HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-2-13, Page 1_,400•Ohisow...0.106S, atema;;;Inworamoosmassior
Change of usiness,
We 'beg to announce to our friends in Exeter and
8LO-founding district that we have purchased the Hardware,
Stove and Tinware business lately carried way IL Bishop
89 bon, and intend keeping a Well 'assorted Stock in all the
above lines' and by close attention to business and prices,
hope to merit a share of the liberal patronage 'heretofore
bestowed upon our Predecessors. .
awkitis & Sort.
- —OF --
_Boots, Shoes ,S1 'Overshoes.
We have a few odd pairs of over-
ehoes add rubbers that we ire going
to sell at their regular value. -
Child's overshoes worth $1 25 for 130c
Boys - " " $1-25 " 75e
Misses " $L90 " 90e
Women's $2.00 " $L00
Men's heavy rubbers, 1 bucltlefor $1.00
Xen's overshoes for $1,00
Men's rubbers, regular, 90cs far 75c
"Wonaen's rubbers, regular 65c for 55c
Wornen's rubbers, regular Ouc for 50c
Women's felt shoe, $1.25 for 90o
Men's felt, shoes, $1,75 to $2.50 for
$1.50 to $1,25.
There are only a limited niumber of
pairs in each of the above lines. Call
.,early and securea, bargain.
Horse blankets at 15 % off regular
• price.
Regular line of shoes and harness al.
ways rn stock11 .
S W 0 et ed" horse and a much more fatigued
driver.- W. H. Lewis, of Hariaiota,
% off cash purchase.
BaaEas.-aTlae stormof the past
week made the Concessions impassable,
so that the stage between here and
Parkhill was unable to gee through
Ott Saturday and Monday. -- Quite a,
number in the village are laid up at
present as a result of vaccination. -
Mr. Milton Morlock returned home
last week. He has been engaged
with lar. A. Birk for the summer. -
Dr. IL Ross, a former school teacher
here called on friends in the village
last week. -It is our sad duty this
week to record the death of leIrs.
Louis Huhn of the Babylon line, Hay,
which sad event occuered ou Satire
day. Her remains were interred in
the Bronson Line cemetery, on Mon-
day last.
Cred iton.
Baaars.-Dr. and Mrs, Rivers, visit-
ed friends in Clinton, last week.
They drove, and- while there the snow
storm became severe and the roads
ienpaseable. The Doctor, having
*Wants to visit, took the train, lire
Rivers undertaking -to drive home.
She relates a thrilliug experience, and
one few ladies would care to under-
take. For the most part she had to
break the roadover banks of snow
higher than the fences at close inter-
*els experieneineee ca -'size, while the
weather" was bitteely, cold. She per
severed arid after a whole days' steady
toiling reached home with a "tucker -
K rkton
(To late for last week.)
BRIEPS.-Mr. Foote, of Varna, is the
guest of Miss Laura Cairns, this week
-Miss Lorne Shier is at present the r
guest of her sister, Mrs Elliod in Lon-
don. -Miss Francis Barreef Motherwell
is the guest of her cousin, Miss Bella
Barr. -Mr. A.mos Doupe is on the sick
- list at eime of writing. -Miss Lizzie
Slaier. is sick with la grippe -Miss Et-,
ita Fletcher is spending a few weeks
yisiting friends in St. Marys and East
ssoure-Mr and Mrs. Mi Ils, of Wood-
lham, spent Sunday the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Hazelwood. -.Miss
'Stewart is confined to •the hogse
through illness. -Owing to the severe
snow-sterm on Sunday and Monday
the school here was ciosed, Monday. -
Mrs, Robert Fletcher spent Saturday
and Sunday at Winchelsea with her
mother who is very ilL--- Mr. Steacy
and family of Base line, moved into
village last week. Mr. S. is going to
run Station A. in Mr. A. E. Gettlers
place. -Mr. George Darling left on
Saturday for St. Mary's to attend the
funeral of his brother.
sTOP THE ootiGH-
Laxative Broom -Quinine Tablets cure a cold
in one ay. No cure, No ay, Price '26 cents
Usborne Council.
