HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-2-13, Page 4T E )( of Woodhaus tweed away on Satter - The Molsons Bank .015.6.11Tliallele BY PAIILIANENT, 1855 ideep Cavite], - 4e,r,00,900 s revs. cram" - 0,00,000 Read Oelee.leo streal. JAMEe liasTeIVE.S9.t GinunnAn lefeereeen Atorttae advauced to good to,resees 'on their awe note wig] one or more midorser at .7 Per cent. per amstim. Exeter Branoh, Open every lawful day from 1O*. In. to 6 p.m SATURDAYS, le a. su,. to 1 P. arrentretes or interest allowetlon deposits. MESON CADLINO, 1). RURBOINT, sonzomotta. 4f...ormolu neter, Dee. eith,'Oe. Calendar for February, 1902 SUNDAY-. ., .... 2 0 10 23 3 10 17 24 TtIZSDAT......... 1 :11 18 25 WsenNksneer... . 5 12 19 26 Tacasseser.... ... 6 13 20 27 nape...eh . . ... ... , 7 14 21 28 WATEIBIDAY, ...... 8 15 22 THURSDAY', FEBRUARY 13tea, 1002 . 01•13fflaiM...11 NOTES AND COMMENTS, The 'Toronto Evening Sews says: - "It is reported from a source which is not very far removed from the On- tario Cabinet that the general election will take place on June lOth, Mr. \ t herefoie wait uutil after to decide whether ornot to the coronation as the Premier of Ontario. * Already there is talk of a succesear to Mr. Justice Lister, and it is said at Oegoode Hall that BOIL J. T. Gaarow, K. C., of Goclerich, will receive the next appointment. Mr. Justice Brit ton may be moved to the Court of Ap- peal, where the salary is $1,000 less, and the newjudge given the vacancy I be King's Bench division. ft • The Huron and Erie canal project is well under way, fairly financed and only awaiting the adoption of a route. The Southern ternsinus will be west of 72ort Staniey. The starting point will heat St. Joseph's or the vicinity. No dieubt is felt That the enterpise will ere long show sign of activity. For the canal the estimated cost is about $20,000,000. TOO MUCH FAT. A letter was received at the Departnsent of Agriculture from a well known produce houee in London, urg- Deg a change in the shipment of fatted chickens to Englaed. Birds which have been sent over from Canada tluring the poet feve months have av- exaged ovexelive pounds each. This sike is a little too large for English re- cmirements, and the request is now Mr chickens averaging about three Erctunds eath. Mr. Bare, poultry ex - et, for the department, saye, this re - nest can be readily complied with. it will mean that, the chickens will have to be handled for one month less than is now the ease. The cost of production will be correspondingly Mss, and the net results to the Oanad- iln poultry raiser jest as great as they are.to-day. _APPENDICITIS. From the Springfield (Mass.) Re- bhcan.-Dr. A. O. Squier read a ter before the Eastern Hampden Medical Society in this city Thursdey, itt which he made a radical departute Aram the opiniou commonly held by medical men with regard to appendi- ciEls. Dr. Squier is a specialist on the sfomach and towels, am& gave an in- telligent, if radical, theory pertaining to operations for tliis now very cant- mOn disease. From his own experi- ence during the Iasi, twenty years he has collected facts which have led him to believe as he does. He also quoted from many eminent physicians of the day, and frona all that he had collected he has deduced the opinion. that 80 per centof all those affected with appendicitis will get well without an operation, while the other 20 per cent. will die whether an operation is per- eitermed or not. Be therefore believes. that it -makes no material difference whether an operation is perfortned. so far as recovery is cocernecl. De. Squiet•'s paper was of an exhaustive nature, and required so longfor its reading that no time wee given for discussion, which might have been of a very interesting nature. The eseentlal lunrehealing principle of the pine tree has finally been successfully separat- ed and refined into a perfect cough .meektinct, Dr, Wood's Norway nine epee Sold by al, dealeron eguarentee of sablaction. Price 26 cents. ad Coughs "I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." ' L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always ead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pn eurn oni a , asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as yourcough begins. A few doses will ure you then. sbo,,oeourch eor tie ne (le e re, "eeridt right far brouchltfirefloattle••• rd del,* ate.; $1, Meet offetiontlieel er ni5C5n0$otia ta 10,01i braid: 0. AYER 00,, Lotion, MA& Another old Ana respected resident 0 P t 1111118, Deceased had been suffering' ' . for eeMe thee from an attack of con- sumption ot the brain when death rreleased his suffering. He leaves a large circle of friends to tnourn his lose. Mrs, Emily Wade Oufre, 'widow of the late David H. Guff°, one of eple pioneer residents of St, Marys. and mother of Mrs. M. Slack, died at her horne, on Water street, last Monday, aged 91 years. The deceased lady had been in poor health for many years and had been confined to her home fer a long time. Mrs. Thomas Darling died at her honae on Kip street, St. Marys, last Saturday, age 53 years and 8 months. The forting moved to St. Marys about a year ago from near Russeldale. and some years since they lived in Bien - shard, Besides her lausband the de- ceased lady leaves to mourn 4 er loss a family of two eons and four daugh ter. Mr. John 0. Copeland, of Woodham, was buried last week, having suffered for some time from an attack of appendicitis, which turned into au abscess. Death released hien from his pain on Saturday previous. His re- mains were brought to the home of his father and interred in the ICirkton cemetery. Deceased was widely knoevit around here, and leaves be- sides his many friends a, wife and four daughters to mourn his untimely death. The following officers of the County Lodge L.O.L., Perth, were duly elect- ed at a well -attended meeting held in St, Mary's Tuesday afternoon: -Coun- ty Master, W. Thompson, Mitchell; D.G.M., D. Bonis, Blanshard ; D.C., D. Brethourt Kirkton ; treasurer, Geo. D. Lawrie, Marys ; lecturers. H. Irvine and J. Corbett; auditors, Messrs. Smith and Kennedy. At this meeting the lodge decided to celebrate the corning 12th of July at Goderich. da1 y asio in the person of Mr David RR• Vie News oil loterest to Times Readers Happening In tilOSO 601113108 Huron The Bishop of Huron has appointed the Rev. J. E. McCracken, of Chesley, Ont., to be rector of the parish of Thornclale, at the recmest or the ves- try. . , Thos. Huseey, of Goder 1 ch, died at St. Josephs Fluepital, London, Mon- day, after a nine days' illness of heart disease. Mr. Hussey was a farmer and 60 yeats of age. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels but do not purge. ;They are sere to please. Try there. ; Turnberry township has lostanother 1 a its early and highly respected resi- 1 dents in the death of Mrs. David 'Haugh, which sad event oecurred on Thursday evening of last week. De- ceased was 81 years old. At a meeting blithe town ball, Go'de- rich, a petition was arranged to be t drawn up and addressed to the Minis- ter of Public Work, asking that the Goverement build a breakwater to the west of the harbor entrance, to make it safe for boats to enter in rough weather. Middlesex Mr. Henry L, Peine, of Liondoh, formerly of Zurich, is making arranite- ruents to open a silos store in klarat burg. Jaunes Carter, of Clandeboye, has moved into Lucan, and is occupying the house recently vacated by George Bawden. Air. Fred. Bran died on Thursday last at the advanced age of 88 years, Mr. Bran knew Liman in its primeval state and had lived the greater part of his life there. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Clarter's Little Liver Pies are a specificfor sick head- ache, and every women should know this. Only one pill.a dose. Try them On Wednesday night of last week a large number of neighbor. in McGilli- vray, gathered at Mr, Jos. Simpson's to bid them farewell and also to pre- sent them with a beautiful chair and lamp as a token of friendship. The taker.