HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-2-20, Page 1-7- TWENTY-NINTII YEAR -240,28 EXE't ER, ONT., CANADA:, TIIITADAY IVIORNINC+, FEBRUARY 20 1902 Change of Business,. suirsoomeraaummoonousaue...cmoseamoko - We beg to announce to our friends in Exeter and surrounding district that we have purchased the Hardware, Stove and Tinware business lately carried on!by H. Bishop SOD, and intend keeping a well assorted stook in all the above lines and by close attention to business and. prices, hope to merit a share of the Liberal 'patronage heretofore bestowed upon our predecessors. Hawkins & Son. SUCCESSORS TO El BISHOP & ON •••••••••30 ...0.0.c.xmanomengf 2INSINVII•••101.3=mr.•;Au••••••immovmsmam...up STOCKTAKING SALE -OF- Boots, Shoes & Overshoes. • • We have a few odd pairs of o'er - shoes and rubbers that we are gniug to sell at e their regular value. Child's overshoes worth $1 25 for 60c ed after her recent illness. Kiekton -• ••••••••••••=••• Baines.- Ohris. Venner, returned home from Varna, on Tuesday last. - Miss Edith Stewart is spending a week with friends in the village. -Miss Etta Fletcher returned home on Saturday after two week's visit in St. Marys. - Amos Doupe is a victim of typhoid fever. -Cecil Shier and Nelson Fletch- er are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R R. Harnvvell.-Miss Bella, liazIewood is getting along as well as can be expect - Boys !` " $L25 " 75c Misses " $1.00 - " 90c CrOma.rty Women's " " $2.00 " $1.00 ---- Men's heavy rubbers, I buckle for $1,00 BeetErs.---Mrs. Marvel, of St. Marys, Mere's overshoes for $1 00 . and Mrs Harris, of Brussels, are vis- Word as been received that James Men's rubbers, regular 90c for 75c 'Mug friends bere.-A vote taken on Bell safely landed iu the Old Country the question of introducing' the Book with his shipment of horses. -Miss Women's rubbers, regular 65c for 55c of Praise into the Presbyterian church Prior, of Exeter, was in the village Women's rubbers, regular We. for 50c here, resulted in it being carried by a last week ting friends, --Mrs. A. Heeneall • neg her down and at the same instant- • Leman, iy throwing Mr. Hogarth violently fon- ward and beneath her as she fell. I'l A, Sellery, L, D. S„ a D. So/loner <iradu (ree late for last week.) extratited wiLhout_ipain or be,dteiztbuorti% r)'"Ic- in Petty's Block, 8:Conseil. A 4- •ate of Torento IjniverintYi Dentists. Teeth There were a etainmertebweithoofsepneeendrityarnadlistie,, country a;--,eTilase aroAdvexeythbraocingehooriudeiteiohne T'; near laraVtthed eV V7 carcass an , Demo vete and which towis to , make hashiess Mondity.00trimencine Mar $oth. O. J. Sutherland, Notary Publio, Conveyan- „ the unforturiate man froto his pain. slow,_eenotbser carnival is to be held cor, ceiroowieser, Fire insurance agent, end vvforithpoousittairo,rinosiungTbteo litntstfuez;etd alindorsliesirefidieg carefully drawn at reasenabie rates. Money. moying Issurer of Marriage .Licenses. Legal doournents rema ns o Mrs. Harper, of Toronto, here ofe Tuesday, February 18th, -The °Moe at the Post Office, Hensel! . to loan on real estate at loNV rates of interest. alive from an accident which might rid glad to have escaped (nee Miss Hodgins)lia,. daughter of John' g Hodeins Sauble ill were broughe have been fatal to hien likewise. , ()no handred tons of feed to dispose of at the here last week and were e conveyed to BamPs.-The Clinton New El ea says: . ‘., mensal' Oatmeal la's the coming week. _40_ D UntInfaIrr. Hillsgreen ment. Deceased contracted a cold St, tIames' burying ground for inter- 1JUST ARPVED A complete new stock of Men's, Women's, Children's and In- fant's HEAVY and FINE SHOES which we are selling at the lowest possible living advance on cost. Call in and inspect these goods before purchasing. Every pair thoroughly guaranteed. Money refunded if satisfaction is not secured. The old Ross stock of Boots and Shoes Still going at your own price, soon be around, again for Joe is a, joily horse last week trom Mr. Edighoffer her mother and sister, has returned 0I -IN 'W1-11,TE & SONS BARCAIN DEPOT Jos, Blaney. Clerk at The Clarendon developing into consumption. A large Hotel, has been laid up with a, severe ThBeRscilry!iin-oMrnisrii-g4gfgoire tolandleorns "w big! tnhuemrbe °ter remains sVamt sympathizing V.