Exeter Times, 1902-2-27, Page 4oisons Bank
,,,CLIARTEIthl,0 11Y PAuLl.tauxn, i.
eld up Capital $2,600,00e
esertsFund 2,e5o,00e
Road Ot5ceootrea1,
GosimaL lYtortAauit
Money advaueed to a.* tenors en their
V751ete With one ca. nip o taser at '7 Dor
Per annum.
Open every lawhil day from 10,tt.re. ta a m
SATT.111,DA.YS, 10 aux. to I p. so,
ruret rates et interest allowad. on deposits.
OKIKSOli & 04111,1NO, N. D. BUEDON,
Exeter, Deo. 27th, '91
C4lenclar for riebru'a.ry, 1902
'' AY, 2 9 16 23
8 10 17 24
D.A./4 11 18 25
MINTEs3D.A,,r... 5 12 19 26
gr6381tSDAY.. , . .. 6 13 20 27
Miti,DAT, ... . .. , 7 14 21 28
R..4.T7RDAT S 15 22
lEct4,4, tzte,
The Manitoba Liquor Act is to be
submitted to the• voters in the pro -
Vince• on March 27, Like the Ontario
Government, that of Manitoba seems
to. leave lost its courage when con-
fronted with the duty of fulfilling ite"
piedges. These be not the days for
breeding men in Canada's public life.
a *
According to the report or the in-
spector of lueatic asylums for Ontario -
there was a large increase in the num-
ber of lunatics confined in asylums
Tat year. over 1000. The report shows
that on September 30th last there
'were 4,604 patients in the asylums of
theprovince, as compared with 3,318
in 1860,
44 0 0
That Great 13ritain is a magnani-
Mous foe is shown by the action of
Lord Kitchener in refusing to allow a,
party of natives to pursue and re-
capture live stock stolen from them by
the Boers. The result of allowing the
blacks thus to participate in the war
would probably have beeu the infiie-
tfon of cruel treatment on the Boer
women and children. It was a British
general who ordered the natives to de -
met from the attempt, yet the slander -
g, of the British will go on at the old
• • •
The Registrar -General's report, just
issued, states that the total popula-
• tion of Ontario in 1601 by the census
was 2,114.321 t aud in 1001, 2,182,943,
showing an increase of 68,621. Taking
the figures of the municipal census and
completing them by usieg the census
figures for '$iuskolea, and Perry Sound,
liipissin and Algoma, where the
municipal returns has not yet been
completedet was found that the popu-
lation was in 1891, 1,918,465, and in
201,751, showingea difference of
* a a
The total births recorded. in Ontarro
in 19Q0 were 46,127, as compared with
44,705 in 1899, showing an Increase of
1,422, and giving a rate or 19,8 on the
estimated population of 1900, or of 21,1
on the actual population of the census
of March 31, 1901. This rate, the re-
port states, compares favorably with
that of 1801, when with a poulation
• but 68,621 less, the total births were
44,754, 21,1 per 1,000. It must be re-
membered, however, that the returns
htl000 were more complete than in tbe
previous year.
a • a
West Diu -ham is to have another
election trial, Ou behalf of James.
.McCormick, of Orono, Mr. W. Nes-
bitt, K. 0., Monday morning filed a
petition against the return of Mr.
Itobt. Beith, M. 1?. alleging, in addi-
tion to the neliel eorriipt practices of
bribery, trr nUng and personatipg
and supplying rnilway tickets to vot-
ers, that Mr. Bei eh personally engag-
ed as canvassers and agents person'
who within the last eight years bad
• been guilty of corruption, and had
• been so reported by the election
4. 0 0
Two years ago the Ontario legisla-
-----jure passed an act prohibiting the kit
Mg of cotton -tail rabbits during cer-
tam months of the year. The law
• raised a storm of protest all over the
country as the rabbits multiplied so
fast atid became so hold during the
winter months that, the orchards of
• many farmers were ruined by the
little pests. J. A. Auld, member for
•South Essex, has introduced an act, in
the house to make it legal to destroy
eabbits the year Toned. The hill also
contains a. clause making the open
season for quell from No k ember 15th
to December 15th of each veer.
