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Exeter Times, 1902-1-23, Page 4
f r( ioiso.r E3ank laat PARLIAM rat 2.„6000al atat,000. u llead Oe.o, Motrea JaanaS 1ESQ.: A3ENERAL 411ANAGrat Money ad twee with one or more endorser u.ii per eent. per annum. Exeter Braneh pea every lawful day ireutle a, in. to 3 p. SATmtutas. to a. in. to 1 p zn, 'cement rates et interest calmed en depostts. DICKSON 8e CABILING, N. D. RURDON, SOLICITORS., hIAXAcER eter, Doe. 27t1i, '05. fe sgood farmers on their The nS, The bye•electious last week, whole, inuet prove gratifying to th Conservatives, in Quebec especially. In that Provinve, wbere in the lea Dorniniou election the Couservative party wa pr no t lea y• wiped out, and who it looked tui though the Pre- vineW111011 WAS 01100 til0 right am of Sir John A. Macelonald was lost to the Conservatives for at least during the political life ea Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier, the uneXpeeted happeued, In several constituencies the Liberal majorities Wen trentendously reduced, and Laval Went to the Opposition, These results surprised botb. parties. Tbe Consert ,j vative party, which the Liberate thougbt to be a thing of the past in Quebec, loomed up powerful and strong, and showed that they were worthy of the Liberal eteel, In fact, the results in Qaubee would almost indicate that the Opposition would leave badno difficulty in carrying the several seats la a general election, where the Conservatives woalci have been ou a more equal footing with their opponents. • The following is the result of the i nine Dominion by-elections held on Wednesday last ' West Yox•k, vacant through the death of the lateN. Clarke Wallace- Oampbell-(Lib.) elected by 156 maj- ority. Adetv•te throweh the d THURSDAY. JANUARY 23ene, 1902 odinon nt f the laqe Jo'hi‘a Wa . Bell Aeath.very 3 (Cana elected, 31 out of 49 poles giving dar for January, 1902, 5 12 19 26 0 el3 20 27 Tlenettaea. a ... -7 14 21 28 WEDNRSDAY, .. 1 8 15 22 20 THURSDAY. , .. . 2 9 10 23 80 3 10 17 24 81 SATCRE.A.Y 4 11 18 25 .1.0901O/n4".3, NOTES AND COMMENTS, lam 390 majerity, Railvvay lands at Prince Albert have been adyanced to $4 per acre. It leeks as if a 1 c nt a es onthere. *' -HANS TIO egual as a prompt and posi- tive cure for sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, pain in the side, ad all liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills, Try theme * * "Some of the woolen factories are closing up. They say the reason is that they have not zufficient pro- tection. Sit Wilfred Laurier says. If they cannot live on a twenty-three per cent. tarriff, the sooner they shut apthe better. * tat ed There is little corntort for the people of Canada in the fact that the revenue for the six months ending November 30 showed an increase of 51,900,000, when it is coupled with the annc,unce- znetat abet the expenditure for the same period increased $2,200,000. e, a John A:. Auld, M. P. P., for South Essex, is of tbe opinion that the On- tario Government will not introduce a redistribution measure during the present session. He says there is not talk of such a bill, and he does not see where the Goeternment will derive very much benefit from one, la la E In the report of Mr. Harcourt on the public schools of the Province, presented to the Legislature, ere is evidence of the decline of the birth rate. The sestatistics are only for 1000, and are there -fore not so fresh as they might be,but they show in the year under review there were in the Province 580,105 persons be- tween 5 atea al years of age -a de- crease of 43. ta), 'There were 420,097 persons of allattleat aeglatered in the public scbools-a-dectettat aext 0,130, vidaile the average attendante was 237,800-a decrease of 0,019. be aver- age attendance in the Roman Catholic separate schools was 25,875 -an increase of 108, and kin Protestant separate schools 238-a decrease of S. The num- ber attending kindergartens was 11,- 254, but the average attendance was only 4,689. These fi-giares are in accord with the general opinion thae there is a steady decrease in the number of births in