° depot . -Mrs. Jas. weather in waiting for treens ; his cold, caused by exposure te the stormy she will attehd the Business college, A.ndersore,who has been at Herrington friends will be glad to know he wet Mr, Ed. Troyer Purchased. a ealueble the last two months at the bedside of rood -natured fellow. -- Mits, Donald of the 33rownson Line. --This Vieinityhome haying seen flee mother marl erspaitle and who lied for a pumber of venters, Some time ago we mention, DON'T FORCET_,....m& _ Stewart late of the Township of Tuck-. has Meg been noted for its famous in. sister buried. within a day of each other. We extend our sympath5r.- months been visiting with her son -in- ed Mr. Parson's horseless carriage, but Tho Rev. Oanseron, whet for the past That we keep on hand a very fine law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John now Mr. William Jarrott has another week held special services in the Fres- GR OCE RI ES of all kinds. Shepherd of this yillage, passed. away invention Itn,own as a "one homeless hyterien church, has returned to his 1 . wart was in her 88th year, and unore Mrs. Ste. eleigh." Mr. jareott saysshis invention home in Tavistock. -The Rev. Geddes, on Sunday morning last. is ahead of Mr.Parsons' as he is able to of AilsesCraiee and neighboring minis - particulars as to her life will be given idati72.1vsswawenloagssgaer a other rate mspaeteedr: in next issue. -Dr. A. R. MeKay. of Tuesday evening on the Lord's Day tees lectured in the English church an Bottineau, N. D.,accornpenied by Mrs. -Mr. Robert Coehrane has returned Alliance question. -The new station meReee are in the village this eweek •home feorre the West to spend the win. idea is about settled a new one goes school, who is the Dr.'s brothers -amiss vtsiting Wm. McKay, pruecipal Of our ter with friends here. -Mr. James Tins- ner delivered a fine horse in Exeter on up in the earlyesprieg.-Mrs. Sceli, sr., who has been visiting her dauglater, Annie Parapie left here on Saturday Saturday last.: -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Morgan, of Mich. has returned last for Toronto where she intends Stelk treated the school children of honie.-A wedding in town Wednes. spending a Month visuingler sister.- No. 3, Hay, to a party on Friday even. day. Further particulars later.-Ja,s, Miss Rose .Youngblat is in London this week attending the millinery Jas.' Ragan, ing last. -Mr. John Hagan, soeof Mr. St. johns, son of R. St, John, is con - contemplates building a openings, -The Rev. Mr. Rae, recent- fine brick house the corning summer ly of Toronto Junction, delivered his on the fifty -acres epoining oar Village promised lecture in Carmel church on e ' -0- Tuesday evening last, the subject, be- Elimville, ing, "The Sunny Side etf Life," or the Philosophy of Fun. The lecture was BRIEFs.-The Winchelsea Butter & first announced for Monday evening Creamery Co., are this week putting Feb. 10th, but owing to the had state in their supply of ice for the coming of the roads it was postponed until the season. -Mr. B. Spicer and George following Monday, and then again to Turnbull, of Virden. Mae., visited suit the lecturers convenience until friends in St. Marys on Saturday last. Tuesday evening last. The attend- _miss Kemp returned to her home in ance considering the state of the roads Hensall after spending about four was very good and the lecture was weeks a guest at the parsonage. --Rev. much enjoyed throughout. -Miss Gil- Waddell interested his hearers on lespie, of near Oran:tarty, is this week Sunday evening by preaching a very visitingMrs. Swan and daughter.