% needless to seer, were very much appreciated. Mrs. Harper, of Toronto, daughter of John Hodgins (Sauble Hill), Bid- dulph, died of consumption on Satur- day. last. Mrs. Harper went last fall to the Sanitarium at Gravenhurst, hoping to be cured thereby, but al- though slightly benefitted at first it had latterly been evident that the Im- provement was only temporary. Mrs. .Harper leaves a husband and a, small family to mourn her untimely death. Miss May McKenzie, daughter of Alexander McKenzie, lot 28; con, 2, West Zarra, died on Sunday, Jan. 20, after a long and trying illnese, at the age of 37. 'While the members of the faintly were returning from. the ceme- tery after the burial, they met a DIOS- sertger on the road„ who informed them that Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, mo- ther of the young woman whose fun- eral was just over, had diecleuddenly. Mr. McKenzie was so overcome by the added sorrow of his wife's death ,that it is a question whether he will 'recover from the shock. Mrs. James Ander- son, of Lucan, is a daughter., Mr. John Toohey, one of the oldest residents of London, died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs.Patrick Dewan, on the townline between Lon- don and Baidulph townships Death resulted from a complication of bronc- hitis and dropsy, sfer several years Mr. Toohey had lived with his daugh- ter, Miss Toohey, of this city. Three years ago he was afflicted with bronc- hitis, hut his wonderful vitality tided him over a crisis which at, times ap- peared as if it must prove fatal. Dropsy, however, developed, and six months ago he was 'removed to his danghteles home in Bidditiple Here he gradually sank and died as above stat- ed. Mr. Tooliey was one of the earli- est, settler:, of London. lie was boin in Tipperery, Ireland, and came here when quite a, young man. He was a building laborer, and assisted in the erection of the custom house eild asylum az d. many other prominent buildings in London. Mr. luohey is survived by a family of three. daugh- ters--Aliss Toohey, of London, 111i'S. Dewan, of 131ddulph, and Mre. John Ryan, of Alpena, Michigan. Hie W1. predeceased him thirteen year. ago. Perth The Pullet toe township Sunday school convention will be held at Bethel, February 28th. Miss Moir, of leranklin, Mich., a, fortnee resident of Exeter is visiting in St. Marys and Ens bro. . E. R. L. Gould, Ph. D., a nephew of Mrs. Thos. Evans, of St. Marys, has been appointed city chandeerlain of New York, by Mayor Seth Low, at a salary of $25,000 per year. Petitions ate heleg eirenleted for ste,-na lure for presentation to the On- tario Governireet, calling or a• pro- vinri;0 aucliaor to examine the at - counts of the corporation Of the town rf St. Marys. ;fridge Barron, a tiSi ratford,on Satur- day declared vacant by eoreant, the seats of W. R. Davis Edwin .Da,vis and W. 3. _Levy on the Mitchell high school b Para, they having had t trine - actions with the board. , 1 London, Huron and Bruce. You Could Look into the future and see the copdition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you. you would seek relief at once -and that naturally would be through " Shiloh's nsumption Cur Guaranteed to cure Zen- sumption, Bronchitis, A.stlima, and all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents. Write -to S. C. evetes & Co., Toronto, Can., for free trialbottle. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood Liver Pi1;0 'That's What you need; sotne,1 thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you , a good .. digestion. .AyerI s Pills are liver pills. • They cure con- stipation and biliousn,ess. Gently laxative. Anagtl,t0, -..t.,,i4roor n1outett4r, 61; board ctt'rati.rir i ..br,ont or melt Week e 'tell reeese : 'BilgIONtiti4111'nITEfrn..:V;1° • , I E ,, . Whin1401`0 ' 4.4g47:4,0•=4,40,,u.:ettirt,01,,,..; H. A44- GOING NORTE- Passenger. London. depart.........8.15A. ex. I 40r. M.Centralia . ....... . .... 