HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-2-20, Page 5°H wishes were horses
heggars would ride."
make goo4 shoes,
Go4 materials .an4
reliablework cost money.
As good" shoes can't
possibly he retailed for
less than the Makers' .
price, stamped orz the
soles of -
"The SIAter Shoe"
SPACKIVIAN. General Agent,
: vo--rimE,sw 0
. .
• Clubbiug i
3 We have completed clubbing 0
O arrangements for 1901 with sev-
et eeal of the leacline„, newspapers. 40
* Owing to the high prices of 0
O paper and payment of postage 0
00 _by newspapers the rates in some 6
O caees slightly in advance (if pre- 0
O vious years. All of the follow- p0
1 with the exception of the dailies, g
: wnoivci buensteiluitaTuaullryy lasdtaelie9sUs3f,'r foonr1 :
eletee le amount named. ...The rates will 3
'a be as follows: 0
3 The Times and Daily Globe,$4,25 w 0
O The Tittles and Weekly Globe 0
O ' for. ........ ... $1.00 3
3 The above includes two harid- 0
O some pictures -one an excellent 0
2 picture of the Duke and Duchess 3
5 of Cornwell in medallion settings 0
0 with the Royal Standard as a 0
2 background, the other a fine pic- 3
I ture of two. farro horses, called 0
O "The Fenn Pets.” 0
O The Times and Weekly Mail fee!' 3
43 and Empire, . .... $1. to gi•
• The above includes two band- 0
O some pictures by John limes, in 1
2 colors. size 14 x 25 inches, entit- e..
a ed "On the edge of the herd,"
O and "The Miner's Farewell." ei
0 The Titues and. Daily Mail 0
O and Empire (evening edi- 2
. 410 tion). .... ....... .. $3.25 5
: The Tunes and Daily Mail 0
O ar.d Empiee (morning 6,
9 edition) ... , . .. . $4.25 3
: II A, T nir sand W ee key Sun $1.75 0
O The Times and Family Her-• 0
9 ald and Weekly Star.. .$1.75 2
'w The above includes handsome g
• pictures of the Ring and Queen re)
-0 and a copy of Gainsborough's fa- 2
: mons pictute "The Duchess of g
O Devonshire." tri
8 gbe Times and Montreal . .., as
O 'Herald (daily) 31.75 ee
' 11 Th T' 'Daily (2'
. e tines andLondon 0
O Advertiser $2 50 se
• 2 The Times and London to
a • Weekly Advertiser....$1.50 0
The Titnes and 'Toronto 1 „„0
Daily Star.. ' . .$2.50 a
The above includes a picture 0
O of Ring Edward. / 0
2 The Tinxes and Tomtit° 0
5 Doiy,News . $250 0
O The Tithes and Farmiug 0
2 World. .$1.80 3
a Thl Tine s and Monteeal 0
9 . Weekly .Witnees 31 05 2
,...t The Titiies and- a.out real ;
a Daily Witriteis $3 25 0
O The Times and Parini tec$1.75 0
aThe Times tied Chrietian 2
0 Guardian... ..... ...,$2.00 ts
6- 'Atte' .other paper des -hied ran• :
✓ liabed at eubbling »rates. a
3 The Times and Fre e Press
0 morning editioti ' $3.25 g
, 0 The Times and noon or even- .
O mg edit:idle, .... . . . . e$2 75
3 The Titneeand weekly! edi• 14
i aeon ... . re....,. .. . .. ... ,$1.75 ;
TIMES 011%610E. 0
00• 0 00400000000 seoestioope
King Swill outwear
'live pairs of,
conimon» rubbers. „ gor :three,
years we hive proved that with
yon can stub
Jiing Mt"' jrufJ, your foot,
hut etpu cannot sttib the tubber's.
gentii,pe otio...,A9
are etarnpo'clt ialeuw
Upon the sole of each ribber
'wirh tie copy- 0,1111r/!•.•
righted nanie .311.11) ITO
do not allow yourself to be de-
ceived by imitations.