Ontario. The Attorney-taeneral introduced four measures made necessary la- the codification of the Imperial statues for Ontario. One of these relates to the marriage laws. It provides that a Irian may not Marry bis grandmother, grandfather's wife, wifets grandmoth- , er, mint, uncles wife, wife's aunt, mother, stepmother, wife's mother, daughter, wife's daughter, son's wife, sister, grand -daughter, grandson's wife, wife's grand -daughter, niece, nephew's wife, wife's niece, or broth- er's wife. A woman may not marre- her grandfather, grandmother's hus- band, husband's grandfather, uncle, aunt's husband, husband's uncle, fath- er, stepfather, busbaad's father, son, husbaraas son, daughter's husband, brother, grandson, grand -daughter's husband, husband's grandson, nephew, niece's husband, husband's nephew or husband's brother. .41 .41 The Government's statement, of the province's financesmay thus be sum- roarizede-Receipts for 3901, $4.466.- 043.02; receipts for 1000,84.192,940.1S1 increase, $273,10a74, Expenditures for 1901, $4,038,834,49 ; expenditure tor 1900, a4,003,729.37 ; increase, 535,105.12. The excess of receipts over expenditure far the year 1001, according to this, amounts to $127,209.43. Balance of cash in the hanks, Deceinher 31, 1901. $1, 468,492.09 '• balance of cash in the banks, December 31,1000, 51,033,54521; hue eat -04435,146.08. The principal in creea s in revenue were contributed by, ta,xes on corporations, about $8,- 0e, ;1,qtror 1reetmeb,*20,007; succession edut fee, $140,000, and a large sum from the Crown Lands Department. timbal- _ bag woods and forests, and other rev- eme from the sale of lands, etc, The Iraqi -ma of 835,000 in expenditure was loft made up mostly in public buildings, charges on Crown lands and them main- tenance Of public institutions. If You Could Look A J. into the future and see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, 'ii11 'bring you, yott would seek relief at once—and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Cfansurn-ptic)n CUI Ouainateed to tare Colt- eunittion, Sr qa Ast 1st a and all /ging TrOubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day, Ph cents. Write to S. C. 1.Vents & Co., Toronto, Cam, for free trial bottle. laida, !Meer Mita Tea purifies the Mood West Rostings, vacant through the resignation of Harry Corby (Oona) -E. Gus. Porter (Con.) by 496 majority, Kingston, vacant through the ele- vation of Britton (Lib,) to the bencb- Wm. Harty (Lib,) elected by =over 700 majority. St. Saates Division of Montreal, vac- ant through the elevation of Desmarais (Lib.) to the bench-Ald. Brunet (Lila) elected by 720, the former Liberal/maj- ority being 1041, West Durham, vacant through the unseating of 0 J Thornton. -Beth (Lib.) elected by 12 majority. Laval, Q., vacant through the elev- ation of Fortier (Lib.) to the bench - Leonard. (Con.) elected by eighteen niajority. West Queen's P. E, I., vacant through the retirement of Sir Louis Davies to the Supreme Court -Farqu- harson (Lib.) by aver 400naajority. Vista, Q., vacant through the ap- pointment of A. M. Deehene to the Senate-Carbonneau. Government can- didate, one majority over the Inde- pendent Liberal. DIAMOND DYES EfIRTE'S FIRST RND Diam ond Dyes the peoples' choice * Diamond Dyes Make allrejoice ; Diamond Dyes for mothers, wiyes, Diamond Dyes make glad their lives; Diamond Dyes are fast and true, Diamond Dyes make old things new; Diamond Dyes cost but a dime, Diamond Dyes save money, time; Diamond Dyes have world-wide fame Diamond Dyes stand every test, Diamond Dyes Earth,s &sawed best Have you tried to make a Hooked Mat or Rug ? With such helpers as Diamond Dyes to color your material, any intelligent woman can make up a pretty floor ornament. Send your ad- dress to The Wells ae Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q., and you will be sent sheets of pretty designs, The Huron -Erie Canal 1 The projected canal across the On- tario Western Peninsula and. connect- ing Lakes Huron and Erie is again talked of in a dispatch from Ottawa, The plan is to cut a channel with not less than eighteen feet of