HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-2-27, Page 5'Normal Calfskin"
a. porous leather.
Permits yout foot to
'Mows perspiration
Keeps yoCr stocking
dry* your feet cool, clean
and hardy.
To be had only in -
"The Slater Shoe"
SPA.CKMAN. General Agent!
i V.Yrtr' I rot IES'P' 2
I Clubbing i
. .
. .
: Rates .
. .
• e
° We have completed clubbing •
arrangements for 1901 with sev- :
elj, eral of the leading newspapers. 0
Z Owing to the high prices of 0
• paper and payment of postage :
.0 by newspapers the rates in some 6
3 cases slightly in advance of pre- 0
ilt ViOlIS years. All of the follow- 0
ao with the exception of the dailies, 2
O will be sent to any address from 0
eb new until Januar y 1st, 1003, for St
41 amount named.. The rates will :
• be as'follows :
• •
• The Times 7i-nciMily Globe,$4,25 :
tip The Times and Weekly Globe a
0 for. $1.60 :
: The above includes two hand- 0
.41 some pictures -one an excellent 2
2 picture of the Duke and Duchess g
11of Cornwall in medallion 'settings •
• wifle the Royal Standard as a 2
2 background, the other a fine pic- g
i ture of two farm horses, called. •
le "The Farm Pets." e
a The Thnes and Weekly Mail al
: and Empire $1.75 fe
a The above includes two band. •
a some pictures by John Lanes, in 1
: colors, size 14 x 25 inches, entit- ie
• ed "On the edge of the herd," kr
• and "The Miner's Farewell." tv
0 The Times arid Daily Mail 0
• and Empire (evening edi- 0
• tion) .. ..... ...... -.$3.25 :
: The ,Times and Daily Mail . 0
• arid Empire (morning 0
• edition) $4.25 01
2 The Times and Weekly Son $1.75 e
5 The Times and Fatnily Her- 0
O ' ald and Weekly Star$L75 0
O The above includes htuadsonee (15
• 0
• pictures of the King and Queen 0
A and a copy of Gainsboreugh's fa- 0
LI mous picture "The Duchess of e
• Devonshire." 01
O The Times and Montreal :
2 Herald (daily). , . • .. $1.75 9
3 The Times) and London Daily 0
O ..: Advertiser $a 50 0
2 The Times and London 0
3 Weekly Advertiser.81.50 es
ee The Times and Toronto 0
: Daily Star . . .. $2.50 8
• The above includes- a picture o
se of King Edward. 0
Os The Times and Toronto 8
• Daily News $2,50 e
4 The Times and Farming 0
lie WV orld,...... .. ........ $1.80 6
, The Times and Montreal 2
.. 'Weekly Witness Si 65 :
it The Ti n i es and NI on treal
• Daily Witness q 25 la
ill The Times and Farming....ti6 i
: The Times and Christian ID
e Guardian $2.00 0
e Any other paper desired can
• be had at dibbling rates. .
• The Times and Fren Press
• morning editioo
IP The Times and now or even-
! ing edition. ... . - $2 75
The Time and weekly .- eel's
$112g'S SO ff
will outwear
tvtro pairs of
common rubbers. For three
years we have proved that with
g 0li
..A you can stub
Kins ut , Ti5 your f o 0 t,
but you cannot stub the rubbers,
4n1ing $ genuine,09 grit
are stamped
upon the sole of each rubber
with our copy«
righted name NOB 71113
do not allow yourself to be de-
ceived by imitations.
King's LEATHER TOP Sti$0
the best on the market, 6-inc1i,
9 -inch a rid 12 -inch togs-, with
Rolled clge and Heels, They
are ear, lett In stook, and your
deader cen ordee them for you.
The 3. D. KING CO., Limited
have exc'usive
control a all.. •
General News.
A. farmer tear Portage La Prairie,
Mau” bas already seeded 25 acres
with wheat.
The year 1901 broke the -record few
marriages iu Ontario, 2,148 being re-
ported, an. increase of 300 over any
proceeding year..
The Moosejaw Times of the llth
inst., =tains tin Account of a very
pleasing presentation of two bend -
some arm chairs made to Mr. and Mrs.