NJ,,yiii.EATER TOP StilD
the best on the market», 64nch,
9 -inch end 12 -inch tops, with
Rolled 'edge and Heele. They
are carried ITI SlIOCIt, and your
dealer 'can order them for you.
.Gentara,1 News.
At A Meeting Of the quarterly Board
held in the Shedden Methodist churel
Revs, Netbeicott end Philip were in
vited to return.to bbeclden fo
another year, Mr. Nethereett eipect
to return, but Me, Philp talks of gout
to College.
WitiniPeg Free' 'Pressne.-- A quiet
ev Klee g was celebrated or Thutway
'evening at the All People's Missio
Parsonage hy Rev. R. L. Morrison, M
The.contracting parties were Mr
Dune, of Cement), .man„ and Mis
Mary Johnson,.of Alien Craig, Ont, •
Rev, James Livingatone, pastor o
the Windsor Avenue Methodist churel
has decided to decline the offer of tin
Pastorate of the Methodist church in
Dawson. City, together w;itlx the 33 00
per annrun and free transportation at
Niched. He will go to Petrolia after
July lst.
Bering. the past year, • settler
have beerx entering the Canadiar
West in arch -numbers that they are
crowding on to the unsurveyed lands
The problem now is for the Goy,ern
meut to and. sueficient Dominion land
sor veyors, .S0 that the unsurveyed
lands may be properly laid out.
• The laxpor tent announcement is
made seini-officially that the. North
ern Navigation•Oompany, of Coiling -
wood, has acquired all the stock of
the North Western • Transportation
Compane,, more properly known as
the Sarnia Or Beatty line of steamers,
which are run from Sarnia to Saiilt
, Ste Marie and Lake Superior ports. .
Fire broke out in the Altno.• College
St. Th,onnui, abont two • o'clock on Sat-
orday, the, buildingat, one time being
threatened With. total destruction. Tim
fire started. up -stairs in the east wing
of the buildad
ipg and before the brige
could get the flames under control. five
or six rooms were .gatted. Several or
the student lost their enti-e wardrobe
.The loss will he about $1000. Origin
of the fire unknown.
The quarautiee on the border is
stricter 'than ever. No person is allow-
ed to go across from Sarnia through
the tunnel unless he has a certificate
from the health officer of Sarnia. At
the ferry crossing every passenger is
warned before he boards the boat that
he unist he vaccinated if he has not
been already, and at Point Edward
only the 'workingmen a horn the
of6.cials know are allowed to cross to
Pont Huron. Several more suspicious
eases of smallpox have developed.
Settlement in Ontario is proceediug
very rapidly. According to a return
issued to -day by the Crown Lands De-
partment, 1,867 families were located
on 148,318 acres _of free grant land laet
year, and 43,617 acres of land were
leased for agricultural purposes. The
mineral production was increased to a
very remarkable extent. The pig
-iron yield alone Was 118,370 tons. as
compared with 53,984 in 1000. gteel
to the amount of 14,471 tons was pro-
d aced, mid 444 tons of Lickel and 4,197
of copper.
• A number of the meineers of the
Canadian Press Association the. ma-
jority of them members of the Legis-
latux.e, met last week at the Parlia-
ment Buildings to consider *the 'Do-
minion G overnmen tee paper legislia
Um. • The feeling was that the ..Gov-
ernment's concessions were 'entirely
inadequate and unsatisfactory. They
professed special diesatisfaction with
the ruling which allowed a leducteori
of the duty only on paper invoiced at
2 I-4 cents or lower. They clahned
that the tariff ehoald be reduced on
all news print regardless of cost, more
partieulary on No. 3: A deputation
will lay this view before, the Govern-
ment.. •
Mr. Nathan Smith, of EzZFVX Out,
father of Mrs. Rev, Hussar, .fortixerle
of Orediton, passed away let -t" tret•'14 at.
the age of 82 years and fie • months
It was only a montli ego that he with
his life partner celebrated: their golden
wedding, Though eummoned home
by telegram Mr, Hussar was unable
Le go 'owing to the ilinees of her •owe
child, which wentre glad to report le
how convaleeceut. Mr. Smith was ?I
a member of the Methodist church for
over sixty years, and a class leader for
over fifty years. Besides wife he
leaves two daughters and e (hivso s
The fourth conventien • of London
Con lerenee Eriwortb Lengue will be
held in. Wellington street leiethotlist
church, London, on. March II and 12.
