HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-1-23, Page 1i
During the next two weeks' on
Oast and Steel Ra,i)ges,
Cooking and Heatn, g
StoveS, for Coal „ior
Wood. Skates, Hockey
Sticks, Lamp Goods.
Duri• ng stock.taking we will
give you BARGAINS for
CASH. Come and see our
stock and get our PRICES.
1-1. E3istito-t) Soti.
Boots, Shoes & Overshoes.
We have a few odd pairs of over-
shoes and rubbers that...we are going
be sell at their regular value.
• Child's overshoes evorth $1 25 for 60c
Boys " $L25 "75e
Misses " $1.00 " 90c
Women's 1' 11 $2.00 $L00
Men's heavy rubbers, 1 buckleefor $1,00
Men's overshoes for $1,00
Men's rubbers, regular 90c for 75e
Women's rubbers, regular 65e for 55e
Women's rubbers, regular 60c for 50e
Women's felt shoes, $1.25 for 90c
Men's felt shoes, $1,75 to $2.50 for
$L50 to $1,25.
There are only a limited n.uraber of
pairs in each of the above lines. Call
eatny and secure a 'bergain.
Horse blankets at 15 % off regular
price. 0
Regular line of shoes and harness al
ways in stock.
RIF 11
% off cash purch aeee
BRIEFS. -.A. painful accident happen-
ed recently to .Tames Shearer, con. I,
Elmaa He was up on a beam of his
barn oiling the gearing of his wind-
mill, when the sleeve of his smock got
caught in the cog wheels and his Dam
was drawn into the machinery. The
mill was stopped but the full force of
the wheel held the arm fast, and it
was an hour and a half before, with
the assistance of his evife, he was
freed. His forearm was badly bruised
and a god deal of the flesh cut away
by the cogs, -The death of Mrs. Joh-
anna White McLeod, relict of the
late David McLeod, took place on Jan.
14th at the age of 82,years.-Miss Car-
rie R. Martin, daughter of Alonzo
Martin, was recently married to Mr.
Ernest B. Switzer, Wetaskiwin, Al-
berta. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. G, W. Henderson, in the
presence of 60 guests, -The death of
Jonah Cleland Whetstone, young son
of Abraham Whetstone, of Lakeside,
was a particularly sad one. Only six-
teen years of age, he was choked to
death by bron ch Wee -Wm . Moun fain
wag found dead in bed at his home on
Wednesday morning last. He was 71
years of age and had lived in Downie
for nearly 50 years. He is survived by
his wife and four sons,
• Sodom
The funeral serrnon of Miss Ell
Ford was preached by Rev. MilYa
to a very large congregation in t
,school house on Sunday afternoo
lase. -Miss Alice Ford who was call
home from Detroit by the death of h
sister will return again onWeduesda
-Miss Ethel Isaac has returned fro
,ney'steeeng her sister Mrs. W. Sweet
Exeter.-Mlss Lizzie Alexander
Exeter is the guest of Miss Lizz
Smythe. -Miss Jennie PenhaTe an
Miss Jessie G-reen are on the sick list.