water from a point on the east shore of Lake Huron at a point near St. joseph, and the north shore of Lake Erie, probably not farther west than Bandeau. It involv es, or may easily include, real estate speculations of a very attractive char- acter. It would give some towns a lift in business, aria it might develop a good deal ca water power at a conven- ient point, thougb one of the chief engineering adyantages of the propos- ed route and the low summit level through which the menet would be opened. The saving in distance be- tween Lake Erie and the tapper lakes would manifestly be very great, and it le possible that a canal of adequate size, well kept and well managed, Freight draw away from the Detroit River rotate a good share of the traffic which now uses that natural channel. Bidclulph Council, nannI110/..neelne The nee, council met, pursuant to statute. Present, Geo. Westman, Reeve ; F. A. Ryan, Sas. B. Bryan, Thomas Armitage and James Twohey, Councillors. Each member took and subscribed the statutory declaration of ()fate and qualification and took his seat. By-la.w No. 1, appointing salaries and remuneration for xi:3=1411ml officers was duly passed. The old officers were To-appotn t ed for the present year. The following are the road commis- sioners for 1902 e -Dia, No. 1, F. A. Ryatt '• Div. 2, Sas. B. Bryan ; Div. 8, Tho. Armitage ; dia. 4, Jas. Twohey ; div. 5, Geo. Weetman. The following aerounts were order- ed to be paid :-Election expenses in full $57 00 ; Jno. Cranston, gravel con- tract and gravel,E. B., Moiety, $66.0; W. E. Hardy, spreading gravel, E. B., Mole' y, $4.30 ; 3osepti-tleaning put, ditch, div. 4- and 6, 55.00; Hugh Carroll, tile ditch, div. No. 3, $6 10; 't'. IL Neil, error in dog tax, 81.00; Reeve of Usborne, balance due that Fp., $12 25 •1 D. Westman, on. tile, Div, 3, $4,50; J. R. McComb, glass and Pock for Ttnp hall, 65c ; Jas. Piper, rep hall, 25e G. T. R. eifpress charges'F. ' S. 25e; T. W. Hodgins, collecting tax of1901 and expense, 56500; Inman Stun printing acct in full, 51225; Mrs Colby, Co. grant for keep of insane children, $25.00 ; P. Quigley, statute labor, levied and service performed, $3.00. The council teljourned to meet again on Monday, Feh'y 8rd, 1902, et 10 a,. no. W, D. SraNatear, Clerk. Grip;-,Quirtine Tab (C11000LA.W. COATIP.) are devoid of aux unpleasant efitat, proMpt awl certain ii4Oti0n, pleasant le take, cheaper tient other geltaue pre paratioue, Cure; qrip, Colds, Cougas Sorethreat, Neuralgia, and all alt., weather complaints. Relief in a doste cure in a day. They are usehal at al timeawl an occasional dose vall male Min the ltealtb.-" jest wbat yea havi been looking for." All druggiits sell it. at ee ceuts per box. FARMERS SHOULD REA.D THIS, la. W. Hodson, Dominion live stock connulesiouer, Ottawa, is of the opinion that the Ontario farmers are slapping themselves in the face these days and don't know it. Mr. Hodson says that owing to the high prices of 'pork, farmers are selling their bogs long before they are in fit condition for the market. If kept longer the animals complained of would meet, all requwenients, but coming short of these, they are break- ing dote n tbe pork industry. As an instance of this it may be stated that recently out of 805 hogalsold to a local firm for export, only 10 were first- class. The same state of affairs, it is stated reigns in all. parts of the country. Mr. Hodson believes that fully 70 per cent of the hogs marketed DOW are inferior. The serious aspect of the situation is that the Oaattdian pork trade on the British market is threatened with disaster, and an ina- mediate change is necessary for the foothold obtained by Canadians in that market will be lost and not re- gained without great difficulty. "Christmas Box" Full of Wonderful Things' 2. Portraits of Actresses, 20 Popular Songs %JP Magic Telescope and Pictures, 50 Amus- ing Experiments, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses, 100 Funny Conundrums, 13ook of Love, Game of Letters, IVIagie Writing, 324 jolly Jokes, Receipe for Moustache Grower, 100 Money Mak- ing Secrets, Toilet and CoolongReceipes, 255 Seleocions for Autograph .