HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-23, Page 6a T � E TE fit; BWTXtan,-Ae 0 od, smlaoy 4ar t 1 iit33a;efcaicn,Eated2ear1ttclearn , ��"1�°"" j egbuss,Apyat,,e ),b7O LosT.-On 'Thursday Jan, 16th be - HMI QR ?RQD[ GF ONLY G: ,li. PRIGS. e. t� FURS. FURSQ Fur Goats Fur Gaps ur Mitts Fur Robes Large stock of high class furs at greatly reduced prices, If you have any notion of investing in any of the above lines call and see what we can do for you. $,80,00 men's coon coats, nice dark colors, reduced to $29.75. $25 00 Rock Wallaby, a good strong coat, reduced to r9.75. $25.00 choice Corscian Lamb, nice blight curl,reduced to $19.75• $ i 8 . oo Wallaby Good Looker and a wearer, reduced to $11.75. $8.00 goat robes, good plush linings, reduced to $6.90. $8.50 Saskatchewan robes, curl linings, reduced to $7.75. $2.5o Beaverized caps, a sure bargain, reduced to $1.9o. $2.25 Grey Lamb caps, reduced to $1.39, $3,75 Australian Coon driving gauntlets, reduced to $3.25. $3.75 Black fur driving gauntlets, reduced to $3,25. DRESS GOOD. A clearing line of odd lots of fancy and tweed dress goods. These goods sold from 25 to 3oc per yd, we shall clear the balance of them for 15c or 7 yds for $I.00. A few odd pieces of bik figured dress goodi regular 35 to 5oc goods reduced to 25c per yd. We have placed on our counter a lot of ladies' cloth jackets, in newest style, but good strong wearing coats, you take your choice for $2.5o, regular values $6.00 to $ro.00. $1.38 for a heavy all wool frieze pant, well made and trimmed, a snap J. 4k.STEW/if-KT 4-14+++++++++++.14++++++++++ sle ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE MART To Have •02100.0•0•11000•21080000* the Best Goods is what the business nian owes him- self. It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be ofteri the cheapest and con sequently always the best. We have in stock everything in the rltatiorery Line -newest in Note Paper. Q)1'1 9 , l , Jardineres, ssnglish and German Vases, French China, Limoge andaJapanese Ware. Decorated FANCY GOODS OFtI.'.ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. JOHN 1 G, EXETER. INSURANCE. RNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also for the PHOENIX FIRE NsURANOE COMPANY, of London, England; Eng Aof E-- nLIANOE INSURANCE COMPANY, and TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY JANUARY 23RD Locals. For lame back and urinary diseases gents use Dix Kidney Pills. Sold by . Lutz. To THE FARMING PUBLIC. -- you keep cows or milk, butter or cheese and are fattning calves,cattl a or ho gs or poultry for market or for eggs, it 'pays to fed English Stock Food, It is the cheapest food on the market. sold by C. Lu'rz, Exeter. Notice ! r Having had fifteen years ex- perience in the furniture and un dertaking business, we claire we For Marriage Licenses, Wesicling II�irigs, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS' Watch Repairing a Specialty. 0 tweet' the Main St. Meth, `church and the Metropolitan Rotel a gold heart, The finder will confer a favor by leav- ing at TIMES OFFICE. SiswauS ACCIDENT. -Arthur Tay., for fifth son of Alex, Taylor, of Exeter North, niet with a serious accident, in Toronto, recently. fie was an eni- ployee of the Atlantic Oil' Refining works. IIe was engaged in cleaning out barrels, and was using a steam pipe. The pressure was too strong.for one barrel, and it exploded. Taylor was thrown several feet, and when he was picked up it was found that both legs were broken one in two places, and the top of his right thumb was blown off. He was taken to the hos- pital and is doing as well as can be ex- pected, Locals. Miss Mabel Kemp is visiting in Seaforth. friends Calf Feeders -just received. at Hea- man's Hardware. Ordered work and repairing done +romptly at R. N, Rowe's. Mrs, W. T. Acheson visited Mrs. Geo Knight in Ilderton the past week. Miss Horne left on Wednesday for a few weeks -visit with friends in Strat- ford and vicinity. The County Orange lodge of South Huron will meet in Exeter on the let' Tuesday in February. Mrs. Glanville of Sault Ste Marie, attended the funeral on Wednesday, of her father, the late Richard Young. Special services are being conduct- ed in James St. church each evening, Saturdays excepted,by the pastor Rev. C. W. Brown. . There is only one S. O. E. lodge in Bruce but five in Huron, as follows : Clinton, Exeter, Londesboro, Gode- rich and Benmiller. Winan's;Cough Balsam is especially good for coughs and bronchitis trou- bles in children. Sold by C. Lutz, sole agent for Dix Lung Syrup. A number of the members of The I. 0.0. F. of this place drove over to Mitchell on Friday last to assist in the resuscitation of the. Mitchell Lodge. Mr. Robert Graham and Miss Minnie Graham of St. Marys spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs.- john White. Miss Graham will reniain for a few days to visit friends. A number of our citizens are mourn- ing the death of their pet canine, supposed to be a wholesale poisoning case and a reward of five dollars is be- ing offered. Mrs. Russell, of the Thames Road, 1902 was seized with a weak spell on Tues- day morning and fell to the floor un - conscious. Shs remained in this state till evening when she revived. A son of Wm. Waiper, Exeter north, met with a painful accident at the flax mill last week by his hand coming in contact with the brakes, smashing the top of one of his fingers badly. The gold watch given by the Jelly Pulls on Saturday evening to the one holding the ticket with the lucky number was secured by Curtis Har- ness. The watch was procured from R. Hicks jeweller. 79al T98a g`j Having purchased the general stock of J. P. Ross at a low rate on the dol- lar, I will dispose of the same at prices away below cost. For a sample of the prices see advertisement in anothe- column.-T. G. HAII.LTON. #444444444444444444►444 Men's $16.00 Australian Coon 1 fur coatfor 11.75 and$ 38.00' Canadian Coon for $20.00 at Stewart's, i understand our business thorough- 4444444444444ii44444444444 I NT. -A son of Silas Stanlake y reen horns. We and are no , _bac n 1 g . of g Stephen, while splittingwood at p li w understand buying goods for best his home on Wednesday, slipped on I3X tear IiensaIl. SPECIAL FUR SALE. This season has been the best we have over had in the fur line and we are now willing to sacrifice atll profit in order to clear the balance of our furs before the lst February. In some cases the following goods are quoted even below actual cost, but no matter they must be cleared. I only ladies' Electric Seal and Astrachan caperine, tied with large bow of Electric and long ends, trimmed with extra DENNIS-HoLTzmAN.-The residence larges squirrel tails, beautifully lined witty satin, a magnificent of Mr. G. Holtzman, Zurich, was the q scene of a very pretty weddinz the caperine, regular price $25,00, special clearing price 15th inst., when their only daughter, Miss Magie, was united in marriage I only ladies' Electric Seal cape, full size, very finest to J. 13. 7iennis, of Woodham, former- ly of Exeter. The ceremony was per- formed by the bride's uncle, Rev. H. J. Holtzman, assisted by Rev. 0, S. Fink- beiner, of Zurich, and the wedding march was played by Mrs. Shortt, of Hensall. The bridesmaid was Miss Lottie Dennis, sister of the groom, while Mr. Samuel Faust ably support- ed the groom., The ceremony was witnessed by oyer a hundred relatives and friends of the contracting parties, The presents were numerous and cost- ly and of a serviceable character. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis will take up their residence in- Woodham shortly, where Mr. Dennis is conducting a boot and shoe business, 16.50 cash prices and we give the pub: t it We keep the benefit, of u 'to dateg goods in all lines and a large assortment to choose from. We inviteeyvery one•to Inspect our C andbe c incd that Baur stock platy � at what we say is correct, It N. How TO PREVENT SLIPPERY SIDE- WALnS.-A correspondent writing to a St. Mary's paper reciting the heavy damage the corporation has had to pay of late owing to slippery side- walks, suggests a remedy as follows: - As it seems difficult to enforce a by- law to make every man clear his own sidewalk, I beg to suggest what seems to me a practicable remedy. I would suggest that the town supply barrels of sand at convenient places and have a man perhaps a policeman, to sprin- kle sand on dangerous spots, where - ever and whenever they occur. It would cost only a few dollars annually and if it prevents another suit like that with Mr, McQuillan, it will pay for that case cost the town enough to have had our streets sanded to the end of the twentieth century any way. Tbere is also the saving in worry and mind destroying uncertainty to pedes- trians, which should be of some value to the town. . PRESBYTERY Os' HURON. The Pres- bytery of Huron, met in Blyth on the 21st inst. The Rev. N. Shaw was elected Moderator for the next six months. The roll of the Presbytery was made up . from the ensuing year. Grants from the Augmentation Fund were applied for, for the congregations of Grand. Bend and Corbett, and Lee - burn and Union church. The minute books of a large number of sessions were examined and attested as correct. The remit from the General Assembly re the appointment of Sabbath School Missionaries, caused a long