Three sessions will be . held on each
day, " and papers will 'be given by
prominent workers among whom are
'a number from Huron county, Mrs.
. J.. 13. Wallwin, Seaforth, speaks on
"Loyalty to the Church" -its work ;
W. II. Kerr, Brussels, on "Loyalty to
duty -to my neighbors ;" Miss A.
Metch, Gorrie, on "Social to save....
A. T. Cooper, Clinton, will report on
• Conference Leagues; Rev. C. Vi.
Brew.n, of. Exeter, will conduct a
promise meeting: Miss M. Washing-
ton. of Clinton, will give an eddrees
on "Importance of active menebers of
the Junior League becoming ehurch
Several prominent men waited oti
'the Premier on Thursday last, with
the request that the Government in
sem a. provision in all 'charters grant-
ed tu. companies proposing construe
tive eel (iten•ises. imumelling the con-
trectors. to use Pqrtland cement a
Clanadian inanufacthre. Mr. Haney.
the chief speaker. said, as a contrac-
tor, that thetelanadian prod oct was of
standard excellenee, 'bet the industey
needed. encoutagement, since Ameri-
can matinfacturere use °anode as a
sialig, er merit et. el a Rathbun
pointed out that the industry Was a
erornieirig rale ; the Canadian output
would this year retteb .750,000 .bart els.
The pi ender -promised "consideriition,
and e aft) Med e ti e Mita( ion that Cate
lichen cement would be. nsed in tlie
construction of. he , r,ower plant nt
) No ether (nowise metres one feel so old,
• It stiffees the joints, produces. tameness.
✓ and makes every motion painful,
s It le sometimes so mid as wbolle to dela.
g ble, and it should never be negleeted.
McDonald, Treoton, Ont., had it
after a severe attack of tee grip; Me.
Rattle Turner, Bolivar. Mo., lute it so
severety she could not lift anything and
could scarcely get up or down stain.; W.
$ II, Shepard, Sandy Hook, Conn., was laid
UP with it, was cold even In July, and
f Could not dress birriselt.
Aeeording to testimonials voluntarily
A given, these sufferers wet.° permanently
relieved, as others have bean, by
flood's Sans parilla
torrects the acidity of the blood
on whin rheumatism, depends and builds
ut4 in• WitOle system.
s Deep 'It Plus cure constipation. Price 25 cents.
TO BREAR. 1.11? A COLD •
all you require is a glees of hot water,
a,» little sugar, and thirty drops of
Poison's Nerviline. Take it real hot,
and in the. Morning you will wake op
without a cold. When depressed nt
tired, try Nerviline; Jt, will tone you
tn) better than stimulants. Nerviline
wards off all sickness and keep" pco
pie well. Large bottles 25c.
The 3. D. KING CG„ Limited Children Cry for
have exclusive tsgtql
oontool cf
TO ANSEIAT THE Art,niertneee.
109 Itiecters in St. Thomas Voted More
Than once.
St, Thomas, Feb. 18. -Alexander
D. Turner on Saturday eetern.00n
and evening served the aldermen of
the city with an order to appear be-
fore the Master -in -Chambers at Os-
good.° Hail, Toronto, on Wednesday,
Feb. 26, at 5 p.m. John West ',Rob-
erts is the petitioner, and he asks
the aldermen to »show cause why they
should not be unseated and a new
election held. The aldermen will be
present and fight the ease to a en-
Ono hundred and nine electors, it
is alleged, voted more then once in
the municipal elections in Jaauttry
last. Some of them: voted four
Limes. Abany of those on the list,
however, did not by any means vote
for all the aldermen elected.
7 1 .h f lollies Interested.