William Watson, of Mailborouglaand
formerly a East Williams,
Charles Pettit, of Belleville, .was
robbed. of $31 on a Grand Trunk train
from the north Saturday, end it is
charged that John Coreett,of Mitchell,
took the money while Pettit vvas un•
per the influence of liquor.
Gerald Sifton and Walter Herbert,,
in jail awaiting trial for the roturder of
Joseph - Sifton, are suffering from
slight colds. Herbert has been under
the jail physician's.are for the past
few days, The trial will be resumed
on the 7th of April.
In the results of the examinatioes at
the Guelph Agricultural College just
published, the names of R. R. Cam-
eron and W. H. Gunn, of Ansa Craig,
are oniong those successful in passing
their first and third respectively.
They were both successful in secur-
ing honors in several subjects.
Dr. Bucke, Supt. of the London
•Asylum, slipped on the verandah of
his residence on Thursday last, and
• instantly expired. Dr. T. A. -11,10001 -
Run, of Dunnville, has been appointed
his successor at a salary of $2,000 and
residence. The Ontario government,
is not always so prompt in filling va-
cancies. Note the Huron registrar-
•Gerald Siftoe, who was reported to
be ill at the Loudon jail, has recover-
ed, Walter Herbert. too, has improv-
ed, In neither case were the men
seriously ill. The defence will have
some new and interesting evidence to
offer at the forthcoming trial. Just
what it will be. is, of course, kept a
close secret. The Crown, too, have
something new to offer.
S. Robiusi., of the 8th concession of
Moore township nearly lost his life on
Tuesday, and did lose a team of hors-
es, a double set of harness, a sleigh
and a load or brick. He' was crossing
the St. °lair River, between Court -
right and St. Clair, with a load of
brick drawn by a team of horses. The
ice gave way and horses, sleigh and
bric1 . sank to the bottoni, Mr. Robins
floated and was fished out after re-
ceiving a very cold bath.
The Postoface Department at Otta-
wa has consented to erect a railway
catching post ori the Grand Trunk at
Irislatown for the purpose of taking on
letter bags with the train going at full
speed. The new arrangement will en-
• able the people of North Hibbert and
South McKillop to receive letters and
answer them on the same day. On
and after April 1st mail bags will be
takea on atS and thrown off at S. and
8.15 a. in„ and at 12.80 and 3.15 p.m.
After several months' illness, J. F.
0. Haldane, lawyer, of Windsor, pass-
ed away at his residence there on Sat-
urday morning. The deceased was
one of the familiar figures on the
streets as, awing to the loss of both
legs, he was forced to go about on
crutches. He went to Windsoi in 1804
from Toronto to practice his profes-
sion. He was born 56 years ago at
Goderich, and. after being admitted to
the bar, he commenced practising at
Port Arthur. He removed to Toronto
and from there to kVindsor.
1 wenty thousand requests have been
made to the Ontario Government for
the forms to be filled in by the veter-
ans for the land grants which the
Government proposes to give to the
men who have fought for the country.
Already 10,000 properly filled have
beer. filed with the clerk, who is look-
ing after these land grants. It is be-
lieved, however,
that not more than
8,000 of the applications will be founi
to answer the requirements of the offis
cers of the Government, despite the
great number of the applicants.
— •
The breeders of Dairy Cattle in the„
United States are already beginning
to prepare for the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition to be held in St. Louis in
1903.. At the recent meeting of the
American Ayrshire Breeders Associa-
tion, held at Providence, .R. r, it wa,s
voted to appropriate money from the
Treasury to pay expense of placing a
herd of Ayrshire cows in the breed
test at thlit Exposition, and. a com-
mittee was appointed to take charge
of the Bartle. Canadian Breeders who
intend to exhibit at St. Louis, should
at once begin to prepare their stock
so that, they will not be taken at, a dis.
tuiyantage, when the time for this
great international contest arrives.
A great many farmers in Eastern
Ontario are still adhering to the very
foolish policy of marketing hogs that
are too tight in weight, and quite no -
suitable for packing purposes. The
Geo. Matthews Company, Lirnted, re-
port, that during the mouth of
Ja.ortitry their receiptsof hogs grades
as follows: --
King's Evil
That is Serotola.
No disease is older•.