discussion. It was finally resolved to postpone the discussion for a future meeting. The report from the W. F. M. S. was re- ceived as follows, amount raised by W. F. M. Societies $1393, and by Mis sion Bands $359. These amounts com- • pared favorably with those of 1900.. The Presbytery passed a resolution appreciatiye of the work of the Wo- men's societies in the Divine cause of Missions. Rev. W. M. Martin and J. E. Tom were appointed to audit the Treasurer's books. They reported afterwards their correctness and the Treasurer's report was adopted. Rev. J. Anderson pressed the cause of Home Missions on the members of the Pres- bytery. A committee was appointed to draw up a minute regarding the death sf Rev. J. Robertson, superin- tendent of Missions. The Presbytery resolved to hold an adjourned meeting at Hensall on March llth for the con sideration of the remits from Gen. assembly. A large attendance of ladies attended the meeting of the W. F. M. S. a report of which is .given above and which sat in the main body of the church during the day and held a large public meeting in the even- ing. A PLEASING P RESENTA.TION, - Abouts fifty members and adherents of Caven church met at the manse on Tuesday evening last, to express their esteem for Mr. end Mrs. J. P. Ross who are moving to •Chatham. An ad- dress was read in appreciation of their work in the congregation and two beautiful upholstered oak chairs and a handsome mantel clock were present- ed. Mr. Ross replied thanking the congregation for their kindness and expressing the regret that they felt iu leaving. A number of others spoke ana the evening was afterwards spent in a pleasant social way. To Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ross- Dear Friends: ..:',1v It was with sincere regret that we learned of your intended departure from Exeter, d you have now been for about seventeen as venteen years with our church and taking the deepest interest in the affairs of the congregation, in the Session, on the Board of Management, in the choir, in the Sabbath r School and in all the different departments of p our Church work, your zeal has been untiring and it has been your earnest endeavor at an times to promote the best interests of onr Church and of its individual members. Con- scious of the severe loss we shall sustain in 11 hip. r our Chu fellowship. Church fe o yr removal from ou w'n ortuhowe that the path of Pr ovi Bencehich yono follow may lead, to continued prosperity iu temporal and spiritual life. In taking your departure you, and the members of your family, carry with you the esteem and affection, not only of the members of our con- gregation on- nit and inn entire coin Y, u of the n oat ion but W g wo are assured that the Church in Chatham with which you will unite will bo decidedly advanta �ed byyour advent while the memory -i illus of your Christian character will be a st n to our workers. As a small token of our es- teem and good wishes wo ask you to aooept this clock and these chairs. And we pray that the• God of all race may soovershadow y lives that, as amongst us, so in the future' you ma both continue to grow in the, favor of God y' auci man. Cayen Presbyterian Church, Exeter the 21st, Jannary, A. D. 1902,' W. M. MARTIN, Pastor. ; s Jona STRANG, 1 - DUNCAN MCxrAY, I �W}. 11.linbibUrt. }Hessian. H,n =AV STRANa, I F. W.x��nvafAx ,J ?, W. �vvE ESes M. Gaatrs/Nan i l4naaei'FJ. It. S, LAND .{ BtiRY S, G. ST it • J.S. JsCxrtt.t some ice, and falling on the sharp, edge of the axe, cut the heel of one of. his hands, severing all the arteries, The wound is an exceedingly painful one, and will lay. Mr. Stanl[ake.p for ... e time, r @lie day last week, Robt. Knight narrowly esca ed breakin one of his. legs. He wasp up stairs in T, Fitton's'. new building, ;;and while coming in that the stairs were down, forgetting not completed, stepped through a quality fur, good length, lined with heavy fancy silk lining, regular price $35.00, special clearing price.... , . . ROWEable, cutting and bruising his lei, bad - 25.00 2 only ladies' Astrachan jackets, lined with black satin lining, medium length, well .made, regular $3o . oo jacket, special clearing price ,.,• ,,..16.00 5 only ladies' ruffs, regular prices $2.25, $2.75, $3.25 and $3,5o, your choice while they last for .... ............1.75 Io only ladies' muffs, various furs, regular prices range from $3.50 to $5.00, your choice of any of these for .. • • • . • • 2.75 Special clearing prices on men's far caps, fur coats, robes etc., etc. MillilIKAlliilleillgiliSimill25 Per COM. 01011111 • ++44-4-14+++++++++++++++++++ 4-1.4.4-+•14++++++++4.1•+++++++++ •3• 4. once. Be sure and see thele on remnant table. ` There are some bigliargains for you. ' t. 4'+++++++++++++++++++++++++ .4•++++4+++,1••1.