&lbums, 10 Model Love Letters, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams. Guide to Flirtation, Magic Age Table, Lover's Telegraph, and our now Cat, or Xmas Tors, Books and Notions. is.11 by malt FRE E. for 5c, silver to WM. NNpostage, w: XIEY, E. T.. Yam:noun, N.S. INTERPROVINCIAL TRADE IN LIVE ST0011, .....oremmoor Trade in live stock between Eastern and Western Canada has been grow- ing rapidly within the last few years. This in.caease in trade has been promot- ed, and in fact made possible, by the wise and generous treatment of the 0. P. R. During the month of Decem- ber and the first eight days in January, forty-six cars of grade and pure-hred cattle were shipped from Eastern Can- aria to British Columbia. These cars contained 2,223 head, and cost in the East something over -530,000.00 Be- sides these. a considerable number have recently been sent to the North West Territorities, and orders are now in hand for additional shipments to be made to the last mentioned Territory. In order to promote this trade, which has proved very profit- able in many districts in Eastern Canada, farmers should use first class Shorthorn bulls. By .careful selection and wise treatment females sired by such bulls will prove excellent dairy cows. It is a noticeable fact that seven - tenths of the stock used for dairy pur- poses in Greab Britain are Shorthorns and Shorthorn grades. Probably the most suitable dairy cow for the aver- age fernier is a Shorbhorn-Ayrshire cross. Steers whose dams are strong grade Ayrshire cows it got by a Short- horn bull prove excellent feeders and very desirable shipping cattle. As dairy animals there are none, in the hands of the general farmer, that will excel the Shorthorn -Ayrshire cross. F. W. HODSON. TO CURE A COLD L.N ONE DAY T ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Al druggists refun4 the money if it fails to cure n. . Grove's signature is on each box. 25c - z••.• • lizzo or Threo 1 zirisuunr, Pe'in. Jan. 20.-A French priest named Julien and two Cbinese con- verts have been murdered at a. vil- lage in the north of Kwang Si Province. Chinese officials assert the murders were committed by robbers, and were not a. result oT an anti-Christian demonstration. Children Ory for CASTOR IA. having no connection with the case, and was sustained by the jddgs. Other witnesses gave evidence that the prisoner was incessantly torraente ed by residents of the village. Tem judge addressed the prisoner on the seriousness of the crime,: and sentenced him to one Year in the Central. Pope in Excellent Health. Rome, San, 21. -The Pope,, who was in excellent health, receivea' tke Grand Duchess of SaZe-WeilEAT in audience yesterday afternoon. Tho Nova, Scotia House., Halifax, N.S., ,Tan. 21.I -It is derstood that the local Legislature will be summoned for the despatch of business Feb. 18. Constipation Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure Consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25d. Alt draggistl, Want your moustache or beard a tttifsl brown or rich blaele? Ther, nee SUCKINGHAIVI'S DYE tearlAlkee;s. ..emorDrotocion,O1 IL P. )4A t a Ca, ak,laMi //4. "1 bane kept Ayer's Cherry lee' I L toral in ray hot!se for A great many: years, It is .the' best ntedicir the world for coughs and celd7INI .1. C. Williarns„ AttleatN.Y lateateepeaseecee All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds, Three sizes: 25o., enough for an ordinary cold; 60e,, just right for bronchitis, hoarse - nesse hard colds, etc.; et, most economical for moronic: cases and to keep on hand, X. 0. ATER CO., Lowell, Mass, ; ) OrTORM•YreOrin. The Council of the townehip ot Step- hen, convened in the Town Hall, Orediten, on Monday, January 13th 10024 at 11 A. M. all members present t The newly elected council took the Declaration of Office. Minutes of the previous meeting ere read aud approved. derson-Yearly- That Charlee n be appointed treasurer (Attie townehip and care -taker of the Town ) Hall for the year 1002, and to furnish satiefactary bonds to be approved of by this Couucil-Carried. I .Anderson -Yearly -- That Joseph Guinan be appointed Assessor at his former salary. -Carried. SaVuertle-Yearly-That a grant of aye dollars he given to the sick clxildrethe Hospieal of Toronto, -Carried. Webb -Anderson -That the auditoi be paid $9.00 for their remuneration Carried. Mr. Wuertlas motion that they be paid $S.00 was not seconded, Anderson-• Wuerth-That Stepheu Webb be appointed as member of the Board df Health for the terzn of three years,-Oarried. Resolved that the Statute Labour let be so amended as to give 50 are farms no more than days labor, 75 acres no more than 7 days and 100 acre farms no more than 0 days, and that, the Advocate Printing Co. be awarded the Printing for the year TWO BE UFO* PICA URES. 1902 at their former tender. Wuerth-Webb--That By-law No. 1 The holiday number of The Cap- of 1902, being a By-law to appoint adieu Housekeeper contains two beau- Treasurer, Care -taker and collector, tiful sappleraents, "Fruit and flowers' having been read the third time, be in 15 colors,) and "Mother and (Mika" passed and signed by the Reeve and also an excellent fall page of Ella Clerk,-I3arried. Wheeler Wilcox. These matures are The following orders were granted: suitable for framing and are fit for -Grottleb 13rown,Un-collectable taxes, any parlor. The publishers are see- $12.74 ; Advocate Printing Co. accomet ceeding admirably in their aim to pro- of 1001, $05.93; Election expenses D. vide Canadian women with a home R. 0. and Polling Booths $70,00; magazine on Culinary and Household Hospital for sick childreu, $5.00; Art better thau elsewhere. The forty Robert Davy rep. culverts, 88.00; odd pages in this magazine contain Henry Doyle Salary as Auditor, $9,00; many excellent illastrated articles on Jno. Brokenshire Salary as Auditor, home management and economical $0.00 ; S. M. Sanders gravel, $4.48; housekeeping. There is no better gift Dr. Rivere-Regenerator and express, for a young woman for 1902 than a $23.45 ; Ed. Gill rep. culverts &c,$2,50; year's subscription to this excellent Jno. Love Canadian magazine. One &liar per Archy Underwooc1 drains acrnss road, year,10 cents ©, at all book stores. $1,00 ; ChesterProuty gratuity, 52(3.00; CANADIAN HOIISEREEPER PUB. CO., Q. Wolper gravel N. B. 4.0J;$ Toronto, 'ttouncil adjourned to meet again On March 3rd next at 2 p, m. H. ETLBER Tp. Clerk. 0 ..- Must not be confounded with --=. com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. Oar- ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un- like them in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. Usborne Council. Council imet, on Jan. 13th, pursuant to statute. The members elect were all present, made and. subscribed the necessary declarations office and. qualification, and took their seats as the council for 1902. The followin.g officers were appoint- ed at the salames named - Francis Morley, Clerk, at $120, no allowance for postage. Paul Coates Treasurer, $70.00; Wil - liana Miners, Assessor, $55. 00; Wil- liam Brock, Collector, $50.00; Thomas Veal, Caretaker of hall, $5.00; Joshua. Johns, and "Wan. A. Turnbull, Auditors $6.00 each. The Board of Health, James Hand- ford, Hiram Borland, Paul Madge, with the Reeve and Clerk. H. IL Hyndman M. 0. Medical Health Officer, and James C. Tufts, Sanitary Inspector. The M. H. 0. to receive $3.00 per day; the Sanitary Inspector, and other members of tbe _Board $1.50 per day when on duty. Fence viewers, J. Copeland,A. Cole, P. Moir, R. Delbridge, R. Doupe and James Earl. Poundkeepers, G. Rook, R. Hunter, R. Keddy, Alex. McDonald, Taylor, 3. Hazelwood, S. Campbell, W. Gilfillan. The above appointments were con- firmed by By-law. Council adjourned to meet Feb. 1st at one o'clock. F. Morley Clerk. . There were registered with the Div- ision Registrar for the townsbip of -Osborne for the year 1902, 46 births; 25 males 21 fe,maIes' 16 marriages; 26 deaths ; 15 males 11females. F. MORLEY Clerk. COUNTERFEITS IND IMITATIONS Dastardly Attempt Made to Tiaye Our People Buy ' 'Worthless Medicines Labelled as - Celery Compound. There Are Dishonest Men who Foist Their Worthless Sub- stitutes