"I hada terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and it gave me rm.
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Sidell, Ill.
How will your cough
be tonight arse, prob-
ably'. For it's first a cold,
then a cough, then bron-
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend .
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec-
• l'htt4 Sixes: 25c„, +Mouth tor amordlortri
ooid; JuSt rlitht for ronohinO, boo.tte-
posa, hard colds, rite„,; 01, wrest eeonomical
Lor climate &Lies OM o kdot on braid.
• J. p, ATEA Ob., /*well, M.
A correspondent in the London
Tinies say e an impot tont scheme for
the development of emigration to
'Western Canada bee jest been finally
arranged by the deputy minieter of
the interim', who has been in London
some time with that ehject. No fewer
than from 2,500 to 3000 persons will
leave Liverpool or O•lasgow daring
March to settle in Cenadne. while
others are expected to follow In
May and ;lime at the ride of about,
4,000 per month. ,Much, doubt is ex-
pressed as to the numbers of mteed-
ing emigrants to Canada, as given by
the Times correspondent. The figures
in eangration circles .s.re considered
much too high.
0 41 41
The fees earned by all the registry
offices in Ontario during the past
year amounted to •$106,205, according
to the report of the inspector of regis-
try offices, which has jusf been pre-
pared. The amount earned in 1000
was $184,326. and $180i069 the year
previous. The total 2311111ber of instru-
ments registered was 129,193, as
against 119,941 the previous year. Of
this member, 31,487 were for mortgages
which aggregated almost fifty million
dollars.et,Phe fees in East Toronto, for
whieh Air. Peter Ryan is registrar,
reached $8,633e and the mortgages
amounted to $3,332,410. Charles Lind-
say, as registrar for west Toronto,
took in somo in fees, with the mort-
gages amounting to $2,000,180, The
feee in East and West'York were $5,-
216, and in North York $1,800,
a * •
14 is now generally believed in gov-
ernment creeks that • important
ehanges will be made in the Prohibi-
tion Bill on the seemed reading. Pre:.
inter Ross, it is understood,- is holding
over the discussiou of the bill until
after the prohibition conventiop next
week; while the views of the oppon-
ents of referendum clauses will be fully
presented. There are two points re-
garding which the government sup-
porters are restive. The first is the
tinie of taking the vote, the second the
condition as to securing a majority
vote equal in number to half the vote
at the general election. Pressure is
now being put on the government to
change the day of voting to the next
municipal election or the day of the
general .election, and it is believed
that on this point the views of the in-
temperance element will be met. The
question of majority raises a more
serious issue, and in the best informed
circles.bere it is believed that the gov-
ernment will maintain the principle
set down that the vote for prohibition
must be large enough, measured by
sorne recognized standar& to show
that public opinion is behind the
measure. A good deal of quiet ne-
gotiation is in progress on this point.
Ha.ve you failed to get permanent
relief ? Are you almost frantic with
neuralgic pain? If so, why not use Pol-
sores Nerviline lt is the only neural-
gia rat:lederthat has never failed to
cure even :the worst cases and it will
surely cure you. Five times the
strength of other remedies, it penet-
rates the tisanes and drives out, the
pain instantly. Quick relief, sure
cure, large bottle 25 cents.
110110N, MIODIESEX, Mil
1111 tile New of interest to
Times Readers t1aDP6111110
.......1.1r,••••••••••• •
John Sheppard, jr eaderich town-
ship, has bought a farm of 100 acres
near Griswold, Man,
Mr. R. H, Pomeroy met with an ac-
cident hist week by getting a rib bro-
ken on his right side.
Seaforth races will be held on Tues-
day, al edneed ay and Thursday, June
17, 18 and 10.
Miss A.gues Lynch left on Tuesday
for Winuipe,g, where she will spend
some months yisitiug friends.