- practical and impressive sermon. -The Epworth League convention of the Elirnville circuit is being held at Elim- ville to -day, Thursday, afternoon and evening. A good programme is on for those .who attered.-Mr. Thos. Veal, who has been seriously ill, is, we are pleased to report, able to be up again'? -The postponed-cOncert of the O. 0. C.F. will take place on February 2tith, at the township hall. G. Fawcett, or- ganizer, of•Draytun, is expeceed to be present and deliver an address in the • r Women's felt shoes, $1.25 for 00c this side of the tnounttrin attended the friends on Teureeay evening of last Men's felt -hoes, $L75 to $2.50 for sinstitute meetings Monday afternoon small rnajority.--Alaiwe number from•Murdock, entertained a number of week.-Adisis L. Thomsen is ire L6ndon $1.50 to $1,25• and evening, in Staten, and were well this week spending a month or so._ pleased with the speakers and infor- A hockey match was played one even - a There are only a limited number or illation given. -.r, Alfred Miller of jug week between Imeensall and pairs ieach of the above lines. Call Toronto, son of Mrs. ,Tas.Miller, Cr°11.1- Clinton resulting Ma victory for 1)1111- ear147 andrseCure a bs,rgatn. • Horse blankets at 15% off regular twice. Regular line of shoes and harness al- • ways in stbels. arty, armed home Monday for a short ton, the match being played in that visit. town.- Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Delo.: raine, Man., were here recently visit- Granton Mg Mr and Mrs. Wm. Chapmen and other relatives. -Mrs. Alex. Manley, ErteEe's.-Miss LQn Mowbray has left of Great Falls Montana, is here visit- 2-- Mrs. George Clarkson, for Clifton Springs, N. Y., to take her ing relatives. position as nurse in the Sanitariuzn.- of Rapid City, Man, who was here RH weet 111 S Mrs. J. E. Murray has gone to CAM - Harold, who has been ill for some time. bridge, Pennsylvania, with her son, visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. day last. --Two of our junior or dolt Ceoper Forrest left for home on Mon- Cutters! - M 1.l- Brooks, left last week to rinks PlaYed etirlh:Ig watch at % off evils purchase. Sea' take a position in Ba:c1 Axe, Mich.- forth on Thursday evening. The Owing to the bad roads the Presbyter- Rensall curlers played a splendid Ian Ladies' Aid decided to postpone the game and won by 30 poiuts,-- Wm. Bell, who has so faithfully aud ef6.- social which they intended giving at the home. of Mr. Wm. Ridley, last ciently filled the position of treasurer Carmel church for twenty years, in Tuesday night. No definite date has been set foreits future occurrence.- was recently at the close of the weekly The February quarterly meeting of the prayer -meeting presented with a gold • di , Methost church, showed that a suc- cessful quarter had been passed. Rev. J. E. Boluses has been invited to re- turn another yeare-Owing to thesnow blockade •only three of the council were present at their meeting Monday. Very little business was transacted.- Mr. RH. Radcliffe sold a yearling colt a few days ago to R. Rayeraft The UuTterS Do you Want a.Cutter? ..We have the finest stock , in town. All the latest styles, inthe newest price paid was about $100 -Special .colors ' , services lire being held in the "Vieth° Our prices are low as can be found . . ' dist church here. Rev. Fair, Knott for mterial a , Cobbledieir and Martin of Lucan. Ailsa afirst-class nd workman - .ship. Craig. Perkhill, add BroWnsville, re - BEFORE YOU BUY spectfully,are assisting the pastor. ' fiND SEE US. Greenvva.y F Russell EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stock of Lumber -pine and Lherniook, 'Two Doors South Town Hall. 170,009 feet of hemlock lumber for borne • MABRIBD SRIARA-URQVITART.