the New Williams, aaymond amid
White, also needles and supplies
for all machines.
Miss Mend jeckell left last, week for
Peoria, Re, where she will visit
friends. •
For lame back and kidney derange-
ments, don't fail to try Dix. Kidney
Pills. Sold by 0. Lutz..
Mr, S. Gidley, who was so seriously
ill during the past week has somewhat
T. II. lecOallum is a delegate at tbe
temperance convention held in Toron-
to this week.
Miss Vera Hawkshaw left. on Mon.
for Toronto to attend the millinery
Miss Horne left on Saturday for
London and Toronto to yisie the mil-
linery openings.
For lame back and kidney derange-
ments, Dix Kidoey Pills are gold.
Sold by C. Lutz,
keep cows for milk, butter or cheese
and are fattening cal ves,cattle or hogs
ov.poultry for market or .for eggs, it
pays to fed Eoglish Stock Food, It is
the cheapest, food cm the market.
Sold. by 0. Lrerz, Exeter. .
The latest sheet music always Willis Powell ismakeig an exten nve
Edi -
in stock. Call and see. trip north in the interest of the Edi-
son phonograph.
S MARTIN flying visit to Exeter, ce'n aaturda,y mid
Either, of Ulby Miele, paid a
called on relatives,
Master Wilbur Wood, of London,
formerly of Usborne, is attending Lon-
don Collegiate Distitute.
Relet Reill 11111Q
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town
Borrow or Lend
Collections Made,
Your Life Insured,
Go to the:Old Cum.
try, by the Allan
JOHN sPA.oicmitti
maw ov-or Spaokman's Hardeeere
• tteter,
ta. Cash paid for Raw Flues
Vbfldren' Cry for
At. the reqiiest of the Canadian
South AfricaMemorial Association, of
which the Governor General is Petron
and the Couutas.s af Minto president,
a subscription list has been opened at
the Molsons Bank and Postoffice.
.Miss Greenway, daughter of Bon.
Thos. Greenway, who bas been visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. (De) Rollins, and
other friends in this vicinity, for the
past few months, left for her home in
Creeetel City, Man. but will first visit
her sister, in Gravenhurst for a short
If there are asmany horses shipped
from all places around as from here
for elanitoba that couotry ought soon
to be filled up and horses become
theaperaes at present they are bring-
ing a very high figure, which is cer-
tainly a good thing for tbose farmers
who have them to sell.
W. R, Colby, who was here last
week in the interest of • the York
County Loan & Savings Co., was on
his return to London, on Fridey even-
ing last, while attending a meeting of
tbe Maccabees was taken very sudden-
ly ill. His life was despaired of for
Jaime time, but he is now fully recov-
Mr. Chas. Andrews, son of rhos.
Andrews. of Constance, who has for
some time been clerking in a store in
Godericb, is spendinga short time
with friends in this vicinity, prior to
taking charge of a general store in
Gerrie, which bas lately been purchas-
ed by his father. The family will in
due time move to that village.
At Sunnidale Farm, Bast Wawa,
nosh, the beautiful home of tbe bride's
brother, 3. L. Stonehouse, hie sister,
Miss Nellie, was united in marriage to
T. 0, Wilkinson, son of James Wilkin-
son, of Morris,on Wednesday the I2th,
at five p. m. -Mrs. Birney and daugh-
ter, of Exeter, were present at the
ceremony. •
Duriug the past few weeks flocks of
birds bave visited us •-• I could have
been seen feeding on ale berries of the
mountain ash. Those who are auth-
ority on lea,naclian birds tell us they
are the pipe grosbeak that ofben pay
us a visit in January and taken for the
robin, their color and plumage being
something the same as the robin.
Miss Ida M. Brown, of Lucan, was
the guest of her brother, Mr. Albert
Brown, of Shaven, on Sunday last.
Miss Hattie White, who has been
the guest of Miss Gertie Hicks, left for
Toronto on Friday last, prior to going
to Niagara.
BaX W...NTED.—A good, smart boy
with tear education, wanted to learn
the printing business. Apply at
• ibtris office,
Fxeter on Saturday last
R. geld chain bracelet with settings,
Finder will he tawarded by leaving it
at, the Post 011ie°. •
W. J, Westcott, of the Seaforth
Sun, is in with inflammation of the
bowels, e ate pleased to Jeerer he is
T. S. terry, of Ilensall, purceateea
from Thos. Hartert a fine sixteen
months old gelding, sired by Kilburh,
kr the sum Of $150.
riot, dandrufie itchiness of the scalp,
remature falling of the hair, for re-
totieg grey halt to its natural color
enquire about! Tu•
rkish Sealp Pond:
Sold by 0. Lute.
D6/11-ae ew Century"
Grain—The grain of the "New Vigor —The remarkable vigor of
. .