War hineti n, Feb. 18. -The Senate
in legislatIve session yesterday rati-
fied a treaty between the United
States and Great Britain extending
for 12 months froln July 28, 1901,
the time Within which. British colon-
ies or foreign possessions may give
their adhesion to the convention
signed March 2, 1899, 1 or the tenure
and disposition of real and personal
The 1,2eerion,
Winnipeg; Man., Feb. 1.8. -Clubs
and several other organizations have
arranged for special wires to -night
to report the Lisgar
tion, and it is the sole topic of the
stieeti more so than any bye-eleetion
In the history' of the west.
Pnblic School Boa.rd Minutes.
Minutes of Board meeting held irr
the Town Ball, Monday Feb. 18th,
1902 -absent W. Trevethick.
The following is the order of busi-
ness duly submitted and approved. .
Per chairman rn inuteS Of previous
meeting. -
Per wood committee that aboot 40
cords of wood bed been secured at an
average cost oe. $3.25 per cord.. '-
Per repairs that the pump and defec-
tive black board had beet./ placed in
good at der.
Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe -that
the folic/wive accounts pre -paid be rip
proved . • ardy, wood, $82.88 ; W.
leen:Irate, wood, $33.31 ; J. Ieluttip.
wood, $13 40 ; 3'. Moore, repa:rs TO,
PUMP> 31.00.
I)( r SV. .1 Ca t Hog, djourrin.a I .
.1. GRIGG. Sety
• Monkey.*
.well --all happy—lots
of fun". • • 'That is the regular
-report from the monkey »qage
of Barnum's Circus ever -since
the keepers began dosing the
monkeys with Scott's Emul-
sion. Consumption was carry-
ing off two thirds of them
every year and the tircus had
to buy new ones.
One day a keeper accident-
ally broke a bottle of Scott's
Emulsion near the monkey
cage and the monkeys eagerly
lapped it up from the floor.
This suggested the idea that it
might do thip good. Since
then the monkeys have received
regular doses and the keepers,
report very few deaths from
consumption. Of course it's
cheaper to buy Scott's Emit.
sion than new monkeys—and
that suits the circus men.
Consumption in ,monkeys
and in man is the sarne disease.
If you have' it or are threaten-
ed with it can you
take the 1.111.1e
This picture represents
the Tilde Mark of Scott'e
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of evere bottle,
Send for free sample,
soc and Itir. all druggists,»
.7„ -A -0
MV.I1/4 \kk
,ihm,\\\‘ 1\1401 teettnito use $
lliAlkdOty,M4‘4,41nnertime on
,v,\‘'.• ‘,,
\\\,%\va\\%\,...,. :1'.,ri acnyt.Aelve
111\ I'll ,1:,11:", Vtbattireritelstar :Id I, on:
kiff Atl,A. .10 h a lint
\ r Dro oder,
'4 . svx.sr, ,;.
k. 1 a • rawly styles, sem
r ....01,%...,.., .
...'' .....r.`"?. T. ."'"
0 f 1 • C.MN • 0
ff T 1-4 .1i,
tinron -County Packing, ;And cold .45to.rage Company
1(10111, •
11111111 The I)ifferent Bra, nch-e.s' of 13usinos,, to. be. C.)arried on by the
Huron. Pork Paolnng,And Cold 8torage Co., Limited,
. ,
1181( FOR OH $5310)01000
An increase on Main Estimates
of Last Year of $3,000,000
nut Subsequently Last Year in Millions
i Were Voted in supplementary •Rad.-
mates—A. Zi1Uo and a Half in Or-
cilnary Expenditure an ri5i1WaTEP-453,—,
861,600 Askeit For capital Account
Expend i titre en Railways.
• Ottawa, Feb. 18. -The estimates
for the • fiscal year 1902-3, which
were tabled by Mr. Fielding in the
• Holism last night, total 353,861,638,
This is an increase of about three
Millions on the main estimates for
the current year voted last session,
Iwhich amounted to $50,398,823..
• Subsequently nine millions were vot-
ed in supplementary estimates.