There are quite a number around So
om complaining of sore arms,
40' 4
(Overlooked last week)
The case ofthe trustees of Semliki
Methodist Church, Efiraville circui
against Peter W. Coleman for distur
ance and profanity, was settled wit
out Ojai. He paid the costs, arnoue
ing o $8.80 and gave personal notic
to all the witnesses not to attend an
signed the following which well b
read to the congregation on Sunda
Tiitv Okces, Private Funds to Loan. •
• The following is taken from "The
Abingdon Xodak."-Prof. J. Arthur
sity, father of the groom, pronounc
D. American Unive
the service which made the two on
ste in the presence of a large company -
the friends of both is
to the co
n tract. • The bride is asne of Aurora
re' most accomplished and most papist
ne young ladies, while the groom. ,
young .man eviek a large circle
t. b -
• Witwam, of Abingdon, and Miss
Martha Morlock, of Aurora Ill were
• , .3
united in mareiage at tine residence of
the bride's brother, W. H. Morlock, of
Aurora, at 8 o'clock p. m, 'Tuesday,
December 21. Dean E. A. Whitwam,
n -
n s in bingdon. At present he
is one of the popular professors in Hp -
worth Seminary, Iowa, at which place
the happy couple will make their
home, The home of Mr. Morlock was
most tastefully and elaleorately decor-
ated with smilax, flowers, eta, and at
the conclusion of the ceremony the
guests were invited into the dinin
TOMO) where an elegant repast ha
been provided for all Th bride's
e s s
aged parents M. Morlock and, wife, ac -
a companies' by many friends of the
bride, had come all the way from
Crediton, Canada, to honor the occa-
sion with their presence, while many
had journeyed to Aurora from all
' "To the menibere and adherents of Sunshi
Meth church. hereby express my since
sorrow that I had anything to do with the di
turbanee in your church on Ohristmad eve
ing. And am specially sorry that 1 used pr
Xan e language arid promise that 1 will not s
offend in any future occasion."
K irkton
• BRIEF8.-11itrs. Robert Sitzer, *0
Paisley, is visiting friends and vela
haives prior to her departure for Allier
es,- Mr. and Mrs J. C. rryine an
iughtor of Lang -don, -Dalt., are Visit
isg at Mrs. Irvine's home for a moist
• so. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Switzer.°
MIcretaskirovin Alberta, are spendin
i" 6heir lumeipanOn with friends an
le A. Seller, I. D. S., D.I), S.,ttonor Grath
4: tate of Toronto U niversity, J)entists. Teeth
eXtracted without pain or bad effects. Glace
in Patty's Block, german. At Zurich every
eaoadancoittmenelne May nab.
G. Sutherland, Notary Publie, ConVOY
oer. Oonnaissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, a
Limn', of Marriage Licensee. Legal twenties
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. UPS
to loan on real estate at low rates of intere
(Moe at the Post Office. Henson.
(Vie hundred tons of feed to dispose 0f at
Densall Oatmeal IVIills the coining we
BRIEFS. -Mr. Charles a
family left here on Wednesday f
then new homein Walton. Mr. Man
had been in the efhploy of Mess
Brown and Clark, carriage make
for a good many nears and was a gn
mechanic. Whiles always regrettin
losing our citizens, we wisb them so
cess. -Mr. Archie McDonald, son
the late Mr. Alexander McDonald,
Teckersmith, who was here resent
spending a week or SO With his man
friends, left here on Tuesday last f
his home in Langdon, North Dakota.
J. Berry has sold a good entire hors
coming three years old, to Mr, Jam
Downey, of Chatham -Two rinks
our curlers played with Enahro rin
on Monday last in nondon. The gam
was a very close and exciting one, on
of our rinks tying and the ether leo
ing only by two shots. -Miss Minn
Sheffer returned home from Londo
this week.-Petel. Triggerson wlao w
quite ill last week is now. able to b
around again. -Mrs. F. Rae, son ah
dengbter, returned home this wee
from Oil Sprites and. neighborhoo
where they have been spending th
past four weeks with relatives all
friends. -The Rev. Mr. Long has r
•covered nicely from his late illness an
is taking up again his regular work i
the ministry. -James Petty was
London on Monday last. -Miss Brow
of Eginondville was here part of las
week and this visiting Miss X. Rolles
ton. -Mrs. C. A. McDonell and child
ren returned home from Forest on
Tuesday last where they had been
spending the past week with Mrs. Mc-
Donell's parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Nichols, of Brussels,formerly of Chisel -
burst, were in the village this week re-
newing acquaintauces.-The sleighing
continues good, and large quantities
of grain, grain, wood and logs are being
brought daily in to the markets. -
Miss Murray of Chicago, vviso has been
in Shipka,since the death of her sitter,
Mrs. Jas. Duncan, was in the village
this week visiting relatives, Mrs.