8,1 5 50 Exeter 9.3C 6.0 • Hensall 9.41 615 Rippen tees 6:25 Brucefield ' 9.68 5.33 Chnton 10.15 6 55 Winghatn, arrive11.10 8.00 GOING SOUTH- Passenger Wingham, depart 603 a. x. 3.15 1'. ei. Clintca . . .... 7.17 4.25 Brucafteld . 805 4.49 Rippen .... . „ ........ 8.15 4.57 Hensel]. ' .22 502 Exeter . 8.35 5.10 Centralia 8.16 5.25 London. arrive._ 9.37 6.12 OAREFIILLY AVOID SUBSTIITES AND IMITATIONS At the present time the Diamond Dye$ ole the only package dyes abso- lutely guaranteed by tbe manufae- ture] s. The great popularity of, the Diamond Dyes has brought forth tnany imitations and vile deceptions in the shape of homepackage dyes. These imitations. cheaply produced, are sold by some dealers for the sake of the extra profit they bring, and many are urged ti, buy them: If you would avoid ti•ouble and disaster,tefuce these adulterated dyes when they are offer- ed to )eu, and ineist upon getting the Die mord Dyes. 'rhe manufacturers of Diamond Dyes will he pleased to send post free to any address their Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Desigem. If you are a lover of prei ty room ornamentse write to The Wells & Richardson Co. Limited, 200 Mountain bi., Montreal. P. Q. If a ell ild eati ravenously., grinds the teeth at night and picks lis eose, you may almost be certain i t has worms and should administer without del Dr. Le -WS Pleasant WormSyrup this remedy contains its own eathartie. eessessoneztmemm=rsega-eseasseen A FREE PATTERN (your*own selection)to every sub- scriber. °My SO cents a year. M LL5 MA dLt A !LADIES' .IVIADAZINE. A gem; beautiful colmed plates; latest fasitions• clressinaltinz economies ;fancy work; litinsellold Ifint*; fiction, etc. Sob. scribe to.dhy, or, send se. for Irttei,t- copY, I•dy egento wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reettbie, Simple, Up to date, Deottotnical and Absolutely Perfect -Pitting Paper Patterns. Wc. Affirm AH Seams Attowed and Perforations show ' the Bastind and Setylnit Lines. odty so and i5 cents efich-n0� htglivr. Ask for themsetd in nearly every etty and town, or by. mai! from THE •MoCALL ft3-115-117 West 3Ist Sts NEW YORK. r, r Virf,und:t, pried ffateir, 1;. enittalem. St itr Jowls, Burn Sea tfs Or Clvoup, Couglie." tneds• 11 igy irrre Ye, low Oil will be felled an ocel- low remedy ['rico 25 eon tee Au dealers. ADVERTISE IN T H H T 1 M' IT PAYS Children Ory "DIVISION COURT -J udge Doyle pre- / ETRE TlIME5 ocals. 'iNetwithsta,nding Iotro (Illation of mitations and Ootinterfelts The sale of sided at the Diesion Court held here on Wednesday when two caeee were beard. A third case, was adjonrned owing to the defendant net having been served. The case of Dew vs Powell wes an action for alct a balance on adried Apple purchase and a counter claim for $100 for damages claimed for loss owing to the onmerchentable con- s ame s oiary Compound Have vastly. Increased dition of the ep1ies judgment was reserved. Dickson es Carling for Fife. Prondfoot & Hays;for deft. iThe other action 13uOletnan vs Madge, was Er the return of money claimed to have been. paid under protest Actioe dismissed with cost to deft, J. G. Stan bury for deft, Dickson & Carling for plff, EXETER, FB:11, 10th 1902. 111B,, EDITOR. looking over the Official ()ensue Returns published in your last issue 1 find the present pop- ulation of the Village of Exeter is 1792. In the setae article I notice that the present popetation of the TOWO of Durham is 1421. The difference in population in favor of Exeter of over 350. Now the ohject, of my comae-till- catipn, is net to find fault with Dur- ham, or other towns that have less ;population than Exeter, But to find fault with Exeter. Exeter, ought to have been a town twenty years ago and should have been so-called. Am I only one in Exeter, that has the ern- bition to live in the town of Exeter? A. RATEPAYER. A SICK STOMACH is always relieved, and its unpleasant consequences tweeted by taking thiety drops of Poison's Nerviline in a. little sweetened water. It instantly reliev- es the nansea and by its soothing and stimulatiog power calms the stomach and enables it to onmplete