Council met February lst. All the
members were present. Miuutes of
last meeting Were read, and approved.
Moir -Camera -Thee the tender of
'The Exeter Texas to do the work
usually required by the municipality
or $50.00 be accepted. -Carried.
Hawkins -Moir -That the. auditors'
report as presented ,be adopted, a,nd
that 150 coma of the report be printed
for dietribution.-Carried.
Ballantyne -Moir -That the treas-
urer's securities be approved for 1902,
ands° marked. -Carried.
Ca,min-Haiykins-That the follow-
ing accounts be passed and orders
issued in pa,yrrient, viz. :
Joshua Johns. auditing, $6; Wm.
A. Turnbull, auditing, $0 John Rog-
ers, engineer's fees, 83;$ 'J. White &
Son, printings contract, $50; Paul
Coates, salary, $70 ; H. J. Kuhn, tile,
1O; Canadian Repress Co., charges
on rolls, 30c.--Oarried
M oie-Oam -Tlaat council adjourn
to meet April 5th at 1 o'clock.-Car-
FitaieUre Monetve Clerk,
The local Board of Health for the
Township recommend a general vac;
eination ; and • the Medical Health
Officer will visit the schoolsat conven-
ient dates, of which the sectiOns will
nave due notice, for the` purpose of
vaccinatiripe any person young or old
who May Wish to have it done.
Ohiicirera ry for
Mita. who has been visiting friends
in and around Creditors, the past
severalweeks, left for the Prairie Pro-
vince, on Tuesday. -As predicted by
your scribe some time ago, other
business -changes of an important
nature have recently taken place.
Alf. J. Clark has disposed of his
harness business to his father,
James Clark, who, by the way, is an
experienced harness maker, and will
continue the business at the old stand.
A. J. Clark will move next week to
Ailsa Craig and will open up a buse
ness there. We are sorry to lose Mr.
and Mrs. Clark from the village, but
wish them success in their future
home. Richard Baker has sold out
his store to C. Beaver, who will carry
on the business with an increased
stock. Mr. Baker has not decided for
sure what he will do. He may take
up business in London or may remain
with us. -Walter Clark and son have
purchased the grocery and confection-
ery business of E. Feist and will take
possession March 1st. We hope the
bakery.will not be closed in the vil-
lage. Other changes axe talked of
but the buyers are scarce. -Wm. Lew-
is, sr., who was so dengerously ill last
week is recovering slowly. -Rev. J. G,
Litt, paid a visit to Chicago l-aste week
on business connected. with the evan-
gelical university near there. -Miss
Enema Bastard has resigned her posi-
tion with Mrs. Fritz and will take a
well deserved holiday at home. -
Principal Bluett and wife attended
the funeral of Mrs. .Eluett's sister in
Forest on Tuesday last We sympa-
thize with them in this sudden be-
re'avernente-J. G. Young is still con-
fined to his home through illness. He
has had more than his share of trouble
lately, but we hope soon to see him
in his place of business. Pugilistic
encoanteis are not confined to Khiva:
We have them in our village, with
this difference, they occur early in the
morning before the days work begins.
Shame on yon, boys S -Ice is being
harvested in earnest this week. It is
a line sample and a good supply is
being laid in for surnnaer use. -The
quarterly meeting services held in the
Methodist church last Sunday menu -
lug were not largely attended owing
to the state of the roads, The board
meeting was postponed instil Tuesday,
March 1f3th. - Interesting meetings
were held in the town hall. on Tuesday
last in the interests of the Verniers'
Institute. Addresses were delivered
by prominent members on practical
theme for farmers. and -much good
should result from the discussions. -
Don't forged the Temple of Fame
concert, in tbe town hall on Feidey
evening of this sveek (February leth),
It is all the talk for miles around and
you'll regret it if you MISS this treat.