Sheffer and family. -The bachelors of
Rennie intend giving their annual
assembly as an "At Home" in Millar's
Opera Hall, on Friday evening of this
week and are sparing no pains or ex-
pense to make it enjoyable for those
invited. -Mrs. Sheffer has disposed of
her restaurant business to Richard
Speare, of Exeter. who takes posses
mon the middle of next week. -Quite a
number or our villagers have been suf-
fering from the effects of being vac-
cinatede-S. Macarthur was in London
this week. -Quite a number from Sea -
forth and Exeter attended the carnival
held in the skating rink here on Thurs-
day of last week, but owing to the
misbap to the electric light plant, the
pleasure of the evening was much in-
terfered with owing to the lights go -
leg out at an early hour. The attend -
sake was fairly good. -J. Sutherland
has erected a, good substantial iron
and. metal 'verandah in front of the
postoffice.-Mrs. Wm. Fee, of Dakota,
is visiting her slater, Mrm, D. B. Me -
Lean, Tuckersmitla-Mr. and Mrs.
John Blatchford, who were in London
and St. Thomas during the past week
visiting friends returned home on
Monday last accompanied by Miss
Blatchford, of London. -The friends
of Mre. B. Hoggarth will regret to
learn that she is and has been serious-
ly ill during the past week. -De Sellery
attended the entertainment given by
"The Holy City" in Seaforth on Thurs-
day evening of last week, and was
highly pleased with it. -J, E. McDon-
ell attended it also at Clinton, the fol-
lowing evening. Prof. Bedford who
filled the position of precentor, recent-
ly in Carmel Presbyterian church, is
still with the company, and is giving
excellent satisfaction in the several
parts he takes.
points of the conapass to be present at• Elsashwood
the Iaanchine of the boat of their tw
friends for a life course together. Th
presents were costly and rich On
Friday evening at the groom's home
in Abingdon a reception was tendered
the couple. Nearly three hundred re-
sponded to the invitations, and a most
enjoya,ble time was had. The hand-
some house was beautifully decorated
for the occasion. The dining POOM'
was in charge of Catezer Sriake of
`e Galesburg, and a delightful 'supper i
n course was served. The reception vva
et one of the finest ever attended b
Abingdon people.
d BRIEFS, --Misses Dow and McCallum
of our Public School staff spent Sun-
day with friends Exeter, -We sym-
pathize with the family of our towns-
naan, J. G. Voting, he the death of his
father, Richard Young,. of Haeter,
Which event occurred Mee Saturday
evening. The funeral took Plaoo on
Wednesday and was largely attended.
-Rev. S, J, Allin, of London, will oc,
cupn the pulpit in the Methodist
church, next Sunday, both morning
and evening and preach Missionary
sermons: Let there be a large attend-
aasce aud a generotiS reSponse to the
Missionary. fund.. -A full house greeted
Rev. R. W. Knowles; in the Methodist
church lase Sunday evening. Not
only was the body of the church filled
but the &fiery, and chairs in the aisles
had to 6 called into requisitioh, -
Chao, Zwicker Made a business visit to
Landoll on Monday
Hill, sr,, is oa the sidle Ilea Her Melly
friends hope for her speedy recovery,
-ilarry Dyer, of Detroit, is spending
sticirt vacation with his` parents here.
o Keeele end fee -1111Y spent Sunday
iasb With friends in Exetee and vicin-
ity. The Betted Of strongl
urges every person to get Vadeileatti
VilthOue delon andassiet etedmon
014 the 0)054111)04
Large stock of Lumber -pine anclkhemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for harms, etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedqa, posts. Prices
reasonable. -.TAS WILLIS, Yard :Bast side of
Main st •
Quarterly services were held in the
Evangelical church on Saturday and
Sunday last, Rev. M. L. Whig piasid-
ing-The animal Mims festival in
„ connection with the Sunday school of
s the: Evangelical church which was
postporied on account of the out -break
of smallpox in the village, will be held
reexb Monday night. -Miss B. Sardine,
assistant in our public school retain-
ed to her duties on Monday, haying
been laid up as a result of vaccination.