1 The chief increases are:
3862,865 in mail subsidies and
steamship subsidies.
1 A million and a half in ordinary
;expenditure on railways.
1 For capital account expenditure on
railways $3,861,600 is asked,against
8704,000 in last session's main es-
timate, over seven millions being
I taken in the supplementaries.
1 'The sum of $11,320,041 is needed
I to pay interest on the public debt,
an increase of $.120,553 over the
present year.
Other Votes asked for are: Col-
lingwood Harbor 340,000, Depot
Harbor Breakwater. $65,000, Gode-
rich Harbor ,$10,000, Toronto Har-
bor 38,000, Yukon River Improve-
ments $50,000, Ottawa Astronomical
Observatory $15,000, Branch of
Royal Mint 350,000, Annex to Par-
liament Building 315,000. (In ad-
t 335,000 voted 1
sion). Victria, Memorial Museum
,g,000 KiLLED.
Terribie Details of the Earthquake at
Shamaka Now at Hand.
Baku, Transcaucasia, Feb. 18. -De-
tails which are slowly reaching Baku
from: Sharuaka, about 70 miles from
here, show that 2,000 persons, most-
ly women and children; perished as a
result of the earthquake last week.
and about 4,000 houees were de-
stroyed. Thirty-four villages of the
country surrounding Shamaka also
Po add to the terrors of the neigh-
borhood, a volcano near the Village
of Marasy, to the eastward of Sham -
aka, has broken out into active er-
uption. '1 great crevice has appeared,
whence immense flames and streams
of lava are being thrown' out.
Battalions of guards and detach. -
'flouts of sappers, with tents, have
been despatched to Shamaka. to aid
in the work of rescue. The Red
Cross Society is active in alleviating
Au Important lirovnment Will Ho Piseus-,
sed by Premiers. •
Leadon, Feb. 18. -The Mali's Syd-
ney correspondent I under-
stand that at the writing meeting of
premiers in London. on the occasion
of the King's coronation the, question
of- reciprocal trade within the em-
pire is likely to be considered.
An arrangement will be discussed
between Mr. Barton, the Federal Pre-
mier, and the Canadians., whereby
goods from British ships will be ale
lowed a rebate of customs ixi 'each
There is te possibility of the' ex-
tension of the arrangement through-
out the empire. •
It is maintained that such a step
is quite feasible .without the viola-
tion of the most favored nation
On behalf of New Zealand, Mr. R.
de Seddon, the Premier, approves
the idea.
Pred. Perrin, a iirieklarees Assistant,
Not ])eatu at Peterhoro.
Teterboro, Feb. U. -Fred Perrin,
aged 25 years, son of Mr. Samuel
Perrin,' a South Monaghan ToWnShip
farmer, was killed while engaged at
work oa the new buildings of the
American Cereal • Company here, yes-
terday. Perrin Was employed as a
helper to the brick layerson the fifth
stoeey. He was supposed to remove
Om 'wheelbarrow of brick from the
hoist each time, as it arrived, atothe
111th floor. While thus engaged the
hoist descended too quickly and Per-
rin fell to the first floor, about 80
feet below. fie was removed to the
Nicholls' 1 TC3sp , where he died
ebout three hours later,
•4.45. .1.040.......AVOPII•4••••••••*
, At the meeting of the directors held
in Olinton, on Monday, Jan, 20th,Some
1 three PrOpOsitiOne were nitide to t,lie
• direCtorS fro in outside capitaliete, the
one stated below being, the one I ttl.o ti
up. It is confidently believed LIMA,' the
si:oek will be rapidly taken up, and
wOrl‘dn» the plant commenced there at
an etirly slate, . .
As the Douilnlon Government has
subeidized stearnehip lines in order tit
place cold storage plant Oil these ves-
sels and the Provincial Goveriernen G
authorize counties to vole money to
aid in. t he erection of these buildings ;
(the matter is well worthy the careful
cOUS.cieratiou of investors. 'With a
1 promise of 310,000,00 for storage spziee
the vowing season arid even 5 ceuts
per head on each fowl bandied it will
notke for the first year the nice mini of
$00,000.00 as a div id e lid on an invest-
ment of 31500,000.00, It is confidently
belieyed by firelecire s t liel I his is t moil
1 to anything o fie; r ci i i » it vestore mid
i as our goveitaneet Lei I s it tbm e is no
; doubt of its solidit y..