tbe process of digestion. Nerviline has been prov- ed more than a million times the best reineder for stomach and bowel troub- les. Nerviline will cure you. 25c. Genera I News. Out of the halt million horses por- chased by the British Government, 77,060 came from the United States and 11,000 from Canaria. • Our sympathies go out to people like the Illinois lad who committed euicide because he didn't know how to deposit $20 in the bank. Getting the $20 is also a wearisome task, we find. The announcement that Canadian chickens are too large for the British market makes us feel that tbe John Bull 'stomach is not living up to its reputation. Rev. James Livingston,of the Wind- sor Avenue Methodist church, Wind- sor, has received an -offer of $3,Q00 per annum and free personage from the Methodist church in'Dawson City. He is considering the offer. • A' despatch' from- Chioago says that a general aclvamce of 26 Cell tS per dozen in the price of broOras has been decid- ed oneand other adyences will prob- ablrfollow. • The cause; it is said, is shortage in the.prooni coepecrop. An eccentric old'ba.lielorewho resid- ed near Parkhill, died recently, and his household effects were 'sold by auc- tion for $50. Since then the purchaser of a mattress has found in'the straw a parcel containing $1,600in bills, while $1,000 in cash was found in 'a tin box in it chimney corner. Thomas Sleetnan, ap empleye at the McOlary Manufacturing Co.'s estab- lishment, London, bad an exciting ex- perience Monday, which he will nob soon forget. He was in the cleaning house, adjusting a belt on a pulley, when the sleeve of his shirt, caught in the shafting and be was whirled around the latter several eimes. When the machinery wasstopped, Sleeman's clothes were founa to betorn off him, his shoes alone remaining. He was not at all injured, mad his escape from instaut death was miraculous. The wonder of Essex county is a3 - year -old boy, son of George Cady, who lives above Ruthven. The child is three feet six inehes in height, and weighs fifty-eight pounds. He wears a coat that was made for a 9 year-old boy, and it tits him. At 5 umeths he weighed thirty- pounds. He is a, very handsome boy healthyand good natured, and is particularly bright and active. His father is a man over six feet in height., and the tootle- er just six feet and stout in proportion The parents are naturally very proud oftheir lin eon) mon son. It is said hy the physicians, who attended on the occasion of his Weil], that he Was one of only five on record who Nettie so large. SPECIAL FROM,NOF,We011, ONT. The recovery of Mr. Norman Batty, Hardware Merchant, one of Norwich's oldest and most successful citizens, has excited much comment. For years Mr. Batty has been en unceas- ing sufferer from Catarrhal Asthma and although no end of time and money was spent relief was not qb- tained until Mr. r3. (Ay coin menced Cate rrhozone tic At nt Which pet- fectly cnred him. This case is only equalled by that of Mrs. Bannon, wife of I. J. 13apnon, druggist who was also cured of Asthma and Hay Feyer by Cathrrhozone after thirty years' suffering. Fully a hundred persons in this town have been cured of Catarrhal troubles by tbe use of Oat- atrhozobe which is &remarkable proof of its value. Two months treatment, Peice $1, Small size 25c, Sold. by all druggists or by mail from poison & Co., Xing& Ont. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE . TRADE MARits Cenelf°11E12HIGTNSS&O.' Anyone Bellaire; a sketeh and description may (yummy aseertelit our Orfini011 freMehether an inventinn iii prob mei iteteetable, ' Cointeneirce eons ter tong Confitletliddi. /LtudbOOls Oh Patents serif, free, Oldest agency -fee securitig peteets'. ved.efliateliiilitetkree,eAtentatlepeuroortiebieli.guovisliarithaecrde reoetvo . Cieitlifie. tdieriCalte‘ , . . iveresonteli illusttated Weekly. eittesOst"olr. yeielltattlielneeerfnitigrtoucei,esnit,Itiscetuyeytieith ti,Tewereneielle,,I$O31, ea, 'MUM eg 0 osi.roath4ay, d ...