Geo. McEwen, M. P., has secured
the Seaforth fax mill ane will operate
it during the:coming season,
R, J. McDonald of the firm of Grelg-
& McDonald, of Seaforth, has seld out
his interests to Henry Stewart, who is
an ,,employee.
H. E. Fair, who was lately in charge
of Varna public school, has taken a
position as teacher of the Whitechurch
public school at a good increase of
M. Sheppard, of the Bayfield line,
Goderich lhewnship, was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Kate
Johnson, daughter of Ames Johnson,
of tbesame line,
We understand Mrs. Joseph Taylor,
who lives about one and a half miles
to the north of Blyth, is negotiating
for the sale of her farm to Mr. John
Mills, of! East Wawanosh.
Must not be confounded with com-
mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car-
ter's Little Liver. Pills are entirely Uri.
like them in every respect. One trial
will prove their superiority.
S. Reid purchased the Grey farm
on the Mill road Tuckersmith, on
which he has been living for five years
from the estate. The farm contains
54 acres and he pays $2,760 for it.
There died at the residence of his
son, Herbert, of Holmesville, on Feb.
the 13th. Sohn Elford, at the age of 05.
Born inDorsetshire, England, he came
to this country in the year 1841.
• A painful accident befel Mrs. Alex.
Sproat, jr., of Tuckersmith, a few
days ago. As she was going out, of
the house she slipped on some ice, and
falling, broke her right arm at the
At the opening of the new Metho-
dist church at Wingharn, where Rev.
R. Hobbs is pastor, 86,000 was paid in
cash, and $11,000 sabscribed. The
Ladies' Aid gave two suppers, the pro-
ceeds of which were $400.
Mary Jane James, relict of the late
Charles Brown, whose serious 'illness
has been recorded previous, died on
Tuesday week; aged 32 years. De-
ceased has been a- highly respected
resident of Wihani.
Avery sad death occurred atBrussels
last Saturday, when Maggie Hanna,
wife of WM. G. Mooney, passed away,
leaving a daughter only a week old.
Pneumonia was the cause of death.
Deceased was in her 38tb year.
The Canadian Journal of Oomnaerce
says the referendum is an arrange-
ment for the taking of a vote which
was in existence in the woods of Ger-
many and Britain when our ancestors
were semi -barbarians. The Journal
evidently has no use for the project of
the Ross Government, and handles it
without gloves.
The charge is also made that the
referendum is contrary to the system
of responsible government under
which we live to -day In speaking of
plebiscites and referendums the Jour-
"Both systerat set aside the prin-
ciple of representative government.
A plebiscite is an appealeto the elec-
torate to give a verdict on some getie
eral proposition, such as "Ts it desk -
able to enlarge the franchise ?" or 'Is
it desirable to legislate in favor of pro-
hibiting the manufacture and sale ot
alcoholic liquors ?" A vote of 'Yes' in
a plebiscite does not commit the -voter
to an approval' of any special form .13-f
legislation. • A referendum, on the
other hand, is an appeal to the elec-
torate to pass upon some Act of Par-
liament or a Provincial Legislature,
which awaits the favorable vote of the
people beforeeit comes into force as
• A referendum is an arrangement
for taking a vote such as was in ex-
isteece in the woods of Gernsany and
Britain, when our ancestors were
semi barbarians, before they had be-
come eufficiently civilized to elect
representatives to the legislative as-
sembly, which became necessary when
the population rendered such a dele-
gation of atithorrty necessary. The
referendum then is, practically, a re-
vival of a system which was displaced
when communities' became so orga-
nized as to necessitate a representative
, form of government. A refereedum
is a political relapse, not political aa-
vance, or development.
; "This plan has been adopted by the
Government of Ontario to throw the
entire responsibility of bringing a per).