-lo Taranto, on Wed„ Feb. 19t ,11 at the residence of the bride's par- ents, 1VIr David •Shirra, Rensall, to Miss Mary 'Urquhart; of Toronto. _driSsTnoxo- YISILOW - On Feb 19th, at Mount Pleasant cottage, the residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Yellow, by the Rev. C. W Brown, Mr. Wesley .A.rmstrong to Miss Mary Ye -low Gissox-WILLis-InLucan, on Fob. 12th, at the rebidence of the bride's sister. Mrs,' John Barnard, by the R. ev . J. 0, Smith, Ur. John Gibson, of Wroxeter, to Miss Rachel Willis. DIED ,Coniosn-On Feb. 18th, Sarah Jane, Youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cornish, Thames Road. Funeral, Thursday, lent. - 0Amintom.-In Exeter, on Sunday, Feb. 18th at the residence of Mr, D. McInnes, Mr. John Cameron, late of Usborne, in his 84th yean • Zurich AN APPEAL Disenesien.-The Divt- sioual. Court gave judgenent Tuesday, disenIssine, an appeal broughb by Henry Cook, of Hensall, against, a verdict for $300 secured by John A. Williams,on a a contract for dena,mos. • SeXsrnith. Bainrs.-A sleigh toad of young people from bete attended a birthdeY pa,rtv at the home of Joisph DaunCey at, Sharon last vveeke- tire, James Ged.d.es, of London, is at present visit- ing her sons here. -George O'Brien is making preparations to go to the Northwest in the Spring.-1Vie, and Mrs, A. Coxworth visited at •Wne. Campbell's last Week. -A horse be- longing to David stack received a rather severe cut on one ot its legs while hauling loa,c1 of logs a. few days ago. Mitburne Sterling iiettdache Powdere give, seetnee prompt relief Mtn monthly entree and. MONO AO bad after aired whatever. Be sure tea get Milburn's. Priv-ale and 55 cents. All dealers, also shingles. laths and cedsr posts. Prices reasonable. -TAS Wil.LIS, Yard East side of Main st BRIEts.-One of 1,he best D'armer's 1 Institute meetings yet held in •Green- way was that of Wednesday evening, February the 12th. There -was in at- tendance of about 75 members lin the morning, but in the evening tbe hall was crowded some said some 300 vere present, The addresses were all in- teresting and drew • out lively and profitable discussions. Mr. 0. M. Siva - mons proved himself a most, efficient chairman and capable president. • Mr. C. W. Nash, of Toronto, made it very clear how to battle against the insect pests, and the value of the birds es- pecially the robin And wood pecker, Mr. A. Elliott, of Galt gaye sonee grand • information on improved methods in dairying necesseey to sue, headed cane, a,ccom pan ied by an ad- dress beautifully engrossed and framed testifying to their appreciation of his les harness business is increasing so services during these years. that rnore room is necessary. - Mr. PeaAt, e.ocinENT.-On Wednesday W. L. Lewis leaves shortly for New morning Of hest week a very distress, Ontario. Saceess, Will. - Richard ing accident took pltice in the nine Baker. took a business trip to London, room of Cook's grist niuil. A,hout 8; on Monday. He is investigating a o'clock in the morning it, was noticed grocery himinesti in the city with a that the speed of the mill machinery view of purchasing, We will he sorry was beginning to slacken, s and the to lose Mr. Baker and famil5r should he sleeide to move to the city. - A. J. miller Went into the engine room to discover the cause. On looking Clark movecl his family to Ailsa Greg, around he was horrified to find the °n Tnescin'Y' We wish. Mr' °lark sue - body of Simon Swartz, a young man cess and a pleasant future in Craig,- wbo was learning to drive the engine, 0. Zvvicker spent Monday in London. lying under the puller which drives -A livelyrun-away took place on the, pump. Medical aid was at once Saturday night, last,. Mr. R. E 'Wal - called in, but examination revealed kers team becalhe unmanageable. that the neck was broken and the rw° etr°" }nen emlId nob hold th bach of his head cut. The young man No serious deans& was done. Don't had. been putting the belt over the feed so many oets, Robt-The "Temp - interest. of the order. , A collection will be • taken to defra,y expenses. Everybody 'welcome. ••Crediton. 