Exeter Times, 1902-2-20, Page 4sons sit(
13 11,"i
of tie Capital k2,500,000
fetle e Feted - *2,0400
aea4001oe, otreal.
.IAMUe MUM, gee., •
rier. 311Tersteoen
trey arivauctal to geed 'farmers on their
tiate with one or inert) endoraer at 7 pe•r
et. per Annum, • „ •
tleeter Bretneh
• 14es every lawful day freaa 10 a. ta, to
• SATURI).ta'YB,10
larrentrateser interest allowed. on cleposits.
•sofaerrons, 1a.tialaona
iiroitoter, Dee. 27th, '05,
ilillioN -molls PERTH t ..Tez,...?,rtg‘411r0?31 gaadex(‘Qtxtrcrt40,11a 11- ililoPt p iwpri()
,... H. Irvine,of
J4 t 9 Lastowei, to beeeme their pastor for
the next Conference year, and be has
accepted, subjeet to the aetion of the
(talon of the Transfer and Stationing
Comuait tees. Mr, Irvine is well known
in Huron, ,
t1i I1 News ol interest to
Times Readers flappeniuQ
in nese GOIllItie$
Seale Se Bice, marble dealers, of
Clinton, have stissolvecl partnership,
John Clarice, of Minerva, Manitoba,
formerly cit Constance, died last week,
Calendar for ]3'ebruary 19Q2 Another "Weekly" is likely soon to
EnierEsHene... .
7 14 21 28 The Andrevvs Bros., Goclerich, have
TUnWX 1 8 15 22 given up their meat market and are
goiug to the Northwest.
Dr, Jas. Baird, of Bruceeteld, has
i he
2 9 16 22 be in 'circulation in Winghana, mak-
9 10 17 24 mg number 3,
, 4 11 18 25 Rev. James Anderson, Godericle has
5 12 19 26 been offered a call to Montreal at a
6 13 20 27 large salary.
gone to Calgary, N. W. T„ vvbere
mitiqtyi itieeetegi.a. I will practice mediciee.
Rev, 3. G, Yelland bas been invited
to reinatn a third year as pastor of
Hayfield Methodist church,
Mrs. Thos. Kyle and son, of Alberta
NOTES AND COMMENTS, 'strict, are visitiog bee father-indaw,
e_dee , Mr, Wm. Kyle, Sr., Kippern
Sir. aVilfrid and, Lady Laurier will
spend three months in Europe next
summer, After the coronation cere-
monies and the intercOlonlal confer-
ence in London, they will go to Swit-
zerland, France and Italy, returning to
Canada about the middle of Septem-
ber. The Premier will remain about
three weeks m Italy, where he will in-
spect the many priceless treasures of
ext and objects of interest to the anti-
9 •
The conservative members of the
Ontario House will tender a banquet
to Mr. J. P. Whitney, M. L. A., at
McConkey's in Toronto, on Thursday,
Feb. 20th. The list of guests will in-
clude the Conservative mem hers of the
Ilouse of Commons, Sir. Mackenzie
Howell, Mr. R. L. Borden, M. 1?.; Mr.
Monk, M. P. ; all the candidates of the
party already nominated. and the
presidents and secretaries of the elec-
toral division associations. There
will be about 800 present.
0 st
Prof. Lochead. ispecLor of fumiga-
tion appliances for the Government,
lies sent in a report, on fumigation
matters. He says: -`'In view of the
• fact that the San Jose scale, instead of
being stamped out, has actually in-
creased the past year. nursery men
cannot. for some time to come, expect
*at tbe regulations for the proper
performance of finnigation of nursery.
.. stock willbe less strictly enforced than
fOrmerly. As a matter of protection
rwould urge that even greater pre-
caution than ever he taken to have
fumigation done properly at all tbe
inarseries, for the nurseryetrade of this
province is at stake."
. .