The coropeuy have accepted IV, R.
Belden's pities for the erection of build-
ings fox handling the differeet lines of
farm produce.
This will include a poultry finishing
starion equipped on plans after the
style or i hat in use by a leadieg :Kan-
sas city packing house.., No industry.
connected With the 1-arM is more pro-
fitable than the raisixig of poultry,
i hat is, where farrnere have facile ire
fin finishing them properly. At this
, plant all poultry will be received alive,
i properly killed, dressed and el /tied,
i then shipped to the cities and Great
'i Britain. Besides handling fowl for
i the farmer the building will be equip -
1 ped similar to the above referred to
( Tacking House, vt here, 1.100,000 broil-
ers are grout) and marketed alifillelly
i under a system entirely new to Oe -
1 tario.
.Along with the handling of poultry
11. modern cold storage buildiug, will he
' emicted with a capacity for handling
all the hui ter and apples Huron mina
ty and the tributary townships ean
Farmers have year after year lost so
heavily in applee that many have con-
cluded that it, does not, pay to grow
them. Although alzitost everythitig
has been clone by traneport companies
that can be done, vet they canoot, do
ell, and this part must be done at,
home if we wish to reap the benefits
from a system of shipping the Govern-
ment has done so much to foster. It
has been estimated that in 1900 Huron
county lost in apples alone over $100,-
000 by not having. a cold storage sta-
time This station will send packers
throughout the country to its own
•sbarclioldexe ; they will properly grade
tied pack tbe apples, marking each
italk•ei ,exaCtly aa they call for, When
the apiiletiare delivered at the station
fainters will be paid a set price for
earli "grade, the tipples sent to our
, storage station and as the winter ad -
voices will be shipped herever they
can be soltelo the most advantageous
prices. Fat niers need no arguments
to convince them of the benefits they
will receive by having their applee-
handled in this manner. It is simply
what we have long desired but hither-
to have not been able to reach any def.
inite action, With an outfit of build-
ings for saving our produce, situated
in the Centre of to fertile a difitSiet as
Cheton is, a sugar beet factory Cannot
I surpass if eyen equal it, Each line it
will handle will give us art increase in
!elle price we now receive. After a
detail atiOn from this district visiting
1 the counties where beets are grown
they concluded it would be much mare
profitable to save those produets we
already' raise than to enter a field that
Iis fast tilling up and whieh costs not
$100,000 but $500,000 to build a plant
I and equip it. It is eonfidently believed
I a like increase in price can be made' in
; apples, butter and poultry, as that ac-
' contplished by handling , hogs. » The
estimated cost of these buildings when
fully equipped is $75,000 with a ea -
pe city for making an annual turn -over
el: S1,000,000 worth of fano products.
These buildings will be situated in
Clinetat which will be easily a.ccessable
to tanners living along the various
branches of railway leading to K Wear -
dine, Goderich, Exeter, Stratford and
Brussels, .