On the Public, De- ceiving those who Intend Buying Paine's Celery Compound If the sick, suffering or friends of such who are using or about to use Paine's Celery Compound for the ban- ishment of disease and the restoration of health, wish to avoid deception, apse of money and serious danger. ihtaa should see for thenaselves when thuyeag that the name PAINE'S is on 'each 'Wrapper and. bottle that is offer- ed them. Every other preparation etfered 'Iaea a celery compound is a treed and a deception of the worst character. The manuaaturers of Paine's Celery Compound already know of many cases of sufferiag. aggravated and hi- tensified by theSetaile substitutes for Paine's Celery Ootepound eold to un- easpecting peopleThese spurious brands of celery cotapound are sold by some dealers for thetsole reason of the immettse prat that is derived from their sale. As fiat as the un- scrupulous dealers areae concerned, they care little whether that patient is cured tar killed-: profit, antlaa mighty one too, is their great object11 you eanaot get the gen u ine PainV'e Celery Compound from your dealer, The Wells el4 Richardson Co., Ltraited, Montreal, will send two bottles exert ss eharges prepaid to your nearest Ex- pire:a Station for two dollars, or six bolt les for five d elates, Money tnuti accompany order. NO IITERMINIIIION POLICY Nor Any General Confiscation of ,.Boer Property. :Justice, However, Will Be Dieted Oat ror Military Offences and Other Crimes, and There Will Be Large Amnesty— Full Political Rights to Bor.si Also* Says Ur. Chamberlain, as Soon am Practicable, Loadon, Jan. 21.r --The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Chamberlain, in the House of Commons yesterday after- noon said there was -no foundation for the reports that overtures for peace in South Africa had been made by the Boer envoys. The first important debate of the session began in the House of Com- mons last night on an amendment to the address moved by Frederick Cawley (Liberal). in reply to the speech from the thrones. The de-. bate was called out by air. Cham- berlain, the Colonial Secretary, who vigorously took the field in defence of the war. He made the significant statement that if, as Lord Rose -s bery's speech intimated, the Boers believed they could at any time se- cure a repetition of Lord Kitchen- er's terms, he wished to inform them that they were mistaken. Mr,. Chamberlain added, however, that the Government's program was hot one of extermination. It would not propose any general confiscation of property. Justice would be met- ed out for military offence and other crimes. But there would be large amnesty, and the Government expentect to extend the conquered people full political rights as soon as practicable. Mr. La.bouchere (Liberal) declined to support the amendment of lir. Cawley. John Dillon (IT,ish Nationalist) proposed. to omit that clause of the amendment providing funds to carry on the war, and added a clause denouncing the policy of the concen- tration camps. Mr. Dillon's =tend- raent was rejected by a vote of 288 to 64, the majority of the Liberals voting against it. Winston Churchill will resume the debate to -day on Mr. Cawley's amendment, to the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne, and a Atv.tston will he teem at nigja4. --s would Entangle France. Paris, Jan. the Chamber of Deouties yesterday DI. Berry (Con- servative), introduced interpella- tions bearing upon the war in Sonth Africa. M. Berry urged the French Government to bring about inter- vention in South Africa. Abbe Lemire also called upon the Government to aid the Boers, not onLy by sympathy, but by diplomacy, to become a free people. The Abbe concluded with saying; "We made the United States free; hit us make the Boers free also." Delcasse, replying, seid: aWhate ever may be the sympathies, all here profess for that courageous people, intervention on the part of _France would only resat in entangling her foreign policy, and it is the duty of the Goverinnent to retain the entire liberty of that policy." The Chamber unanimously appsove ed the declaration of M. Delcasse and then adjourned, Cot Up a Patrol of BUSY. Clradock, Cape Colony, Jan. 20. - Wessels' commaede of Doers on Sat- Urcl ay laSt cut up a patrol of filty men belonging to the local tOWn guard, on the Tarkaste,d • Road. A few etragglere leave returned. The teiretaia der of tile party aro mieeing. W at is '47 Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oi, Paregoric, flops axul Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance! It 1$ Pleasant. Its gnia,rantee is thirty years' use by IVIDlions of Nothel.'s. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish. floss. Castoria cares Diarrlu.ea and. Wind. Colic. Castoria . relieves Teething. Troubles, ellITS Constipation and, Flatulency. Castoria, assintilates the Poor, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and. Olktlaren, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend, Castoria, "Castoria is an excellent medicine fo., children, Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good, effect upon their dee:Irene, Ds.. G. C, OSGoOR, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children' that 1 recdmmend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me," H. A.. AnCilna, id, D, Rrooklyn, N. 11 THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANY tal eze t`Weetaatteteratal 77 M UR RAY STREET, NOW YORK CITY. 'e.STOMB&•'7Mk anas CRHIDITON and rgans. At popular prices and easy terms of payment. We sell the celebrated Heintz - man & Co. Pianos, (th.e Art Pianos of Canada.) The choice of Royalty for their tour cf „Can- ada. If you want something cheap- er we can show you pianos of other makes which will be no dis grace to the most elegant parlor. In sewing machines we carry the New Williams, B.aymond and White, also needles and supplies for all machines. The latest sheet music always in stock. Call and see. S. MA Smtherl and Imes LIMITED ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE Her We are giving excellent sap' bisfadion in our since re- modelling our mill . Dry Soft Wood Wanted. Origin and Gimping' Do116 Prompting 11. SWEITZER, Cutters! Gutters! ELM OTHER TIMBER We have the finest, stock in towne All the latest styles, in the newest colors. Our prices arelow as can be found for first-class material and worknian- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY OfILL, fiND SEE U. F Russell - Two Dooro SontlaTown Hall EITHRR STANDING OR IN TItl LOGS, Apply te E: C. Kessel, TWEE IS FOREMAN, EN-PTER, ON At . al C - -- 0 s t rice. BROWN! NC iDicug „Store fleadouar ler For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerveronic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixtme 8ciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Ooagh Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix Lure Chilblain Lotion. Try any 7o2 these preparations and you will be astordebed at their wonder. fol healing and curing properties. A. Full line a Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES BROINNIN6 Dominion Laboratoril• FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment - ALSO 1-TRAVY PANTINGS AT COST. We a ant to clear thee lines at once JOHNS, The Tailor PerillITUD, Responsible Manager (integritY " must be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and office to be opened, in Canada to further business interests of an old • established manufacturing concern. Salary S150. per month and extra profits. Applicant - must have $1500 to 22000 cash and good. stand- ing, Address, Supt., P. 0. Box 1151, Philadel pima, Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENPE' TRADcees;n4Ggits ccpvmares &c. Awn/les:hiding a sketch and edosed000n marfnjiLale6rtlin°1°Piniilfr"thetrrauinvgtnisproho)1;patonab.Ommilea- tons strictly cOrsidetitial.: Handbook on Patents sent free. ingest agency for Sedating meats, ratents takbe titrough. Ilene & Co. receive, Beam notice without <therm lil tho SCientifiC Ilmencan. Alum' dgomoy !alarmed weekly, tatgest, att. oulatteil Of any scientific louraal, nrais, $3 a. ,year; /oar looni&s. $1. Sold noststlealers. MUNN &Col'36„throadwahNOW:lorIc Braneh Oince, ir St., WaShIngton, J114 C.