-Mr, Will Teitt of Sebringville, visited
friends around the village !eat week. -
The Sunday school of the Evangelical
church will hold their annual, election
of officers next Sunday, -Mr. Ss
Routleclge has raoyed into the house
recently (steepled by Mrs, Shetler,
Mrs. Shetlet ba.vhsg gone, to reside in
Hullett.-The Keighte of the Mecca'
beets of this village held their animal
election of officers on Monday night,
the following being elected for the en-
suing year, Past, 00113,, Thos. Snell;
Com, R. Roffman; Limit 00110. n,m,
Brokenshire ; Rec. Keeper, Geo. Edig-
boiler Chap, VV. Graybieh Phys.
• ativrin and around the village.-
viu io as taken a large contrac
of drawing saw, logs to Exeter from
Winchelsea.. -_A number from here at
tended the wedding of Rrnest Site
and Mies Carrie Martin, which took
place at Ranhock on Thaveday after
noon. W. an old eieselosSed
of Win. Moota's, has eharge of his
business during his
number freirn here attended the aunt
versary services held at Anderson las
Sunday. -Rev Mr. Anderson took
charge of the services at Staffs, on
'Sunday last. -Mr, Samuel Tufte oc
eepled the pulpit on Sunday morning
in Mr, Anderson'iplace.-Mr. Nelsoa
Pletcher spent Sunday with °Sten
Hewitt. -The Kirkton Methodist thole
furnished the Music at Anderson on
Sunday. -Quite it largo manlier from
here attended the Theaties Road tee,
est Monday evening and report le Ve
lug a delightful time, --Mrs Alf S
ston left on WechlesdaY for Le
Miche--Mr. Pred JOIshsten heel
chased the hotted and let belongin
Mrs. Darla On Mary Street. --4
Effie Otstnish is Vending' it conpl
weeks the guest of Mrs. Thos. Albe
MISS VtritieVan returned ho
from liftman on Soturday.
tP no. goelker ; Sergeant. M. Brokefi-
G th!...!litOte P41 kin 11 1 MATC1-ILESS
Bruans,-- Master Oleyton Ironside Miss jaueb Morrison died on Mon -
is very ill with tyPhoid fever. - MPS, day, at the age of 2e years. -Ab the
Robert Clarke met with a very serious recent annual meeting of the West
accident 1.94 Monday everting. In ),Villianas Agricultural Society, the
raising from her clians she fell and tollowieg officers were elected : Pres„
broke herthigh bone -1'r, and Mrs. Jas. Darling: 1st vice-pres„ John Bar -
Samuel ()Luke, Elkbatt, Indiana. rett ; 2nd vicespres„ R. Ilettehinson
paid a vssie last week to Mr, and Mrs,
James Grant. Mr. Clarke occupied
tile pulpit in the Presbyterian church
last Sunday evening.
Thames Road
niversary of bile Thames Road Presby-
terian Church. which wa,s held on Sun-
day and Monday last, was a success in
every particular. The weather being
perfect large crowds assembled on hem W. T. Meldrum, baritone
Sunday, and on Monday evening at singer of Thedforcl, rendered several
the eerie' tea -meeting the church was solos. -The spririg show will be held
ing, arid altogether the Anniversary
crowded. The proceeds were gratify_ oofntAbemmrle2t4b.-odSis.tHseauan„dasyupsecrbinotoetieduenats
the chnrcle.
was one ofsthe best in the history of bineaesnetniftueldsnavershcoarkte ti
basket,meaa $ aWittoltena
of esteem from his fella w workers.
West Willzems, J. D. McIntosh, S.
iicholson, P. Stewart, S. Looneist4
Parkhill, Dr, Caw, J. Donohue,.T, L.