The population of Ontario according
to the latest report of the Census Com-
missioner, has not' increased much
(flaring the last ten years, but notwith-
standing all the blmadering of
ance, the population of the Province
Ess aincreased during the last ten
Why, then, this constant de-
crease in the school population ? Can
it be that our young people over four-
teen and less than twenty-one years,
move away in larger numbers than
any other part of our people? The
• decrease in registered attendance is
becoming serious; the difference in
.the attendance between the years
'1899 and 1900 is placed at the startling
figure of 9,130, almost double what it
was tbe previous year. This, says
the Educational Monthly, is a result
net l'aely to encourage the supporters
o isr,raLuitions education. The amount
'xpeneled upon public schools for
• eies last year (1900) was 32,309,240.
„t increase of 332,005 upon the
• xpended in 1899. The total in -
aa,,! su ior all purpiazes we...3 3208,484.
C,6e niftnber of t ea chers; in these
--raebools was 8,600, incaease 97 • men,
2;530, decrease,Z3:"'wOriren, •6,127, 'in-
crease, 170: Tease -'in the num-
• ber of menteaching in our public
schools continues year by year, and
the increase in the number of •wornen
'teaching in our schools more than
• counterbalances the loss in numbers.
The school authorities in Massachu-
• setts affiern that they have proved by
experience tliat•it the number of mert
teaching in the schools be lese thee
' . twenty -live per cent, the children suf.
--e-fee-on aceolint of the iuterior riaana,ge-
• ment "br the ecbools. We in Ontario,
are now very near tbe danger limit.
It is gratifying to notice that there is
- a slight increase in the salaries of the
, teachers.
Laxatiyo Brno-Quinino Tante: s cure a, cold
en Dee ay. No cure, No ay. Price 25 cera
My Hair
c` I had a very severe sickness
that took oft all my hair. I per -
Chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor and it brought all my hair
back again."
W. D, Quinn, Marseilles, 111.
One thing is certain,—
• Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This is
because it is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows, that's all there
is to it. It stops falling
of the hair, too, and a1
'ways' restores, color to
ay hair.
• 0,00 a beige. All dfigglgis.
yonr druggist 0thnot supply you,
as one dollar and we waaexpress
Ye a bottle. 1:30 sure and give the mine
ef our nearest express office. A derma
3.0.AVER. CO Lowell Maw
Mrs.. H. Fisher, of Colborne, bad the
misfortune to slip down on. Thursday
of last week and break bee Wrist.
Principal Sheivart and Miss Rusk.
of the Central school, Goderich, have
sent in their resiguetions to 'take
efiect at Easter.
The many friends of Mr, Torrance,of
Eemondville, will be pleased to hear
that he has recovered from a very seri-
one illness.
Hector Reid of the 2nd con. of Stan-
ley is about to setire from farm life.
His sons, it is said, are going to the
Wm. Graham, late of 2ed con. of
Stanley, has bought a house on Queen
St. west, Toronto, and taken up his
residence there.
Miss Flossie McGregor, of Hallett,
left for Winnipeg in company with
Miss Cree whei e she goes to teach the
Indians how to sew.
-Wesley Newcombe, of Clinton, who
recently went to Chicago and was em-
ployed in the Marshall Field store, has
returned to Canadian soil,
Mrs. Sarah Morgan and her daugh-
ters, the Misses Morgan of Hayfield;
are in the Forest City, where the
young ladies are pursuing the study of
S. H. Smith, of Clinton, has bought
W. Weir's farm of one hundred acres
and rented the two hundred and fifty
acres on tileopposite side of the Hay-
field road. •
The Salvation Army barracks, Clin-
ton,is offered for sale. When it is dis-
posed elf the Salvationists • intend
building a more modern Wracks
more centrally iodated. •
In Wingbam on the lltb hist, Mary
James, relict of the late Chas Brown,
departed this life attire early age of
32 years. , She was much beloved and
will be sorely missed. •
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak etomaeln indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerye
Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine for the price in market.
We are sorry to report tbe serious
accident which befel Master Goldie
Hill, Goderieh Township, on Sunday.
While riding one horse and driving a
colt ahead to water, the colt kicked
him on the knee which is very sore.