Already over $20,000 worth of stock
has been sold a,nd as farmers in e'ener-
al desire to make use of these buildings
the cowing seaeon it is confidently be-
lieved every dollar of stook will be
I sold in a few months Thislsundoubt-
edly what should be done, thereby
saving interest and other charges
caused by using borrowed 'money: 11
every dollar of stock is taken up by
!the time the buildings are completed
1 theie can be no doubt of a six per
cent dividend beieg paid the first
Mr. Belden, who has been connected
with this line of business for some
years, is a practical farmer and on the
acceptance by him of tee position of
head of the orgenizing stair of the
above company, he has resigned his
'position as director of the Farmer's
Pork Factory at Palmerston. He en-
ters this work in a practical manner
by subscribing liberally. Having the
utmost faith in the buiness be will
devote bis entire time in making this
tearripany a strong corporation,
"Christmas Box"
Full of '1,71 onderfy I Tnings
26 31P:grterVelgoA47,211/22.0tI.APs1,11511Tggs'-
ing Expenment.=. Love's Puzzie, 20 Rebuses, 100
Fanny Conundrum:. Book of Lowe, Game of
Letters, Mash: titing, 324 Jolly Jokes,
Receipt for Moustriel,e Grower, 100 Money Mak-
ng Secrets. 1(1) Toi t t and Cooking Receipes. 255
Selecrions for Autograph A lbums, 10 Model
Love Letters, How to 9 en Fortunes, Dictionary
of Dreams. Guide to Flirtation, Nagle Age
Table, Lover's Telegraph, and our new Cat. or
Xmas To. s, Books ard Notions. •-.11 by mail
FRE E. for 5e, silverAt.owpayroNsttgeT..
Yarmouth, N.'S,
WinfilOW'S Soothing Syrup has heen used fo•
over fletY years by millions of mothers for the,
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays at
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best reniedr
for Diarriusa. It is pleasant to the taste. Solr.
by druggists in every part of the world. 26
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's. Soothing
syrup and ask for no other kind.
practical Course on Veterinary Vtrork at Horne;
Three Month's study during spare time will
qualify to pass examination. Graduates ,will
be offered» permanent potations at $600 n year
in our various branches ; splendid ouportunity
for young men to secure a thorough Veterinary
Course ana geed position. Write at once for
part ioulars. Address. HEAD OFFIC VET-
We have unlimited private funds for invest -
tient upon farm or village property at lowest
rates of interest.
111 ave a large amount of private funds to
loan '.11 fai ni 51 5 linage iser.e rut r st In ib
of interest.
Barrister Main St. Exeter
VERSITY, M. 23. 0. M. Trinity Univer-
s ay. Office -Crediton, Oot,
/ .BIZOVVNIN (.7 St. C.
ti • P. b, Nun, it Le ViCt Vt is .nic,rsity
(Bee and resIosoos, rotntniou Labora.
ttry, Exeter.
Barrist era. Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyaneefs,
Commissieners. Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
• (Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
That beautiful farm property being compos-
ed of lot 20, con. 1. London road. Township of
Usborno, containig 100 soros. This is a d esir-
rote property in a high state of -cultivation,
situated midway between Hensall and Exeter
If not gold privately on or before the 1st of
March will be sold -with the chattels by pub-
lic auction on the premises on 4th 1VIaroh, 1902.
For terms and particulars apply' to the pro-
prietor. Thos. Hawkins, ur to Thos Cameron.
EXETER -We offer for sale en reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper .BOniestead" situated
on Lot No. 86, south of Boron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
and commodious brill; dwelling, also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre
of land and is excellently adapted for garden
the or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup-
ply of hard and soft water, The property is up
to date, and the terms eery, for particulars ap-
ply to DrosSoN 8c (' artraso barristers Exe" el%
or to A. E. HoOPse. now P. 0., Penns, U. S
A.., proprietor, ,
House and lot on lir in Street, Exeter, two
story etioic cottage, frame stable and about
half an acre of land, commodious dwelling,
centrally lorated,13ath and furnace, good out-
houses. good well and cistern. A Splendid
property at a reasontible price. For full par
ticulars apply to .1.G. erANBURY: tearrister
Exeter, or to ne-. mserasonAm, Pi lttclieise8.
Strayed from the promises of the nidorsigo-
oon., Stephen, on or about the lith
January, a Small steer rising 3 years old, with
White hind legs. Information 58 10 his where.abouts witl be rewarded.
Ioseert AMY, Orediton P 0
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Votary Public,
• Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
D. 8. D. D S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto Uruversity, Dentist.
Teeth extrae.-,ed without nein or
bad after °Mete. Office in Fan
son's bloek. 'West side of Main
treet, Exeter
D.A. Anokasom. W.D, 8. L 0 8
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
Ind Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with henors Also Postgraduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
laminum, gold and. vulcanite plates all done in
the neareet manner possible. A perfect's,
harmless anaesthetic rotted lei painless extrac-
Office one door South of Carling. Bro's store
Exeter, Ont.