Rogers, W. Boyce. East P
Hord, P. G. Words was appointed
auditor, T. L. Rogers, treasurer, and
T. A. Maybury, secretary. -The young
men of the IViethodist church gave
their second public evening on Mon-
day last. Rev, K. Birks, L. L. B.,
of Colborne Street Church, London,
gave bis popular address on "Manli-
ANNIVERSA.R.Y. -Last Sunday and
Monday the Eden S, S. anntversary
roved very successful. Rev. H. J.
Fair of Lawn preached sermons in-
structive and practical and were much
appreciated. The tea and lecture gave
great satisfaction. The church was
literally packed and many went home
after tea, unable to get into the church.
The Rey, Mr. Hutton though wearied
with his Sabbath labors on Lucan cir-
cuit gave his lecture on "Love, Court-
ship and margiage." The interest of
old and young was maintained to the
close of the lecture which, lasted, one
hour and fifteen minutes, The Cen-
tralia choir acquitted themselves cred-
itably. The proceeds over $54.00,
Greenway •
Beaars.-Thos. Stinson, Jr,, and his
mother of Hayfield, and cousin, Mary
Stinson, of Clinton, visited Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Wilson a few days last
week. -Chas Hahn, who has been sick
for sometime very low. - John
Brown and Mr, Elliott of Centralia,
perchased • several fine horses last
week. -Robert English has been laid
up for a week with lumbago. He is
very •much better. S. Hawkine of
Shipka, has charge of the shop. -A
large congregation assembled at Grace
church. last Sabbath to hear the Bish-
op of London, and see a large class, 28
in all, confirraed. He read the 5th
chap. of Kings, and gave a bea,utiful
and soul inspiring address which will
long be remembered. To each he
gave a text to remember ; his address
to the class was practical and instenc-
Hay Gouncil
The Council elect met pursuant to
statutes on Monday, the 13th Jane at
11 o'elocia
The following signed the declara-
tions of office and qualifications, Peter
Lamont, Reeve; Wtn. Consin Alex,
Thompson and J. X. Goetz, Coupcia
lors ; owing to illness Wm. Stelek was
not present.
The following amounts were ordered
to be paid :-Herald for printing $13,00;
Township of ITsborne . cal L. R. $1.50;
Chas. Hartielb, ballot box and clock,
$1.60; Clerk, election expeases, $80,00;
Clerk, registering births, Marriages
and. deaths, $11.80; Hospital, sick
children, Toronto, grant $10.00 • Mrs
.Agnew, relief 52.00; S. Stanlake, lum-
ber 1901, $4.03 ; Jas. Green, work on
bridge, C. R., $13.00.
Council adjourned to meet at call of
the Reeve.
Vital statistics for Hay for the year
ending Dec. 31st, 1001 :-Births 69,
males 33, females 36 ; deaths 39e males
10, females 20 ; marriages 21.
Regarding the registering of births,
many seem to be aseedectful, the Divi-
sion Registrars have been advised to
airictly enforce the law regarding the
BRIERS. -The beautiful winter wea-
ther and good roads have been just
what the Farmers have desired and
we are safe in predicting that more
brick and sand and building material
has passed through the village than in
any of the past vvinters for many
pears which certainly is it good omen
of the prosperity of the country. --
Chas. Miners, of London, spent Sun-
day the guest of bis brotber, Sohn
Miners. - Miss Annie Whitby who
was one time a resident of Ellin:Mlle,
bat for the past 4 years has been 'liv-
ing in North Daleota, spent the past
week yisiting friends, and is the guest
of Miss Helen Spieen-Wesley Lewis
an Elimville boy of many years ago,
but for the past 11 years of lianaiota,
Man.,is renewing acquaintances again.