„.. ,.., . Now York DP),1142n tn6cot CV/ 0 Ot.; Washington,13. C. eeresreee. The Great Medical Prescrip don of Professor Phelps, M. D., is the only medi- cine that Truly Banishes Disease and Sickness. Shortly after the greatest of modern physic:ems, Professcr Phelps M. D., gave to the science of medicine the most wonderful remedy of the present day--Paine's Celery Convound--a host of imitators sprung up. As the great public demand for Paine's Celery Compound increases in every section of Oaneda, imitators became bolder, and as a coasequence, the public in many quarters are suffering from these vile deceptions. To-thty, elo other medicine is so largely imitated as Paine's Celery Compound. this is due to its immense popluarity.. Notwithstanding the introduction of Paine's Celery Compound in Can- ada the sales of the great disease -ban- isher increases from week to Week and far exceed the combined output of all other medicines. People insist up- on having the one remedy that makes them strong, repairs their shattered - strength, and that frees them from , disease. Only a truly great and effect- ive remedy could continue as Paine's Celery Compound has done, to hold its unriyalledplace in the estimation ,. of able physicians, disco:Wog pro- fessional men and the Best people of the land, If you value life and health, do not hesitate to ref nse the "Something Just, As Good" and vile imitations when de- alers present them to you. See that you get the kind with the name PAINE'S on wrapper and bottle. The home of Mr. Thos, Hodgius, Sauble Line, Biddulph, teas taken possession of on Wednesday evening, 29th ult., by the gathering of about fifty people of the choir and members of the church 'of Englaed, St. Pat- rick's. After the company had Assem- bled, the rector, Rev. Ww, Stout, called on Miss Alma, Hodgins, the organist of the church, to come for- ward, when Miss Annie D. Hodgiris presented her with a gold chain, a parlor table and rocking chair -all of excellent quality and exquisite design, Mille.0.110.010 re THE HOME MONEY MAKER uttet mei II 11111111111111111,1111t1111111,11111111111110111niallem, tehmelemialtal eel; mainellialit .1Weg etablePreparationfor As- similating IheToociatidRegula. tilt the tomachs andBowels of - INN.11•MI*MI 111•01.12. Prornotes•Thgestion,Cimerful- nessandRest.Contains neither OpitialVIorphimtk nor Ntneral, OTN1tCOT 116:1:51-12* If&Pegnihtte-,ra.., RealelloSalto- dibaSenna ap411.11,04N &eta Sugar . tifavrian,Ftann I A puree t Remedy for Constipa- tion, sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,reverish- mess and Loss OF SLEEP . /acSunde Signature of Qssfatee/4 NEW YotiT. SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE APPE OF EVERY BOTTLE OF eXAPieOPY Or WRAPPER. esseeese :tetra -Vrei.11 eeaseeeeeesemes.ssesehes 0aatoria Iti put tip in onasize 'fettles only. It. is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell. you anything else on tho 'ilea or promise that It is Iljnot an goodu and "will answer ovary par -- polo." A3Z7- See that you get 0 -A -3 -T -0 -B -X -A. S.'ho fan- shnile ir's"-='"7fg (-,c7/114 signe.turo ' ovcay of wrapper.. esieleeteW3eese eSeesesee0" Wi'eiteStelesieeteeteett et. '3.frhe }i me of Mr. J.' Dechext Hey, was the ecele of a happy eveet Tueeday evening, evlite7 ebotits one hiiniired gueets assembled to witness the wax/42.1v of his claueiner, Lucinda, who as meted in miteriage to Air. Louis Reeder, of Dash wood. • John Deicherte jr.,of Zurich, left on Thursday afternocn for London to go through zeta opera,tion for appendi- A sawing match for $50.00 in prizes - will he held at Parkhill bout March 1st. - Mr. John Withal died on Monday morning, at his residence, About four. miles from Mitchell. He bed attained the age of 64 years, and had residedi here for a good Many 'years, He ba& been a great sufferer from asthma. me P1ers To Work at Thellr Homes Under .the Direction of ; A Pair in 30 Minutes ihe.GLAsGOW WOOLLEN CO. 37 MELINDA 37.1 TORONTO, To Fill Large Contractb--Cood Wages Easily Earned. Wo want a few more workers in this locality, at