It is said that J. T. Garrow, n3ember
for West Eluron,and minister without
portfolio la the Ontario Cabinet, may
be the next judge of the Com t of Ap-
peal. An Ottawa despatch says Geo.
.F.1. Watson, K. C., may succeed tbe
At the residence of the bride's par-
ents,Huburmabout 65 out of the 100 in-
vited guests assembled to witness the
knot tied between Miss A. Ferguson, a
highly esteemed young lady of the
village,and Mr.Henry Snyderea thrifty
young farmer of the Nile.
In reply to Mr. H. Either, M. 5'. P.,
in the Legislature on Monday, Prem-
ier Ross, stated that it was not expect-
ed there would be much further delay
in making a permanent appointment
to the registrarship of Huron which
has been vacant since 1899.
R. H. Coats, 13. A., formerly of Olin -
ton, and who for three years has been
a member of The Globe Staff, on Sat-
urday severed his connection with the
paper to take the post of assistant
editor of The Labor Gazette in Ottawa,
succeeding the late Mr, Haeper.
Mrs. Henry deacon. Goderich town-
ship passed peacefully away on Wed-
nesday evening of last week, She
had been ill for three years, and her
passage from time intp eternity was
not unexpected, She was a native of
Goderich township, a daughter of the
late John Thompson.
II. C. Brewer and the rnembers of
St. Paul's choir, Clinton, entertained
the inmates of the House of Refuge on
Thursday evening last. Mr. Brewer
went down 'early and arranged, his
stereopticon and screen and delighted
the old folks with a series of views and
descriptions thereof. • • '•
Mrs. Jarties Polio& has disposed of
the Queen's Hotel, Bayfield, to Mrs.
Murray, the lady who assisted Mr, T.
Stepheris last -year in coeducting the
River Hotel. The consideration is said
to be 32000. The new proprietress will
dispense with the bar, and tun the
place solely are a boarding-house,
Jimmy McGibbriey. wbo had been
an •inmate of the Huron House of
Refuge for four or five years, got up
daring the night on Tuesday of Iasi,
week and went oat of doors. A furi-
ous storm was then raging, but he
wandered across the fieldia• down the
bank and over the river where he was
found nen forenoon, dead.
At the eXecntive committee of the
West Huron Teachers' Aesticiation,
it was decided to hold the next annual
meet leg hi Goderich on May the 22nd
and 29rd. Messrs, J. II. Tigert and
G. W. llohnota Will repreeent West
nurtata teaeliers at 1 he Ohl ario Edtlen-
tiortel Atisoelatiorr in Toronto during
the &Stet' Vaeationa
The dreggists of Huron county met
at Clinton at the council eltahaber last
Friday, presumably, for the' purpose
of forming it Hifrou eOuntY associa-
tion. 3. Wilson, Goderich, presided
as Chairman anal R. 13. Combs acted
as secretary, It is e.xpectecl that other
meetings will follow.
Ou Thursday • last the spirit of
Douglas Johteeton, third son of Mr,
Alexander Jobneton, Goderich, wing-
ed its way to the Eternal Father.
Deceased had beep ill for three years.
which illness bore him rapidly away
at the last. He was inbusiness at
Portage la Prairie and Winnipeg for
a time, but his health failing be 're-
turned borne end the end came slow-
ly but surely,
A large number of friends and rela-
tives assembled at the home of Mrs.
Thornton Wallace, 6th con. Hullett,
on Wednesday, the 121h inst. to wit-
ness the nia,rriage of her fourth daugh-
ter, Miss Etta, to Wm. Waite, son of
the late Richard Waite, Mr, Waite
has an excellent feral of 100 acres, on
which is a fine dwelling,near Manches-
ter, where., they will settle down.
James Mains, of Hullett township
passed to his long hoine last week and
the funeral took place to Ball's ceme-
tery on Thursday. Mr» Mains was•
born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in
1829 and early in life came to Canada
with his parents, living in Montreal
for one year, In 1852 he moved to
Hullett township settling on tot 30,
con. 14, where he lived till the day of
his death. He married Miss Margaret
Lovett of the Base Line in 1862, who
pre -deceased him some yea rsago,
The Salvation Army have com-
menced a six weeks' campaign to be
known as "The Siege of the Lost."