' hibitory liquor act into force upon a
• certain section of the electorate, upon
• whom the referendum confers the
functions of the Legislative Assembly
of that Province. It is very doubtful
whether such a proceeding can be
legalized in Canada. No such power
is even named, or indix•ectly implied in
the British North America Act. No
legislative assembly can abdicate its
powers and avoid its responsibilities
according to the eonstitutiot of Can-
ada. 11! the referendum Vote is taken
on a, certain Act to he subirnitted to
the electorate there is certain to be an
eopeal to the Supreme Court of the
got pire, unless the Act be disallowed,
n. it is likely to be "
Vor Infants and Children,
010 tarm
^ 1 02110
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the residence of Mr. Peter Daley,
Seaforth, on Thursday afternoon,
when his second daughter, Bertha,
became the wife of Mr. Norman Mil,
of Marysville, 'British Columbia, and
formerly of Seaforth.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Ferguson itt Auburn, on Wednesday
week a happy event took place. It
was the marriage of .their daughter,
Annie M., to HenrySnyder, a progres-
sive young farmer of Colborne. Over
50 guests were present. •'
Miss Annie Straughan, who has been
assistant postmistress In Blyth, for a
,number of years, was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony, Tuesday
afternoon. to Mr. Aaron Bennett, a
prosperous yriung business nun of
Lucknow. :
The • "-home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Porteous; Fullerton, was. the scene of
a very happy event on -Wednesday-of
lest week, when their 'daughter, Miss
Maud, was united in wedlock to
Thomas Marshall, o of Kirkton's
most affable young men.
• Oee of those happy events occasion-
ed a ripple of excitement in Londes-
boro' on Wednesday lgst at 11 a, me
when Miss Blanche, daughter of Mr.
Marshall Braithwaite, was given as a
life partner to Mr. Alfred Quinney,
prosperous farmer near London, at the
residence of the bride's father.
The three Sunday School pupils of
Brucefield Presbyterian eharch, who
correctly recited 200 Bible verses in
January are Geo. W. Pearson, Tena
Ross and Bessie McEwen ; they will
receive the General Assembly's diplo-
ma which is given to those who com-
mit to memory the 200 prescribed
Lieut. Colonel J. A. S. Varcoe, com-
manding the 33rd Regiment, has been
recommended "to have conferred up-
on hirn the colonial auxiliary forces'
officers' decoration"; all Huron it Will
be pleased to see the gallant colonel,
who has done so ranch for the volun-
teers in Huron, decorated for his ser-
Ou Monday,john Mont -rill, formerly
of Brussels, passed away at the resi-
dence of his son-inela.w, Andrew Laid-
law, Elm& township, after an illness
of abont six weeks. Deceased had
been a resident of Brussels foe'15 years
and a little over a year ago, together
with Mrs Barnhill, went to Elmo, to
reside. Ile had attained the ripe old
age of 81 years and niontha.
Mr, Duncan McGregor, of Seaforth,
has departed this ,life, Very few
wave aware of his illness, and few had
missed his 'fae,eiliar form from the'
stroets. Mr. McGregor had only been
sick about it week, pneumonia being
the reuse of death. 1 -le was 61 yeers
of ago. Ile hod not heenitt i•ohust,
health for some y oars, and for this
reason lio retirod from 1ii fain in Me
lop abrtn 1 two years ago, and went
to reeide in Seaforth.
Tette Laxative Rromo Quintet: Tableta,
riritzrzigts refund t he money if it Gala to Om
W. 0 Polrea signature is on eaelx. bow., 256.
IFF You Could Lookl
mi„, tut° tbe future andsee the condition
•' to whteh your cough, if treerecreei
will 'ether you, you wetter, seek. relief at
9Uce—ancl tat aaturatly would be tbroligh
CureGuaranteed to care fe0/4.-
A st b , arid all I.,ung
sUiriptiou, r on c bitiS,
irrouliies, Cures Coughs and colds Ina day.