once, and in order to secure your co-operation without the delay of correspondence, we herewith explain our full an hi this advertisement. The work is simple, and the Machine is easily operated, and with the Guide, requires no teacher... If you wish to join our staff of Workers let us hear from you promptly with the Contract, order form, and re - Machine weigh317 pounds. t le MOre won^ mittance, as a guarantee, and we will send i derful Than a sewing machine, Just machine and outfit to begin work at once. cm durable, anti higher speed. . OUETt OF 'CO1C B-USINESS Tee wish to secur e the services of families to do knitting references as to our honesty and. integrity, we must aske for on in their hom es. Our method is the same as adopted you to do the same, in order that 'we may know with whomt In England. We are the introducers of athbilse tpelanpreadnbdee tahne to owe seahorhewavdeve,a1Quilangwa,sha,b t our work is, and we simply oa.3, as to the, rief a manner as possible, endeavored', laAr aretesrt lkennigtt ha p ecroi enricceern, wi In hCaavnea Canada. been Automatic Machine by which all kinds of seamless knit- machine, it is just what" we represent it to be, and will poet - ting is novt done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling tively do everything we claim for it, or refund the mor.ey.• anyone of ordinary intelligence to quickly learn to do the Each machine, sectirely packed with an outfit, is Set up for' work from the Ins truction Guide. All we require , is that work, thoroughly tes ted, and a sock or stocking partially' you use the machine according to directions. The Machine knitted before boxing and shipping. Should yeu decide, to• being made expressly for this purpose, and the operation engage with us, it will be necessary to send us Cash Coe - so shnple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work. tract Order 'Perm, properly signed by you, and at least one The groat derna.nd now is for Bicycle Stockinge, Wood- go.od reference, together with the remittance, accorclingle, men's Socks, and Motormen's Mittens, and as we are un- upon receipt of whieh we win forward machine and outfit able to supply the demand, have taken this method of ad- ready to commence. Respectfully yours , vertising for more help. The large export. tra.de to the NOrth-west Territories. GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO. 37 Mende S6reet Tomb , British Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un- e, limited demand for Mir goods, and, -with the combined co- 'our nerevences-ExPress Compaufere Itarats, or Toronto iltit 11-• • apwiethrattihone 'leafrgteheammeaunnyt of knitting we are able to turn. out, If, you wish to examine tho machine and see the ma - by which we save rents, insurance. interest on capital, etc., terial before undertaking the work, you can do so by geeneadlasl,sanuds we uhnadveerseelalleanfyer in aallnutfhaectleuniretrtin0g1 wt11018eacnlashsaVet nesxeelepidreeinnsstge otf shipping, and WO Will .seral everything to your e$x8PWresass cacrin' gPtiaarrtaYn, teleeav011m7onda f-ablathiLcztend oft° twelve ' tuTrbneedportilete. we work in proportion to size. • per hundred, or at, the rate of 10c Per Pair; woodmen's socks, 5c, and motormen's mittens, 12c a pair. All other We are so frequently and unnecessarily asked if one can • pay for finished bicycle stockings is $10.00 dollars to pay the agent and ,f..'z cciets for the return charges 0IenartnhetornkQnnietYWtiothuosttt a teacher. We say, Yes; it requires ' and at our prices any energetid family should be able to read the 'Instruction Guide ,can learn to k.nit' at onee, ' • The machine can be operated by any one of a family, po teacher; any person of ordinary intelligence who an , ORDER roRIN1 eestain themselves comfortably, and in time be a. Sourde of $15.00 Cash Contract Order iForan.