Among tbe results to be aimed at are
12,000 hours' special visitation to be
done by the officers of the territory
• and 50,000 houses to be visited, Two
weeks will be devoted to desperate
soul saving, efforts, with the capture
of 2000 prisoners. The remainder will
Food doesn't djgestwell?
1 JO AllOW aStabliailMent of Appetite ?oor? BowelS
Municipal Coal Yards,
UJU to Allow Councils to 'Revise Estimates
of Library lionids efore dui:43,s.
Object Iona Matto to,tite rreposae. eer
Minister ot X.dcatloO, Whe Titfults
This 'Mould Piseettraze 1:4stalatislittatent 1
' of ihilararles,-,Iriao Factiorl, aiPeotiorsn c
i Toronto, rob. 18, -Mr, PoWell's
(Ottawa) bill to authoekee the es- '
reading in the Legislature yesterday Dew" and Stc:u Againai'v,eat,„;.1"::::1:411
tablishment of coal -yards 1,)y muni-
•cipalities came up fop its second 7— _ -
afternoon. • Or initish-esoor e.
The A.ttorney-General said the bill . Under Dritish cemes
gave far-reaching 'powers and it, was 1 .
• , , . ___
a. Mattel' that shotild he Seriously 14649toni Yob- 18.-A desPatch to
considered. if they gaye mauicipa„. Toloieionsr3)fail • sayfis'0:14. SivuhSiainenoaur(OtTonors
lities power to establish coal yards,
ceive all sorts of applica,tions for .neartelniegajgUnirjegt.ioan PapirtYlie of
il5g% Biloi-s-o'le.sr
the House Might, be expectLd to rewere -
Permission toengage in various and Leenwspruit, 100 men of dtVes-
kinds o[ business. , bseold'syucoam, inacnrdooss, • edfotriiiielinwe
The bill was given its second, read -
ing and seat to committee. • down apd rushed and drove in the
Light Horse rearguard. A naost
•ilh',, Afutrie's hill to Provide • that
the cost of sewers may be assessedeXscietvoinngiyinBciodeerisltwtehaelningo.enctiTipiesdh. c ay..,
agai est a 'ajar ticular area, instead of i•
on the local •improvemeiit. system, •, airy cloaks, in the rear and ender
mittee.weere fi'irne ofa,crian
• lalieLinnlb2lh. HI!,
was referred to the Municipal' Com- Boers
hoof tb
• )1.re 1., wo, Isor c„,..„toss. . • boldly charged the Light Horse pore.'
r3onstipated Tongue coated?
It's your liver! AYees Pills
are liver, pills; tbeycure.dys-
pepqla biliousness -
23c. • All druggist's,
Wiint yourmoustache or board. a 134Autiful
browti.orrieWnluelit Then asa '
65 ers,PPPIIPPPIPT4pts Ft. P, H5U. • CO:, t9esvs.
Mr, •ParSeallen'g bill to amend the tiPn' • • ' ' '
The enemy fired from • their horses
Pablie Parks A.cteavirs 'next .taken op.
wMle charging the hill, but reeeived
It givespower to Couneils to revise
a heavy fire from the Liget Horse
the estimates of P,arks Committees.
defending the pom-pom, which ex -
The Attorney -General thought that '
pended all its ammunition. The en -
it was a, peculiar 'thing that when emy came within 500 yards, and then
'municipalities appointed a park corn -
broke back and fled, the New Zea -
mission to usurp' its functions, • as lenders' lta,xiiu and pom-pone help
the bill proposed. • He would ing to scatter them. -
much sooner see a b'oard abolished
Four Boers were killed and many
entirely rather than see-dt,a, tool of
wounded., The British loss was one
the council. • • inan slightly 'wounded.