No disease is really responsible for a
larger mortaiity.
Consuinption is comnibnly its otitgreWth.
There is no excuse for neglecting it, it
mates its presence known by so many
eigris, such AS gialidtilar tutnors, cdtaneous
eruptions, inflamed eyelids, Sere ears, rick-
ets, Catarrh, wasting and general debility.
Children of JI W • McGinn, Woodstock,
Ontbad scrofula sores so bad tbay coilld
not all tin a school for three months, When
dinereot kinds of reedicinee ,had been used
to no purpose w ha toyer,. thete sufferers were
En rill, aecerding le Mr. McGinn's voluntery
telt fieeniel.
14'4'4/4 Sarsaparilla
11't. 1 1.114 the most, 'wonderful,
ee.i per 111111101U cures; of scrofula
„ant yeatai.
• Soft
Tr012 can make your har,
ems 05 soft as a glove
4101! 55 tau& as wtro by
uaing BUR RaNa„ Eters
netts 011. You can
lengthen ItS Jibe -make is,
111131 tWICO ita long as it'
ordinarily vvotild.
Harness 011
• makee minor looting bar-
nes4 Ince new, atade of
pure. heavy bottled on, ea
gat miiittriceir:to With.
FIE 4,X ei
OLuttry Where it is waated fox soe-
icx,igun, trhi;(,bweeilipiclhaliorarspitibt(14toosieno,e1,17e0p2rieta,
gardees of the world, has Inede tbe
tiesid growing* industry unprofitable to
Canadine farmers or Geed epecialists,
Otae eupply of foreign grown seeds i
is bought, and imported principally by
our larger. seed firms, They way I
make their purchases either by pay.;
mg a commensurate price to redable i
EttrOpean heed "•STOrverS, men who
grow beL,4 from selected pedigreed
stock, or, they may buy seed at a
much lowee price- sed that is growls
by men n hose chief in has hem) to
produee a large quautity, independent,
• of the quality a the crop it will pro-
duce, In the former dase, the seed is
grown from selected plants -- from
roots which have alt ideal Siee aim
form and are known lo be trilt tt•
name. For instance,•an ideal turnip
is one having a small neck, and top
growth, Such a root when planted
Awill produce a comparetively smal
growth or stalks, and consequently a
small amount of seed, but the seed
- !trete such a root is apt to produce a.
Smeg crop like the soother root which was
s 1840 Planted. On the other bend a small
Light fats...-. , .... ........ . , 699 ' turuip having several root prongs,and
. .
Heavy fats ... ..... „ , ..... . , ... 27 , ata excessive growth of top corning
Sows , , , , , , , , „ „ „ ... . .... ,,, , .. . 40 from two or tbree sepers.te neck
Stags ..... , ........ . - ... ...,„.„ 0 , growths, will transmit its like through
Oripples....... ,... ... : : ., 21, the seeti to the next, crop. Seed can
Stores . - . ... . 123 ; be grown from such roots much more
_ • cheaply than from selected roots.
A total of, „ . , , .. . ..L115+1beetiuses in the first place the mother
hOgs, of which only 1898 or aisout 030/4 , roots are culls, and are net as valu-
were suitable for the manufacture of i able for feeding, and secondly, they
first class export bacon, • If the trade I will produce a much larger quan-
in Canadian Bacon is to be increased tity of seed.
or even maintained at its present During the last ten or fifteen years
volume, it is absolutely necessary! the sted trade has, to a great extent,
that only hogs of proper weight and been piissimr‘from the bands of seeds
quality be sent to the packing houses. men -who devote all tlieir time to a
Live Stock Connnissioner,
Milburn' Sterling DeadachePorcliirs contain
-neither morphine nor opium. They ProlePtlY
cure Sick Headache Neuralgia Pleednolie.