Ilia many' friends will be pleased to
meet him. -Several from the burg
took in the anniversary of Thames
Road and Eden and report it . very
pleasant tiine-Our biaoksmith has
been very busy lately, and has had H.
trown, of Winchelsea, to assist
-The choir have added a large num-
ber of young recruits and will no
doubt, with a few weeks training, be
as good as in the paste-Ohas. Miners,
of Exeter, spent Sunday wader the
parental root. -.Miss Kerep,of Hosea
spent past vveek it guest at the
• avsonage.--A number of boys took in
t,he jolly Pulls coneere at Fsstetet lase
week and the effects of hypnotietn had
such an effect Sin 60636 Of them that it
took several days to Wear it eft -The
shire; M .A, Joe. Dem; 1st 1VI of 0
S. Ireland; 2nd M. of Ge Hartleib•
Sentinel, j. A, Wambold; Pickee, Wm,
Davis: Auditovs, W. Grabiel, j. 131.
Theee is bo one article in 'the line of
triedicinee that gives eti large a return
for bhe money AS as. geed pOretile
letrehgthening plitfitet, each AS Carter's
tl 4114 Belladonna Dack.
Ca owing to the ineenvenienee for
room to carry le out properly, but ins
etead concert will be given on Jen,
30th, A. good progreretne will be pro-
vided and an address by Organiaet
Faweett, of Drayttes, the interests
Of the society. A tollectloti will be
take h to defray expenses.
errate 00tretti
aell/W0felt ora Vale 001,n,
Laxative Storteolateine TOhlbtli, Cure it ood
in ctuk a),. NO eta, NO . 40
Agricultural Societies for 1902
Stanley -President, R. Snowden ;
vice-preeident, R. Penhale ; 2nd vice-
president, Jas. Donaldson ; director
W. Stinson, David McNitughton, A
Atid.ersou, 3, C. Woods, Dr. Wood,
W. Reid, B. A. Higgins, Wm. Cook
T. Stephens, treasurer, F. A, Edwards;
secretary, H. Drehmann ; auditors,
Thomas Cameron and J. A. Falconer.
South Perth -President, John Bol-
ton, Wildwood, E. Nissouri ; lst vice-
pres„ Woe. Porter, of Dove,nie ; 2nd.
vice-pres., R. M. Henderson, IsTissouri ;
directors, St, Marys P. S. Armstrong,
W, Pearn, S, L. Webster; Blansharel.
T. 0. Robson, R. McCallough; Downie,
D. G. 1VIcHeth, Joseph Mountain ; Ful-
lerton, L. Tamer ; West Nissouri, Sas.
Henderson ; auditors, H. L, Rice, Sas,
Chalmers representatives to Western
James Henderson and William
Oliver ; representative to Industrial
Fair Toronto, T. 0. Robson. At a
subsequent meeting of the board A.
Carman was re-appointecr secretary,
and Wm, Box, treasurer.
The Exeter Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn -
meet at Town Hall, Tanua,ry 17th„ all
present. ,
Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed.
Wood -Muir -That Geo. H. 13issett
be re -appointed Clerk. -Carried.
Davis -Harding -That W. S. Balk -
will be auditor for 1902,
Muir -Davis- That James Beer he
the other auditor.-Oarried,
Wood -That .1 -epees Grieve be audi-
tor -,-no seconder.
Harding -Wood -That E. Ten-
nant be re-a,ppointed a member of the
Board of Healthe-Carried.
Davis -Wood -That A. G. Dyer be
appointed assessor for 1002, salary
40.00. -Carried.
Muir --Hat ding -That James Creech
be reappointed street commissioner
for 1902, salary, 350.00,-Oarried.
Muir -Harding -That tbe clerk o
der six copies of the Municipal World
for the use °Atha councile-Oarried
Read. the following quotations and make your purchases
early —
40c teas for
4 100 bars Challenge soap for
7 bars Comfort soapfor
4 lbs, select raisins for
Good 4 string broom for,
2 cans best salmon for •20c I do, cups and SancerS
2 bottles select pieklee for
2 packages "Cow Brand" soda for
Parlor metches per box
1 dos, dinner plates
,00000,000.0 0114000000P00000400000000004
• 75c
A number of tailor made coats
worth $5 for ..... 4 • • • . • .. • f •
$3 00
B '
y Heady -made suits, worth
$3 and 2.50 for........$1.50 anol$1.00
. Mens' odd vests $125 for........75e
Mena' fine •worsted pants worth
54.00 for $2.50 and $1,50 for., ..., ..75c.