The bill was given its second read • -
Gen. ..Dewet, with shx. men, fled up
ing, and sent to committee, as was •
the Liebenbergsvlei River, Mr. Steyn
also the bill to amend. the Public
with a bodyguard 30 strong is be -
Libraries Act in the same way.
tween Reitz and Bethlehem.
The last mentioned, bill, the min-
ister of Educatioe thought, would •,
have the effect of discormaging. the. ER. TA 11 i rr En.
among the child- •
formation of libraries..
'Boers. Will Win Beranse Bod„ Is nit Theft
be devoted to efforts . .
ren and the enrolling of seven hundred In answer to ‘a question. by Mr. .
tore said that there were four face London, Feb. 18. --President Ertl-
Carscallee the Minister of Agricul- oi(le.. il" SaYS•
new members under the Army flag. •
• The residence of Mrs. Wallace of tory inspectors, three males and one ger is reported to lre,ve spoken with
near .9unnnerbtll was the scene of it females, and the province was di- bitter resentment of the terms
pleasant event last Thursday, whenvidecl in
"guerillas and outlaws" applied by
her third daughter, Etta, became the to three districts.
bride of Mr. Richard. Waite. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Alex. Stewart, of Clinton, in the
presence of only the imlnediate
friends of tbe contracting parties.
The happy couple are held in much
esteem by their numerous friends who
are extending congratulations and
good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Waite
will take up housekeeping on • the
groom's farm on the 10th con. of Hui -
The Stanley township council met at
10 o'clock on Monday with all the
members present. The roinutes of tbe
previous nieeting were read and ap-
proved. F. W. Farnacombe civil en-
gineer from Londcn, was also present,
so that several tecbnical points on
llills Ad vancerl a ;stage, • the British to the Doer's in the
The following bills received Ea. se-
cond reading:
.,When my ancestors were fighting
Respecting the Sandwieh, 'Windsor • •
the Spaniards in. the cause of free:
dom, three hundred year e ago," said
and Ainherstburg Railway. -Mr. Mc-
Kee. •, • •• ICruger, .."they were called ']es guex' •
Respecting the Essex. and Kent Be -(the beggarfoughtlliberty
dial Railway Company. -Mr. 11Ic- year after" year,
Kee.• last, and the name became it sacred
To Meer -pirate the Durham one in history. They, fought ' for
Switch Line Railway CoMpany.--Mr. eighty years and ,were victorious at
,e4e.leesee., ,•• - last, because God was on. their„ side,
' Reepecting the. establishment e;,i • and we of South Africa ,have been
the Carnegie Library in *the City of fighting less than three 'years, but
Ottawa. -Mr. Lumsden: we will win in the end, because Gob
Respecting the City of Ottawa. -• is- with us."
Mr. Powell.
To incorporate the Oncerfo
tele. Railway Obmpany.-Mr. Gra-
. .
drainage work came up and were fully. ham.
discussed. It was decided to go on Respecting the •Town of Toronto
with the Logan drain at once so that, it Junction. -Mr.
eeport concerningseime from an en-. • To incorporate the Peterboro Ra-
gineer will be received as soonias pos- dial Railway Company.2-Mr. Biez-
sible. A deputation from the Bruce- aid.
field public library consisting of Women's institutpq:
Messrs. Fraser and Graham, waited
the council and after discussin Mr. Dryden's bill to amend the Ag -
g riculture and Arts Act received its
the merits of the same the council vot-
ed 315 for the good work. Council
also discussed the resoluton of the
board of health concerning vacci-
nation but the question was left over
for the next meeting. The -auditor's
report of the township accounts was
received and accepted and handed to
clerk to .net printed. The auditors
were each paid $S for their services.
The next meeting of the council will
be. held on March 10tb, beginning at
10 a m.
. Middlesex
Virgil J. Sorneevill,e,'' of London; -
Ont., suicided with a razor.
.Mrs. Rose, of Lendlen, died
suddenly of apoplexy" while walking
on Rectory street, on Sattutela.ye- •
One day recentlY a sow owned by,
Wm. Armitage, con. 4, Hiddulph,
gave birth to twenty pigs, 16 of which
are thriving nicely. •
Do not sutler from sick headache
a moment longer. It is not necessary.