++++++++++++++11• SD661aI ReMudilt Sale. . While taking stock we have come • across a great : number of remnants of various kinds of goods. These �• we have marked at greatly reduced prices to clear at CARLING BROS. We Solicit Your Trade 4 And can assure you that you will not meet with better treatment anywhere than we will give you. Our extensive stock (which comprises nearly everything) offers the largest facility for choice, both in goods and grades, and is in all re- spect representative of the best markets offer. PI IOE8 iR.E VERY LOW. Big Bargains in all Kinds of Groceries. 3 Clothing Bargains3 If we suit in other things, as we surely can, price wont stand in your way. Come and talk to us. Here below we quote prices :- Figured :Melton, double fold, suitable for skirting, was 85c for 25c. Prints were 12? for 5c. Boys suits were $2.50 and $3,00 for $1,00. Ladies' shoes were $1 25 for $1.00. Overcoats and ladies' jackets at your own price. Men's grey cloth overcoats, fair length, well lined and made, regular $Io.00 coat for • • • • • .: • • ... ....7,00 7 only men's heavy double breasted tweed suits, well made and lined, well worth $8.5o per suit, special -for ....500 Tweed suits well lined and made, ''regular value $7.50 ...•.5.00 suit, for .... • ... • • 10`00 Yards Regular 12 1.2c - Prints for 10c. he R. Pickard Co. Direct Importers. Miss Annie Sanders has returned from London. Thos. Campbell, of Londoa, is visit ing his mother, here. Mrs. (Dr.) Eastwood is -visiting her daughter Mrs. J. G. Stanbury. Mr, and Mrs, J. Balfour, of Kippen, visited with 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ross on Sunday. Miss Violet Willis, who has been in Exeter and Hensall the past week has returned to Exeter. Mr. J. P. Ross held an auction sale of his household effects on Tuesday last which was well attended. - Miss Yellow is spending a few weeks in Clinton and vicinity visiting with her cousins Miss Shipley and Miss Tip - lady. Wal. Bawden returned home from the Old Country on Tuesday with a hackney and a number of draught stallions. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diller of Mich., former residents of Hay, called on friends here on Friday last. They are also visiting friends in Dashwood. Miss Ellen Ford, who died in De- troit last week was to have been mar- ried on Wednesday last, the day of the funeral to John Taylor of Exeter North. Messrs. Andrew and George Stewart of the Seaforth Roller Mills, were in town on Saturday renewing acquain- tances. Their many friends were pleased to see them. Mr. Thomas Bissett, sr., Bias moyed his family i1 into thelarge and commod- m ious residence owneby Mr. John Matheson. and recently ;vacated by John Muir, jr. Mr. Jas, Harvey will move into the house vacated by Mr. Bissett. The special services in James St, church are being well attended and awakening much interest. The pastor will be assisted next week by Rev. G. N. Hazen, of Sarnia, Everyone will be inade welcome: ststmoi!*ssesseocosts i sasses ri I0o you know 25 to 40 per cent. is what you can save on furs at Stewart's. Mens' fur coats and womens' fur coats, fur caperines furca�sr'furmitts, fur collars,llars, far ruffs. ' You'll be sorry if you miss this chance. 'Remember Its at Stewart's. w darasightlibakititSaligsSIAP OfirR LING E3R08. Furniture • I3rnporium GIDLEY'S OLD STAND. We carry a large, well assorted stock of up-to-date fur- niture, good values, your ,money's worth, and guarantee satisfaction, both as to price and quality. ' Absolutely pure baking powder sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Miss Gertie Hicks has returned from visiting friends In London. Cal yes Cordial, Cows Relief, and Calf Feeders -at Heaman's Hardware, STOVE FOR SALE.- Parlor heater; wood, good as new. Apply at TIMES Office. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Heaman, Miss Cora Powell and Miss Gertie Hicks attended a ball in London on Friday evening last. Miss Gertie Kemp intends leaving soon for Toronto, where she goes to the Sick Children's Hospital, to take a course of training. Shirley 'Robley has taken a position in the Molsons Bankhere, Mr. Young who has been accountant, being trans- ferred to the branch in Clinton. Mr. Martin takes hip, place. We notice that Pickard & Cullin, of Drumbo, were the successful winners at the Toronto Poultry Show on light brahams, 2 cocks, 3 cooks, 2 hens, 1 cuckrel, 2 cockrels, 3 cockrels, 1. pullet, 2 pullets; also Earl Minto silver cup, value $50.00, for best collection. 144444444444cot 444*##4)44# IStubb Proof Gum Rubbers the best in the world. Only at Stewart's. Take no other. 