Admission onbe 25 cents to any seat in
the hall. Corne early and secure a
good seat, as the hall is sure to be
crowded if the weethev is fine. .
?. A liver pill that Is Small and sum, that acts
SentlY.ettitiklysed therintahlY, thl,t, does not
gripe. Laint.LiVer PIUS possesses tligs6
ties, and are 6,sited titre Thr Liver 06111'0161ot,
Constipation, Sick Readaelic, etc,
A. Sellery, D. 8,, D.D. SaIonor Gratin
• ate of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth
extraeted without pain or iAa. effectS. Office
OL Petty's Blook, lleasall. At Zurich even,
INionday.00mmonoine May soul. •
0,3, Sutherland, Notary Public, OkinveYair•
or, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, ancl
Issurer of Marriage 1.4leenses. Legal documents
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money
to loan on real estate at low rates of interest.
Office at the Post Office, Musa,
nnahundrod tons of feed to dispose of at the
Homan Oatmeal Mills the mining week.
BRIEFS. -The snow storms of the
past week were very severe and made
the roads in this Ejection impassable in
many places until they were opened up
this week after the storm had subsided.
-Mr. W, J. Miller, carriaere maker,
has purchased from Mrs. Wro, Curry,
'her lot at the west end of the village,
-Miss Maggie Bell returned recently
from Seaforth, where she had been
spending a couple of weeks with her
brother, Mr. Rob't Bell, manufacturer.
-The Rev. Mr. McOrae, of Westmin-
ster, preached anniversary sermons it
Carmel church on last Sabbath morn-
ing and evening, delivering- excellent
sermons. The lecture that was to have
been given by the Rev. Mr. Rae, of
Toronto Junction, on Monday evening
last, has been postponed until Monday
evening of neft week, Feb'y 17th, on
account of the snow storin and the al-
most impassable state of the roads.
The Rev. gentlemen's subjece is "The
Sunny Side of Lite, or the philosophy
of Fun", and all attending are sure of
hearing a ycry interesting lecture. -
Mr, and Mrs, James Beverley, who
were here on a visit left this week for
their new home in Brantford. -Mr. G.
D:Arnold recently disposed of his neat
brick cottage to Mr. James Petty for
the sum of $1,525. -Mr. William Fair-
bairn left this week for Manitoba be-
ing called there through ehe illness of
his brother. -We are pleased to learn
that Mr. Rob't McLaren's S011 is recov-
ering nicely from a very severe attack
of measles. -Miss Maud De Lyon, who
was here on a visit has retuned home.
-The sacrament of the Lord's supper
was dispensed in St. Paul's church on
Sabbath morning last Owing to the
very bad state of the roads, the Rev.
Mr. Doherty was unable to conduct
services at Steil& in the afternoon, and
in place of preaching there held an
evening service here. - The many
friends of Maeand Mrs,Russell Moir, of
Seney,Towa,U.S.,who were here on a
visitwere shocked to learned. the very
sudden illness and death of their six-
year-old daughter, from croup, on
Wedneeday of last week. She was ill
a very few hours. The bereaved par-
ents left the followieg morning with
the remains for their home. Much
sympathy is felt for them in their par-
ticular affliction. -Mrs. Wm. Elder, of
Hensall, formerly of Tuckersmith, is
visiting relatives anCl, friends in Toron-
to. -Mrs, G. 'N.Babcock very pleasant-
ly entettained a nuaiber of ner friends
on Tuesday evening last. -Mrs.