0artei4s Little Liver Pills will cure
Dose one little pill. Small dose. Small
price. small pill. -
In the investigation into the irregu-
larities in the London mianicipel elec-
third reading. 'The bill provided,
among other things, for the foi•ma-
tion of women's institutes for the
purpose of improving rural home
life. •
AssaenLy 0T0S.
Over 600 students registered - at
ihe Guelph Agricultural Collegdu-
inthe year ending Feb. 1, a 1902,
The Dairy School at Strathroy has
57 young men in attendance now,
and during the. past week over • .200.
ladies listened to lectures gi-ven.y
•Mrs. :Torrance. ofeQuebee. - •
Cornwall, I -Tewkesbury., ....eLondon,
WeSWest'-Wawanosh, East Wawanosh,
Kinloss, Sydney Township andoPer-
leton'Place are all free from
pox now. New cases, hotireVer, , are
reported from Brockville.
•'The annual repert of the Depart-
leleilt• of Neglecded and Dependent
Children shows tlatt 24.0 children
were provided with eoster homes last
year. Aboet 1,16ce orphans were
sent to Canada from England. -
Px.4ci X .3IAY 1.
LondOn.11usnor. Tics t liner War's 'Da Ts
10 -i1it.
London, Feb. 18. -The latest ru- •
mor from the War 0f6.ce is to the ef-
fect that peace in South Afriea
will be announced by the end of
April or the beginning of May. Peo-
ple are growing very chary of ac-
cepting these rumors. Still, from
what can be learned, there does seem
a likelihood of such prophecy being
fulfilled, Sou
3,000 Cayuses For th af,ioa.
Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 18. -Three
thousand western horses, known as
"Cnyuses," gathered from the ran-
ges 'of the inter -Mountain States,are
to be:shipped .to South Africa for
use in the ..British army.' The ani-
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
llarmless sttbStitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and. Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
IVIorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarante.ta is thirty years'• use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria, cures Diarrlupa and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and.
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, rogultatee
the Stomach mid Bowels of Irufants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine fo. "Castoria ls so well adapted. to childrew
children. Mothers 'have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre -
its goc,d effect 'upon their children," scription known to ute,"
' " Du, G., C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass, It A. Alig11.1311., Id. D. Brooklyn, N. y
• Tug. azryr.pun corapsror. MUIlliAN r,TISItnT, 701'
Harness shot) ( P9theriand . D
Ai 0 V
•• I: desire to announce, to. my meny
Pateons in this vicinity that I am
about to mere from my present shop
across theitieet to I be shop recently
occupied by W. L. Lewis, as a tailor
shop. Increasing trade renders larger
building necessary, While thanking
my mauy customers for past favours,
I Will be pleased to see all my friends
and everyone requiring anything in
the Harness Line. , •
Give me a Gall, VII use
uou Rion.
Are either a mark of beauty? This
would oe a suggestive topic for debat-
ing 'societies. For the information of
sucbalet it be known that Putnam's
Painless Corn Extractor removes
warts painlessly in a very short time,
Druggists who sell the hese always
sell Putnane's Painless Corn Ex-traztor.
Ten: Years of Blessed Work
• and Glorious „Victory. ,
he British army, who had been
C r
„mals were purchased by agents of a
scouring the, country •for weeles, and
hare been concentrated in -corrals in
this city and Grand Junction, Colo.
it1tTZINGEa ON.TflI.L.
Kitchener Will Give Him Every• For Getting. Witnesses.