Indica, and eletatic e from tiny •ea tole whatever real valets. The competition has been,
Price Ine tied Sa.; , , and is too laegely confined to prices
(t)ifInostiii.....:0;-7:3.1ainr:gpi et
been a .rowing strife among whole -
alone. Farmers continue to patronize
PRICE IS YEAR AND LAST. • the local dealer who is able to quote a.
low price for!' his goods. The local
The tstble' furnisbe8 al' 'fls dealerdemands a low priced seed of the
iteres g i i ison of prices to.dnY ,wholesale firms, and In WIZ there lute
(land i ate last year :
... $8.50e $7.75 goods, with- which to supply local
study of seeds and the seed trade, into
tbe.bands of local dealers. • Unfortu-
nately, fair 'competition in the seed
trade is practically impossible, since
the appearance of most commercial
seeds is but a slight indication of their
Heaclache of G rive. Headaehe dela:ale
Hoes; (dressed), cwt
Beet (carcass) ewt
Hogs (live), cwt
Eggs, dos
Butter, creamery, lb
1901 1002 sale see firms in the buying of cheap
6.00 6.50 dealers. •It is well to mention, how -
6,27 5 75 ever, 1 hat throtigh the progressive
20 23 spirit of some reliable seed houses a
25 24 limited trade of the best stocks of
Potatoes, bag, ..... , 8o 85 root erop seeds has been fostered, and
Apples, bag.. .... .... 1.00 1.65 there is little 'difficulty experienced
Hay, ton . 8.50 9.00 among intelligent farmers, in t etting
the best quality of seeds provided that
CORN SOWING. they go the right way about it, and
_ are -willing to pay a commensurate
• IS -a process excited by vanity, hack- price. .But Much of the root crop
ed up hy good tight boots -son may seeds gold in Canada are retailed to
the tarrner at a price quite as low as
lack the vanity but you have the good
tight boots -you may wear any size our Canadian seed houses have to pay
boots you please up to tin ee sizes to reputed Europeanseed growers for
small if you use Putnam's Painless the beat seed from selected pedigreed
Corn and Vv art Extractor. Druggists stack.• '
Appeals have been made, both by
seedsinen and farmers, to place such
restrictions on the seed trade, as will
seeve to 'withdraw the responsibility
connected therewith, from the hands
of incompetent lecal dealers. With
rpot crop seeds, this- aim -may be
reached by allowing only -reliable seed
houses or seed importers the right to
place -such goods ma, the market. By
allowing them to place goods In seal -
sell it.
The following article cs; from the pen
of Mr. G. H. Clark, B.S.A., chief of
the • Seed Divisioo, Department of
If the farmers of Canada were ac- ed packages, each package to be pro-
quainted with the sources of supply of perly labelled, and to hear the name
their root crop seeds, and the avenues and consemiezatly the repotatiou of
through which they pass before reach-. the seed house : in the bands of lacal
ing there, they would be more parti- dealeis to be sold on conmliasion only.
eular when making their puichases. Official interference in tbe seed trade
may have ohjectional features. Per-
haps the most striking example of
where legislation has been applied to
improve the conditions .uocier which
commercial seeds are sold, is in the
State of Maine, where all seeds sold
must be accompanied with a state-
ment, showing the percentage of pure
and vita! seeds. • They have extended
to their Seed trade • a modification ot
Iv tleletwplCh ird 'il Canada t:vegtehegta4ocoereii
fertilizers, and the results have clear-
ly demonstrated that, whatever evils
. • may accompany an enforced guaran-
tee system in connectien with the t is a sad thing to see fine '
• seed trade, it is ati effectiye way to
improve the quality of comniercia!
fruit ttees spoiled by the blight
... .
Practically alt the seed for our root
crops is grown in foreign • countries.
However important it may be that the
seed for studi (Tops he grown in the
seeds, especially of clover and grasses
Yod can always tell them frorn
the rest. They never do well
of which a great deal is sold in some
districts in Canada, that contains
large quantities of noxious weed
seeds, and is a decided Insury, not
afterwards but stay small and only to the.farmer who buys it, but to
the locality where it is grown.
F. W. liOnsthar,
. Live Stock Com missioner.
It is worse to see a blight
s• trike children-. Good health Liver Pillsregulate of wiiriou regular acti the bowels. Lase -
is the natural right of children. naweis, pro emetic
nd all , 1 2,11- liegTon.
se cents ail clruggitits.
,But some of them don't 0-
their rights. 'While the rest
grow big and strong one stays
small and weals.