13,RTEES. -Miss Seli, of Brinsley, is visiting with Mrs. W. W. Kerr, this week. -The Medical Health officer re- ports Stephen townshiu free of small pox now. The Board is to be congra- tulated in stamping out this dread disease so. speedily. We trust. there may he no furth.er outbres,k,- Princi- pal Bluett ie keeping "batch" this week, as Mrs Bluett remained in For- est -for •a short visit with friends. - Ed. Kestle puepeses moving, from his present stand to the shop across t le street, that used to be occupied by W. L Lewis as a tailor shop. -Mr. Kest- pulley and was dragged between a board protection about. two feet high, and the pulley. Young SchWartz was steady and industrious. Pa.rkle i I I BeaBes„,-As a result of catching on •rains, oue of our town • youths very le of Fame" concert in the Town Hall WAS a howling snccess. The hall was literally packed with an appreciative audience. Each and every number was. faultlessly performed, evidencing mach careful toaining. The varied progeam was very instructive as well as interesting. Tbe proceeds amount- ed to over $00. The I.stdies Aid is to, be congratulated on the success of nariowly escaped a serioas accident. their unciertaking.-On Sunday even - it 'seems that While jumPlog: off a ing last, Rev. Knowles • pee.aehed the moving train here last week, this par- 'first of a series of sermons on "Lest ticular lad was thrown under, and by ,aa ayings of Christ from the Cross" . . rerretuning between the rails until which will he taken up at the evening three cars passed over him he escaped services for some weeks. The church with the loss of the toe of his shoe.- was packed, the gelIery and chairs in The children and A number of grand- thenisles had to be used. children And great.grendehildren of Mrs. Armstrong, of Main street north, met at her residence on Thursday eyening in order to celebrate her erthday. An enjoyable time was pent. --The mock plielianteent by the. oung men's; organization last M.on- lay even mg was ettended an audi- nce which (mite filled the lecture °um of the church. Mt. W. E. Wat- on was speaker ; Mr. Head, chaplain; ev. Mr. Cobbledick, the Governor. General ; Laughton and E. Amos were the leaders of the Govetennent eral opposition reepectively. Centralia CeSs, and Otir Farm Homes.--1Vir. W, I A. 'Wilson, who came home from , Manitoba, last quenmer to take charo ' Y of his father's store has decided he can do better and has secured a Situ:L.. I e Om as manager anc1 buyer for ehe r millinery department, in J. H. Chap ' •DS mum and Co,s Depertenental store, London. He leaves this week to as- i'uu)e 1)15 uOW duties.Greenway's loss is London's gain. He and his wife helve endeared thenaselves to many friends in this vicinity. -- A sleigh load of young people drove up to Me. ' Sol. Pollock's last Thursday evening and spent, a very pleasant evening to- 'gebher.-'-A great many are drawing ice, nearly 2000 cakes have been taken out of the river west} heve, - Mr. Rufus McPherson had the misfortune to get some ashes in his eyes, and has been laid up for about, a week. We ' are pleased to report he is getting better. trieslt trL'O0j3 Oil Liniment is unsurpassed by my -tither liniment on the market to.dity, Th m composed of bottling, seething and cleans- ing vegetable olls):nd exttucts, li IS mit ,in in largo lseltiog for the moan priee Of 25 Cell tS GOLD IN YOUR D. A.III1RT fined. to his room from pleurisy but is progressing nicely towards recovery. - W. Sproal, who has conducted a blacksmith Mistiness here for a number of years, has bought a livery business in Norwich and is moving his family there in the near futare. BRIEFS. -It has been learned from G. T. R. offibials who have recently been in town, that the company have decided to build a large and commo- dious station house in Lacan during the early spring. -Mr. A. E. Teskeyeof St.lVfarys,has been engaged as instruc- tor of the Liman brass band. -The Deering Farm Company, of Chicago, have appointed Mr.. Sas. Anderson as their agent" for Lucan and vicinity. -- Rev. Mr, Galloway,who died at Ridge - town recently, was pastor of the Pres- byterian church here' twenty years ago. -A branch of the Lord's Day Alliance has been formed with the fol- lowing officers: Vice -Presidents, Revs. Thomas, Fair and Smith; Secretery- Treesurer, J. S. Gilfillane Representa- tives, L. D. Stanley, G. A. Stanley, F. ,A. Seiart-Miss Rachel Willis was married on Wednesday, to Mr. John Gibson, Wroxeter.'