London, Feb. 18. -The press cell:-
_sot; 4n Sonth .Africa, is eyidently ac-
tive,: as the' first intimation that the
trial 'of Commandant Kritzinger,who
was captured by Gen. French in
December last had commenced, came
from the • War Secretary, Mr. Dro-
• didok, in the I-Ioese of Commons yes-
.• terday afternoon. The Secretary
3141'.!reagens indier.
did not volunteer to furnish any de-
Ottawa; Feb. 18.- 'Monsignor tails but he informed a question -
ton lb was found that more rotes
were cast than there were e °tees on i l:iat LorO Kitchener would cer-
the poll hooks in fifty per cent. of the 07131;Ia'ile.anlyTsians goufat3he bowels, and his dying in Ottawa e-: tas tainly see that the Doer general had
received the last sacraments of the every facility for- producing witness -
sub -divisions. , church from Archbishop Duliamel a.nd es. • •
It developed during MF Bro- '
Mrs. ()bee. Smith, of Jimes; Ohio, Rev. Canon Pla.ntin. The venerable driek's answer that the trial began
, _ ,
writes : I have used every remedy for prelate is 82 years o1 age, and is an Fee. le, •
sick headache I could hear of for the
pest fifteen years, but Carter'e Little author of some distinction. He com-
pleted the dictionary of French -Can -
Liver Pills did me tnore good, than any - euen, families '• 4,s0,000•Srrikers at Barcelona.
Wad other works of /3
other. ,
On hearing of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. sIttlati°° her(3" bee°111ing umre
claimed. The printers have tied up
at least, to make tbeir home in -NO -hi% rep u grafi on of the Irish NationallAts atih) pee litile-171 gsP.APIetrsi's aeslidttinnititleed°f thein
gap, a large number'ef the Sir Iinights" has excited, re storm of .protest. and - -
of Mooresville Tent -fleet bY'Agreelleenti eoridemnation on the part of , the 4i0'n0.013 "nen 4aVe SeribliS
• 't." the residence of 'Mr. SulaPson' on latter, and Lord Rosebery is de- r ° ing took Plana Yeatnrda" During
Thursday evening„ Feb., 6th, and. Of- notineed. unsparieg arid, bitterly
ter partaking of a -splendid oyster suP- 'personal Iatigua.ge.
• pee provided fee the occasion, tbe even,
a ale° cne, Feb. 13. -.-The strike
Simpson's determination of leaving • Itosebary 1..enOuneeci: • , grave. A state of siege hae been, pro:
their home in McGillivray for -a, time • D•abli•te Feb. 1.8. -Lord -Rosebery's
,. •
• imStimtl Oollarts, 9n
ent na speeches, vocal and ono lit
, • r
tnsgirwuat:teliPtal mask, recitations, eb(, irontreil pee. '18 -The landdeal
East End has been closed,
whi, h the_ 0,P.R. secure 880 Acres
W•hieh has grown to be one of the big for 34.00,000. •'
events of the year-, not only to lovers
of horseflesh throughout the Proviriee• . • 11.01,11ne' ‘Nprit.
YHA to the sociel set, of that (tit y, is in • Trieste, Austria-Ilting-ary, Feb/ 18.
(longer Of it split whit)) may impaitits' strikcrs resumed work here yew-
succese in futore. The Clyde and feedey, their domande havirig been
Shire breeders contended at the -annual eonceded.
' The Spring horse show in Toronto,
tneeting of the Canadian Ilorse )3reecl,
erls Association •)ast week, that the • , -t-atur
date a which the spring shOW is held-- A 1' 't • b r
end of April .or begintlieg of lVIgy-is :et* s urg, eb' ang
so far too late fOr heavy horse Men the 2 ll''°°g• 11:11°18ter to tIll'1481a' tiled
that they get nraeticeilly no benefit, bee v'f."1qhlY' "'ter Sht3rt
from it, and as the Provincial grtinvof
$2,009 is given to the nor$e BrsedeVe.
Aesociation, the Hunt ()lob etta those
interested in the fancy classes should
he willing to hove the ehoW earlier,
say not later than 10tho' April.
the rioting the troops fired on the
mop, killing one person and wound-
ing 24. An uneonfirnied ramor gives
the results' f the charging and firing
ler the troops at 10 killed , and , 65
W01,111 ace], .