Scott's Emulsion can stop
that blight. There is no
reason why such a child should I
stay small. Scott's Emulsion
IS a medicine with lots of
Strength rn it—the kind of ,
strength that makes things ,
asaatasetaisaess=assa.......a. r...a,
Zgerize:VIrIt'; ts';'ja,-"b"
A earn; beautiful colored Oates latest
fashions; dresstanking e4011011i0A ; fancy
work 1 housubold hints ; fiction, etc. Sub.
02111)0 (0-113.5', or, send 55. 0, 113131.3 copy.
Lady akents wanted. Sond for terius.
Stsaish,,,Itel table, Sint ple, taato-
dato, Economical aim Absolutely
Pcrfecalatting Paper Patterus.
Da 4 $
• To Work at Their Homes
Under the Direction of A Pair in 30 minutes
To Fill Lar r.9 :'..!entracte-tood Wages
Easily Earned.
W e want et few more workers in Ws
locality, at once, and In order to senlire
your co-operation without the delay of
correspondencei we herewith explain
our full plan in this advertisement
The work is simple, and the Machine
is easily operated5 and with the Guide,
requires no teacher. If you wish to
join our staff of Workers /et us hear from 110t4
promptly with the Contract, order form, and re -
Machine weig ns 17 pineal, It Is more won- mittance, as a guarantee" and we will send
and higher spine. machine and outfit to begin work at once.
derarnittihraanbi: sewing machine, Just
we wish to secur e the SerVICES Of famines to do knitting
for us in their homes. Our method is the same ES adonted
in England. We are the in trotlacers of this plan and the
largest knitting concern in Canada.
After long experience, we have been able to produce an
tAinTughtoeinisagn:, donebyby winch
anyone of ordinarY intelligence to quickly learn to do the
you use the machine according to directions. The Machine
being made expressly for this purpose, and the operation
so simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work.
Work from the loss treed= Guide, All we require is that
by our Family Machine, thereby enabling
all _kinds of seamless knit -
at demand now is for Bicycle Stockings, Wood-
men'a Socks, and Motormen's Mittens, and. as we are tin
able to supaly the demand, have taken this method of ad-
vertising for more help.
The large export trade to the North-west Territories.
Pritish Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un-
limited rierannd for our goods, and, with. the combined co-
operatien of Ib: many families we are employing, together
'with the 1er' amount of knitting we are able to turn out,
by whieh we F ave rents, instzramee, interest on capital, ete,,
epa.bles its to iindersell any manufacturers of this ela.ss Of
gciods, and we have sale fur all the knitting we mut nave
turned cut.
The price we PaY for finished. bicycle stockings is $10.00
per hundred, or at the rate of 10c per pair; *woodmen's
seeks, i -e, and moto rmenis mittens, 12a a pair. All other
work in proportion to size,
The machine can be opera ted by any one of a fanillY,
and at our prioes anY energetic family should be able to
sestain themselves somfortably, and in time be a source of
irelopenO en t conifer la
Our plan is to send nut each machine to beginners with
n Rook or stocking partially knitted, and remaining in 'the
mai-aline ready to be continued, and also enough yarn to
knit ore pair of sample aocks or stockings and a simple
and compl^ Tilsit' "talon Guide. showing how the worx a
to be Son( c Waen samples have been finished and
returnea ti, s e.•itetery, we send a quantity of yarn,
wbieb Ynn antt and return likewise when finished. We
prepay chatyes on all vvork one way, and our workers pay
return eharges. The work, as we have stated, is eimple and
ranidav clone, the machine having a cap:tete q' *a thou -
send stitches a minute. We have many perscine naw in our
ernrany ran kni t from twenty-five to thirty pairs of
reolre re• steckinee a clay, and where the time of a family
Is devoted V* the work, you can readily see that $15.00 or
$"ri.an nor week can be easily earned.
We fremlea our workees all the materiale, yarn, etc.,
a -r"9 mrpry1-131nrr that is necessary for the work. We
aro furraehing tbo machines only for the exclusive use of
three,. desiring te take employment with us, who must, in
pea., to ao-rone a mernher. sena' us this Contract Order
Poeta, eannerly Risme(' %Iv them, and at least one good refer-
ence. and remittanee eceordarly, to give us the necessary
P eeeranee the+ +he trianti ties of valuable yarn we may send
fasse tirrie tn time -sant not be wasted or misappropriated.