.. Rev. J. ' C. Smith performed the ceremony at thehome of the bride's sister, -Mrs. Sohn Ber- narel.-Quite a large party gathered at the Lucare station Friday afternoon to bid good-bye to Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Ryan, who started: for their home in Turtle Monntain after a pleasant visit of some two months among friends and relatives in and around Lump. Twenty years ago. Mrs Ryan, a splen- did specimen of a farmer,decided to try his fortune in the west,. where he has been most suceessful,and is well; known as a breeder of Shorthorn cattle,. from one end of the country to the other. Last year, assisted: by his son, he worked 1,160 •acreseand "Maple Grove Farm" is coanted. among the best in the whole district. FOTIND,,,kr LAST'. A liver pie that is tinirtil and' sure: that acts gently. quickly and'thoroup.hly, that does not gripe. Laxa-LirerPills plesesses these quali- ties, and are e.sure.cure fer- LiuerComplaint, Constipation, Sick. Headache: at., DISTRIBU "TON OU• M ON EY A.M.ONONEWSPAPEEM • • Oonservative newspapers heving paltry dealings with the Govern: went for advertising And printing • were referred to its - the "reptile press,' when the conservativea were in power, The auditor's report sh,oviit that dup- ing the last fisca/ year nos less a, stun than 3312,277 wee distributed among the newspapers for, nein ting, while a score- or more of old-time employes were discharged -from. the Government bureau for went of work, and are still out of employment, Here is how some of the organs. were looked after -The Halifax C/hronicle'Me. Field- z hags old paper, gat $1.1.16.for ad vertis- • P P ing and $5,013.foe printing ; the Mane- es ;a ton, N. B„ Transcript got $7,618 for 1 g°oritn n, 6g 8 for L86rlIveei 1;:tisPillgt.anadtled Pla,e74'1 3'd r; for pi inting ; the Toronto Globe raked 111 $2.600 for ttelverthilng ; • the Sten a, es*" $1,709 ; while Me. Stfton epent $86.1.81• ps •in advertising in United States papers and $12.1S1 in foreign newspapers, •,e But tee *entree! Herald tops the list 2 ti of the "reptile press" of Canada, ' • with $2,697 received for advertising g and $40,068 for printing. Much of e the latter patronage as from the 1 ttj A gricultutel Departments • of course, Mr. Fisher being a believer in the theory that charity begins at home. • • assortment of FRESH No Recorrurnendation Is needed for our Staples and Fancy DRY GOODS other than this ''ASK THOSE WHO HAVE BOUGHT HERE IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS," since cur new goods have arrived. ALL AND SEE,..figato- Dur dinner setts and • toilet setts, variety of prices to select from, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. Wood A nice large range with goods. .1. P. wanted in exchange for T. 0. I-IARL,TON. oss,, aid stand, •• Market depot, Exeter. To the Moon. Hail, sacred light, •This winter's night, To Thee, my thoughts now wander; As in silent gaze, I seek thy face, All gleaming up a yonder. How great thy throne 1 If yonder dome, Of blue, so far, so beading; Is all thy hoine. And thou dos'e roan], Only on the sou depending. • If I could wing, • • While poets sing, The praises of thy glory 1 Then„ I might know, As three must know : And give the world a story. Of stranger sights, In yonder heights, Then mortals here could. ponder, Of things unseen, ' • Of which we dream, • All real in relms yonder. Ohl tell me why, We cannot fly? For then we'd wing together;. To where thou art, And e'er would part, While floating through the ethers. But then we'll wait, immortal's Gate Is softly, surely swinging: • Who knows bow near When we shall hear The Morning Stars all singing. • ELD'AEC Ehaarse,;.treberae• •Children Cry for CAST RI ,.