A blacksmith sliep and dwelling and acre
of lead in the village of Winehelsea. A good
dpportunity for any person wishing to procure
a good blacksmith busia esti and two settof tools
Also good brick house containing taro Mink;
A franielitcherx with three rooms, also la Woad
shed and tattpmer, kitchen, Good stable and
log penFor urther parliculara apply to
Winchelea 'On
”11 you feel meats take Grip,Qatrafte
ti you too/alto feet fine take Or4p.12a1.reitten
ficationartor8, for
De epepeia Our°
Blood And , Nerve '1'
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron 131oed Pills
Levee , and Kidney Pills
Ridney el itteir e
Selatice Remedy
(lough 'Alikture
Choleta. and 1)iatrhoea
Obilbiain Lotion.
Try on y 'of 'fleet.' preparations.:and.
you will be astonished at their wonder.
ful healing and curing properties:
A Full line of Patent Medicines on
J IA,. BROWN11413
Dominion Laboratoru.
At popular prices and easy
terms of payment.
We sell the celebrated Heintz
man & Co. Pianos, (the Art
Pianos of Canada.) The choice
of Royalty for their tour cf Can-
If you want something cheap-
cr we can show you pianos of
other makes which will te no dis
grace to the most elegant parlor.
In sewing machines we carry
the New Williams, Ilaymonci awd
White, also needles and» supplies
for all machines.
The latest sheet music always
in stock. • Call and see.
Relei EsJllie Auency
Buy or Sell a Farm,
Buy or Sell Town
Borrow or Lend
Collections Made,
Your Life Insured,
Go to theOld Cuon-
try, by the. Allan
Mee over H. Spackman's Hardware
TA. Oashpaid for Raw Fars.
containing 100 acres, and lot Si 23, den. 3, .
Being composed of lot 26, S.
borne. On lot 20 there is eroded a first eta s
brick dal ening, kitchen and woodshed co -
pIete ; bank barns. L-shaped. 35x85 and 85
finished up to date for horses, cattle and hogs
with power wind mill, crusher. pulper, and
&water process complete; cement silo attached;
also wave and implement house.selhis is
first mass property, in a high state of culti-
vation, web fenced and watered., and plough-
ing done. within one and a half miles of the
town of Exeter, one mile from school, Lot ej
23 is also in a high state of cultivation, we 1
watered, 25 acres under grass, and well suited
for either farming or grazing, and will bo said
separately or togetherto suit purchaser- If
not sold privately on or before the 1st: Feby.,
1902, it will be sold by public anction on the
14th Feby. For terms and particulars apply
on the 'premises to J. S. Barvey, Exeter, P. 0.
or to Thomas Cameron. aunt.. Farquhar,
Fansores brick block and dwelling, in Exeter,
for sale. The brick block is well situated.
Main street, is 70x65 feet, three storeys, and
contains four stores, offices and halls, all leaStid.
This is the best business stand in town. Th,e
dwelling is brick of two storeys and containsp
rooms, is admirably adapted for a boarding
hoine. The property Must be disposed of.
Terms easy,, apply to 0. ee Femme Exeter,
Ont. • - '
and send it to us with 5 tents in silver and y.rm
will get by return mail a .GOLDEIsT BOX OF
GOODS that will bring you in Moral Moan
in one inotith than anything, else in Amerlea.
A. W. Itmenv, T,
1 ain oath, 11I,
5 Pack tif Card Free,
Ono Pack, "May I. 0. U. Roma" Ono Pale
".eseart" ono ?nick, "Plirtetion" One Paest
eitold-to itehte one Peek "Our Sent Jo
noels Two. Satriple ant othoi• styles, with
hook full of notions. bend 5e silver for postage.
• earinatith, S N.
beets aging Gps,Qeain oid fin
• eelleitt ntetZlein " P/wow.
anisktilen, Int