Tr0,--nevn are -mettle, aril this+ confiaenr2.e must be es-
tsaliobeil if we are to eitceeel WA ;guarantee fair dealing
pea aserre+ n-yment for waric, so do not ask us to deviate
faro, ate. ieeme, Pa we cannot make a distinction with one
"'wt. -,n^L'hey. bo aides. we are doing an extensive busi-
ao-o, pea ',seer ae governed by business principles.
Tao nrice of the machine is $15, and posi-
Vern- wet soar, ao onld 1-0 any others than these who will
1,•-•••••. fn t-natime for 11S.
Tf :lifter coniraence, and have done an
• ro.,It Ten.* nnval to the purchase price, and wish to
cliorontinno a". will tains 'rack machine and refund the
P 7,1^"rt aei I for seine, after deducting cost of our ex-
po" oa arav.
srapes jg p 1-„are:f. Delr And by the Trade for this class
of oterk. Ciee workers ran depend upon it year after year,
a na if ymi 'TR.'. with Ps (whole or spare time) we will
keen von stain:lea with work as long as you do it satisfac-
torily for es aria return it promptly. We entrust our work-
ers with laree orantities of valuable yarn, and as we give
references ae to our honesty and integrity, v,•o must aslt
you to do the same, in order that we mak know with Whom
we are dealing.
We have, in as brief a manner as possible, endeavored
to show :eau what our work is, and we simply say as to the
machin.e, it is Just what we represent it to be, and will post-
wEcialeith. trahameohuingeb,lyseteeurs
tively do everything we claim for It, or refute' the money.
Leed14: paanEcifeda Isseotchx an mane is SQL Up for
or stocking partially
knitted before boxing and. shipping. Shoula you deeide to
engage with us, it 'will be necessary to send us Cash Pon -
tract Order Form, properly signed by you, ana at least one
geed reference, together with the rem:teem,' a sou
upon receipt of which we will forward rnaehlne and a
ready to corameece. Rcispectfully yours.
GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO., al mentaa Street, Terogc.o
Our References -Express Companies, Ranks, or Termite lima'
ness Rousts.
It you wish to examine the machine and eim the ma-
terial before undertaking the work, you can ao so, by
sending $3.00 as a guaraatee of good faith, and to ilafray
expense of shipping, and we will send everythiug to your
nearest express company, leaving a. balanco of twelve
dollars to pay the agent and 15 cents for the return charges
on the money to us.
We aro so frequently and unnecessarily askea if one tan
learn to knit without a teacher. 'We say, Yes; it requires
no teacher; any person of ordinary intelligenee can
read the Instruction Guide .ean learn to kait at once.
oRnmn T,orzavx
$15.00 Cash Contract Order Forni•
To the Glasgow Woolen Co., 37 IVIelinda St., Toreato. 'co
Gentlernera-I dies ire to do the work as deserika d
,elvertiserrient, and enclose $15 to pay for one Autern ;tic
it ratting Machine, together with material, instructio us.
and everything necessary for the work, the same to be sent
to me by Express, CHA.RGES PREPAID.
It is understood and agreed that any tinee after 'I have
done an aniount of work equal to the purchase price, $11,
and wish to discontinue, that the Glasgow Woolen Cf.). will
take back the machine and outfit, and after deduether rhea*
expense, refund me the amount paid for earns.,
Sender or head of tarnily (it possible) must sign Imre:
Full na.rae
P. 0. • . .. •
County . . . . . , Pray.- ..... . . . .. . . ,
Nearest Express Office is at •
...... 4
For reference name the following person:
. • ... "• "'' ""' . ...... • "`
. .
Be sure to use this form when spending year remit-
ta.nce for the Machine and outfit., which you • meat an
In and have signed by at least one good reference in 'the
proper place. Tear off and return to us, and also -state
here how much time you can devote to the work; also '
'v»�1i wish to be paid, weekly, xnonthly, or as you send
in the work. •
• • . ..... • • .. . • •
Send your remittance by Express, Money Order, Regis-
tered Letter, or Post -Office Money Onlor, • and eta will
promptly forward machine, outfit. and simple guide for
doing the work. This is the best offer ever made for the
benefit of Canadians who want to work and make Tenney at
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowest
rates of interest.