,9.5 cents. Write to 9. C. witx.ts & co.,
Torouto, ese., for free trial bottle,
laves Clover Root Tea, Purities the WOO& /
His 'Lordship, the Bishop of Huron
has arranged to visit the Deanery
of Huron in May for confirmation ser-
vices as follows: Seatorth, Sunday,
May, 4th ; Clinton. Mond ey, 5th ;
Wingbare, Tuesday, (ith, and Exeter,
Wedneslase 7tli, at such hours as
may be decided by the several rectors.
Mrs, Adam Ballantyne, an old resi-
dent of Iliaron township died Friday
morning at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Samuel Henry, in her
92nd year. ,Mrs. Ballantyne's death
was the result of an accident which
happened some three or four months
ago, In which she unfortunately had a
limb broken.
W. G. Plewes, of the West End,
Tuckeesmith, who some time ago eold
25 acres to Mr. Idclo ()rich, for $1,200
has now sold the balance of his farm
50 acres, to his brother-in-law, Mr.
LeviStrong, of Sarnia, the purchase
price being $3,000, Mr. Plewes' family
Will leave in a few weeks for Sault Ste
Marie, where, iu company with his
brother -in law, Mr. John Elliott, of
Wingham, he proposes engaging in
the manufacture of brick.
It was on Sunday, the 10th inst.,
when the spirit of George Oriole, of
Clinton, winged its flight to the great
beyond. The cause of his demise was
inflammation of the lungs and was
only sick a, week so this sudden tak-
ing away has caused his wife and
relatives to feel tbe affliction keenly.
His parents were of English decent,
but he was a Canadian, having been
born in Tuckersmith in 1747 ; he was
of the age of 54, years, 6 months and 10
days at his death.
A very pretty wedding was that of
Miss Blanche Edith • Braithwaite, of
Londesbaro, to Alfred Quinney, of
London. The bride was supported by
her sister, Miss Annie, and the groom
by -his brother. The ceremony was
performed, in the presence of a large
company of invited guests by Rev. T.
B. Coupland. After the ceremony the
guests .retired into the dining room,
where ai sumptuous dinner was pro-
vided. Thebride was the recipient of
many very handsome presents, among
these,$100 in gold from her father.
It, goes to every affected part- and
kills the germs that keep up the dis-
eased 'Condition. Catarrhozone -never
irritates, brit stimulates. the mucous
lining of the nose. thi oat and lungs to
normal action, and keeps the nasal
passages free from offensive dis-
charges. Catarehozone contains no
dangerous drugs and opiates, and is
delightfully pleasant and simple to
use. Catarrhozone is absolutely cer-
tain cure for any form of Catarrh, and
sells for dollar at druggists, small
size 25c. By mail from Poison ds Co.,
Kingstop, Ont.
• A morning' electric light service be-
gan in Lucan on Monday last.
• According to the latest census re-
ports Ansa Craig's population is 744,
a gain of 12 during the past ten years.
George Foster, of Parkhill, has been
committed to the county jail, London,
on a charge of insanity.
, The new and powerful engine is now
in itie place in the electric powerhouse,
Lucan. • The engine is capable of de-
veloping one hundred horse power.
Clirence Coursey,)3idd•ulph, bad the
mie:fortune to inflict a large gash op
his fbot while cutting wood at Alfred
Hottins•on Friday last. The wound
wastdressed and is now healing rapid-
There is no one article in the line of
medicines that gives so large a return
for the mouey as a good porbus
strengthening plaster, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back-
ache Plasters.
Mr. Jas. GillisP, earirteeb of Se 'navy's,
bet now of Stratford, is negotiating
for the purchase of an hotel in • Owen
Miss Edith Penhall, forinerh_v of
passed her junior examine
Lion, which was recently held at Tor-
onto Copservatory of Music.
Mee. George Durie has rented her
fares, on the 5th concession of Me-
Zilloe, to Mr. Aobert Beattie, foe a
term of five years, at a rental of $125.
Mrs. King has resigned her position
as organist of the First Presbyterian
church, St. Marys, Miss Clark will
succeed her until the return of Miss
Mr. Geo, Th '
ema of St, Marys bad
the misfortune to heve the toes of one
foot badly crushed while working
about a heavy piece of flagging in the
horse shoe quarries.