Curry, of the Parr line, has sold her
home to leIrejolin Forrest, and intends
making her home in the "far west" in
the near future. Mrs. Curry and
family's friends will regret them leav-
ing the fine honaestead farm where
they have resided so long, and are so
well known. -The "At Home" held at
residence of Mr. Andrew Johnston, of
the „London road, on Friday evening
last, under the undei the Women's
Auxiliary of St. Paul's church, was
very well attended, notwithstanding
the very bad state of the weather and. ,
,/3 4
Beles eh:false
In re ply to ratepayers the Usborne A friendly game of checkers was
council wish to return thanks to the played in the 0,0,0.13'. bali on Monday
ratepayer for their kind appreciation nighe between Rilsseldale and Filllar-
cf their services and hope to still be, top, which resulted in an easy victory
able to conduct their business so as to , for the latter, the score standing 14 -
be able to maintain that kindly feeling 119, Russeltiale °pencil No. 100
that now exists towards the baPPY , will hold their annual oyster
family, Signed in behalf of the coun- !supper 00 Thursday, February 20611,
cil. when they have secured Mr. Harry
DEtienInGE, Reeve. Bennett, comedian, of Toronto, also
Miss Tuttle, of Stratford, Highland
Mooresville daricee, and Lila G. Cole, elocutionist.
RIEFs.-1'he Maccabees of Mooree-
Grand Bend
vine intend having an oyster supper BRIEFS. -Albert Pollock lost a val-
at the residence of Joseph Simpson uable driving colt last week -Robert
on Ttnersclay night, previous to Mr. Pollock has disposed of his ranch to
Simpson and fineiily Moving away, as Thos. Webb. -Thos. Webb has put. -
he proposes doine in the near future.- chased a house and lot in the village.
Patrick Buckley, who has lately .re- '
turned from Victoria, Hospital, ma
proving in health. - add Mrs.
John Birch, who have lately become
residents of here, intend moving to
Manitoba in the Fleeing. Theywill
be greatly missed from this locality,
Amos Darling, of McGillivray, has
uone to reside on the Themes Road,
asborne, for a time. He intends go-
ing to New Ontario in the near fettle°,
A eornplete new stock of IVEen's,-Women's, Children's and in-
fant's HEAVY and FINE SHOES which we are selling at the
lowest posible living advance on cost Call in and, inspect these
goods before purchasing. Every pair thoroughly guaranteed.
Money refunded if satisfaction is not secured. The old Ross stock
of Boots and Shoes still going at your own price.
--Arthur Monate' has returned home That „we keep en hand a verY fine assortment of FRESH
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following are
the names, in order of merit, of the
pupils of the junior department of.
No, 1 Stephen, who obtained the
greatest number of marks for Jan-
uary, 1002 only the four highest are
printed: Jr. III. -- Gifford Hogarth,
Joseph White, Harold Duplan, Verne
Sheardown ; Sr. II., Elzworth Ridley,
Charlie Grafton, Fred Conway; Jr.
II., Gordon Wilson, Molvan Oallfas,
John Dempsey, John White; Part II.,
Lillian Robinson, Mervin Elston, Ely -
mar Wilson, Margery Hepburn; Part
Archie Robinson, Austin Duplan,
Maxwell Baynham, Fred Fairhall.
Lois M. SMITH, Teacher.
BRIEES.-MrS. Thomas Fewster was
seriously hurt while chopping wood.-
On Friday a baby girl arrived at the
homeof Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
-We are pleased to heat. that Rcsina
Bruce is recovered from her recent
sickness. --Mr. Rusk and sister, of
Manitoba, are guests of Mr. John
Cameron, Elmdale Farrea-On Friday
evening Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robinson
entertained about twenty young peo-
ple at their pleasant home. -On Thurs-
day evening last as Percy and &Lisa
Nellie Sperling were returning home
from League their horse became un-
manageable and. ran for a consider.