Dozen fine Halifax Tweed suits
worth h. or .... , .. ..... .......4.50
, Boys' heavy tweed overcoats
S , A large stock of merle' and boys'
• suits, of good quality, that will be
• sold at your own price
Harding-- Wood- That the clerk
prepare a by -lave to confirm the ap-
pointment of the assessor.- carried.
Wood -Harding -That the clerk be
paid a salary 02 100.00
Davis---Muir-In amendment that
the Clerk be paid. a salary of 115.00.
The Reeve declared the motion passed
and order drawn on treasurer for
same. Usborne township, 1.00 for use
of Road scraper. Ie. Dignan, hammer
handlea 75c; G. H. Bissett, election
expenses. 80.55; postage 1,00; P. 0.
box, 1.00; municipal world, subscrip-
tion 5.00. carried. Wood -Davis -
that tenders be asked for printing and
for use of scales. Carried. Davis
Muir -that council adjourn to Fri-
day, January 2145, 7.30 o'clock P. M
• G. H. HISSETT, Clerk.
Beanns.-Mr and Mrs. A rtls ur Stelck
left lase week for their home in Daup:
hin Manitoba.-Mrs..T, Preeter is visit-
ing friends in PIattsville.-Miss Lydia
Faust left for Michigan an 'Saturday
for an extended visit with friends. -
Mr. Jusens1Vrelick has given his farm
over to his son Alfeed and expects to
retire from active farm life. -Mr. John
Fuss has disposed of his dwelling to
Mrs. Schilbe for $640.00.- Mr. John
Prang of' the Bronson line has sold
hie farm to a party Crediton.
Amman IVIEETING: - The annual
meeting of the Fire Insurance Co. was
held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on
Tuesday of last week, with a large at-
tendetice of members. The Secretary -
Treasurer's report was a very satisfac-
tory one, and shows that the company
was he a eplendid financial condition.
During the year 1001, 435 policies were
issued covering an insurance of $744,-
505.00. The total amount of risk
is $3,143,435.00, an increase of 5132,-
35.00 over th previous Th
assets of the company, are $120,011,89
with no liabilities. Cash in bank,
$7,099.81. The sum of $5001,50 has
been paid for fires in 1001, which is it
very low amount considering the
amount insurance carried. The fol-
lowing Were tioneinated for directote:
-Owen Geiger, Wm. Consitt, Wm.
Caldwell, Sohn Sheritt, Peter Douglas,
Jacob Kellerman and1, 0. Kalbileisch,
eleesrs. Consite Sherrit and Douglas
were elettect Messre. Sohn Broderiele
and August Elenee were re-elected
auditove for the year. The Board foe-
' :8veryone guaranteed.
1002 is compose ZS fell° nest-
SdeallePI treork eDn°sillsgi ; ireeecTorrese,144 nn et
Lemont. Wm. Consit, Wm, Yearley,
Robe. MelVfordie, ,TUSIAls Renick, John
Sheveiba Eilbee, manager Geo.
Itottzman, Agent.
Children Cry for
or $ 0 for 5e.00 regular Meekel#1,7ae . 25 aud
All other line,s in the stock at equally low prices.
These bargains Cannot last long, and if you are in need
of auy of the above lines call early.
N evp goods are being added to the stock daily so that cus-
tomers will be able to obtain anything they require.
.0. Flartton
• Boys' heavy tweed overcoats
worth $1,50 fete .. ...,$a50
Mens' heavy freize overcoats •
worth $8 and $150 for ...,$5 and $6,00
Men's fine black worsted oyercoate
worth $10, 12 and 15, for ....$6 and $8
Maus' heavy black worsted oirer--"'
coats, velvet collar, quilted
lining. original price $15,50 for $7,75
Men's and boys' sealette caps at
your own oiler
Men's and boys' fine tweed caps
J. P. 13oss's old stand,
Market depot, Exeter.