Haye no equal as a pronipt and posi-
tive cure for sick headache, bilious-
neae, constipation, pain in the side,
and all liver troubles, Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Try them.
Word was received at Oonstauce re-
cently that John Clarke, of Killarney,
had died quite suddenly of pneumonia.
He was the eldest son of Mr. George
Clarke, and son-in-latv of Mr,'Renn, of
near here.
This week O. Zilliax, of the Clentral
hotel, Brussels, disposed of the hotel
property, together with the store oc-
cupied by J,T. Ross, to George Beown,
of Gorrie, the price being $0,100. 1/4 The
new proprietor will take possession on
the lst of May.
News was been received or the
death of Mr. James Murdock, of Nee-
pawa, Manitoba, on Saturday, Feb,
8th. About twelve yeters ago he left
for Mauitoba. He came to St. Marys
from Kiugstou, and learnt the cooper-
age business with old Mr. Barrow,
Devid Lowe, of Hamilton, eldest
son of David Love, St. Marys, died a
few days ago, aged 54 years. Many
old friends in Nissouri will regret to
hear of his decease. He was a veteran
of the American Civil War and for
twenty years had received a pension.
The election held in Mitchell,Friday,
to fill the places in the Town Council
left vacant by the unseating of Mayor
Hugh Oampbell and Conncillors Stuart
and Blowes for their connection with
a suit against the town resulted in the
re-election of the above named men.
A wedding took place at the home
of Mrs. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. H. L,
Rice, St. Marys, on Tuesday, Feb. 18,
at 1.80 p, m. The contracting parties
were Miss Lillie Mabel Jamieson and
Joseph Box Billings' two well known
and highly esteemedyoung people of•
that town. It was a very quiet wed-
The Whyte Pork Packing Co. Ltd.,
of Stratford, last week issued cheques
for its second annual dividend at tbe
rate of ten per cent.- This should be
good encouragement for the proposed
company being organized here, and
which we learn is now meeting with
tencouragement in its canvas for
The St. Marys Methodist church had
a narrow escape from destruction by
fire last week. Ex -Mayor Lawrie
happened to go into the church for a
hymn bcole and found that a fire wes
starting in the southeast corner of the
church, caused from one of the fur-
naces. No glamor was turned in, as the
fire was put oet by prompt action of
the - sexton and by-standers. The
datna,ge mcstly from smoke, is esti-
mated by some as high as $7,000.
The Fullerton Board of Health meb
for organization and elected Mr. Rus-
sel chairman. It was decided to, rnak e
50 inspectioti of the schools, cheese
factories, slaughter houses, etc.,
some time during the summer, The
board would recommend that
vaccination become general in order
to check the spread of small pox
should it appeer in the township, for
should an outbreak occur, compul-
sory vaccination would be the result.
• ea -a -ea— .
Mr. Simpson Reenie, ef Toronto, in
speaking of his recent trip through
New Brunswick in connection with
the. Farmers' Institute work of the
Province, says that the meeting's were
generally well attended, and a lively
interest.taken in the discussions, Mr.
Rennie also attended the Nova Scotia
Dairymen's meeting at Amherst, on
the 23rd, 24th and 25th of Tanuary,
and at the meeting of the New Bruns-
wick Farriers and Dairymen's Asso-
ciation at Fredericton, on the 28th,
29th and 30t13, deliyering addresses on
the "Cultivation of Corn, Field Recta
and potatoes" and "The requirements
of the Beef markets." At both these
meetings, the delegates and others
present appeared to take a great in-
terest in the proceedings. ,t"Judging
from whet could see when travelling
Ithrough the country," continued Mr.
1Rennie, "Very much more should he
done in the breeding and feeding of
lAboth cattle and hogs, but before very
Much is dor e, a bettet elites of animals
• should introduced, Sheep raising
; should be more extensively gone into,
especially where the land is dry and
rolling. Dairying is carried oir some-
what extensively And with fair sin -
cess, hut in some localities the isolated
conditions of the patrons is found to
be e great drawback to the industry.