able distance, throwing Miss Sperling
out, as she struck a snow bank, she
was not. serinuely hurt The horse was children to mourn, the loss of a loving
stopped afte leesi-,aes run abouta, mile, wife and mother.. She was a member
The hate,, .A.S.Izter :trill need re- of the Presbyterian church here, and
patring.-Mrs. Jas. Robinson is visit- "
tag herparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos,
Pearn, n Se. Marys. -Richard Wight
has moved this week to the farm he
recently bought on the third line for-
merly owned by Mrs. T. J. Pearn.-
Mr. Werry, of CrysealCity, Manitoba,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Wight,
-Everett Heard left home on Monday
to work for H. Ora,go on4h line.-
The Ladies' Aid here intend holding
an entertainment on the 19th, a good
social time is expected,
after spending a naanth vvith friends GROCERIES of all kinds,
ittAurora.-Messrs. If. and.S. Maison
are home after spending the winter in
the la
er wood
s. -We are pleased to
see H. GilI home again after a few
week's vieie with friends in Exeter
and Ailsa Craig. -Miss Martine, of
Parkhill, is at present the giaest of
Mies Priscilla amble '-.W are pleas
ea to See Mr. Williains, our:school
teacher is able to resume his claties
after a few days sickness. -Mr. S.
Webb the misfortnne to lose a valu-
able horse last week. -Real estate is
booming in our village at present and
consequently many Wade' are chang-
ing hands. -Wm. • Wilson is able to
sit up after being confined to his bed
for about three months, -Mr. Ware
Oliver, jr„ is at presene on the sick
list. -Putting in ice is the order of the
day The ice is of an excellent quality.
-Wm. Wilson and wife of Greenway,
accondpanied by friends from London
and Exeter. paid o.ur town a flying
visit one day last week.
(To late for last week.)
Rev, Dr. Cranston was away Sure
day preaching anniversary services at
Oraribrooke Rev. Mr. Graham, of
Oerlingford, occupied his pulpit here
and at ROyS. Mr. David Bruce's in-
fant child died at an early hour Mon-
day morning. The snove of Sunday
morning develeped into a regular old-
time storm ere night and coatinued
all day Monday, with the result that
the crops roads are blocked, conse-
quently we had to da without mail.
Mrs, James Hoggarth is very low,
with small hopes entertaiued for her
recovery.--,-, Our mail carrier did not
get through, last week for two days
owing to the roads being blocked with
the storm. -On Wednesday morning,
after a few weeks' illness, Mrs, .Tas.
Hoggarth, sr., passed away, aged 68
years. She leaves a husband and six
as buuied in the Oromarty cemetery,
Friday-. The husband and family have
the sympathy of the community in
their loss. -The Sundaes services were
poorly attended owing to the roads
being blocked. --Mr. Jas. Laing read
an excellent paper on the topic "The
Paeh way to Peace," at the topic,
meeting in the evening,
roads, a very pleasant time was spent WincheIseA
by all, The musical selections given
by Messrs. Trott, Smith, Sellery and
Lancaster. who are well and favorably
known as "The Headset]. Orchestra"
were well rendered and added greatly
to the pleasureUf the evening. -Wed-
ding bells are once again beginning to
ring in our vicinity. -His Honor Judge
Doyle was in the village on Tuesday
on his way to Zurich, to attend Dive.
sion Court. -Mrs. Wm. Elder, who
was attending the funeral or the late
Mrs. B. Hoggarth, and spending a few
days afterwards with relatives bas re-
turned to her home in Barrie. --Mrs.
Joseph Ellis was in Goderich the past
Week. spending a few days with her
sister, Mrs, Relehardt. -Mr. Watson
Jr., of Ayr, was in the village the past
week visiting Mr.G. F. Youngblut and
family. -Mr. -Rob% McOloy, who is at-
tending Business College in London,
spent last Sabbath with his parents
here.- The friends of Mr. George
Lowe, who is in Iowa, U. S. A. with
his daughters there, will regret to
learn that he is seriously 111 with little
or no hopesfor his recovery. -Consid-
erable wood is being brought into
market and meets with ready dernaud.