• Exeter.
I have a large ELLIIOUnt of private funds to
loan C1,10313 ex d ilia mint- at un
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
5 Pack g cy....„_f Cards Free,
One Pack, "May T. C. U. Home." 000 Pak,
"Escort" One I-atek, "Flirtation" One Paola
"Held -to light.' One Pack "Our Sofa Jot
Holds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, wit
book full cf notions. Send 50 er for postage%
Yarmouth, s N.
. end lot M.' Street,Exeter,t,'
.... - -- story brick cottage, frame stae and about
. half an acre of land. ociremodious dwelling,
to take centrally located. Bath and furnace, good out.
FAfitERNS SONS WANTED a s h (yr t . houses good well and cistern A. splendid
property ate reasonable price. For full par
practical Course on Veterinary Work at Home* ticulars a* ply 1 0 J, G. '..l'AlsEilR-A? 1,arrihter
Three Alonth's,,study during spare time vvill Exeter, or te Has BucEnsonAls, hacheisea.
qua& y to pass' examination. Graduates will
be offered permanent positions at SC00 a year - -
in our various branches ; splendid opportunity FARm ri OR SALE.
for young men to secure a thorough Versate; y
That beautiful farm property tieing compos-
.0Caorutriscoulaanrsa.g ooAddedorseistisontEWADrItoe Fa; Ice teve forT. ,
ERINARY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, LON. ea orlot. 29, C013 1. London road. Township of
Usborne, coutainig 100 arias, . This is a dealt -
_ ..______. _._______ .
, situated midway be sveen Hensel! and Exeter
_ _ ? able property in a high state of cultivation,
OUT THIS OUT I March will be sold with the chattels by pub-
' Xf no -old privately on or before the 1st of
lie auction 011 the premise*, on ath March, 1002.
For terms and particulars apply to the pro -
and send it to its with 5 dents in silver and you
will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF auctioneer.
mietor. Thes. Hawkins, ti' to Taos Cameron.
GOODS that will bring you in Mom: Molars's'
in one month than anythipg else in America. ---- ' - --- •
EENY:INJ;i111;111,,N. F (B SA 11 -Ill ICK RI
FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS ., ' telErnXisl,''tilitaltRy-eryetiteligiiti°1er ''raelseiiii7nlitiarlerirp'terbg
AN (13a) AND WILL.2 sum REISIPDY.—MD ' known ns ' Tbe Hooper Bornestead" sitimi ed
Winslow's Soothing ?Jima has bean need for on Lot Ne• 1..6, south t.c Huron Street, Exei er.
over fifty years bymiinoris of mothers for their There ls.ereeted alma tbe land, a cm:dor:able
I children while teething, afith Perfenteuecessel and commodious brit k cwolling, also' the
It soothes the child, softens the guma, auays al , necessary outhouses. The house is in good la -
pain, 'sures wind colic. and Is the hest remedy 1 pair and has 0 rooms 'the lot contains an acre
by druggists in every part of the world. 26 lite or fruit gc wirer There iiii a. plentiful stro-
ller Diorama. It IS pleasant to the taste. Sold of land mei Ishcti.titianalinteinstelay,avd. fa,:tc:larfaocruigara:ci,evon
cents a -bottle. Its wilue is incalculable. Be Ply of lire d anti' -oft ears, The property hole
etre and take NM WillS10Et'S Soothing
tplythtlet0bnisi is si oserasso b .rristers Bawer,
or to A li., U WM? I,' bea P. 0., Penne, LT. ,...
A., proprietor.
grow. •
e C
Scott's Emulsion it -lakes 1d/3Aziak JR,
• children grow, makes them eat, fAlltitif5
makes them sleep, makes them
play. Give the weak child a
chance. Scott' S Emulsion will
make it catch tip
with the rest.
• This picture represents
She Trade Mark of Scott'S
Emulsion and is oh the '
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for free saMple.
troaolkrto CANADA
son and $/, all druggists,
All Stains Allowed and Perforations show
the Bastian and SCWItto AIMS.
oaly u? arid 1! rents each-norre higher.