Century" Oat is very white and large this new variety is easily aotieed in
in size, rued has the largest meat in the growing crop from its first ap-
proportion to size of any oat. enarance above ground. One of our
fields this season was sown with "New
Streasv—The straw is very strong e Century" oats, and two days before
and. does not lodge even wheel 3tbers another field with common oats.
with less weight of grain in the head When the "New Cleatury" Oats were
go down. The blade is nearly double seven Welles above grouud, the others
the size of that of ordinary oats, and is were not more that two. While coin -
good vidence of its inherent vigor. mon kinds suffered from excessive dry
Stool —The "New Century" Oat cold weather the past spring, without
n that respect. In a field this past, were a 0011 dark greene
Figured Melton, double fold, suitable for skirting, was
for 25c. Prints were 12i for 5c, Boys suits were S2.50
and $3,00 for $1.00. Ladies' shoes were $1 25 for $1.00.
Overcoats and ladies' jackets at your own price.
es. C. Hu
Furniture and Undertaking
eidley's Block5
stools heavily and is really remarkable exception the, "New Century" Oats we want
t ii
easons, there were sown tan pecks Hava Yrsreeme Moax HA.N
eves sown with seven peck -s. It was CONDITIONS. before spring, See them from 50 cents
per acre on part and the remainder OaDINARY RINDS -Menne, SIMILAR
up. We can. sell
absolutely impossible to see any dif- Tested side by side with -other oats, y--esa a dainty bed room suite (oak./ cut and polished) for *25.
ference in the appea.rarce a the two the. "New Centiary'ee has actually All other Furniture, Bed Springs and. Rfattrasses away down.
parts; and no difference was noted in doable the member of bushels per acre.
the yield. This can be pa.rtially attributed to the
\Htill--The hull -is thin and easily fact thee in many cases the spikes or
separated from the meat, making them breasts will contain three full kernels
valuable for feeding. while other oats give but two,
We are selling the above Seed Oats at a very Seasonable Price. It
will pay you to see them.
Direct Importers.
1. Ti• Spicer, of Denver, Col.'(sbn
of Mrs. John Spicer,) formerly of
Exeter. who bas held the office of
Chief Ranger, in the I. 0. r. and L. 13,
0., since its inauggiation In thet city,
on his retirement from. the chair was
made the recipient of a handsome em-
blem ring, with moose head and dia-
mond settings beautifully • engraved
inside with his name and. the name
of the donors
Rev. Dr. Potts. of Toronto, a well
known end gifted divine, of the Meth-
odist church, will visit Exeter on Sun-
day, March!), in the interest of the
Educational Soeiety, and will preach
in Main st. church at II a, in., and in
Jame st, church at 7 p. m. Rev. J.
W. Holmes, oe London, will also take
the alternate service on the same date.
A treat is in reeerveforthose who will
abterid. " -
A Reheieweer.—Ou Saturday even-
ing as Mr. Prank Hancock and a num-
ber of friends were out for a pleasere
drive, the the team he was driving
took fright at a paesieg milk sleigh.
The horses beceme unmanageable and
when at the IVIeteopolitan hoteleorper,
the sleigh was eapsized and the occu-
pants thrown out, Fortunately no
terious damage reealted, save the
Wrecking of the sleigh.
.11001tWe1letkecre.--The hockey match
• played in Parkhill against the team of
that borg wae certainly the roughest
game the Exeter boys ever played in.
From the start it Was easily Seen thab
learkeill was going in for rough piayf
and in fact you coulttnot call it hockey,
it was mere shinney mi the Parkhill
side, The efireter team Were out to
vein and would haywen if they were
given fair play, riot only.by the hockey
players, but seine of the epectatoes.
DR. W. H. CiVAHANI 9 Late of 198)
Xing St. West.
'No. I Clarence-sqtrare, corner Spadina avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples;Ulcers,Etc.
• PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
• folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture of Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
Diseases of Women—Painful, profiise or suppressed
ulceration, leucorrhoea antall displacements of the .%vornie
OFFICE SOITRS-0 a,m. to 8 p. m. Sui da -te.3 p.
At half time the score should have
stood 5-1 in favor of Exeter, but as
their goal umpire was apparently
cross-eyed, they were only allowed a
At the starting of the lase half the
Exeter boys went into it with the in-
tentions of winning, and the Parkbill
boys thinking they would win began to
play still rougher. The score at time,
as Parkhill calls it,, stood 5.5. The
Exeter team is willing to play off the
tie in any rink in Western Onbario,
with the exception of Parkhill, and
with an ompiret agreed on by both
teams. The Exeter team has not been
defeated this season, and wiletake no
back seat from Parkhill. Signed
Heckles Cara.
pretty home wedding took place on
Wednesday, Feb. 19th, at six o'clock,
at Mount Pleasant cottage, the resi-
dence of Mr. Thos. Yellow, when his
Only daughter, Mary, became the wife
of Mr. Wesley Armstrong, a prosper -
natural. A gen al storms at this
time, and throughout the month, will
be equinoctial in character; the first
stages will be warm, with rain. light-
ning anti. thunder especialler along the
south and east sides of storm areas.