Mrs. G. 0.Petty very pleasantly enter-
tained a few friends on Tuesday even-
inglast. -Mr, Fred Xydd, who was
, visiting relatives at btaffa and viciniey
has returned for the present to Hen-
sall.-Mr. William Colwill has com-
menced his duties as assessor for the
village for this year. -Mrs. Rouatt
was in Brucefield the past week renew-
ing acquaintances. -The ice was never
in better condition than it is at pre-
sent in our skating rink, a,nd is being
well patronized by curlers and skaters.
-Mrs. Shepherd entertained a few
friends to a social evening on Tuesday.
-Mr. D. S.'. Oantelon, produce mer-
chant, was in Montreal recently on
business. --Mrs. Moir, of the township
of Usborne, was in the village this
week spending a few days with her
mother, Mrs. J.,. McAllister, -Ma and
Mrs. Chaelgs Burford, of Wiughatn,
formerly uf Hensall, were in the vil-
lage this week vielting Mr. and Mrs.
John Blatchford and other friends,
POUND DEAD . -:Simon Swartz, a
young man who was learning firing in
Cook's mill Renee% was found dead
in the mill Wednesday morning. Ile
was stooping down looking in a hole
when his foot was caught by a belt
and he was carried around the shaft.
killing him insta.nly. He was former-
ly of Crediton,
'fattish Trooe Oil Liniment, is unatirpassed
by any other liniment on the Market to day
is cOlnpOs9d of healing, goertiing and oloan8-
tifg‘;.61tettano°k!ittfrUltrgr. r??,18 Pu" "P itt
9•• co o,. cents.
(Too late for last issue.)
SoHool, REPoRT.--The school report
of S. -S. No. 6, Usborne, for the month
• of January is as follows: -V, Linda
Hunter, Dora Delbridge; Sr. IV, Da,
Delbridge,Gertie Miller, Rob't Wilson;
Jr. IV, Flossie Francis, Olive Berry -
hill, Ella Berrybill; Jr. III, Willie El-
ford, Stanley- Coward, Vera Wash-
burn; Jr. II, Lilla Heywood, Clarence
Oreery, Luau G-odbolt; Pt. II, Alex.
Berryhill, Aimee Coultis,Albert Jones;
Sr.Pt. I, Ella Washburn, John Creery,
Clara Kellett; Jr. Pk I, Charlie Cook,
Lillie Godholt Addle Cook.
E. E. HAnts, f Teachers.
AckNoWLEDOmENT.-To the officers
and members of Elineville Council No.
98, 0. O. 0. F.
DEAR FRIENDS. -1 desire to express
to you and also to the Grand Officers
my thanks for a cheque for one thous-
and ($1000) dollars, being full payment
of the life insurance certificate held by
my late wife. EMT118, Kate Jane
Oamm. I also thank you for the
kindness and readiness with which
you attended to the matter. Wish-
ing the Order all prosperity, I remain
Yours in V. & P.
Mrs. A. McTavish, of London, area
.Miss Howard, of Exeter, 'visited Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Wilsou here last
week. -Mr. Dan McGregorsof Dutton,
is visiting his brother John and other
friends here.- Bert Wallis has gone
down east of Torouto visiting -friends.
-Mr. Win, Mallard, ex -Mayor of
Regina, who leas been visiting his
sister, Mrs. Ed. McPherson and other
friends in this vici ni tea starts foe 'home
this •vveek and intends 'to attend the
opening of Parliament at, Ottawa on
his Way.
Diaven or Mn, ()DAS, Honer. -One
by one the olai residents of this Section
are passing away and soon there
be none late of ilmee who had to do
with the earlier history of this coun-
try, One of the few ot those remain-
ing joined the great majority on
1 Intraday, February Oth, at the age of
09 years. He was highly respected
and his Many friends will learn with
regret of his death. Three daughters,
Mrs, Thos. Stewardson, Mrs. W.