Ask for them,' 61311 112 nearly every cliy
and toWa, or by 1111111(1'm
113415.111 Weat Ma St., NEW von.
syrup and ask for no other kind.
Fanson's brickblock and In Exeter,
for sale. The brick Meek is well situated, on
Main street, is 70x65 Met, three storeys, " and
contains four stores, naicies and halls, an leased. Full of VI ondertul Trungs
This is the best business stand it3 tovtn. Tkie
Chrs tunas BoxT9 I
dwelling at briek of two storeys ti,nd contains 10
rooms, is admirably adepted for a boarding . 25
'Pratte its 1)' A,a
eire04, PopelerSengs
bToeurmses.eaTshye, appprloypeLlynn,rats.t mendsoisneloorf; Mega* Tviese, a Pim tires. 50 A alma
.1t.-Xperanen s. I.,'.o' L'uSS 0. 2.0 Itemises. loo
Firnny cos e.urns. k of , e, same of
. , „. iii7L,101138.: r,,,(5%:!!.V3,.,,t,.1‘013(3,11.1.:11'gOIA (302.11.1103b110'in 0-3'17'
Iv ANTED, ReSPensible MaJog-'" (incegrl'Y ingberrof. ' I, I' oi 3,1. e okinalteeeipes, 3,e.:
ody viasntmralaitl.a1811.10bo tuou:ady :el" eourt6 sbtauir:din:etbsill:i CI. t let ot etrot: si icttees occtl:Ita.tain'ngeenc;Itli dilf !!,cra3:11.a,) t,,L4T.,,,,::: ,,,,., 1.3.1 3„, v.i 4,0i ,k,111 ,333.11in.,., ,1\r, 1:::;:iilett!lItiti80:1,11,0, S , ,‘Ii.),iitgqii,t. 1 1 ,o.r.,14 ,
Sfi,larY l'abTO, 1,1 1 1 • , 'N., t.„1 ill it, 0110 0111 new I:et 01
t11 by ce.al
Soiecisiol.. , , • ii,..,, . 1 h A i.ums, te Mt'11,
In 0St bave $1500 to $2000.eaa and goad atiltd” R Rs E, for 5e silver it, pay. nest 11 ZQ
esteblished inanuracturiug concern,
;1711 pari,a.inim I h clad eatrit nrigite, Appliettut yoxmouth, 1.4.i".
hag. Address, Sept" P. 0. Box 1101, Fltuadel i A, w, KIN N ei.-..jr, Al. a.
"Ji., yea pal Sizeati take Grip.giantne
rf 3,0(4 tso feel fitie tczko Grip,,Qui.n1Site
Agen for the WEseEEN Assunallos COM^
,ANY, of Toronto; also for the PECENIX FIRE
'ISY-RANOE COMPANY, of - London, England;
JIRvitArigEl.% '8: 2/5 Ki21gUniver-
Office-Crediton, Ont. •
'17t, .B.1-101AttlINII M. D. Al 0„
t . P. 8, Graduate Vieteds ee.reity,
rIO e end reeiden se. Dom iniou La.borao
Exeter. •
Ie trial ers, Solicitors, Nofaries. Conveyancers,
Cemeniceii ners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, Etc.
Mcney to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
. R. CABLING, 33. A. • E. E. DI0E0011-
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
Barrister, Solicitor, liotary
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
T..a" MisIVM.A.N, L. 0.5. AND
• DE. A. R. EINaislAST,
D. S. D. XX S.,.Efonor Graduate
of Toronto Umversity, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
had after ereets. Office in Pan -
son's block, West side efs Main
rPftb,. Exeter.
goner Graduate of the Toronto Ilnivereity
id Royal College of Dental Sammie or
Ontario, with henors Aleo Postigraduate of
bioago School of Prostbetie Dentistry (wlin
honorable mention.
Everything knows* to the Dental Profession
atiein thie oilice. lbadge work, croWnEt, aa
eminum, gold and veleanito plateia all done in
tat neatest Manner possible. A pertectla
harmless ano.esthotic ristal tot painless eatraes
Office mit door Senth of Carling Brea alert*.
vs dal al its$i550 Grip.Oultninik dad Ali It an
deHent Medicine.'
ROGJe)e,e, Entatkiileix, Ota.