Eames.- Donald McKellar moved
into his new house Monday. -Mrs. and
Mrs, Hugh Gillespie purpose leaving
for Woodville this week to spend a
short tirae with Mrs, Gillespie's par-
ents, before leaving for Moosejaev, N.
W. T.,, where they purpose taking up
their abode, -Quite a number took lea
the Thames Road tea Monday evening.
-On Tuesday evening another of ,
those events which cause a stir in al
community took place, It henen the ,
unibing of two of our estimable young
people in marriage. At the home of I
second daughter, Miss Maude, was
Mr. and Mrs. Was. Kerslake, their i
united in the bonds of matrimouy to i
al coLefelan: They tek'e hp their
Ng4 MaLechlessta,:fauttliaon Dien -
abode on the McLachlan farm. Mr.
and Mrs. McLachlan,senhaving moved
last week to the village iuto the house
purchased some time ago from F. L.
Hamilton, The young couple's many
friends and acquaintances wish them
many years of prosperity aud wedded
bliss. Samuel Speare is engaged with
a gang of timber makers.
0 O.
Ailsa Craig.
BRIEFS.- Thereisno reason for
any "scare" over the present case of
smallpox. in Ailsa Craig. The one
case in the villaste is of the naildesb
type, the patient a,nd his family are
closely quarantined, and the gather -
hg of
peoofplteimine lairirgehenattletildbberuildfffgas
has been prevented b th t
0 • I • it ..00.000.1•01,
closing of the schools and ch -arches,
-On Monday last vvhile chopping
wood aa Mr. McKellar's bush, Win.
Bell met with a very nasty accident.
By some mischance the axe struck his
right foot and entered it raa,king such
it gash that the doctor found it nec-
essary to put in seven stitches.- The
grand concert announced to take
place in the town hall on Wednesday
Jan, 22nd has been postponed for the
preselet,-The death announced_ of
*leo Laviaa Overholt, daughter of
Liie 1,;tte, ft-tttr f`erh.1‘.1. Silo Ted ih
the hospital at London on Sunday! If, -
ter a long illness. Interment tooke --essee
place at Carlisle.
Pains ia the back number theil vice
time iu thousands. Only very power-
ful and penetrating remedies will
reach these, distressing complaints, but
Pelleeina Nerviline is as sure to cure
th ssa is anything in this world can be
sere. Rub Nerviline over the sore
parts night and morning., and see how
quickly it drives out the pain. Five
times stronger than any- other. Goad
for internal and external use. Large
bottles 25c.
HAVE YOUR BYES (.7415sTnie,--T. P.
Smith, eye specialist, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Exeter, Friday,
Jan. 31st and Saturday, Feb lst If
your sight is defective don't fail to
have your eyes teeted. Consultation
4 hole, reg 38.00, now 36.00.
9, 6 hole, reg 45.00, now 41.50.
9 These have large reservoir.
Buck's Prize, reg
prxce 20 00.
Garland with oven 30 oo, sale
price 28 50.
Brillia.nt with oven 35,00, sale
P1000 32 50.
Radiant home with oven,38 00,
sale price 36 50.
The last three are double heaters.
23 oo, sale
OPER' 8101If SIRE.
It is a case of have to !
We must reduce our stock
of stoves and ranges, we
need the space for spring
Anchor4reg 20.00 for t8,50,
Maseott, reg 22 .00 fOr 20.00.
Brilliant, reg 26.0o:for 24.00
Honor Bright.reg 29.00 for 27,00
1 coat heater 65'
box stove, reg 3 00 for 2 50
box stove, reg 6 25 for 550'
1 Queen 1-leater, reg 8 25V0r 50
Queen Heater, reg 9 75 for 8 75
tuck's Stoves and Range LIe acknowledgeddthe best.
S.—We have just roosive t •of Calf
')alves Cordial, etc
V, y