To the west and northwest the rain
will rapidly turn to sleet and snow, fol-
lowed by a high barometer which will
force cold waves and extreme 'wintry
conditions for the season eastward
and southward over almost the entire
country. All through the Mercury
period, which ends about the 10eb,
cloudy, threatening weather will pre-
vail, but renewed storm conditions
will be marked from about the 8th to
the 10th inclusive. • .A.sayee approach
new moon on the 9th it will grow much
warmer, falling barometer will appear
in western parts, and very decided
storms will qiiickly follow, travelling
eastward ancl touching most sections f
of the country from about the 8111 to 11-0S t
the 10th. Very high tides with prole- lee, te
ably dangerous equinoctial gales about
ec:ev:reteeagotmhaegtoosvent,:h crea
le Thames road.
wit m epee will be Most natural at this time. It
. • will also be remembered that the new
and full 'moons in March are always
on or very close to the celestial equa-
tor, thus forming close conjunctions
with etirth and. sun, Have your
glasses ready and make daily and.
thorough examinations of the face of
tbe Still, from the 1st until after the
• 25th of March. Good eyes with only
pieces of smoked glass may be able to
see sone° spots on the sun. if you do
not grow. Weary in watching. A ve-
actionary itorin period will centre on
'end about the 19th end 20th, at which
time change to weenier, falling barom-
eter and wicle areas of more rain and
snow will pass eastward across the
counet•y. All of these etorre perturba-
tions until after the full moon in
March will wind rip with deckled
changes to colder, and blizzarilous
squalls of sleet and armee in all the
northward part of the country. Do
net lose sight of this predictiou, and
do not neglect to make all possible
previsions for the feeding and pro-
tection of your live stook. The storm
period in which )3oreas and the equin-
octial powers veill make ohe of their
final arid worst clashes is central oh
the 2Ith, covering the 21.se to the 20th,
Within Ghia period we find earth at ite
eqairioctial centre on the 22nd, moon
in perigree on the 21st, and fall moon
i:M the celestial equator on the 23rd,
The days of reateee probable violence
We can do it to th
in the regular way
ant that Picture Framed?
e king's taste. We buy our Parlor Suites
and can show you something new in
Call and inspect our Stock„
Exeter, Feb. %Ts 1901. IscamigeMIECiallE1M1621512C64
Wheat per bushel 72 to 73 "
Barley 117 1g fittend t116 BeSt--It Faus!
0 ts ..
Turkeys ...
Chickens per Ib.......
Ducks .....
Wool........DriedApples ....
Pork live weight ..-
...70 to 76
...17 to 1.
18 to 18
8 to 8
6 to 6
6 to • 1E3
Is easy for those who
are equipped for the prop-
er transaction of business
affairs. • Those who get
their education where at-
tention is given to details
and simple methods will have the advantage
Wo ,e information for you if you are in •
Forest -GM Business Gollege
.1 W, WESTERVELT, Principal.
the gulf ane Atlantic coast regions',
The bride was attired in a steel colour
bodice, trimmed with Ma row Satin le
bon and small steel ernaments, and
carrying a hite bridal roses, entered
the room on the arm of her father to
the strains of Mendelsshon's Wedding
Marth, rendered by Mr. F. R. Knight.
The Rev. Mr. Brown officiated. The
house was beautifally decorated with
ferns, palms and potted plants. The
dining room, which was greatly ad-
mired by those present, was very
charming. The arch was draped witla
royal colours, and the table appoint-
ments were yery pretty, smilax, roses
and carnations being the decorations,
Guests nunabering between eighty and
ninety sab down to a, very excellent
wedding supper, l‘fusic, singing and
conversation was the order of the
evening. At a late hour the bride and
groom took their departure, inidst
showers of rice and good veithes to
their pretty home on the Thames road
whith had been prepared for them,
The preset:Ltd were very numerous and
costly, showing it what esteem the
yourtg people -were held. A large
number of our townspeeple were pres-
ent, beeides guests from Sarnia, Mire
toh and Tuticersmith.
MArtcaa.—A Vulcan storm petiod is
central on the first day of March, last-
ing tip to about the 4th, From Satire -
day the that, to about Tuesday the 4th,
headquarters For
• Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and. Nerve .Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
• Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Ohilelain Lotion.
Try any :of these preparations and
you will be astonished at their Wonder.
fut healing and curing properties.
AFull line ot Patent Medicites on
Central .
A school well known from
one end of -Canada, to the other
for its superior work. Students
admitted at any time. Graduates
readily iecure employ nae n
Write for catalogue.
W. j. ELLIpOrTinT,
Not necessary expensive
clothes, but clothes that show
neatness, • correct style, ap-
propriateness and good taste.
Come in aud look over the
new styles. We can satisfy
W. W Taman.
Merck/Etat Tailor.
Opposite post office.
general and hecoey storrhs of rain, in this perio will be Sunday the 23rd •
sleet, snow and wind will be most to Wednesday the 6th. •
You will; find here at ail
times the greatest bargains in
furniture. The loweSt prices
and best efforts to please.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Ft N. Rovve