From my observation, thoustiehis of
acres of land are only yielding small
relLINIS inc -want of underdraining, but
when these things are bettee under-
stood, considering the intelligence of
the people, we mag look for great
things inthenearofuture.pso
, • F.
Live Stock Commieeioter.
Mr. Sheardown, cheese. maker, of
Lakeside, nearly lost his factory by
fire the other day. It is supposed the
children had been playing with
naatches in a, bedroom and is was with
difficulty that the fire was put out.
The W. A. M. A. of St. Patrick's,
church of England, had the pleasure of
their last monthly meeting in the
handsome new residence of Mr. and
1VIrs. Francis Davis, Sr. Stable Line,
Bi dd ul ph, and the Assec4ati on [Dade it
the occasion for presenting Mrs. Davis
with an address accompanied by an
elegant easy chair and a chair cush-
ion of pretty design and needle work.
Mr. and Mrs, Davis replied to the ad-
dress and -pre-ients in graceful and
appreciative ternm. The Rev', Wm.
Stout, fohowed in a few remarks re-
ferring to the zeal, interest and kind-
ness which Mrs. Davis, as the senior
mernber-of the Association, has shown
at all, not only in the Vit.-- A, M. A.,
hut also in everything thee concerns
the welfare and progress ef the
Avery pretty 1-um:tea-wedding took
plate on Wedr,esday e.vening, Febru•
ary 10th, at Maple Ridge Farm, the
residence of Thos. Abbott, 131dclulob,
when his eldest daughter, Miss Laura
"M., was worried to W tilt J. Ilocigins,
of Ushorrie. The- cer•etnany was per,'
formed by Rev. F.3, .1. Fair, of tucati,•
in tile presence of immediate relatives
of the eon trorting parties, The 'bride
wire handsomely attired in a cosi tune
of blue, with satin and chiffon trim- ,
mings and bride) veil, anti w5it3 itt'
ed by Miss Lonisa Cavanagh. of 37hed-
ford, 11. W. Hodgins, brother of the
groom, acting tiff groomsman. After*
the mind congrattila lions, a dainty
dinner was served: and several hones'
beitrg spent in plea:mot enjoyment.
Mr, and 'mva. HodgioR )eh fop their
pew home,
iiaa tsreatn
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a had digestion, a
bad liver. Ayr's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con,
stipation biliousness dys,,
pepsia -SICK headache,
28c. Ail druggists.
liVeut your moustache ox board a beautiful
iarown Ot rieb blatk Tboi uso
150 014. 04000001418, poui.i. a, CO. NAOIIII4,
. +Terser eteeeta etteeittae'eae-
Cat ti Nisi is is i
.•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...r........•
010 0 0 011100
11111101tF1iittthtti tIiIt,tttltttt.t IrriiIIIf
AtWege table PreparationforAs-
shnilating ilteroodandRegula-
iing the S lamas and.Boivels of
aessandRest.contains neither
pinunT,Morplaine nor Mineral.
24unpkin Sea-
Ache& Serb -
Adria $ectt
ot car h ona&J'adtp
ficed - .
ffirt120 '91.4
Aperfeet Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stornach,Diarrfloen,
ness and Lo &S OF SLEEP.
• TacSimile'Signature of
Onatoria la pat rip In one-sise bottles only. it-
is not sold in bulk, Dont alloiv anyone to sell
you anything else on the plea or rpromise that it
is "Snot as goal) and "will answer every pa
pose,” 5-V.3e° that you gel; 04 -34 -0 -B -I -A.
The fac-
• ovety
• manor.
il;=i0elieetfileatit ties— tetritaie-ele.
C tt vs!
Do you Want a Mitten
We have the finest stock in town.