Couch, and Miss' Lizzie Holm mourn
his loss. The funeral took place from
his residence last Saturday. and was
concluded bv Rev, A. Thibecleati, to
the Parkinit cemetery. Mr, .tolen
stowartison nr.m0411, mild N11,,
,t hri
)kf (xf 10 1 hii, iittfl it, I 1.111,
tit3 el. ‘vi (4k,
Large stock of Lumber -pine and thenalock,
170.000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedsr posts. Prices
reasonable. -JAS 'WILLIS, Yard : East side of
Main st
BRIErs.-Snowstorms have been the
order of the day during the past two
weeks, consequently the roads air'. in
m very had condition. -Thomas Har-
vey held a very successful auction
sale on the 7th inst. Although the
roads were had and the day stormy a
large number were present and things
sold well. --On Friday last Mrs. Wm.
Armstrong received the sad new of
the death of a young son of one of her
sisters near St. Thomas. -Mrs, James
O'Brien and Mrs. William °Trim at-
tended the funeral of their sister, the
Tate Mrs. Thomas Darling, of St
Mary's, last week. -Mrs. George Ged-
des is visiting friends in London this
week. -C. Aldworth sold 'a gond
young horse a few days ago to W11 -
liens Berry, of Brucefield.-Mrs. James
McDonald is at present visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Jahn Gould. -We un-
derstand that Mr. ;John Duncan
intends going to the Northwest this
spring. We are sorry to lose good
neighbors, bile wish him saccess.---A.
Wildfong paid Dashevood a yisit on
business last week, -Miss 1VI5ry John-
ston has returned to her home neer
Kiprien, after a pleasant visit with
friends here. -We are Oa to note
that Fred Corbett is able to be about
again after a severe attack of inflam-
mation of the lungs. -There was no
service here on Sabbath last, owing to
the roads being iinpassable.
F. E. B.
We heard a man say the other day
that the abbreviatine for February -
Feb. -means "freeze everybody." and
that man looked frozen in his ulster.
It was apparent that he needed the
kind of warmth that stays, the
warmth that, reaches from heat to
foot, ad over the body. We could
have told him from personal know-
ledge that Tiood'e Sersapat•illa gives
permanent warmth, it invigoretes the
alood and sends it speeding along
through artery MA vein, and really
fits men and women, boys and
to enjoy cold weather and resist the
attacks of disease. It gives the right
kind of Wallah, stimulates . and
strengthens at the same time, and all
its benefits are lasting. There may
be a suggestion in this for yod,
IVIrtte-In WO641h6Tri. on Saturday, Pobruary
1st, David Mills, aged 74 Years. .
Cleynttvo-At Thornhill, nil 'raft'', :r-li 0.1.
John Cornk (0 8) w11,1, Nod .10 prfiN. ,
nourn-On, .1 Li,. 1.1 ,,t Gorrie Ow. Sulliis
melee eseeee or county et uttioNelc. freland, •
ift it is 7011i 8400'.
No Recom mendation
Is needed for our Staples and Fancy DRY GOODS other than
LAST FEW WEEKS)" since cur new goods have arri%'ed.
CALL AND SEE---4166.-
Our dinner setts and toil:et setts,
variety of prices to select from.
A nice large range with
Butter, E ggs, Dried Apples. Wood woited in exchange for
T. G. 1-1ARL,TON.
J. P. Ross's old stand, Market depot, Exeter,
Report of House of Refuge.'
W Coats, Inspector of the House of
Refuge for the County of Huron, pre-
sents the following as his report for
the year ending 3Ist December, 1901, -
Total number of inmates admitted
since opening of house, 220; No. of in-
mates on ist of January, .1901, SO; No.
admitted during the year (I readmit-
ted). 23 ; born in 'House; 1; No. abeeon-
ded during the year. 3; No. ot deaths
during the year, 13; No, clischarged.,10;1
No. of inmates hi House on 1st Jan.. I
1902, 78; No, of males, 47; No. of fe-
males, 31.