• Our plan is to send Out eacklinitmteadc,hianield torembeaginininngersinwtihthe Landse::cdoerntstco7kiPflr:ertlallY To the Glasgow Woolen Co., V 1VIelinda St , Toronto machine ready to be ebntinued, and also enough yarn to advertisement, . and enclose e1,5 to „pay for One Autorhatia ••• Gentlernea,-1 cheeire to do the work as 'described • in thiet knit one 'pair of Sample socks or stockings '<netting" Machine, together with .. material, ins einictions. and complete tnstrtici ion Guide, showing howallthde awOirmkIllies to he done. When trio samples have been finished and and everything necessa.ry for the Work, Die same to be sent e•htele yon knit and return likewise when finished, We returned to us satisfactory, We eend a quantity ef , yarn, It is understood and agreed that any time after I ha„ve to me by ExeresS, CHARGRS PRDPAID. ' prepay charges on all 'work one way, and our workers pay rehire charges. The work, as we have elated, is shnnle and and -wish to discontinue, that the C4lasgotir Veoolen Co. will dene, an amount of Work equal to the purchase price,' n.5,. ce-,r,loy 'wile can knit from twenty-five to thirty pairs of send stitches a minute. We have many persons how in our ranidly done, the mechipe having a capacity of ten then - e xspeennaTr, It: or uhne (la a me t fhaem 4i1T°(111111tpriosaskliblfea)rm°1.Lttantle'sign here, take baek the machine and otItfit, and after deducting their - plr;Irq or 'stockings a' day. and where the time of a farrillY , . is devoted to the ivork, you can readily see that $15.00 sr Full name .. ..,.,, ,. -.Street ........„ ... feee, and everything that is necessary for the, work. We ' `-' • nee furnishing the machines Only for the eXclusive use or cennty ,. , ., etie.50 1/7' weelr can be easily earned. We furnish our workers all the materials, yarn, etc,, ,re. ee. .. : : .... .. r,•..rinr to benome a member, eend us this Contra.at Order Nearest nxpress, orrice is a"; . . . . :. . - t 11 ',PE, desirteg to take employment with vs, who must, in Velem, properly rigned by them, arid at least one gOOd refer,' e,ee eerettnee I name the . following, person: once, and remittance accordingly, to give us the necessary -,...i .i• P sseraere that l71e (limn:titles of valuable yartt we may geed reem time fn tirrin will not be wasted or misapproprieeecl. . . ... .... 4•114, 1111,1• .0`0 0*. ••••• 0 .... 4.0" , ritts::',1"'"iifirfrPtrterlffi"lciff l'rlIVF.aerlidMarPrnen itot:62.rTALeWettoellerIcalc: ts1W101%(16631111110afitra°earteliee Ill:fat-15r: dataL'entsge- -33..e".a.ur.e.“to use this ifortn. when spenditig your emit - Wed TIM anrrtlwf I tit4SIGOS, WO are doitig an extensive etisi- eee forme, n•I We Cantot make e, dietinction With one tanon teepee win en+ ue sold to any others than those Who will tie'e. end Meet bn gOVerned by business prinelplee. s :::,es trns eottoti el:re:int:: fpricert, :). f the machine is., $18, and .Post- PinreoreptehrielowPwlaelter:uc.ch Ttletter hnow you wish to he paid, -weekly, monthly, ,or ee you Rebel it] and have Signed by at least one good reference, 1n tee fez' the machixie and outflit, which volt mur t 1111 0y2ciftirkleanrecItetivrolltetototisi haeAdwettrilSc°; sathist; . le, frI n-rw fir-ff, r, 'ICI" you ceinmence, and have done an . e eneeet of work canal to the percliage pride, end wieh' to , . earefoinue, eve win take batik ma,dhine and refund the ' *" im 6••••••• • ii. .4,••••14 Pmeent ?laid for same, efter dedueting cost' of our ex- qihrrn is a taro Demand. by the Trade yfeeal; atfhtig•i. yclGitztets, toSreecitult, oytot 07, erriotst at.nocfefi 01 Mo 40)' oriecleonr,ey and >' eltewgitsi • ot week. Olir vfrorkere can domed upon It peeee onlv. piirl If yoti etteatre tyftb -us (Whole Sr spare titne) we win nronmtly forward. machine, outfit, and eiteMle settide for kopl, •,‘,-ou ennplierl 'With work as long as You do it es:tide:es doing the week. rilllig le the best offer eVer matte for thes , tweet,- for its end rettril it promptly, We entrust mut work- benefit of Canadians -who want to work and make money at . ars with large colaetittes of valuable yarn, and 0.8 WO give helne.• NO CON rdEOTOONI 111141 rile OTH ER CO PA NY. families we are employing, together nem lIouses.