••••.n......assoacumansa. Amu imormramerammemmax17.1•6155,11. Ruseeldale BeaEres-Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Maud. Porteous and • Mr. Thos. Marshall, of Oullarton which takes place next Weduesday -.Ube return checker match between • Russeldate and Fullerbon was pl wed at Ras:see:tale last Meaday evening •and resulted in a victory foe Fut' •. on Ifegatnes tesie. •After the enetce ip- per was provided for the elayete -tid the scorers.-Mesem. R. M • Came. Lad • 0. &linen bergee are gf.,t t • it g• ice this week.. -i largo nominal, f •an • here attended the supper and concert st Motherwell, on Monday night.. LOST. -in Fxeter on Saturday sie4st gold chain bracelet with settinggs, inder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Post Office. London, Huron and Bruce. IIGOING NORTE- Passenger. Centralia. ...... . ..., 9,1 •5 50 : London, depart ........ 8.15.9, M. 1 40 .1'.. ht. Exeter ... ........... ... 9.30 6.0 Henson9.41 • 6,15 Eipperi 9.50 6.25 • Brucefield 9.53 •0.93 . Clinton. 10.15 6.55 Wingham, arrive. 11.10 8.00 Genre &arm- Passenger Wingham, depart 6,58 A.m. 3.15 P. sr, Clintcu 7.47 4.25 Brucefteld 8 05 449 Kiopen8.15 4.57 Barisal ...................22 502 Exeter 8.35 5.10 • Centralia ..- ... 8.46 5,25 Loncion.arrive9.37 6.12 WANTED, Responsible Manager. '(integrity mast be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and office to be op onedih anada, to further business interests �t an old established manufacturing concern. Salary *150,per month and extra profits. Applicant must bave 31500 to $2000 cash and •good stand- ing. Address, Supt., P. 0. Box I151, Philadel phia, Pa. The Best $1.00 Axe hi the Market ce In 'many 'thousends of garrets and pr i -i attics women have gold stored away Mr. Bert Hodsonwhile chopping cp .13 arid are not, tware of it, It is not in wood in the bush on VVetineed,ty 5 coins, n Oggets or hare that the gold is Morning, met, with a very painfal me - held, neithee is it in bank notes on olden: e axe glanced, off theysItItlin•ks gold value by the use of Diamond The beep tutor or Lunette As 1 i ard faded clothing, garrneets and log eeveral 0.1 the arteries and coed;i. materiels thee can be turned into et heinet the instell. bordsdt, is there in the form Cif' east off striking his foot with full forete sever. ,s1 Dyresreporte ths1 in 1800 theta were ili t he se At a eost, of 1,,en cents you can re- Peovince of 0 neve) 3 :318 p rtients. 0. enlor a dress, skirt, jzteket, cepe,blouse the instate ineeiteiti -nee re 1,1 VOA,' or waist, and melte them as good tired thee's+ weeet 4 604 In fortv sate es lie - stylish as new ones purchased in a population ineret,sed front I.305.00l. ACCIDENT. -On Thum -slay evening of stoi,e, With one or fAvo peekages of 2,182,012. tee 56 pee cetL3ti3.slytho5iltt,sz: last week Mr. Fred a ogarth sustained Dlattlondt Dye s you can gyve new' life sane increased from or a seVere loss besides some bodily and beauty to y,011r hushaild's overcoat, 260 per cent. Wh it, is his °mese.? gee ies which it is hoped ms,y not prove1 or thrown aside: perhaps for the rag serious. Mr, aogerth had been deliver- gatherer, Your eaten And went rags redyed with Dimmed Dyes will make ieg squared timber at the station for some time and on the evening named VP handsome mats or rugs that will hb Ati 'net unloaded ' lead when the' add. comfort to yourehome. All the ASTORIA London bound express steamecl into work and transformAions suggested station frightening the team which be. will give you results that have it gold came unmanageable although pinekily VflliIC, heldon to dnring a short mad run o • - the stage shetl on hiNt, Ile enriler t ounn A cow) IN ONJ DAY which Lhe oil limes, a valuable 'Nike Imitative Brom° Quinine TAblds. • t , ereeeists renege the 1110017 If it foils to cum • mare, struck wiLli terrine °eta knock, se w, esevee signature 18 011 ate, bog, era, 0 7.4fauta and. eitiidrem _ • - ARE. -Bet .41nericsan coal “i gasoline .4, e per gat.