No. admitted during the year 1901
from rural municipalities Town-
ships-wieKillop 1, Halletel, Howick 2,
Grey 2. E. Wawenosh 2, Stephen 2,
W, Wawanosh 1, Stanley 2 (re -ad-
mitted.) Towns and Villages-Gode-
rich 2, Clinton 4, Seaforth 1, Brussels
2, Wroxeter 1,
Clauses of Pauperism- old age 6,
sickness 5, seiiiiry 2, sveakness of in-
tellect 8, delrieation. 4, hernia 1, enc -
ciente 2. Nationality of inmates ad-
mitted during 1001 : England 4, Scot.
and 4, Ireland 8, Canada 9. No of
days board of inmates, 26874; No, of
days board keeper's family and help,
1118; average number of inmates dur-
ing 1901, 78.024 with keepers family
end help added, 76.69.
Total expenditure on house and
farm, $4119.27, add value of provisions
and fuel on hand 1st Jan, 1903. $1118.56
add 10 per cent for depreciation of iin-
plenaents, $ to, total expenditure, $5,
312.83. Deduct expenditure on capital
account, $138.85, permaneht improve-
ments $170.24, provisions, produce,
new clothing and. fuel on hand, 3.st
Jan., 1902, as per inventory $1181,85,
produce sold during 1901 and other re-
ceipts, $270.53, received from paying
patients, $222. unexpired insurance,
$72.33, total $2064.80, amount expend-
ed for support of inmates $3248.03, av-
erage expense per inmate per day, 12
1-12 cents per day everaese weekly ex-
pense per inmate, 81•?; cents.
In Loving Memory.
In loving remembrance of Mrs.
Mettle Manning, who died at the home
of her sister, ere Samuel Peart,
Guelph. Feb. 4i1, 1902.
A precious ono from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in her home,
Whieh never can be filled,
God in His wisdom has reealled,
The boom His lovo,had given :
And -though the body iziouldera here,
The Soul is sate in fteaven.
Go to the grave in all thy gloricius prime ,
In full activity etyma] and power,
A Christian cannot die before her time;
The Lord's appointment is the servant's. hour,
Go to the grave ; at noon from labour cease
Re -t on thy ,heaves ; thy harvest task is done,
Cope from the heart of. battle. and M peaee,
Soldier, go honte vzitb. thee the fight is won.
Mil:awes Sterlfrig Headache Powders give
women prompt. relief from monthly pains and
leave no bad after effect whatever. Be sure
you, get IllIburres. Price 10 and SS cents. All
Out With the Old, In With the New
Stove Talk. Since January
the sixteenth, we have been
giving special prices on all our
Stoves, Ranges, etc. We still
want to farther reduce our
stock and a further reduction
of 5 per centfor cash will be
given until Februarythe sixth.
This is a golden opportunity
to have in your home- the
best stove or range on the
Hr"^ire the special prices, and we will give 5% off for cash.
.99, regreg438.
5.0000, w
, nnoow 436.0
These have large reservoir.
wsomei.preicairandowem was*reamembanenrnbateesasteteweiramel
Base -burners
Buck's PriZe, reg 23 oo, sale
price 20 00,
Garland with oven 30 oo, sale
price 28 50.
• Brilliant with oven 35400, sale
price 32 50.
Radiant horn e with oven, 38 00,
sale price, 36 5o,
VAe last three are double heaters
Anchor,reg 20.06 for 18,5o.
Mascott, reg 22 .00 for 20.00.
Brilliant, reg 26.00 for 24.00
Honor Bright,reg 29,00 for 27,00
coal heater 1 6
I box stere, reg 3 00 for '2 50
box stove, reg 6 25 for 5 so
I Queen Heater, reg 8 25for 7 50
Queen Heater, reg 9 75 for 8 75