444444444444444444444444 Pi6tllr6 Framing and all Kinds 01 Repairing ProCnptli l.tt nded to Funeral Director OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. W. Co Huston, All accounts due the firm of Beverley & Huston must be settled on or before 15th February. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock, of Hensall; visited friends in town on Friday last. Revd's Messrs. Millyard and Martin exchanged pulpits on Sunday morn- ing last. ' The firm of Charlton and Keddy pump makers and plumbers has been dissolved. Mr. Charlton will continue the business. We regret to announce the removal by death on Saturday last, of an old d highly an es ected citizen in the . respected Richard D .'Youn The person of Mr. g funeral Wednesday was largely:attend- ed, and by request a memorial servfce will be held by the pastor in. James St. church on Sunday next at 10.30 a, in. MAIN ST, CHTuRCH Services` in Main St. Methodist Church next Sab- bath. Rev. George Jackson Chairman of London District and will preach Missionary sermons morningen- and a v ing. Collection and subscription in aid of mission fund. On Monday even- ing following 8 p. m. Rev. Dr. y secretary Hen- dersonassistant missionary y' will give an address on the Mission work. Dr. Henderson is one of the most eloquent speakers of the Metho- dist church. • Ohiidren Cry for... MARRIED ROTII-Ozscxi-At the residence of Mr and Mrs. Menno Oesch, Bronson Line. on Monday Jan. 8th, Mr. Samuel Roth, of Tavistock, to miss Barbara Cesch, of Hay township. DIED YOUNG -In Exeter, on Jan, 19th, Mr. Richard Young, aged 80 years, 4 mos. HEYnocn-At "Elkton, ` Mich, on the lith inst., War. Henry Heyrock,aged 79 years. O VERHOLT-In McGillivray, on Jan. 12, 1902, Laving, fourth daughter of Jane and the late Peter Overholt. STRAYED Strayed from the premises o£ the undersign- ed, 8th, con., Stephen, on or about the 11th of January, a small steer, rising3 years old, with white hind legs. Information as to his where- abouts will be rewarded. Jossra AMY, Crediton P 0 5 Pack of Cards Free. One Pack, "May I. 0. U. Homo," Ono Pack. "Escort" One Pack, -Flirtation" Ono Pack, "Hold -to light." One Paok. "Our Sofa Juet Bolds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of nofions. Send 5c silver for postage. A, W.KENNY, ID, T. Yarmouth, N. S. SNAPS In Ordered Clothing We have opened up a case of new goods, consisting of the latest things in Worsted serges and Tweeds. And during the quiet season we will offer special inducements. for nobby worsted sled suit$14 A Y A good serge suit for . 12.00 A fancy tweed suit for 12.00 Striped pants r ern $3.0o and upward: - your order earl Leave Y, The Student At this business college is surroundedby every in- centive and assistance to good work. That is the reason our students learn so rapidly and also the reason our graduates are in constant demand. Book-keeping, stenog- raphy, tenog raphy,, typewriting, penmanship, and business practice• Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, LONDON, ONT. J W, WESTERVELT, Principal. ftttend the Beit -It Paull Centralia-? - STRATFORD, ONT. A school well known from one end of Canada to the other for its superior work. Students admitted at any time. Graduates readily secure employment. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, 1 -IU ROI. COUNTY COUN- • CIL The January session of the corporation of the County of Huron will be held in the - coun- cil chamber in the town of Goderieh, ` com- mencing at 3 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday the - 28th, inst. Dated at Goderioh, this 13th W. LANE, day of January, n ar 190. Clerk y, Separate Tenders for all branches of received to bels. work will beu the 1st, 1002, by Chas. Snell, Sr., Secy. of Building Committee of the Exeter Union Cemetery Board, for the erec, tion of a brick house to be built 'near the said cemetery. Plans and specifi- cations to be seen at Mr. Snell's office. W. W.Tatnan. . 9 1140t`'chktrfl$ Telil )rot". Grieve old stand, opposite post office They Cure Coughs GRIP-QUINIIs Tablets are a new, safe and speedy cure for coughs, colds and similiar affections. Grip -Quinine, has all the beneficial effects of old fashioned quinine without its nauseous taste and unpleasant consequences. Gripp Quiniitebreaksu ptheworstcold.orcou h, cures LaGrippe, chills, fever, malaria. etc. A dose at heft/tie breaks the cold before morning. Relief ira. one dose. Cure in one day. The genuine thea the ,Dog's head Tradett. �Gf t'ic on every bb. Refuse all others. 25 cents a box at our druggists, or b'.. Mail from your tp- ii1 10 Co,,, 4td., B vide, Out, iK x, -