All the latest styles, in the newest
Our prices are low as can he found
for first-class material and workman-
ship. • •
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
"The Soinething Jut As Good" Substi-
• tutd- for
raille's Gcleril
Beware of Druggists, who sell
Imitations knowing Them
to be Such.
"The something just As Good"
which is a poor and worthless imita-
tion of life saving Paine's Celery Com-
pound is foisted on many an unsus-
pecting purcliaser by dishonest and
greedy druggists and dealers who
have not the slighest interest .in the
welfare of the sick and afflicted.
Their thoughts are wholly centered
on extra large profits ; it is a matter
of indifference to them whether you
or your friends live or die. • We have
recentlyCOrne into possession of one
of the mitations) referred to ; we
have had it cherniaally analyzed, and
find it unfit for human use.
The large mejority of our druggists
are honest men, and will rtever conde-
scend to snbstitution or deception.
you should however, when any one
suggests the Something Just As
Good" or offers you a, vile imitation
of the Paine s Celery Compound
which alone can meet your case, a t
once resent his impertinence and leav
his store. All honest. and straightfor -
ward druggists gladly recotemen d
Paine's Celery Compound to -their cn s -
towers and speak with pleasure abou t
the wonderful cures it has effected,
Beware of the "Something Just As
Good" and all imitations. See that
the name PINE'S is on wrapper and
• Exeter 1V1Uni0ipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn.
ment at Town Hall, February 21st,
Absent Councillor Wood,
' Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed.
Mir—Davi—That the street COM-
rnissioner be instructed to notify the
manager of the Molson's Bank to
build a ternperartV fence in front of
the Striate property to guard against
Elard ing—M u ir at the following
acconrits be passed and orders drawn
on treasuret Inc stlin(4:—:WIll. Creech,
labor at si.ovv, $6,60 ; 'rhos. Brock,
labor at snow, 8487; George Oucl-
more, snowplotighing, 32,00 ; Thos.
Creech, lalor, $1.75 ; James Ireech,
tise of horse on snon plow, 81 50 ; Jas,
Creech, wood foe Town Hall, 83 00—
• Ca rried,
nittding--naViS— That °multi), ad-
journ th meet Again on Mar. Itle, at
S o'cledle p. thys-Orteried.
• Gro, X, 11xssE0rr, Clerk,
•F"itheriand Ines WHEN:
sApply to
E. ,C. Kesse19.
- •
At est rimy
................••••••••••••• *IWO.
'A good Assortment •
We want to clear these line at once
The Teri 11 or
R4E113170 NI
oiler Mills
We Are giving excellent, Saer
bisfactfon in flour &ince re—
modelling our mill
Dry Soft troid Wanted'.
Oristilla and Glioonlilo
Invention is probably patentable. COMMUilICII.
T R Abe 1:$ i
CoPVGinhive &C.
Anyone sending 5 sketch and description rigor •
Culelcly ascertain 01.1r OPIT11011 free Whether an
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
maim. Oldest agerley for Securing patents.
Patents term thrOugh Munn & Co. resolve, •
speciataotioc, yid -Aleut charge, 10 the
Sdettfifie American.
A handsomely illeatrated Weelcly. Largest Ch.. .
milarttliofarya2eliciOlirrtlaerms.$3yeaIfournontgnsoabrinowsdeai84MUpkpeleroadway, New York
nre o,°i,424 VSt., WadIngtOn. D. 0.
London, Huron and Bilicc.
Cioixo Norerrx—
Louden, depart......
Tioneall • ,,, • • • ..„.
ICippon ,„ , ........
Wingbatu, arrive
eelneheill, depart
Matra •
Primer:old ....
Itippon , .„ „.
Exeter . •
London, aurivo
8.16 A, M. 4.40 is,5,1 560
. . 0.14. 6.15
9.50 6.25
9.68 6.33
10.15 0,65
11.10 • 8.00
, 6,53 A. At. 3.15 P. 1W
7.47 1,25
8.15 VI
, 502
. 8.85 5,10
8.46 5,25
9,31- 8.12