V R..
ovra if you try— -----"
Shilleh'*• •
tnna ourS So Strori4g tve
r guarantee a eureiir refund
• • money, and we sen4 Y?"
a'ne'tri'iti bottle if you Write for it.
14 i iia eosts e5cciits and will cure Con-
• 0 " Narouchitis awl all
• Will cure a 09.nall or chid
,tis prevent ger eta resiilt.s.
thekie Lluiigs for 50 years,
,Totonto.'t;iift. •
,v.fe ROOt Ted COrattta tbe Slonispit
Has Brought Health arid New
Life to 1:ne Sick ancf Drseascd
in -Every P4rt of the Civi.
• lized orld.
P'or the last, ten years the work of
• Paine's Celery Compound has been a
blessed and cheering one to men and
Women -of every rank in society. In no
one rose has the gteat medicine failed
to, henefit , eied n bee e• it has heen used
promptly, it has in everY (ase )rought
a pure. •
The blessed results that spring from
the.obe of Paine's Celery Compound
•a re not confined to t his Ca uncial, of ours.
file great life-givi tig medicine has been
• sent 10 every quarter of the civilized
world, and has cured the sick, restored
the weak and depressed to health and
strength, and caused tens of tbousan,d.s
to live who failed to find health- in
worthless prescriptions, sarsaparillas,
nervines and pills. Paine's Celery
Compound has cured when all other
remedies failed.
JI is to this best of all medicines,
Paine's Celery •Compoined, that we
would divect the attention to eve ry
man and woman suffering from week,
ness,, general debility, rheumatism,
neuralgia,: heart trouble, dyspepsia,
anemia, blood diseases, liver complain t
and kidney trouble. Thousands if
grateful letters have poured in testify,
ing to tbe wonderfal and permanent
It is foolieli and crimil.al to delay the
-use of kUCII a disease banisher -when
others have so clearly demorietrated
its value; when many of your friends
ead neighbors have been made well hy
its use. The health giving virtnes are
SO evoirlently geetet that the ablest
-physicians are prescribing Paine's
Celery Compound daily for the sick.
• If y,olt are weak physically, in the
• grasp Of d6ea8e, or simply out -of -sorts
irritable, sleepless or despondent, try
•one bt# tie of.Paine's Cole* Compound
and note web the magical effects.
• C OIX a MO
if 9 'Mid oats revenonsly, grinds tbei teestthbaot
'night and Pk"1)8n080,11aY odreinister
"m'' ith" I'v"1118 iint.WormSarne
1 L
‘witlreul, (16 ')rows aisaa
tan enthartie,
' this eetnede contates its o
. •
THER 11 Ell,
Apply to
E. 011 Kessel,
t C t rice.
A good Assortment
Al' cowl%
We oiled to clenr these line at once
The Tetilinii-
oiler Milis
We 0.re giyiuk-e=kcellent,...sa- -
tisfac•tion iii tiour.•,a.ince re-
modelling our mill ,
. •-0.11..-Soft Woad Witi4.6.4%
GriStiOU.dA !iODflill
•. • Don8
(yoar own selection) to every sub-
scriber, Only 50 eents :t year,
A gem; beautiful colored plates; latest
'fashions; dressmaking evonoirties ;fancy
*ark; household hints t fiction, etc„Suh-
scribe to -d1, or, send 55. fur latest copy
Lady agents wuntod, SonS for terms,
Stylish, Reliable, Simple, up -to.
date, Economical and A bsortutely
PerfeetlItting. Paper Patterns.
All Seams Allowed and Perforations show
• , the BastInd and Setalno lines.
01010 and 15 aeons ench—nono higher,
A.sk for !hem, 'Sold in nearly every eityf
Lod town, 6r by wail h000
113.11S-117 West SlIst St, NEW YORK,
• For Cute, woreelo, oheppeit -
Hanes, Itheu inStisni, Stilr JOintlf, Bathe,
Sea.ida, Bites of Ineetes. Croup, 0oughe. °cede,.
tragyard's cl1ew Oit will ta Mend as excele
lent remedy • Price 25 cebin, All • dealer.